
Rental housing for rental housing lists. This such rental apartment was offered a young family from Mogilev. V Forum Regions of Belarus and Russia

Mogilev is a city in the east of Belarus. By the number of population ranks 4th in the republic. Located on the picturesque shores of the Dnieper, Mogilev looks like a magnificent combination of park areas with stone buildings. The city is divided by the river into 2 parts and it seems that it has grown among greens.

A large railway and high-speed junction binds the city of neighboring states, the transport connection is well developed. This is an industrial, cultural and economic center of the region. The trading network is well developed - the number of supermarkets is almost like in Minsk.

Rules for the choice of apartments for rent

  1. Definition of concrete monetary sumWhich your family is ready to spend the housing.
  2. Mandatory conclusion of the lease agreement. It is important to make all the items correctly. In some cases, cases of the drawn by the tenant and the landlords are neglecting, hoping for the respectableness of the parties. Should not be doing that. Remove the apartment for a long time in Mogilev is easy, but it is important to carefully take advantage of your interests.
  3. You should not hope that you will find a good accommodation for the minimum price. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of all published ads, but in case of deception we will help our customers clarify the situation.
  4. Before drawing up the contract, be sure to check the documents of the owner of the apartment, the certificate of ownership, receipt of payment for utilities per year.

How not to make a mistake with the cost of renting an apartment

Cheap rent in the Mogilev district from the owners is real. Today, no one will overpay the extra funds, because information about average prices for certain categories and housing dimensions are available for each willing.

Pricing information can be taken from any sources or identify a real price yourself, comparing similar options. Our portal cannot affect the level of prices issued by housing owners. About the price you will negotiate yourself.

When the preferential loans for the construction of an apartment for many applicants have become inaccessible (from 30 thousand Mogilev, in line for improvement housing conditions, Get them less than half), what is not an option to rent housing from the state? In Europe, for example, the lion's share of the population lives in rented apartments! We have to remove the same "odnushku" for a long time from a private owner, except for students who have secured parents, and highly paid specialists who came from another city. Family with children in a one-room "nest" - closely, and "double-room" - many no longer afford.

To reduce the severity of the apartment issue, and aimed presidential decree, in the execution of which last year the GOSFund of rental housing began to be created, which includes houses and apartments, built at the expense of the budget, as well as the liberated secondary communal housing. It was assumed that the cost of renting such apartments will be below the market.

As reported by housing and communal services, the new rental accommodation last year was not yet built, but they found the status of commercial and leased 75 secondary apartments in Mogilev, Bobruisk, Osipovichi, Dribinsky, Klimovichsky and Kostukovichi districts. Who can count on removable housing? Rules are simple. Information about supplied apartments is located in particular on the websites of the Executive Committee. Within 15 days after the announcement of the announcement, any citizen (regardless of the place of registration, the availability of housing) can submit a letter of desire to rent square meters in the Executive Committee. PRESENTAL RIGHT - in need of improvement of housing conditions according to the list of priority. Suppose one person filed an application on the first day after the announcement is published, and the second is the last one. But if in the lists of the first in front of the first, the second ahead of the first one, then it will be given preference, clarified in the reconcitation of housing and public utilities. No "statement queues" does not exist. Is that it will be taken into account if there are no people included in the lists of needing statements. There are no benefits to some categories of citizens. The only thing - at the beginning of this year it was decided that the tenth of the rental housing was "booked" at the petitions of law enforcement and other powerful departments.

The size of the rental housing is calculated simply: 0.2 base magnitude is multiplied by an apartment area and special coefficient. In Mogilev, he - 1, in countryside - 0,2.

According to the head of the department of housing and communal services of the Mogilevsky City Executive Committee, Elena Lisina, new rental housing is only being built - the other day builders must transfer the city the first 10 apartments in a new building along Kulibin Street. And since March last year, the status of rental received 41 secondary settlement apartments. This can be said random accommodation. Someone lived in an unsuccessful house, and then built an apartment, the state living space was released after the death of the employers, a number of apartments from former small-seamy hostels were transferred to the commercial discharge ...

