
Combined accounting policy for basic and unified income tax. Accounting policy for individual entrepreneurs on the basis (filling sample) Accounting policies for individual entrepreneurs on the basis and UTII

Individual Entrepreneur Accounting Policy

for tax purposes (OSNO and PSN)

(Approximate Sample)

Individual entrepreneur _____________ (full name)

ORDER No. ______

on approval of accounting policies for tax purposes


1. Approve the accounting policy for tax purposes for the _______ year in accordance with


2. I entrust control over the execution of this order to myself.

Individual entrepreneur (full name)

Annex 1

to the order dated ____ No. __

Accounting policy for tax purposes

1. Keep tax records in person.

2. Accounting for property, liabilities and business transactions carried out separately by

each of the following activities:

Services Catering;

Renting out real estate.

Grounds: clauses 6 and 7 of Art. 346.53 Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 86n 346.53 No. 86n.

3. IN regarding activities, related to the rental of non-residential premises,

Reason: subclause 19 of clause 2 of article 346.43 Tax Code RF.

The amount of deductions is adjusted based on the results tax period.

The adjustment is made in proportion to the revenue from activities taxed under

patent system, in the total revenue of the entrepreneur for the quarter. At the same time, in calculating revenue

income recognized as non-operating in accordance with Art. 250 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Adjustments are made for each invoice according toas of the last day of the tax period.

Amounts of tax subject to restoration at the end of the quarter, included in the cost of goods

(works, services) and fixed assets are not included and are not taken into account when calculating personal income tax.

An individual entrepreneur may prefer to work for OSNO in case of product sales large companies, conducting activities subject to VAT and in need of appropriate tax deductions. If this tax regime has become the basis of your business, you will have to provide for all the features of determining income, paying taxes, reflecting data - the accounting policy of individual entrepreneurs on OSNO, developed by management for the correct conduct of tax or accounting.


The obligation of each taxpayer to maintain accounting policies is spelled out in paragraph 2 of Art. 11 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. This is a whole system of accounting methods for determining the order of payment of taxes. To apply these methods in practice, an order is issued to draw up an accounting policy, the change of which is possible only in 3 cases:

  • Changes in legislative acts have come into force.
  • New ways of maintaining internal records have been developed.
  • The operating conditions have changed radically economic activity enterprises (reorganization, change of types of work).

The new accounting policy can come into force only from the beginning of the next calendar year (Chapter 3 of Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 106n). You can download a sample of filling out an order for drawing up an individual entrepreneur’s accounting policy for 2017.

Order on the accounting policy of individual entrepreneurs on OSNO

Any significant change in the work of the enterprise is fixed by order. Accounting policy as a regulatory tax side commercial activities the document is no exception. The order for its formation must include:

  1. Full name of the entrepreneur, order number and its purpose, date of preparation, city.
  2. The period for which the accounting policy is drawn up (in 2017 you form it for 2018).
  3. Responsible persons (entrepreneur, Chief Accountant, ordinary accountant or tax manager).
  4. Information about separate tax accounting (if you apply several regimes).
  5. Methods for entering data into KUDiR (based on primary documents).
  6. Nuances in the definition tax base. Since on OSNO this is only the income of individual entrepreneurs at a rate of 13%, give them Special attention: how tax deductions are calculated, methods for assessing the raw materials used and purchased goods.
  7. Separation of product accounting from at different rates VAT and without it, measures to adjust general invoices. Immediately indicate the applicable deductions for value added tax.
  8. Accounting accounting policy. Individual entrepreneurs are exempt from accounting, but if it is still present in your work, you can include it in the general text as a separate section.

The accounting policy is approved by order.

The accounting policy can be drawn up as an appendix to the order. In this case, on title page you need to make a note “according to the application” or “based on the application”. Each item must be assigned a link to normative act indicating paragraphs and chapters. The document is signed by the individual entrepreneur and stamped.

By creating his own accounting policy, an entrepreneur creates internal regulations, which greatly simplifies work and document flow. Based on the order and a clear application with “chewed” accounting principles, even a newly hired accountant can easily begin his duties. Tax accounting policy is a plan, a detailed development and the core of high-quality relations with the tax authorities.

