
Spanish quarters project declaration. RC "Spanish Quarters" from the developer A101. What and how to buy

The Spanish Quarters are not just a new neighborhood with standard infrastructure. The residential complex was designed by Spanish architects who created a layout in the style of Barcelona. Private areas inside courtyards protect residents from outside noise and bustle. Perhaps, over time, the quarter will become Moscow's "Rambla", capable of captivating tourists with the sensations of endless celebration and fun. Or maybe it won't! Let's figure it out.

The first stage of the Spanish Quarters was commissioned at the end of 2017 - this is so far 3 houses out of the planned 40. Later, other new buildings on 7-15 floors with 1-, 2- and 3-room apartments should appear. The residential buildings themselves are monolithic - with apartments of "business" and "comfort" classes. Apartments that can be purchased with or without finishing.

Price from 67 thousand for square meter pleasantly surprised! Most apartments have a loggia, three-room apartments also have a couple of bathrooms. There is an option to make the apartment a little cheaper - the loggia costs 200-400 thousand rubles.

Builds RC "Spanish Quarters" joint-stock company A101 Development, owned by Augur Estate. Muscovites know the developer for projects in the neighboring Kommunarka: inhabited by the "Quarter A101", under construction and gradually settling in "Moscow A101", almost completed by the "Green Line".

Pay for what?

Panoramic windows of houses are equipped with two-chamber double-glazed windows, 2.3 meters wide. The project provides for really high ceilings: 3 m (for business class) and 2.85 m (for comfort class).

Floor ceilings increased up to 22 cm provide full soundproofing, which means that residents will be able to fully enjoy peace and quiet. However, there is nothing stopping you from listening to your favorite music and watching a spectacular movie with sound effects.

The monolithic technology used in the construction of houses in the Spanish Quarters allows experiment lovers to engage in interior redevelopment.

In construction residential complex The Spanish quarters use the most modern - environmentally friendly, energy-efficient materials. A well thought-out arrangement and variable number of storeys contribute to an even distribution of light. Houses do not overshadow each other, an aesthetic view opens from each window.

How about infrastructure?

The infrastructure of the project implies:

  • parking lots - ground multilevel and underground;
  • 2 kindergartens and a school for 1,300 students;
  • wonderful ice rink;
  • sports complex with a swimming pool;
  • medical Center.

Instead of a roadway, the Spanish Quarters has a wide boulevard - a unique pedestrian zone with cafes and shops on the ground floors. Everything is adapted for children's games, cycling, sports and friendly meetings. But the main thing is a comfortable road to school and kindergarten without cars. For owners of good-looking cars, there are underground parking lots in the houses, which can be easily accessed from the elevator hall in the entrance.

How far is it?

Living in "little Barcelona", you will be just 4 km from the Moscow Ring Road. From the huge capital, crowded with cars and people, you can quickly get to your paradise along the Kaluga highway.

The nearest metro station "Salaryevo" can be reached by public transport in 5-7 minutes. In the future, a metro station will open within walking distance. In addition, the main roads leading to the Spanish Quarters will be reconstructed. The Solntsevo-Butovo-Vidnoye route is planned, which will provide additional transport accessibility.

How apartments are sold

An apartment in the Spanish Quarters can be purchased on a 100% payment basis. Fortunately, for many buyers, the developer provides an installment plan. In addition, partner banks also provide mortgages.


  • Housing with improved planning.
  • A high level of comfort and safety.
  • Apartments from a reliable developer that does not allow unfinished construction.


  • Walking distance to the metro in 2019.
  • Lack of small (up to 30 m) fully finished apartments.

Well! In general, in our opinion, the complex is good. Most likely, the not too high price of apartments is a phenomenon caused by the incomplete delivery of houses. As builders get closer to the finish line, prices will rise sharply, so there is sense in the timely implementation of medium and long-term investments.

A little less than a year ago, the Mystery Buyer already went to check the Spanish Quarters residential complex, which A101 Development is building in the annexed territories. Then the implementation of the project had just begun, and the construction was at the stage of choosing a general contractor. On the instructions of the editors of the site, our agent again decided to "buy" an apartment in this large-scale new building in New Moscow, and at the same time find out how the construction of the complex is progressing.

What are they building?

