
Social apartment in Belarus. Eviction from social housing. Legal eviction from social housing

Separate housing for many of our fellow citizens is the main material value.

However, as difficult as it is to get, it is just as easy to lose.

We are talking about state housing stock apartments. The most tragic is the situation when a person who has neither relatives nor friends is at risk of being left without a roof over his head, and the reason for such a turn of fate is not at all some deliberately committed malicious violation of housing legislation.

Nikolai (name changed) is an orphan. And therefore, he is entitled to an apartment with the status of "residential premises for social use of the state housing stock", which is provided free of charge. In August 2008, a young man born in 1981, having concluded a contract of employment, settled in a odnushka on the street. Lesia Ukrainka in the Central District of the capital. It was a real gift: a fairly new (built in 2000) monolithic column house, an apartment at the very top (20th floor), with a loggia, with a total area of ​​39.3 sq. m.

It would seem, live and rejoice. Just do not forget to comply with the obligations of the employer and other conditions prescribed in the contract. The latter, in particular, consist in the fact that the provided residential premises are not subject to delivery under a sublease agreement. That is, tenants are not allowed. Nikolai violated this clause of the contract. And he was under threat of eviction. And not just anywhere, but on the street. The situation is rather confusing. But we tried to figure it out.

Let's turn to the documents. As it turned out, Nikolai himself admitted to the violation. In an explanatory note addressed to the head of administration Central region(dated April 4, 2014), he indicated that he really rented an apartment to a certain Semyon (name changed) for about 2 months for a fee ($250 per month). And soon I received a warning from RSC-2 ZhREO of the Central District (dated April 26). In particular, it says that the inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus for the city of Minsk established the fact of renting this living quarters. In connection with this violation, the tenant lost the right to the apartment, and he was asked to vacate it before May 5. If the employer does not do this, the warning says, then the court of the Central District of Minsk will statement of claim on eviction without providing other accommodation in accordance with article 144, paragraphs 1, 2 Housing Code(LCD).

To quote this part of the document: “Article 114

1. The basis for granting the right to own and use residential premises for social use is a contract for the lease of residential premises for social use of the state housing stock. A contract for the lease of social housing premises of the state housing stock is concluded with a citizen who has the right to receive such housing premises, on the basis of a decision of the relevant body to provide this citizen with social housing premises.

2. The contract for renting a residential area for social use of the state housing stock states that the residential area provided to a citizen is a residential area for social use and is not subject to exclusion from the composition of residential premises for social use, as well as privatization, exchange, division and provision under a sublease agreement.

It turns out that on the basis of this article of the code, which contains the two above paragraphs, it was decided to send a warning to the tenant Nikolai about the release of the apartment. It is noteworthy that the housing legislation - and this was confirmed by the ZhREO of the Central District - does not define the procedure for actions in a situation where the violation consists in renting a social apartment, no step by step instructions what action to take against the violator. Nothing is said about this in article 91 of the LCD "Eviction from social housing." There is no mention of the threatening severe liability in the contract of employment.

Thus, Nikolai did not receive any official warnings regarding the fact of renting out an apartment, explanations of what this could turn out to be, they did not even draw up an administrative protocol for the offense committed against him. They immediately asked to leave the house.

However, penalties nevertheless followed, only through the tax line. According to the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Belarus for the Central District, Nikolai needs to pay a tax for renting an apartment in the amount of about 200,000 rubles (including a constantly accruing fine) plus a fine of 65,000 rubles.

We are talking with Natalia Lazdovskaya, Deputy Director for Ideological Work of the ZhREO of the Central District, and Irina Mikhaleva, Head of the RCC No. 2 subordinate association. Experts say that the guilty employer is humanly sorry. However, they act according to the law. It is unlikely that Nikolai reacted to the warning and is going to vacate the apartment. Therefore, a lawsuit is being prepared for eviction in court.

I suggest that the interlocutors visit the violating orphan at home together, see how he lives, and chat. Still, the situation is extraordinary, to cut off the shoulder. Phoned the young man, informed about the visit.

The next morning, our small group was at the handsome house. Around cleanliness and order, at the entrance meets the concierge. We take the elevator to the top floor. A short young man opens the door to the doorbell. Neatly dressed, no signs of alcohol abuse on his face. The apartment is modest, but it is clear that a good repair has recently been made. Later, the employer himself noted this: he laid a laminate, installed new double-glazed windows, re-pasted the wallpaper. From the interior of the room, I remember several icons on the wall. Payment arrears for public Utilities no.

Nikolai is very tense, anxious and even scared. Offers to sit down, a conversation is fastened. And the further you go, the more you understand that a man, a graduate of an orphanage, at the age of 33, as psychologists say, is not quite adapted to society. There is naivete, lack of assembly ...

He expresses his point of view somewhat confusedly on what happened. Briefly, it is as follows.

Nikolai has a permanent job (orderly), at the same time he serves in the church (sexton). Sometimes he goes to Russia on church affairs. During one of these trips, he rented out housing to his friend Semyon. But not for the purpose of profit, but for a completely different reason - during departures, one of the neighbors repeatedly and for unknown reasons opened the door and entered the apartment young man. He turned to the police and even, on the advice of law enforcement officers, subsequently installed a burglar alarm. Semyon lived in the apartment for about two months and, upon Nikolai's return, did not want to leave. I had to kick him out. And in retaliation, the former subtenant informed the district authorities about the illegal renting of housing to him ...

This fact was confirmed and became the starting point for the measures taken against Nicholas.

The visit to the violator and the sad story told by him changed the position of the representatives of the ZhREO and the RCC. It was decided to postpone filing a lawsuit in court. At the same time, the man was reminded that he must pay the amount of tax for renting an apartment and a fine, which he promised to do without delay.

A little later the head of the department housing policy The administration of the Central District, Anastasia Sobiray, confirmed: the tenant of social housing will be given a strict warning, his apartment will be taken under control, and if such a violation occurs again, a lawsuit will be filed for eviction.


