
Filing of documents. How to file documents correctly? How to staple documents correctly: step by step instructions

Firstly, it is logical that you do not need to figure out how to lace a document if it consists of one sheet, however, if it contains two or more pages, then the information below will be useful.

  • So, personnel services employees must flash:
  • orders of personnel and general staff,
  • as well as the staffing table.
  • Accountants perform the specified procedure with:
  • advance reports,
  • invoices,
  • invoices,
  • waybills,
  • cash books,
  • turnover sheets,
  • acts of work performance,
  • as well as statements on wages if it is handed out.

Information on how to file documents with threads will also be needed if you are dealing with copies of documents of legal entities, only in this situation a certification seal is not needed.

How to hem documents with threads on 2, 3 and 4 holes, as well as on a corner

Then you can safely cut off the thread, while not forgetting to leave 7 cm in order to tie with the existing remainder. Do not forget about sticking a rectangle with the necessary information on the knot. HR staff will find it helpful to know that an awl can be used instead of a needle.
Nylon threads or twine will be the ideal means for sewing. 4 holes If a personnel specialist knows how to stitch in three holes, then he will not have any problems with this method either. The circuit is almost the same. Here you must immediately take into account that the distance between the holes will in no case exceed 1.5 cm. The stitching procedure starts from the second hole from the top, and the beginning is taken from the back side of the sheet.

Then the thread should come out through the topmost hole and again you need to pass it through the second hole from the top.

How to staple documents correctly

To keep the bend well, you can coat it with glue. You can attach the sticker to the cover with a stapler. It's worth noting that cover designs can be found at any office supply store. How to number The sheets must be numbered in Arabic numerals.
You need to consider the following nuances:

  1. The number is put in the upper right corner.
  2. Appendices should be numbered in the general order.
  3. If you have letters, you must initially number the envelope, after which the rest of the sheets.
  4. Case volumes are numbered separately.
  5. If there are glues, they must be numbered according to the general order.

Cover design This part of the document is presented in the following formats:

  1. Standard. 22.9x32.4 cm size, required for stapling A4 sheets.
  2. Non-standard. The dimensions are formed according to the size of the paper used for the documents.
  3. For long-term storage.

How to properly stitch a document in 4 holes with a needle and thread?

In addition, sectoral departments (for example, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties) developed the requirements for paper sewing. How to properly attach documents: detailed diagrams with a description There are several options for how to properly file documents with threads, because this procedure can be performed both in two holes, and in three, four or even five. Two holes

  • Before starting stapling, use a hole punch and punch two holes in the document (you can also punch the paper using a regular needle, but in this case, you need to be extremely careful).
  • Next, take the thread and pass it through both punctures, and so that its ends are on the back of the papers.
  • Then tie the ends of the thread together and stick a rectangle on them, which must be cut out of white thick paper in advance.

Guide how to stitch and certify documents

  1. Then we thread the thread again in the same way as in the first step.
  1. Further - from the front side to the next hole from the hole
  1. In the extreme puncture from the back
  1. From the front side of the hole that we went through in the fourth step
  1. And we connect the ends of the thread
  1. At the same time, we try to pull the thread so that it tightly squeezes the sheets of documents
  1. It remains to tie the thread in a knot
  1. Cut off excess thread ends

If the documents have been stitched correctly, it remains to number the sheets and stick paper on top of the bundle with the inscription "Stitched, numbered and stamped () sheets" and put down the necessary details of the certifier (position, signature and full name).

How to sew documents into 3 or 4 holes. how to flash documents for the tax


Instead of a needle or hole punch, you can use an awl, and nylon products or special twine are ideal for the role of threads for sewing documents. It should be noted that using the specified information, you will not have to think for a long time and how to flash the registration log, the main thing is to choose a hard cover and carefully number all the pages, since after stitching it will be impossible to change something. In four holes Having figured out how to stitch documents in 3 holes, it will not be difficult for you to connect the papers in 4 punctures.

The process is almost similar to the previous version, only the distance between adjacent holes should be about 1.5 cm.In this case, stitching starts from the second hole from the top (from the back), after which the thread is passed through the uppermost hole, and the needle is brought back into the second above.

How to sew documents in 3 or 4 holes

Legislation It should be noted that the unified standard for stapling documents in enterprises for this moment no. Despite this, a number of regulatory documents still exist, and it is their provisions that should be adhered to when stitching documents. These include:

  1. Rosarkhiv order No. 76 of 23.12.2009 "On office work and archival affairs".
  2. Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 536 (approval of standard instructions for office work).
  3. Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties (2003)
  5. GOST R 51141.

Rules for stitching documents At the moment, for authorized employees, there are several options for stitching documents.
Each of them implies a similar stitching strategy, but different approaches. Let's consider them in more detail, define the key features of document firmware.

Sewing documents correctly: 7 basic steps

To properly certify the paper, you need to prepare a small piece of paper with dimensions of 4 by 5 cm. It must be glued to the knot so that the ends of the thread are free. On a piece of paper, you must indicate the number of paper files in number and in words, as well as the position, surname and initials of the person in charge.


