
How to properly distribute the family budget for a month, so that everything is enough? The wisdom of money. Or how to properly distribute the family budget

Dwight D. Eisenhower once spoke the wisdom that lies at the heart of the financial health of every prosperous family.

Hello, friends. Artem Bilenko with you. I am the author of this blog. Today we will talk about how to distribute the family budget for a month. We will look at examples of several classic schemes in which I will show how to properly allocate personal finance flows.

After studying the material, you just need to choose the appropriate option, correct the numbers and begin to competently manage your personal finances.

P.S. I recommend that you pay attention to the site "". Here they teach financial literacy... How to properly manage personal finances in order to save up for a house, apartment, car. How to properly invest the accumulated money and increase income. Allow yourself to take annual vacations and travel around the world.

The material in this article is intended for users who have already read all the material in the "Family and Personal Budget" section. If you are not already in the subject, take your time to calculate your home budget. Check out at least five of the publications listed below. They collect the basic theory to help plan, allocate and control funds.

  1. "Three types of family budget - their advantages and disadvantages."
  2. "7 envelopes - a simple and effective method of family budget management."
  3. "What should not be allowed when planning a family budget - 10 most common mistakes."
  4. "How to keep a family budget in a notebook - an example with tables of income and expenses."
  5. "Review of the best free programs for managing your family and personal budget."

Option number 1. Calculation of the joint family budget

In the joint budget, all spouses' income is added up and directed to the needs of the family.

With such an organization of family finance, management in cash occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. the total family income is determined;
  2. categories of expenses are formed (envelopes will help you here);
  3. on the last day, a balance is drawn up, which summarizes the results of the month.

Let's see how this algorithm looks in the table.

April 2017

Family income

Type of earnings

Amount, hryvnia

Husband's salary
Wife's salary
Accrued interest on the deposit
Total income

Family expenses

Mandatory spending

Housing maintenance

Household expenses
(food, household chemicals, etc.)
Obligatory spending amount

7150 (65%)

Variable spending

Children's expenses
The sum of variable expenses

2750 (25%)


Additional expenses
(the unused part should be spent on updating the wardrobe)

Option number 2. Calculation of a separate family budget

In a separate budget, the income of each of the spouses is divided into two proportional parts, allowing for the payment of general and individual expenses.

Schematically, it looks like this:

  1. spouses determine what part of their personal budget (in percentage) they will spend on paying for the general needs of the family;
  2. a category of expenses is formed, for which the husband will be responsible on a monthly basis;
  3. a category of expenses is formed, for which the wife will be responsible on a monthly basis;
  4. the allocated money is spent on targeted needs;
  5. each spouse for a month to monitor the implementation of their part family budget;
  6. husband and wife dispose of free money at their own discretion;
  7. the reporting balance is formed on the last day of the month.

Let's look at an example.

April 2017

Family income

Type of earnings

Amount, hryvnia

Husband's salary

Wife's salary

Total income

A part of the personal budget that will be spent by each of the spouses to pay for the general needs of the family


Common monthly expenses of each of the spouses

Amount, hryvnia

Amount, hryvnia


Household expenses

Housing maintenance

Fundraising for annual vacation

Children's expenses

Additional expenses

Fundraising for large purchases



Personal monthly expenses of each of the spouses


5,000 hryvnia

5,000 hryvnia

Option number 3. Calculation of the shared family budget

In a shared form of financial management, spouses worry together about the needs of the family, but at the same time they do not forget to allocate some of the funds for personal needs.

Schematically, such a budget is formed as follows:

  1. the total family income is summed up;
  2. the shares of joint and personal needs are determined;
  3. categories of expenses are formed;
  4. funds are allocated for targeted needs;
  5. within a month, control over the implementation of the plan is carried out;
  6. on the last day, a balance is drawn up, which summarizes the results of the month;
  7. The spouses dispose of the rest of the money at their own discretion.

Let's draw up an approximate plan of the share budget.

