
How Burger King in Russia changed its largest shareholder. Great food comes first First Burger King

On the weekend I visited the kitchen, the back room and the freezer of Burger King - a premium chain, as explained during the tour, fast food. I watched with interest how everything works from the inside, how burgers are prepared, fried potatoes and poured cola. From the ordinary view, most of the process is hidden by cash registers and a counter with ready-made products, and then an opportunity presented itself and questions boiled over to ask, and from the inside to see with our own eyes. For example, I was very intrigued by the fact that they cook without gloves in Burger King, and received an exhaustive answer why it is done this way and not otherwise.

Detailed photo report under the cut.

On the other side of the counter it turned out to be unusual - you are standing, and on the other hand people come up, place orders, look at you with a camera a little, but not too much, surprised. If I saw a group in sterile coats and with DSLRs in fast food, I would probably have shown more amazement. Here, the process goes on as usual, as if nothing is happening.

Burger King, like all fast food chains, has its own recognizable chip, a branded product - the so-called "whoppers". This word, derived from the English Whopper, refers to very, very large burgers, some of which are much larger than the human mouth, I suppose. According to Vicki, the whopper is one of the most recognizable hamburgers in the fast food industry. From time to time, whoppers with a non-standard taste appear on the menu, for a change.

The reason to gather bloggers was another addition to the menu - "Big King Extra" - also a rather big hamburger for a reasonable 85 rubles. I don’t know how the excursion began with other bloggers who visited the kitchen that day, and who was late (almost an hour, through the prayers of his beloved Russian Railways), I was immediately given one for a tasting. Regular readers of my blog will probably remember how I recently conducted a survey about where the most delicious burgers are, and you advised me to try them in various chains. I liked the option at Burger King.

In the kitchen I saw the recipe for this sandwich. At the top there is a 4-inch "bun top" (hereinafter, I quote, and at the end of the post there will be a flowchart), then 7 grams of Big King sauce, under it 14 grams of Iceberg lettuce and 7 grams of onions. Then there are two slices of pickles. All of this is stacked on a hamburger patty toasted over an open fire, and it is stacked on the middle of at least 4-inch bun. Under the middle part is another "hamburger cutlet", lying on a slice of cheese and seven grams of onion. This whole structure rests on 14 grams of Iceberg lettuce, 14 grams of Big King sauce and the bottom of a 4-inch bun.

So, the whole burger is folded in a completely different order in which I listed it. And not even the opposite. Everything is very tricky there, as it turned out, and all kinds of machines take part in the process.

To see the cooking process, we were invited to the staff area. Here everyone changed into special dressing gowns and shoe covers to comply with hygiene standards. We left all outer clothing in the hall in advance, under the supervision of a guard. We took with us only bags with lenses for DSLRs.

Through the refrigerator you can get into the freezer, where the temperature is maintained at -20 degrees:

The maximum allowed time limit that a product can spend outside the freezer during unloading is 30 minutes. In practice, the machines unload much faster. In general, there are many time limits in Burger King. For example, a cutlet after frying should lie no more than an hour in a special container that maintains the temperature. The same applies to all other products - if they have not been applied or consumed in the right time then they are thrown away. The canons of fast food imply that it is more expensive for yourself to risk expired products - lawsuits in which case can be monstrous.

Fresh greens were found on the adjacent shelves, already outside the freezer. Some products arrive at the warehouse uncut, others are fully prepared.

There are sauces next to it, and as I understand it, they are not subject to freezing. Some sauces can be stored in a refrigerated room, while others are specially kept at room temperature. For example, mayonnaise sauce and ketchup are stored strictly in the refrigerator, as the recipe says. The temperature in this room is -2 degrees, that is, it is a full-fledged refrigerator.

We moved to a warmer utility room. Here are stored drinks cups and other disposable dishes, bottled water and teas, rolls (which come frozen and thawed at room temperature). Of the sauces on the shelves, I drew attention to the "barbecue" - apparently, he does not need extreme cooling. Also, no refrigeration is required for the burger sauce, which must be warm when the sandwich is "assembled".

And this is a three-phase dishwasher "according to the standard" - well, that is, in the first phase, the dishes are soaked and stubborn dirt is removed, in the second they are washed with chemicals, and in the third, rinsing takes place. Even in the photo, I noticed that a disinfecting lamp is hanging on the right; it did not rush into my eyes during the shooting:

Personnel with access to products are required to wash their hands using a special system. We were clearly shown how this is done, when I upload the video I will show it. Here is the secret of why they don't use gloves at Burger King.

It turned out, according to studies, that much more bacteria accumulate under gloves than on specially cleaned hands and it is more hygienic to work without gloves. For this, hands are washed very seriously - first thoroughly and using a brush with a special gel, which is washed off with running water. They wash not only the palms, but completely up to the elbows, as in surgery.

