
Where to get a credit post bank. Application for a loan to the post office bank without refusal. Credit purchases

Can I get a loan from Post Bank? This is frequent question... Let's figure it out in this article.

The bank acts as a universal retail enterprise established last year by VTB, as well as by Russian Post. The key goal of the Post Bank institution is to strive to increase the availability of financial services provided to the residents of Russia. This financial organization is currently developing a large-scale network based on the Russian Post. By the onset of 2018, it is planned to open about eighteen thousand branches at post offices, which will make it possible to increase the penetration of the main banking services throughout the country. How to get a loan from Post Bank, as well as the opinions of consumers about the products of this financial organization will be discussed below.

Bank information

The Post Bank product line offers the following services:

  • Savings accounts and deposits.
  • Transfers and payments.
  • A wide range of lending products.
  • Salary and pension services for the population.
  • Providing mobile and internet banking.

According to the results of the first six months of this year, the bank managed to open about ten thousand points for the provision of services in more than seventy regions of Russia. Today "Post Bank" holds the second place in terms of the size of the retail network in the domestic financial market... It is interesting to note that over eighty percent of the geography of this structure's presence falls on small towns with a population of up to thirty thousand people. The total number of Pochta Bank clients reaches four and a half million people. And by 2023, this financial institution plans to grow its customer base even more. It is also important to note that a third of the clients of this bank are retirees.

Many people are interested in how to get a loan from Post Bank.

What does it look like?

At post offices, the bank is represented in the form of sales windows, where employees of this financial organization work. He carries out his activities without checkout points, any transactions are carried out by customers through the use of ATMs with a closed circulation of funds. Today "Post Bank" is the only organization in Russia, whose terminal network entirely consists of such devices. You can withdraw money or replenish your card balance at those points of the Russian Post where pos-terminals of this bank operate.


So, how to get a loan from Post Bank?

The organization offers a variety of loans. Products range from lending for personal purposes and education to providing funds for the development of the "Far Eastern Hectare" and support for corporate clients. In addition, there are refinancing services, loans for retirees and so on.

Most often, people want to take out a cash loan at Post Bank.

Not all applicants for cash borrowed money the bank will make its clients. For a positive decision, the applicant must fulfill the following requirements: be at least 18 years old, a citizen of the Russian Federation with a permanent residence permit in any region of the country, work in one place for at least three months. You also need to think about additional documents (SNILS, driver's license, international passport with marks). Mostly loans are given to people who carry out labor activity... But if the applicant does not work, he can also apply for a loan, but the terms of cooperation with him will be more severe.

Preliminary decision

The preliminary decision will be communicated to clients in a minute if the application is filled out on the website. If it is submitted at a bank branch, it takes up to one working day. Having received a loan, customers can withdraw cash through an ATM or pay by plastic card... We will find out what consumers think about taking out a loan from the Post Bank of Russia.

Post Bank is a retail bank established relatively recently, in January last year. It was formed by the efforts of an international financial group VTB and FSUE Russian Post on the basis of Leto Bank.

According to statistics, only 1/2 of the country's adult population actively uses the services offered by banks. Whereas in China this figure is 70%, and in the Scandinavian countries - more than 90%. Thanks to the work of Post Bank, the penetration of banking services in Russia will be increased.

Important! The founders of Post Bank see their primary goal in increasing the availability of financial services for Russian citizens.

Post Bank clients have access to:

Savings accounts;
Assorted credit products;
Payment and credit cards;
Payments and transfers;
Internet and mobile bank.

The founders of Post Bank want to make it one of the largest in the country. Therefore, it is planned to open about 15 client centers in the coming years.

"Post Bank" of Russia: loan conditions

The financial institution has more than one credit product... For more convenience, we will present the terms of loans in the form of a table.

Conditions of loans for pensioners in the "Post Bank" of Russia

For such a category of the population as pensioners, Post Bank is ready to offer special conditions... So, two loans are available to them:

"Preferential". According to the terms of the program, the credit limit at Post Bank varies from 20 to 150 thousand rubles. It takes 1-3 years to pay off. Overpayment per year - 19.9-29.6%, the exact amount is determined for each applicant personally;

"Preferential Special" - is aimed at retirees receiving a pension in this financial institution. The loan limit and loan term are similar to the previous program, and the interest rate has been reduced and is 16.9-29.6%.