April 2017
Family income
Type of earnings Amount, hryvnia
Husband's salary7 500
Wife's salary7 500
Total income 15 000
The share of the budget that will be spent by each of the spouses to pay for the general needs of the family
Husband Wife
80% 80%
6000 6000
Joint budget: UAH 12,000
The share of the budget that will be spent by each of the spouses to pay for personal needs
20% 20%
1500 1500
Family expenses
Mandatory spending
Investments1200 (10%)
Housing maintenance
(utility bills, cable TV, internet, electricity)
2400 (20%)
Household expenses
(food, household chemicals, etc.)
4200 (35%)
Obligatory spending amount 7800 (65%)
Variable spending
Children's expenses1800 (15%)
Fundraising for large purchases600 (5%)
Fundraising for annual vacation600 (5%)
The sum of variable expenses 3000 (25%)
Additional expenses 1200 (10%)

Planning horizons

In most cases, violation of the drawn up budget is associated with unforeseen expenses that the family could not calculate in a timely manner. To reduce the number of such situations to a minimum, you need to plan for several months in advance.

Let's take a look at how it works. We will start from the fact that it is now April 2017.

1st horizon: estimation of contingencies for 3 months in advance.

MonthPossible costsRequired amount, hryvnia
MayTwo birthdays 2000
Excursion at my daughter's school 3000
JuneA friend's wedding 3000
July - -
In the next three months, the burden on the budget may increase by 8000 hryvnia. The family will not be able to pay such expenses without a loan. Maximum limit 3000 hryvnia. This money will be used to pay for the excursion, since the child is more important than an optional wedding and two birthdays.

The second (6 months) and third (12 months) planning horizons will be drawn up in a similar way. They allow you to see the holes in the budget in advance, take measures to eliminate them and prepare in time for difficult financial months.


Friends, now you know how to plan your salary for the next month. Do not neglect the knowledge gained, create a spreadsheet and take control of your financial life. Then tell your friends about the benefits of a family budget and share this article with them.

Many people say that money is like water - it quickly flows to nowhere. If you cannot remember what you spent an impressive amount on, it’s not clear where the salary goes and why it ends in just two weeks, you cannot save up for the desired thing or vacation, it’s time to start carefully calculating your income and expenses. Family budgeting is the first step towards fulfilling your material desires.

Home bookkeeping: the first stage - income

Each family builds its material well-being according to its own scenario: someone seeks to earn more, someone insists on the observance of the principles of reasonable spending by all family members. The main thing is not to go to extremes, but to find your right path. This issue becomes especially relevant in the family with the appearance of children, when family expenses increase significantly. There are several methods on how to plan a family budget, what principles to adhere to.

The first step in any of these methods is to determine the items of family income and expenses. Income should take into account:

  • wages;
  • social payments;
  • income from bank deposits, from renting an apartment;
  • part-time job;
  • cash gifts.

It is clear that the first 3 positions are constant, the amounts of these incomes are known, and it is from them that the basis of the income part of the family budget will be formed. Side job and cash gifts may or may not be, so you should not count on them, but use them as bonuses for pleasant spending.

Second stage - expenses

The second stage is the calculation of expenses in various directions. Few will be able to immediately say how much and for what they are, so it is important to keep track of your expenses at least for a month or two, even in trifles. Then it will become clear how much the family spends and for what. How to keep records? Personal finance experts recommend that you record all your daily expenses: food, travel, entertainment.

Costs, like revenues, can be divided into several broad categories:

  • obligatory payments;
  • expenses for food, travel;
  • spending on wardrobe renewal;
  • spending on entertainment, recreation;
  • unforeseen expenses for treatment, repairs, etc.

Mandatory payments include:

  • communal;
  • payment for mobile communications, Internet;
  • insurance;
  • payment for circles, sections, additional activities for children.

Food spending should also be categorized:

  • dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • meat, fish, poultry;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • sweets, juices, pastries, etc.

In the first months of maintaining a family budget, experts recommend drawing up a table and advising you to write down all the costs of food, down to the smallest detail. Sometimes, from such trifles as buying 200 grams of sweets, cookies, a cup of coffee, significant sums are accumulated in a week or a month. All family members need to learn how to remember and write down their expenses, so that later you can correctly plan the family budget.

Stage three: comparing income and expenses

Maintaining a home budget is a big topic and it is difficult to reveal it within the framework of one article, therefore, such an important question is "how to distribute income and plan a home budget?" I decided to put it in a separate post. I want to say that the topic is not simple, but once you figure it out, put it into practice, and then everything “will go on as it is.

