
Signs and superstition: what hand to take money, and what - to give? How to give money to debt: Signs, customs and recommendations

Do not store money in a wardrobe or under the mattress. The correctly coming by those who hold money in the kitchen, on the refrigerator. Better place To attract money than the area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance door and the kitchen is not! Carefully laundering the floor, put under the rug at the door of an eagle up the coins of a small dignity. Put them in the refrigerator, in the storage room to the banks with products, "not to starve." The action of money will weaken if they finish mold. Regularly replace coins new.
It is also recommended to put a pot or plate in the hallway and add a couple of coins into it every day. All these tips are based on the principle of "Money attract money." The "volume" will be hidden wealth (even if they are in a penny), the greater the egregor of money they will create in your home.
About money in your wallet. A wallet is a house for money, it should be an order and purity. Never put bills in a wallet crumpled and in one compartment with coins. This is insulting them. Get the habit of painting and putting bills of one dignity next to each other, and copper money in separate pockets. With respect, treat the money - keep them in a wallet in the wallet, sort the corners on the merits, straighten the corners. You need to fold the money so that one same picture is one way. So that the money is rovingly lying.
Rubles and dollars do not lay together, but only in different pockets.
Never leave the wallet empty! It should constantly stay at least one coin, better than a happy man who gave a good man or who remained from the earnings that brought you joy. And even better, if it is a bill of large dignity of green color - a color that brings wealth.
When paying purchases, do not stretch the deployed bills, thereby missing the energy of money. Covers need to be folded and made solely folded end.
A little money must be constantly stored under the tablecloth on the table - the house will never translate money and there will be no loss.
There is a belief that to attract money to the house, you need to put in order to nails only on certain days - Tuesday and Friday.
Plant the money tree - Tolstanka, take care of him. The tree will not only decorate your home, but also improves the financial position.
Attracting money. First of all, having received a certain amount (salaries, a premium, retirement), do not waste a penny of at least a day, give money to spend the night in your wallet. In the morning you will feel calmer for money, without experiencing an insurmountable desire to spend everything at once.
Making purchases, do not take money (surrender) from the hands of the seller. Let him put them on a shatter, and you will take them from there. If you accidentally scattered a trifle, you can only pick it up with your right hand, and be sure to leave one coin, saying "one left, I get the rest!" If this coin is selecting until you disappeared from sight, count on luck in financial matters. However, try not to pick a trifle on the street, especially at the intersections, since it can be coins that have derived a disease or damage. As a last resort, lift them with a handkerchief or glove, and put on three days at the day in a bowl with salted water. Salt is well absorbed negative energy. It is also impossible to select money found in the morning on an empty stomach.
More often let me in debt. So you seem to be programming money to return to you: everything you release is usually returned to the larger volume.
Try more often to borrow money to others, and you yourself take into debt as much as possible. Many rules are connected with how to occupy and give money in debt. Because, giving money in debt, you seem to ask them to return back and more. The exception is such a way to attract the money: take off any amount of money for a young month, and return to the old one, and the money of small dignity. Do not borrow, nor give money in the evening, otherwise they will simply stop with you. Take money in your left hand, but give right.
Do not let go of any money, nor bread - will not be in the house, nor the other.
Debt is better to give it in the evening, and in the morning there will be money.
At sunset to the sun, not to give any money, no bread.
On Monday, money is not allowed to make them not melted, like wax, throughout the week.
Remember, returning money, you return the energy.
It is impossible to give to the debt to a person in front of which you have any duties, he will not return a debt, believing that he has it right.
It is impossible to give money in debt if there is no mechanism for returning.
When you return say - "so that you have always been and I have multiplied."
Money taken in duty is given to smaller bills than they took.
On Sunday, money is not allowed - they just may not be returned.
On Monday, no calculations are made, do not pay for large purchases, and they do not give duty. On Monday, money is not allowed and do not return debts, otherwise there will be no money.
Avoid leaving (take) money on Tuesday - you will be all life in debt.
Do not give debt on Friday.

