
1c accounting 8 professional description. "1c accounting". version of prof. Accounting for inventories

Tax accounting for income tax
All transactions are reflected not only in accounting, but also in tax accounting. According to primary documents in the process of working with the 1C: Accounting 8 PROF program, transactions are generated in tax accounting. To summarize information based on postings on accounts tax accounting corresponding tax accounting registers are formed. Filling in the tax return for income tax is carried out automatically.

Simplified taxation system

To keep records under the simplified taxation system (STS), the program uses the Book of accounting of income and expenses of the organization and individual entrepreneurs(Individual entrepreneurs) applying a simplified taxation system. The income and expense book is generated automatically. Organizations using the simplified tax system can use as an object of taxation:
  • Income
  • Income reduced by the amount of expenses.

Accounting for activities subject to UTII
Regardless of whether the organization uses the simplified tax system or common system taxation, some of its activities may be subject to single tax on imputed income (UTII). 1C: Accounting 8 PROF provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses associated with taxable and non-taxable UTII activities. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a specific type of activity at the time they are committed can be allocated automatically.

Keeping records of the activities of several organizations

In the 1C: Accounting 8 PROF program, you can keep accounting and tax records economic activity several organizations. Accounting for each organization can be kept in a separate infobase. At the same time, 1C: Accounting 8 provides the ability to maintain accounting and tax accounting of several organizations in a common information base. Moreover, each of the organizations can have its own accounting policy and apply its own taxation regime.
Keeping records of several organizations in one infobase is usually used in situations where the economic activities of these organizations are closely related to each other: at the same time, in the current work, you can use general lists of goods, counterparties (business partners), employees, own warehouses, etc., and compulsory reporting should be formed separately.
Due to the ability to keep records of the activities of several organizations in a single information base, the configuration can be used both in small organizations and in holdings with a complex organizational structure.

Accounting for material production stocks

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products in 1C: Accounting 8 implemented in accordance with PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories" and guidelines on its application. In accordance with accounting policies organizations the following methods are supported MPZ estimates:
on average cost;
  • at the cost of the first purchase of inventories (FIFO method);
  • at the cost of the most recent purchase of inventories (LIFO method).
To assess inventories by the FIFO and LIFO methods in 1C: Accounting 8 version of the PROF, batch accounting is provided. The presence of this possibility allows differentiated accounting of inventories of the same name, received at different times and at different prices. The party is formed automatically when capitalization of the MPZ... If there is no need for batch accounting, you can disable it.

Warehouse accounting (Accounting by storage locations)
In a programme 1C: Accounting 8 PROF registration of operations for the movement of goods between warehouses, for inventory, posting of goods, as well as for their write-off is provided. For warehouses, you can keep quantitative or quantitative-total accounting. In the first case, the assessment of goods and materials for the purposes of accounting and tax accounting does not depend on the warehouse from which they were received. If there is no need for warehouse accounting, you can turn it off.
In 1C: Accounting 8, inventory data is registered, which is automatically verified with accounting data. Based on the inventory, the identification of surpluses and the write-off of shortages are reflected.

Accounting trading operations
In a programme 1C: Accounting 8 PROF automated accounting of operations of receipt and sale of goods and services, as well as operations of return to the supplier and return from the buyer. When goods are sold, invoices are issued for payment, invoices and invoices are drawn up.
For retail trade, technologies for working with both automated and non-automated retail outlets are supported. The write-off of goods in a non-automated retail outlet occurs periodically, according to the results of the inventory. For different retail outlets, it is possible to organize accounting by different modes taxation (UTII and not UTII). Supported different ways payment. Accounting for payment by payment cards is possible, bank loans, cash. Retail goods can be accounted for at purchase or sales prices.
All operations wholesale trade are taken into account in the context of contracts with buyers and suppliers.
For imported goods data on the country of origin and the number of the cargo customs declaration are taken into account.

Accounting for commission trading
In 1C: Accounting 8, the accounting of commission trade is automated both in relation to goods taken on a commission from the principal and transferred to the commission agent for further sale. It is also possible to reflect transactions on the transfer of goods for subcommission. The program provides various options for calculating the commission:
percentage of sale amounts,
percentage of the total sales of commission goods,
fixed amount(not calculated).
When generating a report to the consignor or registering a commission agent's report, you can immediately make a calculation and reflect the deduction of the commission.