Why you need to distribute income across balances

Let's start by defining the balance. Within this article, balance- This is a kind of wallet section, material or imaginary, serving to group money in a certain direction. Balance example:

  • "Regular expenses"

For this balance, we allocate money for such items of expenses as rent for a house, food, utility bills, medicines, fuel, small purchases ...

  • "Irregular expenses"

Taxes and duties, clothing, household cleaning products, hygiene supplies, Appliances, services…

  • "Recreation and entertainment"

Cable TV, going to the cinema, restaurant, swimming pool, sauna ...

  • "Saving"

In this balance you need to set aside money to form a reserve fund. Its amount should be approximately equal to a six-month salary. Some of the accumulated over, you can spend on expensive purchases.

  • "Investments"

This balance can include money, both from the salary and from the profit from the business. The money will be used to raise education, invest in real estate, PAMM accounts, precious metals, stocks, etc.

! If your only source of income is profit from investments, then you will not have this balance, because you will only reinvest and take part of the profit from investments and distribute to the balances. Instead, create a balance "Education", the money from which I will go to improve your education.

  • "Charity"

All kinds of donations and help to those in need

The distribution of money on balances is the basis. This is necessary in order for you to pay the needs from the money specially allocated for this. This will help you not spend all your money, say, on entertainment and run out of money for food. Also, by distributing income, you can save money for expensive purchases, vacations, charity, initial capital for your own business.

How to distribute income

It is necessary to distribute income among different balances in percentage terms, it will vary slightly depending on how many people are in the family, how many of them generate income, how many dependents, etc. I think the point is clear ...

The average person distributes his salary as follows:

  • "Regular expenses" ——————————— 40%
  • "Leisure and entertainment" ——————————- 35%
  • "Savings" ——————————————— 0%
  • "Investments" ——————————————— 0%
  • "Education" ——————————————— 0%
  • "Charity" ——————————— 0%

As you can see, such a person does not look into the future and lives for one day.

Although he should have distributed his income as follows:

  • "Regular expenses" ——————————— 25%
  • “Irregular expenses” —————————— 25%
  • "Leisure and entertainment" ——————————- 10%
  • "Savings" ——————————————- 10%
  • "Investments" ——————————————— 10%
  • "Education" ——————————————— 10%
  • "Charity" ——————————- 10%

Any of your profits should be distributed immediately after receiving it, be it 10,000 or 1,000 rubles. But every time to divide in the mind and by percentage is dreary, for this I created and specially configured an Excel document → download.

How to plan a budget

To put it simply, you should plan your budget so that your income is enough for everything you need and still has. Basically, if you distribute profits, following the scheme outlined above, you will already be half the battle.

Calculate the amount required for the next month based on the money spent in the previous three.

Let me give you an example: in the first month, 5,000 were spent on food; in the second, 7,000, in the third, 6,000; we take the arithmetic mean - 6,000. This means that next month try not to go beyond these limits.

In custody…

Distribute your income across balances and spend money based on budget plan for next month. Small difficulties will be only at the beginning, and over time, experience will come to you and it will become completely, not difficult to do this, especially using.

Globally, a family can be called a mini-state in a state where there is always a head and a minister, a population on subsidies and the necessary items of expenditure. This must always be remembered so that one day it does not turn out that your little state is on the edge of a terrible economic crisis, or even at the very bottom of the debt pit, with a huge amount of loans and borrowings, debts and other unbearable expenses that you are not able to pay off. That is why it makes sense to understand the correct planning and figure out how to distribute the family budget efficiently and competently, in order to know exactly what position you occupy on the ladder of income and expenses.

Family budget for a month - a guide to action

Planning, sequestering, distributing the family's budget for a month, and if necessary, for a much longer period, subject to a stable, guaranteed income, is far from an easy task, especially for a beginner who has never dealt with home accounting before. However, it is undoubtedly worth trying, because just once figuring out how to distribute the family budget, you can then clearly control the flow for many years own funds... Anyone who does not want to vegetate from paycheck to paycheck, since he spent all the money at the very beginning of the month, should definitely think about keeping his own bookkeeping.


Money can be considered one of the greatest tools created by mankind. They have the opportunity to gain experience, knowledge, entertainment, freedom and many other things that make life more pleasant and comfortable. However, they can be wasted aimlessly and thoughtlessly. No wonder a famous American actor named Will Rogers said that we spend too much money on unnecessary things to please people who are not even interesting to us.

