
Maternity leave. Decal payments: rules for charges

During the decree, the woman laid all sorts of benefits so that she had enough money for the upbringing and maintenance of the baby, while she can't work itself. Thus, the state is taking care of a young mother and her child. What kind of social support is put on a woman on maternity leave, we will talk in this article.

Regulations on pregnant women

In Russia, adopted the federal law No. 255, regulating compulsory insurance For temporarily non-working women because of the birth of a child. The law does not define payments for mothers without official employment, even in the case of pregnancy, but the support from the state can still be obtained. There are payments put in childbirth, even if your mother has no work. If a woman wants to get social support from the state, she should register the lack of work at the Employment Center.

A pregnant woman can count on money since 30 weeks of pregnancy, subject to the availability of its registration as an unemployed. In the absence of work, you can at any time be registered and no one can refuse this right during the applicant's pregnancy. After giving birth, Mom will be able to place a vacation with the help of a hospital sheet, but immediately after that she will rearrange for unemployment.

Unfortunately, mothers who do not work officially, which are relying social benefits will receive much smaller amounts as support from the state than working citizens. Any parent can receive maternity leave. If the husband of a young mother works, he will be able to receive the main support in his enterprise.

The bodies (department) of social protection of the population provide for payments to the following categories of persons:

  • families with a child in which parents do not have work or learn;
  • lonely mothers were officially official.

Financial support These categories of citizens can get at the place of registration or actual stay.

Financial Support Nuances

The maternity allowance cannot be paid to non-working women from the current account of the social insurance authority, where the enterprises make monthly deductions. From this account, money can only be transferred to employed mothers who went to decree. Moreover, not all unemployed women can count on social support. By law, the money is relying only in such conditions:

  1. 1. If the unemployed woman was fired from work in the liquidation of the enterprise.
  2. 2. If the young mother fell under the reduction.
  3. 3. When learning in an educational institution in full-time.
  4. 4. When terminating the activities of the IP, which was pregnant.
  5. 5. Upon completion of the powers of notaries.
  6. 6. Upon completion of the lawyer license.

If a citizen is dismissed from the enterprise at his own request, she does not rely decret funding. Only those unemployed pregnant women who are registered in the social protection and insurance fund can receive government support. The fund will be obliged to list them monthly money.

A student at the daily branch of the mother of the child before executing him a year and a half can receive money for the enjoyment of the fetus, permission from pregnancy and further content.

How to calculate the dimensions of relying payments?

The amount of help for non-working citizens for care for a small child is calculated based on the value of unemployment subsidies. If a woman is not employed or was fired at his request, only minimum payments equal to 613.14 rubles per month can be issued.

When making a benefit to students, its size will be directly dependent on the size of the scholarship. Students in the day educational institutions Calculate payment of scholarships installed federal budget. It does not matter, on a budgetary or contractual basis, the girl learns.

If earlier the girl worked and was fired, the calculation of the magnitude of the benefits assumed to her is carried out with the previously received salary. However, the break in the work should be less than a year. In the first 3 months from the date of departure from the last work, Mamam pays 75% of medium salary For the month, the next 4 months allowance will be only 60% of the previously received salary. After the expiration of the year, the amount of payments will be reduced to minimum bet Marot.

What payments can the non-working citizen count?

Regardless of the status, the availability of work, each pregnant citizen of Russia has the right to social benefits. She has benefits for the development of the fetus and care for the baby. The legislation provides for various forms of support to families, when contacting the social protection.

There are several types of material support:

  1. 1. Disposable payments after delivery.
  2. 2. Before reaching the one and a half years.
  3. 3. Other payments designed to support families with minors and minor kids.

The one-time payment for birth in 2017 is 16350.33 rubles. On a child. Monetary monthly support before reaching the kid of one and a half years is 3065.69 rubles. At the birth of a second woman, supports support in the amount of 6131.37 rubles per month. Such a size of support is assumed to partially arranged citizens working on pollen and students to students.

If at the birth of the baby, the girl receives a manual, it will be offered to choose two options for obtaining financial support. The first of them involves further transfers of money due to unemployment, the second is to replace payments for unemployment for payments, relying on child care.

Other payments and their size - what support can you still count on?

The legislative provisions of the Russian Federation allow the woman in which the woman works unofficially or does not work, at the birth of a child, getting food to the baby with dairy cuisine until the child has been achieved for 2 years. In the absence of dairy kitchen near the place permanent residence Families, social protection services must appoint regular payments that should be enough to compensate for the cost of non-failed food. The size of such compensation depends only on the region.