Then a special chemical composition is applied to the hands, and carefully rubbed into the skin up to the elbows. As we were told, this is a disinfecting cream used in medicine. As a result, after such a powerful processing, the products can be safely touched with bare hands.

Of course, the treatment is not enough for a whole shift, and according to the standard, hands are washed as they become dirty, but at least once an hour. Hygiene is a critical thing for fast food chains.

But, before it comes to the assembly, which is shown in the frame above, many more steps are required. It all starts with frozen cutlets, which must pass through the furnace of the grill with an open fire. This is practically a conveyor - frozen plates are placed on top and one by one, gradually, fed through the flame. Grill with an open fire "know-how" Burger King, due to such roasting, a great juiciness of the cutlet is achieved.

Cutlets are made from Russian products in Odintsovo, and fried at a temperature of about 400 degrees. Inside it looks something like this:

Below, under the grill, the cutlets fall into special containers with handles. After the container is filled with a certain number of cutlets, it is removed from the grill tray and transferred to a special thermo cabinet, where a stable temperature is maintained at a little over 100 degrees:

In this cabinet, with electronic notes "where is what cutlet" the product may not be forever. If my memory serves me, the limit is 60 minutes, and there is a color indication - if the meat begins to approach the limit, a special light comes on, calling for attention. If the time limit is passed, then the tray with cutlets goes to the trash. I don’t know if this happens in fast food, where a whole system of issuing popular names to customers has been developed, in practice.

Another view of the same wardrobe. Those who want to see the inscriptions can enlarge the image in the browser, as always, I load the pictures like this,. The cabinets themselves are installed above the "assembly line", where all the manipulations with burgers are carried out. Above you can see the recipe labels. The one in the right corner, with the recipe for the very "Big King Extra", I will show at the end.

When the first cutlets appeared in the oven container, it comes to buns. Some of them are defrosted in a warehouse with a low temperature, and after that they are transferred in pallets to the burger conveyor hall:

If necessary, the buns are removed from the sealed packaging and thrown into a special mega-toaster:

At the exit from it there is a soft, but coolly toasted bun:

Buns are two-section, three-section, and are divided by "inches" - I already wrote above that Big King Extra requires the top, middle and bottom of a 4-inch bun. Before my very eyes, they began to collect one of the burgers:

Note that the greens were first put on top of the bun. The one that is closer to you in the frame is the lower one, and first they put two cutlets on it, and then a piece of cheese. I have always wondered how it turns out that some of the products on the burger are cold, and some are hot. If you heat the finished burger in the microwave, the result is completely and significantly worse in taste than what is given in Burger King.

The bottom line is that only part of the food is heated, a significant part of the burger (salad, sauces) is not heated. When you reheat a burger entirely in a microwave, such an effect cannot be achieved in principle, besides, the bread loses moisture and quickly dubs, becomes tasteless.

Then hot cutlets are placed on the toasted bottom, from the same cabinet where the temperature is maintained, and cheese is placed on top:

After that, the lower part of the burger goes into a special oven, where the cheese is melted. Everything is clear on a timer, in a pipeline mode. While part of the burger is there, the chef works on the top element, finishing it with tomatoes.

And when the bottom part with melted cheese comes out of the oven, it is decorated with bacon and complemented with the signature sauce:

And they add something else. By the way, "about the hands" - special grips are used for some types of ingredients:

Finally, the top is neatly placed on the bottom, and the finished burger is wrapped in special paper that allows it to remain at the right temperature.

Now let's see how everything happens with an example of a completely different burger model. Since the process is generally similar, I will not comment on each step.

Let me draw your attention to one thing - the top of the bun is smeared with a special sauce, using a special tool. This is something like mayonnaise, as I understand it:

Where did the second bun go? Of course I went to the cheese melting oven. Moreover, I noticed that in addition to cheese, there was also bacon on it. It also warms up and browns while the ingredients are placed on top:

And here is the bottom of the burger:

A little more additional assembly of the upper part:

Sauces and ingredients on the bottom:

And now, neatly closing the construct:


Paper wrapping:

Second hands take the wrapped burger ...

To put it in a special tray, customers already see it from the back side. Everything is logical here - burgers are sorted by type, there are inscriptions like "din", "dv.chiz", "cheese" - we all perfectly understand what they mean.

Finally, about the potatoes. I drew attention to the oven with a timer. I waited a long time for the time to run out ...

At this time, potatoes were seething inside. As soon as the timer went to zero and the stove sounded, the container was taken out and hung up so that the oil would drain. As explained, the oil in these furnaces changes as it oxidizes, and this is determined instrumentally. That is, as soon as the oil ceases to comply with the norm, it is replaced with a new one. As a rule, the drain occurs after the change, because this procedure is "dirty", and hot oil is not the easiest substance to use.

And here are the recipes that I peeped on the assembly line. "BBQ Chicken Rap" is something like this in a wheat tortilla:

And here is the recipe for the new Big King Extra burger, still a black and white photocopy, because the day of our visit was the first when it appeared on the menu:

And a couple of photos of people in the end:

part 2

And the stuff u serp : here it is

P.P.S. I asked to send a table of calorie content of Burger King products. They sent it.

