
Examination and property management universities. Professional retraining under the program “Expertise and management of real estate. Career steps and prospects

Specialty "Expertise and property management" is relatively new and lies at the intersection of construction, architecture, law and land management. Engineers who have received education in this field can find work in areas where it is necessary to carry out engineering surveys, make justifications and engineering and economic explanations for construction projects, collect and analyze project documentation, check construction objects intended for delivery for compliance with standards, participate in development and implementation of innovative solutions.

Specialists in this field are in demand in state structures(for example, in departments of architecture), and in commercial building organizations. Their responsibilities usually include:

  • conducting inspections of state and collective property,
  • assessment of their condition and prospects for further use,
  • participation in reconstruction and repair.

In addition, these specialists can work in the field of construction audit, that is, predict the final cost of a construction project, work with investors and banks, prevent misappropriation of funds, control deadlines construction works and conduct an examination of already completed stages of construction. Their tasks may also include the selection of real estate for certain purposes, for example, for trade, or the assessment of the condition of residential and industrial areas before selling or renting. Specialists in this area are in demand in the construction and legal fields, and their education also allows them to count on the development of their own business.

Interregional Academy of Construction and industrial complex(MASPK) accepts for training persons who wish to undergo professional retraining in the specialty "Expertise and management of real estate". For admission to the courses, you will not need to pass any entrance tests, however, in order to become a student, you must present a diploma of your existing education - it must be at least secondary specialized.

Professional retraining in the specialty "Expertise and management of real estate"

During the study, students will master a number of topics, including:

  • Fundamentals of architecture and building structures. Technological processes in construction.
  • Legal basis for construction and real estate management.
  • Fundamentals of surveying and real estate activities.
  • Carrying out real estate transactions, current models of the real estate market.
  • Real estate expertise, reconstruction and renovation expertise.
  • Development projects, expertise.
  • Planning and control of property management.

After completing the full program of courses, students pass a mandatory final certification. In case of its successful completion, they receive a diploma of professional retraining at the MASPC.

Distance learning

MASPC students can study both in person, personally attending all classes, and remotely. Distance learning technologies imply not only the opportunity to study using the Internet, but the correspondence submission of documents for enrollment and receipt of a diploma by mail.

Features of distance learning in MASPK

  • When compiling the training program, all the educational needs of the student are taken into account.
  • Self-generated training schedule.
  • Access to the educational base, where there are educational and methodological materials required in the learning process.
  • Possibility to use self-checking services.
  • Online communication with highly qualified teachers.

Qualification: engineer.

Forms of education: full-time, part-time.

Graduating Department: Technology and economics of construction

Entrance exams: Russian language (USE);

Mathematics (USE);

Physics (USE).

The creation of the specialty was due to the growing needs of the labor market for specialists in the examination, evaluation and management of construction and real estate projects.

In Russia, the first graduation of EUN specialists took place in MGSU in 2004.

Specialty "Expertise and management of real estate", which in international practice is called "server". The birthplace of this profession is Great Britain, where in one of the publications of 1523 the profession of a surveyor is mentioned as a kind of activity associated with the construction and operation of buildings.

During recent years this specialty has become a leader in the field of project management and includes the stages of: design, construction, management and operation of real estate.

The demand for this specialty is quite high for all sectors of the national economy.

3. Management direction provides for the study of the following disciplines: the basics of marketing and management, the basics of real estate management, management in the housing and communal complex (including apartment buildings), risk management, project management, the basics of engineering and development, etc., which provide students with an exhaustive amount of knowledge, on development and management of a real estate object at all stages life cycle: from making a decision on the effectiveness of the implementation of a construction project to its operation.

4. Legal direction, includes the study of the basics of civil, housing, urban planning and land legislation; legal framework property management; legal expertise of projects, etc. This area provides training of legally competent specialists in the field of real estate.

5. Environmental disciplines, such as: physical and chemical basis for assessing the condition of real estate objects, environmental impact assessment of projects, help future professionals to correctly assess the level of technogenic impact of construction projects on environment, as well as develop and implement measures aimed at its reduction.

