
Brief geographical and socio-economic characteristics of the Novosibirsk region. General information about the region How the NSO works


The Novosibirsk region is located in the central part of the Eurasian continent, almost in the center of the Russian Federation in the southeast of the West Siberian Lowland - one of the greatest plains in the world. The area of ​​the region is 178 thousand square meters. km. or 1% of the territory of Russia. The length of the region from west to east is more than 600, and from north to south up to 400 kilometers. It lies within 75-85 degrees east longitude and 53-57 degrees north latitude. In the west it borders on Omsk, in the north on Tomsk, in the east on Kemerovo regions, in the south on Altai Territory, in the southwest on Kazakhstan. The borders between the Novosibirsk region and neighboring regions (Kemerovo, Tomsk, Omsk), as well as the Altai Territory and Kazakhstan, do not have clear natural boundaries. Their total length exceeds 2800 km. The length of the region's border with the Republic of Kazakhstan is 316.4 km. Three natural zones change from north to south: forest, forest-steppe and steppe. In this extreme compactness of landscapes lies the uniqueness of the nature of the region in comparison with neighboring regions of Western Siberia. We can say that the Novosibirsk region is almost the whole of Western Siberia in miniature. The modern administrative boundaries of the region have existed since 1944. The Novosibirsk Region is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, part of the Siberian Federal District. The population is about three million people.

The administrative center of the region, Novosibirsk, is located on the picturesque banks of the Ob River. This is one of the young (founded in 1894) and the largest cities in Siberia. Until 1926 it was called Novonikolaevsk. Within the region there are 30 administrative districts, which in turn are divided into 428 village councils. The administrative center of the region is the city of Novosibirsk, which includes 10 urban districts: Dzerzhinsky, Zheleznodorozhny, Zaeltsovsky, Kalininsky, Kirovsky, Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky, Sovetsky, Central. In total on the territory of the region: 7 cities of regional subordination - Novosibirsk, Barabinsk, Berdsk, Iskitim, Kuibyshev, Ob, Tatarsk; 7 cities of regional subordination - Bolotnoe, Karasuk, Kargat, Kupino, Toguchin, Cherepanovo, Chulym; 18 urban-type settlements - Gorny, Dorogino, Kolyvan, Koltsovo, Kochenevo. Krasnozerskoye, Krasnoobsk, Linevo, Listvyansky, Maslyanino, Moshkovo, Ordynsky, Sowing, Station-Oyashinsky, Suzun, Chany, Chik, Chistoozernoye; 1581 rural settlement. Distance from Novosibirsk to Moscow = 3191 km. The time difference with Moscow is 3 hours more, with Vladivostok 4 hours less.


In the distant past, for hundreds of millions of years, a significant part of the territory of the region was the bottom of the ancient sea. This is evidenced by paleontological finds of fossilized remains of ancient marine animals. In the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods (100-150 million years ago), ancient reptiles - dinosaurs - lived in the sea and on land, but dinosaur bones are not found in the region, since the corresponding geological layers are located here at a depth of 1-2 kilometers and are inaccessible. In those distant geological epochs, the climate in Siberia was warm, subtropical. This is evidenced by the imprints of leaves and petrified trunks of ancient heat-loving plants. In the last 1-2 million years, glaciation of significant areas of the mainland has occurred more than once. Glaciers did not enter the territory of the region, but their proximity made the climate cold. The landscape at that time resembled the modern northern tundra. Mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses, cave bears, primitive bison, aurochs, giant deer and cave lions lived during the Ice Age (video film "In the footsteps of paleontological finds"). All these animals died out relatively recently: 7-15 thousand years ago. The exposition of the nature of the Novosibirsk State Museum of Local Lore contains a unique exhibit - the skeleton of a female mammoth, found in 1939 in an eroded bank of one of the region's rivers. Individual bones, teeth, mammoth tusks are found quite often, but a complete skeleton is a rare find.


The predominant part of the territory of the Novosibirsk region is located on the West Siberian lowland, therefore its surface is mostly flat (Baraba lowland and Kulunda steppes). The Ob river valley divides the territory of the region into two parts: the left bank and the right bank. The left bank is a low-lying plain, the average height of which is 120 meters above sea level. A characteristic feature of the left-bank plain is ribbon-like relief elevations - manes. They stretch parallel to each other, their height is usually 3-10 meters. Manes are the former watersheds of ancient rivers, formed during the melting of a glacier several thousand years ago. The right-bank part of the region is more elevated, hilly. The northernmost, very smoothed spur of the Altai Mountains, the Salair Ridge (Maslyaninsky District), enters here. The highest point of the region is located on the Salair hills - 510 meters above sea level. To the north, in the Toguchinsky district, the Bugotaksky hills are located.

The Gorlovsky coal basin is located on the territory of the region with explored anthracite reserves of about 800 million tons, and predicted resources - more than 5 billion tons. This is a unique raw material base for the electrode industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. The Zavyalovskoye deposit is also exploited with coal reserves of more than 50 million tons. In the north-west of the region, 7 oil fields (Verkh-Tarskoye, Maloichskoye, Vostochno-Mezhovskoye, etc.) were discovered with recoverable reserves of about 40 million tons and one gas condensate field. Large resources of raw materials are also peat deposits in the north of the region with total reserves of about 1 billion tons, and predicted reserves - more than 7 billion tons. 24 alluvial and 1 ore gold deposits were taken into account in the south-east of the region. The exploitation of the Egoryevskoye deposit has been going on for more than 150 years, the annual production in the last decade is 100-170 kg. Marble is mined in the eastern part of the region (Petenevskoe deposit). In 1995, the Orda placer deposit of zirconium and titanium was discovered 10 km west of the Novosibirsk reservoir. Refractory clays, cement raw materials, facing marbles are also involved in circulation. There is a sufficient raw material base for most common minerals (sand, clay, crushed stone) to meet their own needs. The underground waters of the region are of value: mineralized (for medicinal purposes) and thermal (for heating). In the salt lakes of the southwest, table salt and soda are mined. Some salt lakes contain therapeutic mud used in medicine. On the salt lake Karachi, for example, there is a well-known resort in the country "Lake Karachinskoe".