  • Then and just then, the tradition of grilling beef using a special method, as well as a commitment to quality ingredients and friendly service, were laid. ">
  • A hero is born! Burger King presents to the public its most famous item on the restaurant menu - the original huge WHOPPER® sandwich. The idea is simple: more fire, more taste! And by the way, you'll need both hands to eat this burger king. ">
  • The BURGER KING Corporation goes on air at a local VHF station in Miami with its first advertisement. This is how the campaign for an unobtrusive presence on TV is launched, which has been going on for more than 50 years. ">
  • BURGER KING Corporation begins its expansion, giving people the opportunity to touch the wonder-WHOPPER® and outside the United States. The company franchises its restaurants, expanding the network first in the United States and then around the world. ">
  • BURGER KING opens a restaurant in Puerto Rico, making it the first outside of the United States. After all, despite Puerto Rican beaches and blue skies, people still need one more thing: grilled burgers! ">
  • After eight years of private operations under its own brand and with 275 restaurants, BURGER KING becomes a partner with Pillsbury and begins a rapid expansion of the restaurant chain across the United States. As they say, if you hurry, you will feed people. ">
  • Feel like a real chef! The Do It Your Way® advertising campaign is revolutionizing the fast food industry by pushing customers to choose their own sandwich ingredients. Hey! Do it your way! ">
  • At BURGER KING, you will not get just a burger - you will get a delicious burger, seasoned with an incendiary funny song! And also a good mood for the whole day! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4YAcsAe6UI&feature=related ">
  • King Auto windows are installed in many BURGER KING restaurants. With their help, the driver can place an order without leaving his car. Do you like to ride? You will also love "King Auto"! ">
  • The best Christmas present is the BURGER KING toy! Children are very happy with such a gift from their parents. And BURGER KING is glad to please.
  • The lunch and dinner menus are expanding with chicken, fish, steak and ham sandwiches. This is the dream menu! ">
  • The famous Breakfast Menu is launched, offering new breakfast options for morning customers. Whoever gets up early is served everything! ">
  • For kids, BURGER KING has a small hamburger, a small potato, a small drink, and of course a little friend inside! You can change his clothes and change his hairstyles! Very funny!
  • Shake shake shakollate !! It is so extraordinarily airy, there are so many bubbles in it that it literally flies into the air. Hold your glasses tight !!
  • Winning is great !!! At BURGER KING, everyone always wins. Nothing is impossible. And everyone will draw their lucky ticket!
  • BURGER KING launches a marketing campaign to promote more delicious beef burgers in comparison with competitors, which are fried over a fire using a special technology. We know exactly what real burgers should be like. ">
  • If you believe in miracles, you can do anything! And learn to dance, and take part in races, and even take off like a superhero! Believe in miracles with Burger King!
  • Providing customers with a wide range of delicious options, these dishes are also becoming classics on the menu. The exquisite taste of chicken will delight any gourmet ">
  • The most dangerous enemy is the midnight hunger! There is nothing more dangerous! Where to look for protection? There is a salvation - BURGER KING! He will always come to the rescue and protect you from the midnight enemy!
  • BURGER KING has the best burgers you will ever taste! Moreover, now there is even more meat in them! Therefore, the best burger from BURGER KING is only two burgers !!
  • BURGER KING likens their unique grilling method to outdoor barbecuing, promising the same standard of home quality and tradition in their restaurants' kitchens. It should be noted that this promise was fulfilled - see for yourself at any BURGER KING restaurant! ">
  • With the introduction of cartoon characters such as Kid Vid ™, IQ ™, Jaws ™ and Jazz ™, the King's Kids Club is driving a marketing campaign. More than a million children become members of this gang within two months. This is the whole town of Kinga! ">
  • BURGER KING Corporation begins to expand its network in Europe after Grand Metropolitan PLC takes over Pillsbury. This acquisition transforms small European cafes into BURGER KING restaurants. There is not much left to take over the world. ">
  • There is no time to get bored at the BURGER KING kids club! After all, funny cartoons always have something to surprise and please little guests.
  • BURGER KING is increasing the size of its signature burgers by over 50%. More yummy at the old prices. ">
  • Present your child with an encounter with magic! And your favorite characters from the cartoon "Toy Story" will help you with this. They really come to life at night!
  • This merger is one of the five largest mergers in the world. Diageo PLC becomes the world leader in specialty food and beverage products. The property of the BURGER KING corporation moves from the USA to Europe. ">
  • The legendary sandwich and fries paired! If you skip this, then you will no longer be able to forgive yourself.
  • The previous logo in the form of bun halves has undergone changes; BURGER KING restaurants themselves also purchased the new kind... However, no one began to change the old traditions of observing quality in cooking. ">
  • Big Kids Meal is a real lunch for real cowboys !!! After all, you need a lot of strength to ride a horse after robbers! And of course, inside every meal there is an unusually realistic monster toy. Scary even for adults!
  • Every child wants to become big, and Big Kids Meal will help them in this. More concerts, more photos, more videos! And of course, favorite heroes inside every meal. They are always there!
  • All your favorite characters from the favorite TV series "The Simpsons" are now in BURGER KING !! Plus New Hamburger Recipes and Green Syrup Ice Cream - Limited Offer!
  • American companies Texas Pacific Group, Bain Capital Partners and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners acquire BURGER KING Corporation from Diageo PLC. Company property is returned to the United States. The excellent quality of the burgers does not change from the change of the location of the property. ">
  • Do it Your Own Foundation® started charity events of the BURGER KING brand. BURGER KING loves to give joy and goodness. ">
  • BURGER KING Corporation leaves the private sector and goes public. The company has become even closer to the people. ">
  • BURGER KING Corporation celebrates 50 years of the WOPPER®® sandwich. As part of the celebration, a nationwide joke is launched claiming that the WHOPPER®s have been removed from all menus due to the fact that many of the WHOPPER® products have "gone crazy." To date, all charges have been dropped, as experts have proven that all WOPPER® are of sound mind. ">
  • 2009 - BURGER KING Corporation launches the “WOPPER® Victim” campaign on Facebook and creates a special Whopper Sacrifice application. ">
  • A new turn in the history of the BURGER KING corporation is associated with the opening of the "WOPPER®-Bar" offering a wide range of quality WOPPER® products. Yes, it turns out that in the bar you can not only drink, but also eat. ">
  • The first such restaurant opens in Spring, Texas. It features a sophisticated and modern interior and appeals to young audiences. The wide range of dishes was also highly appreciated by new visitors. ">
  • 3G Capital is a global multi-million dollar investment firm, acquires BURGER KING Corporation, thereby transforming it into a private company. The company begins to hatch plans for the release of WOPPER®-3G. ">
  • BURGER KING Corporation offers many new products in the Breakfast Menu. What could be better than breakfast to BURGER KING? There is still no answer to this question. ">
  • On January 21, 2010, the first restaurant opened in the Metropolis shopping center in Moscow and quickly won the hearts of Russians. The conquest continues along with the opening of new restaurants in various regions of the country. ">
  • In June 2012 investment bank VTB Capital became one of the main shareholders of Burger King Russia ">