After that, the certifier puts his signature and seal, if any. The edges of the signature and seal must go beyond the sticker sheet. tax office? Any entrepreneur is obliged to provide various reports on his activities, therefore, the knowledge of how to sew documents for tax service are necessary. To avoid inconsistencies, it is advisable to check with the responsible person about the rules for binding documents.

A list of all accompanying papers should be compiled to the finished document.

How to staple documents correctly

  • 1 Regulation of the stitching of documents in office work
    • 1.1 Documents to be flashed
    • 1.2 Regulations governing the sewing of documents
  • 2 How to properly flash documents: detailed diagrams with a description
    • 2.1 Into two holes
    • 2.2 Three holes
    • 2.3 Four holes
    • 2.4 Five holes
  • 3 Features of flashing documents: good advice
  • 4 How to certify stitched documents
    • 4.1 Who can certify stitched documents
    • 4.2 Requirements for the execution of stitched documents for certification

Regulation of the firmware of documents in office work In any field of human activity, where he has to deal with a large number of documents, one cannot do without their systematization.

How to sew 4-hole cases

It's difficult only the first time, then you will do it with your eyes closed))))))))))

  • From the last to the second, then to the third, then to the fourth, then to the third and to the second, we tie a knot, write on a piece of paper: laced, numbered documents, smear with glue on the back of this scribble, glue it so that the tips stick out, and the knot was under paper. we sign, we put a stamp. Everything!
  • The question turned out to be almost philosophical, and the answers were detailed and detailed. Directly the topic of the dissertation.
  • THREE holes is quite ENOUGH.
  • How to sew a 4-hole case

    1. I wonder why a lot of nonsense about 3 was written on a clearly posed question in 4 holes ????
    2. I can only do three holes
    3. To date, there is no single standard for stitching (lacing) documents, but there are General requirements in banks (Central Bank of the Russian Federation), there are also requirements developed in various instances. Anyway general principles is the numbering of the sheets of the document, the stitching (lacing) of the packs of documents, followed by an inventory and a certifying signature and seal on the last page of the filing of documents. General recommendation for stitching documents: 1. The documents constituting the case are hemmed in four punctures in a hard cardboard cover with a cover design and intertwined taking into account the possible free reading of the text of all documents.

    Before starting to work with the documentation, the most thorough acquaintance with a large number of necessary instructions concerning the issues of document flow and office work. These norms are quite complex and contain a large number of all kinds of small details and nuances. How to file documents on a corner? What does the attached inventory contain? Can I hem accounting documents a thermobinding machine? A novice clerk has something to smash his head over.


    At first glance, the procedure for registering a case and submitting it to the archive is completely simple, but practice shows the opposite. In case of violation of any of the rules of office work this institution will refuse to accept the document being handed over, and you will have to start all the work again. If similar situations have already occurred in your life, read our article - we will try to understand this issue.

    Why do they file documents? Are there regulations according to which this procedure is regulated? Yes, and there are a lot of them. First of all, we are talking about methodological recommendations for office work, which were approved in December 2009 by order of Rosarkhiv. Secondly, about GOST R 51141, dedicated to archival business and office work and containing all the necessary definitions and terms. In addition, there are other legal norms according to which documentation is stitched.

    Let's start with the cover

    If the theater begins with a hanger, then our procedure is nothing but the cover. And the choice of a cardboard "crust" is one of the first tasks in the process of "packing" a document. At first glance, you will not find the difference between the many varieties that exist. But, looking closely, you will understand that the covers are standard, non-standard, and also used for long-term storage.

    Most often, you can find a standard cover with a format of 229x324 mm. It is used in all cases where standard size sheets are stapled. If, for certain reasons, the document has a sufficiently specific appearance and parameters, a custom cover is required. The latter type includes the one in which documents from 25 years or more will be stored.

    According to the legislation, such covers are made only from hardboard due to the significant working time. Steps should be taken to preserve the document's proper appearance and usability after a significant period of time. Documents intended for delivery to the state archive are stored in covers made of material such as acid-free cardboard.

    Let's talk about numbering sheets

    Before you can properly file documents with threads, they must all be folded in the correct sequence. After that, the numbering procedure is performed using an ordinary simple pencil. The main rule here is to number the sheets, not the pages of the document. An Arabic numeral is affixed on each sheet in its upper right corner. At the same time, our marks must not "crawl" onto the text. Does not apply to the general numbering of sheets

    What are the subtleties of numbering? If the number of documents to be filed includes a letter or several of them, the envelope is first numbered, then one by one - each of the sheets enclosed in it. If the number of incoming units is more than 250, it is customary to divide it into several volumes. Moreover, each of them has its own numbering.

    Inside the archival file, there may be documents that have their own separate page numbering, for example, periodicals. But, filling out the case in the archive, they are numbered, among others, without violating the general order.

