
When you can make noise in the apartment. What time can be repaired in an apartment building

Six in the morning, and the neighbor is not sleeping on top! Turned on the drill and drill another hole in the wall! And the neighbor is from below, it strives to make music at that moment when the family is going to go to bed! And the neighbors on the left will not find out the relationship, once again break the dishes and throw furniture with a roar ... I know such a picture? Unfortunately, the noise produced by neighbors in apartmentmatic multi-storey houses is not uncommon. Do you know what is not allowed only at certain hours? And how many can be noise in the apartment in the workers and on weekends will tell the article.

What does the law say?

The noise is produced almost everything and this is not avoided. But the noise can be different in volume and influence on the human nervous system. The level of sound vibrations is measured in decibels. What it is louder, the greater harm brings health, and in some cases it leads to a death rate. IN Russian Federation For more than ten years, the "law on silence" has been operating, in which it is written to how many can be hired in the apartment, as well as outside it. But unfortunately, few people are known, even fewer people use them. It should also make a reservation that the unified federal law for the whole country, which would prescribe the volume of noise and the time when it is possible to noise, does not exist. Different regions and subjects use either their local law or turn to the Administrative Code or to the sanitary standards for noise produced.

When is it prohibited?

So how long can you make noise in the apartment under the law of the Russian Federation? The answer to this question will be found in the law on silence, which in different regions of the country has a different name. For example, a resident of the capital, who led the search for a response to the question about how much it is possible to noise in an apartment in Moscow, read out that it is forbidden to make noise in the city from twenty-three up to seven in the morning. In the regions of the country "Tischina" there are somewhat different from each other, and in this regard, confusion often arises. In particular, the Moscow region is prohibited from 22.00 to 6 am on working days, and on weekends, festive and non-working days to observe peace and silence from 22 to 10 am. In Yekaterinburg, it is prohibited to noise for ten nights to eight o'clock in the morning and the like. Therefore, the answer to the question about how much it is possible to noise in the apartment under the law of the Russian Federation, it sounds like this: from ten in the evening to eight, even up to ten in the morning, depending on the region of residence. At the specified period, not to violate the legislation, you need to muffle the sound of TVs and other technical devices, as well as monitor the volume of your votes. The legitimate volume of the produced sounds should be about 40 dB.

Noise in decibels and sanitary standards

Sanitary standards determined the noise level that does not damage human health. These norms make up 40 decibels at night and 55 decibels during the day. For the presentation, the noise level in these decibels correlates with a conversational speech, which is pronounced without any emotions. 60 dB correlates with a conversation at elevated colors. Children's crying comes up to 80 dB, the train sound in the subway comes to 100 dB, and the deadly sound level is 200 dB (correlated with the sound of the explosion).

In addition to legislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the necessary information on the issue of how many can be hired in the apartment can be found in sannors. In particular, it is distinguished by daytime, which is considered to be a period from 7 to 23 hours and night from 11 pm and up to 7 am, respectively. According to the standards, the maximum allowable sound level in residential premises It is the noise level of 55 dB during the daytime and 45 dB - in the night.

What actions lead to violation of the law?

The law determines that the actions that disturb peace and silence are:

  • use of technical devices;
  • using alarm by car;
  • singing, loud cries;
  • playing musical instruments;
  • loading and unloading;
  • other actions.

As you can see, the list is not exhaustive, it is open. The main criterion of the violation of the law will not be the height and volume of the sounds of the sounds, but the violation of the rest of the citizens at a certain time. And how many times you can make noise in the apartment under the law of the Russian Federation, we go to understand further. By the way, not all actions that lead to noisy sound effects will be considered unlawful. If the car alarm has worked in the case of an attempt to hack the machine, the owner will not be attracted to responsibility. Noise in the elimination of natural disasters or accidents will also not fall into the field of vision of law enforcement officers.

How many can you make noise in the apartment in Moscow at the weekend?

