
Cash loan 300,000 rubles per day. How to properly repay a loan

By choosing financial institution to obtain a consumer loan, you should evaluate the offers of different banks. You can take a loan of 300,000 without certificates and guarantors, paying a little more, or you can provide more information about yourself and arrange a profitable loan.

Cash loan 300,000 rubles. TOP-10 offers *

10. In tenth place - Legion Bank. It provides loans to the population at a rate of 20 to 25% per annum. Maximum period the contract is 3 years. To receive funds, you must be registered in the Moscow region and have a permanent place of work for at least the last six months. The money is disbursed to the current account. The bank is loyal to the occurrence of delays (forfeit is paid daily in the amount of 0.05% of the overdue amount).

2. In second place is Rossita-Bank with a credit rate of 13% per annum. This financial institution has set the maximum loan term at 3 years. The application is considered no longer than 5 days. The package of documents is quite impressive: you will need the documents of the borrower and his wife (husband), the consent of the spouse to complete the transaction. It is imperative that you confirm your income with an official certificate.

1. Fiabank ranks first in cash loans of RUB 300,000. It offers its clients rates from 12.5% ​​on consumer loans and from 11.5% on mortgages. By providing collateral for the loan, the borrower will be able to arrange a loan for more than favorable rate... Commissions for early repayment not provided, the maximum loan term is 4 years. You can apply online or during a consultation at a bank.

What documents are needed to take out a loan of 300,000 rubles

Each bank has its own requirements for the borrower and a list of documents required to consider an application for a loan. Some institutions issue funds only with a passport. This greatly facilitates the procedure for obtaining a loan, but makes it much more expensive. Other institutions offer their clients a choice. You can submit more information, thereby lowering the interest rate. Among all the possible documents that a financial institution may require to be presented with the application, it should be highlighted:

If a loan of 300,000 rubles is targeted, after purchasing a pre-agreed item (object), the borrower must provide a confirmation to the bank targeted use... These can be documents for the purchase of real estate, vehicles, equipment, an invoice for goods, a lease agreement, etc. If there is a surety, a passport, TIN and a certificate of income are also required from the guarantor. If a loan is issued against collateral, mandatory you will have to submit documents to the bank for the property that is subject to encumbrance, documents of the pledger (passport, TIN).

What is important for the borrower to take into account when applying for a cash loan

* Date of update - March 2015.

Today the market is full of offers to get a consumer loan quickly and without unnecessary hassle. But what about loans worth 300,000 rubles and more? Banks are stricter in issuing such amounts.

Where to get a loan for 300 thousand without certificates and guarantors?

To get the green light for the most profitable loan, it is important to provide the bank with maximum guarantees. Among them are the following measures:

  • Collect a complete package of papers;
  • Register property as a pledge;
  • Attract guarantors;
  • Confirm income.
Also, banks will be exacting about the state of credit history: in principle, they should not have current or past delinquencies, not be financially overloaded with other loans.

Review of the best offers of banks

According to the current offers, it can be seen that banks issue large sums with maximum guarantees for yourself (an impressive package of documents, pledge, etc.):

How to borrow 300,000 rubles online?

For a comfortable and quick search for online loans, incl. on large sums, on the website portal, a database of current offers is collected, and a filter also works. How to use it:

  1. Enter your city.
  2. Open the section of the site "Credits".
  3. Enter the amount from the filter - 300 thousand.
  4. Review the selected options.
  5. Click "Apply" next to one of them.

In addition to a loan, you can use borrowed funds credit card... You can apply for a credit card on our website using a similar algorithm: first by going to the "Loans" section, and then - the "Credit Cards" subsection.

Where to get a loan of 300 thousand rubles, if banks do not give?

Get a loan with a bad credit history 300,000 on the card quickly can be in an MFI - a microfinance organization. To apply for a microloan:

  1. On the website portal, open the "Loans" section.
  2. Specify in the filter the amount, term and method of receiving funds.
  3. Select one loan from the selected ones by clicking "Apply".

The response on loans is always faster than on a loan: MFIs are ready to transfer money to plastic within half an hour after receiving the application.

Large consumer loans to retail customers are offered by over a hundred Russian banks, in the aggregate range of which there are about 120 credit programs... All of them provide Russians with loans without additional security - collateral or surety - for any personal needs.

But take a loan of 300,000 without certificates and guarantors the population is offered only 10 banks, which are ready to issue a large unsecured loan to “street clients”.

Apply for consumer loans up to 5,000,000 rubles

You can borrow 300,000 rubles without certificates and guarantors at 12.5-45% per annum. The interest rate on the loan is directly proportional to the maturity of the debt, and also depends on the registration of personal insurance and the client's solvency.

For 4 years 300 thousand rubles. the Asian-Pacific Bank issues a loan, for 36 months - Tinkoff. A loan of 300 thousand for 5 years without certificates is issued by Post Bank, MKB, Sarovbiznesbank, IKB Sovcombank, Agrosoyuz, Ussuri, Promtransbank, Renaissance Credit and Home Credit.

