
Motor vehicle tax find out the debt. How to find out transport tax based on the tax identification number of an individual. Do I need to pay taxes and penalties immediately?

Transport tax must be paid by all legal owners of vehicles, regardless of financial status, social rank, place of residence, as well as organizations and enterprises that have a car on their balance sheet.

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All legal grounds are indicated in the Tax Code, and directly in the article on the payment of car tax - in Art. 28 NK part 2.

Vehicles for which this tax must be paid:

  • cars;
  • motorcycles;
  • passenger buses;
  • freight transport;
  • snowmobiles;
  • boats;
  • helicopters;
  • aircraft;

And other transport provided for in the article of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

What type of transport is not subject to tax:

  • cars that are wanted, this fact must be officially confirmed;
  • motor boats with engine less than 5 Horse power;
  • cars designed for the mobility of disabled people;
  • cars up to 100 horsepower, transferred to the owner under a social program;
  • agricultural machinery;
  • air ambulance;
  • fishing vessels;
  • taken from state registration in the traffic police department;

A complete list is in Tax Code RF.

How to check transport tax debt?

The tax office usually sends official notifications about the payment of this tax.

There are also times when this letter has not reached the owner. In this case, you just need to go to the tax office at your place of registration and find out all the information there.

Also, today in the age of Internet technology, all such data can be found online:

In order to clarify information about overdue debts on these sites, you must enter yours in the appropriate line:

  1. Website "Gosuslugi.ru"– you need to go to the section “Informing the taxpayer (his representative) about the status of settlements for taxes, penalties and fines.”
  2. Official website of the tax office– you must register in your personal account, go to the “Overpayment/Debt” section, or go to the “Find out your debt” service.
  3. FSSP website today it even makes it possible to constantly be aware of everyone legal proceedings, special application can be installed on your phone or modern gadget.
  4. On the Nalog.ru website You also need to register, log into your Personal Account, then select the item for payment of transport tax, click the Cashless payment button. A list appears financial organizations, through which you can make payments.

You can select any bank, also, if you use a Qiwi wallet, then click on the appropriate button. Payment through this wallet occurs instantly. By the way, it’s quite easy to create this wallet; besides, if you make payments of more than 5,000 rubles, then this online payment system does not charge a commission.

There are still many options for paying this tax.

Is it possible to clarify information by car number?

In fact, all such portals will require you to enter the TIN, since the tax is calculated and paid only on the identification number. tax number taxpayer, and not on the registration number of the car. Therefore, it will be difficult to find out your debt using the car number.

Payment period

In the Federal Tax Service data on new registration ownership of a vehicle or its deregistration occurs 10 days after registration.

This is the responsibility of those organizations that register the vehicle. In addition, before February 1, annually, these authorities are required to provide all data on changes that are associated with the vehicle over the past year. And the tax office must send a notification and a receipt for payment of this tax to the owner of the car. The vehicle owner must pay this receipt within 30 days.

However, not in all cities, especially large ones, the tax authority sends such official letters. Then the owner’s responsibility is to independently clarify the amount of tax and pay it no later than November 1 of the current year.

How to calculate? Transport tax is regional tax and each region of the country independently appoints interest rate

In any case, car tax depends on the engine power of the car. Power is determined in horsepower.


  • up to 100 hp – 2.5 rub. for 1 hp. WITH;
  • up to 150 hp – 3.5 rub;
  • up to 200 hp – 5 rubles;
  • up to 250 – 7.5 rubles;
  • over 250 – 15 rubles;

These are the all-Russian rates for payment of transport tax; therefore, the region cannot provide less than this. At the same time, each region can increase this rate up to 10 times, no more.

  1. Before calculating the amount of tax payment, you need to find the regional table tax rates for transport.
  2. You need to know the engine power of your car.
  3. When the iron friend is released.
  4. In the regional table of tax rates, find the column that matches your parameters.
  5. Multiply the indicated figure in the column by the number of horsepower of your car and by the number of months in the year.

For example:

  • 160 hp x 3.5 x 12 months. = 6720 rubles per year.

How to pay?

Let's start with the fact that the receipt that was sent from tax office You can pay at any bank or post office. Some banks will charge you an additional commission for transferring funds, while others will not. Also, if you have not received a tax payment receipt, you can print it from the website and also pay in cash.