    If the attached sheet has a large format, it is customary to unfold it and put a number on the right in the upper corner. The possibility of free access to the text should be provided. If, however, separate fragments are glued to any of the sheets with the impossibility of their separation, the entire given pack is numbered as one. In this case, it is imperative to draw up an inventory of each of the glued pieces, which is done on the back or in free space. An indication of the pasted document must be present in the certification inscription or in the notes to the general inventory indicating the name. Most often, these freelance attachments are checks, statements, or photographs.

    Correction of errors and inventory of documents

    In the case when some not too serious error was made in the course of work (for example, a couple of sheets were missed), instead of renumbering the entire array, you can use the letter designation again. In this case, the numbers on the other sheets do not change. Elimination of such errors is possible only by agreement with the archive staff. If gross errors are found, the document will have to be re-numbered. At the same time, the old numbers are crossed out as accurately as possible and new ones are put down. In this case, the updated numbering is again approved by a certification inscription.

    Without an inventory, not a single archive file will be accepted from you. The information contained in it concerns the name of the document, the date of compilation, annotation and the table itself, indicating the serial numbers of sheets, their number and notes (if necessary). Everything ends with information about the number of documents in the form of a number, duplicated in words, then everything is sealed with the signature of the clerk with the decoding of the full name.

    How to file documents with threads correctly

    When starting the stitching procedure, you should make sure that all the necessary materials and tools are at your fingertips. In addition to the actual case, you will need an awl, a needle, cardboard for filing documents and special threads. As the latter, they are stocked with harsh or stitching threads L-210. The latter type is used most often for the needs of office work.

    At the beginning of work, any paper clips and other metal objects are removed from the document, then the sheets of the case are folded in an even, neat stack. On the left side in the space of the fields, three holes are made with a needle or an awl. It is best to place them in the middle of the free space intended for the indent on the left, that is, at a distance of about one and a half centimeters. This remark is important - otherwise, after filing the documents, they will be difficult to read.

    If the straight edges of the holes are of fundamental importance to you, use a hole punch. But remember that too many sheets are too tough for him. Make sure that all three holes are evenly spaced in height and spaced about 3 cm apart. The middle hole should be in the middle of the page.

    To prevent spoilage title page and the collapse of the case is often recommended to reinforce the stitching site at the front and back with strips of cardboard. A thread will be passed through it. Its usual size is 70 cm. But in each case it depends on the thickness of the stack.

    How to sew on 3 holes

    Here is the content of the algorithm for such a filing of documents. First, the needle is passed through the middle of the holes, leaving the end of the thread on the reverse side. Then you should insert it into the top of the holes. As a result, both ends of it are brought out onto the turnover of the piles of stitched sheets. We stretch the needle through the bottom of the holes and draw the thread to the front side. Then again lower the needle into the middle hole. Thus, our thread was passed through all the necessary holes, after which both its ends are tied on the back of the document with a strong knot. Tips about 5 cm long are left.

    A piece of paper with a certifying inscription is glued directly to the knot. Below we will consider the technology of its manufacture.

    The document can also be stitched with 4 holes. How to do it? The procedure is not complicated at all. Four holes are punched vertically symmetrically with the location on a single axis. Leaving the tail of the thread on the back of the first hole, sew with stitches, then tie a knot in the same way as described above. The firmware must be duplicated twice to ensure durability and reliability.

    Confirmation inscription

    The next stage after numbering and flashing is to supply our case with a certification inscription. a sticker measuring 4x6 cm with the text "Laced and numbered ... sheets" (their number is indicated both in numbers and in words). Next, the position of the employee who sewed the document is indicated, with the date and personal signature. If stamping is required, this should also be noted. The inscription is pasted over the knot we tied, the ends of the threads of which should remain free. The signature is placed at the end of the entire procedure, when the glue is already dry. This is done to prevent it from smearing. The seal (if any) is affixed partly on the sheet, partly on the inscription itself.

    And only after the file has been stitched, numbered, signed and stamped, it can be sent to the archive.

    The attitude towards the certification inscription must be serious and attentive. It is she who is documentary evidence of the inviolability of the case. In case of violation of its integrity or displacement, the document may not be accepted by the control authorities, or it may be challenged in court.

    What and why we are stitching

    IN mandatory all documents to be submitted to the archive or to any of the inspection bodies to which the tax office belongs are stapled, Pension Fund and many others like that. Documents that are glued or fastened with a stapler cannot be taken there. As already noted, in case of non-compliance with the norms of office work, they simply will not be accepted from you.

    This procedure is mainly subject to personnel documents and accounting... Those of them, the paperwork for which is completed, after a year are subject to delivery to the archive of the organization or enterprise. The cases with the past legal storage period are transferred to special archival institutions. It is determined by law, depending on the type of document. For example, at least 75 years are required to keep notarial records, business accounting books and documents with information on personnel.

