
Blocks on the foundation of the tires. The foundation from the tires - when and how is it done? Foundation from automotive tires

A rather unusual new way to build foundations for individual construction was the creation of a foundation from old, used tires.

The essence of the innovation is as follows. The basis of the carrying walls of the construction of a private house or household building usually lies on a plate or tape support. The horizontal component of the foundation can perform in the form of a painter - horizontal power element. It can be created from concrete casting, made of metal chapellera or from a wooden bar. In order that the horizontal base is not moved under the influence of temperature deformations of the soil - pillars are summed under it. The depth of the placement of such supports depends on the characteristics of the soil, primarily on the level of its freezing, as well as on the degree of its compressibility.

The characteristics of the soil are determined during field surveys. However, these characteristics of soils may vary both in the redistribution of one year and in the medium term. Seasonal and long-term changes in the state of the soil can lead to the deformation of the foundation, which transfers the load on the carrying structure of the structure. Such changes can also cause the structure of the house.

Instead of placing the support of the house on durable pillars, the idea of \u200b\u200bplacing a buffer of old, used tires under it. They possess a certain elasticity, and the seasonal and annual shut-off changes are absorbed. This method has already been successfully tested in low-rise lung construction construction. Tires placed under the support plate or carrier woodwatch are jerking soil fluctuations.

Another advantage of using old tires as a support support design is and a significant reduction in construction, which is important for private house-building. Such a foundation foundation will cost much cheaper than the tape concrete foundation. The tires themselves will cost you almost free, you will have to spend only for transportation from to the place of construction.

For the construction of such a foundation support, practically any tires will be suitable, but preference must be given to more massive and overall designs, such as tires from heavy wheels trucks.

Building the foundation of the house from the tires with your own hands

This technology originated in our country in early 2000. Currently, it is even decorated with a patent as a useful invention.

Cheap, practically free used tires when placing them in the ground become almost eternal. They are destroyed only due to the impact of direct sunlight, from which they will be securely protected by the soil layer.

The automotive tires placed under the bearing base will significantly soften the load from the bunched soils. Tire rubber perfectly extinguishes oscillations, actually it is its main purpose. In addition, tire rubber has excellent waterproof properties and prevents the penetration of moisture from the ground to the design of the house or household building.

Elastic tires can be used as a support even in areas with increased seismic activity. Rubber pillow perfectly extinguished soil oscillations.

The concept of using tires, as base for the foundation, is shown in the figure.

The only disadvantage of such a solution is to release by tires of harmful substances with from placing on the surface of the Earth. To prevent this harmful phenomenon from it is necessary to instill in the Earth.

How to make a table foundation for home

You can get old tires at any car maintenance station. By this you will help the owners of the car service to carry out free utilization of waste. It is advisable to take a large diameter tires. You can translate from to your site using an ordinary truck.

At the preparatory stage, we make a project of the foundation and produce its markup on the ground. When performing markings, we note the spicycles of the corners of the future foundation and stretch the cord or fishing line as around the perimeter of the foundation support and in its diagonals. Equal diagonal markups indicate that the internal corners of your rectangle turned out perfectly straight.

From the surface construction site It is removed fertile soil. It can be moved to a greenhouse or a bed for growing plants.

Under the placement of supports from the tires are thrown. The depth of placing tires depends on the characteristics of the soil.

On the bottom of the dumped holes poured sand. It spills with water and thoroughly tram - a sand pillow is created. Tires are stacked in the pit.

There is an option for the construction of the foundation from the tires when they are fitted with a solid layer, in addition to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe house, or as well as ribbon foundation - That is, around the perimeter of the future structure and under its inner carrier walls.

Please note that sand or soil must be filled with not only the space between the tires, but also their internal volume. Failure is very carefully tamped.

On laid tires, you can accommodate almost all types of foundations. So on the platform with laid in bulk tires can be formulated monolithic foundation In the form of a plate. As a result, the concrete casting will lie on the ground that effectively extinguishes all the oscillations of the soil.

You can form a ribbon foundation.

Also directly on the tires can be laid as a woodwork, which is formed or in the form of a spatial frame made of metal channel or from a wooden bar.