By 2020, several blocks of residential buildings will appear on a 38-hectare site. The Spanish Quarters residential complex (read the previous investigation by the Mystery Shopper) was designed by Spanish architects (hence the name); the project will feature cozy gated courtyards and a pedestrian boulevard. A total of 40 monolithic buildings are planned to be built. In fact, this is not even a residential complex, but a whole microdistrict.

Currently, apartments are being sold in four buildings of the residential complex (No. 1, 2, 3 and 12). I will briefly tell you about them.
House number 1 consists of 4 buildings. Building 1.1 is a 14-15-storey four-section, building 1.2 is a six-story two-section, four-section building 1.3 with a height of 7-8 floors and a 12-storey building with two sections (building 1.4, in which all apartments have already been sold).

House No. 2 consists of 3 buildings 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. Building 2.1 is 14-15 stories high and has four sections, buildings 2.2 and 2.3 are 12-story and 6-story "towers".

Houses No. 1 and 2 belong to the first stage of construction, they are planned to be commissioned in the IV quarter of 2017. There are several apartments left in each building, the choice here is already small.

House number 3 is the third stage of construction; it is planned to be commissioned in August 2018. The third house consists of three buildings. Building 3.1 - three-section 12-15 storey, 3.2 - two-section 12-storey and 3.3 - 12-15-storey four-section. In building 3.3, apartments are sold with finishing.

House number 12 (2nd stage of construction) is scheduled for delivery in September 2018. It has 3 buildings: 12.1 - 9-storey, four-section, 12.2 - 13-storey one-section and 12.3 - also one-section 6-storey. House 12 has an underground parking for 146 cars.

Who is building?

As before, the developer of the project is A101 Development, the founder of which is Augur Estate. Both companies have experience in building projects (Avgur Estate has about 20 years of experience), however, buyers of apartments from these companies complain about delays in delivery. Someone writes that the deadline for the completion of a townhouse in the village of Kronburg has been postponed for a year, while someone else is talking about a similar problem in one of the buildings in the Moscow A101 residential complex.

Indeed, having read the documents posted on the official website of the developer, you can trace the history of some issues. For example, the first stage of the large-scale project "Moscow A101" was originally planned for commissioning in March 2014, then the delivery of buildings 3,4 was postponed to March 2015, and buildings 5, 6, 7 - to April 2015. In fact, Building 6 was commissioned in July 2015, and Buildings 5, 7 in April.

In the Kronburg quarter, the original developer was the company “Masshtab”, which later became part of the company “A101 Development”. The deadline for the first version of the project declaration is the II quarter of 2014. The houses were actually commissioned in May 2015. I must say that all these postponements were duly formalized, therefore, formally, they are not a failure of the deadlines, that is, we can say that the developer is fulfilling his obligations. Sometimes later and hassle for buyers, but it does.

Currently, the developer has 9 completed projects, including residential complexes, a business center, and cottage settlements. I cannot but mention some complaints about the quality of construction. There are complaints (a little, but there are) about the quality of masonry, freezing of walls, complaints about changes in projects, due to which the infrastructure component of the object is changing.

The reliability of the developer - 7 out of 10 points

I cannot agree with the previous Mystery Shopper assessment, because Having updated the information about the company, I discovered both a delay in terms and complaints about the quality of construction, for which I lower the score. However, I must say that the company fulfills its obligations to equity holders, there are no defrauded buyers, and the developer has not been noticed in scandals.

Intelligence on the Internet

RC "Spanish Quarters" does not have its own website. However, the page on the official website of A101 Development is very informative. There is all the information necessary for making a decision: the general plan of the microdistrict under construction, apartment layouts, prices, documentation, photographs from the construction site. There are not very many of them (for 3.5 months, 6-8 photos of each building), but the progress of construction can be monitored using web cameras (which, however, do not always work).

The section "Aerial photography" seemed interesting to me - there is an opportunity to "fly" over the future microdistrict. Just recently we added a version dated 04/13/2016. Prior to this, the shooting was dated December 2015. Also on the site I found a forum for buyers, in which just over 600 participants are registered. Here, among other things, the official messages of the developer are published.

What, in my opinion, is missing on the site - these are some facts in the description of the project. How many quarters are planned as a result, I did not really understand (only later on the splash I saw that it was 40). Also, I did not like the system for selecting apartments by parameters - apartments are shown in 6 pieces, I have to press the "next" button many times.

Oddly enough, in social networks the project has no official representation. Several unofficial groups with less than 100 members were found on VKontakte. In them, future residents post information found on the Internet, including on the developer's website, so I did not learn anything new from these groups. Residents' forums also to some extent repeat information about the progress of construction, there are several topics with reviews about the developer.

