
1C Accounting 8 Revision 2. Standard Accounting Reports

The new features of the version 2.0 of the configuration of the "Accounting company" said many of the kind words. In this article, A.V. Yavylian (CJSC "Sidata", St. Petersburg) summarizes the already expressed, and gives users a few more tips relating to the transition to new edition programs.


  1. Enterprises.
  2. or Service.
    • option
    • option Download data from file

Fig. one


Data conversion Data conversion

Transportation concept

The company "1C" in early 2010 presented to the attention of users a new configuration editor - 2.0. In 2011, it is assumed to develop this version 2.0, and therefore all organizations that currently use the configuration of the editorial board 1.6 must go to the new version of the program.

Distribution of the new version of the configuration is published on ITS disks and User support site "1C: Enterprises 8" http://users.v8.1c.ru/ (Resource is available to all ITS subscribers, as well as users of the basic versions of 1C: enterprises 8).

To go to a new edition, you do not need to replace the keys of hardware protection, nor reissues of the registration questionnaire: all users of the software product "1C: Accounting 8" will be able to switch to the editor 2.0 at no extra charge.

To go to the user, it is necessary to create a new information base in which it is necessary to transfer from the "old" information base with the new service configuration: reference information, remains at the beginning of the year and turnover for the required period.

Such a transition mechanism was chosen due to the fact that the new version of the configuration is significantly different from version 1.6, in particular:

1. The new version of the program "1C: Accounting 8" does not draw the history of its change related, in particular, with numerous changes in legislation from the moment of release of the first release "1C: Accounting 8" in November 2004. Support for legislation changes begins in 2010 as if with a clean sheet. At the same time, all the mechanisms necessary to view the account data of the previous periods are stored in the "old" base, after the transition of the acquisition of the meaning "archival". It can be "raised" the primary documents of past years or form the printed or reporting form of an old sample.

2. To apply new technical capabilities of a constantly updated platform, as well as to implement new services and methods, changes have been made to the program that require the restructuring of the information base data. Of course, the transition procedure to a new version will require several more attention and time from users than the usual update, which is familiar with almost closed eyes. But it is necessary, firstly, to understand that the program develops and the restructuring procedures are inevitable (experienced users must, remember the transitions between the seventh versions "1C: Accounting"), and secondly, to know that the transition will be carried out without additional material Costs and excessive efforts.

The transition procedure itself was already highlighted on the pages of the journal: see "Bu Broat" No. 10 for 2010, p. 12 "1C: Accounting 8" - two simple steps to new opportunities ", it makes sense to remind it briefly. So To get started in the new edition of the program "1C: Accounting 8", users of the professional need:

  1. To update your information base to the last configuration release of the version used.
  2. Create a new information base, download the "Accounting Company" configuration (Ed. 2.0) and launch a new information base in mode Enterprises.
  3. Select the option of starting work: Transferring data from information bases 1C: Enterprises 7.7 or Transferring data from information bases 1C: enterprises 8 In the window that opens when the program is first started or using the menu Service.
  4. In the form of the transition, select the data download option:
    • option Download data from the information base practically will not require additional actions from the user, in addition to following the instructions of the assistant assistant;
    • option Download data from file Designed for cases when, for example, direct access to the old information base is difficult or when the configuration with which the transition is carried out is changed compared to the standard, as well as to go from the basic versions of the program. This option will require the formation of the unloading file from the old base.
  5. Configure transfer parameters - select the information base, from where data will be downloaded, and what kind of information is tolerated. And run the transfer procedure.
  6. After the download is completed, view the system messages and error messages. The recommendations given in these messages must be performed, since the correctness of the data depends on this.
  7. The transfer service independently compares the data in the source database and the database, and the error protocol reports the discrepancies detected. In any case, the data in two databases need to be referred to, for example, on a ruble-salentic statement.
  8. Settings To start work in the program will already be installed: Partially filled with the data of the old database, partially set "by default", however, you need to use the assistant to start work, check the settings compliance with the requirements accounting Policy And if necessary, adjust them.

All, you can continue to keep records already in new program.

Separately, it should be mentioned that users of the basic versions of the program "1C: Accounting 8" To go to version 2.0, you will need to use the data download option from the file, after unloading information from the old database to the file using the service included in the version 2.0 configuration kit .

In the case when the configuration used is slightly different from the standard, it is possible to switch to version 2.0 using the standard service. Universal data exchange in XML format and exchange rules that are stored in the directory Conversion from information databases of previous versions Configurations 2.0 (see Fig. 1). From the old database using the specified service, the data is unloaded into a file, and when you download, you can configure which objects will be unloaded, and thereby ensure the amount of data convertible in this situation. However, perhaps some information will still have to be transferred manually.