Today absolutely everyone knows that fast food is harmful. But at the same time, these are very tasty and mouth-watering, inexpensive dishes that you can eat on your way to work. That is why the Burger King restaurant has been so popular for several decades. Feedback from employees emphasizes that tons are sold through retail chains every day finished products... We offer today to get acquainted with the history and geography of points, open vacancies. In addition, we will try to look inside and see the company through the eyes of its employees.

History of success

Below we will return to employee reviews. Burger King will soon be celebrating its centenary. Specialties from the earliest days have been hamburgers or whoppers, as well as French fries. The history of the chain began with a small restaurant in Florida. On the way to modern development the company changed four owners. In 2013, it had more than 13 thousand restaurants in 80 countries of the world. The network's turnover is over $ 117 million.

Fast food conquers Russia

Relatively recently, in 2010, the first restaurant of this chain was opened. It happened as expected in Moscow. By the fall of 2017, more than 400 restaurants had been opened in Russia, of which more than 200 were in Moscow. More than 30 settlements also have their own Burger King. Young people are already so accustomed to such culinary delights that they are increasingly replacing ordinary food with fast food. Good or bad - let's not argue. Our task is to find out what it is like to work in such a popular network, serving thousands of visitors every day. And feedback from employees will help us with this. Burger King, by the way, regularly advertises personnel search. What happens behind the doors, because of which we get fragrant buns with ruddy cutlets and bright sauce? This can only be said by those who have worked in the ranks of employees.

Your step into the future

Most come to this business as young people. Yesterday's or current students are tempted by the opportunity to grow with the company, to improve their professional level and income. This is fully confirmed by the reviews of the employees. Burger King gives everyone the opportunity to go from an ordinary employee to a trainer, manager, deputy director, territorial manager. Very tempting. What needs to be done in order to get to the top of the career ladder? Let's figure it out together.

Carier start

It is of fundamental importance in which city you decide to get a job at Burger King. Reviews emphasize that the very first restaurants of this chain from all available in Russia are located in the capital. This means that it employs experienced employees who can transfer their knowledge to beginners. But reaching the star top is also not easy. This is due to high competition. A few dozen of the same are walking next to you, and among them there may well be a more talented one. Therefore, you will have to sweat in any case, but especially if you live in employees, the work at Burger King is sometimes called pitch hell, but apparently you need to find the meaning of what you are doing and set a goal. Then the picture will become much more fun.

