
Transport tax according to inn. How to check and pay tax debt. Is it possible to check taxes by last name?

Check transport tax possible online. If you have not received a receipt or your actual place of residence does not coincide with the place of registration, then use the online check of any service connected to the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments, for example Sberbank, Yandex or our service. To find your taxes, you just need to enter in the form provided. unique identificator(WIN). The UIN is entered to search for current accruals, and the TIN is entered in case of debts that were not paid on time. You can find out your TIN on the official website nalog.ru.

Why do websites display taxes that have already been paid?

It's quite simple. All online services receive and transmit to the user information about charges from the State information system on state and municipal payments (GIS GMP). After payment, the system deletes information from its database only after confirmation tax service(Federal Tax Service) of Russia. This usually takes from 10 to 30 days. Therefore, search results will temporarily display tax paid. However, according to the law, the tax is considered paid once the payment is made.

Where can I find the unique identifier?

The unique identifier (UIN) or document index is located at the top of the receipts that the tax office mails out along with the tax notice. The document index consists of 20 digits, the first three of which indicate that the document is tax (digits 182). You can also find notifications in in electronic format in his personal account website nalog.ru (authorization required). If for some reason the car owner has not received a receipt and notification from the Federal Tax Service a month before the tax payment deadline, it is recommended to contact the inspectorate in person or check and pay taxes online.

What is the difference between checking transport tax using TIN and UIN?

Using the TIN for individuals, you can find out information on taxes only from expired, that is, for accruals that were not paid within the period established by law. By unique identifier (UIN) or document index for individuals. individuals can find out about current charges.

Do I need to pay taxes and penalties immediately?

You can pay the transport tax and penalties immediately. But since paid taxes are officially processed within 2 to 4 weeks, penalties will continue to accrue (until confirmation by the Federal Tax Service of Russia). After some time, it will be necessary to check taxes again using the TIN and pay penalties.

Deadlines for payment of transport tax

Transport tax must be paid no later than December 3 of the current year for the previous tax period for individuals (p. 363 Tax Code Russian Federation). For example, tax for 2019 must be paid no later than December 3, 2020.

Tax amnesty for individuals

From January 1, 2018, tax debts as of January 1, 2015 will be removed from individuals and individual entrepreneurs. At the end of December 2017, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law on tax amnesty for individuals, including penalties for corresponding arrears. The tax amnesty applies to transport, land tax, as well as on the property of individuals. For individual entrepreneurs, debt on all taxes has been written off, except for customs duties, excise taxes and mineral extraction tax. The personal presence of taxpayers and no actions on their part are required - tax authorities will automatically cover debts and penalties for arrears.

Federal Law of December 28, 2017 N 436-FZ "On amendments to parts one and two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and certain legislative acts Russian Federation." This document covers changes made to various legislative acts and is broad in nature - from the Tax Code of the Russian Federation to legislation on customs regulation. Tax amnesty Articles 11 and 12 are devoted to this (pages 45-48).

Article publication date: 11/13/2017. Last update: 02/17/2019
© All rights to the site materials belong to Sozidatel LLC. Full or partial copying of the article without written permission is prohibited.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will talk about how Find out about taxes in advance using the taxpayer’s personal account.

However, the previously discussed service has a drawback that was noticed by many readers. It consists in the fact that it is possible to find out the debt on transport and other taxes only after the deadline established by law for paying these taxes has passed (after December 1 of the current year) and begins to accumulate (interest on late payments).

This article discusses the taxpayer’s personal account on the website nalog.ru, which provides the opportunity to find out about accrued taxes in advance, which allows you to pay them on time. In 2020, this issue is quite relevant, because registered letters with tax notices do not always reach car owners.

Unlike the service that allows you to find out tax debt using TIN or SNILS, the taxpayer’s personal account requires mandatory registration and a one-time visit to the tax office to obtain a password. However, registration is worth it.

Once you register in your taxpayer account, you will be able to promptly learn about accrued taxes for many years and pay them on time.