"Most often in demand two room apartments, then one-room, then three-bedroom, "says Elena Lisin. - None of them left without the owners. The former private house was commissioned with an area of \u200b\u200b100 "squares", which gave the city the large family, I received another housing, - the future of the Dashboard, by the way, did not embarrass even a monthly fee of 2 million rubles! But a special excitement around rental housing is not observed ... ".

"Competition" is really small, but it is.

"We are in line in need of needing as a young family since 1996," said Mogilevka familiar, - when it came to get preferential credit, the conditions of subsidies have changed, and take consumer credit Under "Mad" percentages we are not able. In March of this year, he learned that the state housing was leased, documents were submitted for a one-room apartment on Ostrovsky Street. They counted that four hundred thousand rubles rent can pull. We were shown housing, it was suitable for us, and we wrote a rental application. And then the message came that the apartment was handed over to another contender. The rules are rules, but there is a unpleasant precipitate. Why not make lists of those who want to remove the accommodation open? ".

In the department of housing and communal services of the Oktyabrsky district, 6 people claimed housing and that with the decision of the administration is ready to familiarize any participant in the "Competition". And they confirmed that landscaped "twinkles" and "odnushki" use the greatest demand.

Alas, in the list of free housing of commercial use, posted on the site of the administration May 3, of 7 apartments only one one-room and 2 - two-room. The rest are three-room. Do you think, for them lined up a huge queue? On the last day of reception there were only 17 applications! Strange, but on the only "odnushka" - not a single applicant.

"Its area over 30 meters, a fee - 624 thousand rubles per month, and it is located in an old house without hot water," the staff explained. - One of the interests of the visitors asked: if he put the column, makes the repair, can it be possible to reduce the rent accordingly? Forced to upset him: it is impossible. The coefficient we have one at least on the old, at least on new housing. And in Minsk, for example, he fluctuates depending on the area, amenities - in the center more expensive, on the outskirts cheaper ... ".

Meanwhile, 12 applicants for two "doubles" in Dimitrov's house Monthly fee (898 and 860 thousand rubles) did not scare. Well, it is comparable to commercial in the area: 100 -150 dollars. But the terms of the contract with the state are much more comfortable: a fixed rental price, deadlines Use of housing: from 1 to 5 years and more. The owner's owner can "Turn" the tenant at any time, and from the State Council, if you regularly pay for rent and "communal" (for 2 months of debt may ask for the exit) and honors housing CodeNo one will exhibit. The right to renew the contract on new term Accommodation is for a tenant: only if he wants to move himself, the apartment will relocate the apartment. In general, you know how much you want, and during this time you can accumulate money to your own apartment. If this works out…

But on 4 "treshki" - only five statements. It is understandable: rent starts almost from 1 million rubles. The highest - 2 apartments in the same house on Ostrovsky: 1.226 and 1.236 million rubles. Looked that they represent themselves. Both - in the panel five-story "Khrushchev", transferred from the submenimal housing stock. Balconies - glazed, in the kitchen - stove and washing, bathroom - separate, on the walls recently sword wallpapers, floors painted. Furniture, it is clear, tenants will have to deliver their own. It can be seen, of course, that apartments are not new ...

"Only one family came to inspect them," said Tatyana Zobnin, says them. "But whether to file a statement to some of the apartments did not say ... perhaps confuse a solid rent ...".

Challengers do not suit the ratio of price and quality of the proposed housing? Two other "treshki" (in a newer house on Dimitrov Avenue) - less in the area, respectively, the fee below. They, apparently, and "put an eye" five of the applicants.

