
Certificate of current accounts from the tax office. Obtaining a certificate of open current accounts from the Federal Tax Service. Certificate of turnover on current account - sample form

Collection of debts from an institution that owes a certain amount is possible by providing a judicial executive document. In order to formalize everything in compliance with the law, you need to have special permitting information, obtaining which is almost impossible, since accounts are opened in accordance with a concluded bilateral agreement, by which all personal information is protected by law.

Therefore, to solve the problem, it is necessary to send a request to the tax authority to obtain information about the availability of funds in the borrower’s bank.

How to correctly write an application to the tax office for the provision of information?

To collect debt from a debtor, you need to prepare two documents:

  • An application to the tax authorities about the availability of funds in the bank from the borrower.
  • Application to the bank for debt collection using a writ of execution.

There are no rules regarding requests to obtain information about the debtor's accounts. Therefore, the application is processed in a free format. The main thing in this declaration is that the information entered about the debtor is sufficient to identify him. And of course, the request must be drawn up in a business style, like any official letters of this kind.

In an application to the Federal Tax Service, when displaying data on the availability of funds in the debtor’s bank, the following must be indicated:

  • Information about the applicant (full address with postal code, full name, contact telephone number).
  • Content section. Here you need to display data about when and by what structure the executive decision, indicating the details in a separate line.
  • Motivated section. It is required to provide all information about the availability of funds in the debtor's bank.
  • Request section. This indicates what needs to be done by the applicant.
  • Information about the debtor, displaying information about: TIN, full name, legal address, name and OGRN.
  • At the end of the application the date and personal signature of the applicant are placed.

You can additionally inform the appeal about the form in which it is desirable to send a response.

As additional arguments, you can present your passport along with the original executive act, which will increase the chances of receiving a positive response.

When accompanying additional materials, you need to make sure that at the time of contacting the Federal Tax Service, the total deadline for the documents presented has not expired.

To send such an application, you need to prepare materials in 2 copies. When accepting materials, the inspector checks the compliance of the original with the provided photocopies and, if there are no comments, returns the original to the owner and puts a mark on the applicant’s copy to accept the papers for consideration.

The resident is obliged to notify tax office at the place of registration on the opening (re-registration) of accounts (deposits) and on bank details in banking facilities located outside the Russian Federation, no later than one month according to the template established by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-6/457@ dated 09.21.2010 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 18, 2010, registration number 18746. This template (KND 1120107) can be downloaded from

In addition, by order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-14/502@ dated November 14, 2013, taking into account the amendments that were included in the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. ММВ-7-14/630@ dated December 20, 2013, forms are recommended, to submit reports on accounts and deposits, in foreign banks through the Internet.

According to Article 319 of the APC (arbitration procedural code) of the Russian Federation, the execution form is handed over to the lender, or, at his request, sent by the arbitration court for collection.

To execute a court ruling, the creditor submits a request to the tax authority for the release of data on the availability of money in the borrower’s bank. At the same time, the lender needs to take into account that clause 2 of Art. 102 Tax Code The Russian Federation says that the tax authority does not have the right to disclose data on the names of banks and other credit institutions, and the borrower's current accounts. Therefore, such data must be requested on the basis of legal norms, the essence of which is that the claimant has the right to receive the required information about the availability of funds in bank settings and deposits of debtors within the limits imposed by the court.

Taking into account the above, tax authorities can issue a response to the claimant’s request for the availability of funds in the borrower’s bank only if they provide the original or a notarized photocopy of the writ of execution, the validity of which has not expired.

After checking tax officer availability of the original writ of execution and other materials on the petition, the original documents are returned to the claimant, and the claimant’s declaration is accepted for consideration.

Methods for submitting documents

To send notice on the debtor’s accounts, the collector can contact any territorial structure. Of course, it is more convenient if the claimant contacts the territorial authority at the place of registration. When delivering materials in person, you must present the original writ of execution for verification. tax inspector. When sending papers by another method, it is necessary to attach a copy of the writ of execution certified by a notary to the message.

At the same time, you must make sure that the collection time has not expired.