    The shelf life of design drawings is much shorter - only 20 years. It is customary to keep photo documentation for 5 years. Both state and private enterprises are subject to the delivery of files to archival institutions. At the same time, any task non-state structure- to conclude an agreement with the Federal Archival Service about this.

    It should be remembered that only the employee who has this duty is spelled out in job description... In the event of a poor-quality connection of documents, certain sanctions await you, especially in the event of changes or lack of individual important sheets.

    Back to filing techniques

    The stitching methods described above are suitable for both the archive and the tax office. But the filing of accounting documents stored for a long time (more than 10 years) must be especially strong - most often 5 holes. The certification inscription is made on special tissue paper, so that the knot located under the sticker is clearly visible and there is no doubt about the integrity of the document.

    If, in an office environment, holes are punched with ordinary clerical holes, then if necessary, large volumes of paper documentation (for example, in printing houses) use professional equipment in the form of paper drilling machines or bookbinding machines. Such mechanisms have serious power and can be both manual and equipped with an electric drive.

    Machine mechanism

    These systems or machines are based on the classic method using springs. Such a bookbinding machine is equipped with a perforation device. Another mechanism puts it on a plastic spring, after which cardboard or plastic covers are added to the bottom and top of the block.

    The advantage of the bookbinder is the ability to bind very bulky documents. The block thickness can be up to 500 pages. And also - the ability to remove or add pages and sheets to an already bound document. The disadvantages include a rather serious laboriousness and not too high strength.

    If the binder for filing documents is equipped with metal springs, for which a certain pitch is set and holes are punched accordingly, then paper blocks are put on a flexible spring made of steel, which is then compressed and closed. The advantages of the apparatus with metal springs are in a more presentable final form and increased reliability in comparison with the binding with plastic springs. But at the same time, it is impossible to insert or remove sheets without damage.

    In addition to springs, there are devices operating on the principle of binding on a plastic comb, the teeth of which curl. There is also a spiral binding, familiar to us from loose-leaf calendars, notebooks and diaries. After perforating the holes, a spiral is wound in them (3-4 turns manually, the rest are automatic).

    Progress does not stand still

    What is thermal binding? This is a modern machine for filing documents, in which they can be quickly and permanently connected. With the help of thermobinding machines, a large number of materials can be assembled, as well as single copies. This option is especially suitable for mailing reports, contracts and promotional materials.

    The machine works for this type of binding by using thermal spines and thermal covers of different colors and sizes. Depending on the number of sheets of the case, a thermal cover of a certain thickness is selected, then everything is placed together in the apparatus. The inner side of the cover's end is smeared with a layer of polymer glue. The machine is equipped with a heating element, thanks to which this polymer is melted, and all sheets are soldered into a hot layer.

    Hello! Today we will tell you how to file documents correctly and without problems. Any enterprise or its structural subdivision, no matter what size it would not be, at least once faced with such a need as filing documents.
    This need arises in the event that documents are being prepared for submission to the archive or for carrying out various kinds of legal procedures. There are several ways to file documents, which we will consider in this article.

    Company filing of documents

    At any enterprise during the year, a different volume of documents is formed, some of which, after the expiration of the storage period, must be transferred to the archive. This category includes documentation that has already been executed, or papers directly related to the employees of the organization. In accordance with the established procedure, documents are subject to delivery to the archive after a year has passed since the completion of their circulation in office work.

    Responsibilities, which include the preparation of documents and their direct delivery to the archive, can be assigned to the employees of the enterprise, who are the persons responsible for the document flow. In some cases, such duties may be assigned to a secretary, accountant or any other responsible person. In any of the options described, such a duty must be enshrined in an order.

    In addition, the secretariat may be involved in the preparation of documentation for submission to the archive. a separate subdivision... In any case, the transfer of documentation can be carried out only after their final and complete registration, and nothing else.

    Stages of filing documents

    This procedure can be roughly divided into several stages:
    The documentation must undergo a mandatory check for the correctness of its distribution to the corresponding groups of documents;
    It is necessary to start filing documents correctly;
    Checking the page numbering of documents;
    It is required to properly draw up an accompanying inscription;
    It is obligatory to make an internal inventory of all documents;
    Correction of the details indicated on the binding (if necessary). Here we are talking about the fact that, perhaps, there were changes in the name of the enterprise, its registration index, changes in deadlines or subheadings. In all these cases, changes must be recorded on the binding;
    Carrying out an inventory of documents that are being processed.

    It seems possible to file documents partially if the storage period does not exceed ten years.

    In addition, it is allowed:
    Do not systematize the documentation;
    Do not number all documentation;
    Refuse to use the certification inscription;
    Refuse to update the documentation.

    Legislative regulation of filing operations

    Document flow and the associated paperwork are very complex processes. Often there are situations when documents that have already been prepared and deposited in the archive may return due to incorrect registration. Hence, a natural question arises: how to file documents correctly? This operation regulated Methodical recommendations in the field of office work. These recommendations are legally enshrined in the order of Rosarkhiv, which entered into force on December 23, 2009.