At first glance, the opportunity to rent an apartment from the state for a long time at rates below the commercial - an attractive alternative to the purchase or construction of housing with the attraction of loans. But as long as the Rental fee is noticeably below the market only in the capital. There I. housing problem - sharper and average salary More than in the regions. Hence the high cost of rent from a private owner. In Mogilev, it is smaller, and therefore many citizens are surprised: from which "ceiling" state-owned states?

Perhaps in great demand will be used by apartments in new buildings? As reported in the city executive committee, this year in Mogilev will be commissioned for rental housing two 40 apartment buildings along Altai Street - mostly one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments. But how much it is necessary to build rental houses in Mogilev, in order to relieve the severity of the "apartment question", experts do not judge - everything will depend on the demand, budget opportunities and the level of income of the population.

It's hard to comment on I. foreign experience. Yes, most Europeans live in removable apartments. But there are other approaches: the state is not engaged in the construction of houses, including rental. They are building private companies. Housing business - profitable, build a lot, and a large housing market affects the price level. It is clear that the income from the Europeans is higher. At the same time, the state can stimulate a private developer, so that there was no difference for him, which house is to build - profitable or social. And apartments in the social house The state leases at rates, which are established by law for each population layer. For a young family - one bet, for a single disabled person - the other ... Moreover, in almost all European countries in low-income people, the state gives housing with the right of ransom. A person pays for rent, and the amount paid them when he wants to buy an apartment, deducted from its value. We have not yet provided. But after all and rental accommodation is still a new thing.

"When I came to Housing in the keys, a woman replied that they would not need - the door from the shoulder opens", - shares the first impressions from the conditions of the young mother Anastasia Lyndova. The girl standing in turn on rental accommodation was offered to take advantage of the apartment in which it was simply impossible to live. The floor was swept off by a tile and construction garbage, concrete walls are covered with a perennial layer of dust, it is impossible to look at the bathroom without disgust. Without a thorough repair, the apartment is unlikely to be considered suitable for life, but in the city executive committee are confident: if desired, it is possible to bring housing in order on their own.

"Odnushka" is located in the central part of Mogilev - on the anniversary boulevard. The area is not bad - nearby shops, gardens, schools. Despite the terrible conditions, Anastasia admits that today it is the most acceptable of the options.

- She is not the only one in this state. Apartments 1 Bedrooms on Vavilov Street, most likely the same. Toilet on the street, terrible beaten windows - we didn't even go there, - tells the girl. - It remains the only one one bedroom apartment With repair on Ostrovsky, but it does not fit us. 28 "squares", there is no balcony (with a small child it will not be possible to dry things every day, dampness will go). And the house there is unfavorable. Previously, we were freed from the places of imprisonment, they were settled, it is terrible to voluntarily settle down, and even pay for it.

Having all the pros and cons, the young family decided to agree, and after to achieve repairs from public utilities. A month for the apartment will have to pay 117.99 rubles.

- We decided to write a statement on this apartment. They are accepted until the end of the month. If you do not promise to make repairs, we will refuse, it is also possible until the contract is concluded, - Explains Anastasia. - In the city executive committee, we were answered that so far there is no money for repair, but one day it will be done. When- Unknown.

On the question of Onliner, why the rental apartment is crushed out of frankly poor condition, in Housing No. 7 (the organization that serves the house) only spread their hands and tried to convince that the repair there would still be made. But someone else.

- These things are engaged in the city executive committee. Of course, there will make repairs. People in no case are not obliged to do this, - Comment utilities.

In the department of housing and communal services of the Mogilev City Executive Committee, it is considered otherwise: if a girl agrees to this option, it does not have to repaid for repair.

- Lists of rental apartments are postponed on the site of the city executive committee, it says that the apartment without repair. The resolution of the Summin is clearly spelled out that everything is all empty premises, regardless of the state, should be hung on the site. Everyone is hung out, we want it or not.

Repair in apartments of such a plan is made according to the allocated financing. There is funding - we produce repairs. In order. But if a person has been leased to a person, it is no longer free - the repair is made only in free apartments.

- That is, if a person agrees to such an apartment, then he can no longer count on repair?