Information accessibility - 8 out of 10 points

The site contains all the information necessary for the first, network, acquaintance. In addition, over the past year, information accessibility has improved due to the section "Construction progress". But the web-camera, unfortunately, does not always show the construction site, but in general the site gives a good idea of ​​the project.


The residential complex "Spanish Quarters" is being built 3 km from the Moscow Ring Road near the Kaluzhskoe highway. The highway is planned to be significantly expanded (up to 8 lanes), now it looks like a construction site stretched for 3 km. Both car owners and passengers of public transport are forced to travel at low speed along the still narrow road.

To get to the nearest bus stop to the construction site by public transport, you need to take a bus or route taxi №895 from the Tyoply Stan metro station. Minibuses look like small buses, the fare is 30 rubles (that is, almost the same as on a city bus), the speed and level of comfort in them are quite comparable to a bus: they stop at the same stops. In the absence of serious traffic jams, this part of the journey takes 25-30 minutes.

Then another 15-20 minutes must go from the bus stop to the sales office. Despite the fact that the nearest metro station "Salaryevo" according to the map, it is still inconvenient to go from it, you will have to make 2 changes. Unfortunately, the opening of new metro stations in New Moscow has not yet improved the situation of the new building.

In addition, I would advise you not to really believe the description of the paths of the roads. Apparently, due to road works, the bus stop was moved a little further along the highway. It makes no sense to walk 50 meters in the direction of the region, as it is written on the project website - you have to go in the direction of Moscow.

Nor did I find the sign mentioned by the developer. You should not believe Yandex-maps either - for the request "Spanish Quarters, the sales office" for some reason sends the map service to Kommunarka, to the sales office of the residential complex "Moscow A101".

Transport accessibility - 5 out of 10 points

It is still not easy to get to the new building - neither along the Kaluzhskoe highway by car, nor by public transport from metro stations. And due to the repair of the track, the path has become longer and more unpleasant than a year ago, so I rate it lower than in the previous review.

Sales office

Now the sales office of the residential complex "Spanish Quarters" is located directly at the construction site - from the windows from the second floor a wonderful view of the buildings under construction of the first stage of construction opens. In mid-April, on building 1.3, the monolith was poured up to the 6th floor. From the Kaluga highway, equipment with construction materials periodically drove up, workers were visible on one of the three buildings - everything indicated that work was underway at the facility.

According to the call-center specialist, it is not accepted to make an appointment with the sales manager in the company, those interested in the object are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. In the first half of Tuesday, the wait stretched for about half an hour (I can imagine with horror what was going on there on the weekend!).

True, the office is quite comfortable for waiting - there are enough seating places in the spacious hall (sofas, armchairs), a cooler is available. A pleasant trifle - branded chocolates at the reception, the children of buyers are delighted with them. In the center of the hall there is a model of the first three stages of construction.

Managers work in small offices behind frosted glass - there, if desired, it is quite possible to create privacy, but not all managers use this opportunity. Expecting a meeting with “my” manager, I became a listener to a telephone conversation of one of the specialists, who was looking for the best options for the buyer.

Despite the complexity of the task - to choose an apartment for the client, telling about the layout, and without showing it - the specialist patiently worked in the prevailing conditions and invited the client to come far from immediately, but only when the acceptable options were chosen. In my opinion, this speaks to the skill of the seller. As far as I understood, the buyer received answers to his questions and was going to come to the office for a detailed conversation, that is, the conversation was successful for both parties.

By the way, “my” specialist and namesake Valentina also skillfully selected for me good options- I named a couple of requirements for future housing, the estimated budget for the purchase, and the manager instantly offered several apartments I liked. That is, no: "pay extra half a million, but then ....", no "I suggest you look at something similar, but not quite like that ....". Marvelous! And this despite the fact that the choice of layouts in the project is wide enough. As a result of the conversation, I received comprehensive information on all the questions that interested me, as well as a booklet with layouts (and manually entered prices), contacts of a sales manager, and a sample of a preschool educational institution.

Service - 9 out of 10 points

The specialists in the sales office are quite competent, Valentina amazed me with the speed of selection of options. I lower the point for half an hour waiting for the meeting - there were not many visitors in the office, but managers, apparently, even fewer.

