
High definition map satellite. Satellite map of land

Russia is located in the northern part of the mainland of Eurasia. The country is washed by the Northern Arctic and Pacific Oceans, Caspian, Black, Baltic and Azov Sea. Russia has overall boundaries with 18 countries. The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 17 098 246 sq.km.

Plains and lowlands make up more than 70% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Western regions are located on the Eastern European Plain, where the lowlands alternate (Caspian and others) and the hill (Midneyskaya, Valdai, etc.). The Eastern European Plain from the West Siberian lowland is separated by the Ural Mining System.

Map of Russia from the satellite online

Map of Russia from the satellite. Cities of Russia from the satellite
(This map Allows you to study roads and individual cities in various viewing modes. For a detailed study, the card can be dragged into different sides and increase)

Russia is rich in huge stocks of fresh water. The largest rivers include: Lena, Angara, Yenisei, Amur, Volga, Ob, Pechora and others with their numerous tributaries. Baikal is the greatest freshwater lake.
Flora of Russia consists of 24,700 varieties of plants. Most of the plants in the Caucasus (6000) and the Far East (up to 2000). Forests belong to 40% of the territory.
Diverse animal world. It is represented by white bears, tigers, leopards, wolves and a huge variety of other animal representatives.
Petroleum reserves are explored almost throughout the country. The Siberian platform is rich in stone coal, potash and stone salts, gas and oil. Kursk magnetic anomaly includes the largest iron ore deposits, on the Kola Peninsula - the deposits of copper-nickel ore. On the Mountain Altai many iron ores, asbestos, talc, phosphorites, tungsten, molybdenum. Chukotka region is rich in gold, tin, mercury, tungsten.
Thanks to the geographical position, Russia belongs to various climatic belts: arctic, subarctic, moderate and partially subtropical. The average January temperature (by different districts) is indicated from the plus 6 to minus 50 ° C, July - plus 1-25 ° C. In a year, precipitation drops 150-2000 mm. At 65% of the country's territory there is an eternal Merzlot (Siberia, the Far East).
The extreme south of the European part includes the mountains of the Greater Caucasus. South Si-Biri occupy Altai and Sayans. The north-eastern part of the Far East and Siberia is rich in the middle of the mountain ranges. On the peninsula of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands - volcanic territories.
Russian population by 2013 amounted to 143 million people. Representatives of over 200 nationalities live in the country. Of these, the Russians make up about 80%. The rest are Tatars, Chuvashi, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, Chechens, Mordva, Belarusians, Yakuts and many others.
Russian peoples talk to 100 and more languages \u200b\u200brelating to Indo-European, Ural, Altai language families. The most common conversational languages: Russian (state), Belarusian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Tatar, German, Chuvash, Chechen and others.
The most numerous Orthodox population in the world lives in Russia - 75% of Russians. Other common confessions are: Islam, Buddhism, Judaism.

In their way state Device Russia belongs to the Federal Republic of the Presidential Type. It consists of 83 subjects, including:
- regions - 46,
- republics - 21,
- edges - 9,
- cities of federal significance - 2,
- Autonomous districts - 4,
- Autonomous region - one.

Russia has a huge tourist potential. However, this sphere is still waiting for its development. On the this momentIn addition to the usual spa tourism, a new direction is developing, such as rural tourism. Exist different kinds rural tourism: ethnographic, agricultural, environmental, educational, culinary (gastronomic), commercial, sports, adventure, cognitive, exotic, wellness and combined.

Rural tourism (agricultural tourism) is primarily surrounding from all sides nature, architectural monuments and historical places. Petukhov singing in the mornings and pair milk to dinner, natural food and tourist routes replete with beautiful views, holy sources, monasteries, fields, beauty of forests and fields, fishing on the shore of the lake, familiarity with rural life, with traditional crafts, the opportunity to join the rustic Environment I. cultural heritage, Make hiking, cycling and horseback riding. In addition, rural tourism raises the role of local history.

This type of tourism flourishes in Europe, in Russia he is still incomprehensible wonder, however, those who want to relax in the style of Country becomes more and more.

Such a rest away from the city fuss and noise gives a colossal energy charge.

For free observation of the earth's surface and view snapshots from the satellite online, you can use multiple applications. In Russia, two of them are most popular: Google Maps. and Yandex cards. Both services boast of good quality pictures from the high resolution satellite of most countries.

Yandex Maps - online application from Russian developers, so in it more accurately worked out the city of Russia. It has a built-in functionality for viewing traffic load data (large settlements), demographic and geodata. In the maps from Google no less high-quality pictures from the satellite of the Russian Federation, but the data on land plots And traffic is available only for the United States.