Ivanov A.A.


On approval of accounting policies for tax purposes

Moscow 12/31/2012


1. Approve the accounting policy for tax purposes for 2013 in accordance with


2. Monitoring the execution of this order I put it on myself.

Individual entrepreneur Ivanov A.A.

Accounting policies for tax purposes

1. Keep tax records in person.

2. Accounting for property, liabilities and business transactions is carried out separately according to

Each of the following activities:

– catering services;

– rental of real estate.

Income tax individuals

6. Professional tax deduction recognized in the amount actually produced and

Documented expenses directly related to the extraction of income.

The composition of expenses accepted for deduction shall be determined in the manner provided for in Chapter 25

Tax Code of the Russian Federation. If it is impossible to document expenses

Professional tax deduction is recognized in the amount of 20 percent of the amount of income from

Entrepreneurial activity.

13. Tax amounts presented by suppliers for goods used simultaneously in

Activities for the provision of public catering services and activities for the provision of

Rental of real estate, during the quarter are recorded in the purchase book for the entire amount,

Specified on the invoice. The amount of deductions is adjusted based on the results of the tax period.


The adjustment is made in proportion to the revenue from activities taxed under

The patent system, in the total revenue of the entrepreneur for the quarter. At the same time, in calculating revenue

Income recognized as non-operating in accordance with

Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The specified adjustment is made for each invoice according to

As of the last day of the tax period (quarter).

The tax amounts subject to restoration at the end of the quarter are included in the cost of goods (work,

Services), including fixed assets, are not included and are not taken into account when calculating personal income tax.

Individual entrepreneur Ivanov A.A.

An accounting policy is a document that every individual entrepreneur must have.

In fact, this is not one document written on a couple of pages, but a whole complex of documents. And the reliability of your tax returns, tax optimization, and justification of the figures depend on how well it is drawn up. tax return before tax authorities and insurance funds.

So what accounting policy should an individual entrepreneur develop?

What should an Accounting Policy necessarily contain, and what may not be written in it?

Accounting policies for accounting purposes

The concept of accounting policy first appeared in 1994. Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 28, 1994 N 100 “On approval of the Accounting Regulations “Accounting Policy of the Enterprise” came into force on January 1, 1995.

Currently, PBU 1/2008 is in force, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 6, 2008 N 106n, as amended on December 18, 2012.

Under accounting policy organization is understood as the set of accounting methods adopted by it - primary observation, cost measurement, current grouping and final generalization of the facts of economic activity

These regulatory documents regulate the rules for the formation (selection or development) and disclosure of the accounting policies of organizations that are legal entities by law Russian Federation.

These documents do not apply to individual entrepreneurs.

However, individual entrepreneurs will also have to apply some provisions of the accounting legislation.

In addition, paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2013) “On Accounting” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 1, 2014) defines:

"2. Accounting in accordance with this Federal law may not know:

1) an individual entrepreneur, a person engaged in private practice - if, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees, they keep records of income or income and expenses and (or) other objects of taxation or physical indicators characterizing a certain type of business activity "

I draw your attention to the word “can”. Here is an example of how the legislator gives us a choice - to keep or not to keep accounting records. The entrepreneur must make a choice and record it in his Accounting Policy.

It is possible that one of the individual entrepreneurs would like to keep accounting records. After all, accounting is not only about unnecessary reporting and extra time for record keeping. Accounting is an excellent basis for making competent management decisions, balance sheet is the information basis for financial analysis business.

Many individual entrepreneurs run fairly large businesses in the areas of production and trade. And there you cannot do without management accounting and analysis. And accounting is necessary, first of all, for individual entrepreneurs.

If you decide to conduct accounting, then you must draw up and approve an accounting policy for accounting purposes.

If you decide not to keep accounting records, then you do not need to draw up an accounting policy for accounting purposes.

Accounting policies for tax purposes

The concept of “Accounting policy for tax purposes” was introduced into the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on July 27, 2006.

Article 11, paragraph 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation gives the following definition of accounting policy:

Accounting policy for tax purposes is a set of methods (methods) permitted by this Code for determining income and (or) expenses, their recognition, assessment and distribution, as well as taking into account other indicators of the taxpayer’s financial and economic activities necessary for tax purposes.