The soils of our region are varied and their arrangement is very mosaic. This is due to the wide variety of natural conditions. Podzolic, marsh, gray forest soils, solonetzes and solonchaks can be noted among the main types of soils in the Novosibirsk region. Various types of chernozems are widely used in agriculture. Agricultural lands (arable lands, pastures, hayfields) occupy about half of the region's territory. The main grain crop is spring and winter wheat. They also sow oats, barley, rye, peas, millet, and buckwheat. Large areas are occupied by planting potatoes and vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets), fodder crops. Flax, sunflower, mustard are grown in the region, there are fruit and berry nurseries where currants, sea buckthorn, raspberries, and apple trees are cultivated. Even watermelons grow in the south of the region. Meat and dairy cattle breeding, poultry farming, and beekeeping are developed.


The Novosibirsk region is located in the center of Eurasia, far from the seas and oceans, so the climate here is continental, with long cold winters and short but hot summers. The city of Novosibirsk is located at the latitude of such cities as Moscow, Copenhagen, Hamburg, but the number of sunny days here is about 20 percent more than at the corresponding latitude of Europe. During the year, the region receives an average of 300-400 millimeters of precipitation. In our area, all four seasons are well expressed. Winter is the longest season of the year, it lasts five months - from the beginning of November to the end of March. During all these months there is snow. The average temperature in January (the coldest month) is minus 19 degrees Celsius. Winter is a tough time for animals. Some animals (bear, badger, hedgehog, chipmunk, marmot) sleep in their burrows all winter. Despite the harsh winter, birds come to us not only in spring from the south, but also in winter from the north - with the onset of cold weather, snowy owls, waxwings, snow bunting and other nomadic birds appear. Spring lasts two months - April and May. There are many sunny days in spring, and less precipitation than in other seasons. In April, snow melts intensively, streams run. In early May, grass begins to grow and young leaves bloom on the trees. In spring, all nature awakens, many species of migratory birds arrive from the south. Summer comes in early June and lasts about three months. The warmest month of the year is July, the average July temperature is +19 degrees Celsius. The autumn months in Southern Siberia are September and October. In September it is still quite warm (+25 degrees). In October it becomes cold, the leaves completely fall off the trees, it often rains, at the end of October the first snow usually falls.


The Novosibirsk region is still rich in water. About 380 rivers flow through its territory, including one of the largest rivers in the world - the Ob, which originates in the glaciers of the Altai Mountains and flows into the Arctic Ocean. In 1956, near Novosibirsk, the Ob was blocked by a hydroelectric dam, as a result of which an artificial reservoir was formed - the Ob Sea. Navigation is developed on the Ob. Of the rivers of the region, it is also worth noting Inya, along which there are dachas of many Novosibirsk residents, the picturesque Berd and leisurely flat rivers on the left bank: Tara, Om, Kargat, Karasuk. A characteristic element of the landscape are lakes, which number up to 3000, they occupy 3.5 percent of the territory of the region. The largest lakes are located in the central and southwestern parts of the region - Chany (2,600 sq. km), Sartlan (238 sq. km), Ubinskoye (440 sq. km) and others. The lakes are mostly fresh and only a few are located in the most arid southwestern part of the region, brackish and salty. The lakes of Baraba are shallow, with a depth of up to 1.5-2 meters. Only large lakes Chany and Sartlan in some places have a depth of up to 4-5 meters. Baraba reservoirs are subject to seasonal and long-term fluctuations in the water level and often to complete drying up. In winter, rivers and lakes are covered with ice, the thickness of which reaches 1 meter. Small ponds freeze to the bottom. About 30 percent of the territory is occupied by swamps. Large arrays of swamps are located in the north of the region, where the most extensive swamp system in the world, the Vasyugan swamps, enters with its southern edge. The Novosibirsk region is also rich in groundwater resources: fresh and low-mineralized - suitable for domestic and drinking water supply, mineral - for medicinal purposes, thermal - for heating.


For reasons of geographical location, the flora of the Novosibirsk region includes many plant species from Central Europe and North Asia. The vegetation of the region is diverse and has a pronounced zonality of distribution. It is represented by forest, marsh and meadow types. More than 1200 species of higher spore and seed plants grow here. Forest tree species are represented by 11 species - cedar, pine, spruce, fir, larch, birch, aspen, etc. Shrub-herbaceous vegetation in the region is represented by composite flowers - 135 species, cereals - 106, sedge - 89, legumes - 67, cruciferous - 57 , rosaceous - 54, etc. The forest cover of the region is - 23.5%. Marshes occupy 17% of the total area. In the north of the region there is a swampy dark coniferous taiga, consisting of spruce, fir, and cedar. To the south, birch, pine and aspen begin to predominate in the forests. In the swampy forests of the north of the region, various mosses, lichens grow luxuriantly, wild rosemary shrubs, ferns, a lot of lingonberries and cranberries are common. Similar islands of the northern landscape penetrate further south in the form of so-called ryams. The forest-steppe landscape is more typical for the Novosibirsk region, where open spaces are interspersed with small islands of birch-aspen forest, which in Siberia are called kolki. The herbaceous vegetation of the forest-steppe is very diverse. Here you can find valuable medicinal plants, such as St. John's wort, oregano, burnet, yarrow, lungwort, adonis and others. In the Baraba forest-steppe there are many damp meadows and swamps overgrown with reeds, cattails and other moisture-loving plants. In the south-west of the region, near the border with Kazakhstan, the steppe zone begins - the Kulunda steppe. The steppe is characterized by various drought-resistant plants: fescue, wormwood, feather grass, medicinal licorice. Near the salt lakes you can find interesting salt-loving flora. The low-mountain black taiga of the Salair Ridge stands out in the landscape of the region. It consists mainly of fir and aspen. On the damp forest glades of Salair, tall, human-sized grass grows. Karakansky, Ust-Aleussky, Ordynsky and other Ob forests are very beautiful and rich in berries, mushrooms, and medicinal plants. In addition to natural vegetation, vast areas of the region are occupied by fields where agricultural crops are grown, and there is also a Dendrological Park, which includes introducers from various natural and geographical zones of the world.