Start position

The first thing you have to put up with is strict regulations. The main task of each employee is to quickly and at the highest level perform the duties assigned to him. Only by becoming the best at this stage, you will be able to move on to the next, because soon you will be the one to teach beginners.

So, for a beginner, there are two positions: this is the kitchen or the cash register. What do the reviews advise to choose? Burger King is a fast food restaurant, and if you want to succeed, you must be well versed in the recipe and the intricacies of cooking. Therefore, it is worth starting from the kitchen. So you will join the team faster, and you will learn the basic recipes, which will help when the time comes to go out into the hall and start communicating with the guests.

How to get a job

The fast food industry is about high rhythm and compliance with standards. Mastering all the subtleties, quickly switching, adjusting is a task for the young and energetic. Therefore, in the team large percentage students. This is the reason for the high staff turnover. On average, each team consists of 80% students, which is encouraged by company policy.

If you are between 18 and 25, you can maintain a normal dialogue, then you should not be afraid of interviews. It is conducted by the same guys as you, maybe a little older. Their goal is to fill a vacancy as soon as possible, just like yours is to find a job. And again, Moscow will stand a little apart here. Feedback from Burger King employees suggests that during their first interview, they were given stress interviews, asked to dance on the table, and were asked discouraging questions. This is how the employer tries to assess your ability to act in non-standard situations.

Beginning of work

At first everything seems strange and scary. This is especially true for the kitchen. Huge plates with hundreds of cutlets, baked buns, salads, and in between dozens of people who are exchanging strange phrases. Need time. You are assigned a coach who will conduct the training. Usually, the newcomer is put first in the department, where the goods are prepared for shipment to the kitchen. Defrost something, wash something, spread or spill. The trainer will tell you the sequence of actions. Clear schemes are very well thought out here, everyone knows what and at what stage he must do.

The entire learning process is divided into several stages. First, the coach speaks and demonstrates. Then the coach does, and you describe. Then you do, and the coach prompts. Finally, you do and speak at the same time. The difficulty here is to learn all the numbers. This is also often emphasized by reviews. Burger King is a large and well-known company, and manufacturing defects are unacceptable. Therefore, the temperature of the oil, cooking, storage time on board, at delivery, outlet temperature, assembly time, grams and milliliters - all this has to be learned ad infinitum.

Stage two

After the employee has learned all the stages of production and has become free to navigate, he goes to the cashier. But this is not always the case, guys sometimes refuse. But if they do not pass this stage, then they become coaches faster. But the girls are always waiting for the cashier. There are only two positions here, number one and number two. The first one contacts the client, helps to choose, accepts payment and punches the check. The second collects the order for the tray. In addition to the fact that you need to be friendly and attentive all day long, you also have full financial responsibility.

Personal rating

Within the network, each cashier has a personal magnetic card on which all sales are recorded. Instead, each of them receives very specific tasks that must be completed. This is a certain amount of potatoes and sauces, sandwiches and desserts, new products. The salary of employees is also tied to personal sales (St. Petersburg). Reviews of Burger King are assessed as an opportunity to earn good money, subject to personal efforts, of course.

But this practice only exists in large cities... In small settlements, a personal competition for ratings is held constantly, but it gives almost nothing. Sometimes the best employee gets a small bonus. But if a restaurant performs on average in the ratings at the end of the month, then managers and the best employees receive the award.

Career growth

It is quite possible, which is why many are so attracted to work at Burger King. Feedback from employees of St. Petersburg, Moscow and other regions suggests that if you are sociable and sociable, strive for knowledge and do not shirk from work, then you will not sit up as ordinary employees. As soon as you have learned to smile constantly and naturally, talk politely and easily resolve any conflict situations, you automatically become a candidate for coaches.

The composition of the latter is limited, usually one for the whole team. The speed of your advancement also depends on the turnover of the restaurant, therefore, especially in large cities, work at Burger King is highly valued. Feedback from employees suggests that further advancement to the managerial staff depends directly on the growth of the network in your city. After all, as soon as a new restaurant opens, part of the management team is transferred there, and the “losses” are made up for at the expense of the personnel reserve, which are the coaches. The latter have regular meetings and trainings, creative assignments.


This is the most important thing for every person who takes a job. I would like to say that the salary here is commensurate with the effort invested. The rate is hourly, it is regularly indexed, but depends on the region. Surprised that there are no related negative reviews employees. A job at Burger King (in Yekaterinburg, for example) costs 110 rubles per hour, and in Moscow about 160. This is the initial tariff rate. In this case, a person immediately indicates in the questionnaire how many hours he can devote to work. You can work 40 hours a week or agree on 20. If you need money, then go out to work part-time and overwork.

The next increase in the rate will be when you become a generalist, that is, you will perform well in any area of ​​the restaurant. The coach's salary is even higher. The company helps everyone who is interested to grow.

Burger King fast food has straightened its shoulders, and this fast food chain is already in many cities of Russia. Because fast food is one of the most promising lines of business today.

What is Burger King?

