
IAS 36 Asset impairment briefly. What is the EMDS. On all other assets, the EMDS in proportion to their book value

Assets in accordance with IFRS 36 "Impairment of Assets" are subject to inspection for impairment for each reporting date. These assets include:

    earth, buildings and structures;

    cars and equipment;

    investment in real estate taken into account by the method of costs;

    intangible assets;

  • investments in subsidiaries associated companies and joint ventures.

The impairment of the asset is recognized only if the balance sheet value of assets exceeds the recoverable amount (the cost that can be reimbursed during the use process or as a result of the sale of an asset). Since even in small firms, the number of assets on the balance sheet is several dozen and even hundreds, and the revaluation of each asset will require high costs. In this regard, before reassessing, it is necessary to identify signs of impairment.

Exterior signs:

    a significant drop in the market value of the asset;

    significant changes (technology, market, economy, legislation);

    interest rates or other factors affecting the discount rate used in the calculation of value from the use of the asset;

    book value pure assets Companies exceed its market capitalization.

Internal signs:

    there are evidence of obsolescence or physical confirmation of the asset;

    significant changes in the process of operation of the asset;

    factors indicating that current or future economic results of the use of an asset, worse than expected;

    other signs of a possible reduction in the cost of the asset.

Loss of impairment is to exemplate the carrying amount of the asset over the recoverable cost. Impairment loss should be recognized as a consumption in the statement of profit and loss if the assets are estimated at the value model of DT 7420 CT 2410.

If the asset is taken into account in the revalued cost, the impairment loss should be taken into account as a decrease in the cost of revaluation.

As of every date of balance, if there are signs indicating the possible impairment of the asset, the organization should make the calculation of the recoverable amount of the asset. At the same time, regardless of the availability of signs, the organization should annually calculate the recoverable amount of an asset on intangible assets with an indefinite useful life, intangible assets, not commissioned, as well as goodwill acquired as a result of business combination.

In assessing the availability of signs indicating the possible impairment of the asset, the organization should at least consider the following signs:

    external sources of information;

    internal sources of information.

    External sources of information include:

    a significant decrease in the market value of the asset during the period, which would be expected as a result of the course or normal use;

    significant changes that have negatively affecting the situation of the organization that occurred during the period or expected in the near future in the technological, market, economic or legal conditions in which the organization is working, or on the market for which the asset is intended;

    significant increase in market interest rates or other market rates of profitability of investments that occurred during the period, and the likelihood of the influence of these increases on the discount rate, which is used to calculate the cost from the use of the asset and significantly reduce its recoverable amount;

    the carrying amount of net assets of the reporting organization is greater than CE market capitalization.

Internal sources of information include:

    availability of evidence of obsolescence or physical damage to the asset;

    significant changes to the degree or method of using an asset in the present or future, adversely affecting the situation of the Organization that occurred during the time or expected in the near future. For example:

    simple asset;

    plans for the termination or restructuring of industrial activities;

    plans for the disposal of an asset in the near future;

    revision of the term useful use asset - from unlimited for limited;

    based internal statements evidence that the current or future results of the use of the asset is worse than expected;

    other instructions on a possible reduction in the cost of the asset:

    the funds necessary to acquire asset or its operation and maintenance significantly exceed the previously provided by the budget;

    clean cash flows are significantly lower than the budget scheduled;

    pure cash outflows are predicted throughout the useful use of the asset.

When evaluating these indicators, it is necessary to apply the principle of materiality. If the analysis shows that the recoverable amount of the asset is not sensitive to these indicators, then there is no need to evaluate the recoverable amount. For example, if market has increased interest rates in the short term, however, they do not significantly affect the discount rate used when calculating the cost of using an asset that has a long useful life; Or if they affect the discount rate, but the organization will also increase the income, and therefore, the net cash flows will remain almost unchanged.

On the other hand, the decline in the cost of assets can occur due to the revision of the useful use of the asset, changes in the depreciation method or the liquidation value of the asset. If there are such signs, then the remaining useful life, the depreciation method or the liquidation value of the asset should be revised and adjusted according to IFRS applicable to the asset, even if no impairment loss is recognized for it.

Measuring the recoverable amount. The value of reducing the cost of an asset in monetary terms is determined by comparing the reimbursable amount and book value. The latter is the initial (or overvalued) cost less accumulated depreciation. The recoverable amount of the asset is the largest of two quantities: a net selling price or value from use.

If there is no reason for the fact that the cost of using an asset exceeds its fair value minus the cost of disposal, it can be considered a recoverable amount of the asset. In most cases, this applies to assets intended for sale.

Since the cost of using an asset intended for sale mainly consists of revenue from its disposal.