There are many "magic" recommendations, how to attract money to your life. But sometimes we, I do not know, to blame for the fact that our finances sing romances. Bioenergy experts believe that money from us "run away" because we neglect simple rules Regulation cash streams. How to rightfully take and give money?

Storage for money

Wallet can never be left empty, let it be at least one coin, and even better bills! In no case can not put the bills in the purse or wallet as it fell. You should not mix bills of different dignity, or rather, they must lie depending on their nominal: dozens of dozens, hundreds and hundredths, etc. The little thing should lie in a separate pocket, and then the money is "offended." You should not keep the money of different states together.

If you got mint bills, carefully straighten them before putting in the wallet. Do not consider the money that lie in the piggy bank until it becomes complete, and you do not want to cuddle it.

How to take and give money?

Try not to take money from someone from the hands. In the store, put them on the counter or on a shatter, the seller must put a surrender there. Covers should be given only folded, and not disclosed. Then the money energy will not be treated.

Never apply to begging alms out of hand in hand, and then you ourselves! Put the money somewhere where the person can take them.

It is impossible to transfer money through the threshold. As for debts, try not to take anyone and do not borrow money yourself, as it weakens the cash energy. If this is not avoided, then do not occupy and do not learn on Tuesday. Do not lean in the evening, and then the money will no longer come with you. If you get borrowed, it is better to do it for a young month, but to return to the old one, with the bills of petty dignity - this will attract finance to you. You need to take in debt with your left hand, give debts - right.

How to spend money?

Are you used to, barely receiving a salary, run to the store? Meanwhile, it just takes financial energy from you! Bring money home, carefully recalculate and decompose on the piles - for different needs. Then they will be found. It is not worth making large purchases on Mondays - this day is not in vain called heavy: and there will be no money, and the acquisition will not go to the future.

Attitude towards money

Money loves when they are respectful. Therefore, in no case do not blocked them! Even if you got for work, in your opinion, too little, do not speak dismissively: "And for such a penny I have to bend back!" On the contrary, thank the fate for finance sent to you. Then she will send yet. And you will scold money - they will "leave you" from you.

Very bad sign - losing a purse or money. Therefore, do not feel about money carelessly, do not leave them in a prominent place, from where they can easily take a thief, remove the purse away, even if there is little money in it. Do not regret when you have to give and spend money, do it with joy: the more you give, the more you get it later!

People usually rejoice when they find someone else's wallet on the street, or if they are "transferred" to the store. And meanwhile you overlap yourself channel. Often after this, a person loses money. Therefore, if you "transferred" to the delivery, return its seller, and the found purse is better attributed to the police.

"Weather in the house

Note: Provided people usually in the house order, everything is licked, cleaned ... Do not arrange a mess in the apartment! First of all, make sure that the shoes do not roll in the hallway, but stood in the cabinets or in a special end. Things in the cabinets should also be neatly decomposed on the shelves. Watch the windows clean. Then the money will want to "live" in your home.

Do not communicate with losers!

Avoid communicating with people who are always pursuing failures and financial difficulties. Whatever it may be cruel, exclude them from your circle of communication! Otherwise, their failures will throw themselves on you - checked! Try to maintain relationships with rich and wealthy people, at least those who are not experiencing financial difficulties. And you will see - the money "go" to you yourself!

Algorithms that astrology possesses are allowed to determine the movement of financial flows or their stagnation.

Money manipulations from the point of view of energy

Almost every one of us lent or gave someone money in debt. It's not fundamentally, what amount of money you take or give a person. Cash streams are always subject to clear astrological algorithms that you can check or analyze on your own experience. It often happens that you lent someone a minor amount of money, after which the financial losses arose, business complexity, etc.
If you consider from the point of view of bioenergy financial flows, then you can draw the following conclusions: people who are on the subconscious levels are jealous and destroy their negative thoughts, as a rule, do money in those lunar days when energy outflow occurs financial means. Adventurers, by the way, are most often offered to invest in adverse astrological periods, which is why you lose money too.