Also inside the support pillar of old tires can be pouring a concrete solution. In this case, the construction process of the foundation using tires will resemble the construction of the foundation base on boronobiive piles, only instead of formwork will be used tire rubber. Before the fill of the concrete solution in the "Wells", formed by the internal edges of the tires, you can place the reinforcing belt that can be associated with a horizontal painter.

Structure on tires (former) - Photo

This design will be faithful to serve as a foundation for light household buildings, for example, for garages or household premises. However, its use as a support for a residential house causes certain issues. However, such a house was already built in Leningrad region, distinguished complex soil and not easy climatic conditions And serves his owner for many years.

Each owner land plotwho decided to build a house or another structure, thinks about saving funds for work. It is no secret that most of money goes to the building of the foundation - about 35% of the cost of the building. Modern technologies It is possible to not only save on construction, but also ensure the long-term operation of the construction without loss of quality.

The foundation made of tires - inexpensive, environmentally friendly, reliable solution for the construction of yard structures. To build this base, tires are needed from machines, minimum of tools and materials, which makes it possible to reduce the consumption of funds, having received a high-quality, reliable foundation of the building.

In modern construction, much attention is paid to the designs in which secondary raw materials are applied. The use of tires left from exploitation should be cheapening the construction of the base, because tires are almost free material.

Benefits of Foundations from Resellers

The main advantages of the use of tires for the base are considered:

  1. Long service life.
  2. High wear resistance.
  3. Significant savings.
  4. Seismic resistance.
  5. Environmental purity.
  6. Good depreciation properties, elasticity.
  7. Simplicity of construction, minimum of labor costs.
  8. Efficiency of use, reliability of the design.

At the foundation from tires only one drawback is a large width. This creates some difficulties when building bearing walls and outdoor design of the building.

Do not fear the construction of the bases from the tires, this construction novelty has already shown its stability and efficiency.

Foundation from automotive rubber - reliable and practical

The base of the tires has proven itself when erecting light houses, saunas, arbors, utility rooms and other structures with a small mass. The use of old tires allows you to minimize money consumption for the construction of the foundation, so the use of automotive rubber as a basis for the construction of small structures becomes a popular solution.

The foundation from the tires is easy and practical, the construction of such a base will require a minimum of time, tools and materials.

An important nuance, which is taken into account when laying the foundation from automotive rubber, is the location of the tires at one level. Otherwise, there is a breakdown, which will threaten further construction.

Tire base arrangement

As mentioned above, the foundation from automotive tires Apply under small country houses, baths, gazebos, sheds and other light facilities. Construction is carried out in two ways:

  1. By type of foundation of a glass of type.
  2. The method in which the tires are used as pillars supporting the design.

Count the foundation on tires in several stages:

  • Prepare the platform.
  • Mounted in two rows of tires.
  • Fall asleep cavity of rubber products soil.
  • On the perimeter of the base is set to formwork.
  • Top of automotive tires fasten the frame from a metal corner, a chapellera.
  • Pour the construction of tire concrete solution.

Sequence of work

Before the start of construction, the site preparation is carefully carried out: remove the garbage, stones, dig up the rhizomes of shrubs, trees, remove the top layer of the earth with a thickness of 25-35 cm. Nivelira is used to align the territory.

Then the old tires are laid in two tiers (the more tires to install, the stronger is the foundation). The cavities inside and between the elements are falling asleep with the material under hand: gravel shallow fraction, crushed stone, ground, broken brick, construction garbage.

On top of the mounted rubber tires are laying linoleum, rubberoid for the convenience of uniform fill of the concrete solution. The site for the foundation is carried by the curtains from an iron corner, a sheller with a height of no more than 15 cm. Inside the fence-free space, rods are placed from metal and fill with a concrete mixture.

The base of the tires is allowed to stand for two weeks, after this period, the walls are proceeded.

