
Implementation in 1C Accounting 8.3. Accounting wiring for the sale of goods and services. Production services for which planned cost

To reflect the fact of selling goods or services, in the program "" There is a document "Implementation of goods and services".

Consider step-by-step instructions On the example, how to create and fill out this document, and also we will analyze which accounting wiring it forms.

The window of the new document 1C accounting will open. Let's proceed to fill it:

Required fields for filling are usually underlined by a red dotted line. It is not difficult to guess that first of all you must specify:

  • Organization
  • Counterparty
  • Warehouse
  • Price type

Type of prices asks, at what price the goods will be sold. If the price type is specified in the counterparty agreement, it will be established automatically (from the previously set values \u200b\u200bin the documents). If the price type is not specified and the responsible for filling out the document is the right to edit sales prices, the price during the design of the tabular part is indicated manually.

I note that if only one organization is recorded in the program 1C 8.3, the field "Organization" does not need to fill out, it will simply won't be seen. The same applies to the warehouse.

We specified the necessary details in the document header, we turn to the filling of the tabular part.

You can use the Add button and fill the document line. But in this case, we will not see the balance of the goods in the warehouse. For the convenience of a set of goods to the table part, press the "Selection" button:

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The "Selection of the nomenclature" window opens, where we see the balance of the goods and can safely choose it. If you select a particular line, the program requests the number and price (if the type of price) of the selected product is selected.

At the bottom of the window reflects selected and ready-to-post positions. After all the necessary positions are selected, click "transfer to the document".

Now add the service to the document. Services are selected on the "Services" tab. Let's go to it and also click the "Selection" button. I chose the "delivery" position, indicated the number, cost and transferred to the document.

To provide one service, a multitude of counterparties are conveniently issued by one document. It can be especially useful for enterprises that provide periodic "subscriber services": for example, in the field of housing and communal services.

That's what I did:

Now the document can be conducted. When conducting, wiring will be formed, which will decide the fact of the sale of goods in accounting.

Postings on the sale of goods and services in 1C

Let's see which wiring for sale formed us a document in 1C. To do this, press the button at the top of the document. A window with formed wiring opens:

The following types of wiring were formed:

  • Debit 90.02.1 Credit 41 (43) - reflection of the cost of goods (or);
  • Debit 62.02 Credit 62.01 - Since before this, the buyer made a prepayment, the program 1C reads an advance;
  • Debit 62.01 Credit 90.01.1 - reflection of revenue;
  • Debit 90.03 Credit 68.02 -;

Wiring can be edited manually, for this, at the top of the window there is a manual adjustment checkbox. But this is not recommended.

Our video for the sale of goods in the program 1C 8.3:

Configuring accounts in wiring and documents 1c

If the wiring is automatically generated incorrectly, it is better to understand the settings, why this happens, or fix account accounts in the document. The fact is that in accordance with the completion of the document of the account, they are substituted into the document, and then postings are formed on them.

Let's see where they can be viewed and edited (again I will say that it is better to set up correctly once than to correct each time in the document).

The same applies to the services:

Finally, I will say that the correct configuration of accounting accounts is a very important task, since the correctness of the management depends on accounting. For our example, account configuration is made in the reference books "and" ", but this topic is already for a separate article.

Sale of services in 1C 8.3:

How to make the wiring of selling goods or services in the program 1C 8.3 Accounting

To reflect the fact of sale of goods, or the provision of services, in the program "1C 8.3 Accounting Company 3.0" there is a document "Implementation of goods and services".

Consider on the example how to create and fill in this document, as well as we will analyze which accounting wiring it forms.

Creating and filling in 1C Document Sales Services and Goods

The window of the new document 1C accounting will open. Let's proceed to fill it:

Required fields for filling are usually underlined by a red dotted line. It is not difficult to guess that first must be specified:

  • Organization
  • Counterparty
  • Warehouse
  • Price type

Type of prices asks, at what price the goods will be sold. If the price type is specified in the counterparty contract, it will be installed automatically. If the price type is not specified and the responsible for filling out the document is the right to edit sales prices, the price during the design of the tabular part is indicated manually.

If in the 1C 8.3 program, only one organization is recorded, the field "Organization" does not need to fill out, it will simply be seen. Also concerns the warehouse.

We specified the necessary details in the document header, we turn to the filling of the tabular part.

You can use the "Add" button, and fill in the document line. But in this case, the balance of goods in the warehouse will not be visible. For the convenience of a set of goods to the table part, press the "Selection" button:

The "Selection of a nomenclature" window opens, where you can see the balance of the product and boldly choose it. If you select a particular line, the program requests the number and price (if the type of price) of the selected product is selected.