Many in our time of crisis have noticed that incomes are getting smaller and expenses are growing. Debts, loans, constant delays and increasing penalties, all this accumulates and grows like a snowball, eventually turning into a destructive avalanche. In order not to become a complete bankrupt, unable even to feed oneself, it is worth taking fate into our own hands and figuring out how to properly distribute the family budget.

Why do you need home bookkeeping

People for the most part are gullible, artless and naive, although they want to seem wise by experience, omniscient experts. Therefore, they often do not understand at all why and how to correctly distribute the family budget, considering it a pointless waste of time, since income from this will definitely not increase. It is clear that the salary from keeping a ledger at home will definitely not increase, but all expenses will become much more transparent, and money will no longer control you. Instead, you can take the reins in your own hands. There are three main reasons why it is worth doing the math.

  1. A clear and understandable table of the distribution of the family budget for a month will allow you to immediately isolate the pointless spontaneous expenses to which absolutely any person is inclined. Proper planning will allow you to clearly follow the set goals, without being sprayed with trifles. For example, it is not at all necessary to buy a thirtieth pair of shoes simply because a novelty has come out from a famous designer; there are many other needs and long-term prospects.
  2. Calculating and planning a budget will help you put the right long term goals(buying a car, apartment, house, household appliances), and then clearly follow them. If you just squander money left and right, without taking it into account or distributing it, then you will hardly be able to save up for a vacation by the sea or a brand new foreign car.
  3. With proper planning and proper distribution of the family budget for a month, no unforeseen life situations can knock you out of the saddle. Illness or even death of relatives, loss of work, divorce, unforeseen repairs, as the neighbors flooded, all this will be taken into account in a special reserve fund, which will be discussed a little later.

The structure of the family budget necessarily includes the so-called "safety cushion", that is, funds that will allow, in any scenario, to hold out from three to six months.

Distribution of the family budget as a percentage

After you understand that the distribution of the family budget is a necessary measure of control over your own funds, you should understand all the details in order to understand what exactly needs to be done, know and take into account. There is a certain set general principles, which are applicable in any situation, since the situation of people is different, and it can change quite often.

The 80/20 rule

The simplest and most common plan that will have to be implemented, in the presence of debts, involves the payment of at least 20% of the monthly earnings of the whole family on loans, mortgages or other types of debts. The fact is that until you get out of the "minuses", you will hardly be able to save and collect to the maximum, but you will have to make efforts.

Table 1 How to distribute the family budget for a month

Therefore, it is advisable to use twenty percent to create a financial buffer (airbags), and distribute the rest for all other purposes, from food to payment. utilities, shopping for clothes, household items and other things. Thus, spending and savings will amount to 80% of earnings, and payment of debts - 20%.

The 50/30/20 rule

The second variant of the percentage grid, which also works very well, as it is easy to calculate and really effective. Instead of scribbling and sorting twenty or thirty items out of the estimated monthly costs, everything is divided by three, as in the previous version, by two.

Table 2 Distribution of the family budget per month

As you can see from the table, half of the total family income should go to the necessary expenses, which includes a grocery store, a communal apartment, travel and education fees, taxes, etc., which cannot be done without. modern man... Thirty percent of the earnings of all family members will go to optional, but desirable expenses, without which the quality of life suffers significantly, for example, hobbies, entertainment, movies, exhibitions, films and books. Exactly twenty percent of the budget is provided for the repayment of all kinds of debts and loans, as well as the creation of an untouchable reserve "for a rainy day", as in the previous version.

Hack on the nose

In order for your planning and accounting to really work on an ongoing basis, without failures and surprises, be sure to make yourself the habit of saving a certain amount, which can be spent only in the most difficult and unforeseen circumstances, for example, when loved ones are sick, or a job is lost. It is such a reserve that is called an airbag, and it should be equal to the amount that will be enough for you to live, without too much straining, for three to six months, and possibly more. Only in this way will the distribution of the family budget become really effective.

Thus, it turns out that, as in the first popular method recommended professional accountants, and in the second, only twenty percent is provided for debts and an emergency reserve. Automatically divide this number in half, so you should have enough both to pay off debt obligations and for a “rainy day”. Ideally, the airbag is never spent if circumstances permit, but it should be replenished regularly.

