
Certificate of settlement accounts from the tax. Obtaining certificates about open settlement accounts from IFTS. Step - wait to call a company specialist

Help on availability open accounts - This is one of the tools for monitoring the property of legal entities and individuals.

An open account certificate reports not only about the presence of accounts in banking institutions, but also about the date of their registration and currency of the account. The amounts stored in the accounts are not specified, but such information can be obtained from, having appropriate rights for this.

Along with the help of the availability of current accounts that banks can issue and tax authorities, often requested a certificate of the current account. This document issues a bank, it indicates the current amount of residues on a specific account at a specific date.

Who is the certificate of open settlement accounts?

Secret banking operations Individuals and legal entities are protected by law. Therefore, to disclose information on the status of accounts and their own, neither banks nor the tax service nor other bodies will not. But there is an exception to this rule, and they are also legally decorated.

And now we will list the circle of persons who have the right to receive certificates about open settlement accounts from tax Inspection and banks. It:

  • Representatives of organizations owned by accounts. However, not all employees of the organization may not direct such requests, but its leader, chief Accountant and persons authorized to commit such actions.
  • Representatives of ships within the framework of the leading cases. These cases usually concern the bankruptcy of the enterprise, property disputes and debt collection. After making the courts by the decisions enter bailiffs. The direction of their activity is definitely clearer - the search for property for imposing penalties.
  • Staff Pension Fund Russia and Fund social insurance. Their actions are usually aimed at satisfying the claims of employees to employers.
  • Representatives of the Accounts Chamber and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation are asked for certificates of the availability of current accounts within the framework of the control and search activities.

Also in the Law "On Banks" there is a list of other persons eligible for such information.

Another category of certificate recipients from IFTS on open settlement accounts is becoming debiders of property based on the results of court decisions.

Why do I need a certificate of open settlement accounts?

The reasons for the certificate receive state bodies, by and large two: control financial state and the recovery of property.

But account owners themselves also need these references on different grounds. Help from the tax inspection on open accounts is needed:

  • for application to business plans;
  • to provide information to partners when implementing joint projects;
  • for report on property and state of affairs when submitting;
  • to respond to the requirements of the prosecutor's office and the court;
  • to summarize the closure of the company, its section or stop;
  • for internal control.

The latter is necessary in the absence of internal statements Or distrust to her.

The certificate of open accounts does not provide sufficient information about the assets of the enterprise. It does not notice balances on accounts. But it would be difficult to do if the bills were not arrested and the movement of funds. Help on the availability of accounts gives information about the direction of search, reports in which credit institutions is the most liquid property of the organization, i.e. cash.

Contents of certificates about open accounts

This certificate does not have a legally defined form. The certificate that the tax authority gives may look like this:

Help from the bank upon request of the tax inspectorate has this kind:

Sample of references on revolutions

In the final version of the certificate, all the details of the organization are accurately prescribed, on which the document is drawn up:

  • Inn, checkpoint, bik;
  • the name of the organization (the name of the entrepreneur) of which is requested;
  • the names of the banks in which open accounts are posted;
  • view, numbers and dates of registration of accounts;
  • information about the person requested a certificate;
  • causes of reference.

In addition to the certificate of accounts, there are often a certificate of revolutions on a calculated account. She informs about the movements of funds and balances on a certain current account. This certificate issues a bank at a specific date. Information about the remains are obsolete after next operations In the account, but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of affairs becomes more complete.

How to get a certificate about the availability of current accounts?

This kind of document can be obtained in two ways:

  1. making a request to the tax authorities;
  2. addressing this request to a specific one.

Appeal to the tax authorities in many cases is preferable, the certificate from the IFTS is recognized in all instances and contains account information in all banks.

However, it is more important not to choose a reference site, but the order of requesting a request for it. This request should be issued indicating:

  • names and addresses of their organization (or data of IP);
  • its innovations of the Inn and PPC;
  • essentially query;
  • reasons for reference to certificate;
  • enumeration of persons who may be issued a certificate;
  • dates of handling.

The text of the application must be fastened and signed by the head of the organization.

