
Ask for help with surgery. How to raise money for treatment abroad? Advice from those who have had to do it. How it works

A famous proverb says: "Health more expensive than money”, However, when close and dear people fall ill, and money is needed for treatment, this statement looks doubtful. Indeed, without expensive treatment or surgery, doctors do not give hope for recovery.

Even when the situation seems completely hopeless, there are many options for how to find money for the required medical services.

Faced with the need to find money quickly and in large quantities, most people feel desperate and have no idea how to cope with such a difficult task.

First of all, you need to calm down and focus on the problem. The first thing to do is evaluate your financial opportunities and treatment needs.

If the amount is only slightly higher than the amount requested by the doctors, you can ask for money from a close circle of friends or relatives. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to collect large sums from relatives. In this case, an action plan is drawn up and various options for obtaining money are considered.

The following diagram will help you navigate and start fundraising:

  1. If there is an employer, it will be useful to notify the management of the need for money for the operation. At a minimum, superiors may provide a reduced working day or flexible work hours. As a maximum, the manager can own initiative pay expensive treatment your valuable employee or his close relative.
  2. A list of actions and selected methods of receiving funds are compiled.
  3. Before proceeding directly to the collection of money, you need to discuss the situation with your doctor: what measures are required (surgery, a course of recovery or taking expensive drugs, etc.) Perhaps the doctor will be able to advise an alternative option for a similar treatment for a smaller amount in another clinic or medical center. The doctor will suggest options for depositing funds (in a single amount or in parts) and prepare papers that will confirm the need for the operation (medical certificates, conclusions, test results, pictures, etc.)
  4. If fundraising is planned from outside, i.e. from strangers, it is recommended to open a separate bank account, which will be credited. It is possible to use electronic wallets in the payment systems Qiwi, WebMoney, Yandex.Money.

After completing all of the above points, you can begin to take action based on the chosen methods of raising funds.

Ways to find money for treatment

The following tips will help you quickly decide and choose the most effective means of collecting the required amount:

  1. Contacting various charitable organizations, aid funds through a personal visit or the Internet (for example, a specialized website Help for Life). On the forum in the fundraising section, an announcement is published describing the disease, the essence of the request, the amount required and the items of expenditure. In the text of the ad indicate the number bank card or an electronic wallet, to which the applicant accepts financial assistance.
  2. Making a loan at the bank. If it is not possible to get a targeted loan, you can urgently get it as part of consumer non-targeted lending. This method is not suitable for expensive operations and multi-stage treatment abroad, because. express lending does not involve the issuance of large amounts.
  3. Sale of excess property. Despite all the troubles associated with the disease, this life event can be an occasion for the sale of excess or unnecessary property, which in this moment not used. Only inexpensive items can be sold quickly, and the sale of real estate or a car will take some time, so this method is not entirely suitable for emergency payment for treatment. Even if there is not much to sell, you can always make a profitable exchange - move from a spacious apartment or house in the center to a suburb or a smaller apartment.
  4. Appeal to trade unions. This method is currently of little use when you need money for an operation. The reason is that unions are now rarely organized in commercial structures.
  5. Publication in the media, placement of advertisements on radio, TV, in the press. You can quickly notify about your need for money through social media(VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.) Thematic fundraising groups can be created on the Internet, but you need to be prepared that the information provided for general discussion will be widely commented on by users of a particular network. When accepting funds publicly, it is recommended to periodically report on the results of the collection and treatment carried out, posting photographs on the pages of the network, indicating an improvement in the patient's condition.
  6. Appealing to representatives of local authorities or deputies can also be effective. Even if the applicant is refused, it is possible to be included in any social financing program for the future, or personal involvement any of the deputies in financing treatment.
  7. One of the growing ways to get help is to attract volunteers. People working in volunteer organizations carry out active work among the population and organizations, arguing their words by submitting documents indicating an urgent need for treatment.