In the event that the ongoing use of the asset does not provide cash receipts, mainly independent of those that arise in connection with other assets, or assets, the recoverable amount is determined for a unit generating cashto which the asset belongs, except in cases where:

    net selling price asset is higher than its carrying price;

    the cost of using an asset can be estimated as close to its pure selling price, and a net selling price can be defined.

Net selling price. The optimal value of the net selling price is the price indicated on the fulfillment of the contract for the sale of an asset between well-aware, who wanted to make such a deal by the parties. The price specified in the contract must be adjusted to the amount of expenses directly related to the disposal of the asset. These may be the costs of legal services for the design of the transaction, fees, taxes, the costs of dismantling the asset and other direct additional costs for the pre-sales training of the asset.

In the absence of compulsory sales contract, but the presence of an active market, which trade in this asset is conducted, should be used by the market price minus the planned costs directly related to the disposal of the asset. The corresponding market price is usually the current demand price. If there are no values \u200b\u200bof the current price price as a basis for calculating the market price, the price of the most recent operation can be used, provided that in the period between the date of that operation and the date of the calculation of the net selling price did not occur in economic conditions.

In the absence of a net sales price or an active market for an asset, the Organization establishes an assessment of an asset based on the best available information. You can use information about the results of the latest operations with similar assets within the same industry. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the wornity of the asset, the conditions of operation, if these are industrial machines and equipment are their production capacity and other production characteristics and to adjust the cost of similar assets to the effect of identified differences. You can learn such information from statistical directories.

Cost from the use of the asset.The assessment of the cost of using the asset is the calculation of the present value, which reflects the expected discounted value of future cash flows.

The calculation of the cost of using an asset suggests the following steps:

    calculation of future incoming and outgoing cash flows arising in connection with the continuing use of the asset and its final disposal;

    apply the appropriate discount rate to these future cash flows.

Assessment of future cash flows. When measuring the value of the value from the use of an asset, the estimate of future cash flows should be based on:

    the best estimated assessment by the management of economic conditions that will exist during the remaining useful use of the asset. More important should be attached to external evidence;

    the most recent financial budgets / plans that should cover the period of the maximum duration of five years, except when a longer period can be justified;

    extrapolation (if the useful life of an asset for more than five years) is a stable or downward growth rate for subsequent years, except in cases where an increase in growth rates can be justified. This growth rate should not exceed the long-term growth rate of products, industries, countries or countries in which the organization is working, or in relation to the market, which uses an asset, if only a higher pace cannot be justified. If it is appropriate, the growth rate can be equal to zero or have a negative value. It is impossible to predict the infinite growth of income, even if the five-year forecast shows their steady growth. Since the larger the asset is used, the more he loses in its value and the less brings economic benefits. In order to determine the cost of using cash flow forecasts, funds should be based on the best estimates of the management, but not at an optimistic look at the future. In order for predictions to be more reliable, more important should be given information obtained from external sources. If the asset is used after the expiration of useful use, this fact says that the useful use of the asset is incorrectly determined.

Future cash flows should be calculated based on its current state and should not include calculated future cash flows that are expected from:

    future restructuring, to which the organization has not yet proceeded (as soon as the organization proceeds to restructuring, it must take into account its impact on future cash flows);

    future capital expenditures that will improve or improve asset, increasing its initially estimated standard efficiency.

Restructuring is a program that is planned and controlled by the manual and which significantly changes either the sphere of the organization's activities, or a way of doing business.

Recognition and measurement of impairment loss. The impairment loss is the excess of the book value of the asset over the recoverable amount of the asset. For all assets, this position is equally, however, the loss is a bit different depending on the type of asset and the approaches applied.

Impairment loss should be immediately recognized as a consumption in the statement of profit and loss, except in cases where the asset is taken into account in the revalued value produced according to another IFRS (for example, in accordance with the procedure for accounting on the revalued value provided for by IAS (IAS) 16 " Property, machinery and equipment »). Impairment loss for an overvalued asset should be taken into account as a reduction in the cost of recovery in accordance with IFRS 16.

In accordance with international standards financial statements The value of the asset on which it is reflected in accounting balanceshould not exceed its recoverable amount. Recall that under the recoverable amount it is understood as the largest of two quantities: fair value less expenses for the disposal or value of use.

If the balance sheet value of the asset exceeds the amount that can be obtained from the use or sale of this asset, then the asset depreciated, and the organization needs to reflect the impairment loss.

How to reflect an impairment loss, restore such a loss and disclose information about it in the financial statements, is indicated in International Standa Financial Reporting (IAS) 36 Asset Impairment.

On the territory of the Russian Federation IAS (IAS) 36, the impairment of assets was enacted by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of December 28, 2015 No. 217n.

IFRS 36 does not work with respect to reserves, assets arising from construction contracts deferred tax assets, assets arising from remuneration to employees, or assets classified as intended for sale, because Existing standards in force on assets data already contain requirements for recognizing and evaluating these assets.