To build a foundation from tires, use another method. This sequence of work is:

  1. Remove the top layer of the soil with a thickness of 10 to 15 cm, cut down the pit desired size. To seal the soil, use a rink or tamping from a thick log. The pit is filled with rubbed shallow fraction and compact. You can also dig a hole on the tire diameter and folded the supports of two or three products. The number of rubber elements depends on the height of the erected base and the relief of the site used to build a house, arbors, baths.
  2. When carrying out marking works, a roulette is used, pegs are clogged into the plates of the tires.
  3. Tires are laid on the installed columns. With the help of a building level with a wide board, the product is equalized along the horizontal plane.
  4. Inside each tire, the waterproofing material is placed, then filled with fine-mellular rubble, which poured with layers with a periodic seal to a level of 6 cm from the top edge of the tires.
  5. Next, the rubble is moisturized and a concrete mixture is poured into each pillar. Clean the surplus of the solution is convenient edge of the board. A similar method for one approach is poured one post.
  6. A week after a set of concrete strength, the base of the bottom strapping is started.

Thus, a solid concrete base is formed on top of the tires, transmitting the main loads on the crossbank layer, which distributes them evenly. This foundation is suitable for the construction of a light house, garage, gazebos, baths and other buildings.

The boards of rubber tires are an excellent compensator when freezing and thawing the soil. The rubble base is easily quenched by the movement of the soil up-down. The main advantage of a similar method is small earthworks in terms of volume.

When the rubber base is erected in the summer season, the tires are covered with polyethylene to prevent cracking of the cement mortar poured inside.

Some features of construction

During the Bookmark of the Lower Tires, be sure to control their horizontal location using the level for this purpose.

Carefully make sure that the top points of the tire foundation are located at one height, it can be done in such a way:

  • The wheels are installed in the dumped pits, they put the rails of the same length, stretch the thin twine on top.
  • Next, the horizontality is checked, thanks to this method, it is easily determined, to which bulleting need to add land, and in what - to remove.
  • The height differences are eliminated by navigating the blocking of the boards of the desired thickness to the lower parts.

A similar foundation due to the large width of the tires is far beyond the limits of the walls in the corners of the construction and at intermediate points. This disadvantage is eliminated by decorative sheatting protrusions with approval materials.


Special care The base of the tires does not require, only at the initial stage of the construction of the tire should be reliably protected from direct exposure to sunlight. Be sure to follow the technology of the construction of the foundation from automotive tires so that the building built is not at risk of destruction.

The original way of building a solid and reliable base for the construction of any type on bunny soils - This is the foundation from the tires with your own hands.

Such a technology has become in demand due to low financial costs and its simplicity.

The foundation from automotive tires has its own design and operational features.

The use of old car tires for the construction of a foundation base is the unique development of Mikhail Seykin, who for the first time implemented it in the construction of a 3-storey private house with an area of \u200b\u200b260 sq.m.

Advantages and disadvantages of the foundation

Each material used to build the foundation has its advantages and disadvantages.


The key advantage of the construction of automotive tires is the available price: consumed tires can be purchased at any station. maintenance, in a car service or acquaintances of motorists.

In addition, this foundation has the following advantages:

  • high bearing capacity - the finished design can withstand a load of several tons;
  • reliability and strength - a support from automotive tires from trucks prevents sending, deformation and overturning the structure with movable ground;
  • high waterproofing properties - the base ensures reliable protection of the structure from negative impact groundwater and high humidity;
  • depreciation with sharp differences in temperature modes;
  • seismic resistance to soil oscillations, which prevents the formation of cracks and splits in the finished structure;
  • the simplicity and availability of the establishment of the foundation personally, not attracting expensive specialists;
  • the low weight of the material and the convenience of transportation;
  • long service life.


The disadvantages of the material include susceptibility of rubber to the negative effects of ultraviolet and elevated temperatures.

When heated, automotive tires are capable of separating toxic substances and synthetic smell.

The only measure of the elimination of such a shortage is a reliable isolation of auto stones from the negative impact of surrounding factors. For example, staining with heat-resistant paint or trim in a professional flooring throughout the perimeter of the base.

Sphere of use of foundation

The foundation from the tires is successfully used to build buildings on bubbly soils and in seismic zones. The basis is provided for construction:

  • private frame houses. The installation of tires is carried out in several rows in the pre-prepared kitty;
  • household buildings - garages, sheds, arbors. The column base of the tires is installed on the outer corners of the buildings;
  • ban and saunas. For wooden baths, the foundation from automotive tires does not require additional swelling;
  • fences. Tires are installed in one row throughout the perimeter of the site.

The most popular is the foundation from the tires for the bath and at home.