    This particular legislative act fixes recommendations on the procedure for filing documents. They should be adhered to in order to avoid the return of incorrectly executed documents and the refusal of the archive to accept them for storage.

    The internal archive of each organization can store documents for a certain time period, after which the documentation must be transferred to the state archives for storage, or disposed of, if the law allows it.

    Duration of storage of documents in the archive

    The legislation strictly regulates the terms during which documents must be stored. These terms directly depend on the type of documentation:
    For 75 years, housekeeping books, notarial records, documentation related to personnel should be kept;
    All documents related to the privatization procedure (transfer of objects state fund housing owned by a private person);
    Patent documentation for inventions is kept for 20 years;
    Documentation associated with capital construction;
    For 20 years, the documentation related to the implementation of design activities has been archived;
    15 years should be kept in storage of various kinds of scientific works and research;
    For 5 years, all archival documentation of the organization, whose activities are related to agriculture;
    Various kinds of documentation related to film and photo activities have been stored for 5 years;
    3 years - photo and video documentation.

    In the event of liquidation or reorganization of an enterprise, all documentation that does not have a storage period must be transferred to the state archives for storage. Documents related to the personnel of the enterprise are also subject to transfer.

    If the organization is non-governmental, then in this case the legislation provides for a special regulation of the relationship. More specifically, the following principle applies: the law makes a requirement to conclude an agreement with the Federal Archival Service, but if such an agreement is concluded with a delay (for whatever reason), then the archive is obliged to accept only the package of documents that is directly related to the personnel organizations. But the fate of the remaining documents and the subsequent place of their storage must be decided by the chairman of the commission on the liquidation of the enterprise.

    Documents to be stitched :
    In accordance with the legislation, all documentation, which consists of two or more pages, is subject to firmware. This rule also applies to documents of a statutory nature. It is important that documents that are not subject to transfer for storage to the archive, of course, may not be stitched.

    Why do you need firmware of documents

    The main factor affecting the need for firmware documentation is that in this way the documents are trying to protect against possible withdrawal or substitution of its individual sheets. That is why documents are subject to stitching with threads and their numbering. Then the documentation is sealed.

    The list of documents subject to firmware includes documents of an accounting and personnel nature, as well as books for accounting for the organization's profits, and other especially important agreements.

    The additional list of documents subject to firmware can include copies and translations that have been certified by a notary.
    Documents that have been prepared in this way are much easier to store, and they take up much less space. In addition, binding with threads and subsequent sealing allows you to be sure that the documentation has a complete look. At the moment, no alternative methods that meet the law have been invented.

    How to file documents correctly and submit them to the archive

    After the complete registration of all the necessary documentation to be submitted to the archive, the final stage is filing. To start filing documents, it is assumed that all metal objects, such as pins, paper clips and staples, are completely removed. The documents are then removed from the binder.

    If the documents are already completed properly, a blank sheet is added to them, on which the accompanying inscription is drawn up. In addition, at the beginning of the stack of documents, you can also add sheets that will be used to design the internal inventory. Specially prepared inventory forms can serve as an alternative.

    How many sheets can be bound in one folder

    Legally established maximum amount sheets that can be sewn together and then form one thing. Thus, cases should be completed in such a way that the total number of pages does not exceed 250 pieces. It is likely that a large number of papers have been collected at the enterprise over the course of the year, which must be filed into the archive. In this case, they are divided into separate volumes containing up to 250 sheets. In the standard procedure, stitching is done using a hard cover.

    In the event that the sheets have a different format, then the firmware of such a volume must be carried out using four puncture points. This makes it possible to most reliably fasten multi-format sheets together.

    When flashing documentation that has a long shelf life, it is allowed to flush the sheets together with the cover, that is, through and through.

    In the case of documentation with standard shelf life, stitching is carried out as follows: stitching begins on the sheet that is next after the binding. After that, a cardboard gasket is laid on top of the first sheet, after which the whole thing is stitched. A cardboard lining is used to protect the threads from rapid wear.

    It is worth remembering that the documentation can be stored forever, so you should control the boundaries of the firmware. That is, the threads should not be found on the text, and it should be easily legible even after the sewing procedure.

    It is allowed to store documents directly in the binder. But only if the storage period for this documentation does not exceed 10 years.
    Some enterprises use a special typewriter - a brochure. However, this method of binding documents is acceptable only for internal storage and is not valid for archival binders.

    The next stage in the preparation of documents is their numbering. The numbering is carried out for convenience when working with the documentation. Produced with a black pencil or a special numerator. Page numbers are stamped in the upper right corner of the document only from the front side. When numbering, it is important to remember that page numbers must not overlap with body text, and it is forbidden to number with crayons or ink.

    To make stitching documents easier, you can use archive folders, a drilling machine, as well as a bookbinding machine.

    A separate standard applies to the firmware of documents related to banking cash transactions... In this case, the thickness of the already stitched document folder can be up to 10 centimeters.