The correctly compiled statement looks like this:

Sample application for the provision of references on the presence of open settlement accounts

Where and how to send a request?

It can be served in any separation of the Federal tax Service Russia.

The authority adopted an application for issuing a certificate registers it and conveys the Contractor from the staff. Receive information about readiness and take a certificate from him.

The deadline for issuing a reference - 5 days, but there are situations where the wait is stretched to the month.

Obtaining a certificate of open settlement accounts through your personal account.

Another, very convenient, option for obtaining a certificate may be an appeal through the official website of the Federal Tax Service.

The algorithm of action will be like this:

  1. Find a website FTS.
  2. Enter personal Area. If it is not - register on the site, get electronic signature and access to the personal account.
  3. Find the form of the desired query and enter information about the essence of the appeal.
  4. Sign the form of an electronic signature.
  5. Send request.

After some time, the tax office will send the requested reference. The electronic version of this document has the same power as paper.

Approaching the certificate of banking institutions is usually happening when there is a presentation in which banks it is necessary to search and there is no need for printing of IFTS.

How is the certificate of open accounts from the tax? Where to get a document on the settlement details? Why is it needed? These and some other issues will consider in the article.

Everything without exception to the legal entity in the territory Russian Federation And at the same time, those who are residents, pay to the state treasury. This process is under the control of tax structures.

The Federal Tax Service accumulates information about the organizations and their leaders, about the areas of activity, deductions, bank details etc. All of these information persists and is transmitted to representatives of other departments if such a need arises.

The official leading to a particular enterprise can make a request to the FNS regional division in order to receive the certificates containing data on the settlement accounts of the institution. Appeal is made in writing, and after its receipt, the tax employees prepare the document.

What is meant by such a certificate? This is official paper with fixed information about settlement detailswho opened the company.

What does she contain? Information about:

  • a credit and financial organization in which accounts are open;
  • currency used;
  • detailed data holder cash.

It can be said that without this document it is impossible to keep quiet financial activities on legal grounds. In matters of income and capital always requires strict reporting.

Why is needed?

In addition, the certificate is evidence of the organization's controlled activity, it is also necessary in a number of situations. For example:

  • in the negotiation process when it comes to possible cooperation in terms of investment;
  • when developing a business plan in the status of a legal entity;
  • in the presence of intentions to participate in tenders / tenders / auctions;
  • to appeal for any questions in court;
  • to provide a response to prosecutor's requests;
  • during reorganization activities or the procedure for the liquidation of the company;
  • in case of bankruptcy;
  • if necessary, place a loan (in this case, the lender is the interested party).

Also, the document is needed in everyday activities of the institution.

In its essence reference - This is a documented display of the current logistical situation. Thanks to her, the leading officer has the opportunity to correctly assess the quality of the company's work and plan development taking into account income and expenses.

Reference document may be requires other legalities. For example, if an organization has executive sheets on debt recovery, and the head is not informed about what bank is to apply. Then you need to make a request for information about.

Who gives?

There are two instances in which such a certificate is issued:

  • bank;
  • The Federal Tax Service.

The request is made on the letterhead adopted inside the company and is visited by the head with a personal signature and press.

Banking institutions most often give the document within three days, so this path refers to the category of alternative. Usually limited to the simple acquisition of data on the presence of settlement accounts in this credit and financial organization. About the press of FTS in such a situation is not coming.

Note 1. The service is provided for a fee. In addition, to get information about all accounts, it will have to treat each bank separately, which is very uncomfortable.

If the certificate is necessary urgently, then only the request in the FTS is suitable.

Important! The prosecutor's office and some other agencies take only those references that issued by the tax service staff.

Note 2. Sometimes an open account certificate is confused with a certificate of revolutions. In the second case, we are talking about actions with specific accounts: from the document you can learn about the expenditure and arrival operations. He is also prepared by specialists of the FTS.

Who is provided?

Here is a list of parties and persons who may request a reference issue:

  • actually account holders;
  • officers of judicial instances;
  • representatives of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • employees of the Pension Fund and Social Insurance Fund;
  • bailiffs;
  • employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia.