Faced with adversity, it is quite difficult to tune in to a positive mood, but it is the psychological attitude and confidence in victory over the disease that will quickly and effectively achieve the ultimate goal - to pay for treatment. The success of the whole thing, first of all, depends on how active the person was, and how much he wants to get well. Panic and despair - these words should disappear from the life of a person who is looking for money for an operation. Strict adherence to your own plan of action will certainly bring results.

1. Help raise money for treatment. Hello. I am 27 years old. I live alone with a child. I have an old mother. She urgently needs help. Her teeth are in a catastrophic condition, the doctor said that a little more and extraction would be necessary. I don't have money to help her. Even removal, and even then it costs a lot for me.

My salary is 15000 rubles per month. Plus expenses for utility bills, for a child, for food. Her mouth just "rot" can. Help me please! We went to the doctor. Thank God the consultation is free. He named a price tag to fix her teeth.

Implants are there and so on, all this was calculated and it turns out 1,290,000 rubles. And this is taking into account the fact that the clinic is not expensive. Please, help. This will be a birthday present for her from me. And I will immediately begin to treat her.

I don't know who else to ask for help. There aren't many friends. Relatives are poor. Qiwi wallet details: 79996693922, mail: [email protected]

2. Hello. My name is Olga. I am turning to you for financial help, I have a 14-year-old son Mansur, he has severe cerebral palsy. Systematic procedures and treatments do not help, and I do not have enough money to bring him to high-quality treatment centers. I do not work, and the allowance is only enough for medicine and food, so I am turning to you for help. If anyone can transfer as much as possible to the account of the savings book with the number 42307.810.7.0509.0601036 to help my child. I will be very grateful and I will pray that everything is fine with you.. If you have any questions, here is my Email [email protected]

3. Hello! Sorry to bother you. I am very ashamed to apply, but I have no choice. Four years ago my daughter was born, and in a year she was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Now for the first time in four years I have to ask for help! We really need help! Our little Anastasia is only four years old, and she has many hours and many days of work behind her: massage, exercise therapy, Bobath therapy, Vojta therapy, classes with a speech therapist, defectologist, neurologist, hippotherapy, classes with an instructor in the pool, hand therapy.

Let slowly, but from each lesson we get our result. In Nizhny Novgorod, in September 2016 and March 2017, we underwent a 3-week rehabilitation course with the participation of Chinese specialists. The cost of rehabilitation was $1,450, plus 15,000 rubles. org. contribution and $1,008 medical treatment. Total: 173270 rubles.

During this time, Nastya's muscles got stronger, her back became more even, support appeared on her hands, she began to stand straighter, to work more actively with her hands. Nastenka began to pronounce more syllables. There was a shift in intellectual development. For my daughter, all these seemingly small results are already a big victory! Which I am extremely happy about, and this is just the beginning of her journey to a full recovery.

In September, Chinese specialists will visit Nizhny Novgorod again. We would really like to seize this opportunity and take a course of treatment. Because every day Nastya is growing and it will be more difficult to help her further. She has every day on the account. In this connection, I ask you to provide any feasible financial assistance.
Nastya really needs support right now. This is very large sum for our family. Unfortunately, it becomes more difficult to save up by yourself, because as the child grows, the need for classes increases, and there are more and more of them. If necessary, we have all the necessary documents on hand, incl. and a certificate of disability. You can contact me by phone: 89159592544.

4. Good day to everyone. My name is Alexey, I am 26 years old, I live in Moscow, I work as a courier. The pay isn't great, but at least it's something. Six months ago, my daughter Sophia was born. Was immensely happy. But two months ago, doctors diagnosed her - there are no femoral joints, and in order to increase them, she has to turn to everyone and everyone in our country. The operation costs about 1,000,000 rubles, I simply don’t have that kind of money.
I ask everyone who will read this message to be imbued. I have to just live at work day and night and ask not for myself but for a 6-month-old child. If at least someone is not indifferent, here is the account number 4890 4945 0714 7833.

5. Hello! My name is Viktor, I am 50 years old, I live in the city of Rostov, Yaroslavl region. Six months ago, I had an accident, received severe injuries to the pelvis of both legs, and underwent several operations. Walking is hard, there is no opportunity to work yet.

