
Pifa Raiffeisen. Mutual funds "Raiffeisen Capital. Dynamics of Raiffeisen - Information Technologies

Raiffeisen mutual funds are an affordable way to increase your capital and increase your profits. The service is especially relevant for novice investors.

What is mutual fund

This abbreviation means “mutual investment fund.” This is a group of investors who invest money in securities, real estate, etc.

The totality of all investors' investments is called a portfolio. Each investor can buy a share (share). The number of shares purchased is determined by the amount of money invested. A share can be bought, sold, or used as collateral.

Important! The value of the share increases over time. Thus, by selling a share at a higher price, after a while you will make a good profit.

But how to acquire an income share and increase money? This is done by the management company. It is she who makes decisions about buying assets, freezing them or selling them for profit.

Investments in mutual funds

Investing in mutual funds is similar to bank demand deposits. In both cases, you can withdraw the money at any time. But the returns on these investments are different. When opening a bank deposit, you can only count on a low interest rate. But investments in mutual funds bring much greater income. But the risks with such an investment also increase: if the management company goes bankrupt, there is a risk of losing money.

Return on investment

Mutual funds are profitable investments and are available to a wide range of investors. There is a small amount of risk in such investments, but this can be reduced if you choose reliable partners. Mutual investments provide high returns and are suitable for many investors. The management company controls finances, increasing the profitability of deposits.

Pros and cons of investing money in mutual funds

Important advantages of mutual funds:

  1. High income. The profit of the share is greater than when opening a bank deposit.
  2. Minimum investment. You can invest a relatively modest amount.
  3. Professionalism of the management company. Investors entrust deposit management to experienced employees whose goal is to increase income.
  4. Low costs. If you manage your accounts yourself, the costs will be higher, since funds allow you to reduce costs due to their scale.
  5. Opportunity to quickly sell equity shares.
  6. You can pay less taxes. When the value of your shares increases, you will be exempt from income tax.


  1. Investments are not insured; they are not deposits.
  2. The return on shares is directly proportional to the risks and depends on the market. If suddenly the situation is unstable and changes for the worse, the shares will become cheaper.

How to become an investor

To invest in Raiffeisenbank mutual funds you need:

  1. Go to a bank branch with your passport.
  2. Select suitable shares and draw up an agreement.
  3. Pay for shares.

What determines the risk of a mutual fund?

The price of the share is constantly changing. If a client invests in bonds, prices will fluctuate less than when investing in stocks.

Important! The cost of the investment share is calculated in rubles. If shares are held in US dollars, the value of the share will change in the same way as the exchange rate. If the dollar rises, the value of the share will increase.

The management company chooses a cash management strategy. The company's goal is to minimize risks and increase possible profits. A thorough analysis of the financial market, a balanced approach and professionalism help increase investors' profits.

Raiffeisen mutual fund line

The management company Raiffeisen Capital demonstrates the dynamics of the share price and NAV on the website. Raiffeisenbank offers its clients a wide range of mutual funds for increasing funds.

"Raiffeisen Shares"

Raiffeisen clients make the largest investments in highly liquid securities. Most often, money is invested in Russian companies; such shares are distinguished by stable profits. By distributing all financial investments across different industries, risks are reduced.

Key terms:

  • price 35,000 rubles per 1 share (this figure may change);
  • net asset value more than 1.5 billion rubles;
  • stock returns over three years exceed 43%;
  • The bulk of investments are in the raw materials sector and the financial industry.

The safest investment period is from one and a half to two years. Raiffeisen's main strategy is long-term investments in highly liquid stocks.

"Raiffeisen Bonds"

The Raiffeisen Bonds Fund allows you to invest in bonds of various industries of domestic companies and government debt obligations. Such deposits are distinguished by moderate returns and low risk.

Key terms:

  • price 24,000 rubles per 1 share;
  • the value of net assets exceeds 18 billion rubles;
  • stock returns over three years exceed 22%;
  • The bulk of investments are in government securities and corporate bonds.

This deposit has a moderate return. The recommended investment period is 1 year. The minimum investment is available from 50,000 rubles with the possibility of an additional investment of 10,000 rubles.