Favorable days for money transactions

In order to easily return debts and make a profit from the funds you have taken, you need to use the following lunar days: 2, 8, 24 and 27. If the full moon falls on a 14 lunar day, it is also a favorable time, especially if you give up money for Development of your own business or a new direction.
Moreover, folk signs Our ancestors say that you should not take money on Sunday and Monday, I believe that it is worth listening to these traditions. Take money best on the growing moon, but to give up - on a decreasing. If you lent money, you should strengthen your results and spend a ritual to attract cash flows, then you will be able to quickly return the debt and use the funds received for your financial Development. Also, do not forget about some cash signs. You need to take money with your left hand, but to give it right. If you have taken a large amount in the afternoon, then you should not start it right away: let him stay in the house for the night, it will help strengthen money egregor. After you have paid money, it is important to start postpone daily small sums on his repayment. Get yourself a special envelope where you will fold such bills.

Adverse days for money transactions

Now we will consider unfavorable days when you can't take debt money. Traditionally, it is 1, 6, 11 and 23 lunar days. Full moon of 15 lunar day is a very dangerous period when there is a risk due to a burst of emotions misuse means. Folk wisdom says that it is impossible to take a large amount of money on Tuesday, otherwise new debts will constantly have. In addition, it should be avoided 9, 19 and 29 Moon day For anyone financial operations. This is the period when you need to think and analyze your steps, but do not take serious decisions. When it is worth returning debts
To return debts, the most favorable 21 lunar day. If you are not going to have any relationship with the lender and want to stop financial relations, Return the whole amount in the first half of the day in the 19th lunar day.
Folk signs also say that you should not give money in the evening - listen to this advice. If you have to give money after sunset, then you need to put them on the floor, without passing out of hand to hand - the people's beliefs say so. In addition, try not to give money in hand, use the stand or put them in the envelope on the table.
Try to pay for utility payments, credit commitments and regular contributions during a decreasing moon, sometimes it may be days before the deadline for you.
Always give money with gratitude. If you took into debt in a person, give a little more if in the bank, do not take the surrender of small bills.
Each person has its own cash rhythms that can carry both growth in material plane and the danger of financial losses. Before giving or take a large amount of money, be sure to consult with your astrologer. Understanding possible risks, you should think about your financial plans. Using the proposed recommendations, you will clearly see financial changes In my life. I recommend you to make sure the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and browse the basic dates when you took or gave money. Making advantage of the effectiveness of astrological principles regarding financial flows, you can avoid useless embezzlement in the future and increase your finances.
Julia Minkovova

A lot of money does not happen, and few in good kind would refuse to become richer than he is on this moment. Money gives us stability and free from many problems. Therefore, you need to treat them with respect, do not despise them as "insignificant metal" and not be their slave. Any people have many money for all occasions: what hand to take and give money, how to keep them and many others.

Take a rule not to transmit bills or coins from hand to hand. Let the one who gives you the money will put them on the counter, the floor, a table or any other surface. Enter yourself in the same way, giving money.

Try not to accept cash From a patient, dishonest or evil person. Folk beliefs warn on to catch a loser, which forever sits on the melels and is experiencing material difficulties.

In order not to impose trouble, the transfer of bills of unpleasant people should be carried out through any wooden surface. This natural material perfectly "cleans" money, taking a negative and negative energy. If there were no wooden items at that time, put them on the tree later when you come home.

The laws of the Universe are valid, and happiness bring only money earned or honestly, without deceiving and harm to other people, that is, "with a clean heart and soul". That's why you need to take money with your left hand, because the left side of the body is the side of the heart.

Money is a mighty resource, and they need to manage them. Hence the rule - give money to the right hand, which correlates with consciousness, reason.

There are many contradictory adoptions that warn from certain days with money on different days of the week. But they all converge in one - the best time for any monetary operations, including rituals to attract money, is a medium. This day is under the control of Mercury - the God of Trade.

