
How to know about the status of your personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. How to get information about the state of ILS in the FIU

Today there are several ways to get information from the individual personal account in the mandatory system. pension insurance. Information can be provided both in paper and in in electronic format.

Earlier, every year the PF of the Russian Federation made a mass distribution of notifications, the so-called "letters of happiness", thereby informing citizens about the state of their individual personal accounts, the retirement account. Letters came as registered through the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Post of Russia", at the same time wondered with colossal money from the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Paper notifications every year are increasingly unclaimed, so such a way of informing has been canceled since 2013. But still, information on the state of an individual personal account for insured persons is still available.

How can I find out the amount on the personal account in the PF of the Russian Federation?

This feature of informing the insured persons about the state of their individual personal accounts since 2013 is organized by providing citizens to citizens on paper or in electronic form in accordance with Federal law "On individual (personified) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance."

Informing citizens on paper carried out:

  1. via " Personal Cabinet Citizen »on the PFR website

    Through personal account You can learn about the number of pension points and duration insurance experience, taken into account on the personal account, get detailed information On labor periods, places of work, the amount of insurance premiums accrued by employers and the level of wages.

    The service also provides information on pension savings, including data on contributions under the public co-financing program. In addition, within the service framework, you can use the personalized version of the pension calculator and find out what affects the formation pension law and the size of the future insurance pension.

    All users registered on the site have access to the service and unified system Identification and authentication (ECAI).

  2. Through the employer.

    In accordance with Federal Law No. 27-FZ "On Individual (personalized) accounting in the system of compulsory pension insurance" The employer is obliged to transfer a copy of the information presented in the FIU.

  3. Through the territorial body of the FIU.

    Each person once a year can get an extract from an individual personal retirement account at the place of residence or work.

    To get a notice with a registered letter, it is necessary to come with a passport and in the FIU at the place of registration (including temporary) or actual residence and write a statement. The Pension Fund will prepare a notice and direct it to the address specified in the application by registered mail within 10 days from the date of appeal. If you want to pick up the notice yourself, then you also need to write a statement about this, and after 10 days, but you can already personally, you can get an extract from an individual personal account.

  4. Through a registered letter. Having writes a personal statement and send it by registered mail (subject to the established requirements) in the FIU.
  5. An extract can be pre-order by phone And get it at the appointed time.
  6. Informing the insured persons in electronic form is carried out by receiving information about the state of the individual personal account. through a single portal of public services. For this, the insured person needs to register and create in accordance with the procedure provided for on the site.

In addition, information on the state of the pension personal account can be obtained in electronic form through some known banks with which the Pension Fund Russian Federation He concluded agreements on informing the insured persons about the state of their individual personal accounts, this "Sberbank of Russia", " Bank URALSIB", Gazprombank, Bank of Moscow, Bank VTB 24. The notice of the FIU on the state of an individual personal account can be obtained on paper through the operator or through ATMs of these credit institutions, as well as in electronic form - through terminals or Internet banking. For information from PFR, the insured persons - customers of these credit institutions need to be applied to obtain information on the state of the individual personal account in the territorial divisions of these credit institutions.

Note: You can learn more about the options for obtaining information about the state of an individual personal account in the system of compulsory pension insurance in the territorial authorities of the FIU, as well as at the Center for Online Consultation of Citizens on the PFR website.

How to read information about the status of an individual personal account received through the Personal Cabinet of the Insured person, a single portal of state (municipal) services (ENGU) or through the territorial body of the FIU

1. At the beginning of the first block, it contains technical information: the details of your request, on the basis of which, and as of what date these information has been formed.

In addition, your personal data is indicated: FULL NAME, date of birth, the number of your individual personal account in the FIU (SNILS), the option of your pension in the system of compulsory pension insurance (the formation of only insurance or insurance and accumulative pensions) as well as the number of years of experience, taken into account For the prescription of the pension, and the number of individual pension coefficients (pension points). Points are charged for every year of labor activities, subject to the accrual by employers or by you personally insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance. Since 2015, pension rights are formed in the form of points.

2 . The formation of pension rights in points began since 2015. If you started your labor activity Until this year, all your formed pension rights are translated into pension points to assign a pension to you in the future on the new formula. The second block indicates the number of pension points and its components earned until 2015 (if available) and from January 1, 2015, as well as the final amount.