Types of the foundation base of tires

Due to the high bearing capacity, the foundations from automotive tires are recommended to be used to build light facilities. According to the laying method, two types of base distinguish:

  • packed. It is represented by separate support pillars, which may consist of 4-5 tires. A concrete solution or soil is used as a filler;
  • slab. For the construction of the slab, the building material is installed in two rows with the strengthening of a special armogram made of metal rods.

Important! Under the foundation foundation for the house it is recommended to use large-diameter tires that have increased strength and wear resistance. In addition, all elements must be one size and brand, it will ensure the construction of a reliable and durable design.

Foundation Foundation

Attention! As a filler of the voids in the tires you can not use sand. This is fraught with excessive shrinkage and deformations of the finished structure.

Construction of a columnar foundation

The foundation from automotive rubber in the form of pillars is relevant to the construction of lightweight frameworks, be it a bath, a country house, a garage or a household building.

A similar reason is steadily on the mobility of the soil, so it is recommended to build in seismic regions.

A columnar foundation from the tires for a gazebo or a bath is as follows:

  1. Preparation of pit for the foundation at the construction site. Leveling the bottom, flowing down with sand or crushed fine fraction. Careful tamping waterproofing pillow.
  2. Marking of the area around the perimeter of the base according to the plan of construction with the help of pegs.
  3. Installation of automotive tires so that the peg is located in the center of each element.
  4. Alignment of the height of the supports using the construction level.
  5. Flashing formed by emptiness fractional material - rubble or brick fighting.
  6. Moisturizing and fill of each element with a concrete mixture.
  7. Installation of strapping from a bar after completely frozen concrete.

The foundation base of old car tires is affordable and reliable way For the construction of lightweight buildings - residential buildings and household buildings in areas with movable soils.

Hi to all guests and blog readers. In this article I will tell you how I did for my home the foundation. As you already, probably, understood from the previous article that I have an unusual foundation.

After studying many types of foundations, I came to the conclusion that the foundation from the tires for the house, in my case, will be the most appropriate.

Why did I come to this conclusion? Read the article and find out everything!

Small plan article:

  1. Why such?
  2. Description of the principle of work
  3. Comparison with other types of foundations
  4. Who came up with such a foundation?
  5. Completed projects
  6. Step-by-step sale of the foundation made of tires from me
  7. What to do with the basement

Now we run on each item in more detail.

Why did I choose this type of foundation?

At first, I could not decide what type of foundation to choose. To do as most builders in our area I did not. And they make it quite original: pouring out of the PGS, and a log house is put directly on it, and also from the inside of a chub on two or three crowns fall asleep from the ground.

I just can not understand how it should work, the main principle of insulation is to do it always outside, and the principle of the foundation, to break away from the ground, and give the structure of stability ...

Above the photo can be seen as it looks in my house.

At first, I, of course, reacted to this skeptical, still the wheels are designed completely for another. But then, deepening in the principle of his work, I realized that it was just the perfect option for me.

For such criteria, this option was approached by the foundation for the home:

  1. Smoothing of seasonal movements of soil
  2. Big square Support
  3. Easy construction
  4. Low cost
  5. Durability
  6. Seismic resistance
  7. Reviews Tech who has already implemented such a foundation

To understand how it all works, we turn to the next point of the plan.

Description of the principle of work

To begin with, consider a separate area with one tire. As you can see the basement of the tires extremely simple.

The principle of building foundation

This tire, laid on the ground, stuffed with the fact that you have, and Ruralka is laid at home, we naturally do not forget about the waterproofing, between the woodworking (strapping of the house) and the wheel.

Since I live in the area where the drainage depth is very deep, the places comes to 3-4 meters (somewhere there are sites of permafrost), the high level of groundwater is added to everything, the movements in the soil are simply catastrophic !

Now look at what fences we become a few years after installation ... For three years, the right pillar has grown at 12 cm.

Curve fence

People dig huge trenches, and lay powerful metal connections between the columns of the gate and gate, only to the wicket all over the year opened the same ...

Something distracted. So here foundation columnal From the tires helps to reduce the shifting forces of the soil in relation to the house. The tires have the property of damping, and at a pressure on a certain site, it is expanded or a reducing risk of shift shift.