This is an interesting proposal that allows for diversification both from the position of the type of securities and from the position of a set of currencies. The composition of the portfolio changes periodically, flexibly adapting to the situation on the stock market.

Key terms:

  • price: 18,000 rub. for 1 share;
  • net asset value: more than 290 million rubles;
  • the share price has fallen by almost 14% in recent months, and the value of assets by almost 2%;
  • The investment portfolio includes shares, securities of joint stock companies and (to a lesser extent) money.

Despite the fact that the set includes the central banks of not only the most developed regions of the country, the emphasis is placed exclusively on instruments that provide high profits.

The lower limit for the investment duration is one and a half years. The minimum initial amount is fifty thousand rubles.


This mutual fund allows you to work with the American stock market. Given the size and growth rate of the US economy, the income from such a fund can be very high. An additional bonus for attentive investors: you can play on changes in the exchange rate.

Key terms:

  • price: 31,700 rub. for 1 share;
  • net asset value: more than 2.5 billion rubles;
  • the price of the share increased over the year by almost 2%, the value of net assets decreased by approximately 30%;
  • The investment portfolio includes mainly securities of the US stock market, as well as a small share of cash.

This mutual fund is characterized by a passive management system, which makes it possible not to spend extra money on regulating actions with assets.

"Consumer sector"

This fund allows you to invest in securities of companies that supply goods to Russian consumers. The investment portfolio is made up of shares of companies that produce food, clothing, medicine, etc. The specificity is that the profitability of the share depends on the availability of demand for certain products.

Key terms:

  • price: 12,500 rub. for 1 share;
  • net asset value: more than 7 billion rubles;
  • the share price has increased over the year by more than 30%, which means excellent profitability;
  • The investment portfolio includes securities of companies involved in retail, high technology, finance, transport and construction (16.3%).

The lower limit for the investment duration is one and a half years. The minimum initial amount is fifty thousand rubles. You can add investments of at least 10 thousand rubles. at a time.

How does the share price change?

Let's assume you decide to invest in Raiffeisen mutual funds. The cost of the share is the first thing you need to figure out.

A share is a share of participation in a joint stock company. If you invest in a fund, you become the owner of a part (share) of the company’s securities, that is, a shareholder. This has little in common with a bank deposit, so you can forget about withdrawing interest. The result of such an investment is a gradual increase in the value of the share.

NAV stands for: C – cost, H – net, A – assets. Dividing the NAV by the number of shares, you get the value of your share. By selling your share at a higher price than you bought, you will win. As an example, here is the dynamics of the value of the Raiffeisen Shares Mutual Fund for 2019.

Detailed information on all other mutual funds is posted on the official Raiffeisen website and is updated regularly. Each fund has its own schedule.

Raiffeisenbank Capital provides asset management. Mutual investment funds are an affordable way to increase the profitability of your investment.

As you can see, mutual funds are a good way to invest money for a novice investor. Like any investment instrument, it has its own characteristics, which you need to understand first. This will minimize risk and maximize benefits.

Have you already invested money in mutual funds? Write in the comments.

Raiffeisenbank mutual funds managed by Raiffeisen Capital Management Company are the most accessible and convenient tool for increasing capital for a wide range of private and qualified clients, as can be seen from the reviews.

The fund represents a special form of joint investment, where each client purchases shares and receives profit due to the growth of portfolio securities in an amount corresponding to the size of the investment. Today Raiffeisenbank offers private investors several open mutual funds.

"Raiffeisen Shares"

The main direction of the flow of client investments in this fund is in highly liquid securities (shares), and domestic companies with indicators of stable growth in profitability are selected as issuers. The portfolio structure is such that risks are significantly reduced due to the redistribution of funds across industries.

Basic indicators:

  • the cost of the share at the moment is almost 26 thousand rubles;
  • NAV, accordingly, is equal to 1.23 billion rubles;
  • the monthly share growth is 1.78%;
  • the structure of the fund's portfolio is dominated by the Central Bank of the raw materials sector (35%), the financial sector (23.6%), cash (17.4%), and the consumer sector of the country's economy (12.3%).