3. The third block describes the main information on the basis of which the number of pension points was calculated during the periods until 2015. Specified average monthly earnings For 2000-2001, the overall work experience, as well as detailed information on the work and earnings of the insured person in this period. This data is necessary for calculating the calculated pension Capital For further conversion to points.

4. The fourth block indicates the size of the calculated pension capital formed from the insurance premiums from 2002 to 2014. And total amount Capital is indicated taking into account the indexes conducted. To transfer pension rights to points from the size of the calculated pension capital, the size of the monthly payment of the insurance part is calculated labor pension In old age, which you would receive as of December 31, 2014. It does not take into account the fixed base size, and then the resulting amount is divided into the cost of one score as of January 1, 2015 (64.1 rubles). Your final amount of points earned until 2015 (if available), is indicated in block 2.

Also in this block reflects detailed information about the place of work, accrued and taken into account insurance contributions, as well as periods of work included in the insurance experience.

If you think that any information is not taken into account or not in full, refer to the employer to clarify the data and submit them to the Pension Fund.

5-7. The information placed in these blocks is reflected depending on the option of pensioning in the OPS system, participation in the program of state co-financing of pensions, as well as from the insurer who has an insured person formed its pension accumulations.

  • if you do not form pension savings and you are not a member of the state co-financing program of pensions, then blocks 5, 6 and 7 will not be displayed;

  • if you have pension savings, the insurer is the FIU, and you are a member of the state co-financing program of pensions, then blocks 5 and 7 will be displayed, and block 6 - no;

  • if you form pension savings, while the insurer is NPF, and you are not a member of the state co-financing program of pensions, then only block 6 will be displayed.

5. In the fifth block, the following detailed information is indicated, in case you form pension savings in the FIU:

  • the selected management company (private or state "Vnesheconombank") and the selected investment portfolio. If you have not chosen any control company, then the means of your pension savings are in trust management state management company "Vnesheconombank" (investment portfolio - advanced);

  • the final amount of funds of pension savings, taking into account their investment with the distribution of funds for the formation of a cumulative pension:

At the expense of insurance premiums;

Due to insurance premiums in the framework of the state co-financing program, including employer contributions (if they are another side of the program and pay extra insurance contributions For you), state contributions for co-financing and income from their investment.

6. In the sixth block, detailed information is indicated in case you form your pension savings in non-state pension Fund:

  • nPF name, where in accordance with your choice transferred the amount of pension savings;

  • the total amount of insurance premiums entered on accumulative pension, without taking into account their investment with the distribution of funds for the formation of a cumulative pension:

At the expense of insurance premiums;

At the expense of maternal (family) capital;

Due to insurance premiums in the framework of the state co-financing program, including the employer contributions (if they are another party to the program and pay additional insurance premiums for you) and state contributions to co-financing.

7. The seventh block contains information on the amounts of contributions under the program of state co-financing of pensions, including the employer contributions (if they are another side of the program and pay additional insurance premiums for you) and state contributions to co-financing, with a breakdown by year.

Since 2002, the pension insurance system has been based on the fact that the basis of pensions are the contributions that employers pay for an employee. To become a participant in the pension system and receive payments, you need to register an individual facial account of the insured person. It will reflect all the information necessary for the accrual of pension: experience, periods of employment, jobs, insurance premiums and points. This information is fully confidential and used according to the rules filed to the storage of data.

Pension structure

The size of future pension savings influence the size of the salary with which contributions to the FIU are paid, the moment of appeal to the pension (just on time or after time). In addition, "non-perscomber" periods in life are credited to the experience. The calculation on them is carried out using special coefficients.

The "not insurance" periods refers periods:

  • passing military service;
  • child care, disabled, an elderly relative;
  • obtaining disability benefits;
  • detention;
  • accommodation abroad of family members diplomats no more than 5 years.

Information on all these periods is reflected in the individual personal account of the insured person.

When to retire?

Better contact the payment later established period. For each year, the "delay" size of the insurance and fixed payment is increasing to the corresponding coefficient. For example, in the case of circulation after 5 years, the specified amounts will be increased by 36% and 45%, respectively, and after 10 - by 211% and 232%, respectively.