I am dependent on my beloved woman who herself suffers from heart disease, but takes care of me. There are no means of subsistence, we are barely able to survive, there is no one else to help. I am ashamed that I turn to you for help. If anyone can ask for help, Sberbank account 6762 8077 9091 9088 78.

6. Hello! I am disabled - I have chronic lung disease (COPD). consequences of asthma. Now back in the hospital. The thing is, I can't breathe normally without an oxygen machine. The hospital has it, but not at home. It costs about 40 thousand rubles.
Help not to be chained to hospitals. Help to breathe at home. Six months of exacerbation of the disease, as the apparatus is needed. In the hospital, I breathe much easier with it. But I really want to go home, but I can’t do without it at home. My pension is 7 thousand. You can't even save it. Help. Card 4276856014486744 is for my daughter.

7. I am a disabled person of the 2nd group, I suffered 4 coma, a pension of 11,000 rubles, rent arrears, I need medicines that are not on the free lists. My son has been living with me for 13 years. We are partially packed for school, but we still need a jacket and shoes. There are a lot of loans, my son gets sick very often, he has scoliosis, he needs money for massage and other treatment. I really want my son to be healthy, get good nutrition, went swimming (we have it for a fee). I would like to make at least cosmetic repairs in the apartment, otherwise people are ashamed when they come to us.

Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

Need urgent eye surgery

My name is Irina, I am 34 years old. I was diagnosed with Keratoconus and needed two surgeries for both eyes, one surgery costing 260,000 rubles, the second surgery costing 80,000 rubles. There is no way to collect this amount on your own. Please help as much as you can, thanks in advance. Sberbank of Russia card: 4276 7700 18689445

07.11.2018 21:48:32

Requires heart surgery

About me: a young guy who needs a second heart operation, aortic valve replacement. The main amount has been collected, there is not much left, 400 dollars are needed. Help me live another 10 years like this, reach 50 years. Any help would be helpful.

27.10.2018 20:00:11

help for god's sake make dentures

I have had bad teeth since childhood, they crumble. I am 51 years old, a visit to the dentist is a nightmare for me, there really is no work, so there is nothing to insert my teeth into, now I need a false jaw. Please help people smile, thank you in advance, my name is Nadezhda. My MIR card number is 2200 7702 1850 7830.

17.10.2018 13:05:41

Need financial assistance for examination and treatment

I am the mother of three children. Three, ten and nine years old. My daughter, Shchedrina Ekaterina Alekasandrovna, born on January 24, 2010, is a disabled child. Diagnosis - Spinal amyotrophy of Werdnig-Hoffmann of the second degree. Only my husband works in our family. I receive from pension fund child care allowance. I really want to make Catherine's future life easier. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an expensive examination and perform an operation to correct a complex form and rapidly developing scoliosis. We ourselves are not able to pull such an amount, about 1200 thousand rubles. I ask for the help of those who are not indifferent. Sberbank card number 639002449004680692, phone number 89538575013 Shchedrina Anastasia Sergeevna. Novosibirsk region, Moshkovsky district, Sokur village.

08.10.2018 15:36:38

Need help treating wife for cancer

Good afternoon We live in Troitsk (new Moscow). I ask for help for the treatment of my wife. Cervical cancer. After surgery in January, tumor growth continues. Chemotherapy followed by surgery is required. The treatment costs 1,700,000 rubles, if you need details (phone number, address, photos, certificates, test results), write to the mail [email protected], Vyacheslav. Sberbank card 5336 6900 2977 5287. Thank you!

13.08.2018 23:13:58

I don't know where to turn for help

Hello. I don't know where to turn for help. The young guy needs money for treatment. He has a back injury. I don't have such funds. I am a disabled child of the second group of childhood. He has no relatives. One mother remained, she is also sick. She had a heart attack and her dad died. Help, please, I need 30 thousand for treatment. Yandex money 410014905134204.