Housing geometry

The project offers apartments with finishing (in building 3.3) and without finishing. In apartments without finishing, interior walls are not erected, their location is indicated by one brick on the floor, therefore most of the described layouts are not final.

Despite the small area of ​​"odnushki", the authors of the project propose to make them full-fledged one-room apartments - with a dedicated kitchen area of ​​about 9 square meters. meters, a three-meter storage room and a combined bathroom. Apartments measuring 33-35 sq. m, as well as an area of ​​about 39 sq. m - rectangular, almost square in plan, have a very small corridor, in which you can only place a hanger.

In apartments of 37.5 meters, the corridor is relatively large, but, unfortunately, it is a little elongated and without "dead ends" - there is nowhere to put a closet in it. Apartments on the second floor do not have balconies, their kitchens are slightly larger than those of the apartments above them.

At the time of this writing, about 100 two-room apartments with an area of ​​55.3 to 80.3 sq. m. The developer is ready to offer both "swing" options (for example, apartments with a footage of 60.5 sq. m, 68.8 sq. m or 80.3 sq. m), and one-sided.

Apartments with an area of ​​55-57 sq. m, a separate bathroom, a loggia, a kitchen of 12-14 meters, and the corridor can be either a narrow elongated 6-meter hall or an almost square hall of 10 sq. meters. Owners of apartments with the area of ​​61-66 sq. meters can arrange 2 combined bathrooms, separate the private area of ​​the bedroom from the living room and kitchen, whose area is from 12 to 18 sq. meters. The corridor can be from 9 to 15 sq. meters, it has enough space for a spacious wardrobe.

"Two-piece undershirts" are very similar to each other - one of the rooms is separated from the rest of the apartment by a corridor. It can be narrow or square, in any case, if you follow the project, there will be a place for a cabinet in it. The size of the kitchen ranges from 12 to 17 sq. meters, in some apartments the loggia is adjacent to the kitchen, in some to the room (which means that on the second floor of the house this particular room can be increased by 1.5-3 square meters).

There are 2 bathrooms in "kopeck piece" apartments, most often they are located next to each other. Interesting options for two-room apartments at the ends of the building. 18-meter kitchen of the apartment with an area of ​​66.4 sq. meter has 2 windows, that is, if desired, it can be partitioned into 2 small rooms.

In an eighty-meter two-room apartment, a kitchen of 18 sq. meters, bedrooms with a footage of 18 and 17 sq. meters, one separate bathroom and 2 utility rooms. There is nowhere to put a closet in the corridor, but given the 3.7 sq. m is not a problem. This apartment is for sale in building 1.3 (first stage of construction).
There are relatively few three-room apartments for sale, but even here the developer is ready to offer several options planning solutions- swing, one-sided, with kitchens 9-17 sq. meters, two bathrooms. There are options with spacious storage rooms (up to 3.7 sq. M).

All apartments in the project have high ceilings (3 m), all have enlarged windows (2.1 by 2.3 meters). In building 3.3, apartments with a fine finish are offered. They have completely finished walls, floors, ceilings, plumbing fixtures and interior doors.

There are 3 styles to choose from: Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona. Design projects differ in the chosen color scheme. Valencia is a classic design in beige and brown tones. The laminate on the floor of the living area mimics a plank floor.

The modern design of "Madrid" looks stylish, the floor in the kitchen in black and white checks attracts attention. The developer has a showroom in the office with examples of finishing - you can wander around the fully furnished apartment, evaluate the size of the storage rooms and the level of illumination.

Layouts - 9 out of 10 points

There are many planning solutions in the project, there is plenty to choose from, it is quite possible to find something to your liking. The only drawback: if you are looking for something specific (for example, with a pantry or with a large kitchen), then it is very difficult to find something on your own - the available options are difficult to classify. All hope for the manager.

What how much

The first stage of construction (houses 1, 2) due date - December 2017.

The second stage of construction (house 12) due date - September 2018

The third stage of construction (building 3, buildings 1, 2) unfinished apartments due date - August 2018.

The third stage of construction (building 3, building 3) apartments with finishing completion date - August 2018.

The closest neighbors of the Spanish Quarters residential complex are the Nikolin Park residential complex (from Sezar Group), which is being built by the Novaya Zvezda residential complex from the Krost company (verified by the Mystery Buyer) and the Kommunarka residential complex from the MIC Group. , as well as several completed projects of A101 Development.

