
How to open money channels. How to open your cash flow: a secret from a specialist

How to set up your money channel? You will find out about this today! Read carefully so as not to miss this really important and actionable information!

First of all, you need to set up a money channel to return!

Why is it so important to set up a return channel? Because if for some reason you do not work or do not have a permanent source of income, then your money channel is narrowed. Without an influx of money, it can disappear altogether, and it will be very difficult to reopen it.

Read carefully and you will learn how to do it!

Personal experience…

There was a time in my life when I had to go to a low-paying job, they simply did not take on another, and I had to put up with it. At that moment, I decided that I would do everything I could to get out of this situation and gain material well-being.

I began to use all the practices for attracting wealth that I could find at that time. I meditated, repeated affirmations to raise money¹.

After some time, I learned that in order to tune the money channel, it is necessary that each chakra² be open for money.

How to tune the money channel through the chakras?

In meditation, I turned to each chakra, attuning it to the corresponding relationship to wealth:

- Muladhara - on living wage;

- Svadhisthana - for pleasure;

- Manipura - for ambitious purchases;

- Anahata - for the ability to give easily;

- Vishudha - knowledge of how to make money;

- Ajna - on the intuitive search for a chance;

- Sahasrara - in touch with monetary egregors³.

"I learned again that you need to be able to" take "and" give ", because money energy, like any other, must constantly circulate."

We set up a money channel through small opportunities!

I also learned that picking up change on the street is a must! These are small streams of money. Having picked up a coin, we seem to collect such rivulets into one stream, and by abandoning them, we turn off the money tap.

It was difficult to step over myself and raise 10 kopecks, but on the way back I found 50 kopecks in the same place. A couple of days later, about the same place, I saw a whole scattering of little things. Surprisingly, a janitor was working nearby at that moment, and next to the coins there were fresh traces of his broomsticks.

Start your own money source!

Over time, I got myself a clay pot, in which I put all the little things that came to me. I imagined how my wealth grows with every coin, how every penny that I sent to the pot returns me the money spent.

When the pot was full, I held it during meditation and working with the chakras, thus setting up my money channel. After you fill the pot and complete the chakra work, it will need to be buried in the ground in a secluded place.

This way you will save your money channel and it will never "dry up" again.

P.S. I can say that all this helped me. Literally for six months my financial condition suddenly changed. Now I am a successful woman, and I no longer have problems with money. Try to follow my advice. The main thing is to sincerely believe in success, and I wish you good luck!

“Wealth does not belong to the one who owns it, but to the one who knows how to enjoy it”

Benjamin Franklin

Is money easy?
Money is easy ...
Money is easy!

Which of these three options does this phrase sound in your head? Question? Doubt? Statement?

This is the first test for your beliefs about money ...

Many of our readers are concerned about the question: How to open a cash flow?

Today we will understand this. From my personal experience and experience in sessions, I see that the path from question to statement is much easier than many people think.

Now a new time has come. The time when lightness is the energy of every person and for the most part this energy is on the money channel. This can be seen when calculating the personal matrix of each.

What determines the ease in the area of ​​your money?

We all really want to live easily and joyfully. Ask everyone what they dream about and hear: “If I had more money, then…"

All our dreams and desires revolve around money. Rather, they start from their number. We think that when ... then then ... In fact, everything is quite the opposite in this world! Today you will discover the simple secrets of interacting with the energy of money. These are the secrets of lightness.

The amount of money increases with your greater permission to desire and dream!

And now let's determine on what, first of all, your cash flow?

Here are 3 principles of lightness that work in my life and for my clients:

1. Your thoughts on money. What are you focusing on?

It does not matter how many trainings on money you have already completed, and how many smart books you have read, it does not matter that you know this principle.

If this issue has not yet been resolved in your life, then you are still concentrating on lack.

Tell yourself honestly what you are thinking when you see a luxurious car passing by you, or an incredibly beautiful girl in an expensive dress; What do you think about when you watch videos or movies about travel on TV or the Internet, or about the luxurious life of other people?