The optimal investment period is 1.5-2 years, the strategy is long-term investment in highly liquid instruments.

"Raiffeisen Bonds"

This fund invests only in bonds; Russian companies from various sectors of the economy act as issuers; in addition, the portfolio includes government debt obligations. It provides moderate returns with a low degree of risk.

The fund's performance indicators today are as follows:

  • the cost of the share according to the profitability schedule of Raiffeisenbank mutual funds is currently 20.8 thousand rubles;
  • the value of the fund's assets is 10.9 billion rubles;
  • the average annual return is 11.41%, NAV growth is 141.5%;
  • in the fund's portfolio structure: almost 61% of state and constituent entities of the Russian Federation Central Bank, as well as 37.9% of corporate bonds, just over 1% - cash.

The securities in the fund's structure have moderate returns, so the recommended investment period is 12 months or more. The minimum investment limit is 50 thousand rubles, subsequent additional investments are allowed in the amount of 10 thousand rubles.


In this fund, maximum diversification is possible both across asset classes (different securities) and currencies, and all this within the framework of one mutual fund. Moreover, the ratio of portfolio instruments is constantly changing depending on the situation on the securities market.

Key performance indicators of the mutual fund:

  • the cost of the share is almost 18 thousand rubles;
  • NAV today is 292 million rubles;
  • the growth dynamics of this Raiffeisenbank mutual fund: both the NAV and the share lost in value by 13.76 and 1.98%, respectively, over the last 2 months;
  • The portfolio structure of the mutual fund: 46% are shares, almost 36% are bonds of domestic issuers, 12.6% are shares of Russian joint-stock companies, and only 5.6% are cash.

The portfolio includes securities from both developed and developing regions of the country, but only highly liquid instruments are selected for investment. The period for which it is recommended to invest is 1.5-2 years. The minimum investment amount is 50 thousand rubles.


The fund earns returns in accordance with the performance of the United States stock market. Since this country has one of the largest economies, mutual funds are characterized by high and stable returns. The value of each share is also denominated in US currency - dollars. Accordingly, shareholders have the opportunity to further increase their investment profitability during currency exchange rate fluctuations.

Performance indicators:

  • the cost of the share is 31.7 thousand rubles;
  • the NAV value today is 2.6 billion rubles;
  • for 12 months the return was 1.71%, and the NAV fell by 31.12%;
  • The fund's portfolio contains 99.9% of US stock market shares and 0.1% of cash.

A passive management fund allows clients to save money and minimize fees to the fund for asset management. Investment period (recommended) - from 1.5 years or more. The minimum investment amount is 50 thousand rubles, subsequent investments start from 10 thousand rubles.

"Consumer sector"

This mutual fund invests shareholders' capital in shares that are focused on the needs of the domestic Russian market. Thus, the portfolio includes the securities of companies - manufacturers of consumer goods, retail chains, and pharmaceutical companies. Accordingly, the profitability of shares increases following the increase in consumer demand of the population.

Fund indicators:

  • the cost of the share is 12.5 thousand rubles;
  • NAV is equal to 7.2 billion rubles;
  • over the year, the mutual fund showed one of the highest returns - the share increased in value by 31.3%, and the NAV - by almost 89%;
  • The fund's portfolio includes the following Central Banks: 33.6% Retail, 24% financial sector of the economy, 18.4% IT sector, 16.3% construction and transport industry.

The optimal investment period is at least 18 months, the first investment is from 50 thousand rubles, additional investments are from 10 thousand rubles or more.

In addition to these funds, Raiffeisenbank also offers other mutual funds - “Active Management Fund”, “Industrial”, “Electric Energy”, “Treasury”, “Raw Materials Sector” and so on. All funds have an equal amount of initial purchase of shares and additional investments.

It has become fashionable to play on the stock exchange: there is an opinion that the key word is not “stock exchange”, but “play”. But winning in a game is not only a matter of luck, but also of preparation, strategy, and knowledge of information. What do you need to know when starting to trade on the stock exchange?