Accounting for operations with tare

In the 1C: Accounting 8 program, operations for accounting for returnable reusable containers are automated. Debts to suppliers and buyers' debts for returnable packaging are recorded on a separate current account. The specifics of taxation of such transactions and settlements with suppliers and buyers have been taken into account.

Accounting for banking and cash transactions
In 1C: Accounting 8, the accounting of the movement of cash and non-cash is implemented Money... Supported input and printing of payment orders, credit and debit cash orders... Operations for settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons, depositing cash to a current account and receiving cash by money order... When recording transactions, payment amounts are automatically broken down into advance and payment.
Based cash documents formed cash book the established sample.
A mechanism for exchanging information with programs of the "Bank Client" type has been implemented.

Accounting for settlements with counterparties
In 1C: Accounting 8, accounting of settlements with suppliers and buyers can be kept in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency... Exchange rate and amount differences for each transaction are calculated automatically.
Settlements with counterparties can be made under the contract as a whole or for each settlement document (shipment, payment, etc.). The settlement method is determined by a specific agreement.
When drawing up documents for receipt and sale, you can use both general prices for all contractors, and individual prices for a specific contract.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets
1C: Accounting 8 PROF allows you to keep records of fixed assets and intangible assets in accordance with PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" and PBU 14/2000 "Accounting for intangible assets". All basic accounting operations are automated: receipt, acceptance for accounting, depreciation, modernization, transfer, write-off. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation for the month between several accounts or objects analytical accounting... For fixed assets that are used seasonally, it is possible to use depreciation schedules.

Accounting for production activities (main and auxiliary production)
In 1C: Accounting 8, the calculation of the cost of products and services of the main and auxiliary production, accounting for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials, accounting for workwear and special equipment is automated. During the month, the accounting of the manufactured finished products is kept at the planned cost, and at the end of the month the actual cost of the products and services rendered is calculated.
The range and quantity of materials and components for transfer to production can be automatically calculated based on data on manufactured products and information on consumption rates (specifications).
For complex technological processes, involving intermediate stages, taking into account the release of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products and automatic calculation of their cost are supported.

Accounting indirect costs
Direct costing is supported for general business expenses. This method provides that general running costs are written off in the month of their occurrence and are fully charged to the cost of products sold. If the organization does not use the direct costing method, then general business expenses are allocated between the value of the manufactured product and the work in progress. When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various methods of distribution by nomenclature groups of products (services). For indirect costs, the following distribution bases are possible:

Fare can be written off in proportion to the cost of goods sold.

VAT accounting
In 1C: Accounting 8, the filling of the purchase book and the sales book is automated, tracking complex situations when implementing with the use of a "zero" VAT rate, during construction in an economic way, as well as in the performance of an organization's duties tax agent... The amounts of VAT on indirect costs can be allocated to sales operations subject to VAT and exempt from VAT. For organizations in whose economic activities there are no complex sales operations at a VAT rate of 0%, excluding VAT, etc., the possibility of maintaining a simplified VAT accounting (without using regulatory documents) is provided.
A special mechanism "VAT Assistant" is designed to simplify the reflection routine operations on value added tax. "Assistant" allows you to control the order and relevance of the generated regulatory documents.

Accounting wages, personnel and personified accounting
In 1C: Accounting 8, personnel movements are recorded, including accounting for employees at the main place of work and part-time, the formation unified forms in accordance with labor law.
Automated the calculation of salaries for employees of the enterprise on salaries and the maintenance of mutual settlements with employees up to the payment of salaries, as well as the calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by the legislation, the taxable base of which is the wages of employees of organizations, and the formation of relevant reports (on personal income tax, unified social tax, contributions to the PFR), including preparation of reports for the PFR personalized accounting system.
When performing calculations, the presence at the enterprise is taken into account:
  • disabled people;
  • tax non-residents.
The program includes the "Payroll Assistant", which is designed to simplify the reflection of operations on personnel and payroll accounting. "Assistant" shows the sequence of actions that must be performed in this section of accounting from hiring an employee to the formation of transactions for payroll.