Julia 03/12/2018 15:34:20

I have a disabled child

I have a child with a disability, but I cannot put him on treatment and disability in 2014. I'm going to go to the hospital on January 22, but I don't have Money for travel and treatment. Help, Sberbank card number 639002169046076606 and Yandex money 410011006994877. For any financial assistance.

Svetlana igorevna 13.01.2018 07:14:43

vision problems

Hello. I have very big problems with vision and central nervous system. My name is Vitaly, I'm 47 years old. It happened after a viral illness. I really need money for a complete examination, and since I'm homeless, they treat me like not a person. My relatives deprived me of housing for the sake of their enrichment through the court. Like this! And I really want to live and work! Help! My phone number is 89506097241, and the Sberbank card is linked to this number. Goodbye.

14.10.2017 08:27:31

spinal corset

Help me please. Urgently need a corset for the spine. It costs 4000 rubles. Account number 4890494408567998 if you have any questions, call 89020125164.

27.09.2017 08:16:23

Need money for hospital checkup

Hello! I am a mother of many children, I have 3 children. I really need money for the examination of my two children in the hospital: her daughter had epileptic seizures, and she is only 16 years old. The youngest son has a cyst of the plexus of the vessels of the brain and he still needs to do an ultrasound of the heart, he will soon be 3 months old.
There is simply no money, and school is coming soon and two more children need to go to school. A lot of debts, since the salaries are small, and I still do not receive care, I will only start in September. If someone can help, I ask you very much about it, I'm afraid for the health of the children. My Yandex wallet is 410011476441024.

05.08.2017 21:38:31

Preparing for pacemaker surgery

Good evening! I will briefly tell my story.The diagnosis indicated on one of the sheets was made back in 2011. These extracts are the last and during the time of taking various medications, nothing has changed except for the heart rate, it has become worse.
By compulsory medical insurance policy I was put on a waiting list and was preparing for an operation to install a pacemaker back in 2016, but as it turned out, my turn was shifted indefinitely, and I no longer had the strength to swallow pills and poke injections. For those who think that I don’t work, I’ll answer right away, I’m unofficially employed in an agricultural business, I work there as a tractor driver, security guard, mechanic, welder, and the monthly salary reaches up to 30 thousand rubles during the sowing and harvesting periods, and the rest of the summer months are only 15 thousand. R.
I phoned Yekaterinburg, signed up for a paid operation and borrowed almost the entire amount. I received a salary and did not make it to the next one, I was taken from work in an ambulance to intensive care.
Now I’m lying in a regular ward under droppers 3 times a day, 4 pieces each (of which 3 sodium chloride and 1 glucose), I drink pills (which they don’t say) and injections (they don’t say which ones either). Whoever cares, whoever can, needs to pay, only 6,000 rubles are missing.
Yandex money 410014269770680.


Do not waste precious time reading forums, going to fortune tellers and looking for miraculous recipes based on celandine. Now you are vulnerable and easily suggestible. Unfortunately, there will always be those who want to cash in on human grief.

Start with an accurate diagnosis. Not all the conclusions of doctors are confirmed. You can't rely on it, but there's always a chance. Just do not rule out such a possibility ahead of time.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, be prepared for this. Yes, foreign medicine is not omnipotent, but it very often saves in seemingly hopeless cases. Your main task is to find money for treatment. Leave all worries until the moment of the operation. Now we need to act.


1. Preparation of documents

Get all paperwork in order. You must have a certified medical report, the proposed treatment program and its cost. Keep all receipts and statements. Collecting money for treatment is now quite a popular topic among scammers. Do not take it as a personal insult if people want to see official confirmation of your words.

2. Bank account

Set up a separate bank account, including for transfers to foreign currency. Be prepared to provide a daily report on all receipts and targeted (there should be no other) spending. Your openness will make people trust you.

3. List of people who can help

Start by making a list of everyone who can help right now:

  • relatives;
  • Friends;
  • familiar;
  • Colleagues;
  • former classmates, classmates;
  • class teachers, directors of schools, universities.

Please contact each of them personally. Be honest, talk about what happened and ask for help. Someone will help financially, someone with advice, someone will tell the right people about your trouble. There were many cases when it was at this stage that families managed to raise money for treatment. You will be surprised how often people are ready to help in a similar situation.

