
Open an account at the Sweden Bank. How to open an account in a bank in Sweden? Open an account in the Swedish Bank

Storage of money in a foreign bank Option of how to secure your funds from the surprises of the domestic economy.

The reasons for which it is worth discovering in a foreign bank

The main goal of the deposit abroad is a reliable preservation of funds. Rates abroad are low, mostly 1-2%, and only in some way - up to 5%. Western financial institutions Have strict conditions for early termination of deposits, as well as high interest taxes.

Many establish a high threshold of funds (especially in Switzerland) - 10-25 thousand euros. The minimum amount of guaranteeing (payment of reimbursement of the depositor in the event of bankruptcy) on the norms of the European Union is at least 20,000 euros. In some countries, it reaches 100,000 euros, for example, in Lithuania. Place money abroad is beneficial to those who study or works, and also has a business or buying real estate.

Popular countries for deposits in Europe

For many years, Russians placed deposits in Cyprus. But after problems in the bank's banking system, when many have lost money, its popularity has decreased. Now the placement of funds in the Baltic States are distributed.

Also known from investors such countries like Germany, Austria and Denmark, and the classic of the genre - Switzerland, where very low rates and a large size of the minimum contribution. Deposits in foreign banks, the percentages of which are very low, are considered as a way of reliable storage of money, but not earnings.

Deposits in foreign banks - the top 10 of the most profitable offers *

The proposal for deposits in the context of countries is as follows.

  1. In Cyprus best deals Achieve 4.5% (individually up to 6%) per annum in $ - Bank of Cyprus, Cyprus Popular Bank Ltd, and Alphbank.
  2. In Latvia, the Citadele Bank is interesting, which offers up to 3% per annum in $. Bigbank announces in euros to 2.65%.
  3. USA: EDVARD and Jones Vanguard CROUP offer up to 2.96% in dollars.
  4. In the UK, Bank of London and The Middle East is announced to 2.8% by pounds.
  5. Italy. Ing Direct Italia in Euro - 1.4%.
  6. Belgium - Ing Belgium - 1.25% (euro).
  7. Deposits in Germany: Ing DIBA offers euro rates up to 1% per annum.
  8. Sweden -Nordea attracts funds under 1% in Swedish crowns.
  9. Netherlands. ABN AMRO in deposits in euros - up to 1% per annum.
  10. Switzerland. POSTFINANCE Bank - 0.15% per annum in Swiss francs. From deposits in Switzerland is the most profitable proposition, taking into account the cost of servicing the deposit. The highest rates in Switzerland at Credit Suisse (0.72%), but maintenance costs exceed income.

Requirements for non-resident investors

The main requirement of foreign financial structures to non-resident depositors is the transparency of the source of the money. Therefore, checking this factor is very serious. Let us need different types certificates and extracts other than the usual documents accompanying the opening of the deposit.

The recommendations of the domestic bank are welcome, if this is a "daughter" of foreign. Also will be very useful to the recommendations of business partners who cooperate with this institution. If the investor has a business in the country depositor placement is a big plus.

The high minimum threshold of the deposit (thousands of dollars) makes it possible to eliminate people with low and medium incomes.

How to discover a contribution to a foreign bank

To open an account in foreign Bank Need:

  1. Choose a suitable country, a bank (reliability rating "A") and the type of deposit.
  2. Enter the correspondence to clarify the opening conditions (in person or with the help of intermediaries).
  3. Collect required documents (personally or through intermediaries), make their translation, reference notarially.
  4. Send documents to the bank.
  5. Get a positive solution (or refusal).
  6. With a positive decision to sign a contract, having left abroad (for VIP clients, the Bank can send its clerk).
  7. Place money.
  8. Tell local authorities all the necessary information about opening an account abroad.

Requirements of domestic legislation

Starting from 2015, citizens who posted funds abroad are obliged every quarter to submit to tax inspection Information about the movement of funds in accounts. These reports need to make confirmation documents translated into Russian and certified notarized.

On the opening and closing of an account abroad, it is necessary to inform the tax inspectorate at the place of residence during the month (otherwise it faces fine 5000 rubles.).

You can transfer funds to the deposit only through Russian financial structures.

  • Calculate all incomes / costs so as not to be in a loss. Low interest on deposits, as well as the cost of its service, the Commission for the transfer of funds and the removal of them, conversion, lead to the fact that when placing less than 50 thousand dollars, the depositor may be "in the minus".
  • If a foreign bank does not give consent and requests all new and new documents, then in this way he says to the depositor that the deposit is undesirable. Abroad it is not customary to talk about it directly.