At the bottom of the window reflects selected and ready-to-post positions. After all the necessary positions are selected, click "transfer to the document".

Now add the service to the document. Services are selected on the "Services" tab. We will put it in it and also click the "Selection" button. We choose - the "delivery" position, indicate the amount, cost and transfer to the document.

That's what happened:

Now the document can be conducted. When conducting, wiring will be formed, which will decide the fact of the sale of goods in accounting.

Posting the implementation of goods and services in 1C

Let's see which wiring formed a document. To do this, press the debit loan button at the top of the document. A window with formed wiring opens:

The following types of wiring were formed:

  • Debit 90.02.1 Credit 41 (43) - reflection of the cost of goods and finished products
  • Debit 62.02 Credit 62.01 - Since before this, the buyer made a prepayment, the program 1C reads an advance
  • Debit 62.01 Credit 90.01.1 - Revenue reflection
  • Debit 90.03 Credit 68.02 - Accounting VAT

Wiring can be edited manually, for this, at the top of the window there is a manual adjustment checkbox. But this is not recommended.

By materials: Programmist1s.ru

Configuration:1c accounting

Configuration version:3.0

Publication date: 16.01.2017

Document Sales (act, invoice) in 1C: Accounting It serves to design an operation for the sale on the side of goods, materials, services, equipment and finished products. Based on the implementation (act, invoice), a document is entered Invoice issued.

In 1C: Accounting Document Implementation is in section Sales.

You can create several types of documents. SalesWe will consider the sale of goods (invoice).

Fill the header of the document. Let us consider each item in more detail just below.

So, the contract with the counterparty. Since we form a realization, the type of contract will be With buyer. In the contract contract you can immediately specify the type of price and price currency. Especially pay attention if you are recorded in different currencies (rub, USD, EUR ...)

Bank account, Here you specify a bank account, which the buyer should pay for goods. It is on this score that the program will track the receipt of payment or advances for goods.

Pressing on Price type:, we see the following. In this window, the special setting is not required if you configured the contract with the counterparty. Data to the document will be substituted from the contract with the counterparty, if not filled there, then you can configure.

Turning to the filling of the table part of the goods, I can note that the most in a convenient way Filling is Selection of goods.

In the selection window of goods, we see a button Only residuesThis feature hides the entire nomenclature in which the residue is 0. On the left navigation for groups of the nomenclature, on the right list of nomenclature, residues and prices. At the bottom there are those positions that will be transferred to the implementation document. At the end of the selection click Transfer to Document.

The goods are transferred to the table part of the document. Please note that one product is accounting 41.01 , and second 10.01 This means that flour is not a product and the material! Which is listed in our organization for 10.01 account which is called materials.

Creating an invoice issued.

The document is used to place Invoices on the implementation of goods or advances received (invoice for advance). Also, if the document has already returned with the signature, there is a flag Document signedThis means that the document flow is completed on this operation.

After pressing the key, we see that the invoice was formed automatically.

Let's go to the invoice and see details. The code of the type of operation 01 indicates that this invoice is issued for implementation. The flag is set and transferred to the counterparty needed that your invoice would hit the invoice directory and subsequently VAT was taken into account.

Make sure that the program writes off the goods, even if there is no stock in stock - the request that our consultants often hear, especially from new customers. Lately The question was added to this request: why in some bases the program warns about the irrelevance of information, and in some not? The solution and in the same case lies in the 1C settings: Accounting 8.3, which I want to tell you today. This is setting up documents in the program.

Is this setting in the section Administration:

As a result, a window with settings opens. Let's talk about each of them and see how it affects the work of the program.

The first unit allows you to adjust the moment of calculation when write off MPS., the moment of repayment of debt or standings of advances in calculations with counterparties.

The default program is checked. When conducting documents. This is the standard program. Those. All calculations occur at the time of the documents. For example, when selling a document Sales of goods Makes wiring to write off the cost of goods:

If the setup switch is set to When closing a month, then the calculation of the cost will be made once a month, when performing regulatory operations By closing the month. In this case, the wiring of the same document will look like this:

In this case, the WSK on the account 41 will look like this:

Why do you ask? Of course, most of you will probably not need this setting. But the developers have provided such a work option for companies with a large document flow. When dozens and hundreds of documents are created on the day. In this case, to speed up the operational operation of the program and makes sense to make the appropriate setting. The program will work much faster, and all calculations will be performed when the period is closed.
But even if you want to try to work in this mode, remember that it is not for all organizations to change the settlement mode. Calculations will always be carried out when conducting documents if an organization or IP:
- Applies USN (income minus costs)
- leads separate accounting of VAT;
- uses the way estimates of the MPZ. "FIFO";
- uses a way to evaluate goods "at the sales cost";
- uses payment by payment cards;
- Applies as it (only for II).