Important! At the same time, when applying for a loan in the Post Bank of Russia, you can use the Guaranteed Rate service. With its help at full repayment loan without delays will be recalculated - taking into account the interest rate of 14.9%.

The difference will be credited to the Savings Account.

To apply for a loan at the Post Bank of Russia, pensioners should contact the branch financial institution with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a working mobile phone ohm.

After submitting the application, you will have to wait for a decision, which may take at least a couple of hours, and a maximum of 1 working day. Loan funds can be cashed out through an ATM or paid by credit card.

Loans in the "Post Bank" of Russia by online application

You can take a consumer loan at the Post Bank of Russia by adhering to the following algorithm:

Wait for a decision on the application, which will be made no later than the next working day. A notification is received from "Post Bank" via an SMS message to a mobile phone;

Receive cash or make a non-cash payment.

When applying for a loan, an employee of Post Bank opens a Savings Account with a card and provides a card payment system Visa.

With the help of the latter, you can get cash at any ATM or pay for services, goods on the Internet or in stores around the world non-cash.

You can get cash without a withdrawal fee at the Post Bank ATM.

Post Bank provides several lending programs, as well as refinancing loans issued in other banks (not belonging to the VTB Group). At the same time, the conditions and the amount of the loan, according to the programs, have distinctive features. A cash loan at Post Bank is a basic lending program for any purpose, with the most favorable conditions among the anthological programs of other banks.

Together with the cash lending program, Post Bank offers advantageous credit cards: (with the option of calculating interest on the card balance and bonus incentives) and.

Cash loan and other lending programs at Post Bank

The table shows the loan programs offered by Post Bank, with the main conditions:

Credit name Provided amount Annual interest rate Term
Cash loan up to 1,500,000 ₽ from 10.9% 15 years
Refinancing 50,000 - 1,000,000 ₽ from 11.9% 15 years
Concessional loan for the development of the "Far Eastern hectare" 3,000 - 1,000,000 ₽ 14,5% 6 months - 5 years
Education loan "Knowledge is Power" 2,000,000 ₽ 9,9% up to 150 months
Loans for corporate clients 50,000 - 1,000,000 ₽ from 10.9% 15 years
Country houses and houses on credit ( an initial fee from 10% to 90%) up to 1,000,000 ₽ 6 - 60 months
Loans for retirees 20,000 - 200,000 ₽ from 10.9% 1 - 3 years

Conditions for the "Cash loan" program

General terms:

  • 10,9%;
  • up to RUB 1,500,000;
  • from 1 to 5 years;
  • you only need a passport and SNILS number;
  • preliminary decision in 1 minute.

Individual tariff plans for "Cash Loan"

Under the Cash loan program, various conditions are set depending on the tariff plan.

For clients who have a Savings Account tariff plan "Base", the conditions are as follows:

For tariff plans Savings account "Salary", "Pension", "Salary pensioner":

Credit for retirees

A soft loan is provided to senior citizens on the following conditions:

  • annual rate - from 10.9%;
  • term - 1 - 3 years;
  • loan amount 20,000 - 200,000 rubles.

The Post Bank offers more loyal conditions for pensioners; in any other banks, pensioners are extremely reluctant to lend.

You can also take out insurance in case of hospitalization and other unforeseen difficulties. Monthly payments for it are equal to 0.2-0.3% of the loan amount.

Education loan "Knowledge is Power"

Lending terms:

  • the goal is to pay for education;
  • student age - from 14 years old;
  • category educational institution- any;
  • limit on the loan amount - up to 2 million rubles.

The education loan is provided by Post Bank in stages. For each payment to be made, a receipt from the educational institution must be brought to the bank. At the end of the studies, the borrower needs to repay the principal amount of the loan. Then he will pay only interest on it.