Loan up to 300,000 without certificates and guarantors

For clients with a tainted credit history, an unsecured loan of up to 300,000 without certificates and guarantors is issued in cash or on bank card MFO "Credit Factory", "Money Loan", BM Invest and Mellon credit. About fifty more companies are ready to provide a loan to borrowers who are ready to transfer a car or real estate to a microfinance organization.

The interest rate on loans to MFOs is 43-120% per annum, so large loans should be obtained from banks.

Individuals can get a preliminary decision on a loan via the Internet by filling out a questionnaire form on the website of the selected bank. If the application is approved, the borrower must visit the nearest office of the financial institution with a passport and SNILS, as well as one more identity document at the discretion of the bank.

After signing credit agreement money is credited to an account or card issued specifically for the borrower. Only Promtransbank, Renaissance Credit and Home Credit provide customers with the opportunity to take out a loan of 300,000 rubles in cash.

Who can take out a loan of 300,000 without certificates and guarantors

Post Bank, MKB and Promtransbank take out a loan of 300,000 rubles. offered to citizens of the Russian Federation over 18 years old, Sovcombank and Ussuri - 20 years old, Home Credit and Sarovbusinessbank - 23 years old, Renaissance Credit - 24 years old. Sovcombank works with clients who at the time of loan repayment will be no more than 85 years old, Promtransbank - 75 years old, Sarovbiznesbank - 65 years old, Ussuri and Renaissance Credit - 70 years old.

The Russian consumer is traditionally different from the Western counterpart. It is not customary for us to postpone even large purchases for a long time. To solve the problem, people prefer to use loans or borrowings. This leads to a huge number of offers on the market, and it is not always easy to navigate through them on your own.

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Terms of provision

It is not the easiest task to get a loan of 300,000 rubles without certificates. Most banks do not issue large loans if the borrower cannot prove income. But there is a way out, although you will often have to agree with more stringent conditions.

The goals where the borrower can use the funds received can be absolutely any. This is explained by the fact that these loans do not require a report on spending to the bank and are not targeted.

Comment. Sometimes banks allow you to get a discount on interest if spending occurs through plastic card to codes of stores of certain categories. This is convenient if funds are needed for equipment or repairs.

A surety or pledge is requested at the request of the bank. In most cases, up to 700-900 thousand, no collateral is needed from the borrower. This speeds up the design process and makes it clearer.

If there is no collateral, then you should count on a loan term of no more than 5-7 years. Although there are exceptions, for example, Moscow Credit Bank ready to issue an unsecured loan for a period of up to 15 years.

Advice. It should be understood that an increase in the loan term always leads to an increased overpayment.

In a situation where the borrower cannot submit credit organization a certificate on the 2NDFL form must be immediately measured with increased interest rates... They will be at the level of 15-65% per annum, depending on the bank and the offer.

The maximum amount that can be obtained without certificates is not limited to 300,000 rubles and can reach 1-2 million or more, especially if the borrower has the opportunity to provide liquid collateral.

Sometimes banks use commissions for lending or imposing paid services to raise rates. It is worth being careful when filling out the papers. This will save you from unnecessary overpayment.

Deserves special attention personal insurance... In accordance with the Federal Legislation of the Russian Federation, it is not necessary, but it can be difficult to get a loan without this extra service.

If it is necessary to refuse insurance, then you should be ready in advance to communicate with the heads of the department and employees. hotline... Better yet, stock up on a recording of the conversation with the employee allowing this opportunity.

Any loan, unlike a simple loan, can be paid in advance. At the same time, the bank will recalculate the percentage and reduce the overpayment. However, you must read the rules before carrying out such an operation.

Here is a table with the main conditions for cash loans of 300,000 rubles or more.

Video: Fast With Bad Credit

Recipient requirements

Banks do not impose supernatural demands on potential loan recipients. The main thing that is needed is Russian citizenship. Work with foreigners on these services Russian banks do not know how due to problems with collection.

Registration of a potential borrower must be permanently located in one of the regions served by the bank. Usually these are the areas where there are offices or representative offices of the credit institution.

Only those who have a regular income can get a loan. It can be from employment or business. In the latter case, the requirements for the client will increase significantly.

The length of service in the last job for people employed is a minimum of 3 months. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, must be in business for at least 1 year.

The minimum age of a borrower in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation is 18 years old, but often banks do not work with young clients, preferring to see citizens from 21-25 years old in their clients. For people aged 65-80, it is possible to get a loan.

Credit history will be reviewed individually. If the delay was no more than 30 days, then there will be no big problems with obtaining a loan. But it is very important that the potential client does not have open bankruptcy cases.

Table. Requirements for clients wishing to receive a loan from the bank of 300,000 rubles.

Which banks provide 300,000 rubles on credit without certificates?

Traditionally, in Russia, the client has something to choose from bank loans. There are more than 500 institutions operating on the market, most of which are developing their business in the retail direction.