* Data update date - April 2015

Opening an account in the Swedish Bank is a fairly simple and fast process, unless you have a personal number (Personnummer).

Open an account in a bank in Sweden without personal number

This task is difficult to implement. In general, the law does not prohibit open accounts to persons who do not have a Swedish personal number, but each bank establishes its own rules, and each potential client without a personal number is assessed individually. If you can prove your value for the bank - for example, to provide an agreement on obtaining regular payments from a Swedish company or an extract from your current bank. In a word, this is a complex and atypical task, and if you just have "from the street" to any bank, without having a personal number, you will refuse you.

Thus, if you, for example, study at the Swedish university, do not plan to stay in Sweden for longer than the year and therefore can not get a personal number, it is recommended to use your current bank account. By the way, if you need to make cheap money abroad, it can help such a system like TransferWise.

Open an account in a bank in Sweden with a personal number

Everything is easier here. The most popular banks of Sweden - Handelsbanken, Swedbank, Nordea Bank and SEB. Most banks are open on weekdays from 10 to 15 hours (some affiliates are only up to 13 hours), everything is closed on weekends and holidays. Therefore, a hike to the bank will have to schedule in advance.

Take a passport or ID card and a tax paper (Skatteverket) with your personal number. Also, if you have already settled in removable apartment, A housing lease agreement can be useful in which your address is specified. In addition, you may ask you a copy of an employment contract with a Swedish employer or confirmation from the employer about hiring you to work.

By the way, a good idea - Before visiting the bank, call his informational service and clarify which documents from you will be required.

In any bank you will be served in English. If you do not understand something - ask to explain again and again, take information brochures on this topic and study at home. Do not sign anything without understanding the essence of the agreement - the course of thoughts "subscribe, and then I will understand" here does not work.

In general, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance with the list of bank services on its website and think what of which you need. For example, Swedish banks offer a huge number of digital services, including a personal device (Säkerhetsdosa), which protects from the steal of passwords and making Internet banking more reliable. Also everyone more people Use the application for smartphonesSwish.

TO bank account Usually a debit card (BetalKort) is attached, the ability to use a telephone bank and Internet banking. The telephone bank usually works until 21-23 pm, and in Nordea - around the clock. SEB offers telephone banking services in 25 languages. And on the SWEDBANK bank website, you can even find a download sign telephone line: https://www.swedbank.se/privat/kontakta-oss/index.htm, point När Går Det Snabbast AT Ringa Till Telefonbanken? Green on the diagram is marked when the telephone banking line is less busy.

Few russian banks Offer their customers to save money in exotic currencies, in addition to traditional US dollars and euros. However, they also use albeit small, but in certain demand. Their share in the basket of attracted deposits reaches 1-3%. "Exotic" Most banks include Private Banking software package. Below we chose for you quite ordinary, unprivileged deposits.

Most often, such deposits are discovered for two reasons. One of them suggests that a person often travels to another state, so it is advantageous for him to have an account in Russia in the currency of this country. So much will save funds in the exchange rate during the exchange of currency. For example, exchanging rubles first on the euro, and then the euro on the crowns already in Sweden can lose a considerable amount. Direct exchange of rubles abroad is almost anywhere. And the calculation of the card, the account of which is conducted in the euro, is also less economical than in national currency that country. In this sense, the "exotic" deposit in Russia will be even more profitable if there is also a current account in the same currency tied to bank card. Can be made non-cash translation of accumulated funds from the Russian Federation to your personal foreign account. notice, that russian contributions Sometimes showing greater yield than at the homeland of the national currency.

The second reason is called the opportunity to earn on changing the currency rate, the dynamics of which on the stock exchange differ from the growth of the dollar or the fall of the euro, which is noticeable in the charts shown in the first table. But this option uses only those who are well versed in stock exchange courses.

To correctly assess all these factors in the review, the following useful information is given:

  • dynamics of changes in courses for two recent years,
  • the maximum difference between the greatest and least magnitude of the course for the same period,
  • the average margin between buying and selling when exchanging cash or non-cash funds in commercial banksWhat is important if you translate one currency to another,
  • the average rate on deposits in the country where the national currency is issued.

Note that it is possible to contribute to the contribution or remove funds from the account not only in the specified currency, but also in rubles. The rate of recalculation given in the text corresponds to the official exchange rate of the Bank Rossi by 01.03.2013. Usually, Moscow banks restrict the opportunity to open an "exotic" deposits in other regions of their presence. But the number of banks operating with the "exotic" is constantly increasing due to the growth of such demand. For example, in lately Chinese yuan uses particularly popular in Russia, since business relations between our countries are developing quite rapidly.