You can also pay the tax and its debt by bank transfer via online banking. However, it is better to make such payment only through partner banks of the Federal Tax Service.

Very often, taxpayers use the Sberbank-online system. To do this, just select on the Federal Tax Service website in “Personal Account” non-cash form payment, a list will appear banking organizations, select “Sberbank”, you will be immediately transferred to the bank’s website. Next, you just need to select the account from which the payment will be made and confirm it. After completing the transaction, be sure to print the payment receipt and save it.

If you don't pay transport tax, then you may be charged fines and penalties, this is provided for in Art. 75 Tax Code.

It states that for late payment of taxes or for evasion of payment, penalties for non-payment of tax are charged.

By the way, penalties will be accrued only after all possible deadlines for paying this tax have expired, that is, more than 3 months have passed since the deadline for payment. Also, the tax service may impose a fine of 20% of the debt amount, this is stated in Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

All pennies are accrued for each day you are late without paying your tax.

The formula for calculating penalties is as follows:

  • Amount of debt x number of overdue days x percentage of penalties x refinancing rate = amount of debt.

For example:

  • transport tax – 2000 rubles;
  • overdue 2 months – 60 days;

It turns out:

  • 2000*60*1/300*8,25=3300;

The total amount, together with penalties, must be paid in the amount of 3,300 rubles.

Also, the Federal Tax Service has the right to apply to judiciary with a requirement to pay the debt, penalties and fines after 6 months after all possible timing to pay tax.

Payment of taxes and transport tax fees is the responsibility of every citizen. The same applies to the transport fee - a special payment that is levied in favor of the state for obtaining the right to use motor vehicles.

Transport tax is paid by absolutely all legal owners of the car, regardless of their status, area of ​​residence and current financial situation. It must be paid not only to individuals, but also to enterprises whose balance sheets include cars. In order to pay this fee on time, you need to know how to determine the resulting debt, including by car number.

How to check information on state number: tax office?

Before you receive necessary information about the amount of debt or the amount of current taxation, an identity confirmation procedure is required. This applies to both viewing on Internet portals and personal visits to the inspection. Today, transport tax is a mandatory payment; finding out the debt by car number is not difficult.

The car owner will be required to provide various information about the car, as well as an identification document, and therefore it is impossible to check the transport tax debt by the car number (only by it) it is impossible.

Moreover, all data on vehicles, including license plates, are available in the databases of the tax service and bailiffs - in a situation where the debt is imposed by the court. This means that by proving your identity, you will be able to obtain information about the amount of the fee for the car by indicating the vehicle number.

To determine the amount of tax collection, in most cases in our country they use an agricultural complex called Traffic Bailiff, it is similar to another hardware complex that calculates malicious fines. The traffic police automatically searches for unpaid amounts of transport tax using the car's license plate.

Searching for tax debt using the Internet online

The Internet has long become an assistant for people in various fields. For the convenience of motorists, you can check the vehicle tax using the car number on several websites.

Internet portal of the Federal Tax Service (via Taxpayer Identification Number)

Before using the Federal Tax Service resource, you must register and then log in. Next, you need to enter a login that matches your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the fields provided and come up with a new password. After this, select a section called Overpayment/Debt in the window. On the page that opens, all the tax data of interest will appear, including the transport tax that must be paid.

There is also the option of paying off debt - to do this, you will need to click the button labeled Pay Debt. After this, the system will make the payment and display a receipt as confirmation.

When using this resource, you should remember that it only provides information about existing overdue payments, so if the period has not yet expired, the data will not be displayed on the screen.

State Services Portal

Before you start using the portal and find out the information you are interested in, you need to register by entering your name, place of registration and other information. After this, you will need to go through the authorization procedure, which will take more time than registering on the portal. But as a result, the resource will provide more opportunities, not only information on debts for transport fees, so the time spent will be justified.

On the bailiffs portal

Individuals can find out their debts specifically for transport tax, which were sent for execution by the court, online at federal base bailiff service data. In order to get started, you will need to complete registration, then go to the resource and select the tab called Data Bank enforcement proceedings. Next, you should search for individuals by entering the necessary data, including the car number.