Fig. one

In addition to the transition rules included in the configuration, external transfer processing is separately published on the user site http://users.v8.1c.ru. Processing is published to quickly correct the detected transition errors. From such a processing, you can, if necessary, unload the rules of the transfer.

For configurations in which significant changes were made, the transition to a new version should also be carried out using the upload and loading data from the file, but in this case it will be necessary to change the rules for the transfer. To do this, use the configuration Data conversionwhich you need to download typical transfer rules and adjust them. Configuration Data conversion and a description of the procedure for working with it is published on the ITS disk.

Please note that the creation of a new information database and data transfer may be useful: This will make it possible to clean the "litter" directories, remove old values \u200b\u200bthat have not been used for a long time, but which could not be removed because there were links to them. In the new information base, it will be possible not only to "endure garbage", but also, if necessary, rebuild account, for example, to organize reference books used as analytics of accounts accounting: Costicles costs, other income and expenses, articles money And so on. In the new base, such manipulations spend much easier than in the database with many years of history.

We have talked so much about the novelty and restructuring version 2.0 compared to its predecessor, that the reader may seem like the user is offered a completely unfamiliar environment, in which they will have to learn to work. Such concerns are in vain. In the configuration, the accounting methodology and work principles, appearance and user services. Of course, with new features of the program will need to get acquainted, but it will take no longer effort, than familiar with the already familiar updates.

New opportunities new edition

About the new features that the user graduates 2.0 "1C: Accounting 8", many have already talked a lot, for example, in the article "Bu Broi.1c" No. 5 for 2010, on page 4. Let's remember them.

Assistant to start work

Simply put, the starting assistant is a kind of memo containing a list of reference books and settings that must be completed and verified for the program to work correctly, providing the user with quick access to all this data for viewing, checking and adjustments.

The starting assistant is active both at the beginning of work in the information base "from scratch" and when switching from earlier versions of the program.

In any case, the program will require confirmation from the user that all critical data is made and verified.

The starting assistant contains a report on the current accounting settings that you can print to check "from paper" the correctness of the data entered or, for example, if necessary, to negotiate the manager.

Demonstration Base Guide

Travel Guide (see Fig. 2) is another service that, along with already familiar to the user Tips and Quickly learningIt is designed to ensure that the user begins to navigate the program faster. The role of the guidebook is to show the user who only meets the capabilities of the program and for this, opened the demonstration base, examples of the documents already entered into the database thematically grouped and equipped with the description. Moreover, these examples are not pictures, but the real documents of the system that can be discovered, change, bope and so on.

Fig. 2.

"Accounting Navigator" - Directory of account correspondence

Special material about this service was also published in No. 6 "Bu Broat" for 2010 on page 6 - "Thoughtful Navigator in" 1C: Accounting 8 "", while he is worthy to be mentioned more than once.

An accounting navigator is an assistant to the accountant who knows exactly what operation he wants to do, and what a result should be accounting wiring, but not sure how to register it in the program. On the code of one or several corresponding accounts or by the name of the operation, this service will tell you which document must be issued and even on which tab of this document to enter data (if it is important, of course). He will tell you the necessary document, even if it does not make the posting, finding it on the maintenance of the operation.

Most likely, this service will be used for rare or atypical accounting in a specific organization of operations. And only if the user does not find the wiring you need here, it will be clear that he needs to enter the operation manually, because there are no specialized tools to register such an operation in the program. It will save many users from a common error: register a manual operation for all cases when it is not very clear what to use the document.

Change in terms of accounts. Accounting for subdivisions

In the new version of the program, the presentation of accounting accounts plan has changed a bit. Now at cost accounts, accounting for divisions is not one of the subconto, but in a special details. Thus, on expense accounting accounts, it was possible to use more than three more (and not two) species of analytics.

New tax accounting data

In addition to the already mentioned changes in the plan of accounts regarding the accounting of expenses in the context of divisions, in version 2.0, the accounting account plan is united with a plan of accounts tax accounting. Now it is set for each account (or not established) a sign of tax accounting. Registration of the operation in tax accounting is made automatically during the document, 6 additional fields are introduced in the wiring:
- the amount of DT, and the amount of CT, to register the tax assessment of the value of the accounting of debit or loan accounting objects;
- amount of DT PR or the amount of CT PR - for registration constant difference between the accounting value of the value of accounting objects and tax estimate in account of debit or loan;
- The amount of DT BP or the amount of CT BP - to register the temporary difference between the accounting value of the value of accounting objects and the tax assessment on a debit or credit account.

The posting form is now united for tax and accounting.

Tax accounting amounts can be shown or hidden using the button on the wiring table toolbar.

In a number of documents, the program provides for manual adjustment of the tax accounting account. When conducting such documents, permanent and temporary differences are identified, which are reflected in the relevant wiring resources.

Standard reports

Standard accounting reports have changed. The main change is that now in the same report you can display accounting data, tax accounting, permanent and temporary differences, as well as the control of the relation (BU- (NO + PR + BP)).