Impairment testing

At the end of each reporting period, the organization should determine whether there are any signs of assets' impairment. If there is any sign, the organization must determine the reimbursive amount for an asset.

IAS 36 gives examples of some signs of impairment:

  • during the period, significant changes that have adverse effects for the organization, in technical, market, economic or legal organizations, in which the Organization operates, or on the market for which the asset is intended to be occurred or will occur.
  • market interest rates increased during the period, and this increase is likely to have a significant impact on the discount rate used in the calculation of the value of use, and will lead to a significant reduction in the recoverable amount of the asset;
  • the carrying amount of net assets of the organization exceeds its market capitalization;
  • there are signs of obsolescence or physical damage asset.

Regardless of the availability of any signs of impairment, the organization is obliged to test annually on impairment:

  • intangible assets with an indefinite useful life, as well as those NMAs that are not yet ready for use;
  • acquired when combining businesses Goodwille.

Recognition of impairment loss and its restoration

Impairment loss is the excess of the carrying amount of the asset over its recoverable amount.

In general, an impairment loss is immediately recognized in profit or loss.

If the asset is taken into account at the revalued cost (for example, the object of fixed assets in accordance with), then the impairment loss is taken into account as a decrease in the amount of revaluation in accordance with the provisions of the relevant standard.

At the end of each reporting period, the organization should determine the presence of signs that an impairment loss recognized in previous periods With regard to an asset other than goodwill, no longer exists or decreased. If any such sign, the organization must assess the recoverable amount of the asset. And restore an impairment loss.

At the same time, the increased carrying cost of a separate asset, other than goodwill, incurred on the restoration of an impairment loss should not exceed the balance sheet value, which would be determined (minus depreciation) if no impairment loss was recognized for this asset in previous years. .

IFRS 36 examines in detail the procedure for restoring an impairment loss for a separate asset, a unit generating money and goodwill.

Information disclosure

For each type of assets, i.e., a group of assets similar in nature and method of use, the organization must disclose the following information:

  • the amount of impairment losses recognized as part of profit or loss during the period, and article (articles) of the cumulative income report, which reflects these impairment losses;
  • the amount of restoration of impairment losses recognized as part of profit or loss during the period, and article (articles) of the total income report, which reflects the restoration of impairment losses data;
  • the amount of impairment losses on revalued assets recognized during the period in other comprehensive income;
  • the amount of reduction of impairment losses on revalued assets recognized during the period as part of other aggregate income.

What other information should be disclosed in the financial statements in relation to the impairment of assets, is indicated in IFRS 36.

In the accounting of assets in Russian and international Rules. the main objective This standard IFRS is to exclude the overestimation of the book value of non-current (long-term) assets.

Book value non-current assets - This is the historical cost adjusted for the amount accounting depreciationwhich is an estimated value and only approximately reflects the change in the value of assets over time. Meanwhile, investors who are the main users of financial statements, are interested in non-abstract cost figures, but the economic benefits that assets can bring in the future. IAS 36 IAS 36 "Impairment of Assets" provides confidence that the value of economic benefits from assets reflected in the reporting will not be overestimated.

The text of IFRS standards in Russian is published not only on the official website of the Ministry of Finance (there is an article below), but also on many Internet resources. However, read the original text of the standards is quite tedious, as they are written professional language documents. I will try in this article state the essence of the standard understandable. For professional judgments, in the process of preparing the real statements, it is necessary, of course, to refer to the original text as the standard translated into Russian and to all additions and explanations, which are usually not translated into Russian.

DIPIFR diploma applicants should pay attention to IFRS 36 in the December 2015 session and in the future. This standard has not yet been tested by the existing examiner by Paul Robins on the DIPPR exam. But the same story until June 2015 was with the standard IFRS 41 " Agriculture"And in June 2015 the question under IFRS 41 appeared at once to 12 points.

Economic meaning of inspection of impairment assets

According to IFRS 36 "Impairment of assets" asset can not be reflected in the statement of financial position in larger sumthan its recoverable cost. If the carrying amount of the asset cannot be completely reimbursed through its continued use or through sale, then an impairment of such an asset (loss in OKU) should be recognized.