Final operations of the month
Routine operations performed at the end of the month have been automated, including currency revaluation, write-off of deferred expenses, financial results etc.
1C: Accounting 8 includes a set of reports "References-calculations", reflecting the calculations associated with routine operations at the end of the month: "Distribution of indirect costs", "Calculation of income tax", etc.

Standard accounting reports
1C: Accounting 8 includes a set of standard reports designed to analyze data on balances and turnovers of accounts and transactions in various aspects for accounting and tax accounting. Among them turnover balance sheet, checkerboard, balance sheet, account turnover, account card, account analysis, sub-account analysis, turnovers between sub-accounts, summary transactions, general ledger, diagrams.

The program provides users with ample opportunities to customize reports: selection of data using comparison operations ("equal", "not equal", "in the list", etc.); setting up selection by subconto, by subconto details, grouping by subconto details; self-configuration of report headers and footers.

Regulated reporting
The 1C: Accounting 8 program provides for the automatic generation of mandatory (regulated) reports for submission to the owners of the organization and controllers. government bodies: forms accounting statements, tax returns, reports for statistics authorities and public funds... Formation of reports in electronic form is provided.
The program supports both the current reporting forms and those that were in effect in previous reporting periods. It is possible to search for reporting forms in accordance with the selected period.

Ergonomic user interface
New modern interface design 1C: Accounting 8 PROF provides:
  • possibility of mass input of information ("input by line" function);
  • convenient means work with large dynamic lists;
  • maximum use of the available screen space for displaying information;
  • mechanism of styles of design.


Typical configuration 1C: Accounting 8 can be changed and customized for accounting features in a particular organization. For this, the "Configurator" launch mode is provided, which provides:
  • setting up the system to different kinds accounting;
  • implementation of any accounting methodology;
  • organization of any directories and documents of arbitrary structure;
  • customization appearance information input forms;
  • setting the behavior and algorithms of the system in different situations using the built-in language;
  • wide design possibilities of creating printed forms documents and reports using various fonts, frames, colors, pictures;
  • the ability to visualize information in the form of diagrams;
  • quick configuration changes using visual development tools.
1C: Accounting 8 can be used in the following options:
  • single user - for personal use;
  • file - for multi-user work, providing ease of installation and operation;
  • client-server version of the work, providing reliable storage and efficient processing of data with the simultaneous work of a large number of users.
  • variant of distributed infobases, ensures the identity of infobase configurations and allows data exchange without additional programming.
Integration with other systems
1C: Accounting 8 provides data exchange with other applications through text files, DBF files and XML documents, downloading the exchange rate from the Internet, address classifier, etc.

With the program 1C: Accounting 8 PROF spend complex automation accounting and tax accounting of commercial enterprises. The new program solves all the tasks that are usually faced by the accounting department of an enterprise. The program is designed for accounting and tax accounting, sales accounting, accounting for receipts and sales of goods, including through commission trade, cash flow accounting, salary accounting, inventory control etc.

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Prices for 1C: Accounting 8 PROF

  • 1C: Accounting 8 PROF (+ ITS 3 months) 13000 rub Buy
  • 1C: Accounting 8 PROF (USB) (+ ITS 3 months) 16200 rub Buy

There is in the program 1C Accounting 8 PROF and its advantages

  • In a single infobase, you can keep records of several organizations. Moreover, they may have common lists of cost items, lists of counterparties and goods, etc. At the same time, organizations have the opportunity to choose accounting according to the general or simplified taxation system within the framework of one information base.
  • Is in the program optional analytical accounting by storage locations: quantitative and quantitative-sum.
  • Thanks to the maintenance of a separate chart of accounts for tax accounting, it has become easier to compare the data of accounting and tax accounting. It has become easier to comply with the requirements of PBU 18/02 "Calculations for Income Tax".
  • Lot accounting, which appeared in 1c accounting 8 prof expands the scope of the typical solution. Independently for accounting and tax accounting and for each organization, inventories can be estimated at cost, LIFO and FIFO have become available.
  • V 1C: Accounting 8 version PROF the manufacturers have expanded the possibilities of customizing typical operations, the means of group input of frequently used accounting entries... This powerful automation tool in new program quick and easy to set up.
  • 1C: Enterprise 8 is suitable for automating even a small enterprise, perhaps due to the modern ergonomic interface of the program.