Fast food Burger King is an American company. The full name is Burger King Corporation. The company is headquartered in Miami-Dade County, Florida, USA.

This company owns a global fast food chain. For example, a few years ago, Burger King announced that it has 13,000 retail outlets in 79 countries. This company specializes in hamburgers (mainly whoppers).

Burger King is a fast food restaurant chain.

In Russia (as well as throughout the world) Burger King operates through a franchise system. Franchising, in its simplest form, is an opportunity to open your own store, but under the guise of a well-known company. At the same time, they will help you find a suitable room, staff, help with repairs, goods. It is clear that all this will have to be paid on time.

The first restaurant of the chain in Russia opened on January 20, 2010 in the Moscow shopping and entertainment center "Metropolis", and the second - in the Moscow shopping center "Evropeyskiy". As of September 8, 2017, 466 Burger King restaurants have been opened in Russia.

The term "fast food" refers to food that can be quickly prepared and provided to the customer. Americans have long been a fast food nation. This Western lifestyle, fast and inexpensive snacking, has become a part of the lives of many Russians.

The speed of preparation and consumption is the main advantage of these dishes. Compared to a restaurant, Burger King, or another fast food chain, is much cheaper. For example, Burger King is aimed at visitors with average income, so it will be cheaper to eat at Burger King than at McDonalds, not to mention the usual cafes and restaurants.

main reason visiting is a convenience. good service ... This is a tasty and inexpensive place to eat.

Given the rapid pace of life in big cities, citizens willingly consume fast food. There is evidence that every second resident of Moscow eats fast food at least 2 times a week, the average check in the institution of this type is 650 rubles. Here are the most large companies fast food chains:

  • "McDonalds"
  • Burger King
  • "SubWay"
  • "KFC"
  • "Teremok"
  • "Stardog"
  • "Tea spoon"
  • "Little Potato"
  • "Wokker"

Impact on human health

People go to Burger King and other fast foods. then they like it. then it's delicious. They visit Burger King and similar establishments. according to statistics, persons from 14 to 65 years old.

The main reason for visiting is convenience. good service, this is the place. where you can eat deliciously and inexpensively. Even the size of the wallet is not in the main place here. Parents with children, young people, students, working residents of the capital, people of the age. everyone visits Booger King, and other fast foods.

Everything is delicious and beautiful. but fast food has become a "dangerous" food. Why? To feed a large number of people, it is necessary to prepare a large number of semi-finished products, which may contain various food additives.

Caesar roll

After all, a product that has deteriorated not only loses appearance but also inedible. In order for the products not to spoil so quickly, various preservatives and antioxidants are added to them. Food additives increase the nutritional value of foods.

Onion rings Burger King

For example, it is impossible to do without emulsifiers and stabilizers in the manufacture of ice cream and mayonnaise. Otherwise, these products will simply disintegrate into their constituent parts. Most of these nutritional supplements are detrimental to the body and health of both children and adults.

Hot Brownie Burger King

M Most foods are prepared using hydrogenated fats (margarines). With frequent use of such products, human immunity is impaired, the risk of developing diabetes, cancer increases, and the amount of testosterone decreases. Let me remind you that the main male hormone.

The risk of gaining excess weight from eating fast foods is very high. You can, of course, count calories and limit yourself in this diet, but not everyone succeeds.

You can also quickly gain weight from fast foods. But here are the nutrients. needed by the body may not be enough from such nutrition. Therefore, everyone who eats in fast food is faced with the task of how do not harm your health, and how not to gain excess weight, because all food is high in calories.

Burger King - calories

Main courses and snacks

Product weight g.

Energy value (Kcal.)













Double whopper






Triple whopper






Whopper with cheese






Bopper Mini






Triple Cheese Wopper













122, 3





Big King






Big King XXL






Double Cheeseburger






Double Cheeseburger XXL












Long Chicken






Long Chicken with cheese






Crispy Chicken






Crispy Chicken with cheese






Caesar Chicken Rap (roll)






Grill Chicken BBQ


















Fish King






Fish King with cheese






King Wings (4)






King Wings (6)






King Wings (9)






King free






Onion rings (6)






Crispy Chicken Salad






Country potatoes (small portion)






Country potatoes (standard portion)












Beer Efes Pilsener












Hot brownie






Hot Brownie with Ice Cream

















Ice Cream Twix






Burger King Triple Whopper

As you can see from the table, it is very easy to sort out with food. Double or triple whopper, brownie with ice cream, a couple of glasses of Pepsi - here's your daily energy requirement. All excess will be deposited in your sides. Therefore, always have a cool head on your shoulders.

King wings

It is interesting that after 20-30 minutes after a plentiful and high-calorie meal, a feeling of hunger appears. This is the flip side of fast food. This is due to the low nutritional value.

Rustic Burger King potatoes

From frequent visits to fast food, it is possible to acquire obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, gastritis, ulcers. Therefore, always listen to your body and think what is better to order.