Where are your thoughts? What are they? If these are thoughts of regret that “yes, they were lucky, they have such an opportunity, and I ... and I have ...” or “it is easy for them to say, they were born in a rich family ... but everything went wrong with me from the very beginning. this ... "

What are you thinking about? Realize that all this (whatever you think) you have right now in your life. Your thoughts about the lack of money, about the worthlessness of yourself, about your “unsuccessful” life since birth, about the lack of opportunities - all these thoughts are reflected, embodied in your life now, and are expressed in the absence of money.

Your thoughts are your intention for the Universe, your “wish rocket” launched to be fulfilled. Realize the power of your thoughts and shift your focus from lack to having it in your life.

Rejoice in the presence of luxurious cars and expensive outfits in your field of vision, thank you for knowing or just seeing people who easily live and travel, doing what they love.

Letting new thoughts into your head, thoughts of the presence of money around you and at you - you open up to an increase in the flow of money in your reality.

This is the first principle of lightness. If you do not know how to open a cash flow in your life, think about the money that is in your field of vision, concentrate on their presence, and thank everyone through whom it manifests itself.

2. Your feelings. Go deep into yourself - remember who you are

Our thoughts always have a continuation in our feelings. Remember now the happiest period of your life. The period of falling in love, the period of the birth of the child, the period when you created some new project of your own or something incredibly pleasing to you. Look now at your feelings ... How much happiness, light, warmth and love your cells have begun to radiate now. Your breathing is light and free. You have become light and joy!

Now think about that period in your life when it was very hard, painful, ashamed, when everything collapsed, when your hands dropped ... What do you feel? The body became petrified, breathing became difficult, like a lump in the throat, and the energy stopped ...

Your state inside, whether you realize it or not, attracts events corresponding to it, as well as thoughts, even faster ... What you radiate is what you receive. Have you heard, probably?

You can easily learn to observe your feelings about money, be honest about them and choose a new path, new states, as well as new thoughts.

Observe your feelings when you pay for purchases in the supermarket, when you see invoices for payment, when you learn about monetary success, winnings, inheritance, bonuses from other people. What is rising from within you? Only honestly ... Envy, anger, resentment, disappointment, anxiety? ..

This is quite normal, we are all living people, and we came into this world, into this life, to accept all our feelings and all our states. Accept, to love, to heal, to complete the cycle of struggle in which long incarnations have been floundering.

Realizing honestly what you really feel now about money in your life (in every contact with them), accepting this state, allowing it to be - without judging yourself, and without being ashamed of it, you can already choose new states, new experiences ...

Choose Now: Greet the energy of money in your life through joy, love, and lightness.

Choose the state of pleasure from money: those that you have now and those that you see in the lives of other people. Choose to feel joy when interacting with money. This state will open up your financial flow and expand it.

Relax inside with respect to money. Just know when you are relaxed, you are open to everything, you are in joy, then you yourself become a channel. When you are relaxed, the flow of money easily flows through you, through all of your 72 thousand energy channels. Relax inside, trust the loving Universe and continue to perform actions in the physical world, albeit the same, but in a different state. You will see a new result very quickly.

Example. The guys-musicians in the St. Petersburg metro showed such an incredible example of relaxation, enjoying their game, a state of joy, lightness and drive from what they were doing before our very eyes, that many people gratefully presented them with money.

Reverse example, when you see musicians exhausted by the "hardships of life", as alms asking to evaluate their creativity. What do you feel? A pity? Pity does not carry lightness. Pity stings and nullifies the power of the one at whom it is directed. Pity is not the best advisor to help people.People are strong - believe in their strength, not weakness. But this is a topic for another article.

So, the second principle of ease - choose to interact with money through a state of joy, pleasure and love.

3. Your ability to play is important. Learn It From Children

You have heard and read many times: “Our whole life is a game!” But this motto works wonderfully in life. How much do you feel like a player in your life? Or is life for you an incredibly serious act?