The first question that worries borrowers concerns the size of the interest rate. It depends on various factors (amount, term, etc.). The huge benefit of this loan is that it can be managed. It is possible to pay for 1-2 semesters on your own. Do not bring a receipt to the bank and pay yourself! This amount will be deducted from the total debt.


This is a common service for transferring a loan from one bank to another, while providing profitable terms... You can transfer a loan to Pochta Bank from any other bank that does not belong to the VTB Group. The main thing is that this loan is not subject to penalties and is valid.

The new rate (in the Post Bank) is set only after studying the client's previous debt obligations. The latter can be offered 1 or 2 credits total amount up to 500 thousand. Applicants for refinancing must present their previous agreement and passport. The answer usually comes within 24 hours.

Bad credit history- the main obstacle to refinancing a loan through Post Bank. If you need more than indicated, the amount, the loan can be issued for two co-borrowers.

Additional services

In addition to the products described above, the following additional options are available to Post Bank customers:

  • Insurance for any program of the borrower's choice... The amount of compensation upon the occurrence of what is described in the contract insured event can be twice the size of the loan itself. This should be taken advantage of by retirees who often experience difficulties with their health. For the insured client in case of injury or illness, due to which a person cannot repay payments on time, no penalties are applied and the% rate does not increase.
  • Payment date offset... The borrower can postpone the date of his obligatory payment at any time (but not more than 15 days from the date appointed by the bank). The range is from the fourth to the 28th.
  • Auto payment... In this case, a specific date is assigned for the automatic debiting of the monthly payment. A loan representative will help you set up this option. Money is debited from credit cards of any third-party organizations.
  • Decrease in recurring payment... This is a one-time option (you can reduce the payment only once during the entire period). Available to everyone, including retirees. After a decrease in the payment, a recalculation takes place and the loan term is proportionally increased.

To connect one or several services, you need to contact a bank representative before making the next payment. If it is difficult to come to the office in person, you can call him (use the hotline phone).

Loan repayment

You can pay through ATMs, the Post Bank website or its partners. The most convenient way to pay a loan is through the page online payment Bank Post, from another card. Using personal account Internet bank, you can set up auto-repayment.

The addresses of the bank's partners through which money can be transferred to pay for the loan on the bank's website.

If a client agrees to take out insurance, his chances of getting a loan increase dramatically. After the loan is repaid, the paid borrower can get half of it again.

Preliminary loan calculation

Before applying, you can use and calculate the approximate amount of monthly payments and the payment schedule. In this case, the contributions are calculated taking into account the insurance.

Online loan application

For filing online applications for a loan, the bank provides 2 ways:

  • at the nearest service point.

Details on all loan programs

All details on credit programs of Post Bank at

If a person needs a consumer loan in cash, he can contact the Post Bank. The organization is distinguished by its loyal attitude towards the client and the presence of a whole range of bonuses. Borrowers of the company can apply for a loan only with a passport. If the client is considering the company as a potential lender, experts advise to carefully study up-to-date information on this topic. This will allow you to know in advance all the nuances of interaction with the company.


By contacting Post Bank, the client will be able to receive from 50,000 to 1,000,000 rubles in cash. The organization provides loans only in national currency RF. The amount of overpayment in the company is set individually, depending on the financial situation of the client. Minimum size the rate at the institution is 14.9%. The maximum amount of overpayment can reach 34.88% per annum. The funds must be returned to the lender in 1-5 years.

Important! If the client made a good faith repayment of the loan, Post Bank can recalculate at a reduced interest rate... The action is carried out within the framework of using the "Guaranteed Rate" service.

A number of bonuses are provided to reliable clients of Post Bank. One of them is the ability to use the service "Guaranteed rate"... To access it, you need to fulfill the following requirements:

  • repay a loan,
  • to prevent the occurrence of delays,
  • make at least 12 payments to close the debt.

If the organization's requirements are met, the loan rate will be reduced. The Post Bank transfers the difference between the payments made and the amount obtained as a result of settlements to the client's savings account after the loan is completely closed.

Important! A commission is charged for using the service. Its size depends on the amount of the overpayment initially set for the loan.