Options for accessing your personal account

In 2020, there are 3 ways to log into a taxpayer’s personal account.

1. Login and password

To obtain your login and password, you need to visit tax office. It doesn't matter which tax office you go to. You will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a certificate of assignment of a TIN with you. If you go to the tax office at your place of registration, you don’t have to take the TIN with you.

Please note that in 2020, before applying to the tax office no application required. All documents will be completed on the spot.

I recommend not visiting the tax office in January, April, July and October. Especially in the last week of each of these months. It is at this time that mass filing of documents occurs legal entities, that’s why there are long lines at the tax offices. The rest of the time the service is quite fast.

When contacting the tax office, you need to say what you want get login and password for access to the taxpayer’s personal account. After this, the employee will print out a registration card form, which will indicate the taxpayer’s primary password.

Please note that a password for your personal account is required change within a month. Otherwise, the primary password will be blocked and you will have to go to the tax office again to get a new one.

2. Qualified electronic signature

If you have a qualified electronic signature issued by a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, then you can use it to enter your personal account.

If there is no signature, then there is no point in obtaining it for the sake of access to the taxpayer’s personal account. It’s easier to use method No. 1 discussed above and get a login and password from the tax office.

3. State Services portal account

In 2020, the Public Services portal has many useful functions for drivers. Including it allows you to receive upon payment state duties. Therefore, many drivers have already acquired an account with State Services.

Using account For public services, you can also log into your personal account on the tax website.

Login to your personal account

You can log into your personal account on this page:

If you are using the first login method, then simply enter your username and password and click on the “Login” button.

If you want to log into your personal account by electronic signature or through State Services, then click on the appropriate link to the right of the “Login” button.

Taxpayer personal account in 2020

In 2018, the personal account on the tax website was significantly updated. In January 2019, access to the old version of the personal account was closed.

1. Click on the large "My Taxes" button at the bottom left of the screen:

2. The following page provides information on how much taxes you need to pay:

For example, the figure above shows information that the driver must pay 2,521 rubles in transport tax.

3. If you want to receive more detailed information about the accrued tax, then click on the button with its name. For example, for “transport tax”. You will find yourself on the following page:

IN in this case the tax was assessed for 2017 for a single car.

If the owner has several cars, then each of them will have a separate line.

Also separate lines will appear on the screen even if the tax has been calculated for several years.

4. To receive a payment receipt, on the “My Taxes” page, click on the “View tax notice". In this case, you will receive a receipt according to which you can pay the tax in any way in a convenient way(in a bank, etc.).

In addition, there is also the option of paying taxes online.

To do this, enter the value from the document index field in the following form and click on the “Search!” button:

Attention! For the fines checking service to work correctly, enable JavaScript support in your browser.

The search for fines is underway!

the process may take several minutes

Searching for accrued tax will take from a few seconds to several minutes. After this, you need to enter the taxpayer’s full name, email address, confirm the correctness of the entered data and click on the “Pay!” button.

On the Autocode website you can check your transport tax online. To do this, simply enter the vehicle’s license plate number into the verification form and receive a detailed report on the car’s history. The service is available to everyone without registration, and you can find out everything you need about the car in 5 minutes.

Tax information is located at the bottom of the reporting document. This section also contains information about the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. The check is carried out according to the Federal Tax Service, the amounts are calculated for Moscow and the regions of the Russian Federation.

How to find out car tax

From the full report you can not only find out the tax by car number and check the cost of the policy compulsory insurance. The reporting document includes another 15 sections, including a general certificate about the car and PTS data. Taking advantage online service, you will find out information about the car’s age, country of origin, mileage, engine power, number of owners, accident cases.

The system shows whether the car is listed as stolen, pledged or leased. If the car is used as a taxi and has traffic police restrictions, this is also indicated. A separate section is devoted to registration actions (displayed in a list indicating dates, region and status of owners). All facts are aggregated from the database of the State Traffic Inspectorate of Russia and other official sources.