For comparison, contact the table of estimating two main currencies:

The dynamics of the behavior of currency exchange rates for the period from 01/01/2011 to 03/01/2013:

Japanese Yen (JPY), Bank Express Credit, Maximum contribution

For japanese yen. most high percent Offers Express Credit Bank: from 0.5% to 4.7% per annum. Here the rate depends only on the placement period: from 31 to 1095 (3 years) days. In the contract, the depositor can fix any period up to a day in this limit. The greatest yield of 4.7% will be in terms of 2 to 3 years. Interest is paid at the end of the term without the possibility of capitalization. The minimum contribution amount is 500,000 yen, which is 165 102 rubles. The contribution is not replenished, it is also impossible to shoot part of the funds. Early dissolution It shifts the change of interest at the request "to demand".

In other Russian banks (for example, in Sberbank and My Bank), you can find "Japanese" deposits with yield from 0.25% to 4.2%. In the homeland of the Japanese yen, the rate of bank deposit demonstrates average level 0.1%. Oscillations of the yen course on russian market Over the last two years, it was shown the differences from 31,9469 rubles. up to 43,5650 rubles, i.e., the gap amounted to 11.6181 points. When calculating the ruble amount, it is necessary to consider that the course is always indicated for 100 yen. Margin between buying and selling in our commercial banks is approximately 5 rubles per 100 yen.

Chinese Yuan (CNY), Asia-Pacific Bank, Asian contribution

"Chinese" percentages of this bank only a little different from the rest, but other conditions for timing and amounts look more attractive. Deposit yield from 1.5% to 3%. There are only four bets that depend only on the duration of the contribution: 3 months, six months, 9 months and a year. Interest enrollment occurs on the end of the contract. The maximum income is possible in terms of 367 days and does not depend on the amount. The minimum contribution is 3,000 yuan, which at the official rate was 14,713 rubles. Deposit can be replenished with the amounts of 3,000 yuan, including in the ruble equivalent.

The Asia-Pacific Bank is included in the first hundred Russian credit institutions, occupying there 60s.

The account in Chinese yuan is offered to open also in interruption, communication bank, BBD Bank, my bank, VTB24. Yield can reach 4%. In the homeland of Yuan in China, the contribution rate will be 6% per annum. In the past few years, Yuan on the Russian market hesitated from the mark of 41,9772 rubles. up to 53,4657 rubles. For 10 yuan. The maximum gap for 2 years amounted to 11,4885 rubles. The difference between buying and selling when exchanging about 5 rubles. When calculating, it is necessary to consider that the price in rubles is usually indicated for 10 units.

Australian Dollar (AUD), Promsvyazbank, Premium Reserve contribution

Promsvyazbank is one of the few who offers any client (not only by the PRIVATE banking user) to open an account in Australian dollars. The yield of such a contribution depends only on the period and only two values \u200b\u200bof 3.75% and 4.75% per annum shows. Funds can be accommodated for half a year (181 days) or year (367 day). Percentages are accrued for each day and is paid at the end of the term. Starting amount for savings - 300,000 Australian dollars, or at the rate of Central Bank 9 405 450 rubles. You can replenish your account contributions from $ 120,000 at any time, excluding the last month. It is possible to open a contract via the Internet. There is no benefit with early closure, in this case the bet is changing to "demand".

Promsvyazbank stably takes 10th place in the ranking of Russian banks.

Australian deposits within the framework of private service are also offered in Nomos-Bank, UniCredit Bank, Investtorgbank. In the Australian itself, deposits in local currency reach a 4% mark. For the last couple of years, the course of such exotic dollars was established by the Bank of Russia from 28.2485 to 34.1792 rubles. The difference of oscillations was 5,9307 points. Margin for exchange when buying-selling - approximately 1 rub. for a unit.

Canadian dollar (CAD), Promsvyazbank, Premium Reserve contribution

Two terms and two types of bets them offer a special deposit of Promsvyazbank. The Canadian dollar in it shows the yield of 2.25% and 3.25% per year. The duration of the contract will be 181 or 367 days. The highest income - when placing a year, percent enrollment will occur at the end of the term. The minimum contribution is 300,000 Canadian dollars, which at the official rate is 8,953,170 rubles. An account can be replenished with contributions of at least 120,000 currency units. In case of early termination there will be no benefits. More recently, the bank provided the opportunity to open deposits through the Internet in any currency, not only in rubles.