Full list can be viewed in Federal Law No. 395-1 "On Banks and banking activities"Dated December 02, 1990.

Important! The document has the right to receive the appointed representative - subject to the presence of a power of attorney. It is best to assure power of attorney in a notarization office to avoid problems with issuing a reference.

The request can also direct faces debt recovery recognized by the court. They appeal to any division of FTS.

If we talk about the company itself, the right to get paper have:

  • leader;
  • chief Accountant;
  • some other workers who are indicated in the constituent documents.

There are certificates and validity: One month from the date of issue.

Request and order of receipt

So, we know now that the document is really necessary in a variety of situations. Know how to get it, it can be extremely important.

Let's discern in the order of the request, the list of documentation, circulation and other points of procedure.

There are 4 stages here:

  • collection and preparation of documents;
  • making a statement;
  • appeal to the Federal Tax Service;
  • waiting for issuing.

Consider each item separately.

The necessary information and documents

When contacting the bank, you must provide:

  • name of institution;
  • contacts for communication;
  • address for sending;
  • information about the person who is given the right to pick up a certificate.

When contacting FTS, you need to prepare:

  • passport;
  • extracts from the register and EGRIP;
  • arbitrarily issued statement.

What should be in the last paper, we describe below.

The document is drawn up on a sheet A4 - in writing or in print. It indicates the following information:

  1. At the top on the right - the data of the institution where the request is served. First of all, this address and separation number. A document is written in the name of the head.
  2. Next - information about the applicant (CAT, TIN, registration address and location of the company).
  3. In the center of the sheet under the described block, the word "statement" is written (without quotes).
  4. Then goes the text of the appeal itself. A request / requirement is described to provide a certificate certificate, the request of the request. You can refer to, which gives the right to receive a certificate. Immediately place the data of those credit and financial institutions where details are open.
  5. Finally, you need to specify a preferred method of obtaining a document. If this is not done, the help will be sent by mail.

As always, in such cases, the date and signature are put at the end. In case of their absence, the countdown of time will begin from the moment of registration of the tax certificate.

Sample application for open account certificates

Submission of documentation

To transfer all the documentation together with the statement in the FTS, it is possible to achieve the preparedness of the material. This is done at the place of registration of Jurlitsa.

Who can serve? Or the leader himself, or an authorized person.

Waiting time

The maximum time, during which you have to wait for a certificate - month. The law states that the tax service staff cannot deal with this issue more than 30 days.

Note 3. In fact, the length of waiting depends on the work of a specific FNS branch. Sometimes everything takes 2-3 days, sometimes 30 days. The average indicator is from 5 to 14 days.


We have already noted the fact that banks issue certificates within paid service. The size of the commission is determined by which a representative of the company addressed the financial institution.

FTS is engaged in paperwork exceptionally free.

If there is an urgent need to get paper as soon as possible, you can contact a special agency. His staff themselves will compile and submit a request to the FTS. Plus in terms: usually just day go for registration. In view of this efficiency, the price corresponding: from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles.

Online decoration

To save time, provides an online way to make a request. For this:

  • open the official website
  • log in to the Personal Account (if not yet registered - do it);
  • open the request form;
  • make information about Jurlice;
  • confirm the action using the EDS (electronic digital signature).

The waiting time is the same as under the usual order method. You can get a document by mail or in in electronic format. Electronic version It has the same legal force as standard.

Check document

After receiving the help, it is very logical to check it out. It must be present all information about the current accounting of a legal entity. Specifically, it is worth paying attention to:

  • instructions on bank accounts of the Journey;
  • names of institutions whose clients include an organization (even if we are not talking about banks, but about others credit companies, information should still be);
  • identification information;
  • instructions on the currency used.

If there are errors, contact the FTS demanding that the document is fixed. To operate with indicators that do not have anything in common with reality, it is unacceptable: this may have a negative impact on the activities of the enterprise in perspective.

Also make sure that the tax employee undested data on the request to the base. Clarify it may be the heads or a lawyer.