As a rule, people on weekends wish to relax and sleep before the work week. Therefore, an inquisitive and law-abiding citizen, before starting the repair of your own dwelling, which is known to be accompanied by significant noise effects, will ask, how much can be hooked in the apartment. Under the Law of the Russian Federation on weekends, noise is allowed during the daytime. The law does not distinguish the production of noise depending on the day of the week, so at the weekend in the daytime loudly listen to music and lead repair work It is allowed at night. Repair I. construction work In some regions, the special legislative acts are regulated, according to which, to noise, repairing an apartment is allowed only to 19 hours.

How many can you make noise in the apartment in Moscow on weekdays?

As mentioned above, the law does not distinguish between the concept of workers and non-working days. The criterion of violation is the time of day, during which noise is made. An exception to the rules is to carry out repair and construction work, which can be performed only until 19 hours.

How to deal with neighbors?

Normally, when people, the will of the fate, to live in the neighborhood, will independently agree and solve the problem of noise. If there are talk of souls and explanations, to how much it is possible to make noise in the apartment, do not have any action, just time to seek help in law enforcement agencies. It happens that, on the arrival of the police, the neighbors cease to noise, and it will be difficult to prove the violation on their part. Therefore, before typing a well-known number 02, it is advisable to preserve the evidence base to fix the noise to the audiomers and find other dissatisfied tenants that suffer from noise no less than yours.

The district inspector will hold an educational and explanatory conversation for the first time with a neighbor, and if it does not increase the action, will make a protocol on administrative offense. He will be the basis for making a decision on bringing to responsibility and imposing a fine. To enhance the argument and position in judicial proceedings The Constitution of the Russian Federation can be referred to, the provisions of which provides that the use of their rights and freedoms should not violate the rights of others. If, due to the loud sounds, arterial pressure increases, nervous disorders and insomnia arise, the appeal to the court for compensation for moral damage in the monetary equivalent will be a good means of combating non-painful neighbors.

Sizes of fines

The dimensions of fines also differ depending on the regions. So, in Moscow on citizens, a fine can be imposed in the amount of from five hundred to one thousand rubles. From 2000 to 4,000 rubles, the penalty will be imposed on officials. Legal entities are also less, the fine will vary from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles.

Whatever it was, you should never forget that we, people, creatures are public and live surrounded by their own similarities. It is worth developing a habit of respecting their rights and, accordingly, the rights of others. The ability to negotiate and understand the needs of others will also come in handy in the fight against the noise produced.

Imagine such a picture: Morning, warm bed, you see one of the most beautiful dreams in your life and here .... Pržzhzhzhzh ... You open one eye in the hope of understanding what is for the sound .... and suddenly again ... LJ ... You already open a second eye and start guessing that a neighbor from above, on the side or bottom again, again began to drill a hole under the next picture, shelf, lamp ...

Familiar situation, right? And what's the result? The day of the cat under the tail, the morning did not ask! Headache, hello, pass, sit down more comfortably, feel at home!

In this article, we will break the light on what days of the week in Moscow and the Moscow region and at what period of time, and most importantly, how long, you can drill holes and make repairs, listen to music and watch your favorite films, dance one or noisy company. And at the same time, all this in the framework of the current legislation, without violating the rights of citizens - its neighbors. And also tell about the "quiet hour."

What is noise?

Noise - "Elastic oscillations and waves in the air in the frequency range of human hearing" ("Msangline 001-96. Sanitary norms of permissible levels of physical factors in the application of consumer goods in domestic conditions. Interstate sanitary rules and norms").

Let's carry out a small comparison:


Moscow region

What is regulated?

    The Law of Moscow dated July 12, 2002 No. 42 (ed. Dated 09.12.2015) "On compliance with citizens and silence in the city of Moscow"

    Law of Moscow dated 11/21/2007 No. 45 "Code of the city of Moscow on administrative offenses"

    The Law of the Moscow Region dated March 7, 2014 No. 16/2014-OZ "On the provision of silence and peace of citizens in the territory of the Moscow region"

    Law of the Moscow Region dated January 11, 2008 No. 1/2008-OZ "On administrative responsibility for offenses in the field of ensuring peace and peace of citizens in the Moscow region"

What noises are forbidden?