Indicators of assets impairment

IAS 36 IFRS Standard prescribes to carry out an assets impairment test (just below). This test is a rather laborious procedure, therefore, there is no requirement to conduct it at the end of each reporting period. Asset impairment test should be carried out in the presence of impairment indicators. At each reporting date, the company must determine if there are indicators (IFRS 36, p.12). Impairment indicators are divided into external and internal depending on where the source of information is

External sources of information

  • during period market value The asset decreased significantly more than expected over time or with normal use.
  • significant changes .. in technical, market, economic or legal conditions in which the company operates, or in the market for which the asset is intended.
  • market interest rates increased during the period (therefore there was a discount rate used in the calculation of value of use)
  • the carrying amount of the net assets of the enterprise exceeds its market capitalization (in other words, the company's cost in financial statements has become more than the cost of the company on the stock exchange)

Internal sources of information

  • signs of moral obsolescence or physical damage asset.
  • significant changes .. occurred during the period or will occur in the near future: a simple asset, plans to terminate or restructure the activity to which the asset refers, plans for the disposal of an asset to the previously planned date, as well as the reclassification of the service life of the asset with an uncertain one.
  • from the internal reporting it is that the economic efficiency of the asset is worse or worse than expected.

Regardless of whether there are or any signs of impairment, it is necessary to check for impairment annually:

  1. intangible asset with an indefinite service life,
  2. an intangible asset that is not available for use (R & D),
  3. acquired as a result of the union of business Goodwill.

MSFO Asset Impairment Test

The impairment test means the definition of the recoverable value of the asset and comparing it with the cost.

The reimbursable value of the asset is the largest of:

  • Fair value asset minus sales costs
  • The value of the use of an asset, which represents the discounted cost of future cash streamswhich will be obtained from the use of the asset.

a) if the book value\u003e compensated, then the asset depreciated. The amount of exceeding is an impairment loss, which refers either on the ODA, or to the reassessment reserve.

b) if the book value< возмещаемой, то обесценения нет, и, следовательно, корректировок в отчетности тоже нет.

If the concept of fair value is more or less clear, then the value of use is a new term that appears in IFRS with the introduction of an assets' impairment standard.

Value to use asset

What is a reimbursement value? If you own an asset, then you can either use it or sell it. The decision to do with the asset depends on how much benefits (cash) you will receive in one way or another. In most cases, the value of the use of an asset exceeds the fair value of its sale, so it is more profitable to sell an asset, and consume economic benefits generated by it. But if you do not know how to use an asset with a profit, and the price of its sale is more attractive for you, then it will be better to sell it to someone who will be able to extract more benefit from the asset.

The value of use is the present value of future cash flows from the asset.

To determine the value of the use of an asset, you need to predict all the cash flows that you get from the asset in the future and to today's moment. The phrase "All future streams" means that it is necessary to take into account both cash tributaries and cash outflows associated both using the asset and with its retirement in the future. For example, if you buy a second apartment for rent (at the same time you have an apartment for living), then the value of using this second apartment will be equal to the present value of the future rent per minus utility costs throughout the term of use plus the present value Pure cash flow from selling this apartment in the future.

Evaluation of the recoverable cost - need to read the standard

In IFRS 36, paying great attention to the calculation of both the recoverable cost in general and the value of use in particular, since the recoverable cost is the cornerstone of this standard.

To determine the fair value of the asset minus costs for sale should be addressed to the standard. Please note that items 25-27 of the IFRS 36 standards were removed with the release of IFRS 13, but in Russian translation, which was published on the website of the Ministry of Finance, they still remained, as the translation was made before making changes to IFRS in terms of fair value.

The determination of the value of the asset is occupied by a substantial part of IFRS 36. How to estimate future cash flows from the asset painted in 20 paragraphs of the standard and another 4 paragraph refer to the selection of the discount rate. In addition, there is an application A, which explains how to discount expected cash flows to calculate the value of use. This application is translated into Russian. Unfortunately, on this translation into Russian ends. The original of the IFRS 36 standard contains another application C, the bases for conclusions and illustrative examples, and all three of these undeserved parts are not inferior to the part of the standard that has been translated into Russian.

If you bring to evaluate the recoverable value of the asset to conduct an impairment test of IFRS, then you will have to carefully read everything that is written about this in IFRS 36. In this case, you can evaluate how much it is a time-consuming occupation, and why the test for impairment is not carried out every reporting period, but only if there are signs of depreciation asset.

The translation of IFRS 36 is posted on the website of the Ministry of Finance. It can be found on the link:


An illustrative task of calculating the impairment of the asset

Alpha has conducted an inspection of its assets for impairment. There is reason to believe that the cost of some production equipment irreversible declined. Products manufactured using this equipment were sold below the cost. The balance sheet value of the equipment at the end of the reporting period is $ 290,000, and the fair value less costs for sale is estimated at $ 120,000. Expected clean cash arrivals From the use of this equipment over the next 3 years accounts for $ 100,000 per year. For calculations of the discounted cost, you should use the interest rate of 10%.

Li B. this case Impairment equipment? How to reflect it In the financial statements of alfa?


1) Since there are signs of equipment impairment (selling products below cost \u003d the economic efficiency of the asset is unsatisfactory), it is necessary to conduct an impairment test.