Social networks do the impossible. Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram... You have to be everywhere. Your story should evoke emotions, touch. Be sure to tell it right. It is better if someone who needs it personally asks for help.

Strong people, with faith in the best and the ability to joke about their illness, always cause admiration and a desire to help. Remember this.

Daily post reports, photo, keep a kind of diary. Shoot short videos where you thank for the help, talk about what is happening. Be sure to attach photos of supporting documents: medical history, doctor's report, receipts and checks for examinations, medicines. Few people will be able to understand medical terminology, so provide explanations in an accessible language.

It will take you a long time, but reply to every message, every comment. Be polite, even if people aren't being tactful or asking inappropriate questions.

The audience of social networks is international. You never know where exactly the long-awaited help will come from, so do not deprive yourself of opportunities. Translate your appeal into English. Ask friends living abroad to distribute it. Or contact foreign charitable foundations and organizations on your own.

The story about Andryusha, the "snowman", who through social networks managed to raise money for expensive treatment not only for himself, but also for other children It took a week for a 16-year-old Minsker to raise $6,300 through social networks for an operation for a 14-year-old girl from Mogilev

5. Bloggers, popular personalities

Ask not for money. Ask to talk about your situation. Following the lives of celebrities more people than the evening news.

Remember, perhaps one of the popular personalities was born in your city or went to the same school. Reach out to anyone you can: a popular teenager on YouTube, an actor, a talk show host, a blogger with thousands of followers. Try to find support in each of them. We all have families and the ability to empathize. Any person can be approached.

A fundraising video posted by popular bloggers on their YouTube channel has over a million views. A post asking for help posted on the page of a well-known journalist helped raise money for an 8-year-old boy's surgery in just one day.

6. Media

The world of journalism lives by its own rules. For people who deal with human tragedies every day, only ratings gradually become important. You are only as interesting as your story is. If you have something to say, don't be silent. Find the fact of the biography that can attract attention. A rare and severe disease can also cause resonance.

To get on the show, to the news section, to flash in the running line, to achieve the placement of information on the official website of the TV channel - there are many opportunities, use yours. Don't forget about radio stations and print media.

On the official website of TSN there is a whole section where information about people who need help to pay for treatment is posted.

7. Charitable foundations, organizations, patrons

A controversial topic, but worth a try. Most often, assistance can be obtained for children. Do not expect that you will immediately be offered to pay for the operation. Charitable foundations can only help raise the necessary amount. Achieve fast financial support most realistically from patrons. Unfortunately, there are disproportionately more people who need help than those who want to help. Be prepared for frequent rejections.

Charitable Foundation with the support of Gazeta.ua raised money for the treatment of four children

8. Ministry of Health

In 2016, UAH 203.9 million was allocated for the treatment of Ukrainian citizens abroad. Under this program, 75 Ukrainians were able to receive assistance.

In order to make an appeal to the Ministry of Health, you will need:

  • personal statement of the patient (or his parents);
  • direction of the regional health department at the place of residence;
  • an extract from the medical history from the place of residence, certified by the head of the medical institution (in printed form);
  • conclusion of the chief specialist of the Ministry of Health on the need to send for treatment abroad (2 copies);
  • an invitation from the clinic indicating the cost of treatment and bank details(with translation into Ukrainian);
  • certificate from the place of residence on the composition of the family (3 copies);
  • income statement for the year.

Make sure you have a valid passport.

9. Deputies, private entrepreneurs

Knock on all doors. Make an appeal with clearly and structured information, attach photocopies required documents Please indicate what kind of assistance you would like. The chances will increase if you manage to get an appointment in person. It will take time, but may solve many problems.

10. Organization of events

Charity fairs and auctions, workshops, concerts... There are many ways to short time collect the required amount of money. The main thing is to be able to organize everything correctly. It's great if you manage to attract celebrities to the event, but do not underestimate the possibilities of ordinary people:

Get detailed information, find a specialized doctor, choose a foreign clinic and treatment program

20.01.17 724 734 0

Instructions for those who were treated in a paid clinic

I hate being treated in public clinics.