The client can calculate in advance the amount of money that he will have to return to close the obligations to the bank. This requires a calculator. To use the software, you need to visit official page companies on the Internet.

There is no charge for issuing and servicing a loan. With similar conditions, you can withdraw funds from ATMs. However, the statement is relevant only if equipment belonging to Post Bank or VTB 24 is used to perform the manipulation.

Conditions for granting loans at Post Bank
Amount available to receive 50,000-500,000 rubles 500,001-1,000,000 rubles
Capital return period 1-5 years old 1-5 years old
Overpayment amount From 19.9% 16,9%
The amount of the overpayment, which is set for the loan, after using the "Guaranteed Rate" service 16,9% 14,9%
Commission charged for using the "Guaranteed Rate" service 3,9% 1%

Client requirements

Not all applicants for receiving funds in cash can become customers of Post Bank. For an organization to agree to lend capital, the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • be at least 18 years of age,
  • have Russian citizenship,
  • have a permanent residence permit in any region of the Russian Federation,
  • have a mobile device for operational communication,
  • work for at least 3 months.

Additionally, you will need to prepare documents. It should be remembered that the requirement for seniority applies only to citizens who carry out labor activities. If a person does not work, he can also become a client of the organization, but the terms of cooperation with him will be more severe.

By analyzing the client's financial position, Post Bank determines maximum amount available for issuance of funds. The figure does not always coincide with credit limit organizations. The amount available for issuance can be increased. To do this, you will have to attract guarantors. Post Bank can ask to attract up to 2 people. Guarantors must also meet the requirements of the organization. If the specificity is not met, the organization can refuse the request to increase the available limit.

Required Documentation

To start cooperation with Post Bank, you will need to prepare a package of documentation. It is necessary to verify the client and assess his financial position. Unlike most large credit institutions, the firm is ready to issue a loan only with a passport. However, in this situation, the terms of cooperation will not be the most beneficial.

Important! If a person wants to start cooperation with a company on preferential terms, experts recommend preparing a complete package of documentation. Collecting it will take additional time, but it will significantly save you money.

The list of additional documentation in Post Bank directly depends on the status of the client and the tariff plan used. The averaged list is as follows:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  • TIN - for clients who carry out labor activities,
  • Pension certificate - for pensioners,
  • SNILS.

The loan is provided without certificates. However, their preparation during the collection of documentation will not be superfluous. Pensioners will need to bring a similar document from the FIU, which allows them to get an idea of ​​the amount of the pension.

Receiving procedure

An application must be submitted in order for the company to make a decision on granting a loan to a client. Unlike most large credit institutions, Post Bank provides customers with the opportunity to apply online. You can apply remotely by visiting the official website of the company (https://my.pochtabank.ru). The method allows you to significantly save time.

During the period of operation in the Post Bank, standard circuit getting money in debt. To get a cash loan, you need:

  1. Submit your application. You can perform the action by personally visiting the branch of the company or using the methods provided for remote access (APPLICATION FOR A CREDIT).
  2. Wait for the decision. The speed of getting a response depends on the chosen method. If a person decides to use the capabilities of the organization's official website, a preliminary decision on a cash loan will be made within 5-10 minutes after submitting an application. When submitting an application at the office, the client will have to wait a day.
  3. Find out the solution. When the answer is clear, company representatives will contact the applicant. The decision of the organization is communicated to the client via SMS. If the Post Bank has agreed to issue a consumer loan, the client must visit the branch of the company and complete the registration procedure.
  4. Get a consumer loan. The provided capital can be withdrawn at an ATM. A person accustomed to cashless payments, can pay for purchases by credit card.

It should be remembered that the borrower is not obliged to apply for a loan immediately after receiving a positive response. Bank approval is valid for 7 days. If the borrower does not have time to complete the registration in fixed time, you will have to reapply.

Additional services

There is a whole list of additional options in Post Bank. They are designed to simplify loan settlement. The client can connect the service "Auto-redemption"... To use it, you need a bank or credit card. Means of payment will be "tied" to the outstanding loan. When the due date comes, the due amount will be debited from the card and sent to repay the loan. Using this option minimizes the likelihood of delays. You will not have to visit the bank to settle the loan.

