
Does a pensioner pay transport tax? Transport tax benefits for pensioners

Represents either a reduction in the amount or the absence of the need to pay it.

Each individual case has its own conditions and features, which should be taken into account, if desired, by contacting a government agency.

Calculator for self-calculation of taxes:

Who is subject to transport tax?

Payment is required for all citizens who are official owners. That is, having registered the car and registered it with the traffic police, the car owner is obliged to make financial payments in accordance with current legislation.

There are preferential categories that are partially or completely exempt from this obligation, but the rest are physical and legal entities are obliged to make payments according to the established algorithm of actions within the deadline.

The tax is paid based on a notification that is sent to the payer by email. Upon receiving the notification, the payer must immediately pay the tax using one of the methods convenient for him.

This could be a bank branch or terminal, Internet banking, or using the official website of the Federal Tax Service. In any case, payment cannot be delayed, since the payer will receive a fine for failure to meet the deadlines.

A receipt is attached to the notification for ease of payment. It contains all the necessary details that make it easy to make a payment.

Do pensioners pay?

There is also one for pensioners. But the situation in in this case somewhat more complicated, since this category of citizens has the right to benefits or complete exemption from financial liability for payment of transport tax.

Since a pensioner incurs quite large monthly expenses for car maintenance and refueling, preferential conditions can significantly reduce these expenses. There are two options, each of which has its own characteristics and conditions.

Preferential conditions

Benefits for pensioners transport tax within the capital and in other regions are charged according to different conditions. They are determined by local authorities, who also have the right to establish the procedure and amount of payments in accordance with regional standards. For example, in Moscow, local legislative authorities decided not to give benefits to pensioners upon reaching retirement age.

There are several categories of pensioners who can receive benefits:

  • heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  • WWII veterans;
  • disabled people of the first and second groups.

That is, within Moscow, a pensioner has the right to be exempt from payment if he belongs to one or more of the mentioned categories.

There are also a number of restrictions that determine whether a pensioner will receive a discount:

  • The vehicle's power should not exceed two hundred Horse power(Omsk, Volgograd region, Moscow and region);
  • the pensioner owns a domestic car or motorcycle, the power of which does not exceed 150 horsepower (St. Petersburg);
  • is the owner of his own water transport, whose power remains within thirty horsepower (St. Petersburg).

No payments

The transport tax discount for pensioners is not always limited to such conditions. There are a number of situations in which pensioners are completely exempt from payments.

Among them are:

  • pensioners with a certificate from one of the preferential categories(veteran, disabled person, etc.);
  • The pensioner owns any specialized means of transportation (motor boat, tractor, wheelchairs, vehicles for transporting animals, and so on).

Benefits for labor veterans

Benefits for labor veterans for transport tax in 2019 in Moscow also exist. They are accrued if the pensioner’s car has a power of no more than one hundred horsepower. The category of labor veterans includes persons who:

  • have more than forty years of experience - for men;
  • Documented experience of thirty-five years - for women.
There is also a subgroup called “shock workers” of labor. This includes citizens who have worked for more than ten years at one enterprise. It should be remembered that all mentioned conditions must have documentary evidence, otherwise receiving benefits will be impossible.

This also applies to other categories of citizens. If a pensioner does not have documents that indicate his relationship to a certain category, receiving benefits is possible only after their restoration or registration. To do this, you often have to contact the tax authority at your place of registration.


In 2019, pensioners are entitled to certain benefits, which differ significantly depending on their area of ​​residence and registration. In order to accurately determine the amount that will need to be paid, you should initially notify tax office about having a certificate that allows you to receive benefits legally.

This applies both to old-age pensioners who meet certain conditions regarding status and ownership of a vehicle, as well as to WWII and labor veterans. It is important to remember that documentary evidence plays a big role, because without it it is impossible to take advantage of government discounts.