In accordance with paragraphs 83,84,85 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of improvement living conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues legal regulation housing relations” the administration of the Savetsky district of Minsk informs that the distribution for district waiting lists (general accounting category) there are residential premises for commercial use of the state housing stock:
(new house- Central District)
apartment number Number of rooms Floor Square Usage fee

in Belarusian rubles
General Residential
73 1 room 9 35,90 16,90 183,09
58 2 rooms 5 54,60 30,30 278,46
40 3 rooms 10 76,20 42,50 388,62

Citizens' applications for the provision of residential premises are accepted by the "one window" service of the administration of the Savetsky district of Minsk (8 Doroshevicha St., tel. 331-74-74)

After the expiration of the specified period, the district administration will consider the applications received and provide residential premises for commercial use to citizens who are registered in need of improved housing conditions. in this administration, in order of priority based on the date of their registration in need of better housing conditions, with deregistration.

In the absence of applications from citizens who are registered in need of better housing conditions in this administration, residential premises for commercial use will be provided to citizens who are not registered with this administration in the manner prescribed by law.

Note: 1-room apartment is provided for a family of 1 or more people, 2-room apartment - for a family of 2 or more people (except spouses), 3-room apartment - 4 or more people.


In accordance with paragraphs 2,3,5,6,7 of part 1 of clause 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 12/16/2013 No. 563 " On some issues of legal regulation of housing relations ", the administration of the Savetsky district of Minsk reports that the distribution for citizens due to the nature of labor (service) relations who do not own residential premises (shares in the right common property for residential premises) and (or) in possession and use of residential premises in the city of Minsk and the Minsk region by the family members of the citizen indicated in the application, from among:




. scientists, teaching staff of institutions of higher education, employees of cultural organizations;

house number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelki(new house - Central District)
apartment number Number of rooms Floor Square Usage fee
(excluding payment for housing and communal services)
in Belarusian rubles
General Residential
65 1 room 7 35,9 16,9 20 sq. meters per person x 0.2 base value
x 1.0 coefficient of the economic planning zone of the city of Minsk
x 0.2 reduction factor + meters above the specified limit
x 0.2 base value x 1.0
64 2 rooms 7 55,90 31,90

Please note that applications for the provision of these residential premises are accepted only with the simultaneous submission of an individual application of the organization with information on the duration of the employment contract from the head of the organization.

The absence of citizens in the possession and use of residential premises means the absence of residential premises occupied by these citizens:

. under contracts for renting residential premises of the state housing stock;

Applications are accepted by the “one window” service of the administration of the Savetsky district of Minsk (Doroshevicha street, 8, tel. 331-74-74) April 15, 2019 to April 29, 2019 inclusive (to have a passport with you (a copy of the page with information on registration at the place of residence), an application, a copy of the job referral, a certificate of lack of rights to objects real estate(can be ordered at the time of application)).

Note: 1-room apartment is provided for a family of 1 or more people, 2-room apartment - for a family of 2 or more people (except for spouses)

  • Administration of the Leninsky district of Minsk

    Availability of residential premises for commercial use
    state housing stock in the Leninsky district of Minsk for the general category of accounting

    1. one-room apartment No. 212a with a total area of ​​32.6 sq.m. in a residential building number 28 on the street. Yakubov, located on the 1st floor. The amount of the payment for use is (0.2 base unit x 1 coefficient x 32.6 sq.m) approximately 166 rubles per month (excluding fees for housing and communal services).
    2. one-room apartment No. 239a with a total area of ​​38.6 sq.m. in residential building No. 54, building No. 1 on Rokossovsky Ave., located on the 1st floor. The amount of the payment for use is (0.2 base unit x 1 coefficient x 38.6 sq.m) approximately 197 rubles per month (excluding fees for housing and communal services).
    3. two-room apartment No. 50 with a total area of ​​55 sq.m. in a residential building number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelki, located on the 3rd floor. The amount of the payment for use is (0.2 base unit x 1 coefficient x 55 sq.m) approximately 281 rubles per month (excluding fees for housing and communal services).
    4. two-room apartment No. 37 with a total area of ​​56.1 sq.m. in a residential building number 11 on the street. Peacocks of Medelka, located on the 10th floor. The amount of the payment for use is (0.2 base unit x 1 coefficient x 56.1 sq.m) approximately 286 rubles per month (excluding fees for housing and communal services).
    5. three bedroom apartment No. 51 with a total area of ​​75.8 sq.m. in a residential building number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelki, located on the 3rd floor. The amount of the user fee is (0.2 base unit x 1 coefficient x 75.8 sq.m) approximately 387 rubles per month (excluding fees for housing and communal services).
    6. three-room apartment No. 32 with a total area of ​​76 sq.m. in a residential building number 11 on the street. Peacocks of Medelka, located on the 8th floor. The amount of the payment for use is (0.2 base unit x 1 coefficient x 76 sq.m) approximately 388 rubles per month (excluding fees for housing and communal services).
    from April 15, 2019 to April 29, 2019 inclusive .

    Residential premises for commercial use are provided with deregistration of those in need of improved housing conditions ranging from 15 to 20 sq. meters per person .

    After the expiration of the specified period, the district administration will consider the applications received and provide residential premises for commercial use to citizens who are registered in need of improved housing conditions in the administration of the Leninsky district of Minsk, in order of priority based on the date they were registered in need of improved housing conditions.

    In the absence of applications from citizens who are registered in need of better housing conditions in the administration of the Leninsky district of Minsk, residential premises for commercial use are provided to citizens who are registered in need of better housing conditions in the administrations of other districts and are not registered in such a register, in order of priority receipt of applications.

    Maintaining a separate list of citizens wishing to receive residential premises for the commercial use of the state housing stock is not provided for by law.