Families beyond poverty in which parents do not have permanent employment, payments to the juvenile content, the size of which is directly dependent on the number of children. To get support, it is necessary that the received income for each family member has reached the established subsistence minimum. Also size state support Depends on the family of family residence, but is usually about 300 rubles per month for each kid. That is, a two-order mother will additionally receive about 600 r.

Payments are also relying on adult children enrolled in higher, professional or secondary technical educational institutions. For them, money is transferred to the mother every month until the end of the child's studies.

How can I make a decree allowance?

For registration, the non-working mother should apply to the organs of social support at the place of registration. She will have to prepare a whole package of documents confirming the right to use state help. To obtain support for pregnancy and permission from childbirth, you need to prepare:

  1. 1. A statement written in an arbitrary form on the appointment of monthly payments due.
  2. 2. A certificate obtained in a medical institution for pregnancy for a period of 30 weeks.
  3. 3. Issue from labor bookin which the last place of work should be indicated. An extract must be preset at the notary.
  4. 4. Document from the employment center that the applicant is officially unemployed.

To this package of documents, students will need to make a certificate from the university or institute confirming the form of training. After 10 days from the moment of submission of documents, employees in the social protection bodies of the population should decide on the possibility of receiving a female benefit.

For registration of state support at its juvenile child, the unemployed woman will have to contact the service of social protection and provide the next set of documents to the service:

  • personal passport;
  • the birth document is a kid who needs a benefit;
  • certificates for other children, if any;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • account details on which the benefits must be paid;
  • help on the absence of monthly unemployment payments.

According to the law, which strictly regulates the payment of payments and the assignment of state support for pregnant and mothers, the service of social protection should consider awarding a female payments within 10 days after receiving the relevant statement and accompanying documents. After confirming the possibility of supporting support tools, translations will be carried out monthly, no later than the 26th of each month. Money can be translated into the applicant's bank account, and listed by mail.

Of course, the value of subsidies unemployed pregnant women and mothers is very small. The state is trying to increase the amount of assistance, but so far there are few money. It only remains to hope that in the future the amount of payments will grow, and today simply get the maternity, relying on you by law.

We used to scold our state and assume that moms from other countries live better. However, having studied from and to the question about maternity payments in 2018, I can safely assure that in this matter our country is hardly ahead of the rest of the world in size and deadlines, during which benefits are paid in connection with the birth of a baby, as well as By the deadlines during which the woman can be at home with the baby while maintaining the workplace.

Knowing it, you begin much more to appreciate what the state provides us, and no longer it seems that this is not enough. In general, judge for yourself.

In our country, working mothers can count on the following cash payments:

  • one-time allowance for pregnant women who have time to take free into women's advice to 12 weeks;
  • pregnancy benefits for moms;
  • the manual paid by one-time after the birth of the baby (called one-time);
  • monthly benefit The care of the kid to the one and a half year old age.

So that the maternity is more so as possible, you need:

  1. At the time of writing a statement for maternity leave and childbirth to work at least 2 years, it is desirable (but not necessary) in one employer. If employers were somewhat, it will be necessary to run a little more and make sure help.
  2. So that the salary is completely "white." In this case, the employer pays the state all insurance contributions You are in full. Accordingly, the state will pay you all the benefits in the maximum (within the size of your salary) sizes.

The maternity leave in our country consists in essence, from several parts:

  1. Vacation Woman for pregnancy and childbirth (in the standard case 70 days before the birth of crumbs and 70 days after this joyful event). At this time, maternity allowance and a small allowance for early decoration in women's consultation is paid. After successful childbirth, a one-time allowance is paid at the birth of a kid.
  2. Care vacation to the kid to one and a half year old. At this stage, Momchka lists a monthly baby care allowance.
  3. Child leave for up to three years. It begins when Krookh marks a year and a half, but Mom does not hurry to return to work. There are no payments here, but workplace Behind the young mom is preserved.

Do you like to scold our state? I had this desire, when I learned how things were in others, allegedly even more developed, countries. Look and be astounding with me for the company.

Decree holidays and payments in other countries

So, to shock you from the threshold, I inform: in the most prosperous (at first glance), the United States and Australia does not provide any payments from the state in connection with the birth of a child, no maternity leave as such! In order not to run to work from the maternity hospital, women are twisted with the help of insurance, receiving a hospital with the formulation of the type "temporary disability" for up to 6-8 weeks.

In Spain, France and Cyprus maternity leave Payable and lasts up to 4 months after childbirth. After that, the crumb or is given to paid men, or hire the nanny.

In Thailand and a number of other Asian countries, maternity leave lasts 3 months, and only one and a half of them are paid by the state.