Apply and order a certificate is easy. There is a small problem of waiting time, but it is solved through special offices. Payment This document does not require if you contact the FTS directly.

In contact with

The certificate of all open accounts from the tax may be requested by the organization at any time and provided in the deadlines established by law. According to FZ No. 52 and FZ No. 59 of 04/02/2014. From May 2, 2014, the documentation information should not be submitted to the tax service, the availability of data in the inspection of the Federal Tax Service at the time of the request is due to automatic informing from credit organizations and banks.

Urgent certificate from IFTS on open settlement accounts in Moscow may be needed in the following cases:

  • participation in tenders, auctions;
  • liquidation, reorganization of the company;
  • informing investors;
  • decision of internal issues;
  • drawing up a business plan;
  • submission of documents to the arbitration court;
  • getting a loan in the bank, etc.

How to get a?

To get an extract from IFTS on availability bank account The legal entity must be submitted to the territorial tax service in the free form, which indicates all of the following data:

  • company name;
  • form of ownership of SP, OOO, ZAO, OAO)
  • INN and OGRN;
  • legal address;
  • demand;
  • names of credit banks;
  • the reasons for which information is requested about the availability of settlement accounts;
  • method of obtaining a document (by mail, in electronic form, on request, the representative of the company);
  • date and signature.

ATTENTION: The deadline for the provision of references during self-submission of documents can be from 10 days to 1 month, depending on the circumstances.

The finished certificate from the tax on open settlement accounts should contain the following information:

  • account indications;
  • name of banks;
  • currency;
  • identification data.

Information you need to provide in the IFTS

In this case, you must submit a copy of the passport of the head, a copy of the statement from the register and a statement in free form. The specialists of the company "Your Business" will make a statement and send everything required documents In the IFTS without your participation.

Hello! Today we will tell you about the certificate of open settlement accounts. Why is it needed? How to get it and other subtleties.

When there may be a certificate of existing current accounts

Such a certificate from the tax may be required in several situations:

  • if you have negotiations with a potential investor;
  • if you are developing a business plan as a JUR. face;
  • you have a desire to take part in contests or auctions;
  • to appeal to court instances;
  • to respond to the requests of the prosecution authorities;
  • during the reorganization or liquidation of the company;
  • if desired, make a loan;

In addition to these situations, this certificate may be required in the daily activities of the company.

Certificate Certificate Help

The difference of this document from a certificate of existing accounts is that it reflects information not about open accounts, but about profitable and expendable Operations One or more of them.

She may need:

  • for loan design;
  • tax inspectorate to accrual payments;
  • in the case of a challenge tax audit;
  • sometimes - to approve your business plan.


A certificate of open accounts issued by the Bank is not taken by all organizations. Therefore, it is better to make it in the FTS.

Currently, various departments can freely exchange information between themselves, and therefore the legislator in a number of situations abolished the need to provide certificate of open accounts, for example, when making installments on the payment of tax.

Who issues certificates about the status of settlement accounts

Where to get such a certificate? There are 2 options:

  • appeal B. tax inspection;
  • appeal B. credit Institution.

At the same time, the request is made on the official form of the company, and the head puts its signature and print.

Sample help may be like this.

The tax service has a duty to issue this document on your request. The certificate can be drawn up in any department of the FTS in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Appeal to the bank - an alternative. Most often here are just information about whether Yur is open. Persons in this bank bank. The seal of the FTS is missing in this case.

Who can get

The list of persons authorized to request certificate accounts includes:

  • account owners themselves;
  • representatives of the judiciary;
  • representatives of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation;
  • representatives of the FIU and FSS;
  • bailiffs are performers;
  • representatives of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation;
  • others officerswhich are listed in the law "On Banks".

In addition, your representative by proxy may receive a certificate. Some experts say that it is not necessary to assure power of attorney at the notary, but there are cases when due to the lack of a notarized power of attorney denied a certificate.

In addition, to send a request to persons who are debt debts by the court decision. Such a request can be sent to any compartment of FTS.