Such supports are considered a columnar type of foundation. Only columns are obtained not blown into the ground, but lying on the surface. Well, the area of \u200b\u200bsupports at the wheels is also quite large.

Now let's see what happens when the high pressure appears in any area of \u200b\u200bthe tire lying on the ground.

Redistribution of pressure

When such an effect appears, the tire walls begin to move away, albeit slightly, but enough to reduce the transmitted pressure on the design lying on it.

Almost the same effect occurs at a pressure on the entire tire, it simply is completely deformed completely, and the neighboring supports will receive a smaller load, while the shift of the woodwork will be insignificant.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation of the house of this species, allows you to build buildings also on weak soils. Where is usually drowning at home, such supports will help you to help out you, they will be much easier than similar in the area concrete foundationAnd help build a house even on peat soils.

I think with the principle of work is understandable, now let's compare different types Foundations with the foundation of tires.

For convenience, I made a table with the basic criteria with which I was guided by choosing the basis for the house.

Comparison of the foundation made of tires with other foundations

The choice for me was obvious, and I decided to build such a basis for the house.

Where did the feet of the foundation from the tires rose?

After examining the sources, I came to the conclusion that people have long used such supports, but they received more widespread due to the Internet, the third branch is already going on with a discussion of the foundation for the house on the tires.

On such a foundation there is a patent, Comrade Seykin Mikhail Egorovich, patented the technology of construction of support for the foundation using tires. It is just a tires work to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe support of the foundation, the soils are swampy, weakly hold the load. That's how it looks like it.

Option from Semikina

Where: 1 - concrete slab, 2 - linoleum (rubberoid), 3 - tires.

How I did the basis for the house

Consider how I did such a foundation. I will try to describe in steps. To begin with, we will define the materials and tools that we need:

  1. Tires are automobile, the size depends on what the structure will be erected. I took from trucks, GAZ-66, KAMAZ, GAZ-53, one even from the laset.
  2. Geotextile, it is necessary quite a bit, it stacked inside the tire, before sting in soil
  3. Any filler, sand, PGS, clay, or their mixture, as an option, what is on the site.
  4. Shovel Soviet, approximately this, preferably with such a handle - will be used as a traam
  5. Tamble, if a shovel with a simple cutter
  6. Automotive jack, and several bars long as the concrete tire board.
  7. Couple, or a few pairs, strong hands)))

This is a complete set for the construction of the foundation.

Now the process itself itself. I will tell you how I did, many builders used different techniques, but everyone suggests that such a method is the easiest, you can quickly fight on the Internet.

What can be done with such a basement

As an option, you can fall asleep with sand coaches, and make a blockage in the form of a base. It can be separated by siding under the stone, it will be very impressive. But this is if you make a warmed floor. If the plans to organize a warm underground, then I recommend to do what it will be done with me.

This scheme shows how the base will look at the completion of construction.

Option Design of base house when performing such a foundation

Here are:
1. Cover Zavalinki
2. The outer wall of the Zavaling, will be made of wood and finished by siding under the stone
3. Zavaling filler - sawdust
4. The outer wall of the Valing
5. Soil
6. Tire
7. Polyfoam

You can download all the schemes and project of the carcass at home, you can pass the software where I made an overview of my construction entirely.

Waterproofing will be laid on the ground before filling the sawdust, to prevent moisture penetration into sawdust, and geotextiles will be nailed to the outer wall and in a circle to the inner wall of the house, to prevent scattering of sawdust.

The use of breathable material in the base is important for regulating humidity in the subfield in winter. It is not necessary to fully isolate air movement by vapor insulation.

Well, that, we consider the subject of the foundation for the house built from the tires - closed.

Subscribe to blog updates, and you will learn more interesting, do not forget that I am building a full estate - such is on this moment My main goal! Read also my other articles about, and, I cheat tried!

Well, the mustache is still to new meetings!

Man is inherent in the spirit of invention. And if the rationalization idea, when implementing life, can bring great benefits and become popular among others, then such a fonder there is simply no price. The foundation from the tires is your own hands - a great idea that creative people came up with, together, based on the parameters of stability and economy.