2) Impairment test - comparing the book value of production equipment with its recoverable amount.

2) Reimborn amount is the largest of two quantities: the fair value of the asset minus the cost of selling and its value of use.

4) Fair cost less costs for sale is 120,000.

5) The value of use is equal to the discounted value of future cash flows from the asset - 248.685 dollars. Factor (coefficient) of discounting for 1.2 and 3rd year can be taken from, on the examination of the dipfa, these figures will be given.

Cash flow

Discount factor

Discounted amount


6) 248.685\u003e 120,000. Thus, the recoverable amount is 248.685 dollars.

7) Therefore, Alpha should write off the value of the asset to its value of use and recognize the loss in the amount of 41.315 (\u003d 290,000 - 248.685) in Ap.

Dt Loss from Impairment CT OS (Equipment) - 41,315

  • OFP: Fixed assets - 248,685
  • OSD: Impairment Loss - 41,315

IFRS 36 is one of the most voluminous standards of IFRS and its consideration is impossible within the same article - it would be too long. In this article, I did not concern such issues: where impairment losses are reflected, what is the EMDS, the impairment of goodwill, restore impairment loss and disclosure of information. I plan to do this in the following publications.

The fair value of any of the assets of a commercial company cannot be static. Some assets under the influence of macroeconomic factors are becoming more expensive, while others pass the impairment process over time. IN the general sense The concept of impairment of an asset is a multistage process of reducing its financial and economic potential, reduce its liquidity and profitability over the size of the cheapening as a result of depreciation and inflation factors. This leads to the fact that the accounting value of the asset may exceed the theoretical value of the reimbursement, which is supposed to be obtained from the sale of this asset on the fair value market.

In order for the company to test their assets on impairment and correctly display these processes in their financial statements, the IAS 36 application standard was developed, the work with which will be discussed in this article.

IAS 36 - General Information

The IFRS 36 standard is developed as a regulation that determines the procedure for taking into account the assets of a commercial company in such a way that the amount of the accounting balance sheet assessment does not exceed the fair value of the asset value. At the same time, the excess of the carrying value is made to recognize not only the excess of the value of the sale, but also exceeding the total economic benefit and revenue and income that the firm may be derived from the use of this asset. When there is such a moment about the financial value of the asset, such an event indicates that the asset depreciated, and then in accordance with IAS 36, the company should reflect his impairment loss (UO).

The IAS 36 standard is used to assess / account for impairment of all assets of a commercial company, regardless of the type and market of use, with the exception of those accounting by other standards. For example, stocks, assets under construction contracts, investment property and some other categories of assets of commercial firms are excluded from the scope of IAS 36 IAS 36. However, the IAS 36 standard applies to such financial assetsAs subsidiaries, associated enterprises and assets arising from joint activities.

IAS 36 IFRS - Application Features

According to the logic of IFRS, the asset depreciation indicator is the excess of its book value of theoretical reimbursement, which may be obtained for it. When the company's financial management identifies the likelihood of an asset impairment, it is required to immediately assess the asset and its recoverable cost. It is, regardless of the emergence of suspicion, at the end of each reporting period it is necessary to check the availability of signs of impairment. If the identification of processes or signs of impairment gave the result, the company should explore the reimbursable value of the asset.

Companies are recommended (regardless of the macroeconomic situation and market factors) annually evaluate the recoverable value and risk of impairment intangible assets With an indefinite service life in use. Such an audit can take place at any time annually, subject to passing every time at the same time. The initially recognized material asset must undergo the first audit on the risks and signs of impairment with an assessment of the recoverable value no later than the end of the first annual period.

According to IAS 36 IAS 36, the company must use all the external and internal sources available to it, which can help identify signs of impairment and evaluating the cost of reimbursement on the asset.

External sources according to IFRS 36 include:

  • Indicators of reducing the cost of an asset over the period at a pace, significantly exceeding the expected, with normal use;
  • Technical, market, legal and economic conditionsthat have or in the near future with high probability will begin to have a negative impact on the asset;
  • Increasing market interest rates, the norms of profit on investments and other financial indicators that will adversely affect the discount rate accounted for in the mathematical calculus of the asset value.

Internal data sources according to IAS 36 include:

  • Changes in the company itself, which can be expressed in organizational or financial changeswho will have a negative impact on the asset;
  • Physical damage, technical and moral obsolescence of the asset or a sharp change in the competitive advantages of similar assets of competitors;
  • Changes in the actual use of an asset: downtime, termination of use, disposal plans and other changes in the process of useful application of an asset;
  • The emergence of signs or information that indicate a serious reduction in the productivity of the asset and its economic efficiency compared with the calculated estimates;
  • The presence of a gap in financial flows relative to the asset when the amount spent on the purchase and commissioning of the use, as well as the asset spent on the current operation, significantly exceeds the budget scheduled;
  • The deterioration of the actual data of the financial benefits from the use of an asset in comparison with the forecast and planned values \u200b\u200bin the absence of operational opportunities to influence this situation;
  • When evaluating the benefits from the use of an asset, in the forecast mode, the company identifies the likelihood of reduced cash flows, profitability, operating profit or in general - promising formation of operational losses and net retirement of funds.