You can send a request to purchase data about the borrower in the following ways:

  • Submission to the tax office in person.
  • By registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt.
  • Via the Internet using electronic signature

Having sent the request, the Claimant must wait for a response to his application. In this case, the tax structure is obliged to send a response within 7 days from the date of registration of the letter (Law No. 229-FZ, Part 10, Article 69). At the same time, on the basis of the same Law, the tax authority may refuse to provide data on the availability of funds in the borrower’s bank to the creditor in the following moments:

  • In the absence of a writ of execution in the claimant's request.
  • Upon presentation of an executive act with expired validity.

The Law does not provide for other grounds for refusing to respond to a request.

Sample request to the tax office for information

Below is one of the options for a sample application for obtaining data on the availability of funds in the debtor's bank.


A certificate of open accounts is one of the tools for monitoring the property status of legal entities and individuals.

Help about open accounts reports not only the existence of accounts in banking institutions, but also the date of their registration and the currency of the account. The amounts stored in the accounts are not indicated in the certificate, but such information can be obtained from, having the appropriate rights to do so.

Along with a certificate of availability of current accounts, which can be issued by banks and tax authorities, a certificate of the status of the current account is often requested. This document is issued by the bank, it indicates the current amount of balances on a specific account as of a specific date.

Who is issued a certificate of open current accounts?

Secret banking operations individuals and legal entities are protected by law. Therefore, neither banks, nor the tax service, nor other authorities will disclose information about the status of accounts and their existence. But there are exceptions to this rule, and they are also formalized by law.

Now let’s list the circle of people who have the right to receive certificates about open current accounts from the tax office and banks. This:

  • Representatives of organizations holding accounts. However, not all employees of the organization can send such requests, but its manager, Chief Accountant and persons authorized to perform such actions.
  • Representatives of courts in ongoing cases. These cases usually concern corporate bankruptcy, property disputes and debt collection. After the courts make decisions, bailiffs enter the case. The direction of their activity is more clearly defined - the search for property to impose penalties.
  • Employees Pension Fund Russia and the Foundation social insurance. Their actions are usually aimed at satisfying workers' claims against employers.
  • Representatives of the Accounts Chamber and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation apply for information about the availability of current accounts as part of control and investigative activities.

Also in the Law “On Banks” there is a list of other persons entitled to receive such information.

Another category of recipients of a certificate from the Federal Tax Service about open current accounts are property collectors based on the results of court decisions.

Why do you need a certificate of open current accounts?

Reasons why the certificate is received government bodies, by and large, only two: control financial condition and recovery of property.

But the account holders themselves also need these certificates for various reasons. A certificate from the tax office about open accounts is needed:

  • for application to business plans;
  • to provide information to partners when implementing joint projects;
  • for a report on property and state of affairs upon filing;
  • to respond to demands from the prosecutor's office and the court;
  • to sum up the results when a company is closed, divided or stopped;
  • for internal control.

The latter is necessary in the absence internal reporting or distrust of her.

A certificate of open accounts does not provide sufficient information about the assets of the enterprise. It does not indicate account balances. But this would be difficult to do if the accounts are not seized and funds flow through them. A certificate of availability of accounts provides information on the direction of the search, informs which credit institutions have the most liquid property of the organization, i.e. cash.

Contents of the certificate of open accounts

This certificate does not have a legally defined form. The certificate issued by the tax authority may look like this:

A certificate from the bank at the request of the tax inspectorate looks like this:

Sample certificate of turnover on a current account

The final version of the certificate accurately specifies all the details of the organization for which the document is being drawn up:

  • TIN, KPP, BIC;
  • name of the organization (name of the entrepreneur) whose accounts are requested;
  • names of banks where open accounts are located;
  • type, numbers and dates of registration of accounts;
  • information about the person who requested the certificate;
  • reasons for applying for a certificate.

In addition to a certificate of availability of accounts, a certificate of turnover on the current account is often needed. It reports fund movements and balances on a specific current account. This certificate is issued by the bank for a specific date. Information about balances becomes outdated after next operations according to the account, but the idea of ​​the state of affairs becomes more complete.

How to obtain a certificate of availability of current accounts?

A document of this kind can be obtained in two ways:

  1. by making a request to the tax authorities;
  2. by addressing this request to a specific .

In many cases, contacting the tax authorities is preferable; a certificate from the Federal Tax Service is recognized by all authorities and contains information about accounts in all banks.