As for the companies themselves, the right of receipt of this certificate has the following persons:

  • leader;
  • gL accountant;
  • a number of other workers who are specified in the constituent documentation.

And also note that the certificate of open accounts is available - 1 month from the date of issue.

Reference on the current account for bailiffs

If the request is received from the bailiff, it should be made reference to a document that serves as the basis for executive proceedings. Then, when information on accounts is detected, banking organization A decree is sent to impose a penalty for funds located on accounts.

The judicial authorities may need this certificate in several situations:

  • when searching for the debtor's property;
  • in the case when the company is already declared bankrupt, and supervisory measures are carried out for its accounts.

In accordance with the requirements of the law, the information contained in the help is confidential. But if all necessary papers will be provided in the banking organization, information about the debtor's accounts is issued in obligatory.

However, information is provided only within the amount necessary for the fulfillment of obligations to judicial bodies. A certificate is drawn up in this case no longer than 7 business days from the date of receipt of the official request.

Contents of certificates from IFTS on open settlement accounts

The certificate provides the following information:

  • a list of all accounts that are open to the company;
  • the type of currency in which the operations are underway;
  • name of a banking institution or organization in which accounts are open.

Sample reference is compiled in free form.

Documents for receipt

If you appeal to the banking organization, then you need to provide:

  • INN / CAT;
  • name of your company;
  • contact information for communication with you;
  • address to send a document;
  • information about the face that will take the ready-made certificate.

If you contact the FTS, prepare:

  • your passport;
  • an extract from the EGRUL / EGRIP;
  • the application filled in an arbitrary form (sample for example).

In a statement, you must specify, for what purpose, ask to issue a certificate, as well as provide a legal justification for issuing it.

How to make a request

If you add to the banking organization for receiving this document, prepare a request in writing. In it, specify which kind of reference is needed: about the presence of an account, about the balance of funds, about the absence of debts etc. If you need information about turnover , Specify, for what period the certificate should be made.

Summing up a small result, we note that your request must contain the following data:

  • company name / Your surname and initials (if you are the IP);
  • Inn and OGRN companies;
  • jUR. address of the company;
  • query text;
  • the goal with which the request is made;
  • information about persons with the right to receive a certificate;
  • date of drawing up request.

Written request Complete the company's seal, assign an outgoing number for internal reporting.

How to get a

In the event that you appeal to the banking organization The procedure for obtaining is as follows. Bank employees as soon as you receive your request, register it in a special journal. The document assigns the incoming number, and the request is transferred to experts in working with IP and companies.

When contacting the tax department : Your request will be assigned an incoming room, then a responsible employee is assigned, which works with IP and JUR. persons. All the information you can clarify with him, and then pick up a ready-made help.

Get online on the site FTS

You can leave a request for help online, via the Internet. This will save a large amount of time.

You can order a document on the FTS website, it suffices to enter your data into a special form. Immediately clarify that the certificate obtained in electronic form is equal to the legal strength of a paper sample.

Consider in more detail on the steps how to get this certificate using the FTS site.

  • Step 1. We go to the official website of the tax authority.
  • Step 2.If your personal account already exists, then we submit a request through it. If not, register on the site (in the future, you will need an electronic signature to send a request).
  • Step 3.In a special form we introduce your data.
  • Step 4.I confirm the signature using the EDS.
  • Step 5.We expect a response from FTS specialists.


Maximum document availability - up to 5 business days. But when contacting it is better to clarify this information from a specialist. Often there are situations when references are issued within 14-20 days. Total time For issuing such documents is 1 month.

Excess period of 1 month is considered a violation and entails the appeal to the prosecution authorities.

How much is the certificate of opening the current account

In tax. In the process of contacting the Help in the FTS, all data in most cases are provided is free.

In the bank. When sending a request to the banking institution, the situation is somewhat different: the cost of issuing a certificate directly depends on the urgency of its issuance. In general, the cost varies from 3 to 10 thousand rubles. If you want a certificate to bring you to the office, you will have to pay back about 300 rubles (depending on the region of the company's registration, as well as the Bank's policies).