It also appeared to automatically summarize the selected report cells: their sum is displayed on the top of the report pane. Save a report in MXL or MS Excel format now directly from the report form.

Appeared new opportunities Selection, groupings, sorting, output of additional information in reports, as well as the ability to display reports in the form of charts.

Closing of the month

The new version of the program has implemented a new algorithm that provides a visual and easily manageable completion of the period.

This mechanism consists of a set. regulatory operationsunited by an assistant closure of the month into a coherent sequence of actions.

The assistant allows you to determine the list of necessary operations, track already executed operations, perform the necessary operations directly from the assistant form, detect and correct errors in data, form reports and certificates of calculations for executed operations.

Accounting of mutual settlements

In version 2.0, the mechanism of advancement of advances on the documents of the receipt and implementation, which is described in detail in the article "1C: Accounting 8": Automation of mutual settlements "in No. 8" Bu Coo "for 2010 on page 4. Now in each receipt document, Implementation and payment You can specify the method of the advance payment: automatically, according to the document (or list of documents) or not read. Wiring on an offset of an advance will be made depending on the selected method and on the specified amount.

Also in the configuration, a document is implemented to register a service to several counterparties.

Accounting for agency services

The configuration has the opportunity to keep records of agency services from the agent and from the principal. For this, a new functionality has been added to the documents. Realization of goods and services and Report of the Commissioner (Agent) on sales (See Fig. 3).

Fig. 3.

Accounting for monetary documents

Created a specialized mechanism for accounting monetary documents.

Now it is possible to register the receipt and issuance of cash documents, as well as reflect the issued monetary documents in the advance report and the form of AO-1.

Personnel accounting

The new configuration changed the form of the "Employees" directory, now in the list of employees is available extensive capabilities and selection. Also implemented a work assistant to simplify the entry of the employee data.

The salary

Changes in the accounting unit and calculation of salaries manifested themselves as possible to calculate such accruals as a district coefficient and northern surcharge. There was also an opportunity to adjust automatically calculated NFFL amounts.

The calculation of taxes from the wage fund is one of the regulatory operations of the month closing and is carried out automatically using the closing assistant, but the user is left ability to adjust automatically calculated amounts.

If the calculation of the salary is made in the program "1C: Accounting 8" (ed. 2.0), accounting wiring Formed directly by documents Payroll and Calculation of taxes. If the calculation of the salary is made in the external program, then from this program the data is loaded into the already familiar document Reflection of salarywhich forms wiring.

Storn and adjusting registers

Running and adjustment procedures for registers were previously combined with manual operation, and now they are more accessible to the user than earlier.

You can coline the document by selecting in the form of a document Operation The appropriate method of filling and specifying the desired document.

To adjust the record entries, you need to configure the composition of the registers that need to be corrected, as previously implemented in the document of the same name, and manually make your edits.

Additional details in reference books and documents

And finally, I would like to mention a pleasant novelty, ready to all who are used to using this mechanism in other configurations of the system "1C: enterprises 8": the mechanism of properties and values.

Now for all documents and a number of reference books, you can specify additional information and use it as reference information And even when forming reports.

Additional details may be several, they can be different types: the number, line, date, or to make the value of the element of one of several reference books, and can also be elements of a specialized directory that stores a list of arbitrary values.

View all properties of the object can not only be intended for this form, but also simply clicking the cursor to the corresponding button on the form toolbar (see Fig. 4).

Since the editors 3.0 was developed on the basis of the previous version 2.0 Version of Professional, an experienced user will find a lot in common between them. But there are some improvements for the convenience of an accountant. The main advantages of the editorial board 3.0 are as follows:

1. Working with the 1C program: Accounting 8 has become possible on any computer. Even on where there is neither the program itself nor the corresponding information base. It is enough to have only an Internet connection to run a program through a web browser on a website providing such a "cloud" service from which you can return to the local mode with the transfer of credentials.

2. Simplified navigation with the possibility of configuring it to its taste. Each section of the program is equipped with the navigation panel, so that switching between them is carried out with one click. Also simply open the necessary reference books and logs of documents.

3. Section "Favorites", in which you can put those objects that are most often used in accountingSo that then not to waste time and not look for them. The "Desktop" section, from which work begins after starting the program, you can withdraw reference books and magazines in which you have to look out every day. Button "History" - one click on it opens a list of documents that were recently created or edited.

4. Work on errors has become much easier. Now the program itself not only checks the correctness of the filling of documents and allocates that details in which an error was allowed, but also gives a prompt, which this error consists.

5. The work of the accountant for the accounting of personnel and wages. Editorial 3.0 no longer needs to fill individual forms of documents for each employee. All data, including salary and position, personnel orders are entered and then edited directly in the employee's card. One general document Reflects the accrual of salary, insurance premiums, personal income tax. All personal data is protected in accordance with the Federal Law 152-FZ.