The fauna of the Novosibirsk region includes ten thousand species of invertebrates and 475 species of vertebrates. As you know, insects are the most numerous species of animals. In the Novosibirsk region, there are several thousand species of insects only. Among them are butterflies - more than 1400 species, orthoptera - more than 100 species, flies - more than 400 species, dragonflies - 62 species. Of these, about 150 species of diurnal butterflies, among which there are representatives of the exotic family of cavaliers - swallowtail and Apollo. Of the numerous hymenoptera, wasps, bees and bumblebees are noticeable, and in the forests anthills of the red forest ant are often found, sometimes reaching two meters in height. In our area, abundant in lakes and swamps, there are a lot of midges - two-winged insects (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies). The largest arthropod in our region is the narrow-toed crayfish. Crayfish live in various reservoirs, including the Ob River and its tributaries. The largest spider in our country, the tarantula, is found in the forest-steppe. There are 33 species of fish in the rivers and lakes of the region. The largest fish is the Siberian sturgeon, living in the Ob and reaching more than 2 meters in length. There are relatively few amphibians and reptiles in our area. They have been little studied. The largest amphibian is the lake frog. Most recently (2003), a population of the muzzle snake was discovered on Salair. In the Novosibirsk region, 350 species of birds out of 764 species living in Russia have been recorded. This is quite a lot for 1% of the territory of the Russian Federation and is explained by the favorable geographical position and diversity of landscapes. Many migratory birds pass through the lakes of the Baraba lowland, so the Chany lake system is of international importance as an important habitat for waterfowl. The smallest of the birds is the yellow-headed kinglet, and the largest is the mute swan. There are many small animals among 78 species of mammals: shrews, mice, voles, hamsters, ground squirrels. There are two types of hedgehogs, mole, mole voles, 9 species of bats. In the forests, the common squirrel is common, and the flying squirrel is occasionally found. Along the banks of small forest rivers in the north of the region, the largest rodents of our country, beavers, settle. The largest predator of Southern Siberia is the brown bear, its body length can be up to two meters. Within the region, bears are found in the northern forests and forests of the Salair Ridge. The elk is the largest animal of our fauna, the body length of an adult male reaches three meters, and the weight is 600 kg. And the smallest mammal is the tiny shrew, weighing less than 6 grams. Some mammals are acclimatized.


The ecological situation in the Novosibirsk region, as well as in most regions of our planet, unfortunately, is unfavorable. The diversity of natural areas makes the local nature especially vulnerable. Harmful emissions from industrial enterprises, vehicles pollute the atmosphere, soil, water, especially near cities. This has a detrimental effect on the flora and fauna, worsens human health. For 2-3 decades, several species of animals and plants have disappeared in the region. The nature of the region also suffers in the process of mining, from ill-conceived land reclamation measures, due to improper farming. The problem of water and wind erosion of soils is very relevant for the vast territories of our region. Over the past 50 years, the area of ​​valuable cedar, spruce, fir forests in the region has decreased by almost 2 times; catastrophically dries up the largest in Western Siberia Lake Chany; many problems are associated with the artificial reservoir on the Ob. Through the efforts of some officials and deputies, forests, arboretums and parks in Novosibirsk are being destroyed. The Siberian region is threatened by absurd national projects to turn the Siberian rivers to the south, public figures who are very far from ecology. For example, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov is sure that 6-7 percent of the water of the Ob River could irrigate 1.5 million hectares of fields in the Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions, as well as 2 million hectares in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, without harming the ecology of the hydroelectric network, while replenishing the budget revenues of the Russian Federation from the sale of water to neighbors by 5 billion dollars a year.

Nevertheless, more and more attention is paid to nature protection every year. Relevant government services are fighting poaching, environmental pollution, and conducting an environmental review of economic activities. Every year, 3-5 new objects are recognized as natural monuments in the Novosibirsk region. In 2007, these were Sukharevsky ryam, Egorushkin ryam (both in the Kargatsky district), the Zolotaya Niva tract, Pokrovskaya forest-steppe and Gornostalevsky zaymishche (all three objects are in the territory of the Dovolensky district). In total, there are 24 state reserves of regional significance and about fifty natural monuments of regional significance in the Novosibirsk region. By 2020, according to the scheme approved by the regional Council in 1995, about a hundred specially protected zones should appear. As a result, they will form a system of territories with little affected lands, flora and fauna, which will reflect and preserve the specifics of the natural appearance of the Novosibirsk region. Scientists from the Institute of Systematics of Animal Ecology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk State University and other organizations have worked on the scientific substantiation of just such a set of specially protected natural objects.

Literature and sources of information:
1. Balatsky N.N. Taxonomic list of birds of the Novosibirsk region. Rus. ornithol. magazine, Express issue. 324. St. Petersburg, 2006.
2. Luzhkov Yu. Water and peace. M., 2008.
3. Materials of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Novosibirsk Region.
3. Materials of the department "Nature of the NSO" of the Novosibirsk State Museum of Local Lore.
4. Mugako A.L. Catalog of vertebrate animals of the Novosibirsk region. Novosibirsk, 2002.
5. Kravtsov V.M., Donukalova R.P. Geography of the Novosibirsk region. Novosibirsk, 1996.
6. Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region (animals). Novosibirsk, 2000.
7. Red Book of the Novosibirsk Region (plants). Novosibirsk, 1998.
8. Red Book of the Russian Federation (animals). M., 2001
9. Chernobay L.P. Reference guide to the Salair Ridge. Novosibirsk, 2004.