It is hardly worth talking at length about the importance of mastering key terms, as well as the professional jargon of stockbrokers. Take the time to study the operating principles of the exchange you want to play on, and don’t feel ashamed of turning to a trading guru if you don’t understand something. Experienced traders advise not to over-emphasize quotes and prices and not to consider the current trend unchanged. Many beginners, when they see a pleasantly upward curve of quotes, begin to calculate how much they will earn on such and such a day, a month, and almost a year.

But this is on paper; in life, everything is far from being so certain and rosy. Experts warn that most failures when playing on the stock exchange are a consequence of a lack of knowledge and experience. Thus, novice traders are unable to correctly calculate the result of a particular transaction, do not take into account many pitfalls, and when calculating losses, do not take into account the broker’s commission or calculate the commission based on the transaction amount rather than profit.

Master the details

At the start of their training, novice traders must master trading techniques - as a test, you can bargain, for example, with your broker. At this stage, novice players must learn to negotiate minimum commissions for themselves, convincing the broker that he can get much more by constantly working with the client (newbie). The fact is that constant profit is a less risky, stable source, which makes sense to secure in any case: for one-time commissions (even very high ones), a broker can lose a client for the banal reason of this client leaving the game.

Let's train our hands

Almost every novice trader clings to the saying “beginner’s luck,” forgetting that the stock exchange game is more like chess than cards. Therefore, the first piece of advice: do not rush to risk real money!

“Shooting” on the virtual exchange will help you avoid serious losses and negative experiences. By playing on it, you will be able to better understand the rules of exchange transactions, get an insight into the specifics of this game, and formulate key rules for conducting transactions without risk (or at least minimize this risk). In addition, trading on the stock exchange with candy wrappers provides the opportunity to get advice from experienced brokers. Having gained such valuable experience (and some advice from professionals), you can minimize the risk of losing real money, which (remember this!) is very high for beginners.

Be prepared for mistakes

Unfortunately, even the most seasoned players did not escape this stage when they were beginners. Errors accumulated, failures multiplied, the trader became nervous and worsened his situation even more, from a stock speculator he was forced to “retrain” into an investor - and as a result he received the very first margin call in his career. There is no need to be afraid of this - with a cool head and sober calculations, you should continue the game, drawing conclusions from the mistakes made. How not to repeat them? Be sure to keep a “trader’s diary”: you should write down the results of each transaction, as well as its plan, worked out to the smallest detail. To stop your losses, set stops (sometimes it’s better to do this ahead of time so that it’s not too late) and under no circumstances remove them. From each triggered stop, draw detailed conclusions about the behavior of the market - remembering that all successful traders learned not by making a profit, but by making mistakes.

As you gain experience, you will form a personal strategy - there is no doubt that you will not really want to share the most valuable experience on which it will be built. That is why it is impossible to find universal guru advice for all difficult cases of stock exchange life in the public domain. Of course, you can and should turn to professional colleagues, even when you have already accumulated solid experience: trading on the stock exchange is not based on blindly following the rules given in books on economics and articles on trading.

Universal Trader Rules

There is no “golden key” that will open the door to the world of super-profits, just as there is no absolute truth in the world of quotes and trading. The stock exchange is an extremely changeable and dynamic environment, which also evolves naturally - all the strategies and developments that brought fabulous profits yesterday are now becoming ineffective, if not downright dangerous. But still, there are several universal rules that a successful trader must adhere to. They are especially important for beginners!

1. Carefully study the market and the behavior of its key players, as well as the political situation.

2. Thoroughly plan every deal - even those that seem not very significant. Work out the smallest details, prepare backup plans.

3. Remain optimistic even in cases of serious losses.

4. Maintain composure in any situation. Be patient and self-possessed, do not take hasty steps.

5. Set yourself achievable goals. Having achieved it, complicate the task - raise the level of your goals.

6. Buy against bad news, sell against good news. At the same time, do not be afraid to buy at high prices and sell at low prices.