There are some more tips, following which you can not worry about your well-being:

  • paper bills should be transmitted folded in half;
  • money in no case is transmitted through the threshold;
  • it is worth refraining from cash operations after sunset;
  • never give the beggar straight into the hands;
  • give fine money, and get large.

With their actions S. monetary signs People repel or attract finance, most often not noticing it. Money loves respectful and careful attitude towards themselves and really deserve it.

Observe several rules, and it will help to attract cash energy:

Remember that wealth is an image of thoughts that your well-being predetermines. Do not think how poor man. Money loves confident, generous and reasonable people who know how to appreciate life and receive pleasure from her. Therefore, help from a pure heart, do not deny yourself in pleasant acquisitions for saving and waste with the mind.

You can relate differently to the signs and superstitions, because none of them has direct evidence and is not confirmed by any facts. However, people follow these unwritten laws over the centuries and even thousands of years, and life itself sometimes shows that they did not arise from scratch. It is easy to observe the simple rules that we prescribe signs, for example, when and what hand to take and give money. Thus, it is possible to avoid trouble and attract material in your life.

Few people know that money is bills possessing magical properties. It is important to relate to them to be a successful and wealthy person. From this article you will learn when it is better to give debts, which means every bill and much more.

How to lend money

Tired of poverty? Want to keep money constantly? First of all, think if you can take a debt correctly. After all, your depends on financial condition in future. Read on, why and when it is better to give debts.

To begin with, think about the sum that you can borrow. Do not ask for more if you understand that you can not pay on time.

You will simply stop trusting, and you will not be able to contact this person for help.

If the time has come to give duty, do not say that you do not have this amount. Never spare past money. Remember: gave one amount, it will come much more at the moment when you will be less expected. Do not forget that you took other people's money that will not bring joy if you will regret them.

To avoid financial problems in the future, one's money only when they really need them really and cannot do without them. Do not buy another fur coat or car. If you know that without this thing you can do, it is better to be patient when you can independently choose a certain amount.

How to give debt

Never return the money after there is an opinion that they will leave forever, and a new amount will come to you soon. For example, they will detain a salary, lose a wallet, etc. It is undesirable to give money in the evening, the sign is really very bad.

Back in ancient times it was noticed that it was impossible to give money on Monday, Tuesday and Sunday. These days are considered non-financial. Try to refrain how much you want to get rid of debt faster.

If nevertheless decided to return the money in the evening or non-financial days, then do not let them in hand. Put on the shelf, bedside table, table or chair. It is desirable that the surface is wooden, and not plastic.

Try not to give the debt with small bills. Remember that then the same amounts will be included with you. Therefore, it is better to return large checksThen you will see stability and improvement in affairs.

In disadvantaged days, never return money with sums where there are such numbers like 2 and 0. It is they who take your consistency and will not allow you to earn it.

We have already figured out a little when it is better to give debts. It will not hurt to learn the designation cash bills. After all, much depends on them in the life of every person.

Monetary statements

Each number has its own destination. Every person should know what is indicating that or that figure, as financial well-being depends on her.

Let's start with the figure 1, which does not bring any good or bad. However, this is a petty bill that is undesirable to be borrowed. But the number 2 brings a person to a failure, especially if after it is one or more zeros. These may be such bills like 20, 200, 2000, and so on.

Figure 3 brings good luck, but do not wait for special savings from it, but 4 is just stability and nothing more. Only financial well-being and good luck in all endeavors comes from billing.

Covers with a number 6 or 7 bring not only well-being, but also help to accumulate a certain amount. However, it is the opinion that they need to give them away, but put on the red tree.

Figure 8 is a lottery. You never know what to expect from her. She can both bring happiness and pick it up. But the number 9 absolutely does not contribute to the accumulation.

What you need to know the debtor

There is such a statement that it is impossible to blame money on Tuesday. It is an opinion that then you will not be able to deal with financial problems for a whole year. Money will go fast, and come hard.