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Siberian Academy of Public Administration

Institute for Retraining Specialists.

Abstract on the topic: "Economic and geographical position of the region (Novosibirsk region)".

Subject: Economy of Siberia.

Checked by: Skorykh N.N.

Completed by: Elena Tarasenko 09308 gr.

Novosibirsk 2010.

Introduction. 3

1. Description of the emblem of the Novosibirsk region: 4

1.1. Symbolism of the coat of arms of the Novosibirsk region: 4

2. Description of the flag of the Novosibirsk region: 6

3. Economy 8

3.1. Functional economy. ten

Agriculture 10

4. Geographic location. 12

Conclusion 13


The significance of the Novosibirsk areas in the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation is determined not only by its internal economic potential, but also by its special economic and geographical position. The largest scientific and educational complex beyond the Urals is located in Novosibirsk, and a large center of modern interregional business services has been formed. The region is located on the Trans-Siberian railway, has good transport links with Kazakhstan and Central Asia. High-tech production facilities can be organized here with a sales market for products not only in the eastern regions of Russia, but also in China, Mongolia, the republics of Central Asia and other regions. Therefore, a correctly chosen strategy for economic growth can not only allow the Novosibirsk Region itself to get out of the crisis, but also serve as an impetus for the development of neighboring regions.

1. Description of the emblem of the Novosibirsk region:

The emblem of the Novosibirsk region is a heraldic shield, in the silver (white) field of which there is an azure (blue, blue) pillar and on top of it two black sables facing each other with scarlet (red) tongues, silver (white) inner sides of the ears, noses, throats and claws, holding with their front paws, a golden loaf with a salt shaker, accompanied at the end by a black thread-like belt, changing color to silver (white) on the pillar.

1.1. Symbolism of the coat of arms of the Novosibirsk region:

The coat of arms of the Novosibirsk Region was drawn up taking into account the basic laws of heraldry and local features of social and cultural development.

Two black sables are the main elements of the historical coat of arms of Siberia. Due to the hierarchical relationship, sables can rightfully decorate the coat of arms of the region, the only Siberian region that contains the word "Siberia" in its name. Sables, which are the shield holders of the coat of arms of the city of Novosibirsk, semantically connect the coat of arms of the region with the coat of arms of Novosibirsk, which played a fundamental role in the formation of the region. In general, the sable symbolizes the continuity of generations, traditions, historical memory.

The predominant white and blue color scheme has a long historical tradition. White, green, blue are the main colors of Siberian and Novosibirsk heraldry. Silver - purity of thoughts, devotion, faith, snow-covered expanses, characteristic of a very long period of harsh Siberian winter. In this meaning, the white color symbolizes the natural, climatic originality of the region, the special character, the resilience of the Siberians.

The azure pillar symbolizes the Ob River, and the horizontal narrow black belt symbolizes the Trans-Siberian Railway, which crosses the entire territory of the Novosibirsk Region from west to east. The crossing of the Trans-Siberian Railway with the Ob River is the main historical factor in the birth of the city of Novosibirsk in 1893 and, as a continuation of this, the creation of the Novosibirsk Region with its center in Novosibirsk in 1937.

Against the background of the azure pillar, the main element of the coat of arms is depicted - a stylized golden loaf with a salt shaker, which expresses the fundamental principle "bread is the head of everything" and symbolizes the agro-industrial complex of the region, prosperity, abundance, hospitality, rising hopes. In its outline, this element resembles a unique architectural structure - the dome of the building of the Novosibirsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, which is the "visiting card" of the city of Novosibirsk. In the coat of arms, it symbolizes the glorious history of the region, the richest culture and art, education, enlightenment, mutual understanding, and humanization.

The dual meaning of this emblem - a loaf-dome, symbolizes the unity of the inhabitants inhabiting the region, the high spiritual and cultural potential of the region.

2. Description of the flag of the Novosibirsk region:

The flag of the Novosibirsk region is a rectangular panel on which five different-sized stripes of red, white, blue, white, green colors are depicted (from the flagpole (pole) on the front and back sides, or from left to right if the flag is placed in expanded form).

Between the red and green stripes, two black sables are depicted holding a yellow loaf with a salt shaker. Below them, the white and blue stripes are crossed by a horizontal narrow belt, black on white stripes and white on blue.

2.1. Symbolism of the flag of the Novosibirsk region:

The coat of arms of the Novosibirsk Region was drawn up taking into account the basic laws of heraldry and local features of social and cultural development.

The coloring and symbolic meaning of the flag are interconnected with the coat of arms of the region, historical background and the current state of regional heraldry. White, green, red and blue are the main colors of Siberian and Novosibirsk heraldry.

White is a symbol of purity, devotion, faith, and also the color of a harsh Siberian winter.

Green - a symbol of hope, abundance, rebirth, vitality, personifies the generous Novosibirsk land, its natural diversity and beauty.

Red is a symbol of courage, courage, memory of the heroism of the Novosibirsk people who defended their homeland.

Blue - symbolizes the Ob River and numerous lakes and rivers, which occupy almost a third of the region's territory.

In the center of the flag there is the coat of arms of the region, drawn up and drawn taking into account the basic laws of classical heraldry and local features of social and cultural development.

The flag of the Novosibirsk Region is unique; its compositional and color scheme does not repeat any of the state and regional flags that exist today.

3. Economy

Novosibirsk is the center of business activity and concentration of capital. Here are the headquarters of many regional organizations: the Association of Siberian and Far Eastern cities, the Siberian Agreement Association, the Siberian Branch of the International Association of Enterprise Managers.