- A man takes an apartment and sign an acceptance act. All citizens have the right to look at the conditions before you take it. No one is deceiving anyone.

We have a sufficient percentage of apartments without repair is closed by citizens. Apartments are in different state - some more "killed", some - less, understand? There is a law - we fulfill it. Otherwise it turns out that we hide apartments.None of this person who, I sorry, painted all social networks, did not forced. And it says that it is almost impressed by his apartment. And the discounts on these apartments are not provided, there is a single rental rate. It does not depend on officials, here sit the same people as they themselves.

- So all these apartments are considered suitable for accommodation? And this too?

- What does it mean suitable for accommodation? This is generally a separate legal procedure. These are the people who do not know this, they do not understand this. What does not suitable mean?

- There are a number of criteria that determine, a suitable apartment for living or not.

- IN residential buildings They, as a rule, are not recognized as unsuitable. Empty We are required to post everything and show people what is. As soon as money appears, we immediately make repairs. I do not supervise these questions at all. I just saw in social networks, and it was extremely outraged me. We warn everyone: guys, be sure to look apartments and do not take just like that. Rent apartments so that you understand, they are given simply by grab. They are simply not enough. And people, if they understand that in the new houses they do not shine the apartment (housing is issued in turn), they agree to take in any condition if a school and kindergarten. They make repairs themselves - only give them.

A girl came to us, who just sobbed by Navid, - she did not stand in line. She took the apartment without repair, asked for help in the enterprise, she helped her - and now a person lives on the street. And her husband does not beat her.

And this situation is considered unilaterally. We are obliged - we hang. Citizens sometimes help, and then they write. This practice is not one city of Mogilev, you look at other sites,- an employee of the department of housing and communal services was expressed.

Problems with rental housing appeared almost immediately after the declaration of decisions. In 2014, we about Minsk shop, which received an apartment with horrible conditions and tried to achieve truth. Then in SRSEO No. 2 of the Frunzensky district of Minsk assured that the employer should provide housing for typical consumer qualities, and in proper condition.

- If some kind of residential premisesWe must transfer it to the discharge of commercial and provide a citizen in repaired form. Here without options.

Such premises are repaired at the expense of local budgets. It is clear that the housing of typical consumer qualities is not a penthouse. So if the employer wants to cross the wallpaper or does not suit the color of the floor, he can improve housing at the expense own funds. The countdown is conducted from the moment of registration of the contract. So I signed an agreement - prepare for payment. The rent is charged depending on the degree of improvement, the location of the apartment and the established coefficients,- explained Nikolai Mark, head legal department ЖРЭО №2. In the Mogilev City Executive Committee, for some reason, they are guided by other principles.

Rental accommodation - Residential premises of the State Housing Fund, subject to coming by citizens with the rights of lease, with the conclusion of hiring contracts.

Initially, the term "rental housing" in the Republic of Belarus appeared in 2012, after the publication of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 512 of November 8, 2011. With the adoption of 512, the construction of new rental houses and entire residential complexes began.

The emergence of rental housing coincided with a decrease in housing construction rates funded by the conditions of preferential lending and, which is explained, the construction as a whole. It became voiced by the opinion that the living space stored with state support should become a source of income for the country. Some of it was perceived as a state refusal and further "distribute free gickers" in the form of improving the housing conditions, which did not become less from year to year. We had to think and did not wish earlier because of the prospects for transferring them to the rank time.

However, as it turned out, rental housing turned out to be another "gingerbread", which is much heavier than the grace past years.

At the moment, the number of people willing to occupy rent in Minsk can reach up to 400 people per place.

If you try to briefly state the current position in the rental housing market, it will be about the following: it turned out to occupy rental accommodation in Minsk much more profitable than to shoot it from private owners. With the fact that rental apartments were placed more often in new buildings, their attractiveness increased even more. In addition, a conscientious holiday renter received a preferential, compared to other applicants, the right to extend the lease agreement, i.e. Disappeared dependence on the arbitrariness of the private owner of the housing. According to the legislation, the maximum term of the contract of hiring of public housing is 5 years.