The Bank is included in the top 10 of the best Russian banks in many financial indicators.

In his homeland, the Canadian dollar gries in bank deposits by about 1% per year. Our banks (for example, Sberbank, Nomos Bank, Bank Petrocommerce) show a much better yield of such deposit products. On Russian currency market The course of the Canadian dollar in the last two years hesitated from 28,3133 to 32,8907 rubles, and this is only 4,5774 rubles. Differences. Note that this is the most insignificant differential among the submitted currencies. Margin in exchange operations will be about 1 ruble for each Canadian unit.

Swedish Crown (SEK), Promsvyazbank, Premium Reserve contribution

And for Swedish crowns, Promsvyazbank also offers better conditions Among your colleagues in the deposit market. The yield of this currency grows from 2.75% (after 181 days) to 3.55% (through 367 days) per annum. The rate does not depend on the size of the embedded amount. The minimum contribution is 2,000,000 kroons, and this is at the rate of the Bank of Russia 9,489,760 rubles. The percentages are accrued and paid at the end of the contract. There is an opportunity to do additional contributions Amounts from 800,000 Swedish crowns. Expendable Operations Not envisaged, as well as benefits in the early closure of the contribution.

Among other domestic banks, Promsvyazbank stands on 11 stitching in terms of equity.

Swedish crown take on deposits in Sberbank, Investtorgbank, UniCredit Bank. The yield of deposits in national currency in Sweden banks shows the average level of 1.5% per year. Over the last two years, the crown rate ranged from 42.5640 to 48,7784 rubles for 10 units. Here the maximum difference was 6,2144 rubles, which is relatively slightly compared to Asian currencies and comparable to the American dollar. Margin of banks When buying, selling crowns will be about 2 rubles per crown in stable market conditions.

New Israeli Shekel (ILS), Centrocredit Bank, Contribution "Profitable"

In the spring of 2008, the Centrocredit Bank opened the opportunity to save funds in Israel currency for its customers. It is said here that this product is in certain demand among citizens regularly traveling to Israel. The rates of such a contribution begins with 1.9% and rises to a level of 3.4% per year. The exact percentage depends on the term and sum of savings. The maximum profitability will reach more than 80,000 new Israeli shekels in a year. Deals to conclude four: 31, 91, 181, 370 days. The minimum amount for the deposit of 1,000 shekels, which in ruble equivalent was 8,544 rubles. The account can be replenished. The early termination will be on the condition of the "demand" rate

Centrocredit is included in the top 100 Russian banks, where it takes 78th place.

Since 1985, the Israeli Shekel is called "New". On the homeland of this currency interest rates by bank deposits Show the average level of 1% per year. In addition to the centercredit of other institutions working with this currency in Moscow, we did not find. Since the Bank of Russia does not expose daily courses for shekels, we cannot assess the dynamic fluctuations on the ruble, but they found the dynamics for you towards the US dollar. Market course showed on March 1, 2013, the value of 8.2542 rubles for Shekel. Usually in the bank install margin between purchasing and selling currency in 1.5 rubles.

For their contributions from all exotic currencies, the most Russians prefer and. We will tell about deposits in these most stable European money in the next review.

Deposits in Swedish Croons may be interested in those who receive income in Sweden or plans to associate their lives with this country, despite the fact that their yield is significantly less than on deposits in rubles, dollars or euros.

The cost of converting rubles to the Swedish crowns and back, as well as the Commission for non-cash transferscan significantly reduce yield. Learn in advance these conditions in your bank.

Deposits in Swedish Crowns in Russian banks are subject to state system Insurance deposits. Insurance amount Flowed in rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the date of the license of the Bank. The amount of payment cannot exceed 700 thousand rubles. The client receives not only the deposit amount, but also interest during the actual location of money in the bank.

As of the spring of 2014, almost all Russian banks do not take mass deposits in Swedish crowns, making an exception for rich clients, for example:

Contribution "Premium Reserve" In Promsvyazbank.

The contribution is valid only for wealthy customers. The minimum amount is 2 million Swedish crowns (more than 11 million rubles). Under the deposit period of 367 days the rate is 3% per annum.

City of the presence of the bank: In which cities, Privat-Banking service acts in the bank.

Contribution "Universal" in Sberbank

The profitability of the contribution is symbolic - 0.01% per annum.

Mamipizza.ru - Banks. Deposits and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. Money and state