In addition to the conditions listed in the nearby column:

The use of televisions, radio receivers, tape recorders and other sound-reproducing devices, as well as soundsaw devices, including those installed on vehicles, small-scale trade facilities - kiosks, pavilions, trays;

Using audio signals of security alarm systems;

Other actions accompanied by sounds.

1) the use of sound-reproducing devices and sounds, including installed on vehicles, on (c) trading objects, catering, leisure activities;

2) screams, whistling, singing, playing musical instruments;

3) the use of pyrotechnic agents;

4) carrying out repair work, reorganization and (or) redevelopment of residential premises;

5) carrying out earthenware, repair, construction, unloading and other types of work with the use of mechanical means and technical devices.

Which periods of time and days do not make noise?

1) there is no violation of silence and rest of the citizens from 23 hours to 7 hours;

2) the maintenance of repair work in the premises from 19 hours to 9 hours and from 13 hours to 15 hours, as well as on Sunday and non-working holidays (except when these works are carried out within one and a half years from entering apartment house commissioned).

There is no violation of the silence and peace of the citizens:

1) up to 8 hours 00 minutes and from 21 hours 00 minutes on weekdays (from Monday to Friday inclusive);

2) up to 10 hours 00 minutes and from 22 hours 00 minutes on weekends (Saturday, Sunday) and installed federal law non-working holidays;

3) from 13 hours 00 minutes to 15 hours 00 minutes daily for protected objects (apartments and rooms common use In apartment buildings, residential buildings, residential premises and public premises in hostels).

What is the responsibility?

Article 3.13. The Law of Moscow dated 11/21/2007 No. 45 "Code of the city of Moscow on administrative offenses" entails a warning or imposition administrative fine:

    on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles;

    on officials - from four thousand to eight thousand rubles;

    on legal entities - from forty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.

Article 15 Resolution of Mosobldumum dated 09.07.2015 No. 14/135-P "On the draft Law of the Moscow Region" Code of the Moscow Region on Administrative Offenses ".

1. Violation of the silence and peace of the citizens within the prescribed periods of time, entails a warning or imposition of an administrative penalty:

    on citizens in the amount of one thousand to three thousand rubles;

    on officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles;

    on legal entities - from twenty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

2. The commission of an administrative offense leads the imposition of an administrative fine for the second time during the year:

    on citizens in the amount of four thousand rubles;

    on officials - from fifteen thousand to thirty thousand rubles;

    on legal entities - from sixty thousand to eighty thousand rubles.

3. The commission of an administrative offense, in the third and subsequent times during the year entails an administrative penalty:

    on citizens in the amount of five thousand rubles;

    on officials - fifty thousand rubles;

    on legal entities - from one hundred thousand to a hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

How to determine the noise level?

To determine the noise level, you must contact Federal Service According to the supervision of the protection of consumer rights and the well-being of a person or other organization offering services to measure noise (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 04.24.2006 No. 308).

Who is the protocols about administrative offenses?

Administrative offenses are entitled to be officers Internal affairs bodies.

Administrative offenses reports constitute officials of the Central Executive Authority of the Moscow Region of Special Competence, which performs executive and administrative activities in the territory of the Moscow Region in the field of state administrative supervision.

I would also like to note the fact that citizens appeal for the judicial protection of their rights, according to the question under consideration, for example: "B. He appealed to the court to the defendant T. On the obligation to eliminate the violations made during the repair, restoring sound insulation in the apartment to the design value, recovery of compensation for moral damage. In substantiation of the stated claims, the claimant B. indicated that in March 2012, the repairs of the respondent residing at the address: ..., repairs began. In the period from 2012 to 2013, her family has to live almost on a constantly increased noise background, her thoroughly deteriorated well-being, aggravated chronic diseases. In the situation, such audibles in the apartment will not improve the state of their health. According to the plaintiff, this is due to the fact that the defendant, making repairs in his apartment, broke noise insulation, and therefore any noise produced in the apartment of the defendant creates significant inconvenience to resolve the plaintiff and her family " (Definition of the Moscow City Court of 05/22/2015 No. 4G / 6-5256 / 15, 2-1696 / 14).