In Turkey, Brazil and a number of Latin American countries, there are 6 months with partial salary preservation.

In the UK, Canada, Finland, Norway paid decree can last an average of a year.

In African states, as a rule, women after delivery are hospitalized up to 2 months, but no payments are made.

Thus, after examples, when nothing is paid in the United States and do not allow anything to be able to stay with a child and four months after his birth, but in a prosperous Europe, although they pay, but to be at home with the baby can only be at home With other eyes you look at all our benefits, the opportunity to sit in a paid decoite already up to one and a half years, and in unpaid - up to three!

Such advantages in the world should still be searched, and now all the well-known words that we live in the most beautiful country in the world, and all other countries envy us, no longer seem to me. At least in matters of maternity payments and vacation - they have every reason to envy us!

Unoperable manual for early design in women's consultation

The size of this manual in 2017 is indexed and amounts to 300 rubles.

All women (including unemployed, students), who stood up for pregnancy in female consultation for up to 12 weeks, possess the right to receive it.

Maternity benefit

The right to receive it has women working under the employment contract, individual entrepreneurs, notaries and lawyers, students of universities and scientific institutions, as well as non-working pregnant women.

The term of maternity leave in a typical situation is 70 days of birth of crumbs and 70 days after that. However, if the childbirth was complex, time after childbirth can be increased to 86 days. In the case, if a twin or triple was born, Mama on vacation rely 84 days before the birth of carappuses and as many as 110 days after such a large-scale replenishment.

The main document for the design of this holiday is a hospital leaf that opens a gynecologist in a female consultation. In it, the doctor indicates the estimated period of loss of disability.

If, during childbirth, unexpected difficulties arose, the doctor in the maternity hospital declares the additional sick leave, in which it indicates, for example, 86 days instead of 70. All these documents are mommy then takes place to the employer.

The size of maternity benefits is equal average monthly earnings working women for 2 recent years. If you need to calculate the manual, you need a student, then the size of the scholarship takes per calculation. In disabling mothers, the calculation is made on the basis of the minimum wage, which from July 1, 2017 is 7800 rubles, and from July 1, 2016 was 7,500 rubles.

When calculating the average earnings, all types of payments are taken into account that the employer has officially produced a woman officially, that is, not only salary, but also all types of premiums (including annual, quarterly, and monthly), provided that the employer has been paid to them All contributions. During the calculations, the days are subtracted when the woman was on the hospital.

However, this amount is not limitless, and its maximum value that can be taken into account when calculating the amount of the benefit is 755,000 rubles. Starting from 01.01.2017.

Example 1 of the calculation: Marina before leaving on the decree worked in the Romashka LLC 2 years. For the first year, its total income amounted to 420,000 rubles, for the second - 480,000 rubles. The total duration of the estimated biennium in accordance with the Law 731 day. However, over the past 2 years, Marina was 2 times on the hospital, 8 days and 10 days. The pregnancy is standard, childbirth without complications, so the hospital is 70 days before the birth of Karapus and 70 after replenishment.

  1. 420,000 rubles. (income for the first year) + 480,000 rubles. (income for the second year) \u003d 900 000 rubles.
  2. 900 000 rub. / 731 - 18 (hospital days for 2 years) \u003d 1262 rubles.
  3. 1262 rub. x (70 + 70) \u003d 176 680 rub.

Total, the size of maternity benefits will be 176,680 rubles.

This payment will receive this payment tentatively 12-14 days after the design of the hospital leaf due to the departure of the decree. At first glance, there are many, however, you need to be neat and distribute this money based on the fact that the following payments (including a child care allowance) Future mommy will only receive after childbirth, providing the employer and design all the necessary documents.

One-time allowance at the birth of crumbs

The right to receive a unite allowance have both parents, but someone can get it one of them at their discretion.

In 2017, the size of this type of benefit is indexed and is 8,000 rubles. For each child born.

Thus, the happy mommy twins will receive 16,000 rubles.

Monthly allowance up to one and a half years

The right to receive this allowance has both working, and unemployed. However, in the second case, you will have to choose what to receive: childcare allowance to one and a half years, or unemployment allowance (if a woman receives it).

As it is obvious from the name, the time of payment of the benefit is limited by time when the crumble is knocking off one and a half year old.

Not only the child's parents, but also other persons (relatives, guardians), carrying out actual cloth care, may apply for a monthly allowance. In this case, it will be necessary to collect references that all other persons do not receive this manual.