There are 70 banks in the city, including branches, more than 100 investment-financial and insurance companies, stock and currency exchanges. Participants in currency trading on the Siberian Interbank Currency Exchange are 90 banks from 33 cities. There is an auction center established under the regional Property Fund.

Industrial exhibitions and trade fairs are a powerful stimulus for the city's entrepreneurial activity. The organizer of most of them is the exhibition society Siberian Fair. The only World Trade Center beyond the Urals has been opened in Novosibirsk (the headquarters of the Association is located in New York).

40 representative offices of foreign firms from 11 countries of the world are accredited in the city.

Foreign trade directly and indirectly affects the economic and social aspects of the development of the region. The main exporters of the region are JSC "Novosibirsk Plant of Chemical Concentrates", Novosibirsk Tin Plant, VINAP, "Elsib", Institute of Nuclear Physics.

Among the numerous far-abroad countries with which the Novosibirsk Region cooperates, the closest relations are maintained with Germany, China, Japan, and Korea. Thus, Germany has been the number one foreign trade partner for a long time. Special attention is paid to the development of relations with her.

The Novosibirsk region has been maintaining relations with a number of Chinese provinces for a long time. There are agreements "On the establishment of sister city relations between the Novosibirsk region and the province of Liaoning, on trade and economic cooperation with the provinces of Heilongjiang, Zhejiang.

More than 100 joint ventures have been created in the region. In export deliveries to China, the leading place is occupied by engineering products, consumer goods and food products are imported from China first of all. One of the most important stabilizing factors for the region's economy is cooperation with the CIS countries. So, for example, rolled ferrous metals, electric motors, sugar, consumer goods are supplied from Ukraine to the region in large volumes; from Kazakhstan - batteries, sulfuric acid, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, agricultural products; from Uzbekistan - elevators, cotton fiber, yarn, fabrics, fruits, canned fruits and vegetables; from Belarus - agricultural machinery and spare parts for it, cars, knitwear, vegetable oil, etc. These same states are major consumers of raw materials, materials and finished products from the Novosibirsk region.

The Novosibirsk region is one of the most industrially developed in Siberia: it creates about 10% of all industrial output, the main part of which is accounted for by heavy industry enterprises located mainly in Novosibirsk, Iskitim and Berdsk.

The structure of industrial production is dominated by manufacturing industries. 21.7% falls on mechanical engineering and metalworking (2003); 24.9% - for the food industry; 18.3% - for the electric power industry and about 10% - for non-ferrous metallurgy.

The machine-building complex is dominated by electrical engineering (generators and turbines, large electric arc furnaces), aircraft and instrumentation, production of machine tools and agricultural machinery.

3.1. Functional economy.

The scheme of the functional economy is built using the following data:

    By sectoral structure of the region's industry in % by production volume

    The share of agriculture in the gross production of the region in%.

It is presented in the form of a building, the floors of which differ in their functions, tasks, problems and nature of connection with natural, labor and scientific and information resources.




Ferrous metallurgy


Non-ferrous metallurgy



Trade and catering

Medical industry

Geological and geophysical

Information and technological service

Geological and geophysical

Information and technological service




Logistics and material production

Trade and catering

Department of Housing and Utilities

Medical industry




Ferrous metallurgy


Non-ferrous metallurgy

4. Geographic location.

It is located in the southeast of the West Siberian Plain. It borders: in the south - with the Altai Territory, in the south-west - with the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the west - with the Omsk Region, in the north - with the Tomsk Region, in the east - with the Kemerovo Region. It occupies mainly the southern part of the Vasyugan plain and the Baraba lowland. In the east - the spurs of the Salair Ridge (height up to 498 m). In the central and southern parts - mane relief. Manes 6-10 m high are extended from the northeast to the southwest. The depressions between the crests are occupied by swamps and lakes. Deposits of oil, natural gas, coal, gold, ceramic clay, peat.

The main river is the Ob. In the Ob basin - about 230 rivers (Inya, Berd, Shegarka, Baksa, etc.), in the Irtysh river basin - up to 85 rivers (Om, Tara, Tartas, etc.); on the territory of the region - about 3 thousand lakes (Chany, Sartlan, Ubinskoye, etc.). Many swamps (17% of the total area). The region has significant reserves of underground fresh and mineralized waters. In the region of Novosibirsk - the Novosibirsk reservoir.

Ob, river in the West. Siberia. Formed by the confluence of the Katun and Biya in Altai. It flows into the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea, forming a delta (the area is more than 4 thousand km2). 3650 km (from the source of the Irtysh 5410 km), the basin area is 2990 thousand km2. In the middle and lower reaches, the river is typically flat. High water from April to July in the upper reaches and until September in the lower reaches. Average water consumption 12,700 m3/s; the largest is 42,800 m3/s. Main tributaries: Vasyugan, B. Yugan, Irtysh, Sev. Sosva - on the left, Chumysh, Tom, Chulym, Ket, Tym, Vakh - on the right. Fishing. navigable. Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station. On the Ob - the cities of Barnaul, Novosibirsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, Salekhard. Yugansky reserve.


The specific features of the Novosibirsk region are the openness of the economy, characterized by the dependence of a significant number of industries on external supplies of raw materials, materials, components, weak inter-industry relations of enterprises within the region; the presence of a huge scientific and educational complex, the financing of which depends on the state of the federal budget; intra-regional territorial asymmetry in the settlement of the population and the location of industry.

On the other hand, despite the relatively weak federal financial support (the region belongs to the category of “moderately subsidized”), in the Novosibirsk region there have been some positive trends in certain sectors of industrial and agricultural production (for example, in non-ferrous metallurgy, the food industry), in transport, in the social sphere (housing construction, health care, education). It should be noted that the current statistics somewhat “exaggerates” the scale of the decline in production in the region and does not record a significant part of the income of enterprises and the population associated with a sharp increase in the structure of the economy of service industries, in which there is traditionally a higher share of “shadow” income.