It’s easier for me to pay than to stand in lines to a tired doctor grandmother. Therefore, for any disease, I go to a paid clinic.

In 2015, I spent 18,800 R on diagnostics, consultations and procedures. In 2016, I filed a tax deduction for treatment and returned 2500 R. I'll tell you how to do the same.

Ekaterina Kondratieva

received a tax deduction for medical treatment

What is a tax deduction for medical treatment

A tax deduction is the money that the state returns to you from the personal income tax you paid, if you do something useful for the state. There are tax deductions for the purchase of an apartment and education. Today we will talk about the deduction for paid medical services.

Under medical services tax code includes an appointment with a doctor, diagnostics, medical examination, testing, hospitalization, treatment in a day hospital, dentistry, prosthetics. The list includes everything that a sick person usually encounters.

Operations, including plastic, IVF, treatment serious illnesses, belong to the category of expensive treatment. They get a different deduction for them, but more on that next time.

The deduction can also be received for voluntary medical insurance if you paid for the policy yourself. If it was paid by the employer, then the deduction will not be made.

The amount of the deduction depends on the cost of treatment: the more you spent, the more you will be refunded. But the maximum cost of treatment, which is taken into account when calculating the deduction for treatment, is 120,000 R. This is the general limit for almost everyone. social deductions, in particular for the costs of treatment and education (see paragraph 2 of article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Even if you paid a million at the hospital, you will receive a deduction as if you paid 120 thousand.

Who can get a deduction

If you receive a salary or have income on which you pay personal income tax, you can receive a deduction. Non-working pensioners, students and women in maternity leave they do not have such income, they do not pay personal income tax, therefore they do not specifically claim this deduction.

You will also receive a refund if you paid for the treatment of your parents, spouse, children under 18 years of age. To do this, you need a document confirming kinship: a marriage certificate or a birth certificate. You will not be given a deduction for paying for the treatment of your mother-in-law or father-in-law.

For whom the contract for treatment is drawn up - it does not matter. But payment document must be issued to the person who will receive the deduction.

For example, an elderly father is hospitalized and the daughter wants to make a deduction for his treatment. The contract can be drawn up either for the father or for the daughter, but payment documents - only for the daughter. If payment documents are issued to the father, the clinic will not give the daughter a tax certificate. It is best if both the contract and the payment papers contain the data of the person who will draw up the deduction. In our example, daughters.

How much money will be returned

The amount of the deduction depends on your salary and the cost of treatment. In any case, the tax authorities will not return more money than the personal income tax paid for the year. Let's look at an example:

Vasily works as a manager and receives 40,000 R per month. For the year he earned 480,000 R.

In 2015, he spent 80,000 R for treatment. Vasily collected the documents and applied for a tax deduction.

After submitting the application, the tax authority will deduct the amount of treatment from Vasily's income for the year and recalculate his personal income tax: (480,000 - 80,000) × 0.13 = 52,000 R.

It turns out that Vasily had to pay 52,000 R, but in fact he paid 62,400 R. The tax office will return the overpayment to him: 62,400 − 52,000 = 10,400 R.

The deduction can be made within three years following the year of treatment payment. In 2017, you can receive a deduction for treatment in 2016, 2015 and 2014. The day and month don't matter.

How it works

To receive money, you first need to collect evidence that you were treated and paid: contracts, checks and certificates from the clinic. Then fill out the 3-NDFL declaration on the tax website and send it along with the scanned documents for verification.

After the declaration is approved, it is necessary to write an application for a refund. According to the law, one month after filing the application, the tax must transfer money to your account.

We talk not only about deductions, but also about how not to overpay for treatment, save money from scammers, earn more and spend rationally.

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You can do everything gradually. I was in no hurry and prepared the documents for about three months.

Collect checks and contracts for treatment

At the cash desk or reception of the clinic, you will be given an agreement and a receipt. Save these documents: only they confirm the fact of payment for the treatment. Attach the check to the contract with a paper clip or stapler. Then you are tormented to look for which contract which check.