After completing the procedure, a new window will open, where all the transport tax data will be presented - this information can then be printed.

Other Internet resources

The amount of debt can be found on other websites, but you usually don’t need to enter a lot of information: a license plate number, full name and tax identification number are enough. However, you should remember that such portals are used at your own risk, since not all sites can provide a guarantee of confidentiality. It is best to prefer reliable official sites public services, which allow you to find out the necessary information without fear.

Find out your debt via SMS

Any citizen can order a special service called SMS notification: it is provided by the tax service resource, launched back in 2013.

To obtain information on debts via SMS for transport tax, you will need a TIN. You can also obtain special keys from the tax authorities to enter your personal account and view the necessary information.

By mail

There is also the easiest and most popular way to determine the amount of debt - wait for the postman to bring a receipt for payment.

This method is good because you don’t need to do any additional effort to find the required amount. However, given that any system is imperfect, there is a possibility of losing this paper. In this case, it is recommended to go to the tax office and ask the operator to issue a duplicate receipt form.

Every year before November 1, the Federal Tax Service organizes a newsletter tax notices with accrued amounts of payments for the right to own cars. When it is not possible to receive receipt data via mail, you can use any convenient way to find out the transport tax on a car by the owner’s last name and other information about the taxpayer.

How to find out the transport tax from the Federal Tax Service

Since payment to the budget relates to tax collections, in addition to the last name, it is often necessary to indicate the full name and taxpayer number. This will allow you not to confuse a specific person with namesakes, because sometimes there are coincidences by name and patronymic, even within the same region. Knowing the TIN number is the main requirement necessary to obtain reliable information on fiscal payments.

IMPORTANT! One of the common reasons for not receiving tax receipts by mail is a simple delivery failure. In this case, as soon as November 1st has arrived, you should immediately contact the Federal Tax Service office at your place of registration.

The fiscal authority inspector will check the information in the database based on the presented passport, relying on information about the taxpayer’s last name, first name, patronymic and registered address. An INN may be required as an additional document, but in practice, passport data is sufficient for inspection staff to report the amount of tax payable for the current year and, if necessary, print receipts for further transfer through a bank or payment terminal.

Reception at the Federal Tax Service office is carried out according to electronic queue, however, if you wish, you can reduce the waiting time by using a special online pre-registration service through the official website.

In addition to personal appeals, it is possible to contact the tax office by registered mail with a request to send receipts with tax charges for transport over the past year.

On the Tax website

It is not always possible to visit the tax office (due to a person’s long absence from the place of registration, illness, or other reasons). For such situations, there are several options for obtaining information about the amounts payable for transport.

One of the most reliable and convenient ways to inform and interact with the fiscal authority is your personal account on the Federal Tax Service website.

Information about the assessments of the fiscal authority does not belong to open information that can be obtained in the public domain. At a minimum, the taxpayer must know his unique individual number under which he is registered with the fiscal authority.

You can obtain information through the website by pre-registering on the Internet portal of the fiscal service.

When registering, the car owner provides basic information about himself and gets access to his personal account with a login and password.

To successfully register as a user of your account, you will need to enter information about:

  • full name;
  • date of birth;
  • passport information.

IMPORTANT! In the future, if necessary, the taxpayer will be able to change the login and password, or use his own TIN number as a login.

The functions of your personal account allow you to:

  • receive information about accrued payments by property taxes;
  • clarify for which property objects requirements for payment have arisen;
  • request information from the tax office;
  • check deductions income tax for previous years;
  • receive information about the possibility of applying any benefit assigned at the regional level;
  • pay taxes without charging additional fees.

If information about the TIN is unknown, the taxpayer can use another service in the “Electronic Services” section on the same Federal Tax Service website. You just need to select the TIN clarification item after the system receives the main personal information about the taxpayer, it will be possible to obtain a TIN number, which in the future will make it possible to find tax debts in other alternative and payment resources (for example, for users of Sberbank-Online personal accounts and owners electronic wallets WebMoney or Qiwi is available to obtain basic information about the amount accrued property taxes, including deductions for transport when going through one of the stages of the payment procedure in the section of taxes and fines).

In the FSSP database

On the official Internet resource of the bailiff service, you can check tax information only after a significant debt has arisen and the tax office has applied to the court for collection.