However, what is more important is not the choice of place to obtain the certificate, but the procedure for submitting a request for it. This request should be made indicating:

  • names and addresses of your organization (or individual entrepreneur data);
  • your TIN and checkpoint numbers;
  • the essence of the request;
  • reasons for applying for a certificate;
  • listing of persons to whom the certificate may be issued;
  • date of application.

The text of the application must be sealed and signed by the head of the organization.

A properly written statement looks something like this:

Sample application for a certificate of availability of open current accounts

Where and how to send a request?

It can be submitted to any branch of the Federal tax service Russia.

The body that accepted the application for issuing a certificate registers it and transfers it to the executor from among the employees. You need to receive information about readiness and pick up a certificate from him.

The period for issuing a certificate is 5 days, but there are situations when the wait stretches to a month.

Obtaining information about open current accounts through your personal account

Another, very convenient option for obtaining a certificate can be to apply through the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Find the Federal Tax Service website.
  2. Log in to your personal account. If it is not there, register on the site, receive an electronic signature and access to your personal account.
  3. Find the required request form and enter information about the nature of the request.
  4. Sign the form with an electronic signature.
  5. Send a request.

After some time, the tax department will send the requested certificate. The electronic version of this document has the same validity as the paper version.

Applying for a certificate to banking institutions usually occurs when there is an idea of ​​which banks need to be searched and there is no need for a seal from the Federal Tax Service.

How is a certificate of open accounts issued from the tax office? Where can I get a document on payment details? Why is it needed? We will consider these and some other questions in the article.

Without exception, all legal entities operating in the territory Russian Federation and at the same time being its residents, pay into the state treasury. This process is under the control of tax authorities.

The Federal Tax Service accumulates information about organizations and their leaders, areas of activity, deductions, bank details etc. All specified information is stored and transmitted to representatives of other departments, if such a need arises.

An official managing a particular enterprise may make a request to the regional division of the Federal Tax Service in order to obtain certificate containing information about the institution's current accounts. The appeal is made in writing, and after receiving it, tax officers prepare a document.

What is meant by such a certificate? This is an official document with recorded information about payment details, which the company opened.

What does it contain? Information about:

  • financial institution in which accounts are opened;
  • currency used;
  • details of the owner of the funds.

We can say that without this document it is impossible to conduct a calm financial activities legally. In matters of income and capital, strict reporting is always required.

Why is it needed?

In addition to the fact that the certificate is evidence of the controlled activities of the organization, it is also necessary in a number of situations. For example:

  • in the negotiation process when it comes to possible cooperation in terms of investment;
  • when developing a business plan in status legal entity;
  • if you have intentions to participate in competitions/tenders/auctions;
  • to address any issues to the court;
  • to provide a response to prosecutorial requests;
  • during reorganization measures or company liquidation procedures;
  • in case of bankruptcy;
  • if necessary, apply for a loan (in this case, the interested party is the lender).

The document is also needed in the everyday activities of the institution.

At its core reference– this is a documented reflection of the current material and financial situation. Thanks to her leadership executive has the ability to correctly assess the quality of the company’s work and plan development taking into account income and expenses.

The reference document may be necessary for other legal entities as well. For example, if the organization has at its disposal writs of execution about debt collection, and the boss is not informed about which bank to apply to. Then you need to make a request to receive information about.

Who issues?

There are two authorities that issue such a certificate:

  • bank;
  • The Federal Tax Service.

The request is made on a form accepted within the company and endorsed by the manager using a personal signature and seal.

Banking institutions most often issue a document within three days, so this path falls into the category of alternative. Usually they are limited to simply obtaining data on the availability of current accounts in a given financial institution. There is no question of the Federal Tax Service seal in such a situation.

Note 1. The service is provided for a fee. In addition, in order to obtain information about all accounts, you will have to contact each bank separately, which is very inconvenient.

If the certificate is needed urgently, then only a request to the Federal Tax Service is suitable.

Important! The prosecutor's office and some other government departments accept only those certificates issued by tax officials.

Note 2. Sometimes a certificate of open accounts is confused with a certificate of turnover on them. In the second case, we are talking about actions with specific accounts: from the document you can learn about outgoing and incoming transactions. It is also prepared by Federal Tax Service specialists.

To whom is it provided?