We are ready to offer the most interesting conditions for rates large banks, but there are usually increased requirements for the client and the package of documents. If funds are needed urgently, then it is worth considering small competitors.

When choosing a bank to receive a loan, you must consider:

  • the value of the interest rate;
  • availability of commissions;
  • insurance requirements;
  • Required documents.

In the following table, we will compare the most interesting offers for loans of 300,000 rubles.

BankRate,% per annumTermMaximum amount, rublesPeculiarities
Post BankFrom 16.9%Up to 5 years1 millionThere is a commission for the minimum bet
Credit Bank of MoscowFrom 15%Up to 15 years old2 millionSpecial conditions for salary clients
Renaissance CreditFrom 15.9%Up to 5 years500 thousandLarge amounts are available only to bank customers
Home Credit BankFrom 19.9%Up to 7 years850 thousandPossible indirect confirmation of income
Tinkoff BankFrom 20%Up to 3 years500 thousandRemote registration
Asian-Pacific BankFrom 20%Up to 5 years700 thousandReduced rate for quality debt service
Touch BankFrom 22.9%Up to 60 months1 million

How to arrange

The loan processing process can be divided into 2 stages. On the first one, an online application is drawn up, and on the second one is the direct registration of a loan in the office.

Let's consider how a client can submit an online application:

  • go to the website of the selected bank and select a suitable offer through an online calculator;
  • fill in your full name, passport details, contact numbers, etc .;
  • wait for a call from a specialist and preliminary approval.

When the preliminary approval is received, you can prepare the necessary documents and send them to the office with them.

Here are the further steps that are required to obtain a loan:

  • transfer of documents to the manager and submission of an application;
  • obtaining a final decision from the Security Council;
  • signing a contract;
  • receiving funds.

Usually, a decision on an online application will be made within literally 30-90 minutes. At the same time, it does not guarantee the final approval of the application, since this can only be done by the bank's security service after checking the documents.

Most of the documents for a quick loan from the borrower is always at hand and there is no need to request additional certificates or papers. This speeds up the process of applying for a loan.

Many banks will make a final decision in 1-3 business days and notify the client about it by phone or via SMS. Sometimes the waiting time increases to 5-10 business days.

Package of documents

If you decide to get a loan without proof of income, then you don't have to collect a lot of paperwork. Everything you need to get a loan is already in the hands of the borrower.

You will definitely need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a second document confirming the identity of the client. It can be SNILS, TIN or driver's license.

Sometimes banks offer indirect proof of income, which increases the chances of loan approval. To do this, you will need a certificate of PTS for the car, on the ownership of real estate or a passport with notes on visiting foreign countries.

Table. A package of documents.

Important! For clients under 27 years of age, it is compulsory to present a military ID.

Loan repayment

Any client should understand that the loan received will have to be paid. Usually, the debt is repaid through monthly equal payments, which must be paid by a certain date.

You can make a loan payment in one of the following ways:

  • bank cash desk or self-service devices;
  • transfer from another account;
  • in cash through communication salons and partners;
  • through the mail of Russia.

If the payment is not made on time, then fines or penalties will be charged for each day of delay, and the data will go to the credit bureau.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each client should understand that by concluding loan agreement, he acquires banking service... Naturally, it has certain advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of quick loans include:

  • simple design;
  • minimum package of documents;
  • convenient repayment.

If you urgently need a lot of money, then pay attention to the super advantageous offer. We present consumer credit on a passport up to 300,000 at a low percentage, which will allow you to solve the existing financial issues easily and economically.

Reliable financial instruments in Moscow

There is no need to doubt anymore, because only from us you can urgently take a loan without refusal for 300,000 rubles with minimal documentary support. Among the options presented, you yourself can choose the bank that will most closely satisfy your wishes. To receive cash, please indicate:

  • amount;
  • presence / absence of a guarantor;
  • the document you want to provide;
  • the term for which you are going to take out a loan.

You yourself model the most profitable terms, and we go to meet you.

Guarantor, documents - optional components of a financial transaction

We can arrange loans up to 300 thousand rubles in cash without a certificate of income and guarantors. The presented modern banks establish the minimum criteria for issuing financial support only with a passport, giving preference to trusting relationships between clients. If you have multiple sources of income, it is not necessary to document this.

The question with the guarantor is not relevant today for the bank. You can take out a loan of 300,000 without certificates and guarantors, without shifting responsibility for the obligation to another person, but fully being responsible for it yourself.

Convenient and fast registration in Moscow

Do you want to take 300 thousand rubles without refusal for 5 years? Then you are on the right track. If financial support you urgently need it, we will provide it. Loan processing will take you a minimum of time. Express mode will allow you to manage your cash in 15 minutes.

Interest rate questions

Credit options from different banks in Moscow represent different conditions, but only we have the most low interest rates and only rates that are beneficial for the client. You can urgently take a loan without refusal for 300,000 rubles, and pay it off gradually over 5 years, without prejudice to your usual way of life.

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