The training of engineers in the specialty 270115 "Expertise and real estate management" at AISI is carried out by highly qualified teaching staff who constantly improve their qualifications at the "HIGHEST SCHOOL OF CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION, EXPERTISE AND REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT" of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, which is a legislator in the development of standards and programs in this specialty, oversees the activities of the Educational and Methodological Association of Universities Russian Federation on education in the field of construction within the framework of this specialty, initiates and conducts regional student competitions and competitions of scientific works.

By choosing the specialty "Expertise and management of real estate", you get a harmonious competitive education that provides you with a wide choice of areas for further activity.


Industrial practice students of the specialty 270115 are in construction companies; in organizations managing real estate; real estate agencies, design and research institutes; banks.

Our graduates work successfully in construction companies management of commercial and residential real estate investment, construction, appraisal, consulting and financial institutions, real estate agencies, real estate and insurance companies, banks and forensic laboratories, as well as state and local governments.

We will be glad to see you among our students!


property manager is a specialist who is engaged in the operation of buildings and structures for the purpose of effective use property for the benefit of the owner. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in labor and farming (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Short description

Real estate management includes a whole range of measures, from the formation of a strategy for the operation of the facility with the development of a budget to the control of safety and labor protection of personnel. In the course of work, the property manager is in close contact with the owners of the object, tenants, contractors, utilities, regulatory authorities. The tasks of the manager also include the organization of the work of technical services to maintain the buildings in working order, their timely repair and maintenance.

Many mistakenly assume that real estate managers are the same realtors. But this is absolutely not true. A real estate manager is a universal specialist: he is an economist, a lawyer, an architect, an ecologist, an appraiser, and a builder all rolled into one.

The complex of professional duties of a property manager may differ depending on the category of the object. There is a level classification for real estate:

  • federal real estate;
  • real estate of subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • municipal property;
  • real estate of enterprises;
  • individual properties.

Property types are classified as follows:

  • land resources;
  • forest fund;
  • residential real estate;
  • non-residential property.

By appointment, real estate objects are of two types:

  • operating property that is used to conduct business;
  • investment property used only for profit.

For successful work, a real estate manager must be competent in matters of financial, economic and fund activities, master the techniques of engineering, technical and economic expertise of objects, as well as modern methods of real estate management.

Property can be managed different ways passing it:

  • for rent;
  • in trust management;
  • in economic management;
  • to operational management.

main goals management of real estate objects are to obtain the maximum income from its operation and increase the value of the object.

Features of the profession

The activities of the property manager are carried out in three aspects:

  • legal, the essence of which is the most rational use and distribution of rights to real estate;
  • economic, which consists in the effective management of income and expenses during the operation of real estate;
  • technical - constant maintenance of the control object in working condition.

Functional responsibilities property manager at any level start with:

  • conducting a comprehensive examination of investment decisions;
  • a comprehensive analysis of the state of the real estate object and the development of a strategy for managing it;
  • development of economically justified terms of reference;
  • design and organization of production systems;
  • development and implementation of standards for the management and operation of the property;
  • development and control of the execution of the budget for the operation of the property;
  • conducting a technical and operational study of the object and its acceptance;
  • assessment of the conditions of operation and maintenance of real estate.

Before direct rental property manager:

  • organizes an advertising campaign for this object using the media and personal contacts;
  • concludes everything necessary contracts on maintenance object and controls their execution;
  • organizes and controls production and economic activities;
  • interacts with regulatory authorities;
  • organizes repair work and, if necessary, reconstruction of the facility;
  • ensures the operation of engineering and technical systems;
  • is engaged in the selection of professionally suitable service personnel; insures the property.
  • After renting out the property manager does:
  • building infrastructure management;
  • managing the work of personnel, if necessary, organizing their training and advanced training;
  • monitoring compliance with labor protection and safety regulations at the facility;
  • maintaining financial reporting on the property.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • the constant demand for the profession and its high prestige due to the construction boom in all areas;
  • stable and high income;
  • Opportunity for continuous development and career growth.


  • the highest level of responsibility;
  • the widest range of duties, which, however, in large companies with a rational organization of labor are divided among several specialists;
  • possible dissatisfaction and claims from tenants or owners;
  • the need to communicate with the widest range of people of different social statuses.