We believe that peace of citizens are fully protected by current legislation and maximally takes into account their legitimate rights and interests, however, unfortunately, positive judicial practice Not so much and mostly, the courts denied the plaintiffs to satisfy their requirements in connection with the unprincipledness of the fact of noise, and there is a lot of such practice.

I would like to note that from 01/01/2016, the amendment to the law of the city of Moscow dated July 12, 2002 No. 42 "On compliance with the rest of citizens and silence at night in the city of Moscow", according to which the ban on Moscow will be introduced in Moscow Production of noisy work from 13 to 15 hours and from 19 to 9 hours, as well as in non-working and holidays.

According to the adopted law, during these periods of time, the accomplishment of actions that disturb the peace and silence, when carrying out a reorganization and (or) redevelopment of residential premises in apartment house and (or) non-residential premisesnot a common property of owners of premises in an apartment building, other repair work in these rooms.

The prohibition does not apply to the implementation of the specified work for one and a half years from the date of the introduction of an apartment building.

The introduction of the specified "quiet hour" has only positive moments, Now, now small kids can sleep peacefully and will not be awakened by a workaholic neighbor, and the builders will have time to rest, which will not be right, but only a duty.

And at the end, I would like to remember the golden rule of morality: "Do not do the other that I would not want to do you," and follow the law.

Many neighbors due to noise there are conflict situations. If someone went to rest, and there is a loud music behind the wall or the repair is done, it always annoys. Sometimes, due to the noise between the neighbors, quarrels flashed, which in some cases the fight ends. So that this is not, you need to know, how many can be noise in Moscow. This is telling our article.

What is noise

Noise indicators are measured in decibels (dB). But not everyone knows, of them fall on various sounds. As an example, you can take the following cases:

  1. Conversation - 40 dB.
  2. Loud conversation - 80.
  3. Work drill - 120
  4. Car alarm - 110.

The volume of volume is performed using special devices, but the human ear also perfectly perceives the sounds. Based on sanitary and epidemiological norms, it was revealed that a comfortable noise is 55 dB, and at night - 40 dB.

If the noise prevents comfort, it is almost certainly exceeding the permissible indicators. This does not apply to the neighbors suffer in high sensitivity and irritability. Even more troubles bring sounds when repaired. How many can you make noise in Moscow by law? How many repairs can be repaired? These provisions we consider a little below. First, we will define the concept of "noise".

What breaks silence

The noise includes:

  1. The use of different sound-reproducing devices in transport, as well as in kiosks, cafes, in open areas.
  2. Playing tools, singing, whistle.
  3. Alarm machines.
  4. Pyrotechnic agents.
  5. Construction, repair, loading work.

Any sounds can cause domestic residents. Therefore, it is important to take into account the norms of the law, as well as to know, how much can be noise in Moscow and the region.

What is said in law

Now there is a decree on sanitary and epidemiological requirements in residential premises. There are noise levels and their duration. This law is functioning since 2010 and was created to fulfill the requirements of FZ No. 52.

At the federal level, the time is not set when it is impossible to noise. These powers were transferred to the regions where time periods are installed at the local level. Usually noise is prohibited during the period of time 23: 00-07: 00, as well as on weekends and holidays.

What is allowed

It is impossible to completely prohibit the noise, because it is a natural sign of vital activity. But in the time established by law, its livelihood needs to be carried out so that it does not bother others. Otherwise, administrative punishment is provided.

Nuances for Moscow

Residents of the capital must be known, how long can you make noise in the apartment in Moscow? Because of the frequent buildings and renovations, many Muscovites appeals to law enforcement officers, since they prevent their neighbors relax. How many can be noble in Moscow, established by law of 12.07.2002 "On respect for peace and silence in Moscow". From January 1, 2016, the following norms were approved:

  1. The noise is allowed (up to 55 dB) during the daytime from 9 to 19 hours.
  2. Silence must be at 13-15 hours.
  3. Cannot noise on Sunday and holidays.
  4. In new buildings for 1.5 years, the norms of the same law are valid, but in the old edition, i.e. from 23-00 to 07-00 hours.

Thus, the answer to the question, how many can be hired in Moscow, it will be as follows: from 07:00 am to 23:00 pm. In the regions, these norms may differ.