All formed accumulations are reflected on the individual personal account of the insured person. They will be fully paid, taking into account income from investing. The amount of accumulations intended for payment is calculated as follows: the amount of savings is divided into the estimated period of payments. As of 2017, it is 240 months. The payment structure also did not change. Citizens get one-time, urgent payments and accumulated savings. The latter are not indexed and fully dependent on investment results.

Pension rights

From 2024, the minimum experience to obtain insurance payments will be 15 years old. As of 2017, it is eight years old and annually increases for a year. Persons who by 2024 will not have enough insurance experience, will be able to contact the FIU only for social payment Upon reaching 60 (65) years. Right to insurance payment It occurs at the age of 55 and 60 years.

The second condition for obtaining funds is the formation of pension rights in the amount of 11.4 points in 2017. After 9 years, this indicator will be 30 points. If a person is given a group of disability, the insurance pension will be appointed to him (if he has at least one experience) or social payment.

Pension options

Although according to the law, citizens can form independently choose between insurance and accumulative pensions, since 2014, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, all contributions are sent to insurance payment. Payments are listed at a rate of 22% of the Fot.

Citizens born in 1966 and earlier, pension savings can additionally be formed at the expense of a funding program, maternal capital. Such citizens do not have the ability to choose an option.

Persons in respect of which for the first time since 2014 began to transfer contributions for 5 years to conclude an agreement on the OPS and contact the non-state PF, the Criminal Code, WEB. The latter can place the savings of citizens in the bonds of the Russian Federation, Russian issuers. After making changes to the register of insured persons and satisfying the pension fund of the selected investment program, the pension provision variant changes.

In addition, persons who have chosen until 31.12.15, a pension formation option can change it at any time.

Insurer of savings

The accumulation of savings except (not) of the state PF is also engaged in the Criminal Code. Full list Accredited Insurers is presented on the website of the Bank of Russia. The insured person needs to choose a company that will deal with the formation of savings, and until December 31 of the current year, apply to the FIU about the change of the insurer. The document can also be sent by mail, pass through the MFC.

A few words about maternal capital

To get a certificate, you need to fill out a statement in the FIU office or on the Site in your Personal Account. The decision on the provision of a certificate is accepted within a month. If it is positive, then you can get a document in the FIU or MFC. To do this, provide:

  • Statement.
  • Passport.
  • Certificate of birth / adoption of the child.
  • Confirmation of the child's citizenship.

Matroitellays can be used to improve housing conditions, payment of the education of a child or the formation of a pension.


The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation registers in the system Mandatory insurance (OPS) Russians, foreigners and stateless persons. For each participant in this system, an individual account with the insurance number opens - SNILS. With it, it is to collect information on obtaining services, benefits, and municipal institutions carry out the identification of citizens who are treated for issuing a passport, to obtain social support, etc.

Snaps indicate such data:

  • individual personal account of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • date of Birth;
  • date of registration in the OPS.

Each registered citizen is issued " green card" A copy of this document must be made in case of employment and contacting all instances.

SNILS is needed not only adults, but also for children. First, some of them are still retired. Secondly, all children enjoy benefits: free food at school, preferential drugs, vessels in a sanatorium, etc. Some categories of children even mugs on the system of additional education are visited more often.

Parents may arrange reduced to a child through MFC or FIU. Hello he can do this to achieve 14 years. To make a document, you need to provide a passport or birth certificate and fill out personal data. The card is drawn up for four weeks, although in some areas the time is reduced to a few minutes. If a statement submits one parent, then the second parent may take a card if there is a passport and child documents (birth certificate).

Employed citizens can arrange reduss through place of work. To do this, the employee must fill a special questionnaire in the personnel department. Within two weeks from the date of signing the employment contract, this document is transmitted to the FIU for registration in the OPS. For registration of the card and registration of the account, 2 weeks stand out.

Data update

SNILS has no shelf life. It is fixed once for a particular person and no longer changes. That is, the number itself cannot be lost, but you can.

Store the document also carefully as a passport. After all, it is impossible to arrange a loan. Restore the lost document is very easy. It is enough to refer to the employer with a statement for the release of duplicate. IP and not working citizens will have to see new card to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Duplicate is drawn up within a month.

In case of shift surnles SNILS Need to be updated. This can be done in the methods described above. The individual personal account of pension insurance will remain the same, simply the card will be discharged to a new surname.