Here is a list of parties and persons who can request the issuance of a certificate:

  • the account holders themselves;
  • judicial officers;
  • representatives of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • employees of the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund;
  • bailiffs;
  • employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

The full list can be found in Federal Law No. 395-1 “On Banks and banking” dated December 02, 1990.

Important! An appointed representative has the right to receive the document, subject to a power of attorney. It is best to have the power of attorney certified at a notary office to avoid problems with the issuance of the certificate.

Requests can also be sent by persons recognized by the court as debt collectors. They contact any department of the Federal Tax Service.

If we talk about the company itself, the following have the right to receive paper:

  • supervisor;
  • Chief Accountant;
  • some other employees who are indicated in the constituent documents.

The certificate also has a validity period: one month from the date of issue.

Request and receipt procedure

So, we now know that the document is indeed necessary in many situations. Knowing how to get one can be extremely important.

We will understand the procedure for filing a request, the list of documentation, appeal and other aspects of the procedure.

There are 4 stages:

  • collection and preparation of documents;
  • drawing up an application;
  • contacting the Federal Tax Service;
  • waiting for delivery.

Let's consider each point separately.

Required information and documents

When contacting the bank you must provide:

  • name of the institution;
  • contacts for communication;
  • shipping address;
  • information about the person who is given the right to collect the certificate.

When contacting the Federal Tax Service, you need to prepare:

  • passport;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • arbitrary statement.

We will describe below what should be in the last paper.

The document is drawn up on A4 sheet - in writing or printed form. It contains the following information:

  1. At the top right are the details of the institution where the request is being submitted. First of all, this is the address and branch number. A document is written addressed to the manager.
  2. Next - information about the applicant (checkpoint, tax identification number, registration address and location of the company).
  3. In the center of the sheet, under the described block, the word “STATEMENT” is written (without quotes).
  4. Then comes the text of the appeal itself. Describes the request/demand to provide a certificate of current accounts and the reason for the request. You can refer to, which gives you the right to receive a certificate. The data of those credit and financial institutions where details are available are also posted here.
  5. Finally, you need to indicate your preferred method of receiving the document. If this is not done, the certificate will be sent by mail.

As always in such cases, a date and signature are added at the end. If they are absent, the countdown will begin from the moment the certificate is registered with the tax office.

Sample application for obtaining a certificate of open accounts

Submission of documentation

You can submit all documentation along with the application to the Federal Tax Service once the material is ready. This is done at the place of registration of the legal entity.

Who can apply? Either the manager himself or an authorized person.

Waiting time

The maximum time you will have to wait for a certificate is a month. The law states that tax officials cannot deal with this issue for more than 30 days.

Note 3. In fact, the length of the wait depends on the work of a particular branch of the Federal Tax Service. Sometimes everything takes 2-3 days, sometimes 30 days. The average is from 5 to 14 days.


We have already noted the fact that banks issue a certificate within the framework of paid service. The amount of the commission fee is determined by which financial institution the company representative contacted.

The Federal Tax Service is preparing the document exclusively free.

If there is an urgent need to obtain paper as quickly as possible, you can contact a special agency. Its employees will draw up and submit a request to the Federal Tax Service themselves. Plus in terms: usually It only takes a day to process. Due to such efficiency, the price is appropriate: from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles.

Online registration

To save time, there is an online way to make a request. For this:

  • open the official website
  • log in personal account(if you haven’t registered yet, do so);
  • open the request form;
  • enter information about the legal entity;
  • Confirm the action using an EDS (electronic digital signature).

The waiting times are the same as with the regular order method. You can receive the document by mail or at in electronic format. Electronic version has the same legal force, which is the standard one.

Document verification

After receiving the certificate, it is very logical to check it. It must contain all information about the current accounts of the legal entity. Specifically, you should pay attention to the presence of:

  • instructions for bank accounts legal entity;
  • names of institutions whose clients include the organization (even if we are not talking about banks, but about other credit companies, the information should still be there);
  • identification information;
  • indications of the currency used.

If there are errors, be sure to contact the Federal Tax Service with a request to correct the contents of the document. It is unacceptable to operate with indicators that have nothing to do with reality: this can have a negative impact on the activities of the enterprise in the future.

Also make sure that the tax officer has entered information about the request into the database. The chief accountant or lawyer can clarify this.


Submitting an application and ordering a certificate is easy. There is a small problem of waiting times, but this can also be solved through special offices. This document does not require payment if you contact the Federal Tax Service directly.