6. Estimated statements It is possible to form a salary on the payment of divisions. You can also perform separately by the payment of salaries of one employee.

7. Editorial 3.0 has become a possible format of well-known office applications (for example, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice) when printing printed documents. Very convenient for those who are more familiar.

8. Extended access to the information base. Now accessing the right of one data viewing in read mode has also become possible.

9. Long-term operations can be performed in the background and at the same time, without waiting for completion, for example, closing the month, continue to work in the program over other documents.

10. Advanced settings depending on user preferences. You can choose a convenient creation mode for new documents. The appearance of the form of each document is easily changed - the order of field location, bookmarks, etc. All changes can be saved for other users. For any object included in the information database, you can create an internal link, in which another accountant will find a unmistakable one click and will open this object if necessary.

Easy to navigate the ability to edit 3.0 and find fast answers to all changes. This allows you to make a methodological support built into the configuration. With them, the accountant will easier be easier and evaluated all changes for the better.

"1C: Company Accounting 8" Ed. 3.0 - a new applied solution designed to automate accounting and tax accounting.

The new edition included all the best from previous versions, and additional possibilities were added using the modern technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8".

"1C: Accounting 8" Ed. 3.0 has a new interface and differs from the previous version of functional features.

Do not postpone the transition to a new edition at the last moment!

Start it now, during the clutch between the hot reporting periods.

We offer several transition options:

  • If you have a typical configuration
Type of work Transition 1.
(conditions and cost) *
Transition 2.
(conditions and cost) *
Installing the Program Platform 8.3.
Not required: The platform is already installed. 2 500 rubles.: You need to install the platform.

Updating the configuration "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 2.0 to the latest version

Not required:

Installed version "1C: Accounting 8" ed. 2.0 with the possibility of transition to ed. 3.0

from 4 800 rubles.:

- "1C: Accounting 8" Ed. 2.0 was not updated more than one month;

Requires installation updates to version "1C: Accounting 8" Ed. 2.0 with the possibility of transition to ed. 3.0.

Updating the configuration "1C: Accounting" Ed. 3.0 to topical


IS FREE from 7 300 rubles.

* - Analysis of transferred data, as well as diagnostics and elimination of errors associated with keeping accounting in the program "1C: Accounting 8", is not included in the cost of these services. These works are performed within a separate agreement.

The cost of services of service engineers and methodists:

  • 2500 rub. / Hour (for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region)
If you have an inepar configuration
To assess the translation not typical configuration "1C: Accounting 8" to the editors 3.0 Call Astrosoft or leave an application.

Our experts will analyze your database and prepare a proposal for the transition.

In accordance with the rules of the company "1C", all services for support, support and updating programs are provided only if there is an existing agreement "1C: ITS".
  • "1C: Accounting7.7" is not supported by modern operating systems,
  • "1C: Accounting7.7" does not integrate with new 1C services
  • "1C: Accounting7.7" does not support requirements Federal Law №152-FZ "On Personal Data"
  • Updating the forms of documents and reporting for "1C: Accounting7.7" is implemented with a delay.

We offer:

  • quick transition to a new platform and program "1C: Accounting 8" Red.3.0,
  • easy start of work in the new program,
  • all advantages "1C: Accounting 8" Red.3.0:
    • advanced functionality and new features,
    • comfortable and intuitive interface,
    • the system works much faster
    • most operations are automated,
    • individual settings for each user,
    • data exchange and updates via the Internet.
As part of the transition from "1C: Accounting 7.7" on "1C: Accounting 8" Red.3.0 We carry out the following works:
  • Upgrading a typical configuration "1C: Accounting 7.7" to relevant, preliminary analysis of the database "1C: Accounting 7.7" for the correctness of keeping accounting in the program "1C: Accounting 7.7".
  • Transferring data from the editorial board 7.7 to the editors 3.0: the transfer of reference books, the bundle of the base with the formation of initial residues to a specific date (the transfer is best to produce at the beginning of the year), transferring and conducting documents for the current year. Checking the correctness of the transfer of residues and data in the bu.
  • Installation of the Program Platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3".
  • Adjusting balances bye after transferring data to "1C: Accounting 8" Red.3.0.
  • Comparison of data in "1C: Accounting 8" Red.3.0 with "1C: Accounting 7.7".
  • If necessary, adjustment and correction of documents in all moved periods.
  • Setting the database. Filling into accounts, configure accounting parameters, tips on the accounting methodology in connection with the transition to "1C: Accounting 8" Red.3.0, configuring user rights.
  • Individual and group training of users.
  • Further maintenance of the database (remotely / at the working place of the user / combined).

To determine the volume and cost of work on the transition from a modified configuration, it is required to evaluate the changes and determine the need to transfer these changes to the editor 3.0. This assessment is made only on a specific database.

