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It should be borne in mind that this culture loves moderate moisture, sunlight and is a heat-loving. Each gardener should know how to water tomatoes in the open soil to get a rich harvest.

Features of irrigation

When developing a watering system, it is advisable to consider the following principles:

  • Competent moisturizing is the basis of a good yield.
  • Culture does not tolerate excess and lack of moisture.
  • Watering is produced as the soil layer drying.
  • Each irrigation should be plentiful, recommended frequency - 1 time weekly, provided dry and hot weather.

What are the wrong action threaten

If, during the period from the beginning of the formation of the string until the end of the yard, the bush is lack of water, the flowers can crumble, and the originable fruits will be very small. As tomatoes grow, tomatoes will crack. Is it possible to prevent this? It suffices to follow these recommendations.

What techniques are used?

After planting, tomatoes prefer underground or drip watering, which does not allow the formation of vertex rot, allows the bushes to grow strong and healthy. This system can be organized independently. To do this, a plastic bottle with a cut bottom is immersed in the soil layer at a depth of 10-15 cm. Here you, by the way, useful use Useless garbage.

Capacity is swinging down the neck down next to the tomato bush. The cap screws down on the bottle, in which several holes are pre-punctured. When watering, water is poured into a bottle, where through the holes diverge to the root system. As a fertilizer, it is possible to use ash by adding a pair of pinch by 10 liters of liquid.

With usual treatment with the help of watering can be directed under the root, otherwise the fruits or leaves will suffer. Water droplets, like small lenses, will provoke damage and dispute development.

Methods "Filling Circots"

According to this method, the groceries are digging along the edges of the beds (two on the sides and one in the center). The irrigation hose falls into the recess. How much water will you need? The pivots are completely filled with liquid, forming a kind of lake. With this irrigation, you can get a qualitatively moistened soil layer.

I recently bought myself a hose for watering X-Hose. Very comfortable thing, due to you to say. And even looks not as an ordinary hose, but as a decoration between the beds.

The temperature and properties of water

Water water, as a rule, is very hard, so it is recommended to soften it if irrigated from the hose, of course. For this, the liquid is defended, compost, manure or weeds are introduced into it. Irrigation is carried out mainly in the morning or evening hours: with hot or cool weather, water should be moderately warm.

It is necessary to monitor so that the soil layer is moistened, not allowing it to dry. Then the bushes will evenly evaporate moisture, do not overheat and delight with excellent fruiting.

Processing frequency

How often do irrigation? The feature of the open soil is the moderate frequency of watering. It should be rare and abundant (1-2 times weekly). Such a statement is true after the planting of the culture in the ground, and at the start stage. Fresh and meager watering blocks the development of the plant. It is enough to put about 5 liters of water under each bush.

When working, it is necessary to take into account the specified features:

  • Watering by low-speed varieties decreases in the ripening phase of fruits, and after a while it stops. This will help organize uniform maturation of tomatoes, will not allow the development of cracks, phytoofluorosis, drone spot.
  • When working with tall varieties, watering does not stop, but is realized every 4 days. For each plant it is necessary to spend about 10 liters of fluid.
  • Tomatoes love wet soil and dry warm air. It is undesirable to loosen the wells after each processing. This place is recommended to lay out mulch from bevelled grass.
  • Introduction to the liquid of potash fertilizers contributes to the deduction of moisture and increases drought resistance. Sulfate potassium is considered to be the most successful additive.
  • If the air temperature drops below 10 degrees at night, irrigation stops. Tomato leaves will independently absorb moisture out of the air and feed the root system.

Features of working with seedlings

How to process? It is advisable to consider the fact that young shoots need moderate watering. At the very beginning of growth, a small bush needs 1 tsp. water. It is necessary to add a weak mortar of manganese. If you do not observe such simple rules And overcoat the soil, the roots will suffer from the lack of oxygen, seedlings will stop developing.

With cloudy weather, it is recommended to reduce watering, with hot and solar - to increase. The need for irrigation is easy to determine visually: if the soil surface dried - you can pour water. At low temperatures, it is enough to carry out similar actions 1 time in three days, with high - essay.