    1C Accounting 8 PROF provides for the possibility of integration with other programs "1C: Enterprise 8. Trade Management" and "Salary and Personnel Management". One program can keep track of organizations with different tax systems.

    With configuration 1C: Accounting 8 PROF You get a ready-made application solution! Enter your organization details, specify options accounting policies and start keeping records.

    It is not difficult to master the program, the configuration has an intuitive interface, in addition, there is a "Start Assistant" and "Tips". You can also take courses on 1C: Accounting 8.

    Comparison of the functionality of different versions of "1C: Accounting" at the kt center:

    1c accounting

    Basic 7.7 Basic 8 PROF 8 CORP 8
    Turnkey solution for bookkeeping and tax accounting
    Preparation of accounting and tax reporting
    Maintaining tax accounting for income tax
    Tax accounting: STS and UTII
    Batch accounting
    The ability to customize accounts for accounting of inventories and settlements with counterparties
    Accounting for several organizations in separate infobases
    Accounting for several organizations in a single information base
    Accounting in separate subdivisions
    Possibility of changing (configuring) the applied solution
    Multi-user operation mode, including support for client-server operation
    Operation of geographically distributed information bases
    Supports COM connection and Automation server

    You can buy the 1C: Accounting 8 program in 4 versions:

    Program developers 1c accounting 8 prof provided users with the opportunity to independently manage the accounting methodology within the framework of setting up accounting policies, the ability to create new subaccounts and sections of analytical accounting. The program registers each record business transaction on accounts of accounting, quantitative and currency accounting, according to the necessary sections of analytical accounting.

    Accounting for goods, materials and finished products is carried out in accordance with PBU 5/01 "Accounting for inventories", as well as guidelines for its application. In warehouses, you can make quantitative and total accounting and accounting for batches. If you do not need inventory accounting, you can turn it off.

    The program calculates the salaries of employees of the enterprise, mutual settlements with employees.

    The program includes the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, the Enterprise Accounting configuration, full set documentation and a license to use the 1C: Enterprise 8 system at one workplace!

    To use 1C: Accounting 8 PROF in multi-user or client-server versions, you need to buy licenses for additional seats or a server license.

  • "1C: Accounting PROF" - ready-made solution for the automation of the accounting service at the enterprise, regardless of its scale or the specifics of the activity.

    Program suitable for use in any organization dealing with commercial activities: trading companies (wholesale and retail), service organizations, manufacturing enterprises, etc.

    The configuration allows keep records of several legal entities (several organizations), which is very convenient if their activities are closely related to each other: for example, general lists of goods, services, personnel, suppliers, customers, etc.

    Program supports OSN, USN, UTII for commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs, as well as patent taxation system(only for individual entrepreneurs).

    Functionality of 1C: Accounting 8.3 version PROF

    Accounting for inventories produced in accordance with PBU 5. In the program 1C: Accounting 8 PROF, an assessment is supported when disposing of inventories at an average cost and using the FIFO method. For different organizations it is possible to use different ways estimates.

    Accounting for trade operations. When selling a product, an invoice, an invoice for payment, an invoice are automatically drawn up. Supported electronic document management with contractors. Several types of prices can be assigned to a product: retail, purchasing, small-scale, wholesale, etc. In retail sales, it is possible to promptly reflect the sale of goods and according to the results of the inventory.

    Inventory control can be conducted in a quantitative or quantitative-cumulative way. If not needed, it can be disabled. The program shows the results of the inventory and automatically verifies the accounting data with them. This is how surpluses are identified and shortages are written off.

    Accounting for agency agreements and commission trade. Supports accounting for agency (commission) purchase and sale contracts. Operations for the transfer of goods for subcommission are reflected. The specifics of processing documents for VAT accounting for transactions on commission purchase of goods and services is taken into account.

    Bank and cash desk. The program keeps track of the movement of funds (cash and non-cash), currency transactions, monetary documents... The ability to enter and print payment orders, credit and debit cash orders has been implemented, on the basis of which a cash book is formed. Operations for settlements with customers and counterparties, payroll to employee cards are fully automated. Integration with the "Client-Bank" is possible.