Next setting this section This is just setting the ability to write off goods or materials in the absence of them in stock:

Those. Often there is a situation where we need to make a document shipment of the goods to the buyer, and we have not managed to postpone the goods. Then this setting will help us in our work. If there are no goods in stock, then the wiring of the document Sales (act, invoice) Will be very similar to the previous example with the execution of calculations when closing the month:

Wavy 41 accounts in this case looks like this:

If the checkbox is not installed, the program controls the availability of stocks in stock and when trying to conduct a document will inform you about the error. After all, very often, with such configuration, errors can occur that you will not have time to notice. How to fix errors when writing off the MPZ You can read in our article How to find a mistake when writing off the MPZ .
When installing the next check box in the settings of the documents, the program in the formation of various reports will be promptly analyzing the sequence of documents, as it significantly affects the correctness of data display.

If necessary, the program will offer to update the data:

Well, the last setting of documents will allow you to not control the time of creating documents every time during the day.

The situation when the receipt of goods and its sale were held in one day, but the implementation you have introduced earlier and the program does not give a certificate of implementation, familiar? I think many of you have to open a document conducted and manually change minutes or even seconds of creating a document. The same applies to excessive revolutions of advances. When payment and shipment or arrival in one day, but due to the time of the document, the program chases amounts on the accounts of advances. Come across this? Of course yes! So the last checkbox in the settings of the holding and will help you cope with such situations. When it is installed in the receipt document you create, the time will automatically be installed 7:00:

And in the implementation documents will automatically be installed time 14:00

The document will automatically be created at 18:00:

And will be created at 17:00

Well, finally, I want to draw your attention to that all the settings of the documents that you make will be applied immediately to all organizations, accounting on which is conducted in this database.
That's all that I wanted to tell you about the possibilities of setting up documents in the program 1C: Accounting 8, edition 3.0. I hope that some of them will be useful to you in your work.

The write-off of the goods sold from the organization's warehouse occurs according to the "Implementation" document. Consider step by step, as is done in the editors 3.0. On the left menu, we find "sales" and choose the magazine "Implementation (acts, invoices)". In the window that opens, press the "Implementation" key. From the drop-down list, choose "Goods (invoices)":

Opened form for filling:

Consider creating a document "Implementation" on the previously exhibited and account. We go into the "Account Customer" log, choose the necessary document. Open it. At the top we find the "Create based on" key and select "Sales (Act, Overhead)" from the drop-down list:

The window appears again to select the form of the document:

We choose "Goods (invoice)". And the program itself creates a fully completed "Implementation based on the selected account" document. It remains only to make an invoice. To do this, at the bottom of the screen we find the inscription "invoice" and press the "Disposal Invoice" key. The document is formed automatically and the number and date of the invoice will appear in this place:

You can view this document by clicking on the same link or in the "Sales" section of the "invoice issued" log. Everything is filled and it remains only to conduct a document.

Now let's see which wiring created in the system. To do this, press a small key in the top panel "Show wiring and other document movements":

A window with formed wiring opens:

    DT 90.02.1 - CT 41 (43) - reflection of the cost of goods (or finished products);

    Dt 62.02 - CT 62.01 - standing an advance payment (if it was);

    Dt 62.01 - CT 90.01.1 - reflection of revenue;

    Dt 90.03 - CT 68.02 - Accounting VAT.

In the wiring, you can make changes manually. To do this, put a tick in the "Manual Adjustment" field. It is not recommended to do this, so the program itself distributes everything on the basis of previously completed data.

To print documents for the created implementation, you need to click the "Print" button in the top panel. As a rule, a set of documents consists of a commodity invoice (bargain 12) and invoices. Alternately choose them in the drop-down menu, print. Or you can print everything immediately, for this you need to choose a "set of documents". After clicking, a window appears to select:

Here put the ticks opposite the name necessary document And specify the number of copies.

If you check the checkbox "Immediately to the printer", the entire kit will immediately be sent to print without preview.

If there is a need for a print of a consolidated invoice or commodity invoice (T-1), they can be printed from above the specified drop-down window:

To enter additional details on the delivery, downstairs in the document "Implementation" itself, there is a link "Delivery". Here is the consignee and shipper - if they differ from the stated delivery address, which transport company Delivery is made - if the load is transported not by the seller, the car number, the driver's data, the name of the cargo and the list of accompanying documents:

After filling, press the OK button and send to print.

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