As we can see, any taxpayer is obliged to formulate an accounting policy for tax purposes. There are no exceptions for individual entrepreneurs.

This means that every individual entrepreneur is required to draw up and approve an Accounting Policy for tax purposes.

What is an Accounting Policy and does the entrepreneur himself need it?

The ultimate goal of developing an Accounting Policy is to create a set of interrelated documents that should ensure the unity of methodology in organizing and maintaining tax accounting IP, improve the quality of accounting and reliability of all types of reporting, provide complete and timely information to the entrepreneur and top management for making competent management decisions.

In essence, the Accounting Policy is a SYSTEM, a MECHANISM for collecting, processing and grouping the necessary information both for reporting for external users and even in to a greater extent, for internal use.

Each individual entrepreneur maintains tax records in accordance with the chosen taxation system.

The Tax Code in many cases gives the entrepreneur a choice to act one way or another. Under any taxation system, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation offers multivariate accounting rules and obliges the entrepreneur to independently make decisions regarding the calculation of taxes.

Therefore, the accounting policy must describe those accounting methods in respect of which any of the conditions are met:

  • The legislation provides for several accounting methods, from which an individual entrepreneur can choose the most suitable one for himself;
  • The accounting method is not established by law.

At the same time, it is necessary to describe only those accounting methods that the individual entrepreneur actually uses or plans to begin using in the year for which the accounting policy is being drawn up. If the legislation leaves us no choice, then there is no need to prescribe such points in the Accounting Policy.

The main task in developing an accounting policy for tax purposes is to create an optimal tax accounting system, both from the point of view of the reliability of tax accounting and the correct calculation of taxes and contributions, and from the point of view of optimizing the accounting process and saving working time.

What is described above is the standard regulatory approach to the development of Accounting Policies.

However, there is another approach when the Accounting Policy is not only a thesis statement of the selected accounting methods from the alternatives proposed by law, but contains a number of accounting standards, normative and methodological justification for the methods and techniques of tax accounting in all areas, right down to each workplace.

Such standards detail all accounting operations at each workplace:

  • Based on what primary document reflected this operation;
  • In which tax register is this transaction recorded and how;
  • If there are many jobs, then a document flow system is prescribed - where the primary document comes from, where it is transferred after processing;
  • How long should primary documents be stored, where and how?
  • How tax registers are processed when preparing tax returns.

Such standards are developed for specific business transactions, in specific business conditions, for a specific accounting program, or when there is no specialized program at all and tax registers are compiled simply on tablets on paper or on a computer.

When are such standards needed?

  1. When individual entrepreneur there is no financial education and no money to hire an accountant and he is forced to keep records on his own.
  2. When the production is quite large, the accounting department consists of a large number of employees, and there are not enough qualified personnel, employees often quit, go on maternity leave, and there is no person on staff who would monitor all changes in legislation.

In the context of a shortage of qualified accounting personnel, the standards of the Accounting Policy are intended to become the main methodological guidance for ordinary performers. Detailed instructions accounting reflected in the standards will minimize accounting errors, improve the reliability of accounting data and introduce a unified end-to-end accounting methodology from primary accounting to tax returns.

Reliable accounting is:

  • exclusion of penalties from tax authorities and insurance funds;
  • information base for management accounting, for making competent management decisions, for financial analysis.

Such accounting policy standards are developed by a competent specialist once. And then only changes in legislation are monitored, in which it is necessary to change some individual elements of the Accounting Policy to take into account the new ones regulatory requirements. It is possible to finalize the Accounting Policy when starting to conduct other types of activities and other business transactions.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there is no standard Accounting Policy that is suitable for all enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. There is a minimum mandatory composition of the Accounting Policy - a list of elements that each entrepreneur must choose for himself. But there are no standard solutions for this choice.

If no procedure for calculating indicators is established by law, you apply the one that seems most profitable to you, but this procedure is not fixed in the Accounting Policy, then the tax office, when auditing, has every right to apply its calculation procedure, not beneficial to the entrepreneur, and charge additional taxes, penalties, and fines.