The amount of benefits for the unemployed and students is equal to 1500 rubles. For the first child. 3 000 rubles. It relies on the second child of the non-working mom, as well as on all subsequent. This is the minimum payment amount guaranteed by the state.

For working on an employment contract, the allowance is paid in the amount of 40% average monthly salary For extreme 2 years. At the same time, the amount of benefits cannot be lower than that of unemployed and students.

The law is set by the coefficient 30.4, which multiplies the average day salary to calculate the size of the benefit.

It is important to manage to apply for the appointment of a monthly allowance for up to 6 months from the end of pregnancy and childbirth.

However, in practice, young parents always need money, and mothers turn to the appointment of cash payments the first thing after the threshold of the house after the maternity department.

The list of documents for the purpose of the monthly allowance is established by law:

  • Certificate of birth of crumbs with a copy;
  • Certificates of the birth of older children (if available) with copies;
  • Certificates from social protection (if unemployed) or from the employer of the second parent that it does not receive a monthly allowance and does not use child care leave.
  • Certificates from previous places on the size of the average monthly earnings.

Example 2 of calculation: The average daily salary of Marina from the previous example is 1262 rubles. Calculate for it a monthly allowance for the care of the kid to one and a half year old age.

  1. 1262 rub. x 30.4 (the coefficient established by law) \u003d 38 364 rubles.
  2. 38 364 rub. x 40/100 \u003d 15 345 rub.

Thus, Marina will receive 15 345 rubles. Monthly before reaching a crumb of age and a half years.

Some more legal subtleties on the decree you will find on the video.

With such a comfortable environment, a situation is quite possible when Mom wants to leave the decree on the decret, without going to work at all.

This is possible, and not two times, and in this case, the state protects the interests of the mother and baby, establishing the rule, according to which, according to the statement of a woman, in the calculations of all benefits and payments, the replacement of years is being replaced: instead of 2 extremes for the calculation, 2 years preceded by First decret.

In such a situation on the second child, working mom will be listed at least moneyThan on the first.

By the way, I personally did it: I left the decree on the decree, without returning to work at all. In advance, such a plan was not, but appetite, as you know, comes during meals. And now I already have the third baby seems something more pleasant and significant than returning to the office. Therefore, who knows him how life turns around - I have 2 more years ahead, until Eva knocks 3. And you had any difficulty with care to decree?

I remember at one time I rang out not one store in search of a baby bed and a stroller for the baby. As a result, I bought everything in my son's daughters. Now this process has simplified to the inability, because everything that is needed for infants is, there is also a lot more choice than in offline stores, and the prices are below! Now I often order diapers, cannon and pancakes. I advise everyone to save money, time and nerves!

Vk https://vk.com/babylifestyle

This question is very relevant, and occupies the thoughts of the future young mother, along with concerns about the acquisition of the necessary children's little things. To help understand the terms of such payments and learn about the peculiarities of state social support for motherhood and childhood.

So, when paying maternity, before childbirth or after? Lawmakers respond to this question. Definitely: pay for maternity leave before delivery. And not just before childbirth, but, adhering to the established rules.

How decreh is paid

Before childbirth, the future mother will have to stand up for medical records, and if she will do it in the early periods (before the occurrence of 12 weeks of pregnancy), then on the basis of a certificate issued by medical institution, will receive the first incentive posture for pregnancy and childbirth at the place of work, which makes it up from 01.02 .2017 613.14 rub. This is a fixed payment, and its size is periodically indexed, as reported in legislation.

If extended hospital

It happens that after childbirth, the need to extend exemption from work (for example, the birth was unexpectedly complex or two children appeared). In this case, the period of the decree is extended to set limits, And the periods of payments remain the same - 10 days from the date of submitting a sheet of disability to the company. Naturally, this surcharge is already carried out in the postpartum period.

So, we answered the question when decaring are paid, before childbirth or after. It must be said that after the birth of a child, a woman (or spouse) is entitled to get a one-time allowance for the birth of a baby and make a paid leave for care for him to the age of 1.5 years. But these payments are carried out already in the postpartum period on the birth of a child.

Pregnancy benefits and childbirth are paid on the basis of 100% of the average earnings. The length of the experience does not matter, except when it is less than 6 months.

Decal holiday in 2018-2019: Changes and new law

Changes in the legislation touched in 2018 mainly the minimum and maximum benefits (due to indexing and increasing minimum board Labor), about the limit values \u200b\u200bbelow.

In Law No. 235-FZ in 2018, clarifications appeared in two articles:

  • when determining the insured and policyholders of the phrase "... Members of the family (generic) communities of the indigenous small peoples of the North," Supplemented by "Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation";
  • in order to assign and pay benefits - if the payment does the FSS directly (for example, under the bankruptcy of the employer), the data is posted in a unified state information system Social security.