If the land dries up, it may cause the death of seedlings. When transporting it, it does not water 2-3 days, which will exclude a breakdown and excessive fragility of growing bushes. After planting a culture in an open soil, the first watering is carried out after 2-3 weeks.

What if tomatoes grow in a greenhouse?

At the same time already mentioned and about greenhouse tomatoes. Under these conditions, irrigation is carried out not more than once weekly, otherwise the bruises twist the leaves. Irrigation should be abundant - near the bucket of the liquid under each bush. The optimal water temperature ranges from 18 to 22 degrees. To moisture quickly penetrate into the soil layer, it should be pounded in several places.

After work, it is advisable to open the windows and doors so that there is ventilation. Three weeks before harvesting, moisturizing is stopped than you can accelerate the aging of fruits.

These recommendations will help preserve the health of bushes and get plentiful harvest. I think if you share this article with your friends - they will only tell you thanks. And do not forget to subscribe: I still tell you a lot of interesting things, my readers.

How often should the tomatoes in the open soil - the question that interests many novice gardens. This is not such a simple process as it may seem at first glance. He has a rule, and features. First of all, it should be remembered that the Motherland of Tomatoes is south. Therefore, the culture can be safely attributed to the thermal-loving and moisture-loving.

How often to water tomatoes in the open soil - the question of many novice gardens

However, it should not be assumed that the moisture cultures should be watered as much as possible. Without the right attitude towards the process, it's not so easy to get a good harvest, especially when it comes to open soil. It is necessary to water the culture carefully, not allowing neither plants drying or excessive humidity.

The plants should have enough moisture from the moment of the formation of the promise and until the end of the fruit. Drought at this time acts on the fruit of destroyingly, wrapped off. If the fruits still appear, they will be small and most likely crack.

Organization of watering

Tomatoes prefer watering underground or drip type. It is easy to organize them using plastic bottles. With such a system, the bushes give a greater crop, and the likelihood of disease is reduced. Watering tomatoes after planting can be specially cooked ash sol.

For better fruiting the soil around the bushes, you can sprinkle ashes.

Every few days inspect the land. If she was covered with a crust, it is necessary to braid it. This, as a rule, happens after each heavy rain. Make around the bushes mulch from the torn or beveled grass - this will protect the surface of the earth from drying out.

Need to water the culture carefully, not allowing neither plant drying or excessive humidity

When irrigated, send the water ridge under the roots of the plants so that the ground is not blurred. Try to avoid water from getting fruit and leaves. If the drops remain on the greenery, they will perform the functions of lenses. The sun rays focus on them, which can cause serious harm to leaves.

Do not water the culture from the water supply through the hose - such water is too rigid, cold, reduces the temperature of the plants and can cause damage to them.

To the question, when it is better to water - in the morning or in the evening, the answer is simple: more efficiently watering in the morning. If on the street heat, do not use cold water for watering.

With timely irrigation of the soil, the wet and plants are enough to overheat without any problems. To find out how often we often water the tomatoes under certain temperature conditions, follow the soil. If it does not dry, the bushes of tomatoes grow perfectly and develop.

If we water the seedlings of tomatoes in a non-time, evaporation of water from the leaves will be slow. Plants will begin to overheat and root, which will negatively affect the crop.

How often watered

If the seedlings of tomatoes landed on the open soil, plants should be provided with rare and abundant watering. This is especially necessary during the period when the plant is planted in the ground and the fruits begin to tie. The development and growth of tomatoes is very badly affected by frequent watering with small portions.

With hot weather, it is possible to water in the evening when the daily heat will fall a little. Water at night is well absorbed by roots due to gradual absorption.

If it is difficult to determine whether the water receives enough, pay attention to its condition: dark leaves, faders indicate a lack of moisture.

Tomatoes growing in the open soil, it is enough to water 1-2 times a week. It is best to use rainwater for watering. It is desirable that she before that well stand out and was warm.

Watering beds with tomatoes

You can produce watering by filling a variety. For this, the ridges are initially formed, on which the bushes are planted in 2 rows. After landing on the ridge, there are 3 ditch - between the rows and on the sides. The end of the hose is directed to the ditch, then water is allowed on it - it should be filled with a hole before the failure. During this time and the ridge itself is filled with water. Such impregnation of land is performed until the appearance of fruits. After that, the intensity of irrigations gradually decreases.