If you calculate any indicators “on a piece of paper”, but have not recorded the form of this calculation as a tax register, then the tax office may quite reasonably not accept such expenses as offset against reducing the tax base. If the form of any primary document is not fixed in the accounting policy, then such expenses on such a document may also not be accepted for offset.

Therefore, it is very important to correctly draw up an accounting policy and record in it everything that is necessary in these specific business conditions. This is not just a “straw for a soft spot”, it is your protective barrier from all inspectors and incompetent employees.

Development of an organization's accounting policy is a matter of development UNIFIED ACCOUNTING SYSTEM, methods for collecting and processing information that is best suited for a given organization and which is presented in such a way as to provide the most timely and reliable information to management for making effective management decisions. This is a kind of KNOW-HOW of an entrepreneur.

Therefore, without exaggeration, we can say that a well-developed Accounting Policy is the intellectual property of an entrepreneur, which gives undoubted COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES.

Thank you for subscribing!

According to Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, entrepreneurs have the right not to engage in accounting (subclause 1, clause 2, article 6). In this regard, many businessmen do not even think about whether accounting policies are needed for individual entrepreneurs or not. However, in addition to accounting, there is also tax accounting, the mechanism of which all companies, regardless of legal status, are required to develop and approve.

Features of drawing up accounting policies for individual entrepreneurs

The procedure for forming the accounting policy (accounting policy) in the accounting of an enterprise is regulated by PBU 1/2008 of the same name. In accordance with paragraph 1, this normative document applies to legal entities. According to civil law, an individual entrepreneur is not recognized as a legal entity (Article 23), therefore, it can operate without drawing up an accounting policy. Since this provision is a right, no one prohibits entrepreneurs from forming, if necessary, a management system in terms of accounting and management accounting. As for tax accounting, all individual entrepreneurs are required to determine the methodology for recognizing income and expense transactions and other indicators depending on the applied taxation regime.

What data should be disclosed by an individual entrepreneur in its accounting policies for NU purposes? When drawing up an order, you should take into account the type of activity and the used tax system. In the generally accepted manner, the following information is subject to disclosure:

    Applicable type tax regime- OSNO, UTII, simplified tax system, unified agricultural tax or patent.

    Methodology for calculating the tax base, distribution option when combining different regimes.

    Methods for determining income, expenses, objects of taxation.

    Depreciation method.

    The procedure for recording cash transactions.

    Persons responsible for maintaining records and individual transactions.

    Tax register forms.

    Control procedure and other material facts.

Accounting policy of individual entrepreneurs on OSNO - sample filling

Formation of the document is permitted in any written form. The degree of detail and structure are determined by the entrepreneur independently. The main thing you need to focus on is the complete and reliable disclosure of all essential NU data. It is mandatory to include an accounting methodology in the UP in the case where the individual entrepreneur does not enjoy the exemption under stat. 6 of Law No. 402-FZ. Additionally, all the features of maintaining NU are given, including:

    Accounting method.

    Methods for recognizing all types of income and recording expenses.

    Depreciation method.

    Methodology for accounting for goods, inventories, losses.

    Distribution mechanism when combining modes.

    Features of VAT calculation.

    Compliance with cash regulations.

An example of an individual entrepreneur's accounting policy on OSNO

In addition to the above points, in the example of UE for individual entrepreneurs on general mode It should be noted the consistent application of the developed provisions of the order. Mention who exactly carries out the NU; how (manual or automated) KUDiR is carried out; on the basis of what documentation transactions are recorded in the book; what method is used to account for income, what is included in it and on what date; in what composition expenses are accepted for expenses; how goods and inventories are valued; on what basis are transport costs taken into account?

Is there any liability provided for individual entrepreneurs without an accounting policy regarding financial accounting? Literally no penalties have been approved for such cases. Nevertheless, the consequences can be very broad, since this document includes the basic principles of accounting for entrepreneurs, and when conducting control activities The Federal Tax Service may require you to provide an order. For failure to submit information, the fine is set at 200 rubles. according to stat. 126 NK. And if it is revealed that the entrepreneur does not comply with the regulations of the UE, as a result of which the calculation of taxes has changed, this refers to gross violations and can lead to a fine under the statute. 120 (minimum 40,000 rub.).

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