Chicken Free Booger King

We all know how bad fast food is for our body. But at the same time, it is a delicious, mouth-watering and inexpensive snack. That is why the Burger King fast food restaurant, which is widely available in Russia, has been so popular for several decades. We invite you to get acquainted with its history, menus, promotions and discounts, geography of outlets, as well as learn about open vacancies in the company and read reviews about the work here.

Meet Burger King!

VK, Burger King is a brand of a global fast food company owned by the American firm Burger King Corporation. Her signature dish is whoppers (a type of hamburger) and French fries. The headquarters is located in sunny Miami (Florida, USA).

The history of the beloved fast food chain began in 1953, when a restaurant called Insta-Burger King was opened in Jacksonville, Florida. I must say, the next year of its existence, the owners faced a number of financial difficulties... The business was bought by local franchisees - D. McLamore and D. Edgerton. The name of the acquisition was slightly changed by them - it became Burger King, and the buyers became the founders of the future worldwide chain of fast food restaurants.

But Burger King had four more owners on its way to date. And, I must say, now his business is not bad at all: in 2013 the company had 13 thousand restaurants in 79 countries, its turnover was $ 1.97 billion, and its net profit was $ 117.7 million.

These days, Burger King's new addresses are emerging solely from the various franchising variations.

Burger King in Russia

Today the master franchisee (the franchisor responsible for issuing sub-licenses on behalf of the corporation) in the Russian Federation is BURGER RUS LLC. The company is a joint project of VTB-Capital, Burger King Europe and the owner of the Shokoladnitsa coffee chain A. Kolobov. The Director General D. Medovy is the master franchisee.

It is expected that the first was opened in our country "Burger King" in Moscow. It happened relatively recently - in January 2010, in the Metropolis shopping center. As of September 2017, the statistics are as follows:

  • 466 restaurants have been opened in Russia.
  • 226 points - in the capital and the Moscow region.
  • 57 Burger Kings in St. Petersburg.
  • 10 restaurants in Novosibirsk.

Russian restaurants "Burger King"

Today, Burger King's addresses are densely mapped onto the map of the Russian state. Moreover, their overwhelming number is in the European part of the country. The geography is very extensive:

  • Moscow.
  • Saint Petersburg.
  • Yaroslavl.
  • Chelyabinsk.
  • Tolyatti.
  • Tyumen.
  • Tomsk.
  • Stavropol.
  • Smolensk.
  • Sochi.
  • Surgut.
  • Rostov-on-Don.
  • Permian.
  • Orenburg.
  • Novosibirsk.
  • Novorossiysk.
  • New Urengoy.
  • Magnitogorsk.
  • Kazan.
  • Krasnoyarsk.
  • Krasnodar.
  • Yekaterinburg.
  • Vladivostok.
  • Bryansk.
  • Barnaul.
  • Anapa, etc.

To find out if there is "Burger King" in your city, simply - go to the "Restaurants" section on the official website of the chain, enter the name in the search bar settlement... Click on Enter - and the system will show the addresses of the points.

Burger King Menu

Now let's move on to the most "delicious" part of our story. The Burger King menu consists of the following items:

  • Burgers. From beef - four types of whoppers (standard, junior, double and triple), two types of Big King, hamburger, two types of cheeseburgers, Long Beef. Chicken - "Crispy Chicken" and "Chickenburger". Rybny - "Fish King".
  • Rolls (a kind of shawarma in in this case) - "Fish Roll", "Caesar Roll", "Whopper Roll".
  • Side dishes. Onion rings, French fries and rustic.
  • Snacks. Wings, nuggets, prefabricated sets.
  • Salads. Vegetable mix and Caesar.
  • Beverages. Milkshakes (strawberry, chocolate, vanilla), black and green tea, several types of coffee, cold teas, popular carbonated drinks - Pepsi, Sprite, Mirinda, Lipton, Seven-Up, etc. etc.
  • Desserts. Apple or cherry pie, ice cream, ice cream cone, ice cream brownie, muffin.

New items and promotions

Stocks at Burger King are quite common. Let's take a look at the last ones:

  • Cheeseburger for 49 rubles.
  • The new Chicken Free snack, according to the company, is made from 100% white chicken meat.
  • New burger "Chicken Fillet" stuffed with whole chicken breast.
  • When paying with a bank card "MasterCard" - a 30% discount on "Chicken Free", onion rings, nuggets, wings.
  • "Big King" or "Chicken King" - 99 rubles. I must say that the prices in Burger King are very democratic.
  • "Junior lunch" with one of the six Smurfs toys as a gift.
  • New Burger "Baconizer" - 100% beef, bacon and cheese.
  • Lunch for 200 rubles: a burger of your choice ("Chicken-BBQ", "Whopper Junior", "Chickenburger", "Cheeseburger"), a drink of your choice, nuggets and French fries.
  • Unlimited cold drink refill limit, etc.