If repair is planned, then wizards should be invited to those hours that are allocated by law for the production of loud sounds. Sometimes it is difficult to follow the time frame adopted by law. Many neighbors are "entering the position" and promise to suffer. If there are special situations, for example, children need to relax in the afternoon, then a compromise should be found.

These actions will protect themselves from trouble, but do not provide a guarantee, because they do not cancel the norms of the law. There may always be unhappy people who will definitely complain to the police.

Protecting interests

To protect your rights, you need to know not only what you can make noise in Moscow, but also how to behave in a situation where the noise is too loud. To be aware of these issues, you can take the following actions:

  1. Read the norms of the law of the region. You can do this using the Internet. Consultation is provided in the police.
  2. If someone interferes, you should talk to them. This is the right decision, because a citizen may simply not be aware of such standards. In any case, he must respond to the remark.
  3. If the remark did not affect, then you can call the precinct. He must accept the statement, talk with the violator. Educational measure may be a remark. But for it, it is also worth a penalty in the amount of 100-500 rubles. Punishment for the entrepreneur provides for the payment of 500-1000 rubles.

If noise comes from the organization, then the fine for it is 10-20 thousand rubles. There may also be a ban on occupation of up to 3 months. Noise is heard almost everywhere. But it should be borne in mind that everyone has the right to rest, so if the sounds interfere with, should be acting under the law.


It should be known not only to how many hours you can make noise in Moscow, but with how many it can be done. On the territory of the capital, permission to law begins at 7:00. In some regions, noise is resolved from 8-9 hours.

It is necessary to stop noisy work at 13-15 hours, because this time is intended for sleeping children during the day. If it seems that the noise level in the allowed clock is too loud and long, which can harm the hearing, should be addressed to Rospotrebnadzor. Professors will be performed and protocols are made. But Rospotrebnadzor does not take measures with random or natural noise.


Many people are waiting for the weekend to complete the repair, the organization of noisy events, because at other times there is no time to do. But the law indicates that these days are intended for rest, so it is prohibited to make noise.

How many can you make noise in Moscow when repairing on weekends? In the capital, the weekend is Sunday, so on Saturday you can engage in such works until 23 hours. On Sunday, it is impossible to repair at all. But in some regions it is forbidden to make noise within 2 days (and on Saturday, and on Sunday).

Apartments and houses

The law does not have the division of the concepts of an apartment and private house. If someone violates the law with loud work in the private sector, then he is responsible as a city resident.

You need to know not only what you can make noise in Moscow. And for the Moscow region there are its own standards. Silence on Saturday should last from 19:00 to 09:00. There is a day break - 13: 00-15: 00. On Sunday and the holidays noise should not be. For the street there are the same rules as for the premises.

A responsibility

Many people with neighbors can be solved peacefully. If your neighbors behave loudly, it should be explained to them, how many can be noise in Moscow and region. If it fails to agree, it is necessary to contact the relevant instances:

  1. SanEpidemstation. Organization Check noise level with special equipment and will provide conclusion.
  2. Rospotrebnadzor. It is necessary to make a statement, after which the organization will consider it and take measures.
  3. Plot. It is necessary to file a complaint, after which the law enforcement officer will begin checking.

If a neighbor is noise at night, and also violates the requirements of the law relating to the repair, it can be discharged a fine of 1-2 thousand rubles. For daytime exceeding the norm, a fine is 100-1000 rubles.

When it is possible to ignore the law

The norms of the law cannot violate. But there are situations where to comply with it will not work if it is related to the safety of people:

  1. During emergency rescue work.
  2. When protecting against offenses.
  3. Catastrophe.
  4. Rescue work.
  5. Natural disasters.
  6. At different emergencies.

Protected by noise rooms, except for apartments, are holiday homes, boarding schools, hospitals, nursing homes, dispensaries, kindergartens, most people violates silence to New Year's Eve. Although it is a holiday, but still need to think about people around us.