What is it for you to play, not to bother with something, to see in everything a thousand easy decisions. Remember your childhood - the “money” is over - you pick up the leaves and play on ”))). It still works now. When you realize that this is all a game, that you have chosen to live each experience in order to feel it, learn something and move on, choosing something completely new.

Each moment of your life you are already a different one, and by accepting all the previously selected experiences (realizing that they bring you what knowledge about you), you can easily immediately choose another way of obtaining the same knowledge.

Experience a new taste of life by playing. You simply choose your new rules, new roles, and new scenarios. You realize who is the main scriptwriter of your life.

Open your heart of life, perceiving everything with humor, joy, interest. Be like children!

The opposite statement also works - we can easily and through any game solve and release many programs and beliefs of the past. In the game you can solve any life issues and see non-standard solutions, get incredible tips and direction .. This is a very exciting process that requires honesty and responsibility.

Example. We recently played the most common business board game, like Monopoly. The game developed very quickly: the players bought enterprises and created concerns, and I got gifts from the bank, then a rest in a hotel, or winnings in a casino. At first I was happy with these moments, but looking at how quickly all the real estate was “going around” I became sadder and sadder ...

There were thoughts that soon I would have to go to the plots of others and pay them a lot of money for this, but I have no sources of income yet ... The tension came from these thoughts and into the body, the game no longer seemed so fun, in the players I saw hostile, negotiating between are dishonest bankers, and at some point I even reluctant to continue this action, which does not please me. Tears came to my throat and I announced that it was enough, I no longer play like that))).

What happened? I took this whole thing too seriously. But it happens very often in life as well. Reflecting, relaxing, I realized that my thoughts had brought me to this state. Thoughts of fear and judgment. Thoughts of distrust in the world and lack of faith in yourself ...

My thoughts brought me here, which means we choose “new rules” - we choose new thoughts and states. I relax, breathe, trust every move and let go of all expectations. Let everything happen as it should. I accept to find in everything positive points Are my new rules.

You can't even imagine, as soon as I chose this, miracles began to happen - my intuition pointed out to me the fraud of another player and he chose to leave the game. New opportunities opened up for me, ideas began to come about cooperation with others on mutually beneficial terms for us, gifts continued to arrive, and as a result, having additionally received “a few lessons on choosing new thoughts,” I finished the game with a million euros.

The world has shown me that it is worth paying attention to thoughts, freeing myself from judgments and evaluations, how they lead me in a way that my mind could not foresee initially, when it was calculating my “irresponsible future” and was upset in advance.

So, the third principle of ease - play in life and live life consciousnesses in the game, live your old beliefs, release them - this is the easiest way!

Having applied these 3 principles in my life, I saw incredible results in a short time. This is not a magic pill - this is a new way of thinking. A way of thinking from the position of the Creator of your life, its Master, its Author.

Are you ready right now to choose the position of the Author of your life and choose a new way of thinking? Then lightness is now included in all areas of your life. Money is the easiest energy that you open up to right now, everything is very simple if you choose that way.

Write if this article was helpful to you, and are you ready to make a choice in favor of lightness right now? Was it interesting for you to know how to open a cash flow? Then we are on the way.

YOUR opinion is very important to us!

With love and faith in your strength and lightness, Irina Bolgova, practitioner of the Technology of Imaginative Creation

Ending financial instability and the "black streak" of turmoil is within the power of everyone: just find out how to open a money channel and attract good luck. A beginner can also master financial magic, but in order to achieve a visible result and maintain it in the future, complete renewal of thinking stereotypes, inexhaustible faith in oneself and the rigorous performance of the necessary rituals.

What is the money channel

Everything that exists participates in a continuous interchange of energies, and money is no exception. On the one hand, they have a familiar material (tangible and visible) embodiment, on the other hand, with their help, a person interacts with the world. This energy exists in the mental sphere in the form of a monetary egregor. He embodies all the variety of words, thoughts, motives and desires related to financial matters.