    In accordance with paragraphs 2,3,5,6,7 of part 1 of clause 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 12/16/2013 No. 563 " On some issues of legal regulation of housing relations, the administration of the Leninsky district of Minsk informs that in the distribution for citizens, due to the nature of labor (service) relations, who do not own residential premises (shares in the right of common ownership of residential premises) and (or ) in possession and use in the city of Minsk at the place of work (service) having the right to priority provision of residential premises for commercial use from among:

    Judges, prosecutors, as well as civil servants according to the list of positions that give the right to receive residential premises for commercial use, determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus;

    Young workers (employees), specialists who have received education at the expense of the republican and (or) local budgets who arrived by distribution, sent to work in accordance with an agreement on targeted training of a specialist (worker, employee);

    Employees upon appointment to a position in case of their relocation from another locality provided that there is no equivalent replacement from among the workers in this locality to fill a vacancy;

    Persons sent to work in an organization in accordance with an agreement on the training of a highly qualified scientific worker at the expense of the republican budget or an agreement on the training of a highly qualified scientific worker on a paid basis, scientists, as well as the teaching staff of higher education institutions and workers of cultural organizations;

    There are residential premises for commercial use of the state housing stock:

    The amount of rent for the use of this apartment will be made according to the following formula: total area x 0.2 x 25.5 (base value) x 1 (coefficient of the economic planning zone of Minsk) x 0.2 (reducing factor).

    Wherein from 01.03.2016 in a relationship rental apartments provided to citizens due to the nature labor relations, a reduction factor is applied only within 20 sq. meters of living space per person( with the exception of one-room apartments, in which the reduction factor is applied in full ) , excess - without the application of a reduction factor.

    Citizens' applications for the provision of housing are accepted by the One Window service of the district administration (Mayakovskogo St., 83) from April 16, 2019 to April 30, 2019 inclusive.

    You must have a passport with you (a copy of the page with information on registration at the place of residence) and an application with information on the duration of the employment contract from the head of the state body (organization).

    As members, former members of the family of the owner of a dwelling, a tenant of a dwelling of a state housing stock, a citizen who is a member of an organization of developers, and who has the right to own and use a dwelling on an equal basis with the owner of a dwelling, the tenant of a dwelling, a citizen who is a member of an organization of developers;

    Under an agreement providing for the transfer to the shareholder for the possession and use of an object shared construction concluded in accordance with the law.

    Please note that an application for the provision of these residential premises is accepted only with the simultaneous submission of an individual application of a state body (organization) with information on the duration of the employment contract from the head of the organization (in the form approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1297 of 12/31/2014).

  • Administration of the Central District of Minsk

    Information about residential premises for commercial use

    In accordance with paragraphs 83 - 85 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563, the administration of the Central District of Minsk informs that on The area has the following residential premises for commercial use for district waiting list :
    1. one-room apartment No. 61 with an area of ​​39.40 / 16.70 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Pavliny Medelki (a comfortable apartment, located on the 6th floor). Calculation of payment for the use of residential premises approximately (excluding payment for housing and communal services) is calculated as follows: total area 39.40 sq. meters x 0.2 of the base value (5.1 rubles) x 1.0 (coefficient of the economic planning zone of Minsk) = 200.94 rubles;
    2. two-room apartment No. 41 with an area of ​​59.90/32.00 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Pavliny Medelki (a comfortable apartment, located on the 1st floor). Calculation of payment for the use of residential premises approximately (excluding payment for housing and communal services) is calculated as follows: total area 59.90 sq. meters x 0.2 of the base value (5.1 rubles) x 1.0 (coefficient of the economic planning zone of Minsk) = 305.49 rubles.
    Citizens' applications for the provision of the specified premises by the One Window service of the district administration (Melnikayte st., 6) are accepted to April 29, 2019. inclusive (have your passport with you).

    After the expiration of the specified period, the district administration will consider the applications received and provide residential premises for commercial use to citizens who are registered in need of improved housing conditions. in this administration, in order of priority based on the date of their registration in need of better housing conditions, with removal from the named register.

    In the absence of applications from citizens who are registered in need of better housing conditions in this administration, residential premises for commercial use will be provided to citizens who are not registered with this administration in the manner prescribed by law.

    Information about residential premises for commercial use,
    provided to citizens in connection with the nature of labor (service) relations

    In accordance with paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 of part 1 of clause 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 " On some issues of legal regulation of housing relations”, the administration of the Central District of Minsk informs that the distribution for citizens entitled to priority provision of residential premises for commercial use (with the exception of government organizations which provide for military service) due to the nature of labor (service) relations, who do not own residential premises (shares in the common ownership of residential premises) and (or) in possession and use, with the exception of residential premises occupied by citizens according to contracts for renting residential premises in a hostel, in the locality at the place of work (service) (when exercising the priority right to provide residential premises for the commercial use of communal housing stock in Minsk - in the city of Minsk and the Minsk region), there is residential premises for commercial use:

    One-room apartment No. 69 with an area of ​​39.40 / 16.90 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Pavliny Medelki (a comfortable apartment, located on the 8th floor).

    The absence of citizens in the possession and use of residential premises means the absence of residential premises occupied by these citizens:

    Under contracts for renting residential premises of the state housing stock;

    As members, former members of the family of the owner of a dwelling, a tenant of a dwelling of a state housing stock, a citizen who is a member of an organization of developers, and who has the right to own and use a dwelling on an equal basis with the owner of a dwelling, the tenant of a dwelling, a citizen who is a member of an organization of developers;

    Under an agreement providing for the transfer to a shareholder in the possession and use of an object of shared construction, concluded in accordance with the law.

    Citizens' applications for the provision of residential premises for commercial use are accepted together with an individual application of the established form by the "One Window" service of the district administration (Melnikayte st., 6) to April 29, 2019. inclusive.

    which provide for military service (State Committee forensic examinations The Republic of Belarus)

    1. two-room apartment No. 27 with an area of ​​54.80 / 30.30 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelka in Minsk

    Information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use (Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus)

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of clause 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations”, and also in accordance with paragraphs 10.3 and 15 of the Regulations on the procedure for providing residential premises for commercial use, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2014 No. 1297, the administration of the Central District of Minsk provides information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use, there is the following residential premises :
    1. one-room apartment No. 45 with an area of ​​35.50 / 16.90 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelka in Minsk(the apartment is well-appointed, located on the 2nd floor).
    This apartment is provided to citizens, in in due course taking into account a separate city-wide list of individuals of the rank and file and commanding staff of the Investigative Committee, formed by the district administrations of Minsk on the basis of individual petitions of the structural units of the Investigative Committee.