Changes of calculation rules - not.

For working women, maternity allowance and childbirth is paid in the amount of 100% of the average earnings in the two previous years.

The formula is simple, but it is necessary to take into account features and limitations. We will analyze them at every step of calculating the benefit.

How to calculate maternity payments - 5 simple steps

To calculate the size of maternity payments, it is necessary:

1. Calculate the average daytime earnings, for this we define:
estimated period - 2 years for which we consider earnings Step 1
The amount of earnings in this period Step 2.
Number of days of the settlement period Step 3.
Completion Outcome: Middle Day Earnings Step 4.
2. Multiply the average daytime earnings on the number of days of decree Step 5.

All stages of calculations we laid 5 steps.

Step 1. Determine the estimated period

The estimated period is the period for which we consider earnings to calculate the amount of maternity payments.

In general, the estimated period is 2 calendar years preceding the year of care to decree. For the decree in 2019 is 2018 and 2017.

Exceptions from the general case: within 2 previous years (or in one of them) there are periods when the employee has already been on maternity leave or child care.

In this case, it is possible to replace one or both years to calculate the maternity. The replacement of the year goes to earlier, but not any, but directly preceding the onset of previous leave for pregnancy and childbirth and / or child care.

Example. The employee goes to the decree in 2019. To calculate the 2018 and 2017 should be calculated. But since September 2015 to July 2017, she was also on maternity leave and child care leave. In this case, 2017 can be replaced by 2015. Established period: 2018 and 2015.

A woman submits a statement to the employer about replacing periods for calculation. Such a replacement must necessarily increase the maternity payments - so registered in the law (otherwise the replacement of the settlement year does not do). And when calculating it must be checked.

Step 2. Determine the amount of earnings for the estimated period

What amounts take, and what we do not take into account?

+ Consider payments from which deductions to the Fund were made. social insurance: wages, premiums, bonuses.

Do not take into account: hospital, benefits, revenues under civil law agreements, if there were no deductions to the FSS and other sums from which they did not pay in the FSS (informal salary, material aid up to 4000 rubles).

The amount of earnings for each year compare with the limit value established by the law: in 2016 - it is 718,000 rubles, in 2017 - 755,000 rubles, in 2018 - 815,000 rubles. If the annual earnings are larger than the specified limit value, then for calculating the manual we take the limit value.

In Help 2-NDFL, we are interested in paragraph 3 "Revenues taxable at the rate": codes and amounts.

+ We take into account the income with the code

  • 2000 - income under the employment contract
  • 2012 - Vacations
  • 2400 - "Compensation" for the use of cars

- Do not take into account the income with the code

  • 2300 - Hospital

Other codes

  • 2010, 2201-2209 - Payments under civil law agreements and author's remuneration - take into account only if they were deductions to the FSS (Must be indicated in the contract)
  • 2760 - Material assistance - we take into account the amount exceeding 4000 rubles per year.

To simplify the calculation, you can total amount income p. 5 certificates subtract extra sums.

The law establishes the maximum amounts of income for the year from which the deduction in the FSS is. From the income above these amounts, contributions do not pay.

In the law, this maximum amount (or limit value) is called - limit base To accrunet insurance contributions. It is installed every year, the values \u200b\u200bare shown in the table:

Since the income in excess of the "limit base" does not go into the FSS, these revenues are not taken into account when calculating maternity benefits.

We fold the amount for 2 years - they gained earnings for the estimated period, which we will take into account for calculating the benefit.

Step 3. Calculate the number of days in the estimated period.

From number calendar days In each year (365 or 366), we subtract the estimated period:

- The days when the employee was on the hospital on child care leave, on maternity leave.

Leave periods without salary salary are not excluded.

We fold the result for 2 years - we get the number of days in the calculation period.

Step 4. Calculate Middle Day Earnings

Earnings for the estimated period (see Step 2) We divide on the number of days in the settlement period (see Step 3). The resulting value must be compared with minimal and maximum values.

1. Minimum by law

The resulting average daytime earnings can not be less than the magnitude day earningsBased on the minimum wage).

The magnitude of the minimum wage is taken at the date of care. From 01.05.2018 Mrot \u003d 11 163 rubles, we get:

11 163 rub. x 24 months / 730 \u003d 367 rubles.

If the value obtained during the calculations, the value of the average daytime earnings is less than on the basis of the minimum wage, then to calculate the manual, we take a magnitude based on the minimum wagon.