Monetary egregor often exists independently of the will of a person and does not have a tangible effect on him, no matter how he tries to get rich. Therefore, without special synchronization with his subtle energies, it is so difficult to attract wealth into your life. With the correct setting for wealth, this egregor comes into contact with the biofield more often, more stable and more readily. A special energy flow is formed between him and the person, which is called the money channel.

To establish interaction with the monetary egregor, it is necessary to fully and clearly understand the principles of its work.

Signs of violations in the functioning of the money channel

The narrowing or complete blocking of the financial energy flow can be judged not only by the depletion family budget, but also by physical manifestations. The body signals an imbalance in the money channel as follows:

  • Frequent headaches indicate problems in communicating with others, which can bring tangible costs and losses;
  • An unpleasant sensation in the throat area can mean that your aggression and anger are pouring out freely on others, bringing conflicts with debtors and colleagues on whom your income depends;
  • Toothache signals about unnecessary spending associated with relatives, which does not allow maintaining wealth in the house;
  • Diseases of the limbs may indicate the presence of ill-wishers, harming work, business and other sources of income;
  • Problems with the spine may indicate that you have undertaken to carry out other people's karmic tasks without working on yourself, and in such conditions there is no longer any strength left to earn money.

Even if the above troubles passed you by, this does not mean absence financial problems, but only speaks of low sensitivity. Regardless of the presence of manifestations of problems at the bodily level, it is possible to find the cause of material difficulties only while working with your consciousness.

What prevents attracting wealth and luck

The reasons for failures when trying to attract money into your life are external and internal:

  • Influence from the outside is not necessarily associated with the intrigues of ill-wishers who have committed the evil eye, damage, or otherwise interfere with getting rich. Relatives can also "try", with careless words and actions causing a failure in your energy field. A separate case is the realization of generic karma, which carries financial troubles.
  • The internal causes of the instability of the monetary channel are incorrect attitudes and disdain for material issues.

The main condition for financial well-being

To attract money into your life, the main thing is to ensure harmonious interaction with the financial egregor. When the money channel works at the maximum of opportunities, and the flow of energy circulates in it without hindrance, its material embodiment will not have to wait long. To do this, it is necessary to free it from all obstacles - to open it. After that, it will be enough to maintain the correct mood with the help of magical rituals.

How to open a money channel on your own: visualization

This method requires significant volitional effort, unshakable faith in one's capabilities and a developed imagination. Opening a money channel without outside help is possible if you tune in correctly.

The visualization ritual is performed before dawn as follows:

It is better to start the ritual of visualizing the independent opening of the money channel on the growing moon and then carry it out daily.

How to open the money channel yourself: working with chakras

Attracting good luck and wealth cannot begin without preparing the way for them to come. Interaction with the money channel occurs through the chakras - special formations in the human energy field. It is possible to independently manage their work thanks to the universal law of similarity. When performing magical actions that correspond to the nature of the chakra, the flow of energy through it becomes more powerful and stable, and this is the condition for wealth and luck.

To attract big money into your life, give Special attention Manipur, Muladhara and Ajna as most related to the issues of wealth and luck of the chakras.


Influences decisiveness and enterprise. Exercises for the abdominal and chest muscles are helpful to stimulate it. Try to go beyond your habits: try new activities, experiment with comfortable living conditions for yourself, expand and diversify your social circle. Eat yellow foods, clothes or accessories in the same color scheme will not interfere.


Responsible for relentless adherence to the chosen goals, stimulates patience and adaptive potential. For her, sports and movement in general are favorable, red colors in the diet and in clothes.


Corresponds to the mental sphere, affects the work of the intellect and intuition. For its development, breathing exercises are useful, as well as exercises that require concentration and concentration. Its stimulating color is indigo.

For the best functioning of the chakras, meditation, introspection and awareness of one's features, honesty with oneself are favorable. In addition to simple physical activity, it will not hurt to study yoga.