One of the economic paradoxes is that, despite the depressed state of the economy, in the 1990s there was a clear tendency for the Novosibirsk Region to become the largest financial and business center of all-Siberian significance. The latter is largely due to both the advantages of the economic and geographical position of the region and the “human factor”. The crisis financial state of science and military-industrial complex enterprises actually stimulated the outflow of highly qualified and enterprising workers into the sphere of business and business services, who quickly formed the “business elite” of the Novosibirsk region. According to sociological observations, business from Novosibirsk has a more “civilized face”, it is less corrupt, and quite modern management technologies are used here. A significant number of institutions of market business infrastructure of interregional significance are already functioning in Novosibirsk.

Thus, the main elements of the economic strategy for the Novosibirsk region are as follows:

    maintaining the production potential of high-tech machine-building enterprises on the basis of a rational combination of conversion measures and defense orders;

    preservation of the unique scientific potential of the Novosibirsk region;

    using the advantages of the economic and geographical position (the region is located close to the raw materials regions of Siberia, almost in the center of Asia, in sufficient proximity to the rapidly developing China with a large domestic market; there are stable rail links in different directions - western, southern, eastern);

    taking into account the new geopolitical situation that has developed after the collapse of the USSR;

    stimulating the formation in the Novosibirsk region of the main financial and trade center and business services center in the east of the country.

This can be achieved by turning the current shortcomings and imbalances that have developed in the region into potential advantages. Thus, the presence in the Novosibirsk region of a huge highly developed scientific and educational complex and highly qualified workers in the defense sector of the industry can become a significant source of economic growth. As shown above, despite the crisis, this complex has not lost its reproductive potential, many developments in the field of high technologies have been created here, and it has extensive international ties.

  1. General provisions
    1. Scientific Society of Students and Postgraduates of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (hereinafter - NSO) is a permanent organization of student self-government of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and is an association of representatives of the scientific youth of the faculty: students and graduate students.
    2. In its activities, the NSO is guided by these regulations, acts of the Academic Council and the administration of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, local regulations and other regulatory legal acts and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. Goals and objectives of the NSO
    1. The main objectives of the NSO are:
      • Representing the scientific interests of students and graduate students of the faculty, assistance in exercising their rights to carry out scientific activities.
      • Assistance in the training of scientific personnel, the development of legal science both within the faculty and beyond, ensuring the continuity of scientific schools.
    2. To achieve its goals, the NSO sets itself the following tasks:
      • Creation of conditions for the comprehensive implementation of scientific initiatives of the scientific youth of the faculty.
      • Creation of information, material and organizational bases for the implementation of the initiatives of the scientific society of the faculty.
      • Promoting the professional growth of the academic youth of the faculty.
      • Ensuring the interaction of structural divisions of the scientific system of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
      • Organization and holding of scientific conferences for students, graduate students and young scientists, scientific seminars, round tables and other forms
      • Coordination of international and national scientific cooperation of young scientists.
      • Ensuring the encouragement of outstanding representatives of scientific youth.
      • Interaction with the Academic Council of the faculty in matters affecting the rights and legitimate interests of scientific youth.
  3. Membership in the NSO
    1. Students and post-graduate students of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, as well as, in exceptional cases, students and post-graduate students of other law schools who take an active part in the scientific life of the faculty, are distinguished by high academic performance, and do not have outstanding disciplinary sanctions imposed by the administration of the faculty, can be members of the NSO.
    2. Membership of the NSO is established by passing an interview and then writing an application addressed to the chairman of the NSO about the desire to join the NSO.
    3. Members of the NSO ex officio are the heads of scientific circles and discussion clubs.
    4. Suspension of membership in the NSO is possible if a member of the NSO receives a disciplinary sanction or academic debt. Restoration in the membership of the NSO occurs automatically, after the elimination of the grounds for suspension of membership.
    5. Termination of membership in the NSO is possible at will (by filing an appropriate application addressed to the chairman of the NSO), in connection with the loss of the status that was the basis for membership in the NSO, or on the basis of the conclusion of the disciplinary commission of the NSO formed at the general meeting and acting on the basis of the job description.
  4. Organizational structure, formation procedure and powers of the NSO
    1. The NSO, within its competence, exercises the following powers:
      • Initiates, organizes and conducts intra-faculty and external scientific and practical events and meetings.
      • Interacts with student and youth organizations of other educational and scientific organizations.
      • Coordinates the collection and dissemination of information throughout the faculty about the upcoming scientific and practical events.
      • The NSO in its activities interacts with other student and youth organizations of the faculty and the university.
      • Participates in the organization of the scientific life of the faculty. The chairman of the NSO by the decision of the Academic Council of the faculty receives membership in the Academic Council of the faculty for the entire term of office.
      • Recommends candidates to the chairman of the scholarship committee for personal scholarships and grants and for receiving material incentives from the savings of the scholarship fund.
      • Provides all kinds of assistance in conducting scientific exchange programs for students, graduate students and young scientists. Recommends candidates for participation in scientific and educational trips organized by the faculty.
      • Contributes to the publication of scientific articles, collections of conferences and other scientific works of young scientists of the faculty.
    2. AT NSO composition includes: the chairman of the NSO, two vice-chairmen, heads of departments of the NSO, honorary members of the NSO, members of the departments of the NSO, heads of scientific circles, secretary of the NSO and coordinators of various programs of the NSO.
    3. Chairman of the NSO manages all issues related to the activities of the scientific student society. The chairman of the NSO is elected for a term of 2 years. The quorum is 2/3 of the total number of members of the NSO. Voting takes place in the second week of December. The winner is determined by a simple majority of votes.
    4. General meeting is mandatory convened at least once a month by the Chairman of the NSO. The quorum of the General Assembly is half + 1 member of the NSO. All members of the NSO must be notified of the time, place and issues included in the agenda of the General Meeting no later than a week before the day of the meeting by placing a relevant announcement on the stand of the NSO, as well as in contact in the group "NSO of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University". The General Assembly is competent to resolve any issues under the jurisdiction of the NSO. All local regulations in force within the framework of the NSO must be adopted at the general meeting by a 2/3 majority of those present at the meeting.
    5. NSO Commission consists of the chairman, his deputies, the secretary of the NSO and heads of departments of the NSO.
    6. The General Assembly, on the proposal of the chairman of the NSO, appoints Vice Presidents of the NSO and department heads NSO.
    7. Any decisions and / or actions (inaction) of the chairman, his deputies, the secretary of the NSO and the heads of departments of the NSO can be protested on the basis of a complaint of a member of the NSO at a meeting of the NSO commission.
    8. An extraordinary general meeting of the NSO is convened by the decision of the chairman of the NSO or an initiative group consisting of 10 members of the NSO, if it is necessary to resolve urgent issues.
  5. Fundamentals of interaction between the scientific student society, the Academic Council and the administration of the law faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
    1. The scientific society of students and graduate students of the faculty brings to the attention of the Academic Council and the administration of the faculty information about holding scientific conferences and other scientific events, makes proposals for improving the youth policy of the faculty and protects the scientific interests of students and graduate students.
    2. The scientific society implements the decisions of the Academic Council and the scientific department of the faculty, provides comprehensive assistance in organizing and holding scientific conferences.
    3. The Scientific Society provides a report on the work done to the scientific department of the faculty twice a year - in the last week of December and May of each year.
  6. Symbols of the NSO. The official color of the NSO is green.
  7. Final provisions.
  • This regulation comes into force from the moment of its approval by the Academic Council of the Faculty.
  • The location of the SSO is the auditorium designated by the Faculty of Law as the location of all student government organizations (room 853).