This list of sources and factors is not complete. Depending on the organizational system of the company itself, its management and principles accounting Policy Any other indicators and metrics can be used that will help to identify, evaluate and take into account possible impairment of the company's asset. Impairment check, especially goodwill factors, is an individual process for each individual in question. Therefore, there is no single set of factors and processes that must be applied to all companies without exception. However, IAS 36 describes the data sources listed above as preferentially by referring to them and recommends completing its estimates with any other significant information that the company can take advantage.

Each corporate asset in its own way is sensitive to market and economic changesTherefore, it is necessary to evaluate and analyze with this assumption. Analytical work may show that the asset considered is not sensitive to the factors listed above and can only be estimated according to the individual system of indicators developed specifically for this asset. In this case, the company needs to evaluate the importance of such an assessment for its own reporting users and find a method for accounting and evaluating the impairment factors of such an asset.

The situation considered in this paragraph is to a lesser extent applies to material assets and is largely characteristic of intangible. Typically, individual metrics are required by all sorts of logistical and intellectual assets, which is in principle complicated, but cannot be excluded from the reporting of the firm on international System Financial reporting standards.

When taking into account the impairment of assets, companies are recommended to be as rational as possible and strive to the maximum balanced data composition. For example, after estimating the size of the market compensation, it becomes obvious that its amount exceeds the carrying amount of the asset. If there is an excess objectively according to market trends, the firm should not overestimate the recoverable cost without the presence of grounds for performing such actions or the presence of factors and events that clearly require this. However, if the recoverable value looks unheelectively according to the market, then the IFRS standard 36 recommends additional analytics and revision of estimates using another technique.

Also, the emergence / availability of signs of intended impairment may be a consequence of incorrect assessment. This in turn can serve as an indicator that demonstrates the need to make changes to the methods of accounting, depreciation, value estimates and other asset parameters in order to bring data to objectivity. According to IAS 36, the maximum correct set of data and the most professional approach to the assessment will ensure the accuracy and high value of such reporting.

UO According to IAS 36 IFRS, the amount is recognized as a result of a sequential process, in which at the first stage it was found that the recoverable cost is less than the balance sheet, and then the carrying price was adjusted to the value of the recoverable. This difference (adjustment) and recognizes the UO. Any impairment firm loss is recognized in profit / losses immediately, only if it is not about the asset with an overvalued value. Losses from an overvalued asset are recognized in other comprehensive income in the amount of the cost of value from the reassessment of the asset.

When the US amount becomes more than the balance sheet value of the asset, the company recognizes the obligation that occurs if another standard requires, and depreciation deductions Correct taking into account the residual service life of the asset. When recognizing the UO Current and postponed tax obligations re-determined by evaluation tax base Based on the adjusted book value.

The IAS 36 IFRS standard provides that the assessment of some assets is difficult due to the impossibility of their separate use. An example of such assets can serve composite parts of enterprises, additional equipment in assets and other values \u200b\u200binseparable from basic business. Such assets are customary to be considered as part of the so-called units of generating money, if there is no possibility for the individual assessment of the asset. Even if all economic benefits of a group of such assets are consumed by other generating units (for example, in the production process), such a group is still considered as a separate, generating funds unit if the company can sell its products on the open market.

Increasing the carrying amount of the asset (except goodwill), if not recognized the UND, is recognized as a revaluation. Such recovery is recognized immediately in profit and loss, and any restoration of losses on an overvalued asset is taken into account as an increase in the amount of revaluation and is recognized as part of the company's total income.

According to the requirements of IFRS 36, the Company must disclose all the necessary information regarding assets impairment in its financial statements in order to allow reporting users to make the most rational management conclusions. Such information should definitely include:

  • Assets affected by impairment and reduced impairment;
  • The amount of uh, recognized by the company in the period and as part of other aggregate income;
  • The amount of restored UO in the period and amount of impairment on revalued assets;
  • Meaningful information regarding the nature of the events and circumstances that led to the recognition / restoration of the UO;
  • Descriptions of the generating units under consideration, as part of the assets;
  • The disclosure of the company is welcomed additional information Regarding the assets assessment process.