Supporting the stability of the money channel

It is not enough to open a money channel once and just wait for untold riches to fall on your head. It is necessary to maintain an intensive and free energy exchange within it constantly in order to attract and maintain wealth in your life for a long time. To do this will help magical actions aimed at preserving and increasing your assets. To strengthen them, the verbal component is important - conspiracies and prayers act as a tool for materializing your thoughts and motives. They cannot be simply thoughtlessly memorized; any magic must be approached sincerely, with pure faith.

Rituals to strengthen the money channel and attract good luck

If you are haunted by bad luck, and financial difficulties follow one after the other, reconsider your attitude to the issue radically. Show your love of money literally: count it with joy and pleasure, admire it, hold coins and bills in your hands for as long as possible. Indulge in dreams about what kind of purchase you will please yourself, think of yourself as a prosperous and rich person. Make it a magical meditation ritual to attract money into your home.

Do not ponder, say or do anything that could show your disregard for wealth, this will immediately affect your impact with the financial egregor, and for the worse. Do not show a derogatory attitude towards money, do not call it evil and do not consider other aspects of life higher than material.

If possible, try not to spend what you earn on people unworthy of it: alcoholics and spenders. Let their karmic debts affect their income, and not fall on your shoulders. Avoid whenever possible and lend unless you are borrowing at interest. Money should multiply by working for you.

Prayers and conspiracies

In severe financial difficulties, sincere prayer in the form of prayer will not be considered a sinful pursuit. In these cases, an appeal to the saints is allowed: Matrona of Moscow, Spiridon of Trimifuntsky and Nicholas the Wonderworker.

To open the money channel on your own, it does not hurt to turn to conspiracies. It is better to perform them during the period from new moon to full moon, only the growing moon brings profit. So, on the fourth lunar day, you can use the following conspiracy. Wait until the crescent moon appears in your window, show him money from all sides, rustle with bills, jingle coins and say: "You, a month, be young, and money cannot be transferred in my wallet."

As you can see, it is not difficult to learn how to manage the financial side of life with the help of magic. Now that you know how to open a money channel and attract good luck, open yourself up to success and look forward to joyful change.

The financial issue has always been and will be one of the most popular. While in life something will be done for them, people's thoughts will revolve in a circle. And many of them find a way out of this situation in an appeal to a magician.

What can badly affect the results after the ritual

Anyone can turn to a knowledgeable person with a request to open a money channel, but not everyone can use the grace to which the path was opened. After all, what do people think? That the canal is open and now a river of money will simply pour over them. They go home, lie down in front of the TV and wait. Why wait? That a wizard would arrive in a helicopter and pour a bunch of bucks? This will never happen!

Yes, the channels are opened after special cleaning. Yes, the money is coming. But for this it is necessary to strive for development! They will not come to the lazybones, there is no way for them! After all, opening the money channel means giving luck to help you in your affairs. This is especially evident among businessmen who find new ways of development and new channels to achieve financial well-being. This is clearly seen in examples from my practice.

I have helped those who are in business more than once. Moreover, many times I became one of those who stood at the source of this wealth. Those who turned to me had everything except monetary luck. They worked, looked for ideas, but it was all in vain. After clearing the channel, their ideas began to find a response in the souls of people and in the world around them. They got rich. But one day a man came to me, whose three children could not get a job in life. After the ritual, he waited for a while, then turned to me again. When I asked what his children were doing, I couldn't get over the shock for a long time. Saying "metal", this middle-aged man, in fact, did not specify that his children do not invest their hard-earned money in metallurgy, but collect metal from garbage heaps. And where can you find channels for money and good luck here? They might find one more rusty trough a week. And what is there to be offended at? After all, they themselves do not want to do anything.

Cash flow opening ritual

I have already laid out a huge number of practices and rituals for opening the money channel. Today I will add one more to the list. It is better to spend it on Thursday, which has always been considered a bathing day. As you understand, we carry out this ritual in the bathroom, shower or bath room.