Burger King coupons

Another feature of the network is coupons - special codes that must be communicated or visually shown to the cashier in order to receive an additional discount. You can find them on leaflets that are distributed in the restaurant itself, on its official website, as well as in a special mobile application Burger King, available for all common smartphone platforms.

Burger King coupons have a specific expiration date, and you can use the code of one of them countless times during this period. Be careful - the coupon discount is final and cannot be combined with other promotions or loyalty programs.

Burger King prices do not depend on coupons only in a number of restaurants:

  • Located at airports.
  • In Moscow: a summer cafe on Krasnaya Presnya, points in the "Otkrytie Arena", "Yerevan Plaza", the Moscow Palace of Youth.
  • In St. Petersburg: point near metro station "Ulitsa Dybenko".
  • In Anapa: restaurant on Grebenskaya.

Let's take a look at the current coupons and promotions at Burger King as an example:

  • "The second ice cream is free."
  • "Two burgers for 199 rubles" (choice from "Whopper", "Long Chicken", "Caesar Roll", "Big King".
  • "Free second cappuccino."
  • "The second Long Chicken is free."
  • "Junior lunch for 189 rubles" (cheeseburger, drink, french fries and a toy) and many others. dr.

Delivery service

In Moscow, there is such a type of service as Burger King's own delivery. This is due to the fact that the city has the widest network of restaurants, which makes it possible to deliver a fresh and hot dish to the addressee relatively quickly. The company assures that the waiting time for a snack will vary between 45-90 minutes. The payment for the order is quite symbolic for the capital - approximately equal in cost to two burgers.

Ordering delivery from Burger King is simple:

  1. Call the number of the courier service (you can easily find it on the official website), tell the operator the name and quantity of the required dishes, and the delivery address.
  2. Go to the official website in the "Delivery" section and add the items you need to the cart, then in the lower pop-up field, click on "Enter your address" and fill out the template form: your location, contacts, comments on the order.

You can order lunch from Burger King by using the services of well-known food delivery companies in your city - for example, Delivery Club.

Work at Burger King

On the same official website, in the "Vacancies" and "Career" sections, you will see jobs open for employment:

  • Cashier chef.
  • Mentor (or - a trainer, an employee who trains newcomers in parallel with work).
  • The manager of a specific restaurant.
  • Deputy director of the restaurant.
  • Restaurant director.
  • Regional manager.
  • Senior Regional Manager.

The company sacredly respects the traditions of career growth - the presented chain of positions, according to the assurances of its representatives, is possible for any conscientious employee to pass in a short time. You can apply for a vacancy you like immediately on the Burger King website - click on "Fill out the form". The information that you need to provide about yourself is standard: name, position of interest, citizenship, specific city and restaurant, age, phone number and email address.

On the employer's page at Head Hunter, you can view office vacancies:

  • Project manager to support the opening of new restaurants.
  • Design specialist.
  • Office Manager.
  • Human Resources Manager.
  • Recruiting manager, assistant.
  • Auditor.
  • Maintenance engineer.

In a number of cities, vacancies are also open for a night cleaner.

New employee

The company considers itself a legend in the field Catering, and its mission in our country is to become the most beloved fast food restaurant chain. To do this, she needs to become the best in everything - in pricing, hospitality, quality and service. Achieving all this, accordingly, falls on the shoulders of each of the workers. Why everyone should fully support the core values ​​of Burger King:

  • The main person in the restaurant is the guest. Employees must exceed all his expectations.
  • A friendly team - it is necessary to support each and every one, to be ready to help a friend.
  • Positive attitude - the working day should only go on a wave of optimism.
  • High goals and the ability to achieve them.
  • Guaranteed recognition of worthy - self-motivated, self-development workers.

Now let's move on to reviews of the work at Burger King - we will see how the company, in the eyes of eyewitnesses, pursues these lofty goals.

General benefits of work

So, let's see what will be absolutely positive for everyone who gets employed at Burger King:

  • "White" salary.
  • Friendly team.
  • Strictly enforced lunch break.
  • Free lunch (for those working more than 8 hours - two lunches).
  • A real opportunity for rapid career growth.
  • Comprehensive training and trainee support.
  • Fast employment.
  • For those working until 00:00, free transportation to the house by taxi.
  • It is possible to combine with studies.
  • Compensation for passing the medical commission.

Common work cons

And now, based on the feedback from the Burger King job, let's look at the unpleasant moments that might await you in your workplace here:

  • Incompetent leadership.
  • Low wages.
  • Payroll delays.
  • A change in his schedule not agreed with the employee - both in the direction of overtime and in the direction of reducing the paid working time.
  • Systematic non-compliance with both Russian labor legislation and the points prescribed in the employee's employment contract.
  • Going to work on holidays is not charged at a double rate. In addition, it is required - on New Year, Victory Day, City Day, etc.
  • Penalties for all violations - both major and minor. Up to the loss of bonuses and demotion.

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