For an employee who works is not a full day, it is important to take into account the feature:

If the insured person at the time of the offensive insurance case Works on the terms of incomplete working time (part-time working week, part-time working day), middle earningsBased on which the benefits are calculated in these cases, it is determined in proportion to the length of the working time of the insured person.

That is, when working on the floor rate, the minimum is considered from 50% of the minimum wage.

2. Maximum by law

The resulting average daytime earnings cannot be larger than the amount of day earnings, based on the size of the "limit base for the accrual of insurance premiums". What this limit base is described above.

Please note: even if there was a replacement of years in the settlement period, the ultimate value is considered in two years preceding the date of care in the current decree.

For decree in 2019, the ultimate value an average daily earnings equally:

(755 000 rub. + 815 000 rub.) / 730 days \u003d 2 150.68 rub.

If during the calculations, the value of the average daytime earnings is higher than the limit, then to calculate the manual we take the limit value.

For employee, common experience which (all, i.e. for a lifetime) less than 6 months, it is important to take into account the feature:

The insured woman having an insurance experience of less than six months, maternity allowance is paid in the amount not exceeding the full calendar month of the minimum wage ... Taking into account ... [Note: Several coefficients, if they are installed ].

After checking at a minimum and maximum, we obtain the value of the average daytime earnings, which we will apply in the calculation of the amount of pregnancy benefits and childbirth.

Step 5. Calculate maternity benefits

In general, everything is simple: the value of the average daytime earnings (see step 4) is multiplied by the number of days of the decree on the hospital sheet.

Exception: An employee did not charge a hospital leaf to the employer and some time still continued to work and receive salary. After presentation of the hospital, the decree is drawn up, and the calculation of the manual comes from the date of care to the decree.

In this case, the decret period decreases by the number of days for which the employee paid the salary. Accordingly, the benefit will also be reduced. That is, an employee cannot before the birth of a child a little more work to receive benefits after childbirth a little longer.

Minimal maternity payments in 2018-2019

The minimum amount of maternity benefits is limited to the minimum wage: less minimum payment Labor allowance will not be if the employee goes to the decree with the full bet.

With a duration of maternity leave 140 days at least 51,380 rubles. \u003d 11 163 rub. x 24 months / 730 days x 140 days (if the start of the decree - after 01.05.2018)

For an incomplete working day (incomplete week, etc.) minimal benefit It is necessary to proportionally reduce.

Maximum maternity payments in 2018-2019

The maximum amount of the benefit is limited to the marginal size of earnings, above which contributions in social resources are not accrued (for the limit values, see above).

The maximum amount of maternity benefits in 2019 in 140 days will be 301,95,20 rubles. \u003d (755 000 rub. + 815 000 rub.) / 730 days x 140 days

The maximum amount of maternity benefits in 2018 in 140 days will be 282,493.40 rubles. \u003d (718 000 rub. + 755 000 rub.) / 730 days x 140 days

If the overall insurance experience is less than 6 months, the maximum amount of pregnancy benefits for the calendar every month is not higher than the minimum wage.

Example of calculating maternity in 2019

An employee goes to decree in January 2019. Vacation 140 days. In 2017, she was on the hospital within 150 days, in 2018 the duration of the hospital was 50 calendar days.

The actual earnings (minus disability benefits) for 2017 amounted to 850,000 rubles, for 2018 - 494,000 rubles.

The limit size of the insurance premiums in 2017 is 755,000 rubles, in 2018 - 815,000 rubles.

Step 1. Within two years preceding the decree (i.e. in 2018 and 2017), an employee had no pregnancy holidays and childbirth and care for a child - do not replace the period.
Settlement period: 2017 and 2018.
Step 2. Earnings are already less than a member of hospital: for 2017 - 850,000 rubles, for 2018 - 494,000 rubles. Compare with limit values.

For 2017, we take the limited size of the base - 755,000 rubles. (Since the actual earnings for 2017 turned out to be higher than the limit size), for 2018 - actual earnings.

Total we get 755,000 + 494 000 \u003d 1 249,000 rubles.

Step 3. Number of days at the estimated period:

730 - 150 - 50 \u003d 530 days

Step 4. Middle day earnings:

1 249,000 rubles. / 530 days \u003d 2 356.60 rubles.

This is higher minimum (11 163 rubles. (Mrot) x 24 months / 730 \u003d 367 rubles), but also exceeds maximum.

For decret in 2019 maximum size The average daily earnings is:

(755,000 + 815,000) / 730 \u003d 2 150.68 rubles. - His and take into account.