Call the Astrosoft or leave the application. Our experts will analyze your database and prepare a proposal for the transition to "1C: Accounting 8" Red.3.0.


In accordance with the rules of the company "1C", all services for support, support and updating programs are provided only if there is an existing agreement "1C: ITS".

Simplification of the start of work

When you start, the starting assistant is automatically started in the new information database. It will offer to fill out and check the basic settings of the program: Accounting settings, reference books, initial remnants.

The ability to download data from the information base of the "Accounting Company" configuration, ed. 1.6, or "1C: Enterprise 7.7". Transfer helpers control the correctness of the transfer of data.

"Accounting Navigator" according to the program

Account Correspondence Directory is a program navigator that can be used both with the initial development of the program and in the current work when registering economic operations. According to correspondence or maintenance of the economic operation, the correspondence directory will tell the accountant, how to reflect one or another operation in the program.

Easy and clarity of tax accounting

Accounting and tax accounting data is recorded in one post. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting and the fulfillment of the requirements of PBU 18/02 "Accounting for income tax calculations." You can use standard accounting reports to match the data. In one report, you can compare the accounting and tax accounting data.

Functionality and simplicity in the management of standard accounting reports

The standard accounting reports are analyzed by accounting and (or) tax accounting, as well as the amount of permanent and temporary differences. In addition, it is possible to immediately check the fulfillment of the requirements of PBU 18/02 "Accounting for income tax calculations", for which the possibility of monitoring the implementation of the ruler \u003d NO + PR + BP is implemented.

Report data is also presented in the form of charts. At the same time, the user can configure reporting - apply different colors and fonts, allocate amounts with negative values, etc.

Transparency of closing period

Completion operations include labor-intensive calculations of depreciation, calculating cost, etc. These operations are recorded in a certain sequence that cannot be changed. For some regulatory operations, a large number of postings are formed. In addition, operations are simultaneously carried out for tax accounting for income tax.

Assistant closure of the month:

  • Determine the necessary regulatory transactions of the closure of the month according to the accounting policy of the applied activities and methods of taxation, as well as according to accounting data.
  • Controls the sequence of execution of regulatory operations.
  • It will identify accounting errors that do not allow the closure of the month.
  • Allows you to form certificates of calculations for executed operations and the progress report.

Before performing regulatory closing operations of the month, a chronological sequence of documents is checked, which allows you to detect accounting errors related to changes in documents by rear.

Simplification of accounting of mutual settlements

When reflecting the operations of entering and implementing commodity material values In the document, you can specify the method of the advance payment: automatic advance payment, an advance payment of an advance payment, not to read the advance.

In payment documents, it is also possible to explicitly specify the method of distribution of payment: automatically, according to a document or not to distribute.

Simplification of banking operations

Forms of payment documents are simplified - payment order It contains only the details needed for printing. Payment orders for paying taxes can be formal automatically for all taxes.

Operations with settlement accounts - the receipt and write-off of funds - registered in the journal " Bank statements". The shape of the magazine is similar to the form of an extract received from the bank.

Simplify recruitment

Assistant admission to work simplifies the input of information about the new employee. The list of employees of the organization can be streamlined by last name, division, positions, date of reception and the table number. The personal card in the form of T-2 employee can be printed directly from the directory "Employees of Organizations".

Schedule accounting

When registering documents of payroll and tax calculation (contributions), accounting records are immediately formed.

When calculating wages, you can install the district coefficient for the organization, as well as the percentage of the northern surcharge for each employee.

Get information about accrued taxes and contributions from the wage fund ( insurance contributions, NDFL) in the context of each employee of the organization can be used by the report "Analysis of accrued taxes and contributions".

Accounting for monetary documents

In "1C: Accounting 8 profits" record and issuance of cash documents are recorded. You can analyze the flow of monetary documents using a specialized report.

Accounting for agency services

Agency services - the services of the principal rendered by the agent on their own behalf, with the participation of the agent in the calculations. For example, transport companiesworking on agency contracts with carriers, travel agents, advertising agents, etc.

In "1C: Accounting 8 profs" you can keep records of agency services from the agent (provision of services on your own behalf, but at the expense of the principal) and from the principal (provision of services through the agent).

Convenient report on fixed assets

Analyze the availability and movement of fixed assets in the organization, as well as the amount of accrued depreciation on accounting and tax accounting, can be used by the report "OS depreciation statement". Information in the report is grouped and selected on various features: divisions, financially responsible persons depreciation groups and etc.

Additional details of documents and reference books

For all documents and some reference books can be stored additional information. For example, for the nomenclature, you can specify such properties as color, size, article, etc. The values \u200b\u200bof additional details can be displayed in standard accounting reports.