    Application for the provision of the specified residential premises by the “One Window” service of the district administration (Melnikayte st., 6) accepted until May 02, 2019. inclusive

    Information about the availability of residential premises for commercial use for government agencies and organizations
    which provide for military service (Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus)

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of paragraph 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations”, p 15 of the Regulations on the procedure for providing residential premises for commercial use, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2014 No. 1297, the administration of the Central District of Minsk provides information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use for state bodies and organizations that provide for military service, has the following accommodation:
    1. one-room apartment No. 30 with an area of ​​35.80 / 16.80 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelka in Minsk(the apartment is comfortable, located on the 8th floor).
    This apartment is provided to citizens who have first right for the provision of such living quarters at the individual request of state bodies and organizations in which military service is provided, and to which the said living quarters were distributed in the prescribed manner.

    Application for the provision of the specified residential premises by the “One Window” service of the district administration (Melnikayte st., 6) accepted until May 02, 2019. inclusive. Bring your passport (copy of the page with information about registration at the place of residence) and an individual application signed by an authorized person.

    Information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use for government agencies and organizations,
    which provide for military service (for the financial investigation bodies of the Committee state control The Republic of Belarus)

    In accordance with paragraph 4, clause 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations”, as well as in accordance with clause 10.3 and clause 15 of the Regulations on the procedure for providing residential premises for commercial use, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2014 No. 1297, the administration of the Central District of Minsk provides information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use for state bodies and organizations that provide for military service (financial investigation bodies), there are the following residential premises:
    1. two-room apartment No. 25 with an area of ​​56.40/32.00 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelka in Minsk(the apartment is comfortable, located on the 7th floor).
    The provision of this apartment will be carried out by the administration in accordance with the established procedure, taking into account a separate citywide list of military personnel of the financial investigation bodies of the State Control Committee, formed by the district administrations of Minsk on the basis of individual petitions of the financial investigation bodies.

    Application for the provision of the specified residential premises by the “One Window” service of the district administration (Melnikaite St., 6) Have a passport with you (a copy of the page with information on registration at the place of residence).

    Information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus)

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of clause 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations”, and also in accordance with clauses 10.3 and 15 of the Regulations on the procedure for providing residential premises for commercial use, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2014 No. 1297, the administration of the Central District of Minsk provides information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use, including for senior district police inspectors and district police inspectors of internal affairs bodies, there is the following living quarters:
    1. two-room apartment No. 3 with an area of ​​54.80 / 30.50 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelka in Minsk(the apartment is well-appointed, located on the 1st floor).
    This apartment is provided to citizens, in accordance with the established procedure, taking into account a separate city-wide list of senior district police inspectors and district police inspectors of the internal affairs bodies, formed by the district administrations of Minsk on the basis of individual petitions of the internal affairs bodies.

    Application for the provision of the specified residential premises by the “One Window” service of the district administration (Melnikayte st., 6) accepted until May 02, 2019. inclusive. Bring your passport with you (a copy of the page with information about registration at the place of residence).

    Information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use for government agencies and organizations,
    which provide for military service (Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus)

    In accordance with paragraph 4 of paragraph 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations”, p 15 of the Regulations on the procedure for providing residential premises for commercial use, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2014 No. 1297, the administration of the Central District of Minsk provides information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use for state bodies and organizations that provide for military service, has the following accommodation:
    1. two-room apartment No. 23 with an area of ​​54.90 / 30.40 sq. meters in the house number 11 on the street. Peacocks Medelka in Minsk(the apartment is comfortable, located on the 6th floor).
    This apartment is provided to citizens who have the priority right to provide such living quarters at the individual request of state bodies and organizations in which military service is provided, and to whom the said living quarters were distributed in the prescribed manner.

    Application for the provision of the specified residential premises by the “One Window” service of the district administration (Melnikayte st., 6) accepted until May 02, 2019. inclusive. Bring your passport (copy of the page with information about registration at the place of residence) and an individual application signed by an authorized person.

  • Administration of the Moskovsky district of Minsk

    on residential premises for commercial use of state housing stock

    In pursuance of paragraphs 83-85 of the Regulation on accounting for those in need of improved housing conditions and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations”, the administration of the Moskovsky district of Minsk informs that for the waiting list of the district there are the following residential premises for commercial use (for the general accounting category) public housing stock located at:
    Number of rooms Area (sq.m.)
    1 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 57 (5th floor) studio apartment 39,7/16,9 202 rub. 47 kop.
    2 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 31 (8th floor) two-roomed flat 58,4/30,3 297 rub. 84 kop.
    3 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 19 (5th floor) two-roomed flat 58,5/30,4 298 rub. 35 kop.
    4 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 29 (8th floor) two-roomed flat 59,5/31,9 303 rub. 45 kop.
    5 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 4 (1st floor) three bedroom apartment 81,2/42,4 414 rub. 12 kop.
    6 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 8 (2nd floor) three bedroom apartment 81,5/42,6 415 rub. 65 kop.

    from 04/16/2019 to 04/30/2019 inclusive (have a passport with you).

    After the specified period, the district administration will consider the applications received and provide residential premises for commercial use to citizens registered in need of better housing conditions, in order of priority, based on the date of registration of those in need of better housing conditions.

    In the absence of applications from citizens who are registered as in need of better housing conditions, residential premises for commercial use will be provided to citizens who are not registered in such a register, in the order in which applications are received.

    In addition, we inform you that in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations”, the provision of residential premises for commercial use to citizens after April 1, 2014 is carried out with deregistration of those in need of improved housing conditions.