The report contains data valid policy OSAGO and passed technical inspections. At the very end, you can check information about unpaid fines.

Find out tax via Autocode

So what if you want to check your transport tax and find out the payment amount?

How to find out the amount of transport tax:

  • open home page of the site Autocode ;
  • enter the number state registration(or VIN);
  • we get access to full version(don’t forget to enter the promotional code, it will be issued after purchasing the first report);
  • scroll through the document to the section “Cost of compulsory motor insurance and tax”;
  • Let's check.

If you don't know the vehicle's license plate number, use the VIN code. This is the identification number vehicle. The VIN contains 17 characters (Latin letters and Arabic numerals), which indicate the region and country of production, characteristics of the car, and features of the model year. A metal plate indicating the VIN is located on the body (less often, the chassis) of the car.

For Japanese cars that do not have a VIN, the check is launched using the body (chassis) or state number. number.

Advantages Autocode

Checking transport tax by VIN or state tax. number on the Autocode website takes just a few minutes and is available online around the clock without registration. The service has been operating steadily since 2012 and is recognized by ordinary motorists and organizations. In one day, the system performs more than 15 thousand checks, helping buyers and sellers of vehicles.

Checking information using Autocode is simple and convenient. You can use mobile application by installing it on your smartphone. Be confident in the accuracy and reliability of the information you receive. And if an error occurs, payment is guaranteed to be returned to the user.


By tax document index (UIN)

To search for taxes, enter your INN or SNILS number. We recommend checking both documents simultaneously.

? To search for taxes and penalties in the GIS GMP system

To search for a tax, enter the Tax Document number or unique accrual identifier (UIN).

? To check taxes and penalties on already issued Tax documents Search taxes »

By clicking the “Search taxes” button, you consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with Federal law dated July 27, 2006 N152-F3 “On personal data”

* The search is carried out in the GIS GMP (taxes issued throughout Russia).

Our service allows you to check and pay online taxes for individuals: transport tax, land tax, property tax for individuals. The check is carried out using TIN, SNILS or document index (UIN). No registration required.

Tax verification is carried out using the database of the “State Information System on State and Municipal Payments” (abbreviated as GIS GMP). This database contains data on all tax assessments in Russia.

If tax charges or debts are detected, you can pay them immediately; bank cards are accepted as a means of payment. MasterCard cards, Visa, WORLD.

How to check taxes using TIN or UIN?

In order to check tax accruals and debts, you will need the number of one of the following documents:

  1. TIN - An identification number taxpayer
  2. SNILS - Insurance number of an individual personal account in Pension Fund Russia (green plastic card)
  3. UIN or document index - the number of the Federal Tax Service notification about accrued taxes

Tax verification is carried out using the document number entered in the appropriate fields of the search form. You can check your taxes by entering both documents at the same time. SNILS number introduced no hyphens or spaces, only numbers.

Using the TIN or SNILS, you can only find out tax arrears, i.e., accruals that were not paid in established by law term. Current tax accruals can only be found by UIN.

After entering data into the fields of the search form, click the “SEARCH TAXES” button. Tax verification may take a long time, please wait for the result.

If, as a result of the audit, taxes are found, it will be provided detailed information: date, UIN, type of tax, amount to be paid, etc. Otherwise, a message will appear stating that nothing was found.

Background information on taxes for individuals

Below you will find answers to basic personal tax questions. If you have not found the answer to your question, send it through the feedback form.

What taxes must individuals pay?

Individuals pay the following types of taxes: personal property tax, transport tax and land tax.

Is it possible to check taxes by last name?

Check taxes by last name individual it is forbidden. It is obvious that in Russia there are a huge number of people with completely identical surnames, first names and patronymics. In such a situation, checking taxes by last name would produce a meaningless result.

How to check taxes using passport data?

It is impossible to find out taxes directly from your passport data. However, there is a workaround - using passport data, on the website nalog.ru, you can find out the TIN and then check the taxes using the TIN.

How to find out your TIN?