Post Bank allows customers to always be aware of the events taking place with their account. To exercise control over the loan, a person can install a free mobile app developed by employees of the organization. The company will inform the client about the approaching date of payment and the amount of the remaining debt. The application can be used regardless of the platform on which the client's mobile device is running. To do this, you need to install the appropriate version of the program.

If the client wants to clarify the schedule of loan payments, he can visit the branch of the organization. The company's specialists will provide information on the number of remaining payments and the time of their next payment.

Refinancing opportunity

If the person has outstanding loans in other financial institutions, he can transfer them to the Post Bank. The execution of the action will increase the profitability of the conditions. Using the service has the following advantages:

  • the option allows you to combine up to 4 loans into 1,
  • the amount of the payment that had to be made in another bank will be reduced,
  • the amount of overpayment on the loan will decrease,
  • using refinancing, you can not only repay an existing loan, but also get additional funds on loan,
  • all loan payments will be combined into 1, which will simplify the calculation of the undertaken obligations.

Post Bank is ready to allocate up to 1,000,000 rubles for refinancing.


To protect oneself from unforeseen circumstances, a person can use insurance services. Using the option, a person will face the following advantages:

  • the size of the company provided upon the occurrence of an insured event exceeds the amount of the loan by 2 times,
  • there is no reduction in the amount of coverage during the cooperation period,
  • some tariff plans include support for the client in the event of a job loss.

Loan repayment

Timely settlement is the main obligation that the client undertakes by signing an agreement for a cash loan at Post Bank. Payments are made in accordance with
established schedule. It is provided at the time of registration of the loan. You can find out the amount of the next payment and the date by which you need to deposit funds by contacting the company's branch.

Important! The credit institution may change the terms and conditions contained in the agreement, in unilaterally... However, manipulation can only be performed if the action does not entail a significant change. monetary obligations client.

To settle debt obligations, the client can use third-party and internal money transfer systems. Most of the methods involve a commission. You can avoid making it when transferring a payment using:

  • Post Bank ATMs,
  • transfer from cards of other organizations through a mobile application,
  • transfer from cards of other banks using the official website of the company.

A person can use another way. To clarify complete list, you need to contact a representative of the organization or contact the customer support staff.

Sanctions for non-compliance with the terms of the contract

By signing loan agreement, the client undertakes to make cash in time. Delay in payments is fraught with penalties. If the borrower did not have time to deposit the money on time, the company charges a forfeit. Its size is 20% of the amount of delay. The collection is included in the payment that was not paid on time. To close the delay and return to the standard schedule, the person must pay the due amount along with the fine.

If the client has not settled within 60 days, the bank has the right to send the client a final request with a request to repay the debt in full. A minimum of 30 days is given to fulfill the requirement. If the term has expired, and the client has not taken any action to pay off the debt, the contract is considered terminated. In this case, the client will have to close the remaining debt to the bank.

In Pochta Bank, interest on loans is set on the basis of internal rules, so the rate is determined on a case-by-case basis. But we know the ranges of values ​​and dependence on the terms of the tariff. How can an individual get a favorable interest on a Post Bank loan in 2019?

How Post Bank sets loan rates: loan conditions

Traditionally, the percentage that is assigned to an individual when applying for a consumer loan is calculated based on the results of an automatic check.

It is difficult to derive an unambiguous dependence for today, because the algorithms contain economic variables, which it makes no sense for a common man to get acquainted with - you still cannot guess which rate the bank will approve.

But some patterns in user reviews and real borrowers can be determined:

The interest on a cash loan of Post Bank in 2019 depends on:

Credit conditions:

  • The selected program;
  • Term - the longer it is, the lower the percentage is possible;
  • Credit limit - banks are more willing to give lower rates for impressive amounts;
  • Insurance - an indicator of risk in scoring and calculating the real rate is very important, therefore, having insurance helps to reduce the interest rate and often save a little, even with a commission for an insurance policy;
  • Connected options - for example, you can get a flat rate for the entire period and return part of the money paid by purchasing an additional service (see below for how it works).
Borrower personalities:
  • Credit history - the worse it is, the less confidence on the part of the bank, the higher the risk and overpayment. Poor performance will lead to failure.
  • Solvency - when deciding at what percentage and how much to give to the borrower, Post Bank necessarily assesses the risk of non-repayment of the amount, and no matter how paradoxical it sounds, the lower the solvency, the higher the percentage.
  • Status - a salary client, an employee of a partner company, a pensioner, a regular user with deposits, savings accounts - all these categories of individuals enjoy great trust and privileges when setting an interest rate in 2019 at Post Bank.