Noise insulation

In order not to hear all the sounds produced by the neighbors in their apartments, as well as the sounds from the staircase, you can make noise insulation. This uses different materials. Outsided sounds make a person nervous, do not provide opportunities to focus. Soundproofing will allow you to restore calm. You can perform the sound insulation of the ceiling and / or floor as well as walls. For this apply:

  1. Plasterboard. Before installing them, it is necessary to remove the slots in the walls through which noise can fall. Then you need to launch the walls. Plasterboard is installed special rules. For example, if outside the walls are heard outside sounds, the framework should not be installed in it, since the noise will still be heard. During installation, we need to use rubber gaskets. The slits are filled with mounting foam. Mineral wool is attached for reliability.
  2. Equata or Zipse panel. Panels are installed close to the surface to protect against noise from walls, floor, ceiling. For installation requires the creation of additional holes. Together with Ekovachi SIPS also retains heat.
  3. Materials are a reliable means of protection against the sounds from the ceiling. Due to the variety of colors, it turns out to choose the appropriate option for its premises. The basis of the panels is
  4. Suspended ceiling. The material has an acoustic action enhanced by extraneous noise.
  5. Rolled building materials. Their main is a special film with sound-absorbing action. Requires preliminary preparation of the wall. Material is mounted using "Bustilat".

Most people face noise daily. If there is high-quality insulation in the room, outsiders do not break the rest.

When conducting cosmetic and overhaul Without the help of construction tools, it is not necessary to do, so the masters are interested in how much you can work a perforator and other technique that creates increased vibration and noise. In different regions of the Russian Federation, these rules differ, but there are also the general requirements that everyone should know who is going to noise.

Rules for all - what should the tenants know?

A single document that regulates the rules when it is possible to repair in a multi-storey building, not created. In each region there are amendments and laws. However, it is worth highlighting the main points that are suitable for most territories. In non-working and holidays, it is allowed to break silence in the interval from 10 am to 22. Redevelopment of housing, which includes the replacement of communication systems, is limited to time from 9 to 19.

In the capital and other regions of Russia from 13 to 15 hours - rest regime. The processes passing without the participation of the working perforator, the bump and other noisy tools are allowed from 7 to 23. These include: shook wallpaper, primer, putty, painting. The daily duration of repair work also has temporary limitations. After 6 hours, it takes an hour of a break. The total repair time in high-rise buildings should not exceed 3 months. When violating the deadlines and numerous complaints of the neighbors, you will be attracted to administrative responsibility - you will have to pay a fine. For the first time you can make a warning.

Other reasons for complaints are the oversrage of the waste of stair cells, evacuation output and other public areas. Building garbage should not be transported in the passenger elevator without packaging. Claims about the violation of the rules of repair and construction work fixes the precinct in writing. Equipment that is used to repair at home must meet the requirements of safety, efficiency, take the minimum space, save time and strength, create minimal noise and vibration. Permitted noise in high-rise buildings no more than 40 dB, temporary maximum 55 dB.

For example, 60-65 dB - a loud conversation, 70 dB - printer noise during operation, 80 dB - phone call, vacuum cleaner noise, 85 dB - loud cry, playing guitar.

Perforator work creates 90 95 dB. To achieve ideal indicators that meet the norm will be problematic, but it is possible to reduce the duration of exposure. Therefore, give preference to a high-quality and rapid perforator, a strokesque for the walls, avoiding a drill and a hammer. It does not hurt in the house and the sound meter, which controls the noise level and vibration.

Violation of silence in Moscow and St. Petersburg - what are the differences

The law on silence in the Moscow region was adopted in 2002. From the moment he was repeatedly made adjustments. Last changes passed throughout 2014 2015. Since the beginning of 2016, new edits regulate the following points. Drill a perforator, a drill, working with a hammer, a grinder, a stroke cutter and other construction equipment from 9 to 19. According to numerous requests, a decision was made on the time of silence during the daytime from 13 to 15 hours, which became a pleasant news for families with breast and small children. It is forbidden to noise on Sunday and holidays.