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You don't know how to get a certificate of open current accounts? Let's figure out what is needed for this, where and who can apply. Let's give an example of a certificate and the request itself left by the company.

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Documentation of the status of current accounts may be required in many cases. This means it’s worth remembering where to go and what documents may be useful for this. Let's consider the process and timing of issuing this type of documentation.

Basic moments

Let us define what a current account is and why a certificate of accounts will be needed, opened by companies and individual entrepreneurs in banking organizations.

What it is?

A current account is called account what is used banking organization or other settlement institutions for accounting monetary transactions every client.

The current state of current accounts corresponds to the amounts of money that belong to clients. Such accounts are not used to receive passive income or to save money.

The goal is to obtain reliable and quick access to money upon first request through a specific channel for transmitting orders. Such an account is called a demand account.

Several accounts can be opened in one banking institution, which differ in currency and the purpose of the money that is accumulated on them.

Typically, settlement accounts are called ruble demand accounts for a client who has the status of a legal entity. An individual's account is also called a current account.

Purpose of the document

In accordance with established by law RF (tax plan), in order to be able to operate, all companies must submit legal information to the tax authority.

A document confirming the current account must also be submitted. Without such data, the tax authority will not register the enterprise.

This means that it will not be possible to carry out activities. Information that accounts have been closed and additional accounts have been opened must also be submitted to the authorized body.

A request for a certificate of a valid account can be sent by the company at any time.

Submit document to public service she needs to register the accounts. Otherwise, the company will not be able to conduct legal activities.

Now there is no need to notify the Federal Tax Service. Now the civil service makes requests to the credit institution with which the contract is concluded. But is it possible to get a certificate of accounts from the Federal Tax Service?

The tax service is obliged to issue such documents at the request of the taxpayer. Taxpayers may need certificates from the Federal Tax Service to monitor accounts that are included in the tax base.

After the bank receives an application requesting the issuance of an act, the request will be registered and an incoming number will be assigned.

In this case, they can submit reliable data themselves. A certificate of an open current account can be issued by any branch tax authority on the territory of the Russian Federation.

To obtain a document at the branches of the tax authority, an application is drawn up, which can be prepared in any form.

It happens that a company submits an application in accordance with the requirements, but tax officials make mistakes when entering information into the database. To obtain a certificate, you must provide the manager’s identity card, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and an application.

If the bank

An alternative to obtaining such a form is to send a request to credit institution. When receiving a certificate from a banking institution, you will have to pay from 3 to 10 thousand rubles. The cost will depend on the urgency.

If the document needs to be delivered, then you need to pay an additional 250 rubles. To complete an application, you need to send to the credit institution:

  • an identification number;
  • name of the legal entity;
  • contacts where representatives of the authorized authority can contact you;
  • postal address where the document should be sent.

There are cases when a company has writs of execution, but it is unclear which bank to submit them to, since there is no information about the opening of debtor accounts.

In such a situation, you do not need to obtain an official certificate with the seal of the Federal Tax Service, but simply information about where the company has open current accounts.

It is in such cases that enterprises turn to banks. The certificate can be obtained by the company's accountant.

If for some reason such an employee cannot obtain the document himself - he is refused to issue the document, the deadlines are too delayed, then you can contact specialized companies that will help in obtaining it.

In order to obtain a certificate from the bank, they prepare written requests addressed to the heads of the department for working with companies and individual entrepreneurs or in the name of the head of the institution itself where the accounts were opened.

Be sure to indicate exactly what kind of certificate is needed. This may be a document about the presence of current accounts, about the balance on the account, about the absence credit debts, about closing accounts, etc.

If information about turnover is needed, reflect the period and date when the certificate should be drawn up. It is necessary to certify the written request with company seals and signatures of authorized persons, and assign an outgoing number.

A bank employee, having received a request, must register it in the journal accepted documents. He will assign incoming numbers and transfer them to specialists working with individual entrepreneurs and enterprises. Based on the request, the certificate will be prepared within 1-3 days.

The disadvantage of a certificate obtained in this way is that it cannot be accepted by all organizations, while a document from the federal tax service must be accepted unconditionally by both private and government institutions.

Sample application (request)

There are many samples on the Internet, so the likelihood that it will be prepared incorrectly is minimal.