Never give money in the evening. It is believed that then it will be very difficult to give them. Moreover, you can not even collect the right amount, since the evening does not affect money.

In debt, take only those people with whom you are pleased to communicate, and feel pleasant energy from them. After all, from bad people can bring trouble in the house. It is possible that they will give you a negative energy.

When you take a debt, better offer something to mutual. Then you not only provide yourself with stability, but much faster give debt. After all, you will want to pick up your favorite thing.

Remember: before leaving big money, you must know exactly what you can give them. After all, this way you attract or repulse your financial success. It all depends on how easily and quickly you give debt. Other people always need to return, and not assign, as they will not help you get rich.

A period of decreasing moon

Much says that it is impossible to take or give money in the evening day. However, if you give a debt to a decreasing moon, then you will become a more successful person.

It was still noticed by our ancestors who believed in signs and superstitions.

If you gave duty in a period of decreasing moon, come home and spend a simple ritual. In the dark room, burn the candle and read the prayer "ours" prayer three times. At this moment there should be complete silence in the room. In a month, you will be able to make sure your financial well-being.

To make money in the house, in a period of decreasing moon, put a large bill in the angle, where no one can get to it. Exactly after 3 weeks to get it. And so continue every month to a decreasing moon.

To make money in the house

There is a lot of rituals for this. One of them is to create a monetary atmosphere in the room in which you live. Be sure to stand the monetary tree in the main room. It is it that brings good luck in the financial direction.

Always try to give the debt to large bills, as they keep in themselves strong energy that does not part with the owner. Small bills, on the contrary, take good luck and bring it to a person who gave a debt.

Never give direct bills. They must be folded in half or carved into the tube. It is believed that direct money takes positive energy from you.

Be sure to return debts on time. Only then will be started to disappear financial problems. Always remember that other people's money has never brought good luck. Yes, and if you give debts in time, you will always go to meet and help you in a difficult situation.

Cash amulets on fanish

First of all, your room must be talismans that attract not only rubles or hryvnia, but also dollars. These are such amulets like a gilded frog on three paws. Such a talisman should stand on the desktop where negotiations are underway, reports are created and so on.

There are three Chinese coins that are pulled by a red thick thread. Such a talisman needs to hang in the kitchen, preferably above the stove. It is he who helps in a difficult moment, and you will always have money for food.

A talisman in the form of a ship filled with money should stand in the hall where the family discusses the problems. It attracts financial well-being in the house. There is an opinion that the ship can be taken with me on a business trip or to rest. Then you will never experience difficulties on the road.

If there is a schoolboy in the family, a small fountain should stand on his desk. He all the time he always revives positive energy, so there will be a calm and friendly atmosphere in the children's zone.

However, the above mascots help only when you carefully treat them and believe in their power.

Magic properties of money

Everyone knows the proverb: "A penny ruble takes place." And this is true. Proper savings will not harm anyone. If you spend money with the mind, understand the importance and need for shopping, then each person will be able to postpone a penny with each salary.

Not in vain say: "Money loves the score." Many people do not recount the delivery or money when returning. Such negligence can lead to poverty. After all, he may mistaken not the amount. If you do not recalculate money on time, you will not be able to prove that you were not given the amount. Especially when you need to count big money.

Another property defined by the people: always need to give money without regret, and take them - with a smile and joy on the face. Here you can say about charity. Donate a little money with an old grandmother - and see how after a while your financial condition will begin to improve.

It is impossible to give to the debt to the poor who have no permanent work and the desire to improve their lives. After all, such a person will not learn anything. Therefore, not to receive negative energy from them, try not to have any financial issues with them.


From the article you have learned when it is better to give debts. If you follow the signs, adhere to the basic rules, then there will be no problems financially. After all, all of the above proverbs, magical properties and designations monetary sums did not come from nowhere.

Many years ago, people began to notice any features associated with money, and began to compare them with certain situations. So came to the conclusion when it is better to give money, take a debt and what to do so that large bills always have in the house.

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