    Preparatory work for stitching documents

    The entire stack of papers must be straightened out before starting stitching. If the papers are of different sizes, they need to be laid so that it would be convenient to puncture.

    After the installation has been carried out, it is necessary to make punctures, or drill holes using a special machine or a conventional drill, so that later it is easy to file documents. The number of holes can be from 2 to 5. Some specialized machines can also immediately thread the thread into the prepared holes. If drilling is done with a conventional drill, make sure that the holes do not move.

    Manual sewing

    When sewing documents by hand with thread, you will need a needle and thread. The firmware is carried out through two holes. After sewing, the ends of the thread must be tied, moreover, on the back of the document, and then a small strip of paper must be glued onto the resulting knot.

    After that, it is necessary to draw up a certification inscription containing information about the number of sheets that are bound and who has certified the binder. This procedure is performed so that the print and the inscription protrude beyond the boundaries of the glued strip of paper.

    Then the pages are subject to numbering without fail. As practice shows, it is not so difficult to hem documents by hand, however, if more than 5 sheets are stapled, then it is already quite problematic to pierce them with a needle. In this case, the use of a hole punch is allowed.

    Lacing with a hole punch

    As we mentioned earlier, it is quite problematic to pierce more than 5 sheets together, so you can use hole punches or electric punches. With such a firmware, you need to do the following: place 4 holes on the field of the documents to be stitched, making sure that the text remains readable, then lacing.

    Notary-certified documents, contracts, cash books, the documents bank type, as well as registration logs and personal files.

    Accompanying inscriptions when filing documents

    Upon completion of the procedure for stitching and numbering documents, it is necessary to draw up a certification inscription. As a rule, the certification inscription without fail contains information about the number of pages stitched and about the features of the documents included in the firmware, and then it is attached to the back of the case.

    The certification inscription must be signed by the head of the organization.

    Also, it should be noted that the accompanying inscription must contain the signature of the responsible person and its decryption. Then it is glued to the case in the same way, securing a knot of stitching threads and certified with a seal imprint, which is placed on the border of the sticker and the sheet of the case itself.

    We hope that you have understood correctly how to file documents at the enterprise.

    Many entrepreneurs, secretaries and accountants, especially beginners, have a question: "How to stitch documents?" It would seem that this is so difficult? However, everything is not so simple. Documents are submitted to regulatory authorities or handed over to the archive, which means that they must be drawn up in compliance with all norms and rules. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of this topic.

    Paperwork is a complex process in terms of paperwork. This also applies to the firmware. business papers... You can't just fold a stack of sheets and staple. Very often, documents are returned precisely because the filings are incorrectly formatted.

    To understand how to properly stitch documents in office work, you should familiarize yourself with the Methodological Recommendations. They were approved by Rosarchiv (23.12.09).

    Why are documents stitched?

    Before we figure out how to staple documents correctly, let's discuss why, in fact, it is needed. Not every person knows why this is done. But there are a lot of organizations in which documents are accepted only in a correct, properly executed form. For example, when submitting to the archive, to participate in tenders, when submitting papers to the tax office, etc.

    We would like to note that there is no unambiguous instruction on this matter. However, there is regulations regulating the procedure for processing documentation. It is believed that absolutely all papers must be stitched if their volumes are more than one sheet. This also applies to copies, for example, documents of the articles of association of legal entities (copies are not stamped by the enterprise). In addition, the sheets to be sewn are numbered in Arabic numerals. They are placed in the upper right corner. For stitching documents, you will need special twine threads, an awl, and a needle. On the back of the last sheet, a confirmation note must be glued containing information on the number of pages. It bears the signature of the head and the seal of the enterprise.

    Cover design

    When preparing documents in the proper manner, it is worth taking care of the cover as well. Most often it is made of cardboard. In addition, it can be intended for long-term use, be standard (A4 format) and non-standard.

    Covers are made of thick cardboard in cases where long-term storage of papers is initially supposed (more than twenty-five years). And for submission to the state archive, a simpler option is also suitable.

    List of documents

    Before stitching documents, you need to arrange everything correctly inside the case itself, so that you do not have to embroider it in the future. After all, it may contain not one package of papers, but several. In this case, each set must be stitched separately and contain clear information about the name of the folder, date of inventory, list of all sheets, full name. responsible person. The inventory itself is not numbered.

    How sheets are numbered correctly

    In order to correctly number the sheets, you should know some rules:

    1. Numbers are assigned to sheets, but not pages. Remember this.
    2. The inventory is not numbered.
    3. If there are letters among the papers, then the envelopes are numbered first, and only then each sheet in turn.
    4. The sheet numbers are put in the corner from above (upper right corner) with a simple pencil. They use Arabic numerals.
    5. If the case contains more than one volume, then each of them is numbered separately.
    6. If inside there are documents with their own numbering, then they must still go through the general numbering.
    7. Sheets of large formats (A2, A3) are unfolded, and a serial number is put in the upper corner. They are only sewn on one edge.
    8. If the sheet contains completely glued fragments, then it has only one number, and below you should write the entire list of glued checks, extracts by hand.
    9. If the photo, receipts are attached to the sheet by only one side, then in this case each of them will have its own number.
    10. Diagrams, drawings and photos are also numbered.
    11. Schemes and maps glued from several sheets have one number, but the general inventory indicates how many sheets they consist of.