Step 5. Size allowance:

2 150,68 rubles. x 140 days \u003d 301 095,89 руб.

The resulting amount is paid by the employee at a time in full, the tax on this amount is not paid.

Online calculator for calculating maternity in 2018-2019

To calculate maternity benefits and childbirth, you can use the online calculator. It is convenient and free of charge.

The appearance of a child to light is a large phenomenon for each family. He is waiting and begin to prepare in advance. Future mom, adult family members, as well as employers need to know about the rules documentary Total period of pregnancy, childbirth and future time.

Situation from the beginning

Future mothers are under the protection of the state. Working conditions for pregnant women must be as improved as much as possible. Easy work and protection against harmful factors should be ensured. In addition, the payment for work should not decline.

Pregnant women should not work on weekends and holidays, as well as at night and more installed graphics.

Pregnancy makes a woman take care of compliance with the full procedure preceding maternity leave. This includes collecting a full package of documents and transfer to its employer to fulfill the necessary payments.

In our country, all women can get a maternity leave:

  • having a permanent place of work
  • military employees
  • students in various educational institutions.

Confirmation and fixation of pregnancy

Specialist medical institution Fixes the fact of pregnancy. Accounting card is drawn up for future feminine. A regular pregnant woman is obliged to visit the attending physician, what is being recorded in the card.

Early registering gives the right to work a woman to claim payment - 543.67 rubles.

By the time when a woman should go on, the doctor discharges a hospital sheet with its duration.

Terms and duration

In labor legislation, there is no definition of "maternity leave". This is most likely the people's name of two periods passing consistently: pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, care for a small child.

In the period of about thirty weeks the bulletin is filled. If twins are expected, then it is drawn up for the twenty-eighth week. If necessary, the newsletter is discharged in several copies. If the female has been working in several places, then the decree is provided to her at each enterprise.

On Russian legislation, all working women can go on vacation, which is nominally divided into two time segments - before and after a significant event. With a normal course of pregnancy, decree lasts seventy + seventy days, with the expected double provide eighty-four + 110 days, and with severe birth, seventy + eighty six days. All dates on the newsletter are calculated in calendar days.

If, with the onset of the term for issuing a sick leave, pregnant laid in the hospital for preservation, the documents are made in the maternity hospital. Gifts that have passed before the designated period cannot serve as a basis for changing the vacation period, but they give the right to increase the hospital. When decorated in the bulletin, you can only make two, otherwise the document will be invalid.

Vacation for courtship for the baby is drawn up after the end of the decree for the period before the child has a three-year-old child.


With the usual course of pregnancy, the newsletter is issued for one hundred forty days. When waiting for twins, the decree is extended to one hundred and eighty-four days.

After heavy, complicated childbirth, additional leave is given due to pregnancy time for us sixteen calendar days.

For registration of an additional decree, a woman needs to provide a new newsletter confirming the fact of passing a complex operation with unforeseen consequences. Additional vacation is drawn up by a separate bulletin. The order for additional vacation is issued after the transfer of the employee's application.

What documents are needed for making maternity leave?

The design procedure is not difficult, the main thing is to do everything in a timely manner. Packets of documents differ in purpose and by addressee.

For polyclinic

To obtain a sick leave, a pregnant woman must be present personally.

It must be submitted:

  • passport,
  • insurance policy,
  • extract from account card.

It is important to remember that the sick leave is discharged in a strictly defined period, so it is necessary to take care in advance about the possibility of visiting the female consultation on a certain day.

For employer

A working employee reports documents for accounting services:

  • bulletin for temporary disability for pregnancy and genus.,
  • web and childbirth application,
  • information from the medical institution on the fact of registration in early terms,
  • a written application for the calculation and transfer of benefits for takes and childbirth,
  • information about income for the two full last before the case of the year, the established form, if the woman worked in other enterprises,
  • details Bank. Carta employees for transfer of benefits.

The application is made on a generally accepted pattern. Initially, the name of the enterprise, the position of the head of the organization representing a woman decree is indicated. Then the position and surname of the employee issuing the document also indicate. Next, in random form, the reason for the application is described. The applicant asks for leave for the specified reason, noting the beginning and end of the period.

Further, in the form of a list, all documents provided by the employee are indicated. Dates in the application are indicated by based on data from disability. In conclusion, the employee celebrates the date of registration and personal signature.

A similar application is also drawn up on the payment of one-time manual on accounting early deadlines Pregnancy.