The economy of the Novosibirsk Region in January-April 2018 was formed in accordance with the general trends in the economic development of the Russian Federation and the Siberian Federal District and is generally assessed as stable.

In January - April this year. compared to the same period in 2017 industrial production index for the main activities of the year amounted to 103.2%, and the gross output Agriculture increased by 1.6%.

Scope of work performed by type of activity "construction", amounted to 2.4 billion rubles, or in a comparable estimate - 104.1% compared to January-April 2017. At the expense of all sources of financing, 410 thousand square meters of the total area of ​​residential buildings were commissioned (which is 31.4% more compared to January-April 2017).

Retail turnover in January-April 2018 amounted to 150 billion rubles with an index of the physical volume of turnover compared to the same period in 2017 - 102.4%.

Consumer prices for goods and services in January-April 2018 compared to January-April last year increased by 0.5%, including food products by 0.7%, non-food products by 0.8%, and paid services to the population decreased by 0.2%.

Turnover of wholesale trade organizations with the main activity "Wholesale trade" formed in the amount of 3.6 billion rubles. and increased compared to January-April 2017 by 6.7% in comparable prices.

Freight turnover of transport enterprises general use in January-April 2018 amounted to 611 million t/km, which is 0.2% lower than in the same period in 2017. Passenger turnover of public transport - 976.7 million passengers / km (102.5% compared to the same period in 2017).

In the reporting period, the number of deaths in the Novosibirsk Region exceeded the number of births by 1.4 thousand people. Migration population growth amounted to 1.9 thousand people.

Economically active population according to a sample survey of the population on employment issues in the reporting period, it amounted to 62.1% of the total population of the region. Atemployment rate in the Novosibirsk region on average for January-April 2018 amounted to 57.5%, level general unemployment– 7,5%.

January-April 2018 real money income of the population decreased and amounted to 97.8% compared to the same period in 2017.

Value living wage in the first quarter of 2018 per capita was set at 10,749 rubles, incl. by socio-demographic groups of the population: able-bodied population - 11404 rubles, pensioners - 8620 rubles, children - 11183 rubles.

Average monthly nominal accrued wage one employee of organizations of the Novosibirsk region in January-March 2018 amounted to 33,465 rubles and increased by 10.9% compared to January-March 2017.

According to preliminary data for the reporting period inflation amounted to 1.5%.

Foreign trade turnover Novosibirsk region in January-March 2018 amounted to 914.7 million US dollars, including exports - 435.7 million US dollars (47.6% of the total trade turnover), imports - 479 million US dollars. United States (52.4%).

Foreign trade operations for the reporting period were carried out with 85 countries of the world, the largest partners: China (31.3% of trade), Kazakhstan (11.7%) and Germany (5.5%).

The share of the CIS countries in the total volume of trade amounted to 20% or 182.6 million US dollars, incl. export - 106.1 million USD, import - 76.5 million USD.

Trade turnover with non-CIS countries amounted to 732.1 million US dollars or 80% of the total volume of foreign trade. Imports from non-CIS countries amounted to 402.4 million US dollars, exports - 329.7 million US dollars.

The balance of foreign trade turnover is negative and amounts to 43.2 million US dollars. Only the balance with the CIS countries is positive - exports exceed imports by 29.6 million US dollars. With non-CIS countries, the balance remains negative - imports exceed exports by $72.8 million.

The Novosibirsk region is a region with a high industrial and agricultural potential, a developed system of science and education, and a constantly growing level of investment attractiveness.

The main competitive advantages of the Novosibirsk Region are a diversified economy, favorable geographical position, developed transport and logistics infrastructure, unique human resources, scientific and innovative potential, as well as an effective regional investment policy.

In order to organize work to improve the indicators of the investment attractiveness of the region in the Novosibirsk Region, a regulatory and legal framework has been formed that stimulates the development of investment processes and innovative activities.

One of the most effective mechanisms of state support for investment projects in Russia has been created in the region, which is provided within the framework of the regional target program "State support of investment activities in the Novosibirsk region for 2012-2021". All activities within the framework of the program are coordinated and protected by the regional budget.