Be careful when choosing the place and time for the ritual. Follow a number of rules:

  1. In no case do it in a public bath, since the one who comes to bathe during the day after you will certainly take on the bad luck that you will take off yourself during the ritual.
  2. Check who bathed last. If it was a man, then it is not worth wasting time, as the ritual will not work.
  3. Inspect the room for dirt: no ritual will be effective if the cleaning is carried out in a dirty room.
  4. Count the items in the bathroom. It should not contain anything divisible by three.
  5. If you decide to conduct this ritual, then in no case drink alcohol for 12 days before the start.
  6. During the day after the ritual, leave everything in the room as it is, clean it 24 hours after the end of the action.

Spread a fresh, clean sheet on the bathroom, bath, or shower floor. Spread the herb of St. John's wort and maple leaves on its surface. Other herbs such as fern, chamomile, celandine, nettle and sage can be added to these.

Type in a basin or bucket of water, read the plot and pour everything on yourself. Repeat all 12 times. Conspiracy Words:

“The conspiracy falls on the servant of God (name) from misfortune, from poverty, from sinful thoughts firmly. They go from a slave (name) to a monk and a nun, to an unfaithful church, to unrighteous bells - poverty, to those lands where Christ is not remembered, they do not confess sins, they do not use prosphora, they do not want to honor the Bible and the saints, they refuse Baptism. And you (name) get rid of poverty, cleanse yourself. Thirty keys and thirty candles will close and protect you. Amen".

After the ritual, wrap the herbs in the same sheet on which they lay during the ritual, and after a day, remove, dry and store for a year. After about a year, it will be possible to carry out the ceremony again.

What you need for good luck

How can you attract good luck? First, remember that luck loves those who are active. Having performed any, even the simplest, ritual, an active person will be able to find a gap in the universe, through which good luck will go to him. Money, recognition, happiness - everything will be subject to this person.

Second, love what you want. Money, fame and honor should not become idols for you, but you must love them. Otherwise they will not come to you.


Want to increase your monthly income? Or maybe you want to win the lottery? Then in this article you will learn about what the cleaning of the money channel with runes is and will be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Enjoy reading!

Why do you need to clean the money channel with runes

To always have money in your wallet, you should take care of the correct state of your own energy field, or rather, the performance of all its channels responsible for health, success in the financial sector, personal relationships with people around you.

Note! Setting up a money channel is a very specific thing. When working, one should take into account karmic connections, a person's temperament, his attitude to the situation and many other important factors.

The formula for cleaning the money channel directly depends on the cleaning of blocks, the presence / absence of energy stagnation in the financial sector. In the presence of family problems (family karma), a number of rituals should be performed aimed at certain ancestors, for example, cleansing the person who turns with the help of prayers at the altar, etc.

Cleaning the money channel with runes is a proven way to increase inflow Money... To do this, you need to visualize the end result - this will help to charge by becoming the necessary energy.

Note. Any visualization is a “video” of the desired outcome of events, set at the mental level. Your intention serves as a vector (impulse) for the desired action - the clarity of the message is fundamental to launch the desired program.

As an example, you can imagine an image of a wallet full of banknotes large denomination... To get a positive result, visualize the feeling of counting money, transferring it from one compartment of the wallet to another. You can say to yourself the words that enhance the effect of the conspiracy, which intuition will tell you. This approach will help to strengthen the importance of your thoughts, intentions in the process of the ceremony.

The power of Scandinavian symbols with positive energy associated with the material world will help activate the cleaning of the money channel with runes. Most often, in such staves, Soulu, Fehu, Turisaz, Hagalaz, Algiz, Vuno, Odal, Eyvaz or Perth are used. Below we will consider a more detailed interpretation of each of them.