According to a survey conducted, which participated a little more than a quarter of a million Muscovites, the opinions were divided almost in half. 55% voted for the end of repair and construction work in residential buildings Until seven in the evening, and 42% - up to eight. IN Leningrad region this law Constracted changes in 2017. According to new legislation, any actions associated with noise are carried out in the period from 7 to 22 (previously until 23 hours). The innovations did not quite arrange the owners of clubs and restaurants. However, they had to measure with them, in case of violation of the administrative law, a fine is assumed, the size of which can be up to 500,000 rubles.

Is it possible to make repairs at a convenient time, you ask? Yes, you can. To do this, you need to collect residential signatures that they are not against the repair work before or later regulated time. However, as practice shows, it is difficult to achieve a positive result from all neighbors and residents of the entrance, so you have to act according to the rules of local legislation.

Limitations in Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod and other cities of the Russian Federation

Night time is a period when it is forbidden to carry out any noise activities exceeding 30 dB. In each region of Russia, this time interval is different, although in many areas it coincides. For example, in the Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod and Vologda regions, the rest period comes at 22 and ends at 7. And in Nizhny Novgorod, the rule spreads from Monday to Friday, and on weekends, time is shifted forward for 1 hour and 2 hours in the morning.

On Sakhalin, in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the restriction is valid from 22 to 6 am. But on weekends and holidays (with the exception of the Kabardino-Balkan Republic) it is extended for three hours in the morning (and an hour in the evening in Sakhalin). In the Tyumen region, resting citizens comes from 22 to 8. There is a law on the "quiet hour" from 13 to 15, including noise in the apartment, on the balcony and even on the street in public places. The same rules are attributed to the Samara region. The exception is the period from the first June to the thirty-first, when the restriction begins to act with 23.

Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg and Kaluga region, Krasnodar Territory, under night, understand the gap from eleven o'clock in the evening to seven in the morning on weekdays. On weekends and the next day after the holiday, the law on silence in Bashkortostan and the Orenburg region is extended until nine in the morning. Repair work on the territory of Bashkortostan is allowed to eight in the evening, and in Orenburg - from nine in the morning to seven o'clock in the evening on weekdays and Saturday. In the Kaluga region - their limitations. With Mon PT from 7 to 8 am, all types of construction works are prohibited, and on weekends and holidays - from 7 to 9. In the Republic of Kalmykia, observe silence from 23 to 6 am, in Stavropol Territory - from 22 to 7.

For residents of the Primorsky Territory, it is forbidden to violate silence from 22 to 9 am on weekdays, and on Saturday, Sunday and holidays it is extended for an hour in the morning and evening. Noise and carry out repair work Daily at the interval from 13 to 15 is not allowed. In the Kaliningrad region, a ban on repairing on weekends and public holidays is imposed. The exception is repairs in new buildings, which were commissioned at least 1.5 years ago. In such buildings, the repair can be carried out daily in the bright time of the day without restrictions.

Precognition of fines - who and how much will you have to pay?

If you do not know how much you can work and drill the walls, as well as to publish other noise and vibrations above the norm in the period unidentified by the legislation, you may be fined. Every year an indicator of penalties for administrative disorders increases not only by the number of offenders, but also in the amount of payment. According to the laws, the first violation is preventive, and if the noisy neighbor continues to violate the public order, a fine is discharged. Carase both physical and legal entities. The difference is only in the amounts of recovery.

The minimum amount for an ordinary residential home citizen is 500 rubles, for the company - 40,000 rubles. Moreover, in addition to recovering the fee, law enforcement agencies can fully close the organization for violation of the administrative order.

To a little orient in numbers in the country, the time for carrying out repair work in the time of the time in St. Petersburg and the fields of individuals can lay out from their own pocket from 500 to 4,000 rubles, and legal entities - up to 50,000 rubles. With repeated offense, the amount doubles. For ordinary citizens, they constitute two minimum earnings per month. In the Moscow region for such offenses, the local government is punishable even more. Amounts for organizations range from 10,000 to 300,000 rubles, and for individuals - from 500 to 40,000 rubles.

Peace of citizens and their protection against harmful noise influences is provided by law on silence.

In this article, I will tell you how it is correctly called this normative actHis main provisions, which consequences are awaiting calm violators, how to avoid conflict situations with neighbors.

○ Noise Act.