    Commercial Residential Information
    state housing stock provided to citizens in connection with the nature of labor (service) relations.

    In accordance with paragraphs 2,3,5,6,7 of part 1 of clause 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 12/16/2013 No. 563 " On some issues of legal regulation of housing relations”, for citizens who have the right to priority provision of residential premises for commercial use(with the exception of state organizations that provide for military service) due to the nature of labor (service) relations that do not own residential premises (shares in the common ownership of residential premises) and (or) in possession and use in the city of Minsk according to place of work (service), there is a residential premises for commercial use of the state housing stock, located at:
    p/p Residential address (floor) Characteristics of the dwelling indicative
    Number of rooms Area (sq.m.)
    1 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 38 (10th floor) studio apartment 39/16,7 39 rub. 78 kop.
    2 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 33 (9th floor) two-roomed flat 59,8/32 60 rub. 99 kop.
    3 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 28 (7th floor) three bedroom apartment 81,5/42,6 83 rub. 13 kop.

    Citizens' applications for the provision of these residential premises are accepted by the One Window service of the administration of the Moskovsky District (10 Dzerzhinsky Ave., rooms 439, 440) from 04/16/2019 to 04/30/2019 inclusive (have a passport with you).

    From 03/01/2016, in relation to rental apartments provided to citizens due to the nature of labor relations, the reduction factor is applied only within 20 sq. meters of the total living area per person (with the exception of one-room apartments, in which the reduction factor is applied in full), excess - without the application of the reduction factor. Two-room apartments can be provided to citizens with a family of 2 (except spouses) or more people. Three-room apartments - for a family of 4 or more people.

    Please note that applications for the provision of housing are accepted only with the simultaneous submission of an individual application with information on the duration of the employment contract from the head of the organization.

  • Administration of the Oktyabrsky district of Minsk

    In accordance with paragraphs. 83 - 85 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of improved housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 12/16/2013 No. 563 "On some issues of legal regulation of housing relations" it is reported that for waiting lists of the district administration are allocated the following residential premises for commercial use of the public housing stock:
    st. Pavliny Medelki, 11

    Number of rooms Square Usage fee
    (excluding payment for housing and communal services) in Belarusian rubles
    General Residential
    43 2 rooms 54,80 30,40 279,48
    62 2 rooms 55,10 30,40 281,01
    79 3 rooms 76,30 42,40 389,13

    Advantage in the distribution of apartments:
    -an earlier date of registration of those in need of better housing conditions in the district administration and family members

    Residential premises for commercial use are provided with deregistration for those in need within the range of 15 to 20 sq. m per person.

    Citizens' applications for the provision of housing are accepted by the "One Window" service of the administration of the Oktyabrsky district of Minsk (Chkalova st., 6) inclusive (have a passport with you).

    Information on residential premises for commercial use,
    provided to citizens in connection with the nature of labor (service) relations

    In accordance with paragraph 77 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. district of Minsk informs that, due to the nature of labor (service) relations, at the distribution for citizens, at the request of state bodies and state organizations (with the exception of organizations that provide for military service) that do not own residential premises (shares in the right of common ownership of residential premises) and (or) in possession and use, with the exception of residential premises occupied by citizens under contracts for renting residential premises in a hostel in the city of Minsk at the place of work (service) from among:

    . judges, prosecutors, as well as civil servants according to the list of positions that give the right to receive residential premises for commercial use, determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus;

    . young workers (employees), specialists who have received education at the expense of the republican and (or) local budgets, arrived by distribution, sent to work in accordance with an agreement on targeted training of a specialist (worker, employee);

    . employees upon appointment to a position in the event of their moving from another locality, provided that there is no equivalent replacement from among the employees in this locality to fill a vacancy;

    . persons sent to work in an organization in accordance with an agreement on the training of a highly qualified scientific worker at the expense of the republican budget or an agreement on the training of a highly qualified scientific worker on a paid basis, scientists, as well as the teaching staff of institutions of higher education and workers of cultural organizations;

    Coaches, sports teachers of specialized educational sports institutions, secondary schools of the Olympic reserve;

    Coach of the national teams of the Republic of Belarus in sports of the Olympic training centers;

    there is a dwelling for commercial use of the state housing stock:

    Applications are accepted by the “One Window” service of the administration of the Oktyabrsky district of Minsk (Chkalova st., 6) April 16, 2019 to April 30, 2019

    Please note that applications for the provision of housing are accepted with the simultaneous submission of individual applications from state bodies or other organizations to which these specialists are assigned, sent to work with information on the terms of the employment contract from the head of the state body, another organization located in the city of Minsk. Minsk (application form approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2014 No. 1297)

    The following documents are attached to the individual application:

    Information about the living quarters occupied in this locality and the composition of the family (if registering outside Minsk, a copy of the passport);

    Certificates of the residential premises owned by the citizen and his family members in the locality at the place of work (service) (can be ordered when submitting an application in the One Window service);

    Copies of the document on education, job referral and employment contract (contract);

    A copy of the employment agreement (contract) and justification of the reasons that led to the appointment of an employee from another locality (for employees upon appointment to a position in the event of their moving from another locality, provided that there is no equivalent replacement from among the employees in this locality to fill a vacancy);

    Copies of documents must be certified officials state bodies and other organizations making individual petitions.

    Note: the district administration will consider applications for the provision of 2 room apartment for a family of 3 or mom (dad) + child.