The organization’s website has a special service with which you can find out about the amount of debt for contributions to the budget using only the debtor’s full name.

The procedure for obtaining information looks like in the following way:

  1. On the website, go to the section for checking information about enforcement proceedings.
  2. Enter information about last name, first name, patronymic.
  3. I select the region to search for information.
  4. Indicate the date of birth.

After processing the request, the system will provide all available information about current debts that are subject to collection through a bailiff.

Since in this database Only serious arrears and large debts are included; the presence of any records on this resource is extremely undesirable, and if charges are detected on this site, it requires immediate repayment. Payment can be made directly on the FSSP website.

Public services

In a convenient way Internet service serves as verification public services, however, to obtain information, you need to pre-register and have access to your personal account.

The algorithm of actions through the State Services website is as follows:

  1. In the list of services section, select “Finance and Taxes”.
  2. Go to the collection arrears subsection.
  3. Enter search information (knowledge of the taxpayer number is required).
  4. Receive an extract with information about upcoming tax payments.

You can also obtain information about the TIN, if it is unknown to the user, on the website through a separate service “find out TIN”.

Video about tax audit

Thus, any of the methods, except for information about debt from bailiffs and information transmitted in person when visiting the Federal Tax Service, requires entering not only the last name, but also the full name and taxpayer number. If you wish, you can find out your number online on the same Internet information resources.

As you know, ignorance or misunderstanding of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility. Late payment of transport state taxes is fraught court decision about collection tax payments, as well as the daily accrual of penalties, which are established by the tax service.

To avoid fines, you need to make payments on time. And we will tell you in our article how to find out what amount was accrued for a car over the past period.

Some useful information on calculating and paying transport tax Taxes are assessed by regional services on owners who owned a vehicle (vehicle) in the previous calendar year. The amount is not fixed, since it depends not only on technical characteristics

car, but also on the region in which it is registered. It is accrued once a year and paid no later than December 1 of the following year.

It is worth considering that the tax is not automatically removed from the owner even in cases where the vehicle was stolen, donated or sold. To do this, you need to submit the relevant documents to the Federal Tax Service - a certificate of search or theft, a purchase and sale agreement or a deed of gift.

Tax payment receipts are sent out from September 1 to November 1. But if you have not received a notification, this does not mean that the payment is not needed - the receipt could have been lost somewhere. Therefore, you need to know where and how to check transport tax according to the state. car number or VIN code.

Methods for checking car tax by TIN and last name

  1. You can check the tax accrued for a car in two ways:
  2. At the regional tax office.
  • Through the Internet.
  • For future car owners who have just decided to buy a car and do not yet know what the tax is.
  • For those who recently re-registered a vehicle (for example, it was a region, but it became Moscow), since the amount of tax also depends on the place of registration.

Owners who did not receive notification of the accrued tax amount by November 15. Be careful - the payment period is less than a month. Money is credited to the account Federal Treasury

instantly, but the repayment process (correlating the transferred amount with the amount accrued to a specific person) takes within 1-1.5 weeks.

Check with the tax office

But this method of verification is becoming less and less relevant every day, because it takes a lot of time to:

  • trips to the tax office;
  • standing in queues;
  • waiting for a response to an official request.

It is much faster and easier to check the car tax according to the state. number can be accessed via the Internet.

Check vehicle tax online

Today you can find out for which vehicle the transport tax has been charged right at home via the Internet. The online service “AutoHistory” will help you with this. To do this, you need a VIN code or state number of the car and access to the network, and you can check from any device - be it a computer or a modern smartphone.

The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • Quickly - enter your VIN code or registration number, pay for the service (the cost is fixed and is only 339 rubles), and after 5-15 minutes you receive a report on the accrued transport tax by email.
  • Convenient - you can check at any time convenient for you, day or night. The service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding holidays and weekends.
  • No bureaucratic delays - no certificates, identity confirmation, trips to the tax office, standing in lines and waiting for an answer.
  • Maximum useful information according to the history of ownership and operation of the vehicle - in addition to taxes, the report reflects customs, criminal, credit data, etc. This will allow you to buy a legally clean vehicle without any hidden problems.