You can find out whether pensioners pay transport tax and where to go to apply for benefits on the website of the Federal Tax Service. Among the numerous documents, there is the Russian Tax Code. A list of ground, water and air equipment that must be registered is published there. There is also a list of beneficiaries who are exempt from payment.

Each region is allowed to have its own tax code and a local list of persons who may not have to pay tax or pay it in a smaller amount. For all others, the range of assigned rates, from minimum to maximum, should not exceed the limits established in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

the federal law

Benefits are provided to pensioners who are registered vehicle.

If a pensioner uses a car by proxy, then he, and not the owner, must pay taxes. This must be reported to the tax office; perhaps benefits will be provided.

Article 358 defines the objects of taxation. The list includes:

For motor boats with a motor of no more than 5 hp, all owners do not pay tax.

A car with a power of up to 100 hp, received or purchased with permission from social services, is excluded from the list of compulsory taxation.

Tax charges for each vehicle are established at the local level and cannot be reduced (increased) by more than 10 times compared to federal rates. The Tax Code contains an important clarification that allows you to reduce the amount of payments: “for a car with a power of no more than 150 hp. limitation on minimum rate does not apply." The permit allows you to set the amount of tax available for payment to persons included in the list of socially vulnerable people.

Base rates

It is useful to know the amount of payments for each vehicle. For cars, base rates are per 1 hp. are:

For scooters and motorcycles:

  • power up to 20 hp - 1 rub.
  • 20-35 - 2 rub.
  • above 35 - 5 rub.

For motor boats and boats:

  • power from 5-100 horses - 10 rub.
  • above 100 - 20 rub.

In the local code, the reduced rate is calculated as a percentage of the basic federal rate. For example, for a large family where the car has 160 hp. registered to a pensioner, it can be 50%. We count: (160 hp*5 rubles)/2=400 rubles. But the pensioner must live with large family. In this case, a certificate from the passport office is submitted to the inspection, confirming that all family members are registered at this address.

Find out local taxes

Tax officers work only upon written application. Before submitting an application, it is recommended that you first study in detail the list of preferential tax categories and local rates taxes. This information is posted on the website of the regional tax service. You can use the popular and trusted website http://zakon-auto.ru/info/nalog.php . There is a table showing all the regions of Russia.

Here are some examples of the work of tax officials:

  • Moscow. Only families with many children are exempt from payment;
  • Saint Petersburg. Pensioners who have a car manufactured before 1991 (150 hp) do not pay tax;
  • Novosibirsk Old-age pensioners are exempt from 80% of the base rate;
  • Voronezh. Pensioners who own a car manufactured before 1991 (100 hp) do not pay tax;
  • Ryazan. Old-age pensioners who have a car with an engine of up to 150 hp are completely exempt from payment;
  • Kaluga, information is not available, therefore the Federal law applies.

Sending an official request

A pensioner can submit an application in person or through an authorized representative. But a power of attorney must be issued for him. It is worth considering that the cost of its registration may exceed the amount of tax.

The application is sent by mail, with a list of enclosed documents. It recommends writing what the pensioner is applying for. In most regions, the benefit applies to only one piece of equipment, for example, a car or a motor boat.

Copies must be sent to the inspection address:

  • pension certificate;
  • PTS for each registered vehicle;
  • power of attorney, if the car is used by proxy.

If there is a disabled person in the family, you need a copy of the disability certificate and a certificate of type of relationship. If the pensioner is among the federal beneficiaries, you must make copies of all necessary documents and also include an inventory of them.

The answer came and it turned out that nothing had to be paid for several years. There's no need to get upset. Overpaid money can always be returned. To do this you need to re-apply. Recalculation must be done for the previous 3 years. The money will be returned to the bank account that will be indicated in the application. Unfortunately, this will most likely happen in three months.