  • Administration of the Frunzensky district of Minsk


    In pursuance of paragraphs 82, 84, 85, 86 of the Regulation on accounting for those in need of improved housing conditions and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. district of Minsk informs that for district waiting list there are the following residential premises for commercial use of the state housing stock located at the following addresses:
    No. p / p The address Number of rooms Square Floor User fee (excluding utility bills), Bel. rub.
    general residential
    1. st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 2 1 35,60 16,70 1 181,56
    2. st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 7 2 54,70 30,40 2 278,97
    3. st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. eleven 2 55,00 30,60 3 280,50
    4. st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. one 2 56,20 31,90 1 286,62
    5. st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 9 2 56,20 31,80 2 286,62
    6. st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 5 2 56,40 32,00 5 287,64
    7. st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. sixteen 3 76,10 42,40 4 388,11
    8. st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 12 3 76,50 42,50 3 390,12
    9. st. Timoshenko, 38, apt. 186 2 57,50 35,6 4 293,25
    10. st. Timoshenko, 38, apt. 230 1 39,40 17,8 4 200,94

    Citizens’ applications for the provision of a specific living space are accepted by the “one-stop shop” service of the district administration (Kalvariyskaya St., 39 and Nemanskaya St., 22) from April 17, 2019 to May 1, 2019 inclusive (have a passport with you).

    After the expiration of the specified period, the district administration will consider the applications received and provide residential premises for commercial use to citizens who are registered in need of improved housing conditions, in order of priority, based on the date they were registered.

    In the absence of applications from citizens who are registered as in need of better housing conditions, residential premises for commercial use will be provided to citizens who are not registered in this way, in the order in which applications are received.

    In addition, we inform you that in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations”, the provision of residential premises for commercial use to citizens after April 1, 2014 is carried out with deregistration of those in need of improved housing conditions.

    In accordance with paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 7 of clause 77 of the Regulation on accounting for those in need of improved housing conditions and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations » The administration of the Frunzensky district of Minsk informs that for judges, prosecutors, young professionals appointed from another locality and category of citizens determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in agreement with the President of the Republic of Belarus, there are the following residential premises for the commercial use of state housing stock, located on addresses:

    • from vacated housing stock (re-occupancy) and new housing stock
    The address Number of rooms Area (sq.m.) Floor User fee (excluding utility bills), BYR
    general residential
    1 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 14 1 35,70 16,8 4 36,41
    2 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 6 1 35,80 16,90 2 36,52
    3 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. 15 2 54,60 30,30 4 55,70
    4 st. P. Medelki, 11, apt. thirteen 2 56,10 31,90 4 57,22
    5 st. Timoshenko, 38, apt. 227 1 39,6 17,8 3 40,39

    Statements from citizens: judges and prosecutors- on the basis of separate lists of judges and prosecutors, formed by local executive and administrative bodies, no later than six months after their appointment to a position, young workers (employees), specialists, employees upon appointment in case they move from another locality and category citizens determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in agreement with the President of the Republic of Belarus on the provision of a specific residential premises are accepted by the “one-stop shop” service of the district administration at the place where the lists of these categories of citizens are formed (39 Kalvariyskaya St. and 22 Nemanskaya St.) from April 17, 2019 to May 1, 2019 inclusive (have a passport and an individual application with you of the established sample, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated December 31, 2014 No. 1297, state bodies or organizations with confirmation of this status).
  • Administration of the Zavodskoy district of Minsk

    Information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use of the state housing stock

    In accordance with paragraph 83-85 of the Regulations on the registration of citizens in need of better housing conditions, and on the procedure for providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 16, 2013 No. 563 “On Certain Issues of Legal Regulation of Housing Relations ”, the administration of the Zavodskoy district of Minsk provides information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use for those on the waiting list of the Zavodskoy district of Minsk:
    No. p / p Residential address Amount of payment for use (rub.)
    1. st. Pavliny Medelki, 11, apt. 42 (1st floor) 1 room 16,80/35,90/39,50 0.2 x 25.5 x 35.90 x 1.0 = 183.09
    2. st. Pavliny Medelki, 11, apt. 46 (2nd floor) 2 rooms 30,30/54,70/58,30 0.2 x 25.5 x 54.70 x 1.0 = 278.97
    3. st. Pavliny Medelki, 11, apt. 48 (3rd floor) 2 rooms 32,00/56,40/60,00 0.2 x 25.5 x 56.40 x 1.0 = 287.64
    4. st. Pavliny Medelki, 11, apt. 24 (6th floor) 3 rooms 42,40/76,30/81,40 0.2 x 25.5 x 76.30 x 1.0 = 389.13
    5. st. Pavliny Medelki, 11, apt. 36 (9th floor) 3 rooms 42,60/76,40/81,50 0.2 x 25.5 x 76.40 x 1.0 = 389.64

    Residential premises for commercial use are provided based on the standard from 15 to 20 square meters. meters per family member.

    An application for the provision of residential premises for commercial use must be submitted to the One Window service (17 Zhilunovicha St., working hours: Monday - Friday from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday - from 9.00 to 13.00.) no later than 15 calendar days from the date of posting the information (posting date - 04/19/2019; the last day for submitting the application - 05/03/2019). When applying, you must have your passport with you.

    Citizens not consisting on the register of those in need of improved housing conditions can apply for the provision of residential premises for commercial use only in case of absence applications from citizens who are registered in need of better housing conditions in the administration of the Zavodskoy district of Minsk.

    In accordance with the current legislation, the provision of residential premises for commercial use to citizens is carried out with deregistration in need of better living conditions.

    Information on the availability of residential premises for commercial use of the state housing stock,
    provided to citizens in connection with the nature of labor (service) relations

    No. p / p Residential address Characteristics of the dwelling Amount of payment for use (rub.)
    1 st. Pavliny Medelki, 11, apt. 22 (6th floor) 1 room 16,90/35,70/39,30 0.2 x 25.5 x 35.70 x 1.0 x 0.2 = 36.41
    2 st. Pavliny Medelki, 11, apt. 35 (9th floor) 2 rooms 30,60/55,00/58,60 0.2 x 25.5 x 55.00 x 1.0 x 0.2 = 56.1
    3 st. Pavliny Medelki, 11, apt. 59 (5th floor) 3 rooms 42,10/75,60/80,80 0.2 x 25.5 x 75.60 x 1.0 x 0.2 = 77.11

    These apartments are provided to citizens at the expense of 30% of residential premises for commercial use due to categories entitled to priority such residential premises (with the exception of state organizations in which military service is provided).