Watch map of the planet Earth from the satellite online

Below you can get acquainted with the built-in card from Google. For more stable work of the plugin, we recommend using Google Chrome browser. If you see an error message, refresh the specified plugin, then restart the page.

Watch Google Planet Earth from the satellite, real-time online:

Another advantage of Google Maps - availability of a client application for working with satellite pictures. This means that access to the service can be obtained not only through the browser, but also through the previously downloaded program. It has much more opportunities for viewing and studying pictures from a satellite, working with a three-dimensional virtual globe.

3D card from the satellite from Google (downloadable app, not online version) allows you to:

  • use a quick search for the right objects by name or coordinates;
  • do screenshots and record high quality video;
  • work online (preliminary synchronization is required via the Internet);
  • use the air simulator for more convenient movements between objects;
  • save "favorite places" for rapid movements between them;
  • browse not only the earth's surface, but also pictures of other celestial bodies (Mars, Moon, etc.).

You can work with Google satellite maps through a client or browser application. A plugin is available on the official page of the program that allows you to use an interactive map on any web resource. It is enough to build its address in the site program code. To display, you can choose both the entire surface and a certain area (you have to enter the coordinates). Control - with a computer mouse and keyboard (Ctrl + mouse wheel for scaling, cursor for moving) or using icons designated on the map ("Plus" - closer, "minus" - remove, move using a cursor).

Service Google Planet Earth in real time allows you to work with several types of cards, each of which reflects those or other data in the satellite pictures. Between them it is convenient to switch "without loss of progress" (the program remembers where you "were"). Available viewing modes:

  • landscape card from a satellite (geographical objects, features of the earth's surface);
  • physical Card. (detailed surface images from a satellite, cities, streets, their names);
  • conceptual geographical map for more accurate examination of the surface shots.

A snapshot from the satellite is automatically loaded at the site of approximation, so a stable Internet connection is required to work. To work Google Planet Earth On Offline mode, you need to download the application for Windows or another operating system. For its work, the Internet also requires Internet, but only for the first launch, after which the program synchronizes all the necessary data (snapshots from the surface satellite, 3D models of buildings, the names of geographic and other objects) after which it will be possible to work with the received data without direct Internet access.

Satellite map. Russia - high-resolution images made from space by orbital stations. An image that the user sees consists of a variety of individual pictures. The high quality used in orbital stations, equipment made it possible to achieve the highest picture quality. As a result, on the screens of mobile devices, PC monitors, high-precision high-resolution images are available to us, the image on which is very accurate and clearer.

Satellite map of Russia real-time displays high resolution pictures. You can see almost all Russian cities. By approaching the removal of objects, moving the cursor to separate parts of the card, it will be possible to consider streets, buildings, separate designs and areas. The greater the city's size, the more detailed part of the satellite map.

Satellite Map online real-time 2016 - We study the country together

High Resolution Satellite Maps Online 2016 is a set of high-precision pictures, through which it is possible to study the settlements of different values \u200b\u200bof a specific point in time. User, choosing the object you need and scale, gets his picture at the same time. When choosing the appropriate parameters, instead of the "satellite view" mode, you can display the image:

  • landscape view;
  • schematic representation of Russia, individual cities;
  • view from the satellite - the real image.

High-resolution satellite cards online 2015-2016 - the most adapted for the user's model of interactive card images from the site service. They will allow travel throughout the territory of the whole state, from anywhere in the world. Satellites make it possible to track topical data on the location and state of those or tint objects from different settlements of non-identical Russia.

Russia or the Russian Federation is a unique country with regard to European and Asian features. The map of Russia is striking: the country occupies a huge territory of 17 million km2 and is located simultaneously in the territory of Northern Asia and Eastern Europe.

143 million people live in Russia. The Russian Federation It is a kind of "melting pot of nations": representatives of more than 200 nationalities live here. The country is the federal republic with the presidential form of government. The territory of the country is divided into 46 regions, 9 edges, 21 republics, 4 autonomous districts, one autonomous region and 2 cities of federal significance. It is noteworthy that the Kaliningrad region is located in the European Union and has no borders from the Russian Federation.

Today, Russia is one of the dynamically developing states that prefer world politics. The Russian Federation is a member of numerous global political organizations such as the UN and "G8". Despite the relative stability and significant development of the country after the fall of the Soviet regime, the Russian economy depends largely on energy resources, in particular from prices for oil and gas.

The capital of Russia is Moscow - one of the most expensive and beautiful cities in the world.