More often Lately You can meet older people driving their own vehicles. No one will be surprised by an older lady going shopping in a car or a respectable pensioner who gets to his garden plot not by train, but by his own car. In our country, any owner of a vehicle must pay tax, and pensioners are the same full taxpayers. Therefore, every resident of the capital should know what the transport tax is for pensioners in 2019 in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Transport tax is levied on all owners of vehicles, regardless of age and social status. These cash are allocated for the development of road infrastructure. At the same time, the road tax collection is regional and the collected funds go to the local budget.

What funds are subject to taxation?

Russian laws clearly regulate the rules and list of vehicles for which owners are required to pay tax:

  • ground vehicles;
  • water transport;
  • air Transport.
Which categories are not subject to tax?

The law provides for some conditions under which the tax levy is not paid by pensioners in Moscow and the Moscow region:

  • vehicles that were allocated to a disabled pensioner by the social service;
  • passenger vehicles with a power of less than one hundred horsepower;
  • cars that have been stolen and are officially wanted;
  • rowing boats;
  • motor boats, provided that the engine power is less than five horsepower.
How is tax on motor vehicles calculated?

There is no need to specifically calculate the tax levy on a vehicle. After purchasing a car, the owner registers the vehicle at the traffic police department, all the necessary data is submitted to the tax authority, where the tax fee is automatically calculated. The tax fee depends on the following characteristics of the vehicle:

A notification letter about the amount of the tax fee is sent to the address of the actual residence of the owner. The owner must pay the tax fee no later than December 1 of the current year. Moreover, each region has the right to move the date to the smallest direction.

Tax discounts for pensioners of the capital and region

The government of Moscow and the region has provided some benefits for pensioners. At the same time, the following categories of persons of retirement age are completely exempt from paying motor vehicle tax:

  • heroes of Russia and the USSR;
  • pensioners with disabilities of groups 1 and 2;
  • WWII veterans;

In this case, the exemption from payment applies only to one unit of a motor vehicle whose power does not exceed 200 horsepower.

Persons living in Moscow and the region who received an old-age pension have the right to claim benefits for calculating the tax levy on motor vehicles. A 50% discount on the cost of the tax fee is provided to pensioners of the 3rd disability group.

How to apply for a tax exemption

To apply for a benefit, you must provide the following documents to the tax authority:

  • pensioner’s passport and a copy of all pages of the document;
  • TIN copy and original;
  • vehicle passport and its copy;
  • a document confirming the right to receive benefits;
  • military ID, if available.

It is worth saying that there are several ways to present a package of documents to the tax authority:

  • personal visit to the tax office at the place of registration;
  • through the official website of the tax authority, you must first register;
  • send documents by registered mail.

In addition to the documents, you will need to fill out the appropriate application for benefits. It will be reviewed within 10 business days, usually the process of checking and reviewing the application takes about a week.

It is very important to know that if a vehicle is registered in another region, and a pensioner with benefits lives in the capital, then he also needs to apply for benefits to the tax authority at his place of registration.

How to fill out an application correctly

Often tax authorities refuse capital pensioners in providing benefits for the payment of motor vehicle tax due to an incorrectly completed application. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for filling it out:

  • indicate the personal information of the pensioner;
  • passport details;
  • TIN number and date of issue;
  • full residential address;
  • contact phone number;
  • complete information about the vehicle: VIN code, make, model, ;
  • a complete list of attached documents and their quantity.

At the end of the document, the date of completion and the signature of the pensioner are indicated. It is important to know that the application must be completed personally by the person applying for benefits or his authorized representative. In this case, the authorized person must have a notarized power of attorney.

A sample application can be downloaded from our website using the link below or from the official website of the tax authority. The document is completed in two copies. One copy is given to the tax authority, the second remains with the pensioner. In this case, the tax officer is obliged to put a mark on it indicating that he received a copy of the application and all the necessary documents.


Before you count on any benefits, you need to know that not all pensioners can receive them. Benefits for motor vehicle tax collection are a regional decision of local authorities, so not all pensioners can count on it. It is also important to understand whether a pensioner falls under this category or not.