Important qualities

  • analytical mind;
  • the ability to think outside the box;
  • logical thinking;
  • attention to detail;
  • responsibility;
  • organizational skills;
  • sociability;
  • patience;
  • perseverance and diligence.

Property manager training

On this course, you can get the profession of a real estate management specialist remotely in 1-3 months. Diploma of professional retraining of the standard established by the state. Completely distance learning. largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.

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Place of work

  • Research and design institutes;
  • committees state property and property;
  • architecture management;
  • organizations for state registration and land registry;
  • expertise enterprises;
  • construction organizations;
  • real estate firms;
  • BTI - bureau of technical inventory;
  • investment funds;
  • mortgage banks;
  • organizations housing and communal services - housing and communal services.


In the Moscow region, the salary of a real estate manager reaches 5-6 thousand US dollars per month. Specialists in attracting investments can earn up to 500 thousand US dollars per year.

Salary as of 03/30/2020

Russia 35000—200000 ₽

Moscow 75000—88200 ₽

Career steps and prospects

Career growth is possible within the same company from specialist to investment professional. In addition, it is possible to move to the same position, but to another company of a higher hierarchical level. Large companies, as a rule, are interested in the professional growth of their employees and either send them to advanced training courses, or develop and implement their own training programs for specialists.

Portrait of a modern property manager:

According to special studies, representatives of this profession in Russia are predominantly men (96%) aged 40-50 years (46%). 97% have higher education. The work is associated with constant traveling, in connection with which 90% of specialists have category B rights.

Real estate management performance indicators.

The efficiency of using the property depends on the ratio of income and expenses during the operation of this object. The property manager must correctly form the amount of the rent of the leased object and its structure. The rent should not only cover the costs associated with the operation of the facility, but also make a profit.

The amount of rent (excluding profit) is determined by three factors:

Apl \u003d Kpl + Ob + Zo.n.,

where Kpl - utility bills;

About - deductions to the budget and off-budget funds;

Zo.n. - the costs of the manager for the maintenance of the property.

"Expertise and management of real estate" - a relatively new specialty. The area of ​​interest of future employees lies at the intersection of architecture, construction, land management and jurisprudence. Despite the high volume in universities, graduates often ask the following question: "I received a diploma in the profession" Expertise and Property Management. Whom to work, where to find a job?

Universities and admission

Issues of employment in the chosen profession should be resolved long before graduation from a higher educational institution. It is even better if applicants ask themselves this question before entering the specialty “Expertise and Property Management”. Universities that offer specialized study programs send future students to construction or architecture faculties. In the first courses training program basically coincides with the disciplines studied by students of related specialties. During this period of training for future specialists, the Faculty of Civil Engineering represents the most knowledge. Starting from the third year of higher education educational institution special subjects are added to the basic subjects that students master. The basics of legal activity, some aspects of land use and property management, and other specialized disciplines are studied.

Where to study?

The objects of study are buildings and structures for industrial and domestic purposes, building materials and structures, ventilation systems, external communications, land plots, etc. General term The program duration is five years. Educational institutions where you can get this specialty are available in many regions of Russia. For example, you can name such universities as:

  • Academy of Construction and Public Utilities.
  • Moscow State University environmental management.
  • Astrakhan Civil Engineering Institute.
  • Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  • Siberian Construction Institute.

The results of the Unified State Examination in such subjects as mathematics, Russian, chemistry, physics are accepted as entrance exams.

Undergraduate training and practice

At the final stage of training, the student is faced with the question of where to work out the obligatory pre-diploma practice. The necessary practical experience for a future graduate can be provided by architecture departments, land management bureaus, special departments of city and local councils that deal with land issues.

Private companies will provide students with the opportunity to try their hand at sales and long-term rentals. As a real estate specialist, a university graduate has all the necessary knowledge and can apply them in the practical field. With a successful start and the conclusion of successful transactions, the student will be guaranteed a job.


Upon graduation, the graduate receives the qualification of an engineer. If it so happened that the diplomas "expertise and property management" have already been received, and the issue of employment is still not resolved, you can consider the prospects for obtaining a job, based on total amount knowledge gained by the student in the learning process.

A graduate who graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering can engage in the following activities:

  • design and engineering;
  • managerial;
  • organizational;
  • production;
  • research;
  • appraisal.