Facial account structure

An individual account consists of two parts. The general part contains such data:

  • insurance number of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Surname and initials;
  • date and city of birth;
  • place of residence;
  • passport data or document confirming personality;
  • citizenship;
  • date of registration in the OPS;
  • periods of activity that fall into the experience;
  • periods of work in special conditions, areas of the Far North.

In the same part of the individual personal account indicate:

  • salary on which contributions are accrued;
  • the amount of insurance premiums of accrued, paid and received;
  • volume of pension capital, information about its indexation;
  • installation of labor pension, its indexation;
  • information about closing the personal account.

The special part of the individual facial account of the insured person contains such data:

  • contributions to the accumulative part of the pension;
  • company info (CC), which manages the score;
  • information on the annual accumulation enumerations;
  • data on the temporary movement of funds before reflecting them on the personal account;
  • information on income and expenses from investment;
  • information on the transfer of savings between the Criminal Code, in (not) public PF;
  • payments due to accumulations.

There is also a professional part of the account, which contains information on the additional amount of insurance premiums, investment income, professional experience and payments.

Accumulation information

Every Russian has the right to appeal to receive data on the amount of savings. This service is free once a year. The notice of the PF on the state of an individual facial account is presented in the form of an extract in the form of SZI-6 on paper in the territorial department of the FIU. At the request of a citizen, these data can be shipped by mail by registered mail.

The applicants' informing service is carried out according to the FZ "On Individual Accounting in the OPS system". Data should be provided within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request.

Multifunctional centers

To get a notice the applicant must:

  • Contact MFC with an appropriate request.
  • Get a receipt for acceptance of the application.
  • Wait for extract or notice.

MFC employees must accept a request from a citizen and transfer it to the FIU, in which:

  • data is checked;
  • the request in the arrangement journal is registered;
  • extract is formed,
  • extended notification of the state of an individual personal account or denial of data.

Reasonable reasons for refusal to provide information are the absence of one of these documents:

  • passports;
  • power of attorney (if the appeal is issued through a representative);
  • SNILS.


The applicants may appeal the decision of the FIU. For this, the applicant must be a complaint in writing or electronic form and send it to GosOrgan. The document must contain:

  • FULL NAME, address of the residence, contact details of the applicant;
  • information on the appealed solution;
  • arguments for challenging the solution (in the form of missing documents).

Ate a complaint is transmitted to the territorial separation of the FIU, the applicant must provide his passport. The document can be sent electronically through the PFR site or a single portal. The application to the letter should attach the SNILS scanopy and other document to dispute the solution.

When filing a complaint through the PFR website, other confirmation documents may also be presented in electronic form and the EDP is signed. At the same time, the person certifies the personality of a person is not required.

If the decision appeals officer The refusal to receive an extract from the individual personal account of the insured person, the complaint is transmitted to the head of the territorial office. If the decision of the head appeals, then higher organ. The term of consideration begins from the date of registration of the document. The complaint may be filed through MFC. In this case, the Center's employees must maximize the next day to transfer it to the FIU.

The basis for granting the complaint is:

  1. Excess request for the request, provision of services.
  2. The requirement of other documents to obtain an extract.
  3. Refusal to accept documents or providing services.
  4. Payment requirement for the provision of services.
  5. Officer's refusal to correct errors in the courtesies provided.

After consideration of the documents and the complaint with the applicant, the answer is sent, which indicates:

  • the name of the territorial separation of the FIU;
  • the solution and grounds for its submission;
  • Full name of the insured person.

Alternative options

How else can you get to know about the state of the individual personal account of the insured person?

Vanity from the account (LS) can be obtained in Sberbank branches. But not in all. A detailed list of offices is presented on the PFR website for this address:

"On the FIU" - "Department of the FIU" - choose the district - select the area - "On the Office" - "Reception Points".

Also, information on the status of the drug can be obtained on the website of "State Service". An individual personal account and information movement on it will be available immediately after registering in a single portal.

Employed citizens can receive information about the contributions to the FIU from their employer. To do this, it is enough to request Help 2-NDFL.

Until 2013, it was possible to know his condition from the annual so-called letters of happiness - notifications about the status of a special part of ILS. In 2013, the mandatory distribution of these notices was canceled (information of the FIU of 11.06.2013).