You can find out the TIN of an individual using passport data on the website of the Federal Tax Service tax.ru - https://service.nalog.ru/inn.do

Is it possible to find out land tax by cadastral number?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find out the calculation of land tax by cadastral number. This tax can only be determined by the owner’s TIN land plot or UIN.

Is it possible to find out taxes by last name on the website nalog.ru?

As noted above, on no website, including www.nalog.ru (instructions for working with the website), it is possible to find out tax accruals and debts by last name.

Is it possible to check taxes on the Federal Tax Service website (nalog.ru) without registration?

Checking taxes on the website nalog.ru without registration is impossible. Information about tax charges on the Federal Tax Service website is available only through the taxpayer’s personal account. To obtain a login and password, you can contact any office of the Federal Tax Service, regardless of your place of residence and registration. You must have your passport and original/copy of your registration certificate with you.

When is it necessary to pay taxes for individuals?

In accordance with the amendments made by Federal Law No. 320-FZ of November 23, 2015 to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, taxes must be paid no later than December 1 of the year following the expiration tax period. For example, personal property tax, transport and land tax for 2018 must be paid no later than December 1, 2019. Taking into account the fact that December 1, 2019 falls on a day off, the deadline for paying taxes without penalties is December 2, 2019.

What happens if you don't pay taxes?

In the event that a taxpayer does not pay taxes, the Federal Tax Service generates a demand for payment of taxes, penalties, and fines. If the taxpayer fails to comply with the payment requirement within the time period established in this requirement, the tax authority begins the procedure for collecting debt on mandatory payments in budget system Russian Federation.
Debt collection from individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, is carried out under two conditions:
- the debtor has an unfulfilled obligation in an amount exceeding 3,000 rubles;
- expiration of the three-year period for fulfilling the demand for payment, if total amount unpaid taxes, fees, penalties, fines by the taxpayer does not exceed 3,000 rubles
In these cases, an application for recovery at the expense of the property of the taxpayer - an individual is submitted tax authority to court when one of the above conditions occurs.

How to find out the tax accrual UIN?

Every year, the Federal Tax Service sends out a tax notice by mail, along with a receipt for payment. UIN is designated as a document index, consists of 20 digits and is located at the top of the receipt.
If you have not received a tax notice, you can view it in your taxpayer’s personal account or receive it by contacting the Federal Tax Service in person.

How to get a tax deduction for personal property tax?

To begin with, it is necessary to explain what it is tax deduction in relation to property tax for individuals. In accordance with paragraphs 3-5 of Article 403 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation:
3. The tax base for an apartment is determined as its cadastral value, reduced by cadastral value 20 square meters total area this apartment.
4. The tax base for a room is determined as its cadastral value, reduced by the cadastral value of 10 square meters of the area of ​​this room.
5. The tax base for a residential building is determined as its cadastral value, reduced by the cadastral value of 50 square meters of the total area of ​​this residential building.
Thus, the tax deduction in relation to the property tax of individuals is a reduction tax base by the cadastral value of a certain area of ​​the property.
For example, for an apartment with an area of ​​50 square meters, the tax will be calculated as follows. The cadastral value of the apartment must be divided by the area, the resulting cadastral value per square meter of area must be multiplied by 20 (tax deduction) and the resulting value subtracted from the cadastral value. Specific calculation. An apartment with an area of ​​50 meters and a cadastral value of 10 million rubles. 10 million / 50 = 200 thousand rubles cadastral value of a square meter. 20 meters of tax deduction multiplied by 200 thousand = 4 million rubles. Tax base calculation: 10 million – 4 million = 6 million rubles. The tax deduction is calculated automatically, so you do not need to take any action to receive it.
It is important to understand that the tax deduction applies to the property, and not to the individual. In other words, if an apartment with an area of ​​80 square meters 4 owners, the tax for the apartment will still be calculated based on the cadastral value of 60 square meters. Each of the owners, subject to equal shares, will actually receive tax charges for 15 square meters. meters.
If an individual has several apartments, the tax deduction will be applied to each apartment.

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