Get help from the clinic

Go to the registry or accounting department and ask for a tax certificate. Present your passport, TIN, agreement with the clinic, all checks.

Some clinics do not require receipts. They take information about the services provided from their database. But not everyone does this. I lost several checks, and the girl at the reception did not include them in the amount of the certificate.

If you are making a deduction for the treatment of relatives, bring a marriage certificate or birth certificate along with the documents and ask for a certificate to be issued in your name.

In the clinic that I visited, a certificate is made in a maximum of 5-7 days. I came at a deserted time, so I got a certificate in half an hour.

If you doubt that the certificate is issued correctly, check whether it complies with the instructions of the Ministry of Health. Usually this problem does not occur. If the clinic has a license, it is obliged to issue a correctly executed certificate.

Together with the certificate, you will be given a copy of the license to carry out medical activities. If the clinic does not have a license or its validity has expired, the tax office will not return anything to you. A copy of the license remains with you, it does not need to be sent to tax office.

Prepare documents for declaration

Scan a certificate from the clinic and an agreement to send them to the tax office remotely. If you receive a deduction for the treatment of parents, spouse, children under 18, then make a scan of your marriage certificate or birth certificate.

The tax website accepts .txt, .doc, .docx files,
.pdf, .gif, .bmp, .jpg, .jpeg,
.png, .tif, .tiff, .zip, .7z, .rar,
.arj, .xls, .xlsx

Get a 2-NDFL certificate from the accounting department at work. The data from this certificate will be needed to fill out the declaration. It doesn't need to be scanned.

Submit documents to the tax office

Documents can be submitted in three ways:

  1. in person at the nearest tax office;
  2. by registered mail;
  3. on the site nalog.ru.

The first two methods did not suit me: I did not want to stand in lines. I spent the evening and filed documents on the site.

How to apply for a deduction on the tax website

Submitting documents to the tax office is easy. The general logic is as follows: fill in personal data, indicate income and upload proof of treatment costs. So that you do not get confused, we have prepared a six-step instruction.

1. Go to Personal Area taxpayer and select the section " Income tax FL" → personal income tax.

2. Fill in the passport data. If you indicated TIN, then the date, place of birth, passport details and citizenship can be left blank.

3. We indicate the employer and income. Here you will need help 2-NDFL. The first paragraph of the certificate contains information about the employer (TIN, KPP and OKTMO).

4. Choose the deduction that we want to receive. The deduction for treatment is in the group "Social tax deductions". Enter the amount you have spent in the "Treatment Expenses" window.

Please note: the cost of treatment and the cost of expensive treatment are two different things. We are only talking about the deduction for treatment.

5. Check the numbers and press the red button "Generate a file to send."

6. Add scanned certificates and contracts. We sign with an electronic signature and click "Sign and send." If you don't have electronic signature, issue it in your personal account in the "Profile" section → "Obtaining a certificate of the electronic signature verification key".

That's it, you sent the declaration to the tax office. The inspector is obliged to check it within three months. There are no notifications about the verification of the declaration, so I checked my personal account once a month.

A month and a half later, my declaration was approved.

Apply for a refund

Even if your declaration is approved, the money will not be returned without an application. Again we go to the website of the Federal Tax Service:

In the application full name, passport data will be loaded automatically. You need to enter the details of the account where you want to receive money.

See details in your personal account on the bank's website. In Tinkoff Bank, go to your personal account on the "About account" tab:

After you send the application, the money will be credited to your account within a month. You will receive a message from the bank about this.


  1. The tax deduction will be returned if you paid for your own treatment or the treatment of your parents, spouse, child under 18 years old.
  2. You can apply for a deduction within three years after the year in which you paid for the treatment.
  3. Keep your receipts and contracts to receive the deduction. Ask the clinic for a tax certificate, and at work - a 2-NDFL certificate.
  4. Scan the documents and submit an application on the tax website. After you send the application, the money will be credited to your account within a month.

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state