Example from a report with transport tax data:

As you can see, for the 2010 Renault Logan sedan, the transport tax is low both for Moscow and for the regions. But for a higher class car, for example, the 2005 Infiniti FX35 crossover, the amount is huge, but at the same time the same for the regions and Moscow:

Find out the car tax by car number or VIN code through the AutoHistory online service and you will save yourself from penalties from the tax office. Our database contains information on more than 30 million. Vehicle, registered on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The transport tax appeared in 2003. The purpose of the tax is to collectively finance the construction and repair of roads.

Motorists periodically express dissatisfaction with the fact that the amount of the tax is increasing, however, they cannot avoid paying it.

Drivers who persistently ignore this fee end up owing even more due to fines accrued in addition to the mandatory payment.

Even if the fines do not force the motorist to pay, the case is sent to court, and this threatens forced collection.

The state took care to create all the conditions so that the driver does not “grow tails” in the form tax debts. For example, you can check the existence of debt in several ways. Read the article to the end and you will learn how to check if you have a transport tax debt.

It is not recommended to pay transport tax before the relevant notification is received. The Tax Service sends notifications to motorists by registered mail.

The notice is sent to the driver within 30 days of the payment being due. There is no need to delay: a month is given to pay the debt, but the countdown begins from the date of payment according to the law, and not from the moment of receipt of the registered letter.

The payment deadline is determined by the local legislation of the region of the Russian Federation, however, it cannot be set earlier than November 1.

In fact, written notifications are rarely received by recipients, so you should check the transport tax debt yourself.

How to check your transport tax debt?

There are several ways to check:

  1. Visit your local tax office. The tax office will provide a duplicate of the payment receipt as soon as the payer shows a passport or other identification document. With the development of telecommunications, this method has lost popularity, because payers are forced to waste time standing in queues and traveling to the department.
  2. Internet. The amount of debt can be found on such portals as:
  • - www.nalog.ru - the official website of the tax service of the Russian Federation. Information is available in your Personal Account.
  • — www.gosuslugi.ru – Unified portal of public services.
  • - www.fssprus.ru - Website of the bailiff service. This is where you need to contact if the transport tax has not been paid for too long and the case has already been transferred tax authorities to court.

The payer can also use the tax service www.service.nalog.ru, where there are links to all the sites listed.

Find out about your existing tax debts for free through our service

How to find out the debt through the Federal Tax Service website?

To find out the transport tax debt through the tax service portal, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Select section " Personal Area taxpayer" and register.
  2. Log in – enter your login (matches your Taxpayer Identification Number) and password.
  3. Select the “Overpayment / Debt” tab. A window will appear containing information on all taxes. individual, including transport.
  4. Click “Pay the debt” (if there is one and if you want to pay it off). You can then print a receipt or make a payment online.

The Tax Service website displays only existing debt - if the payment deadline has not yet passed and the debt has not been formed, information about the amount due will not be displayed.

How to find out the transport tax debt through the government services portal?

The disadvantage of this method is that the payer will need to enter a lot of data: not only the TIN number, but also SNILS number, passport details, address Email, phone number. In addition, registration on the government services portal takes longer.

However, the wait will pay off: the payer will have access not only to information on the transport tax debt, but also to a host of other useful services.

How to find out your transport tax debt through the FSSP?

Follow these instructions:

  1. On the FSSP website, go to the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” section and select the “Search for Individuals” tab.
  2. Enter the information: full name and region – required, date of birth – desirable.
  3. Enter the captcha - a code consisting of letters and numbers that protects the portal from spam.
  4. Review your debt information or, if necessary, print a receipt.

How to find out the transport tax debt using the car registration number?

On the listed portals, it is mandatory to present documents (TIN, SNILS, passport) - it is impossible to find out the amount of the debt, having only the vehicle registration number in hand, via the Internet.

Information about the debts of all vehicles is stored in tax service, therefore, when you contact the branch in person, you can show your passport and find out the amount by registration number.

In addition, in some regions of the Russian Federation there are “Traffic Bailiffs” - elements software package, the purpose of which is to search for debtors.

This equipment makes it possible to check the debt by car number.

There are many sites on the Internet that promise to provide data on transport debt by registration number for free or for a nominal sum. Think twice before using such services - the information is unlikely to be reliable anyway.

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