Choosing the main organization

In a single information database, you can keep records of several organizations. When changing the main organization, documents on the selected organization will be displayed in all open logs and lists of documents.

Simplify manual operations

Entering manual wiring and recording to the register is carried out by the same document. The same document allows you to enter a type of operation or reverse the previously entered document.

Productivity increase

To improve the performance and parallelization of the applied solution in the editorial office 2.0, the architecture of the configuration of the enterprise "is optimized. It also optimized the most critical for the speed of the plots. Revision 2.0 Developed on version 8.1 of the 1C: Enterprise Technological Platform, also supported compatibility with version 8.2.

Functional features of the program "1C: Accounting 8 prof"

Software "1C: Accounting 8" includes a technology platform "1C: Enterprise 8.1" and a configuration (applied solution) "Business Accounting".

The "Accounting Company" configuration is designed to automate accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting in the organization. Accounting and tax accounting is conducted in accordance with applicable law Russian Federation.

"1C: Accounting 8" supports the solution of all the tasks of the company's accounting service if the accounting service is fully responsible for accounting in the enterprise, including, for example, the statement of primary documents, accounting for sales, etc. This applied solution can also be used only for accounting and accounting and tax accounting.

The configuration includes an accounting account plan that corresponds to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On approval of the plan of accounting accounts for financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its use" of October 31, 2000 No. 94n (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of 07.05.2003 38N). The composition of the accounts, the organization of analytical, currency, quantitative accounting in accounts comply with the requirements of legislation on accounting and reflection of data in reporting. If necessary, users can independently create additional subaccounts and incisions of analytical accounting.

Accounting "from the document" and typical operations

The main way of reflecting economic operations in accounting is to enter documents of the program corresponding to the primary accounting documents. In addition, direct entry of individual postings is allowed. For group entry, you can use typical operations - a simple automation tool, easily and quickly customizable by the user.

Facilities for quick development

Assistant input information about the organization is intended to fill the initial information about the organization.

The starting assistant is designed to enter the basic information necessary to start working with the program.

According to correspondence or the content of the Economic Operation, the "Catalog of correspondence" will tell the accountant how to reflect this or that operation in the program.

Electronic manual "Quick Lasting 1C: Accounting 8", intended for novice users of the program, will help you quickly master the main techniques for working with the program.

The functions panel helps beginner users to master the program faster, and experienced users are more efficient to carry out daily tasks. The main sections of the accounting (Bank, Cashier, production, salary) are presented in the form of work schemes and display a sequence of operations.

The center of the anti-crisis management was created specifically for the head of operational information about financial condition and financial results of the organization.

The accountant monitor allows you to quickly and in a convenient form to obtain data on the balances on the settlement accounts and at the checkout, about the amount of receivables and accounts payable, on the deadlines for reporting, as well as the timing of taxes.

The accountant calendar reports in advance of the occurrence of taxes and reporting status provided by the legislation.

The composition of the supplied kit includes a demonstration base. It has already introduced documents describing the economic activities of various organizations. For a more convenient navigation, a demonstration database guidebook is intended for more convenient navigation.

Keeping accounting for several organizations

"1C: Accounting 8" allows you to conduct accounting and tax accounting of economic activities of several organizations. Accounting for each organization can be conducted in a separate information base. At the same time, the configuration provides an opportunity to use a general information base for keeping accounting for several institutions - legal entities. It is convenient if their economic activity is closely related to each other: you can use general lists of goods, counterparties (business partners), workers, warehouses (storage sites), etc., and mandatory reporting to form separately.

Support different systems Taxation

In the program for commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs The following taxation systems are supported:

  • general taxation system (income tax for organizations in accordance with Ch. 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • simplified taxation system (ch. 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • the tax system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (ch. 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting for material and industrial stocks

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products implemented according to PBU 5/01 "Accounting of Material and Production Reserves" and methodical instructions By its use. The following methods of evaluating material and industrial reserves are supported during their disposal:

  • by middle Costs,
  • at the cost of the first time to purchase material and industrial reserves (FIFO method).

To support methods for evaluating FIFO on accounting accounts of material and production reserves, partial accounting is conducted. Various assessment methods can be applied independently for each organization. In accounting and tax accounting of organization methods estimates of the MPZ. match up.

Inventory control

In warehouses may be quantified or quantitative-sums. In the first case, the assessment of goods and materials for accounting and tax accounting purposes does not depend on which warehouse they are obtained. Warehouse accounting can be disconnected if there is no need.

In the information database, you can reflect the results of the inventory, automatically checked with accounting data. Based on the inventory reflects the detection of surplus and write-off a shortage.

Accounting trade operations

Automated accounting of operations of the receipt and implementation of goods and services. The sale of goods discharges bills for payment, overhead and invoice are issued. All operations in wholesale trade Considered in the context of contracts with buyers and suppliers. For imported goods The country is taken into account about the country of origin and the number of the cargo customs declaration.