It is very important to remember that the tax fee must be paid before December of the current year, while payment is calculated for the past taxable period. Failure to pay taxes may result in additional costs for the taxpayer:

  • additional penalty;
  • accrual of penalties on debt;
  • seizure of the property of the owner of the vehicle until full repayment debt;
  • ban on traveling to other states;
  • seizure of bank accounts.

You can check your debt to the tax service yourself, and many lawyers advise doing this annually to avoid getting into an awkward situation, since letters often do not reach their addressees. To do this, you need to register on the State Services website - enter personal data, contact numbers, address Email. Enter your passport, IMM and SNILS details. Then go to the tab tax debt and start button to receive the service. If you find an unpaid tax fee, it is better to pay it immediately. Payment can be made on the same portal using a card from any bank. Payment occurs instantly and, if necessary, you can print a receipt for payment of the debt from the website.

In conclusion, I would like to add that tax fees- a necessary part of the life of any vehicle owner. And it’s better not to delay paying them, because this will only bring even greater expenses.

Do pensioners pay transport tax in Moscow and the Moscow region? updated: March 1, 2019 by: admin

What transport tax benefits for pensioners are all citizens who have reached retirement age entitled to use in 2018? How to use provided benefit?

Transport tax benefits for pensioners in 2018: conditions for receiving benefits and tax exemptions

Transport tax for pensioners in 2018, its amount and terms of payment are regulated, as in previous years, by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and regional legal acts. Each region has the right to establish additional discounts for its senior citizens.

Transport tax benefits for pensioners in 2018 are actively discussed in the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation, and it is possible that some of them will be enshrined at the federal level.

What is transport tax

Transport tax is a fee levied on owners of any registered vehicles.

The amount charged is influenced by various factors ranging from technical characteristics to the place of registration. The main purpose of the fee in question is to accumulate a financial base to support the state’s road network - repairing worn-out surfaces and building new roads.

Which vehicles are taxed?

The following types of vehicles are subject to taxation:

  1. Motorcycles, scooters.
  2. Categories of passenger cars and trucks.
  3. Self-propelled vehicles on pneumatic, caterpillar tracks.
  4. Water and air vehicles.

What determines the amount of tax?

The amount of the fee paid by vehicle owners depends on several parallel factors. The category to which the vehicle belongs (passenger car, watercraft, self-propelled vehicle, etc.), place of registration. Rates are independently regulated by the region. When accruing tax deductions car make and engine power are taken into account. The less powerful engine- the lower the fee, and the minimum number of horsepower subject to tax is 100. Tax breaks are provided for certain categories of persons.

Do pensioners pay transport tax in 2018?

Veterans are exempt from paying the vehicle tax if the vehicle's engine power is less than 100 hp.

In other cases, depending on the characteristics of the cars, preferential conditions apply in the territory of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the amount is calculated on an individual basis.

If the power of the existing equipment exceeds the above level, then only the number of horsepower exceeding 100 is subject to the tax.

For example, approved tax rate is 10 rubles per 1 hp, and the pensioner owns a car with a 110 hp engine. The fee will be 10*10=100 rubles. If there is more than one vehicle owned by a pensioner, the second vehicle is taxed as usual.

Preferential conditions for transport tax for pensioners in 2018 have the right to use all citizens who have reached 60 years of age (men) and 55 years of age (women) receiving legal state pension. The exception is citizens who previously worked for far north, for which the age is reduced by five years and is 55 for men, 50 for women.

Regional legislation

The tax rate - one of the key factors influencing the amount of collection - is regulated at the regional, not federal level. In 2018 it will be 5-25 rubles per 1 hp, that is Drivers will pay differently for the same car depending on the region. In addition, there is the concept of local benefits, i.e. the rate may be reduced or increased for different categories of motorists - disabled people, veterans, etc.