  • Eyvaz, Soulu, Fehu are the personification of the money channel at the energy level.
  • The task of the Hagalaz rune is to destroy energy stagnation, blocks, damage in the financial sector. The power of this symbol is used to make good trades.
  • Odal will help you get out of generic hemostasis in the financial sphere. You will start dramatic changes, a way out of the monetary crisis, success, prosperity, a breakthrough to new opportunities.
  • Turisaz - support in getting out of a difficult financial situation.
  • The combination of Perth and Fehu - cleaning, activation of the money channel.
  • Algiz, Fehu symbolize joy, protection, a feeling of happiness from receiving finance.

An important point! When working with runes, unpleasant (sometimes painful) sensations may arise - this is due to the presence of negativity, the closure of the money channel. Before you try out some kind of money becoming, take this point into account, having prepared for it in advance.

Runic formulas for cleaning the money channel

Below are the most common examples of betting on financial well-being, opening a money channel.

Runic becoming "Swan"

Aimed at opening a finance channel. For a drawing and a detailed interpretation of the symbols, see below.

  • Eyvaz: Symbolizes the money channel. To open it, one should agree with the fate of the fortuneteller, foresee / prevent ambiguous everyday situations
  • Fehu: Financial receipts in the future
  • Perth: Helps uncover hidden opportunities needed to attract material resources, cuts a stereotypical ring, providing additional finances a money channel
  • Raido: Opens up opportunities, points the way for additional profit
  • Kenaz: Allows you to create protection for existing capital. Promotes the free movement of financial flows into your money channel
  • Dagaz: The most important thing is a purposeful desire, leading to positive changes in the financial sector
  • Hyera: Performs the role of a magnet around the money channel, personifies the results of the work done. Will increase the work of the stav, bring the person the necessary share of luck, providing him with an effective result

Important! For the best effect, you should sprinkle the drawing with your own blood. Can be applied to body parts as well as to a regular white sheet. Carry with you, away from prying eyes.

Becoming to clear the money channel

The main function is to restore the correct energy exchange. A diagram with a detailed interpretation is shown below.

The basis of the specified stav is two runes. They are responsible for the air element, correct energy exchange with space. The first symbol is what was laid down from birth, the second is the operating time over the years.

The second line is Teyvaz. Channel protection from extraneous influences.

Raido. Movement, maintaining the balance of power.

Two Dagaz. Clutch, clearing between two Gebos. The main function is speed (the period of time depends on a particular person).

Note! Having become used for short-term use, it clears everything unnecessary that interferes with the flow of money. Can be applied to yourself or to a photo. Wear for 3-5 days.

In the clause of cleaning the money channel with runes with increased sensitivity, Algiz (healing action) should be drawn on the hands.

Cleaning the money channel with runes on a candle using the Steal rune

Use a large wax candle to carve some of the Krad runes in a spiral shape. It can be done by any means at hand, but a needle or a ritual knife is welcome. Place a candle in a candlestick on your own photo, light it. In the process of the ritual, imagine that everything you have planned has already come true, say aloud the phrase "So be it!", And then put out the candle.

Attention! The ceremony must be performed for seven days. Its duration is one and a half hours.

When is the best time to clean the money channel

Opening, cleaning, protection after cleaning with runes should be carried out during the waning moon. Filling, activating the money channel - only on the growing one.

Basic conditions for the ceremony

To open up a cash flow, there are several main factors to take into account.

  • The time of the ritual is sunrise and sunset. The growing phase of the moon, "an empty stomach" are prerequisites.
  • Be sure to wash and comb. If you are a woman, you need to cover your head with a white scarf.
  • Face east. Concentrate on getting what you want, cross yourself during the ceremony.
  • Strictly adhere to the basic rules of the ritual, otherwise you will not achieve the desired result.

List of favorable months

It is best to carry out the above ceremony in November, October and May. Not recommended in April, March, July, June, December, August. The remaining months are neutral. Choose days in accordance with the above recommendations - best of all 5, 7, 6, 2, 13, 10 full moon days.

Let this information help increase the flow of money to your family, but in the meantime, stay tuned for updates on the site. All the best!

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