For retail Supported both operational reflection of retail sales and reflection of sales based on the results of inventory. Products in retail can be taken into account by purchased or at prior prices. For retail sales, payment is supported bank loans and the use of payment cards.

Automated reflection of goods from the buyer and the supplier.

The use of several types of prices is maintained, for example: wholesale, fine-winding, retail, procurement, etc. This simplifies the reflection of operations and implementation.

Accounting commission trade

Automated accounting of commission trading both in relation to the goods taken to the Commission (at the Committee) and transferred for further implementation (commissioner). The reflection of the transmission of goods to the subcomission is maintained. When forming a report to the Committee or registration of the report of the commissioner, you can immediately make calculation and reflect the holding of commission remuneration.

Accounting for agency contracts

Automated accounting of agency services from the agent (provision of services on their own behalf, but at the expense of the principal) and from the principal (provision of services through the agent).

Accounting for Tara operations

Automated operations for accounting for return multi-turn packaging. The specificity of taxation of such operations and settlements with suppliers and buyers is taken into account.

Accounting for banking I. cash operations

Implemented accounting of cash and non-cash money and currency transactions. Supported input and printing of payment orders, arrival and consumables cash holders. Implemented accounting documents.

Based cash documents The cash book of the installed sample is formed.

Automated calculation operations with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons (including the transfer of funds on bank cards employees or corporate bank cards), depositing cash to the settlement account and receiving cash money check, acquisition and sale of foreign currency. When reflecting operations, the amount of payments are automatically divided into advance and payment.

Payment orders for paying taxes (contributions) can be formulated automatically.

Implemented information exchange mechanism with client bank programs.

Accounting for calculations with counterparties

Accounting for calculations with suppliers and buyers can be conducted in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency. Course differences for each operation are calculated automatically.

Calculations with counterparties in the configuration are always carried out with accuracy to the calculation document. When issuing documents and implement documents, you can use both the total prices for all counterparties and individual for a particular contract.

The method of repayment of debt under the contract can be specified directly in payment documents. The method of taking advances is indicated in the documents of the receipt and implementation.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is conducted in accordance with PBU 6/01 "Accounting for fixed assets" and PBU 14/2007 "Accounting for intangible assets". The main accounting operations are automated: admission, taking into account, depreciation (depreciation), modernization, transmission, write-off, inventory. It is possible to distribute the amount of accrued depreciation for a month in tax accounting between several accounts or objects of analytical accounting.

Accounting for basic and auxiliary production

Automated calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production, taking into account the processing of davaline raw materials, taking into account overalls, special equipment, inventory and economic accessories. During the month, registration of the released finished products is conducted according to planned cost. At the end of the month, the actual cost of issued products and services rendered.

Accounting semi-finished products

For complex technological processesSupporting intermediate stages with the release of semi-finished products, a warehouse consideration of semi-finished products is supported and the automatic calculation of their cost.

Accounting for indirect expenses

"1C: Accounting 8" supports accounting for various expenses that are not directly related to the production of products, the provision of works, services - indirect expenses. At the end of the month, an automatic write-off of indirect expenses is made.

For the accounting of general expenses, the use of the "Direct-Kosting" method is supported. This method provides that general expenses are written off in the month of their occurrence and are fully referred to the costs of the current period. If the organization does not apply in the organization, the general costs are distributed between the cost of manufactured products and incomplete production.

When writing off indirect expenses, it is possible to apply various distribution methods according to nomenclature groups of products (services). For indirect expenses, the following distribution databases are possible:

VAT accounting

VAT accounting is implemented in accordance with the rules of ch. 21 NK RF. Automated filling book of purchases and books of sales. For accounting purposes, VAT contains separate accounting of operations taxable VAT and not subject to taxation under Art. 149 of the Tax Code. Complete economic situations are tracked in accounting for VAT when implementing an VAT rate of 0%, in the construction of an economic method, as well as in the organization of responsibilities tax agent. VAT sums on indirect costs in accordance with Art. 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be distributed to the operations of implementation, taxable VAT and exempt from paying VAT.

VAT accounting assistant controls the procedure for implementing regulatory operations.

Wage accounting, personnel and personalized accounting

In "1C: Accounting 8" conducts accounting of personnel, including accounting for employees at the main place of work and part-time. In this case, the internal combination is supported optionally, that is, the support can be turned off if this is not accepted at the enterprise. Provides formation unified form According to labor law.

Automated the following operations:

  • calculation of the salary to employees of the enterprise in the salary with the ability to specify a reflection way in accounting separately for each type of accrual;
  • maintaining mutual settlements with workers up to payroll and salaries card bills employees;
  • deposit;
  • the calculation of the taxes and contributions regulated by the legislation of the taxa of which is the salary of employees of organizations;
  • the formation of relevant reports (NDFL, taxes (contributions) with fot), including the preparation of reporting for the Personalized Accounting System.