Conclusions and conclusion

Accounting for losses related to the impairment of assets of the company is a complex process in financial System Management modern enterprise. The IAS 36 IAS 36 standard is an applied tool that determines the set of methods, the sequence of procedures and approaches necessary for the correct implementation of this process. Asset impairment data is certainly have great value for management links and reporting users who want to evaluate financial condition Firms and make a promising forecast of the liquidity of the enterprise for the future.

Cash generating unit (generating unit) - the smallest identifiable group of assets, which generates a cash flow, is largely independent of the inflow of funds from other assets or groups of assets.

Corporate assets - Assets, in addition to Goodwil, who contribute to the flow of funds in the future, both from the generating unit under consideration and from other generating units.

Costs for disposal - Increased costs directly related to the disposal of an asset or generating unit, minus financial costs and income tax costs.

Impairment losses - The amount on which the carrying amount of the asset or the generating unit exceeds its recoverable value.

The reimbursable value of the asset or generating unit is a fair value less costs for the sale or value of use depending on which is more from these values.

Value use - The present value of future cash flows, which are allegedly obtained from an asset or generating unit.

The asset depreciates if its book value exceeds the recoverable cost. The company must at the end of each reporting period, estimate whether there are any signs of assets' impairment. In the case of any such sign, the enterprise must estimate the recoverable value of the asset.

Regardless of whether there are or any signs of impairment, an enterprise also:

1) checks on with an indefinite service life or on, which is not available for use, for impairment annually by comparing its book value with a reimbursable value;

2) Checks the acquired as a result of the union of business Goodwill for impairment annually.

In assessing the availability of signs of possible impairment of assets, the enterprise should consider at least the following signs:

External sources of information

1) the presence of observed signs that the value of the asset has decreased during the period much more than expected;

2) significant changes that have adverse effects for the enterprise occurred during the period or occur in the near future in technical, market, economic or legal conditions;

3) market interest rates increased during the period, and this growth is likely to have significant adverse effects for the discount rate used in the calculation of the value of use and the recoverable value of the asset;

4) the balance sheet value of the net assets of the enterprise exceeds its market capitalization;

Internal sources of information

1) there are signs of moral obsolescence or physical damage asset;

2) Significant changes that have adverse effects for the enterprise occurred during the period or presumably may occur in the near future in relation to the intensity and method of using (or presumptive use) asset.

3) From the internal statement, it is evident that the economic efficiency of the asset is worse or worse than expected, etc.

Internal reporting indicators that indicate the possible impairment of the asset include the fact that:

1) cash flows for the acquisition of an asset or subsequent needs for cash for its operation or content significantly exceed the amount initially planned in the budget;

2) actual net cash flows or operating profit or loss emanating from the asset are much worse than the scheduled figures;

3) there is a significant reduction in net cash flows or operating profit compared with the budget or a significant increase in losses emanating from the asset compared with the budget; or

4) When adding the amounts of the current period with budgetary sums for future periods, operating losses or a net retirement of funds are recorded.

Assessment of the recoverable cost

The recoverable cost is defined as the fair value of the asset or the generating unit less expenses for the sale or value of use, depending on which is more from these values.

The recoverable value is determined for a separate asset except when such an asset does not provide a flow of money, largely independent of the flow of funds from other assets and groups of assets. If this takes place, the recoverable value is determined for the generating unit into which the asset includes, except when:

1) the fair value of the asset less expenses for sale above its book value; or

2) The value of the use of an asset can be estimated to approach its fair value less costs for disposal, and fair value less than retirement costs can be evaluated.

When calculating the value of the use of the asset, the following elements are reflected:

1) an assessment of future cash flows that the company expects to obtain from the use of an asset;

2) expectations regarding possible deviations in amounts and distribution over the time of such future cash flows;

3) the temporary cost of money presented by the current market risk-free interest rate;

4) the price associated with the uncertainty characteristic of this asset; as well as

5) Other factors, such as non-liquidity that market participants will reflect when determining the price of cash flows, the receipt of which an enterprise expects from the asset in the future.

Asset use value assessment includes the following steps:

1) an assessment of the future receipt and disposal of funds related to the continuation of the use of the asset and its subsequent disposal; and

2) applying the appropriate discount rate relative to such cash flows in the future.

Assessment of future cash flows and discount rates reflect consistent assumptions about price increases, which relates to general inflation.

To avoid a double count, in the estimation of cash flows in the future do not include:

1) cash receipts from assets that ensure their inflow largely independently of cash receipts from the asset under consideration (for example, financial assets, such as receivables); and

2) Disposal of funds related to liabilities that are recognized as payment obligations (for example, payables, pensions or evaluation obligations).

3) receipt and disposal of funds as a result of financial activities, and

4) receipts or payments associated with income tax.

Recognition and assessment of impairment losses

If only if the reimbursement of the asset is less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset decreases to its recoverable value. Such a decrease is a loss of impairment.