When making a request, you can rely on the following example:

Is it possible to apply online?

You can submit an online request for help. This will save time. The application is submitted through the portal of the Russian tax authority by filling out the data in the appropriate fields.

It is worth noting that a certificate of open current accounts from the Federal Tax Service in electronic form has the same legal force as a paper sample.

So the choice will be yours - whether to go to the department government structure or fill out an application online.

Production time

The deadline for providing a certificate is not established at the legislative level. The document is usually generated by the employee authorized body about 5 days.

But some tax offices issue such documents after 2-3 weeks. Such deadlines can already be considered a violation of the interests of the applicant. And this should be stopped. General terms for the issuance of documentation by a government agency – 1 month.

But then the tax employee must take into account the basic principles of the work of the federal tax authority of the Russian Federation - to promote conscientious tax payers and eradicate the bureaucracy.

The issuance of the document a month later is justified by representatives of the authorized body Administrative regulations on working with tax payers.

This document does not reflect the deadline for submitting the certificate, which means that there can be no claims against the tax office for late issuance.

So, we found out where you can get a certificate of an open account at a banking institution.

Having submitted the requested documents and written the appropriate application, the employee credit organization or the Russian Federal Tax Service has no right to refuse you.

If you do not have time to resolve such issues, you can always contact a specialized company that provides such services. Only in this case you will have to spend a little money.


A certificate from the tax office about open current accounts can be obtained by submitting a paper request to the tax office or electronically through the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

Certificates of open current accounts are needed by companies and individual entrepreneurs for various purposes. In particular, it is necessary during reorganization and liquidation, to obtain a loan and participate in government procurement. It can also be requested from the company by investors, employees of the prosecutor's office, judicial and investigative authorities.

There are two ways to obtain this document: an official paper request to the tax office and receipt through the website nalog.ru.

Attention! You will need the following documents:

Certificate from the Federal Tax Service regarding open current accounts

Inspectors are required to issue you with a certificate of the availability of current accounts for your company upon your request. You can refer to the law “On Informatization, information technology and on the protection of information" and a letter from the Federal Tax Service (clauses 2, 3 of Article 8 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ, letter of the Federal Tax Service dated May 23, 2011 No. PA-4-6/8136 p). Banks provide inspectors with all the necessary information about the accounts of companies and individual entrepreneurs.

When applying to the tax office, you will need a document, a Russian passport, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, and an official application in paper form.

It is convenient to work with documents in the BukhSoft program. It is suitable for organizations and individual entrepreneurs. The program will automatically generate and print all the necessary primary data. It also includes uploading transactions to 1C, automatic generation of any reporting, and much more.

Draw up an application on company letterhead in any form on behalf of the director, chief accountant or other person specified in the constituent documentation. These persons must sign the certificate. The organization's seal is also required. If the application is submitted by an authorized representative, you will have to issue a notarized power of attorney for him.

In the application, describe why you needed the requested information and the legal basis for obtaining it.

A request for a certificate of current accounts from the tax office may look like this:

Application to the tax office about open accounts: sample

To the Head of Inspectorate No. 38
in the Tver region
Petrov I.I.
from the director of Omega LLC
Sviridova M.M.
TIN 5698536473
Gearbox 5963127494
Legal and actual address:
569821 Taldom, st. Tsentralnaya, 44


According to paragraph 3 of Art. 8 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ and the letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated May 23, 2011 No. PA-4-6/8136, I ask you to provide a certificate listing all current accounts opened with Omega LLC. This document is necessary for our company to attract credit funds.

Director of Omega LLC _________ Sviridov M.M.

Inspectors from five to thirty calendar days will provide you with a certificate with information about all accounts opened by the company. It will contain a list of them, the names of the banks where they are open, the currency of the accounts and other information.

Please note: in some cases inspectors may refuse to provide a certificate. This will happen if you correctly specified information about the company or individual entrepreneur in the application.

Certificate of open current accounts in electronic form

Requesting a certificate of the availability of current accounts through the Federal Tax Service website will allow you to save time. But at the same time you will need a strengthened qualified electronic signature.

Open the website nalog.ru. Register on it or log in, if you are not registered, in your personal account. Select the appropriate section. Enter all the necessary information and documents into it. Provide an electronic signature. Submit the information and wait for a response from the tax authorities.

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