    Accounting for intangible assets and fixed assets implemented in accordance with PBU 14/2007 and PBU 6/01. R&D accounting is supported. Accounting for tangible and intangible assets is implemented in accordance with PBU 24/2011. 1C: Accounting 8.3 version of the PROF allows you to automate receipts, acceptance for accounting, depreciation, transfer, modernization, inventory, write-off.

    Tax accounting for income tax applies a chart of accounts similar to the chart of accounts accounting... Simplified compliance with PBU 18 \ 02 standards and comparison of accounting and tax accounting data. Automatically generated tax return for income tax.

    VAT accounting. Conducted in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Purchase and sales books are automatically filled in, corrected and revised invoices are issued. For the purposes of VAT accounting, the accounting of transactions subject to and non-VATable is kept separately. When implemented using a 0% VAT rate, it is possible to track complex business transactions.

    Payroll accounting and personalized accounting. 1C: Accounting automates the calculation of wages, the calculation of regulated taxes and contributions, the formation of relevant reports to the regulatory authorities; keeping records of deductions, depositing.

    Closing of the month. The program has a month-closing assistant, which determines the order of the month-closing operations and executes them in the correct sequence. If during the execution of routine operations, accounting errors are found, the program displays a message with a description of the error and an indication of the settings or documents that need to be corrected.

    Version USB
    Appointment A complete solution for conducting tax and accounting, Preparation of tax and accounting reports, Implementation of tax accounting for income tax, Tax accounting: UTII, USN, Conducting batch accounting, Setting up accounts for accounting for production and material stocks and settlements with partners, Counting several organizations in separate infobases, Accounting for several enterprises in common base, Changing the structure of the applied solution, Multi-user mode of operation, support for client-server mode of operation, Operation of infobases by territories, Support for Automation-server and COM-connection

    1C: Accounting 8 PROF is a popular program for automating accounting and tax accounting. The program allows you to simplify the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting.

    1C: Accounting 8 PROF can be used in companies of any size operating in any industry: wholesale and retail, services, production, etc.

    Support different systems taxation,
    accounting and tax accounting, reporting

    Accounting for inventories, batch accounting, settlements with counterparties, extract of primary
    Salary calculation, accounting monetary transactions Integration with other 1C programs and websites Working with Electronic Disability Sheets (ELS)

    1C: Fresh is access to 1C: Enterprise solutions via the Internet. You can work from anywhere - from the office, at home, while traveling, on vacation. You don't need to install anything on your computer, not even a key electronic signature for submission of reports via the Internet can be stored in the "cloud".

    Advantages of working in 1C: Accounting through the 1CFresh service:

    • Familiar program interface, but through the browser
    • You only need the Internet to work
    • 24/7 access from any device
    • 24-hour technical support from 1C
    • Access to the system and services 1C: ITS
    • Privacy and data security
    • Free access for 30 days
    • Free use for users of 1C: ITS PROF

    The cost of 1C: Accounting in the 1C: Fresh service - from 2 818 ₽ per month *
    * price when paid for a year with continuous service

    Order 1C: Fresh now and get 30 days of free access!

    Rent 1C in the cloud - all functions are available anytime and anywhere where there is an opportunity to connect to the Internet. Using 1C in remote access will help to optimize the costs of the enterprise and increase the efficiency of its work.

    Advantages of working with 1C in the cloud:

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    • Privacy & Security - Data Encryption
    • Access to the 1C program in 24/7 mode
    • Work in the program from any device
    • Connection in 2 hours
    • Regular automatic updates
    • Daily backups
    • Help from certified professionals
    • Free access for 7 days!

    The cost of renting 1C: Bookkeeping in the cloud - from 1 250 rubles per month

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    Hosting 1C - allows you to deploy modern accounting and financial programs with databases of any size on a dedicated cloud server. There is no longer any need to purchase expensive equipment to work with 1C and pay for it.

    Advantages of 1C hosting service:

    • Instant access from anywhere in the world
    • Privacy and security
    • Reliable service 24/7
    • Regular backups
    • Server administration and technical support

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