Note. Insured persons who form pension savings are informed by the territorial bodies of the FIU on the changes made to their ILS in connection with the adjustment of information on additional insurance premiums on the accumulative pension, contributions to employers to co-financing pension savings and income from their investment (part 1 Art. 15.1. Of the law of 30.04.2008 N 56-ФЗ;p. 2. Order, approved. Resolution of the Management Board of the FIU of 23.10.2017 N 666P;Appendix 2. to Decree N 666P).

Currently, to obtain information about the state of ILS in the form of SIZI-6 can persons who are insured in the system of compulsory pension insurance, according to their appeal. Information is provided free of charge (Article 7 of the Law of 15.12.2001 N 167-FZ; paragraph 5 of Part 2 of Article 16 of the Law of 01.04.1996 N 27-FZ).

You can get information about the state of ILS, contacting the territorial body of the FIU directly or through the MFC (if there is an agreement on the cooperation and submission of the specified statements in between the FIU and the IFC, it is provided for by the list of services provided to the IFC), as well as sending a request in electronic form through the personal account on The website of the FFR or the single portal of the State Service. In addition, some banks participate in informing about the state of ILS (p. 13 Administrative regulations, apply. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of January 16, 2017 N 38N; Information of the FIU of 06/11/2013).

Consider more each of the specified methods.

1. Getting information about ILS through your personal account on the website of the FIU or the Unified Public Services portal

Direction of the request through the personal account on the website of the FIU or the Unified Public Services portal - the most fast way Receive information about the state of ILS. Information is provided on the day of circulation in real time (Part 1 of Article 14 of the Law N 27-FZ; RESOLUTION OF THE RENGRY OF THE FIU of 17.09.2014 N 374P; p. 13

Recall that in order to gain access to the personal account of the insured person on the FIU website, you need to register with www.gosuslugi.ru or in a single identification system and authentication (ECAI).

On a single portal of the state service you can get information you are interested in in the subsection "Notice of the status of the personal account in the FIU" section "Pension, benefits and benefits" in the Services catalog.

2. Obtaining information about ILS in the territorial department of the FIU or MFC

When applying for information about the state of ILS to the territorial body of the FIU or MFC, you need to submit a relevant application and a certification document (for example, a passport). At your request, you can also show SNILS (p. 15,

Documents can also be sent by mail, but in this case they need to be assured in the prescribed manner, in particular the notary (Article 77 of the Founded of the Legislation on the notary; paragraph 17 of the Administrative Regulations).

Information about the state of ILS will be prepared within 10 days from the date of treatment (Part 2 of Article 16 of the Law N 27-FZ; paragraph 13 of administrative regulations).

At its discretion, you can get information personally, by mail or in electronic form, specifying the method you choose when contacting the request for information about ILS (p. 17, administrative regulations).

Note. Forms of applications for noticeing about the state of ILS by registered letter and to receive an extract from ILS independently in the territorial body of the FIU can be found on the PFR website.

3. Obtaining information about ILS in banks

Informing the insured persons about the status of their ILS carry out some banks with which the FFR concluded the relevant agreements (for example, Sberbank of Russia). Information on the status of your retirement account can be obtained in a print form from the operational or electronic form through ATMs, using Internet banking (information of the FIU of 11.06.2013). Besides, in credit organizations It may be organized to access to customers to the personal account on the PFR portal and on EGU to obtain information from the FIU of the state of ILS (a letter of the FIU from 07.08.2014 N LF-08-19 / 10044 "On Information Cooperation with Credit Organizations").

Additionally, we note that you can also refer to your employer, which is obliged to transfer you a copy of the data submitted to them in the FIU for the purposes of individual (personalized) accounting to include them in your ILS (Part 2 of Article 15 of the Law N 27-FZ). However, it is necessary to take into account that this information is not equivalent to information about the state of the ILS (according to the form of SIZI-6).

Useful information on the issue

Official Pension Fund site -www.pfrf.ru.

Portal of public services of the Russian Federation -

The eleventh-digit individual code containing an insurance certificate of registration of a Russian citizen in the Pension Fund.

Ensuring your future pension worries every working person. People are not easy to deal with their pension savings, especially in modern conditionswhen the pension system for several recent years Subjected to serious reforms. The principles for which accumulated accumulations have already been changed several times:

  • The pension was divided into two parts - insurance and accumulative.
  • It became possible to invest not only in the state, but also in alternative pension funds.
  • Funds for pensioners continuing to work are taken into account by a separate article.