7. Do not take loans under any circumstances! For trading on the stock exchange - only personal funds.

8. Stick to 2% of the amount of available capital. This value of the acceptable degree of risk is calculated by experts. Going beyond it threatens to turn a reasonable business risk into a blind game of chance.

9. In a sluggish market, take a wait-and-see approach - and only react to a strong, clear signal. Don't try to guess the top and bottom of the market: it's useless.

10. Do not trust trading robots that promise sky-high profits at lightning speed...

...and never blindly accept advice that has not been verified by practical experience.

Have a successful start!

Mutual Funds Raiffeisen

Raiffeisen Capital Mutual Funds are a great way to invest your money with high returns. This, in essence, is an opportunity to entrust your money to professional investors of Raiffeisenbank, who, depending on the type of fund, will invest investors’ money in securities, precious metals and other assets. As a result of asset growth, the price of the share increases and investors make a profit.

Raiffeisenbank Mutual Fund is a riskier investment instrument than a bank deposit, but the risk pays off with many times higher returns. In this case, the investor himself determines which fund to invest his money in and receives complete information about the portfolio, growth dynamics, strategy, etc.

Mutual Funds Management Company Raiffeisen Capital

Raiffeisenbank mutual funds are currently presented in 17 variations. In the future, this number may increase or decrease, depending on the circumstances. Some funds may close and vice versa, new options may appear.

Let's look at each Raiffeisen mutual fund separately:

Bonds. A reliable portfolio with a strategy for generating income in the medium term. At the moment, the annual return (AR) is 7.76%. Consists mostly of government bonds and corporate bonds of reliable Russian companies.

Corporate bonds. Similar to the previous one, however, the main emphasis in this case is on Raiffeisen consumer bonds of Russian issuers. Profitability for the year – 7.62%.

Consumer sector. Consists of shares of predominantly domestic companies in the consumer sector: from finance and retail to pharmaceuticals and construction. Long-term strategy with income from the growth of company shares. GD – 23.99%.

Electric power industry. A portfolio of shares of companies in the energy sector with a long-term strategy. GD – 13.34%.

Industrial. A strategy with profit in the long term. Consists of shares of companies in the metallurgical, chemical and other manufacturing sectors. For such Raiffeisen mutual funds the yield is 14.03% per year.

Stock. A portfolio of shares of Russian companies in various sectors of the economy. GD – 18.65%.

MICEX index of blue chips. The portfolio is based on the Moscow Exchange index, the yield is 23.24%.

Raw materials sector. Shares of Russian oil and gas and metallurgical companies. GD – 32.00%.

Debt markets of developed countries. GD – 4.89%.

USA. Securities of American companies. The profitability of Raiffeisenbank Mutual Fund for the year amounted to 22.81%.

Europe. Securities of European companies. GD – 27.38%.

Information Technology. Securities of IT companies are a very promising sector. GD – 36.79%.

Developing markets. Raiffeisenbank capital Mutual funds with investments in new markets, GD - 23.86%.

Active management fund. Shares of various companies in the Russian and foreign markets. Profitability – 34.61% per year.

Gold. The profitability chart for Raiffeisenbank mutual funds in this case was 7.75%.

Precious metals. Unlike gold, it includes various precious metals. GD – 10.81%.

Balanced. Raiffeisen asset management Mutual funds with the most diversified portfolio and the most diverse assets, GD - 15.02%.

All Raiffeisen Bank mutual funds show income for the year at the time of writing. In the future, the dynamics may change in any direction.

Which Mutual Fund Raiffeisen Capital should you choose?

Raiffeisenbank offers asset management mutual funds in a very wide range. When choosing, you need to take into account your investment goals, the time frame for which the money will be invested and the acceptable ratio of profitability and risk. It would also be a good idea to study the dynamics of profitability over the past few years, as well as analyze the prospects of a particular market.

For example, the dynamics of Raiffeisen bonds will depend on the situation in the country if we are talking about government bonds. Investments in the IT sector can bring huge profits in the future. But precious metals will bring, albeit stable, but small income. Therefore, when choosing, you need to be guided by many factors and make a decision that will be optimal in a given case.

May 3, 2018

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