Everything legal entitieswhich provide their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, are required to open a current account. If earlier the entrepreneurs themselves have requested a certificate of opening an account and notified the tax, now all powers are entrusted to the bank. Consider in the article for which it may be necessary to reference and how to get it.

In which case a certificate is needed

Consider when an entrepreneur may require an official document reflecting all his accounts:

  • at the request of the prosecutor's office or police officer
  • when the entrepreneur decided to participate in the competition
  • in cases of negotiations with a new or existing investor who wishes to invest in the development of your business
  • when drawing up a new business plan
  • when receiving a loan
  • in case of reorganization or liquidation of a legal entity

It should be borne in mind that a document reflecting document may be required at any time in the process of carrying out activities. For instance:

  • when merging with another company
  • with bankruptcy

Where you can get a certificate of accounts

There is only two legitimate methodWith the help of which each entrepreneur can get a certificate of existing accounts:

  1. Personally at the office of the lender. It is important to understand that in the bank you can only receive information about the active accounts that are open in a particular bank.
  2. The tax service can request information about all accounts that are open in various financial companies throughout the Russian Federation. At the same time, it is not necessary to personally contact the application, since it is possible to write a statement remotely. How to do this, consider below in our article.

Who can order and get a certificate

Information about your accounts are a bank secret, which is why not everyone can get information, but a strictly limited circulable circle. According to the law, the certificate may be provided:

  • the owner of the current account, which is the IP or director of the organization
  • Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • accounts Chamber
  • investigative Committee.
  • bailiff if executive documenton which the case is initiated
  • a tax employee, if there is an official request

Separately, it should be noted that the recovers may receive information, according to paragraph 8 of Art. 69 "On Enforcement Proceedings".

In response to the application for the issuance of a bank or tax service is obliged to provide a document.

As for the form of the help itself, it is approved at the legislative level. It is necessarily prescribed:

  • name financial company, namely the sender of the reference
  • name of the addressee: Organization or IP
  • date of preparation
  • list of accounts, indicating currency and numbers
  • date of opening account
  • signature representative of the bank if the document is requested in the original

Procedure for obtaining references via the Internet

You can request a document via the Internet and save personal time. To make a request, you need to visit the official website of the tax service and enter the client's personal account. Only so you can form a request.

If you are not registered on a single FTS portal, then you should initially register, following which you get a login and password. It is important to note that you will need an electronic signature to register.

After the entrance to the personal account is made:

  • open the appropriate request form
  • make all necessary data on the applicant (IP or legal entity)
  • send a request by confirming through a digital signature

You can receive a certificate personally or request in electronic form, to a personal or working email address. To obtain a certificate, you should prepare:

  • personal passport applicant
  • issue from EGRUL / EGRIP

How to make an application for reference

Get a certificate in which all your accounts will be reflected only after submitting the application. This document should indicate:

  1. At the top of the document, the name of the instance is prescribed into which the request is sent indicating the legal address.
  2. Following, in the header, the applicant's data is prescribed, namely the INN, OGRN and the address of the company's registration. SP indicates the registration address on the passport.
  3. After the center, you should write an "statement".
  4. In the help body, you should specify that ask for information of the current accounts (or already closed) to the ratio of a specific LLC or IP. Additionally, you should specify how the reference is requested.
  5. In completion, you should note the method of obtaining reference: personally or by email. In the second case, be prepared to specify the current email address.
  6. At the end of the application, the applicant's signature and printing should be put on (if any). It also indicates the date of the compilation of the request.

Sample reference:

Terms of receipt and cost of reference

After applying, you must wait until the reference is ready. The legislative level approved the term from 5 to 30 days.

As for the cost, the FTS makes a certificate completely free. As for the bank, the cost of the service is established by the internal regulation of the financial company and can be in the range from 3000 to 10,000 rubles. As for the maximum limit, it may be charged for acceleration, for example, for preparing references during the day.

The cost of reference depends on:

  • company name
  • regional appeal (in small cities The cost of the service is lower than in a large metropolis)
  • manufacturing time
  • production method: Personal or courier delivery

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