Today, when applying for a loan, it is important to know about its two parameters:

  • Full cost, which includes all commissions for the conclusion and execution of the contract. This figure estimates the cost of the loan not only at the interest rate, but taking into account other payments of the borrower, fixed by the agreement.

Post Bank range full cost consumer credit cash ranges from 13.9 to 23.9% per annum.

  • Overpayment calculation principle. Currently, credit conditions are arranged according to the annuity principle - this is how the percentage is calculated on the Post Bank calculator.

With a simple example:

As you can see, the real overpayment on the cash loan was not 17,900 rubles (i.e. 17.9%), but only 10,092 - i.e. 10%. This happens because interest is not charged on the entire amount at once, but on its balance every month, which, if repaid in good faith, reduces the calculation base.

At what percentage does Post Bank give a consumer loan

In 2019, the rates for cash loans at standard rates are distributed as follows.

Base interest - from 12.9 to 23.9%:

Consumer loan preferential rates - from 12.9 to 20.9%:

The difference between preferential and basic rates is small - from 1 to 3%.

For education

The percentage of Post Bank's consumer loan for training in 2019 is fixed - 9.9% per annum.

The peculiarity of this loan is that during training, you first of all pay only for the use of money, and you pay off the main debt after the full payment of the accrued interest, so the amount of the monthly payment will be minimal.

There is an additional account management fee for an education loan:

For pensioners

A special loan project with a small credit limit called Preferential has been developed for retirees.

The conditions are somewhat different from the generally accepted ones:

  • The limit is less: from 20 to 200 thousand rubles.
  • The period is shorter: from 1 year to 3 years;
  • There is a minimum of documents for registration: a pensioner's certificate and a passport. You need to have the SNILS number with you. If the applicant is employed, the employer's TIN will be required.

The trick of this program is that Post Bank gives loans to pensioners at a low interest rate only if they use the special rates of the Savings Account (in other words, they receive their pension or salary through the bank).

The range of rates for today is from 16.9 to 23.9% per annum:

Perhaps it will be more profitable for ordinary pensioners to use the First Postal tariff (see above).

to corporative clients

In 2019 interest in Post Bank individuals who work in partner companies are assigned according to the Business tariff plan.

He, in turn, like the classic Postal, is divided into two categories of rates:

Base interest for today from 12.9 to 23.9% per annum:

Percentage for preferential categories- from 11.9 to 20.9% per annum:


Consumer and car loans are accepted for participation in the project. The following requirements are put forward for them:

  • No current delays;
  • In the last six months, payments were made on time;
  • The loan term exceeds 6 months;
  • More than 3 months are left until the end of payments;
  • Not obtained from VTB.

Today the interest on the refinancing program looks like this:

Pensioners can only count on 16.9 or 19.9% ​​- in this case, the preferential rate rule does not apply to them. The amount is limited to 200,000 rubles, the term is 3 years.

How to reduce the interest on a loan Post Bank

Improving lending conditions in 2019 and reducing real overpayments are capable of Additional services jar.


Getting a low percentage will help you get the maximum protection insurance. The policy covers the risks:

  • Disability due to an accident;
  • Of death.

Separate insurance program The new maximum, in addition to the above, also includes the risk of job loss. The insurer is VTB-Insurance.

If there is security, the borrower or his relatives are exempt from mandatory payments under unforeseen circumstances. In this case, the remaining part of the insurance after repayment is permissible to get your hands on. The maximum coverage amount may even exceed the outstanding loan amount. The established value does not change as the loan is paid, but remains until the end of the agreement.

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