We make a budget for a month without problems

Many people think that creating a structure of income and expenses, maintaining home bookkeeping, and controlling financial flows is an extremely difficult and overwhelming task for a beginner. This is a common mistake and you should not be afraid, because everything will not be controlled by anyone other than yourself. Even if at first you make annoying mistakes, then after a month, after analyzing the situation, you can easily correct them. We invite you to consider step by step instructions on the creation and distribution of the family budget, but you can plan it both manually in a regular notebook, and in special programs, the free options of which are full on the net.

Achievable and realistic goals

The first thing psychologists who deal with such issues say is that it is impossible to save for a long time just for the sake of saving. It is always necessary to set realistic achievable goals and methodically go towards them until they are achieved. Moreover, it is worth understanding that it is better to move from less to more, because “Becoming a multibillionaire” is rather vague and indistinct, you can spend forty or fifty years on it, but still not achieve success. The goal must be feasible, real and achievable in the near future. Better yet, divide all goals into three main subcategories.

  1. Short-term: a new smartphone or other device, buying a branded garment, paying off a minor debt.
  2. Medium urgency: going on vacation at sea, purchasing a car or motorcycle, expensive fur coat, expansion housing conditions, house insulation and re-equipment, new furniture.
  3. Long-term: helping adult children, accumulating a decent pension for special programs, mortgage, purchase of real estate abroad and more.

When drawing up such plans, you should be as realistic as possible, therefore, first set achievable goals. For example, with a salary of 20 thousand, it is better to first gather up for the installation of new window structures, insulate the house, which will allow you to save more on heating, and only then think about buying a new car, this is not a work necessity.

Correct determination of income and expenses

In order to properly allocate funds, they first need to give a clear definition of what to do immediately after you have finally decided on goals in the short and long term.

Income generation structure

  • The salary of the head of the family, most often the husband.
  • Spouse's salary.
  • Social benefits.
  • Pensions.
  • Interest on deposits and deposits.
  • Additional income (part-time work, gifts, unaccounted for bonuses, etc.).

Formation of expenses

  • Food products and necessary household items.
  • Medical care and medicines.
  • Fare.
  • Utilities (gas, electricity, water, heating, rent, communication services, internet).
  • Items of clothing.
  • Personal expenses of each family member, including children.
  • Education.
  • Present.
  • Entertainment and hobbies, hobbies, active leisure, travel.

These lists have been compiled approximately, everyone can make their own adjustments to them that best suit their needs and capabilities.

Track all expenses and share needs with desires

It will hardly be possible to sit down and draw up an expense and income table from the start. In order to clearly determine where, in fact, your money is flowing, you will have to spend a month, or maybe several. All the while, you'll have to record every waste, even if it's a chewing gum or bagel at the corner diner. On our site you can absolutely free of charge, and adjust it to fit your needs and rules.

When you start writing down each of your purchases, you will be surprised to find how many unnecessary, useless things you buy almost every day. Unplanned and impulsive purchases can seriously and regularly hit the family budget, so it is worth drawing a clear line between "want" and "need". The twenty-fifth pair of sneakers is not at all a necessity, but textbooks for raising qualifications must be bought.

In addition to all that is listed above, experts recommend that you additionally listen to one very practical advice. It is better to keep money in a bank, or even better, to invest free funds, so they can bring additional income. But it's better to pay in cash, and debit and credit cards leave at home when going shopping. They create the illusion that you are not wasting money, when in fact, they float away like water. Look useful videos, track expenses, set achievable goals, plan and distribute, and you will definitely achieve what is worth striving for, stability and confidence in the future.

Greetings! From my own experience I know that you can spend up to a penny any amount. But every month it is necessary to set aside money for large purchases, form a reserve fund and make investments in future retirement.

Therefore, today I will share with you a couple of tips on how to distribute the family budget. At one time, I tried dozens of strategies and life hacks. And empirically chose the simplest and most effective ones for family well-being.

Unfortunately, there is no single recipe. Families differ from each other:

  • income level;
  • priorities in spending (for example, during maternity leave, most of the money is spent on a child, while childless couples have no “children's” expenses at all);
  • long-term goals;
  • preferences and requirements for the standard of living. Someone eats 100 rubles a day, but buys only branded clothing. Others can distribute money like this: they dress in second-hand shops, but at the same time they spend half of their salary on travel.