    Are there any numbering errors?

    Before stitching documents with threads, it is better to make sure everything is correct. Especially check if all pages contain correct numbers. In case of minor errors (for example, leaves are missing) letter numbering is allowed, but only with the consent of the archive workers. This means that all sheets remain without corrections, and a number (of the previous sheet) and a letter are put on the missing ones.

    If gross mistakes are made, then you will have to redo the work completely. For this, a simple pencil is needed so that you can erase incorrect information. But even if you used a pen, it doesn't matter. Old numbers are neatly crossed out, and new ones are entered next to them. In this case, the confirmation note also changes. She, of course, is not withdrawn from the case. Just put in a new one.

    How to properly staple documents with thread?

    If you have prepared all the documents and are sure of the correctness of all attachments, you can proceed to the next step. The sheets are stitched only with special threads (they are also called bank twine) and a needle. And how to properly stitch documents in office work? Let's look at how this is done in detail, step by step.

    It is necessary to draw up the case in such a way that it can be read in the future. Therefore, on the left side, at a distance of one and a half centimeters from the edge, three holes are pierced with an awl, one under the other. The middle hole should be exactly in the middle, and the other two should be three centimeters from it.

    If the case is small, then it is more convenient to use a hole punch. And for heavy volumes it is better to take an awl. Very often the first and last pages get spoiled. Therefore, it is better to take and glue strips of cardboard in the puncture points where the twine will pass. It is better to prepare the thread in advance, before stapling documents. Do not make it very long, as it can get confused. Seventy centimeters should be enough for you.

    To simplify the explanation, we will number the holes. Let the top one be at number 1, the center one - 2, and the bottom one - 3. So, we start sewing from the reverse side of the case, pulling the needle through hole 2 (one end of the twine remains behind the folder) to the front side, then pass the needle through hole 1, again pull the thread to the opposite side. When the free end of the twine and the needle find themselves behind the folder, then through hole three you need to move again to the front side, and then again to the back through 2 holes. Here's how to staple documents into an archive.

    The deed, as they say, is done. The papers are stitched. Now you need to tie the twine on the knot (back). The knot should be tight enough to fit snugly against the last page, because it will have to be secured with an affirmative note set in glue. The ends of the twine should hang freely from under the glued paper.

    We will certify the documents with a signature

    How to properly stitch documents, it seems, figured out. Now it remains to certify the file with a signature. By the way, she is called that - assurance. It is done on a separate sheet and glued on the back of the last page. The note must necessarily contain information about the number of stitched papers, indicating the features (perhaps this is the presence of certificates, photos, drawings, drawings).

    The confirmation letter is signed directly by the director or his deputy, who indicates his position. The note itself is carefully glued to the twine with which we laced the case. Above it is stamped with the company seal. But there is one caveat. The seal should be partially on the note, and partially on the sheet of the case itself. This is very important point... And you should remember about it.

    We've walked through how to staple documents step by step. The photographs presented in the article will more clearly demonstrate the process.

    Are there any differences in the processing of documents for the tax office?

    We want to Special attention to pay exactly the paperwork for the tax office. Knowledge of the nuances and features will help avoid some problems, namely nagging from the controlling persons. Carelessness in this matter can give rise to unnecessary claims.

    There are a lot of such cases when cases are returned, motivated by improper registration. It was not for nothing that the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation gave a special clarification (letter dated October 29, 2015, No. 03-02) regarding the correctness of the provision of the stitched documents, as well as their copies in paper form.

    I would like to remind you that when conducting inspections, the tax office has the right to demand copies of documents in paper version that must be certified. The Ministry of Finance explains that a copy is a copy that fully reproduces the original. Only the option on which all the requisites giving the paper are present is considered certified legal force... At the same time, the department gives recommendations on how to properly stitch documents and their copies. Even photocopies are filed. And they are not accepted in any other way.

    How to staple documents for the tax office?

    It is assumed that the binder should not be too large, no more than one hundred and fifty sheets. The presence of the numbering of sheets only in Arabic numerals (solid), starting from the first, is mandatory. All sheets are sewn in two or four punctures with a special thread. The ends of this thread should be pulled to the back of the last page and tied there with a strong knot.

    Recommendations are given not only on how to staple documents, but also on how to arrange a paper sticker on the back. It should cover the firmware site and the node itself. The size of the sticker does not exceed forty - fifty millimeters. It contains a certification signature indicating the number of numbered pages. This is all signed by the head of the organization or another representative who has such authority. Next, the seal of the enterprise is put - in such a way that it captures both the sticker and the signature with the full name. the person who has certified the documents.