Historical reference

The Russian Federation is the successor of several states. The country leads its history from 862, when Kievan Rus was formed. In the XII century, numerous Russian principalities were located in Russia, which in the XV century were united to the Russian state. Since 1721, King Peter I created Russian Empire. In 1917, the revolutionary movement of socialism overthrew the monarchical regime and first formed the Russian republic first, then the RSFSR, and in 1922 the USSR.

During the Soviet regime, the country from other countries of the world was separated by the "iron curtain", some consequences of which were still not liquidated. In 1991, the collapse of the USSR occurred, and the Russian Federation appeared.

Must Visit.

Russia is a country in which there are many cultural, historical and natural monuments. It is recommended to visit the business and cultural centers of the country - Moscow and St. Petersburg, Lake Baikal, the city of "Golden" and "Silver" rings, Orthodox monasteries and temples, the Caucasian Reserve, Kamchatka Volcanoes and much more.

Interactive map of Russia - Modern I. convenient way to find the desired map Any region or city. This card allows you to view cities in both satellite mode and in a schematic card mode. You can look from the satellite with the ability to bring any city and switch between different suppliers and types of cards. Additional services are available - real-time cloud photos, traffic jams (only for large cities), photos of the area, weather layer with the display of current weather for each settlement, and a brief forecast for the next 4 days.

For most objects on the map of Russia - Satellite photos of Google Maps are considered the best quality

The quality of the satellite photography often depends on the region, because satellite images need to be constantly updated. Therefore, different providers can have a different photo quality for a particular city or region. However, the best pictures of the photo in most cases are in Google Maps. Photos Yandex cards are often worse in quality, but they can be newer, so you can do it for new buildings and Yandex. Ovi Maps - to surprise in some cases possesses photographs, even on Google Maps,

Open Street Maps.

OSM is a phenomenon of a modern computer society, because the card is making simple people (Volunteers volunteers), (unlike the 2GIS card and others). But despite this, OSM is considered the most accurate and detailed map not only for Russia, but also for the whole world. Even such giants like Yandex or Google cannot make cards as accurately and effectively, as it makes the community of enthusiastic enthusiast cartographers. New buildings (namely, it is easy to determine the relevance and "freshness" of the card) are almost always present on OSM (and even the foundations of new buildings), while in Google and Yandex they may be present alternately, or not at all. In addition, Open Street Maps Probably the only card on which paths in parks and forests are displayed and many other additional objects that are usually not on other services.

Russia - physical Card. one file showing the most big cities, main ridges and plains. The map is very clear and simple for understanding, although not enough detailed.

Physical Card - Option 2

Many users are interested in online satellite maps, giving an opportunity to enjoy the view of the favorite places of our planet. There is enough number of such services in the network, while all their diversity should not be misleading - most of these sites use the classic API from "Google Maps". However, there are also a number of resources using their own tools for creating high quality satellite cards. In this material, I will talk about the best high-resolution satellite maps available online in 2017-2018, as well as explain how to use them.

When creating satellite cards of the earth's surface, both snapshots from cosmic satellites and photos from special aircraft, allowing photographing at the height of bird flight (250-500 meters).

The satellite cards created in this way are regularly updated, and usually pictures with them have age no more than 2-3 years.

Most network services do not have opportunities to create their own satellite cards. Usually they use cards from other, more powerful services (usually google MAPS). At the same time, at the bottom (or at the top) of the screen, you can find a mention of the copyright of any company to demonstrate maps data.

Viewing satellite real-time satellite cards is now not available for a regular user, since such a toolkit is used mainly for military purposes. Maps are available to users, photos for which over the past months (or even years). It is worth understanding that any military facilities can be deliberately naked in order to hide them from interested parties.

Let us turn to the description of the services that allow us to enjoy the capabilities of satellite cards.

Google Cards - View from Space in High Resolution

Bing Maps - Satellite Card Service Online

Among cartographic online services A decent quality cannot be passed by the party by the Bing Maps service (Bing Maps), which is the brainchild of Microsoft. Like the other resources described by me, this site provides quite high-quality surface photos created using satellite and aerial photographs.

Service "Bing Maps" - one of the most popular cartographic services in the USA

The functionality of the service is similar to the above-described analogues:

In this case, using the search button you can define online the location of a particular satellite, and clicking on any satellite on the map you get a brief information about it (country, size, launch date, and so on).


To display high-resolution satellite cards online, it is worth using one of the network solutions listed by me. The largest popularity in the global scale has the "Card Google" service, therefore I recommend using this resource to work with satellite cards online. If you are interested in viewing geolockations in the territory of the Russian Federation, it is better to use the toolkit "Yandex.Maps". The frequency of their updates in the relations of our country is superior to the same frequency from Google MAPS.

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