The development of industrial and technological park projects, where special, most comfortable conditions for investors are created, is the most important tool of the regional investment policy, providing the region with serious competitive advantages in attracting investors. Today, five large park projects are being implemented in the region: the Industrial and Logistics Park, the Technopark of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, the Biotechnopark, the Medical Industrial Park, and the Medical Technopark.

According to the results of the National rating of the state of the investment climate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which were presented at the XXII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Novosibirsk Region has risen by eight points over the year and now occupies 19th place. The head of the region A.A. Travnikov, evaluating the results of the rating, noted that the region became the only subject of the Siberian Federal District included in the TOP-20.

In general, investments in the Novosibirsk region come from more than 60 countries, including the UK, Cyprus, Kazakhstan, Canada, Korea, USA, Germany, China and Italy.

In 2017, enterprises and organizations of the Novosibirsk Region used 175 billion rubles investment in fixed assets, which is 7.3% more than in 2016. The index of the physical volume of investments in fixed assets amounted to 100.2%.

The main share in the total volume of investments in fixed assets is occupied by the costs of construction of buildings and structures - 63.1%; of which 31.9% is in the construction of residential buildings. 31% of the total investment was used for the purchase of machinery, equipment, vehicles, production and household inventory.

According to the results of 2017, the priority activities for investment placement were "Transportation and storage" - 15.4% of the total volume of investments in fixed assets, "Real estate activities" - 14.6%, "Manufacturing" - 11, 9%, "Activities in the field of information and communication" - 10%. According to statistics, most of the investments in the region's economy (95.1 billion rubles) were made by large and medium-sized organizations.

The main document for the development of the region for the coming years is the "Plan for the socio-economic development of the Novosibirsk region for 2018 and the planning period of 2019 and 2020".

For 2018-2020, positive dynamics of the main target indicators of the forecast is predicted. Thus, the growth rate of the gross regional product in the Novosibirsk region in 2020 will be 107.3% compared to the level of 2016 according to the conservative version and 109.4% according to the moderately optimistic version of the forecast. The main contribution to the prospective growth of the physical volume of the GRP of the region in the forecast period of 2018-2020 will be provided by such types of economic activity as industrial production, including through the implementation of the program for the reindustrialization of the economy of the Novosibirsk region and the implementation of investment projects; wholesale and retail trade; service delivery area.

The Novosibirsk Region is located on the West Siberian Plain. The area of ​​the region is 178 thousand square meters. km. or one percent of the territory of Russia. The length of the region from west to east is more than 600 kilometers, and from north to south up to 400 kilometers. It borders in the west with the Omsk region, in the north with the Tomsk region, in the east with the Kemerovo region, in the south with the Altai Territory, in the southwest with the Republic of Kazakhstan. Has no access to the sea. It is part of the Siberian Federal District. The administrative center is the city of Novosibirsk. Large cities: Berdsk, Iskitim, Kuibyshev, Barabinsk.

Socio-economic characteristics of the Novosibirsk region

The population of the Novosibirsk region in 2015 is 2,746,822 million people. The dynamics of the population in March 2015 is increasing, it is 2,746,822. Every year from 2009 to 2014, the population increased by 1.5-2 thousand people. As a result, over the past five years, the population has increased by 10,819.8 people. Migration growth has increased every year over the past five years. Due to the pendulum migration, the population grows daily by at least 80-100 thousand people.

More than 120 nationalities live in the Novosibirsk region. Main composition: Russians 93.1%, Nenets 1.22%, Tatars 0.95%, Ukrainians 0.87%, Uzbeks 0.50%, Kazakhs 0.42%, Tajiks 0.40%, Armenians 0.37%, Azerbaijanis 0.32%, Kyrgyz 0.26%, Belarusians 0.21%, Koreans 0.13% , Gypsies 0.11%, Chuvash 0.11%, Yezidis 0.10%, Jews 0.09%, Chinese 0.08%, Mordovians 0.06% Buryats 0.05%, Georgians 0.05%, Tuvans 0.05%, Mari 0.04%, Moldovans 0.04%, Bashkirs 0.04%, Estonians 0.04% %, Poles 0.03%, Turks 0.03%.

Registered religious organizations: 42% Orthodox, 11% Evangelical Baptist, 9% Evangelical, 6% Evangelical, 5% Seventh-day Adventist, 4.7% Muslim, 4.2% Lutherans, 3.7 - Catholics, 2.6% - Buddhists, 1.6% - Jehovah's Witnesses and Presbyterians, 1% - Hare Krishnas, less than 1% - other confessions.

At the moment, there are no conflict situations in the Novosibirsk region.

The gross regional product is 821,415 million rubles. per capita. The average Russian GDP is 96,212.66 million rubles. The GRP of the Novosibirsk Region is higher than the average Russian GDP by 725,202.34. The most underdeveloped region of Russia is the Republic of Ingushetia. Its GRP is only 100,911 million rubles.

In the Novosibirsk region there are the following types of industry: the leading ones are mechanical engineering and metalworking, then comes the food and light industries, there are also defense, electrical and radio industries.

Production and sales of agriculture in 2014 compared to 2013 decreased by 12.99%, at the moment it is 97.8%, in 2013 it was 112.4%. Agricultural lands (arable lands, pastures, hayfields) occupy about half of the region's territory. The main grain crop is spring and winter wheat. They also sow oats, barley, rye, peas, millet, and buckwheat. Large areas are occupied by planting potatoes and vegetables (carrots, cabbage, beets), fodder crops. It must be said that the forest-steppe of Siberia belongs to areas with uneven moisture - either drought or many days of rain, so crop yields are relatively small here. Flax, sunflower, mustard are grown in the region, there are fruit and berry nurseries where currants, sea buckthorn, raspberries, and apple trees are cultivated. Even watermelons grow in the south of the region. Meat and dairy cattle breeding, poultry farming are developed, beekeeping is also practiced.

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