The employee receives a single child's birth allowance. To do this, the company passes:

  • application for making a childbirth allowance,
  • document confirming the identity of the employee,
  • copy of Svid-Wa about the birth of a child, with the provision of the original document (for reconciliation),
  • information from the place of work of the Father that he was not charged and did not pay for the birth allowance
  • data bank card or a savings account, if the employee expresses the desire to list the amounts put it.

Based on the received documents, the administration issues an order for the decret based on the dates of the bulletin.

After the deadline for the decree, the employee executes new documents for making holidays in connection with the care of a child up to 3 years. A female worker receives benefits calculated from forty percent of average wages. Data payments are terminated, after 1.5 years of the kid.

Unlike working pregnant women, they do not have the opportunity to make decree. But payments to them are guaranteed by the state. To obtain data amounts, they turn to local social protection bodies.

Pregnant women taken into account in the employment service are provided to the Regional Office of the Social Security Service:

  • petition for mapping
  • decorated. Bolon leaf,
  • an extract from the employment record with a record of the last place of work,
  • help on the status of the unemployed, issued by the local office of the employment service.

In case future parents both unemployed, prepare documents:

  • petition for assignment of benefits
  • information about the birth of a child issued in the Rod.dom
  • a copy of the SNILS of parents,
  • help HFA about family composition,
  • copies of documents confirming the identity of parents, with the provision of originals,
  • extract from the employment record with the record of the last job,
  • information that the Effective is not prescribed and was not paid.

For paying

Futive mommies do not need to receive social payments Hang up the thresholds of the local FSS branch, this is obliged to make an employer. All benefits paid by a worker who goes into maternity leave is redeeming an enterprise from FSS.

To obtain subsidies, the enterprise must provide the following documents to the local department of the FSS:

  • Passing the employer to allocate the required amount for the payment of benefits.
  • Intermediate calculation of the FSS as a whole on the enterprise.
  • Information about the availability of the balance of the enterprise.
  • Inventory of transmitted documents.
  • Photocopy-me a sheet of disability.
  • A photocopy of calculating the size of the amount paid on the decret.
  • Photocopy i certificate about the received wages For two full past years.
  • Photocopy and petitions of the employee for the provision of a decree and about the calculation of social. Address.
  • The photocopyman of the employee for the provision of leave in connection with the care of a child up to three years and calculating the benefit for child care to one and a half years.
  • Xerocopy Svid-Wa about a born and child.
  • Photocopy and certificates from the place of work of the Father that he did not receive all kinds of Social. Address.
  • A photocopy of work. Pan of an employee who went to the decreh.
  • Photocopy and expenditure. Documents confirming paid. The benefits.

All copies should be certified by the signature of the head and the stamp of the enterprise.

After checking the received documents, funds for the payment of insurance support are translated into the current account.

If the maym is not my mother

It is important to know that child care leave can be decorated not only to mom, but also on other family members who will carry out actual care of the baby.

Guided russian legislation, Dad not only can issue a child care vacation, he will be made to pay a monthly allowance.

And even a grandmother will be paid a child care allowance if it will issue relevant documents.

Calculation of the amount of pregnancy benefits and childbirth

Payments are calculated, based on the period of estimated time and average earnings in one employee day. To calculate the amount of benefits due to pregnancy, clans are taken by the amount earned in two previous events of the year. If the employee leaves, only 2013 and 2019 will be taken to calculate the benefits. The amount of all payments in two years is divided into a constant number (on 730 days). If a leap year falls at the billing period, then the amount of payments is divided by 731 days.

The resulting average earnings in one day is multiplied by the number of days hospital sheet. The desired amount for payment benefits was found.

But it should be borne in mind that the maximum and minimum benefits are determined by Russian legislation, which are indexed annually towards the increase. Above the required allowance will not get. If the employee, without having enough employment and appropriate payments, goes to the decree, it is given a manual based on the minimum possible amount of the benefit.

No data of social payments are subject to any data. If an employee does not have the desire to go on decret, but at the same time continues to work further, she is automatically extended by the time of vacation.

Exit from decree: how to arrange?

The fact of exit from the decree is documented by the design of the childcare leave up to three years. This is filled with a request to provide such a vacation. Employees of the personnel department draw up an order for the provision of relevant holidays. And the employee of the firm can continue to continue to study the baby's upbringing.

To obtain a permanent monthly child care benefit to 1.5 years, it is required to write a petition with an appropriate request.

In relation to the process of registration of various benefits, in connection with the birth of a child, it should be borne in mind that in time the procedures passed and correctly decorated documents will be delivered from excess headaches not only young moms, the law-abiding employer is vital and in terms of issuing all the documentation and carry out the necessary Payments. To know your rights is always nice because ignorance is sometimes scary and disturbing.

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