    An application for the provision of residential premises for commercial use must be submitted to the One Stop Shop service along with individual petition from state bodies and other organizations (Zhilunovicha street, 17, working hours: Monday - Friday from 8.00 to 20.00, Saturday - from 9.00 to 13.00.) no later than 15 calendar days from the date of posting the information (posting date - 04/19/2019; the last day for submitting the application - 05/03/2019).

  • “For ten years now we have been living in Minsk,” says the mother of four children, Alexander. “We don’t have our own apartment, we registered with relatives in the city in order to stand in line for an apartment. In the meantime, we are“ winding ”in rented houses. Now the owners asked us to move out .. It is not clear where to go with the children. We hope that at least for some time they will give a social apartment. " Alexandra's story is not uncommon. The NG correspondent found out who is entitled to social housing and what rights its tenants have.

    Experience of decades and countries

    The history of the development of social housing has more than one decade. Programs to provide citizens with housing at low prices or even free of charge were implemented in many states: the USSR, China, Canada and other countries. In each of them, the emergence of social housing was due to its own reasons. For example, in Hong Kong, China, such a housing construction program was adopted in the middle of the last century due to the need to restore the northwestern region after a fire that left 53,000 people without a roof over their heads. There, it was decided to demolish most of the buildings that "survived" the fire, and build inexpensive fireproof high-rise buildings in their place.

    In Belarus, social housing has emerged relatively recently, however, the state has already provided municipal apartments thousand inhabitants.

    — As of January 1 of the current year, in Belarus under contracts for the rental of residential premises for social use state fund about 14,800 residential premises for social use were provided,” says the head of the department legal work and personnel of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services Natalia Kukharchik. - Of these, 1828 were provided last year. At the same time, 19.8 thousand citizens have the right to receive social housing.

    Potential owners

    According to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, citizens in need of social protection are provided with housing by the state and local self-government free of charge or at a fee affordable to them in accordance with the law.

    Who is eligible for "free" housing?

    “The procedure for providing residential premises for social use is determined by the norms of the Housing Code of Belarus,” explains Natalia Kukharchik. — The right to receive social housing is granted certain categories citizens who are registered as needing better housing conditions.

    In particular, they include citizens whose living quarters have become uninhabitable due to emergencies natural and man-made nature, hostilities and terrorist acts; citizens or their children with diseases in which Cohabitation with them in the same room or one-room apartment impossible. Orphans and children left without parental care, Heroes of Belarus, the Soviet Union and Socialist Labor, full cavaliers of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory, veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War and invalids of military operations on the territory of other states can count on receiving social housing. Citizens transferred to the reserve from among the military personnel and persons in command and privates of the Investigative Committee, internal affairs bodies, the Department of Financial Investigations of the State Control Committee, bodies and units for emergency situations, who received injuries, contusions, injuries and diseases in the line of duty.

    In addition, people who have been disabled since childhood due to wounds and other injuries received during hostilities, citizens who fell ill and suffered from radiation sickness after the Chernobyl disaster or other radiation accidents can apply for social housing. "Free" housing can be obtained by non-working single disabled people of groups I and II, non-working single pensioners, citizens whose families have disabled children, as well as certain categories of citizens whose average monthly total income per family member does not exceed the approved budget living wage on average per capita, calculated for the 12 months preceding the registration of the needy. For example, citizens living in nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, who have been assigned a III disability group or who are recognized as capable, large families and mothers who have received the title of "Mother Heroine" or have been awarded the Order of Mother, Maternal glory, the medal of Motherhood, citizens who have adopted three or more orphans.

    Nuances of use

    - Social housing is provided to these categories of citizens for an unlimited period, while no payment is charged for it, - adds Natalya Anatolyevna. - Citizens have only the right to own and use residential premises, that is, it cannot be privatized, exchanged, divided or subleased.

    However, not always living quarters for social use please their new inhabitants. Tatyana Sorokina, a Minsk resident, turned to the editorial office. Her nephew, Vitaly Shloydo, a disabled person of group II, was given a social apartment in a house built in 1959. For 44 years in apartment building major repairs were not carried out.

    “We were assured that the living quarters would be put in order,” Tatyana writes. — We asked to change the front door, repaint the bath (it is painted blue), replace the rusty toilet and sink in the kitchen. It is impossible to wash dishes in the kitchen: when you turn on the tap, water pours onto the floor. They also asked for a new gas stove. The wallpaper in the kitchen has peeled off, and some kind of wire is sticking out of the wall in the hallway. Of all the above, we only replaced the stove. What should we, old and sick, do? We would at least change the sink and toilet bowl - you can live with the rest of the shortcomings ....

    Natalya Anatolyevna explains: the housing provided must comply with sanitary and technical requirements applied to residential premises. Upon receipt of social housing, its new residents sign an act of acceptance and transfer of residential premises. If the dwelling does not meet the requirements for living quarters, it must be put in order in accordance with such requirements. After that, the tenants themselves should deal with the improvement of their living quarters. In the future, replacement and repair of failed electrical, gas, sanitary and other equipment will be carried out at the expense of the lessor only during overhaul. If the provided social housing does not suit the tenants, they can write a waiver of it.

    I am 62 years old, he is 73, we want to enter into a legal marriage. I don’t have an apartment, he has a one-room social apartment in Minsk, which he received 3 years ago. Help, please, answer the following questions: will I be registered in his apartment if we get married? Will the city executive committee write me out of the apartment in case of his death (may God send him many years!)? Which of the relatives can he register in his apartment now, while he is alone? What does the current Housing Code and the one that will be adopted in September 2011 say about this? S. N., Vitebsk region.

    The propiska institution no longer exists. There is a registration of citizens at the place of residence or at the place of stay, which corresponds to the previous terms of permanent and temporary registration. The Regulation on the registration of citizens at the place of residence and place of stay was approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of September 7, 2007 No. 413. According to paragraph 6 of the Regulation, registration of citizens in residential premises for social use is carried out in relation to those citizens who have the right in accordance with the law to move in to these residences.