The composition of the State Housing Fund has been replenished from July 1, 2016, when public homes and apartments are unfolded by residents were translated into the category of commercial rental housing. However, this housing is usually already populated.

Note that rental housing is built not only in Minsk, but also in regional cities and major district centers, however, there the pace is significantly lower. Below and the number of people willing to take these apartments, despite the noticeable smaller rent. This can be explained by a smaller acute housing issue compared to the capital.

In 2016, more than 1.5 million were commissioned in the country. square meters Housing for citizens in need of improving housing conditions. It is about 18 thousand apartments or 35% of the total housing in the country. But the number of needy is immeasurably greater, i.e. Hope to get rental housing, except for the priorities, it remains except that in favor of 20 years in line.

Most of all new buildings for commercial rent in the city of Minsk, 7 houses were already commissioned at 770 apartments. In major district centers, like Bobruisk, built one-five - or nine-story house.

The total volume of rental housing scheduled for 2017 is 114.62 thousand sq.m. At the same time, only 7 thousand sq.m. are planning to put into operation in Minsk. Rental housing during the current year.

In 2018, a rental house was built in the factory district of the capital by partisan avenue.

By the end of 2019, the construction of state rental housing was planned in Minsk - 11.4 thousand square meters. The volume of construction of individual residential buildings in the capital was approved at the level of 25 thousand square meters.

The monthly size of commercial housing rental fees is determined on the basis of:

  • the size of the base rate for the use of housing, which is 0.2 base values \u200b\u200bper 1 m 2 of the total area;
  • the size of the coefficients determined by the regional executives and the Minsk City Executive Committee depending on the degree of improvement and location of residential premises.

Thus, the monthly fee for the use of housing is calculated by the formula: size of the base value × The size of the base rate for the use of housing × Total area of \u200b\u200bhousing × coefficient.

To get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cost of renting a state apartment with total area in 40 sq.m. In Minsk and other cities of the country, carry out the calculation based on the value, the base rate for the use of housing (0.2 for the entire republic) and the existing coefficients for different categories settlements:

  • in Grodno: 25.5 × 0.2 × 40 × 0.75 \u003d 204 rubles;
  • in the center of Minsk: 25.5 × 0.2 × 40 × 1.5 \u003d 306 rubles;
  • in Minsk, Nemiga Street (1st Economic and Planning Zone): 25.5 × 0.2 × 40 × 1.5 \u003d 306 rubles;
  • in Minsk, Gromova Street (4th Economic and Planning Zone): 25.5 × 0.2 × 40 × 0.8 \u003d 163.2 rubles;
  • on the outskirts of Minsk, for example, in Saban: 25.5 × 0.2 × 40 × 0.5 \u003d 102 rubles;
  • in Mogilev, Bobruisk, Borisov: 25.5 × 0.2 × 40 × 0.8 \u003d 163.2 rubles.
  • in Novogrudok, Volkovysk, Slonim: 25.5 × 0.2 × 40 × 0.3 \u003d 61.2 rubles.

Some categories of citizens, the rent will be accrued with the lowering coefficient. On the this moment This is: judges, prosecutor's employees, military, young professionals. In the near future, citizens who held public housing will be added to them before transferring it to the commercial rental fund.

When determining the fee for citizens having extraordinary law to receive rental housing for the time of labor or service relations, as well as for citizens who did not privatize housing until July 1, 2016, additionally applies a lower ratio of 0.1 (for the city of Minsk - 0.2, for settlements of the Gomel region with the population More than 5 thousand people - 0.08).

  • These coefficients for citizens received rental housing during operation are applied only within 20 m 2 for one person. The remaining area is paid without coefficients.
  • Following the fee for the use of housing, it will also need to pay housing and utilities.

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