There are many innovations, and if a person is lost in them, trying to understand what means and where exactly accumulates for his future pension, SNILS can come to the rescue.

So, about everything in order.

Options for finding information about RESILS pension

Information on the means at the current account in the state or non-state pension fund is confidential. However, the owner of the account registered with the FIU or NPF has on it full law. This right is confirmed sNILS numberlocated on a unified registered card. Therefore, this number is the key to obtaining information about pension savings.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have several ways to clarify their question of interest.

  • Personal appeal to the PFR. A visit to any branch of the Pension Fund is able to relieve many questions relating to pension savings. To do this, you need to have insurance certificate (plastic card SNILS) and identity card. The insured person will receive all the necessary information without any difficulties and wires.
  • Without leaving home (online). Modern technologies allow you to check your pension "balance" easy and simple: it is enough to be a user of the Internet and register on the portal of public services. It is possible to find information on the official website of the Pension Fund, the new version of which earned in 2015. Non-state pension funds also have their official sites that inform customers about the state of their retirement account.

IMPORTANT! Information on the accumulative share of pension, if it is placed in a non-state pension fund, will not be reflected on the State Service portal. The request for interests of interest should be made only on the relevant official sites of those or other NPFs.

Instructions for checking pension savings online through "public services"

  1. Register on the Public Services Portal (site https://www.gosuslugi.ru). To register, you need to enter your surname, name, mobile phone (or email). Earlier, the key for registration was the Card with the SNILS number, but now the registration procedure has been simplified. If you have previously been registered on this portal, log in by entering a mobile phone (or email) and password.
  2. On the main page Website in the "Popular on Portal" block, select "Check Pension Account" or through the "Service Catalog" -\u003e "Pension, Manuals and Benefits" Select the item "Notice of the Faculty Account in the FIU".
  3. On the page that opens, click the blue button "Get the service" (you have to wait a bit).
  4. At the final stage, you will open a page where you can either save on a computer on the computer status in paragraph 2 on the computer or open a file in the browser with your pension information. You can also print this extract through your "Personal Account".

Here are these 4 steps in the screenshot:

We learn about the future retirement through the site of the PFR

If you prefer to use direct search for information by contacting the "primary source", you can use the official website of the FIU. From January 2015, it has a new section "Personal Cabinet of the Insured Face". With it, it is possible to clarify how much IPC (individual retirement coefficients) has accumulated a citizen, and what is his this moment experience.

New features for users allow you to calculate approximate IPCs for each year. In addition, you are available:

  • advanced Pension Online Calculator;
  • the ability to print the received notice of the state of the pension account;
  • information on working periods at a particular place and contributions that accrued certain employers.

Receiving information about the "Pension Wallet" through the site of the PFR

Introducing step-by-step instructions for Internet users.

  1. We go to the site of the PFR - http://www.pfrf.ru and click on the link "Personal Cabinet of the Citizen".
  2. Further in the section "Forming Pension Rights" by clicking on the link "Get information on pension rights" link.
  3. In the next step, you will need to log in at the State Service portal. If you already have registration there, simply enter your email and password. Otherwise, follow the registration procedure for which you need to enter your surname, name, mobile phone (or email).
  4. Now you are in your "Personal Account". Here you will see your insurance experience according to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Also from a personal account you can request "information about the experience and earnings, reflected on your ILS." There are information that gave and continue to give employers. Based on their account owner, it can clarify periods of work, employment sites and the amount of listed contributions, that is, all the information on the basis of which coefficients are calculated. If you need a printed extract from the FIU, click the "Get ILS state information" link. The system instantly will form a Word document document that you can save and print at any time. Another possible option - "Calculate the future insurance pension" Click this link, and you will find out what you can expect this year. The calculator is based on the information you specify: you can specify the periods maternity leave, services in the armed forces, etc., and thus calculate the expected number of pension points.

Here are these 4 steps in the screenshot:

Additional features! You can, besides receiving information about pension savings, with the help of a personal account to contact the Pension Fund, make an appointment for a certain time, etc.

How easy it was until 2013

Until 2013, working citizens were not worried about their pension savings. Because written notifications received regularly from the Pension Fund - the reports of the funds received for the previous year. After this year, this order was canceled. Such documents, the Pension Fund began to send only on special requests (written statements), therefore, for citizens again, the question of obtaining this information was relevant.

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