    Everything related to residential premises for social use is regulated by the Housing Code of the Republic of Belarus (Articles 80 - 84), as well as Chapter 3 of the Regulation on the procedure for registering citizens in need of better housing conditions, providing residential premises of the state housing stock, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus 29.11 .2005 No. 565 (hereinafter - the Regulation).

    According to this Regulation (paragraph 66), the tenant of the premises for social use of state housing has the right to move in the premises occupied by him to his spouse (spouse), his minors and adult disabled children and disabled parents who do not have residential premises in the property or residential premises in this settlement state housing stock in use on the basis of a lease agreement.

    Paragraph 67 of the Regulations stipulates that in the event of the death of a tenant of a dwelling under a contract of social rent of a state housing stock, such contract shall cease to be valid. At the same time, if disabled adult family members of such an employer who lived together with him do not have state housing stock in use on the basis of a lease agreement or in the ownership of another residential building in this settlement with a total area of ​​15 sq. meters or more per person who meets the sanitary and technical requirements established for living, then with one of them a contract is concluded for renting a dwelling for social use of the state housing stock.

    Persons who have reached retirement age are considered disabled. Therefore, if the wife does not own or use another dwelling, then in the event of the death of her husband, who was a tenant of social housing, she will not be evicted from the dwelling where she lived with her husband and was registered at the place of residence, and with her conclude a contract for the rental of residential premises for social use.

    In the draft Housing Code of the Republic of Belarus, issues related to residential premises for social use of the state housing stock are highlighted in Chapter 19 (Articles 119 - 124). The project additionally stipulates that family members who are entitled to be moved by the tenant into the residential premises occupied by him for social use should not only have state or own housing, as is required now, but also residential premises in the building of the developer organization. As for the rest, there are no differences with the current legislation in the draft on the questions that you asked.

    Soviet times are in the distant past, but the queues for free apartments have not gone away. "AiF" learned how to get free housing.

    Large families

    Large families have privileged rights to receive a free apartment. It is easier and faster for them to acquire the treasured meters. A large family has extraordinary right to receive a soft loan or subsidy for housing construction. If there are three children in the family, then the state pays 75% of the debt on loans issued; in the presence of four or more minor children - 100% of the loan debt. Plus - this category of citizens a loan for housing construction is issued for 40 years and at the most low interest. The loan covers up to 20 square meters for each family member, and the loan can be 100% of the cost of housing. But all this is possible under certain conditions:

    A large family should be low-income;

    Be on lists large families who need to improve their living conditions and are eligible to receive preferential loans or one-time subsidies;

    Have at least 3 children under the age of 23 who are not married and live with their parents, including those studying or doing military service.

    Also get soft loan military personnel, policemen, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the KGB, employees of the operational-analytical center, as well as employees of the presidential security service, the KGB department of financial investigations, judges, prosecutors, as well as former military personnel who are registered as those in need of housing improvement conditions at the place of residence at least 6 months before the day of dismissal.

    The apartment is not completely free, but still, you can’t usually buy housing in our country for that kind of money.

    Call of Duty

    The next way to get an apartment is the privatization of a commercial apartment (formerly a service apartment). But this must be done before July 1, 2016. Thus, according to the Housing Code of the Republic of Belarus, certain categories of citizens who were provided with official housing before April 8, 2006, have the right to transfer ownership of such residential premises, namely: judges and prosecutors, provided that on the date of application they are listed as needy in improving housing conditions, have worked for 10 years or more (judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus - 8 years or more); military personnel, private and commanding officers, including those who have been transferred to the reserve (retired) and have served for military service 10 years or more, and other categories.

    social housing

    In our country, there are citizens who have the right to receive social housing. Social housing is provided for an indefinite period and is free of charge. The only thing that citizens cannot do with social housing is to privatize it, exchange it, sell it or rent it out.

    The procedure for providing residential premises for social use is determined by the norms of the Housing Code of Belarus. The right to receive such "free" housing has been granted to certain categories of citizens registered as those in need of better housing conditions. In particular, they include citizens whose living quarters have become uninhabitable due to natural and man-made emergencies, hostilities and terrorist acts; citizens or their children who have diseases in which it is impossible to live together with them in the same room or one-room apartment.

    Orphans and children left without parental care, Heroes of Belarus, full cavaliers of the Orders of Glory and Labor Glory, veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War and invalids of military operations on the territory of other states can count on receiving social housing. And this is not the whole list of those who can claim free meters.

    Paradise in a hut

    The next method is suitable for those who already own housing - if you can call it that ... In this category of applicants for free apartment includes citizens living in houses under demolition. They receive new apartments, usually within the limits of a given locality, without worsening their living conditions. So, if a resident is the owner of an apartment, then he has the right to expect to receive ownership of another dwelling (it is still possible financial compensation in the amount of the market value of the house being demolished). Moreover, the total area of ​​the provided residential premises must be no less than the area of ​​the house or apartment that is subject to demolition. At the same time, at least 15 square meters are allocated for each person.

    Care in exchange for ... an apartment

    This method cannot be called a full-fledged way to get an apartment for free for one reason - it will require certain costs from the new owner of the apartment associated with the conclusion of a rental agreement. The concept of rent is contained in Article 554 Civil Code The Republic of Belarus. The meaning of the rental agreement is that one of the parties agrees to transfer an apartment to the other party in exchange for certain obligations: to periodically pay the rentee a certain sum of money or provide funds for its maintenance in another form.

    Such contracts are usually concluded by elderly lonely people who have no one to leave their apartment as an inheritance and who are afraid that towards the end of their lives there will be no one to take care of them. For the recipient of the apartment, such cooperation is also beneficial, because in the vast majority of cases, the costs of maintaining an elderly owner of housing are disproportionately small compared to market value apartments.

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