When performing calculations, the availability of disabled, tax non-residents is taken into account.

To simplify work with personnel accounting and wages, a salary accounting assistant has been implemented.

For the analysis of accrued wages and taxes (contributions) from the photo, reports "Analysis of labor costs", "Analysis of accrued taxes and contributions".

Tax Accounting for Profit Tax

Tax Accounting for Profit Tax is maintained on the same accounts as accounting. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting and the fulfillment of the requirements of PBU 18/02 "Accounting for income tax calculations." According to tax accounting, tax registers and income tax declaration are automatically formed.

To identify tax accounting errors and accounting for differences in assessing assets and obligations, the report "Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax is intended.

Simplified tax system

Automated accounting of economic activities of organizations applying a simplified tax system. Tax accounting on USN is conducted in accordance with ch. 26.2 NK RF. The following taxation objects are supported:

  • income
  • revenues reduced by the amount of expenses.

The accounting book of income and expenses is formed automatically.

To analyze the structure of income and expenses of tax accounting on the USN, the report "Analysis of the state of tax accounting on USN" is designed.

Accounting activities taxable single tax on imputed income

Regardless of whether the ISN organization applies general System taxation, some types of its activities can be called a single tax on imputed income (UNVD). The configuration provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses related to activities taxable and not subject to UNVD. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a certain type of activity at the time of their commission can be distributed automatically upon completion of the period.

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs - payers NDFL

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs applying the general tax system are carried out in accordance with the procedure for accounting for income and expenses, and economic operations for individual entrepreneurs approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2002 No. 86N / BG-3-04 / 430, chapters 23 and 25 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The book of income and expenses and economic operations is automatically formed in the form approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2002 No. 86n / BG-3-04 / 430, and the NFFL Tax Declaration.

Finishing operations of the month

Automated regulatory operations performed at the end of the month, including revaluation of the currency, writing off the expenditure of future periods, definition financial results other. The closing assistant allows you to determine the necessary regulations of the closure of the month and fulfill them in the correct sequence and without errors.

The configuration includes a set of reports "Help-calculations", reflecting the calculations related to the regulatory operations on the closing of the month: "distribution of indirect expenses", "Calculation of income tax and others."

Standard accounting reports

The configuration provides the user with a set of standard reports that allow you to analyze data on remnants, account turnover and wiring in a wide variety of cuts. When reporting reports, grouping, selection and sorting displayed information is configured based on the specifics of the organization's activities and user-executed functions.

Regulated reporting

The program includes mandatory (regulated) reports intended to submit to the owners of the organization and controlling government agenciesincluding forms accounting reporting, tax Declarations, Reports for statistical and state funds.

Regulated reports for which such an opportunity is provided regulatory documentsmay be unloaded in in electronic format. The program supports the technology of application of a two-dimensional barcode on sheets of tax declarations.

Regulated income reporting individuals is automatically formed for presentation in tax authorities It can be recorded on a magnetic carrier (flop). For the presentation in the FIU of information about the estimated experience and paid insurance premiums are carried out personalized accounting of employees. The corresponding reporting can also be recorded on the magnetic medium.

Service capabilities

Control and exclusion of erroneous situations

"1C: Accounting 8 Prof" provides developed tools for monitoring the user at various stages of working with the program:

  • control of the correctness and completeness of the input data,
  • control of residues when writing off (movement) of material values,
  • control of modification and removal of documents entered earlier "Dates of the Prohibition of Editing",
  • monitoring the integrity and consistency of information when deleting data.

The program provides for the download of reference books and classifiers:

  • classifier bik (directory of bank identification codes of participants in settlements in the Russian Federation),
  • address classifiers FTS,
  • currency course from RBC.

Search for data

The configuration implements a full-text search according to the information base. The search can be conducted in several words using search operators or by exact phrase.

Access Control Data

The possibility of entering restrictions on access to the accounting data of individual organizations (legal entities) is implemented. The user with limited access rights is not possible not only to change anything, but even read the data closed for it.

Use of commercial equipment

"1C: Accounting 8 Prof" supports work with cash registers (fiscal registrars).

Work with distributed information bases

To work with distributed information bases, exchange plans are included in the configuration to automate data exchange between information bases.

Internet support for users

Users of the Programs can be managed directly when working with the program to prepare and send views on the use of the program, contacting the technical support department, as well as to receive and view the responses of the Technical Support. Also, users can take part in a survey of users of the program conducted by the company "1C" to study the problems arising during operation.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration includes a configuration update assistant that allows you to get information about the latest updates posted on the site support website on the Internet, and automatically set the updates detected. If the update file is already received, the assistant allows you to update using the update delivery file (.cfu) or configuration delivery file (.cf) from any local or network directory.

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