Impairment losses are recognized immediately in profit and loss, unless the asset is taken into account at the revalued cost in accordance with another standard. Any impairment losses of an overvalued asset should be taken into account as a decrease in the amount of revaluation.

Losses from impairment of the non-operant asset are recognized in profit and loss. However, with respect to an overvalued asset, impairment losses are recognized as part of other aggregate income, to the extent that damages from impairment do not exceed the amount of the cost of value from the revaluation of this asset. Such losses from impairment of an overvalued asset reduce the amount of the cost of value from the revaluation of this asset.

After recognizing impairment losses, depreciation deductions regarding the asset are adjusted in future periods in order to distribute the revised balance sheet value of the asset, minus it residual value (If this occurs), on a regular basis during its remaining service life.

If there are any signs of possible depreciation of the asset, the recoverable value should be assessed for a separate asset. If it is impossible to estimate the recoverable cost of a separate asset, the company determines the recoverable value of the generating unit to which the asset (generating an asset unit).

The recoverable cost of a separate asset cannot be defined if:

1) the value of the use of an asset cannot be estimated to approach its fair value less expenses for sale (for example, if future cash flows from the ongoing use of an asset can not be negligible) and

2) The asset does not create cash receipts, which are largely independent of income from other assets.

In such cases, the value of use and, therefore, the recoverable cost can only be determined for the generating unit of the asset. To identify the generating unit of the asset, judgment is used. If the recoverable cost cannot be determined for a separate asset, the company reveals the smallest set of assets, which creates largely independent cash flows.

Generating units must be identified sequentially from one period to another for the same asset or asset types, unless the change is not reasonable.

The reimbursable value of the generating unit is a fair value less expenses for the sale or value of use depending on which is more from these values. Balance value of a generating unit:

Includes the balance sheet value of only those assets that can be directly related or distributed on a reasonable and consistent basis on a generating unit and which in the future will ensure cash receipt used to determine the value of using the generating unit; and

Does not include the balance sheet value of a recognized obligation, unless the recoverable value of the generating unit cannot be determined without taking into account this obligation.

When checking the generating unit for impairment, the company identifies all corporate assets that belong to the generating unit under consideration.

Restore impairment loss

At the end of each reporting period, the company should determine the presence of signs that an impairment loss recognized in previous periods for an asset other than goodwill no longer exists or decreased. In the case of any such sign, the enterprise must estimate the recoverable value of this asset.

When determining the presence of signs that an impairment loss recognized in previous periods for an asset other than goodwill no longer exists or decreased, the company analyzes external and internal sources of infomation.

Restoration of the impairment loss reflects an increase in the calculated beneficial potential of an asset associated either with its use or with its sale, from the date of the last recognition of an enterprise with an impairment loss against this asset.

The increased carrying amount of an asset other than goodwill coming to the restoration of an impairment loss should not exceed the balance sheet value, which would be defined (minus depreciation), if there were no impairment loss for this asset for previous years.

Restoring an impairment loss for an asset other than goodwill is recognized immediately in profit or loss, unless the asset is taken into account in the revalued value in accordance with another standard. Any restoration of damages from impairment of an overvalued asset in accordance with this, the standard should be taken into account as an increase in the amount of revaluation.

Restoration of impairment loss on an overvalued asset is recognized as part of other comprehensive income and increases the increase in the cost of the revaluation on this asset. However, to the extent that an impairment loss on the same revalued asset was previously recognized in profit or loss, the restoration of such an impairment loss is also recognized in profit or loss.

After recognizing the restoration of damages from impairment, depreciation deductions regarding the asset are adjusted in future periods, taking into account the revision of the carrying amount of the asset, minus its liquidation value (if there is such), on a regular basis during its remaining service life.

Restoration of the impairment loss for the generating unit should refer to the assets of the unit, with the exception of goodwill, proportional to the book value of these assets. When distributing a loss of impairment loss in relation to the generating unit, the carrying amount of the asset should not increase over smaller from the following values:

Its recoverable cost (if it can be determined); and

Balance value, which would be defined (less depreciation) if there were no impairment loss for this asset in previous periods.

The amount of restoration of an impairment loss, which otherwise would be attributed to the asset, should be proportionally assigned to other assets of the unit, except for goodwill.

Decisions recognized as a good impairment in the subsequent period is not restored.

The company must disclose the following information for each type of assets:

1) an amount of impairment losses recognized in profit or loss during the period, and a string (string) of the report on the total income, which reflects these impairment losses.

2) the amount of impairment loss restoration recognized in profit or loss during the period, and the line (string) of the total income report, which reflects the restoration of losses from impairment.

3) the amount of impairment losses on revalued assets recognized during the period as part of other aggregate income.

4) the amount of reduction of impairment losses on revalued assets recognized during the period as part of other aggregate income.

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