Moscow pensioners in 2018 will not be included in the list of citizens whose transport is exempt from taxation. They, like other Muscovites, will be able to avoid paying only if the power of their car is less than 70 hp. Preferential terms of fees will remain only with large families. In St. Petersburg the situation is somewhat different. Pensioners of the northern capital are exempt from paying the fee for one vehicle registered in the name of an elderly St. Petersburg resident, with some reservations. The following vehicles owned by a pensioner are not subject to taxation:

  1. A domestically produced passenger car older than 1991, with an engine no more than 150 hp.
  2. Water vehicles with an engine up to 30 horsepower, except motor sailing vessels.

Residents Novosibirsk region Those who have reached retirement age will receive the following benefits:

  • passenger cars with engine power up to 150 hp. are subject to 20% tax;
  • motorcycles with an engine up to 40 hp does not require payment of a fee;
  • self-propelled vehicles on tracked and pneumatic tracks are subject to a tax of 5% of the rate approved by the regional authorities.

Federal regulations

Transport fees are regulated by local authorities separately for each region, but there are standards approved at the federal level. In accordance with the requirements of the federal authorities, military vehicles and passenger cars equipped for the disabled are not subject to taxation, and the age category is not limited.

Child with disabilities is entitled to the benefits provided to his parents if the vehicle is intended for his transportation. Cars with an engine power of up to 100 hp, received with the support of social protection authorities for the disabled, also belong to the group of preferential vehicles.

This rule applies to all people with disabilities.

How to apply for transport tax benefits for pensioners Car tax for a pensioner who has completed labor activity

, is a significant waste. But in order to take advantage of the benefits, each pensioner will have to take care of himself: collect a package of documents and submit it to the federal tax service office.

Current legislation does not oblige Federal Tax Service employees to collect information about beneficiaries; benefits are of a declarative nature.

Application to the Federal Tax Service To pay transport tax for pensioners in 2018

, a driver who wants to take advantage of preferential tax conditions must write an application to the Federal Tax Service. The right to receive a discount or exemption from the fee must be confirmed by certain documents

- pension certificate, health certificate, veteran’s certificate. If these conditions are met, the transport tax for pensioners may be reduced.

  1. When submitting an application, you must certify it with your signature, indicating the following information:
  2. The name of the Federal Tax Service branch to which the citizen applies.
  3. Name and position of the addressee of the application.
  4. Full name and contact details of the applicant.
  5. Series, passport number, TIN and registration address of the recipient of benefits.
  6. Grounds for receiving a discount or tax exemption with details of documents confirming this.
  7. List of documents attached to the application.

Date of application.

Submission methods

  1. The current legislation of the Russian Federation allows filing an application for benefits in several ways: Paper application. Traditional form of address federal services
  2. by personally appearing at the tax office with all documents. Postal appeal., if it is difficult to get to the Federal Tax Service, where the citizen is obliged to provide certified copies of documents and the original application.
  3. Since 2014, notarization is not required; a citizen can leave the inscription “True” on the copy, a signature with a transcript, and the date of certification. The electronic form of application is a progressive method of application. Using the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, you can leave a message with an attached application and scans of documents with your personal digital signature


  • What documents must be attached to the application?
  • PTS, vehicle registration certificate, copies of these documents;
  • original passport and photocopy of 2-3 pages; documents guaranteeing the right to benefits - pension certificate

, medical certificate, veteran's ID, etc.

Are pensioners exempt from paying transport tax in Moscow? Size transport tax will decrease for pensioners in 2018 not everywhere. According to the Law of the City of Moscow dated 07/09/2008"About transport tax" (as amended on July 12, 2017) pensioners Due to age, preferential conditions for payment of transport fees are not provided. Motor vehicle tax

however, it will not be charged to participants in the combat operations of the Great Patriotic War, Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. In addition, benefits are provided to victims of the Chernobyl disaster, disabled people of the first and second groups. Transport taxes are a regional type of contribution to the state treasury, and all legal nuances for their purpose are reflected in Tax Code

. Persons who have reached retirement age are also subject to this taxation. The main difficulty for them is the lack of a clear mechanism for providing benefits.