For which buildings will fit the foundation from the tires

The technology of such construction bases under construction appeared in 2000. For reliability, the support will be suitable for any tires, but it will be better to perform the function of the foundation of massive tires of heavy trucks. Rubber from which they consist - excellent elastic material capable of extinguishing even the activity of the soil in zones with seismic instability.

In construction, such a reason can be safely applied to small buildings - baths, garages, household buildings and for home of small sizes. For overall and heavy buildings, it is necessary to use traditional types of foundations.

Attention! The foundation from the tires will not cope with the load that the walls of large houses have, and its use for such types of structures can lead to the destruction of the building.

Advantages and disadvantages of the foundation of tires

Such foundation has a sufficient amount of advantages, among which you can allocate:

But there is such a foundation and some drawbacks:

  • The big width of the tires creates difficulties for subsequent cladding;
  • If the tires are hit in large doses of ultraviolet, they can highlight substances harmful to humans and soil (therefore it is recommended to shower them into the ground).

How to make a foundation made of tires

In order to make their foundation from the tires, you should take care of the presence of such materials and tools:

  • Required amount of tires;
  • Shovel - to dig a pit;
  • Rake or other tool that helps to stron the surface;
  • Gravel and crushed stone, for hiding emptiness between tires;
  • Sand - to add to cement mortar;
  • Brick wreckage - to fill the space inside the tires;
  • Ruberoid - as a waterproofing and leveling layer;
  • Boards - if necessary, mounting formwork;
  • Reinforcement to strengthen carriers;
  • Construction level for surface leveling.

In addition, other elements necessary for the construction of the base may also be needed.

From the tires can be equipped with both slab and a column foundation, while the technology of their installation is slightly different.

Tire plate

Such a base is like a slab, the structure of which is the used tires. At the same time, the following types of work are performed in the specified sequence:

To frozen formwork leaves 7 to 10 days, after which it is possible to make it dismantling and produce work on waterproofing the base.


Such a base requires a larger work, but is distinguished by elevated strength characteristics, it is more reliable and durable.

The installation technology of the columnar design is as follows:

  • The territory is cleared of garbage;
  • There is a marking of the future foundation with marks in the locations of the corners;
  • The top layer of the turf is removed;
  • It is digging by the parameters of the recovery, which falls asleep rubble and tightly trambed;
  • On the installation places of the tires from the tires, pegs are installed, which are driven into the ground;
  • On each peg dresses one or more tires, depending on the required height of the foundation;
  • With the help of the construction level, alignment is made general all tires horizontally;
  • All tires fall asleep with enough rubble and poured with a concrete mixture;
  • After the frozen (about 7 days), work is performed on the installation of a strapping bar.

There is another simple way to quickly and not complicated the base of the base of the construction of old car tires. It also has high strength and reliability. Tires are stacked around the perimeter of the intended construction, after which they are made by metal chapels. Previously, a concrete solution is poured inside each tire, and anchor is inserted into the inside.

Other important moments

As if necessary, the construction of any of the types of foundation, such a base should also be calculated depending on the type of soil, groundwater passage, and other atmospheric external factors. Such grounds are not recommended for hot climates, but they perfectly cope with seismic oscillations, hacking them without prejudice to buildings.

Tires must be made of a sufficiently dense type of rubber, but at the same time have not the largest diameter (like construction equipment tires). A large width of the tires can make the choice of facing material complex.

In order for such a base for a long time, and at the same time reliably and firmly held the erected building, it is necessary to correctly fulfill the entire technology of work on its installation, as well as ensure reliable protection against the effect of sunlight.

Historical excursion

The progenitor use of such a material for the fulfillment of the foundation was a resident of Sakt-Petersburg - Semikin M. He not only tried this option in the construction of his own home, but also received a patent for the proposed invention. At first he tried to make the basis of the old tires used for his garage. Making advantage of the high strength and reliability of the design, Mikhail applied it to build a residential building. At first, the attitude to the rationalization offer of self-taught was sufficiently skeptical, but considering the fact that the first erected foundations are well performing their functions so far, to the craftsman began to apply for the exchange of experience. Over time, this technique of implementation and materials began to become popular among builders.

As can be seen on the example of the article, even the most incredible materials can become an excellent manufacturer to bookmark such an important element Any building as a foundation.

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