    The Office unambiguously emphasizes that the safety and integrity of the originals themselves and their copies should be ensured when filing files. The stitched documents are submitted to the tax office with a cover letter. It indicates the basis for filing the sets, their number, the number of sheets in each of them.

    Instead of an afterword

    In our article, we talked about how to properly stitch documents into the archive, for the tax office or just in office work. There is a lot of controversy on this score, since there is no single standard. But if it is not difficult to create a binder of newspapers and documents just for storage in the office for a certain time, then the stitching and registration of papers for filing them with regulatory authorities should be taken with full responsibility in order to avoid problems. It is generally believed that filing is the safest way to store business papers because they are more difficult to alter or counterfeit. We hope you find our information useful.

    After the issuance of the order for employment. There is no such thing for this unified form so design it yourself. Remove a copy from the employee's passport, TIN certificate, insurance pension certificate and from other documents that are available, for example, from a driver's license, medical certificate.

    The first page should contain an inventory of all documents that are available at the time of employment and that will appear in the process of work, for example, a vacation order, any additional agreements to an employment contract.

    In the internal inventory, indicate the names of documents, their numbers, the date of compilation and the number of the sheet in the personal file. Sign, name of the compiler and date of compilation. To simplify the provision of information, compile an inventory in a tabular form.

    After all the documents are collected, arrange them in chronological order, then number them starting with the inventory (# 1). Next, arrange the cover of your personal file. Be sure to indicate the name of the organization according to the constituent documents, the serial number of the personal file, the date of compilation. Leave the field under the indication of the expiration date of the employment contract. Also, after dismissal, you will need to indicate the number of pages in the case.

    Do not forget to indicate the title of the case - the full name, surname and patronymic of the employee. You can also write the position of the employed employee. After the dismissal, the case is stitched and handed over to the archive.

    Personal files are kept by a regular employee or another person performing his duties. Access to data is limited. Once a year, employees should receive information on the conduct of business; it is better if, after familiarization, they will sign.

    In the course of their activities, an accounting employee or entrepreneur has to process many documents. The flow of documents increases in direct proportion to the success of the business development. Many methods of work are widely known, however, it is unlikely that anyone will tell the whole technology to novice businessmen. This guide will show you how to hem the documents so that they do not get confused or lost.


    Using transparent files is a bit tricky. Better to hem the documents using a hole punch. Of course, transparent files come in handy for storing documents that cannot be punched out: the documents, which are made on the letterhead of the State Sign, the documents with holograms and other security papers. It is impractical to use files for other documents.

    To punch a hole, you can use it by aligning each document with the previous one. In one folder the documents will be aligned, but if you need to move a document to another folder, it is likely that it will protrude outside the stack.

    The best way document filing is a delimited use. Then, for each document, the holes will be located in the same place. Documents stitched in this way will have the neat appearance and no additional holes will be needed in them.

    To connect documents, staple brackets or paper clips are often used. True, they have a drawback: a bundle of documents fastened with staples or paper clips has a bulge at the attachment points, which makes it difficult with papers. It is better to connect a multi-page document with a drop of PVA glue. In most cases, it takes less, and the stack of documents does not have bulges.

    If the document is smaller in size than a standard sheet, then you must first stick it on a standard sheet, after which it can be used with the rest of the documents.

    Some companies have documented records for decades. To prevent important papers from getting wrinkled or lost, they need to be filed into folders made of hard cardboard or plastic. Give each contract a separate number for identification.


    To make it easy to find the one you need, start a book. Assign a number and enter it in this journal. In addition to the number, enter the date of the contract. The entry in the journal should look like this: 1. Contract No. 123TP dated 22.02.2011. In the notes, you can indicate the essence of the contract, when required by the corporate style of documentation.

    If there are several legal entities in the company, create a separate book of contracts for each. Use conventional symbols in your notation. For example, write down the contracts of Masha and Bears OJSC as 123MM. BUT securities from ZAO "Three Little Pigs" mark 123TP. Assign the numbers in order to avoid confusion.

    Before putting the document into the folder, gently remove the paper clip holding it. Take a hole punch and punch new holes. Place the document in a folder and secure it with special antennae. Separate one contract from another with a blank A4 sheet.

    You can also file contracts in another way. This will require transparent files. Place each document in a separate file and pin it in a folder.

    Do not store too many contracts in one folder - they can get wrinkled. The folder should be easy to close, individual sheets should not stick out.

    There is no need to keep folders with contracts from three years ago at all times. Arrange them in cardboard boxes, sign the year and entity, for which the documents are drawn up. Send the boxes to the warehouse. Choose a dry place for storage. Moisture is harmful to paper.

    The personal files of all retired and retired employees must be sent to the archive for storage (Article No. 17 Federal law No. 125-F3). An employee of the personnel department is obliged to prepare folders with documents and transfer them to an authorized employee archive from hand to hand.

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