It is best to use rainwater rainwater

If your plants are tall, wiring is optimal every 4 days. On 1 bush should spend 10 liters of water. Compliance with this rate helps to get a good crop of large fruit.


So that the plants were healthy and strong, and the harvest is high, you need to know how often we often water tomatoes in the open soil and carry out other agrotechnical events. Caring for plants, you need to take into account, at what stage of development, watering should be increased, and what to decrease. From this, the beginning of the beginning and the end of the fruiting period and the number of fruits that can grow and sleep on each plant over the growing season is. It is believed that tomatoes love heat and sun, but this does not mean that they do not like moisture. You need to water correctly not only adult plants, but also seedlings of tomatoes.

Before the tomato bushes fall into the open ground, they need to pass the stage of seedlings, for which the seeds are sow at the end of winter or early spring. Since at this time even in the southern regions on the street is cold, tomatoes grow in a closed room, and not in the open soil. The correct irrigation is already important at this stage. Knowing how often there is a tomato seedlings, you can grow healthy and strong bushes.

The rules for watering the seedlings of tomatoes are as follows:

  1. From the beginning of mass germs, they count 2-3 days and produce the first watering with warm water. From this day, the state of the Earth should be monitored in the box with seedlings - the soil in it should not dry completely.
  2. By challenging the dates of the database, watering is produced 2-4 days before it so that the soil manage to dry up to the crumbly state, but not dry completely.
  3. After picking, the seedlings watered about once a week, following the water to be stored in pots or boxes.
  4. When seedlings begin to grow up, the late irrigation can lead to the fact that part of the roots in the rustled land will die. In this case, after watering the plant, growth will be suspended and begin to increase new roots. Experienced gardeners determine how often there is a tomato seedlings, tapping a pot. The sound published at the same time is an indicator of the degree of moisture of the inner earth coma.
  5. The last watering produce the day before the landing in the ground so that the plants are well removed from both individual pots and from common boxes. With good soil moisture, it is easier to maintain the integrity of the developed roots.

Watering after landing in the ground

The wells for planting tomato seedlings are prepared on the eve, and it is shed every one with water, the amount of which should be 2-3 liters. After the bushes are placed in the wells and covered with the soil, they should be pouring again to soil donkey, and then climb. How frequent watering the tomatoes will be needed in the future depends on the climate. That water that the plants received when landing and will get in the future, they should be enough for adheated and starting growth in the open soil. Watering tomatoes after landing should be started after 2-3 days. The first week is very important for rooting plants, and to allow the cutting of the soil can not.

Care for tomatoes in the greenhouse (video)

Watering while growing and fruiting

Watering tomatoes in the open grinding should not be - it can lead to a shower of flowers. The faithful watering tactic will not only save plants from diseases, but also increase yield.

The rules here are as follows:

  1. The water temperature temperature should be equal to the soil temperature, so watering the tomato bushes straight from the well is excluded.
  2. Many do not choose the time when it is better to water tomatoes, but do it when you have to. But if you spend everything according to the rules, then choosing between in the morning or in the evening, the choice should be stopped on the evening clock. Suitable time - at sunset. The soil gradually cools and better absorbs moisture, and the plant, instead of languishing from the heat, fully drinks moisture.
  3. Starting from the moment the seedlings planted in the soil came into growth and before the tying of the first fruits, it should not be carried away with irrigation. It is enough to do it 1 time in 5-10 days (depending on the climate), and after drying the upper layer of the soil to carry out loop to reduce moisture evaporation.
  4. The need for water in tomatoes increases after the start of the growth of fruits. What frequency to water the tomatoes during this period should be solved depending on weather conditions. The soil must be constantly wet, but not flooded, otherwise the fruits will begin cracking, there will be watery and tasteless. With a strong heat of watering produce every 3-4 days with intermediate loosenings.

It is important to observe the line between good irrigation and flooding plants, because the roots are needed not only moisture, but also oxygen, and the abundance of water displaces it from the ground.

How to water the tomatoes (video)

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