But there are points that are a must for any family budget!

After you have managed to distribute the amounts, the family should have money for:

But someday children will need money to study at a decent university in Russia or abroad. Sooner or later, you will want to move to Vacation home or buy a bigger apartment. Finally, retirement is also not as far away as it seems from a distance of 30 or 40 years. And for all this money should be distributed in advance.

By the way, do not think that high earnings guarantee a family financial independence... An old friend of mine invests in the budget about 300,000 rubles a month. Since he does not like saving and keeping records, he cannot distribute money correctly, Ivan today owes half the city and three banks. On credit he has an apartment and a car, all household appliances. He buys a new washing machine, laptop or iPhone by paying with a “gold” credit card.

Finding out who spends how much

In almost every family, the cause of conflicts over money comes down to the phrase: "I am trying to save, and you are spending too much from the family budget." Everyone has different ways of saving - the result is the same: it is difficult to distribute finances without offense.

Let's say our conditional family consists of three people: dad Igor, mom Marina and their son - 5-year-old Roma. The earnings of both adult family members add up to one envelope. And from there the money is taken both for general family expenses and for personal ones.

To dot the i's, we divide the monthly budget into three parts: general expenses (food, utilities, etc.), Marina's personal expenses (visiting a beauty salon, for example) and Igor's personal expenses (a weekly meeting with friends in a pub).

Ideally, this division of expenses will allow you to find out which family member spends the family money on. Which of the two saves on himself, and who does not deny himself anything?

We distribute money correctly

Here, too, everything is elementary. Set aside immediately after receiving your salary (in a separate envelope, on Bank deposit or in a safe) money from the family budget:

  • for large purchases;
  • to the reserve fund;
  • for long-term savings.

How to calculate the amount? You can choose any percentage of income - at least 10%, at least 1%. Your task is to learn how to distribute the family budget in such a way as to save money “in advance”. The second task is to postpone and ... forget about this money. And believe me, for many Russian families the second task is much more difficult than the first.

The easiest way to distribute the family budget is with the help of banal envelopes. This is a great option for those who are just starting out with family budgeting. Of course, it also has a lot of disadvantages. For example, envelopes are inconvenient to use if income comes to bank card... Or it comes irregularly and in different amounts.

But these are trifles. The main thing is that the “envelopes” method allows you to quickly move from theory of how to distribute the family budget to practice. And understand what you can save on in order to find money for something you need. The best part is that higher mathematics in "envelopes" is definitely not needed.

Dozens of variations of the method have been invented. I will list two of the simplest and most popular to distribute the amount for everything you need.


An old, kind and proven way of more than one generation, how to distribute the family budget.

  1. "Nutrition".
  2. "Children".
  3. "Entertainment".
  4. "Education".

On each we write the name and amount. It is more convenient to distribute money in envelopes once a month.

The first month will be a test month for the family budget. You need to estimate how much and what is going on. To control your daily expenses, use Excel spreadsheets or special applications. Then, when empirically set your "norm" for each category, try to distribute the money so that you can always invest in it.

Have spent more from the budget than you need on food? Distribute the remaining money differently: take a "loan" from the "Entertainment" envelope and this month, entertain yourself in less or cheaper ways.

"Method 60-10-10-10-10"

The method of how to distribute the family budget was suggested by MSN Money consultant Richard Jenkinson. Since 2007, it has been actively used in the Microsoft Money program. Another name for the method is "60% Solution" (and now you will understand why).

The total family income must be divided into five parts as a percentage. So from the budget:

  1. 60% will go to current family expenses (food, utilities, cosmetics, cars, clothes).
  2. We set aside 10% for pension savings (for example, we invest them in foreign investment insurance programs).
  3. 10% of the budget goes to long-term payments and purchases (to distribute for the purchase of a car, repairs, mortgages, loan payments).
  4. 10% - rare or unforeseen family expenses (gifts for anniversaries, medical treatment).
  5. 10% - rest and entertainment.

The “60-10-10-10-10” method for the family budget does not provide for expenditure details. The main thing is that your current spending does not exceed 60% of your income. Since the method came to us from the United States, it can be slightly adjusted to suit the Russian reality and the distribution of finances is different. For example, 10% pension savings move to the category "loans and mortgages".

How will you distribute your family budget?

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