The emphasis on specific types of activity is made taking into account the content of the educational program developed in a higher educational institution in the direction of "construction". The profile "expertise and management of real estate" implies a full preparation for solving the set professional tasks in the basic areas. Quality preparation - necessary condition successful employment.

Design and design field of activity

"Expertise and management of real estate" - a specialty that allows you to conduct engineering surveys, draw up engineering and economic explanations and justifications for construction projects. Also under the authority of the expert builder is the collection and system analysis project documentation, implementation of technical developments and sketches. Participation in the development of innovative solutions, compliance with those intended for delivery building objects, engineering structures are also considered the duties of a specialist whose diploma says “expertise and property management”. Who to work is not a question for a graduate of a technical university who knows how to perform such work - from to construction office space to the development plan of cities and microdistricts.

Management and appraisal field of activity

Various construction organizations and architecture departments need specialists who are well acquainted with all existing norms and requirements for completed construction projects and engineering structures. Such specialists can promptly inspect all objects of state and collective property, assess their condition and take part in plans for reconstruction and repair. Programs, plans, projects and estimates - this is a small list of what a university graduate can and can do in the profession of "expertise and property management".

Who to work?

The most likely position that a graduate can hold is a civil engineer, estimator, foreman. There are many such vacancies. Another thing is that employers are in no hurry to contact university graduates, preferring more experienced professionals who have already proven themselves in any successful projects. But it is best to take part in the development of such undertakings even in senior courses. Participation in construction will give the student the necessary experience, practical knowledge, and most importantly - the reputation of a promising young specialist. Then the question "I got the profession of "expertise and property management", who should I work now?" will fall off by itself.

Expertise and audit

Construction audit is another area of ​​possible activity for a graduate. The profession of "expertise and management of real estate" allows you to occupy the positions of employees of firms involved in construction audit. The knowledge gained allows us to predict the final cost of a construction project with possible budget correlations, to assess the legal prospects for development land plot, predict and stop undesirable developments, for example:

  • block the misuse of investor funds;
  • monitor the timeliness of the deadlines for the implementation of the next stages of construction work;
  • conduct an examination of the built sections with the provision of an appropriate assessment and recommendations for correcting shortcomings and errors.

In many cases, the construction auditor also performs the duties of a technical expert. Cases of sudden destruction of buildings and building structures, legal assessment of spontaneous self-building, issues of housing expansion or redevelopment - all this is under the jurisdiction of a construction expert.

Another area of ​​activity is working with banks and investors to attract Money for the construction of residential and building buildings. Modern financial institutions they give money only under clear, developed plans for the development of the allocated amounts. Without a developed action list, financial institutions will refuse to lend to construction. An impeccable financial reputation and a thorough analysis of the construction site allow construction audit experts to work with large all-Russian banks and seek selection loan funds on special terms.

Real estate expert

The conclusion of real estate transactions is fraught with many pitfalls. Any object built with minor violations building codes and rules, runs the risk of being the subject of lengthy litigation in the future. A real estate expert assesses the condition of a building or structure, the prospects for its use, and the duration of operation. Based on this assessment, the company selects an object for economic activity, for example, as industrial workshops or retail outlets.

Construction expertise

A real estate specialist who has received a higher education in the field of expert assessments will become an invaluable employee in any reputable office for the purchase and sale of residential and non-residential construction projects. Thorough construction expertise, carried out taking into account all existing requirements, will secure sales transactions real estate and save a lot of time and money.

An accredited expert has the right to conduct an independent inspection of completed objects and assess the condition of apartments, industrial premises and workshops before selling or renting. Peer review is an important trump card in litigation. An expert may be called to court to confirm his findings, to analyze real estate, or to assess the damage caused. Such a specialist in the field of construction can work independently, as individual entrepreneur, or be an employee of one of the bureaus of examinations.


Summing up, we can say that specialists who have received diplomas in "expertise and property management" can find work in the construction, trade or legal field, become analysts, experts, real estate specialists. Any of these directions is quite promising and successful. A graduate who successfully graduated from a university and received the profession of "expertise and property management" can count on employment and a career take-off with the prospect of developing his own business.

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