The code does not provide for specific rules regarding this type. Based on the analysis of legislation, it becomes obvious that the question of whether pensioners pay transport tax or not is under the jurisdiction of regional authorities.

Transport tax for pensioners Do pensioners pay transport tax in Moscow?

decided by regional legislative bodies. It is not necessary to deposit tax amounts of this type in only one case - if such an opportunity is provided by local authorities. Transport tax benefits for pensioners depend solely on legislative acts approved municipal authorities

Are pensioners exempt from paying transport tax?

Do pensioners pay vehicle tax? , and all the nuances related to this issue can be clarified by contacting your local tax office. The employees of this body are well aware of all changes in the area of ​​the preferential system in force for a particular region or locality.

It is important to understand that none of the officials is responsible for providing transport tax benefits for pensioners. Interested in state aid a citizen must independently declare his rights by submitting an application and required package documents to the tax office. The issue of whether a pensioner should pay car tax is decided exclusively by the employees of this service.

Another interesting point is owning multiple cars. Many car owners are interested in the question of whether pensioners pay transport tax or not in this case. The legislation allows preferential taxation (or exemption from them) only in relation to one vehicle. The pensioner can choose which car the tax rate will be reduced at his own discretion.

Benefits for pensioners on transport tax in St. Petersburg

All pensioners are exempt from paying transport tax in St. Petersburg. The conditions for providing pensioners with transport tax benefits in St. Petersburg for persons of various categories are specified in Art. 4-1 of the Law of St. Petersburg dated November 4, 2002 N 487-53 (as amended on November 12, 2012) “On transport tax.” First of all, this is:

  • Heroes of the Soviet Union;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • Heroes of Socialist Labor;
  • Full Knights of the Order of Glory;
  • Full Knights of the Order of Labor Glory;
  • WWII veterans;
  • other categories of persons.

By the way, you can do it online using the State Services portal.

Car tax for pensioners in Moscow

In Moscow, car tax for pensioners is paid on a general basis. Among the categories of persons who are exempt from paying transport tax^

  • disabled people of the first and second groups,
  • guardians of incapacitated children with disabilities,
  • large families are owners of low-power vehicles (up to 70 hp).

Discount for pensioners on transport tax

To be able to avoid paying car tax for a pensioner, two conditions must be met:

  • a citizen must reach the age specified in the law for appointment pension payments(that is, to be in fact a pensioner);
  • the pensioner is required to submit an application to the local tax office.

The question of whether pensioners pay vehicle tax or are exempt from it (or pay partially) is decided only at the regional level. If a rate reduction is available in one region, this does not mean that exactly the same benefit will be available in neighboring regions. Consultations to resolve this issue should be carried out on an individual basis so that the pensioner in need of assistance can determine whether he should pay car tax.

Features of registration of benefits for payment of transport tax

The application does not have a regulated form. It is important that the document be drawn up by the pensioner himself or written on his behalf by a legal representative. It should be clear from the content on what basis a reduction in transport tax is granted to pensioners or its abolition. All documents that are submitted to the application simultaneously with the application must be listed. tax service.

There are two ways to submit an application:

  • traditionally, on paper (you need to appear in person or send a legal representative);
  • via email, additionally accompanied by copies of all necessary documents(usually, this is a pension certificate, a vehicle passport and a document that serves as the basis for applying for a transport tax benefit for a pensioner).

In this case, it is not necessary to certify copies of documents sent or submitted in accordance with the Tax Code.

Thus, to find out whether a specific person needs to pay a transport fee, you should:

  • contact your local tax authorities for clarification;
  • If the answer is positive, write an application for a reduction in car tax for a pensioner or its complete abolition.

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