Special legislative Actwhich would have a specific name "The Law on Noise" or the "Law on Silence" - today the legislator is not accepted. At the federal level, there is law No. 52-ФЗ on the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of citizens.

At the regions level, their laws are accepted, which takes into account local features. Such an approach led to ambiguous interpretation of the same concepts. Therefore, for recent times, changes have been made, which allowed to designate the main controversial points:

  • The demarcation of buildings was produced, their concepts are given (art. 24).
  • Explanations are provided with regard to repair without violation of the rights of others (art. 27).
  • The concepts that are related to noise (Article 23) are legally enshrined.

This allowed to bring regulatory base Regions in line with federal legislation.

○ Fundamental provisions on silence.

The law on silence established the following main provisions:

  • The time period is precisely defined when silence must be observed.
  • Mounted maximum duration of repair work during the working day.
  • Limited time interval, during which long-term repair can be carried out in the apartment.
  • The use of pyrotechnics is strictly limited, exceptions from the rules are strictly specified.
  • A valid volume level at various hours of day is recorded.
  • Determined territories on the ground subject to the requirements of the law.
  • Concrete sanctions are established for violation of silence.
  • There is a possibility of appealing superimposed recovery.

How long can you make noise in the apartment?

The law prohibits creating loud sounds, noises that exceed the rules set by the SES from 7 am to 23 pm.

Day rate - 40 dB, in some cases up to 55 dB.

Night rate:

  • From 21 hours to 07 am on working days, established officially.
  • From 22 hours to 10 am per festive and weekends.
  • From 13 hours to 15 hours to any calendar day.

is 30 dB.

When can I listen to listening to music?

The sound of hands-free music is also prohibited by law. Valid volume should not exceed a maximum of 55 dB at such a time interval:

  • From 7 am to 13 and from 15 to 21 hours in the evening on weekdays.
  • From 10 to 13 and from 15 to 22 per festive and weekend.

Noisy repair.

To break peace of citizens when performing repair work, you can six hours throughout the working day. At the same time, it is necessary to take a break from 13 to 15 hours. On weekends and holidays, repair is prohibited. The total duration of the work should not exceed three months.

Noise in a private house.

The requirements for the level of noise in a private house are no different from the requirements for noise, published in the apartment of an apartment building.

○ The consequences of the impairment of silence.

At the federal level, the law provides for the application of civil liability. However, each region for violating the law on silence provides for administrative responsibility in the form of a fine.

He is imposed on legal entities and individuals, individual entrepreneurs.


Penalties to violators of the peace of mind are applied according to the Codexes on administrative offenses, which are adopted by the legislative assemblies of the subjects of the Federation. Their size depends on the subject of the offense. So:

  1. Legal entities are fine from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Additionally, a temporary ban on the class of statutory activities for up to 90 days is possible.
  2. For individual entrepreneurs a lot of sanctions. Penalty - from one to two thousand rubles.
  3. Individuals They are responsible within 500 - 1,000 rubles.

Other ways of punishment.

Especially malicious violators of the peace of mind, the court decision can be evicted with occupied housing (!). However, this is a very long procedure, which is usually not used in practice.

○ How to avoid punishment for noise?

It all depends on what is the source of noise. If it is necessary to make repairs, it will be better to enlist the consent of the neighbors. In the absence of mutual understanding, you should contact TCC and get a formal permission for repair work, with a time indicating when you can noise.

If a family holiday is planned, a meeting of friends is naturally noise from loud votes, singing, music. Therefore, it is better to prevent neighbors. Otherwise, the police and unnecessary proceedings should be expected.

Measures noise.

Clear noise can be performed in several ways:

  1. Alone, with the help of special programs that can be installed on a computer, smartphone, tablet, as well as by comparing the noise source with data specially developed tables.
  2. Employee SES using a special device - noiseomer.

The measurement method depends on the goal that is persecuted. If noise is happening from the next apartment - it is necessary to call SanEpider.

How to challenge the preparation of the protocol?

Administrative offense protocol has a section for comments. So should express your disagreement.

If administrative recovery is applied, a decree should be handed. It can be appealed to the court within 10 days, from the date of receipt of the document under the painting.

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