It makes no sense to compare our hero with the Nikolin Park residential complex, since single apartments of a large area remain on sale there. In the residential complex "Kommunarka" the choice of housing is also already small (the project was commissioned and practically implemented).

Perhaps the Novaya Zvezda residential complex is one of the possible alternatives to the Spanish Quarters complex. The deadline for the completion of the "Stars" is the beginning of 2017. The difference in price with the second phase of construction of "Spanish Quarters" is from 500 thousand to 1.2 million rubles, depending on the number of rooms ("Spanish Quarters" are more expensive, but in the residential complex "New Star" the area of ​​apartments is much smaller). Also, having 5 million rubles, you can buy a 2-room apartment with an area of ​​40.5 sq. m. in the residential complex "Legenda No. 18" in Kommunarka with completion date III quarter of 2016.

Prices - 8 out of 10 points

The developer claims that the project has the lowest price per square meter in New Moscow. This is indeed the case. For a relatively little money you can buy an excellent apartment, including finishing. I am somewhat confused by the absolute value: for 6 million you can buy a three-ruble note without finishing in a finished house in the near Moscow region, and not wait until 2018. However, the registration will be regional.

How to buy?

Sales are carried out in accordance with 214-FZ, through the conclusion of an equity participation agreement, they are insured by insurance companies accredited by Tetrobank (BIN Insurance, RSHB-Insurance and VSK). In total, the new building is accredited in 15 banks (first stage), for the purchase of apartments of the second stage, you can get a mortgage in 5 banks. The main partner of A 101 Development is Rosselkhozbank, in addition to it, the 2nd and 3rd stages were accredited by Vozrozhdenie, Raiffeisenbank, Surgutneftegazbank and Sberbank.

If the apartment is bought with a mortgage, then the first step is to obtain approval for the loan. Then the buyer chooses an apartment for himself and books it. There are 2 booking options: paid and free. With a free booking - 2 weeks an apartment is not offered to anyone (only the availability of an apartment is recorded), with a paid booking, not only the availability, but also the price of the selected apartment is recorded.

If you make 1.4% of the cost of future housing, then booking is for 2 weeks, with 2% - for 1 month. Booking fees are included in the total cost and are taken into account in the transaction. Of the additional costs during the purchase (except for the cost indicated in the price list), the buyer pays 55,000 rubles for the registration of the DDU and the registration of the apartment in ownership, and also pays the state duty on his own.

For the military, a mortgage is available for special conditions(the so-called " military mortgage"), Maternity capital is accepted for payment. Those who pay with maternity capital are provided with an interest-free installment plan for 3 months. An installment plan is also available at 15% on the balance. The minimum contribution is 30%, the period is limited by the date of putting the house into operation, both monthly and quarterly payments are possible.

Purchase scheme - 9 out of 10 points

The developer offers a convenient scheme for buying, selling under a preschool education institution, it is possible to use maternity capital, there are several mortgage options, including a military one. The point was lowered for an expensive installment plan.

Social and cultural life

The project includes 2 kindergartens (for 570 places), a school for 1200 students, ground and underground parking for 2500 and 146 cars, a clinic, a sports complex, cafes and restaurants. The first floors of the building are designed non-residential premises: service organizations, small shops will open simultaneously with the settlement of residents, so in general the situation with the infrastructure is good. The first kindergarten is being built simultaneously with the first house, and those who have already bought an apartment will be able to use it.

The situation with the school is worse - it will appear only in the third stage, and parents of schoolchildren who bought an apartment in the first stage will have to take their time with the renovation and relocation. Sales managers say that by the end of the repairs in the apartments of Building 1 (approximately six months after the keys have been handed over), the school will already be open. For the first three stages of construction of places in a school and a kindergarten, I think it will be enough (I counted about 2000 apartments in houses, whose project declarations are on the website).

Developed own infrastructure of the complex in this case- not a luxury, but a necessity, since the new building is being built surrounded by other similar residential complexes, there were initially no social facilities in this part. In the residential complex "Nikolin Park", adjacent to the residential complex "Spanish Quarters" shopping center, a kindergarten, a fitness center and other social facilities, but the residential complex is located in a fenced area, it is convenient to use only a car wash “from the street”.

The situation is similar with the Vyazemskoye residential complex. The village of townhouses within walking distance from the "Spanish Quarters", a business center, a clinic, a school will open on its separate territory. It is unlikely that these objects will become available to residents of a multi-storey new building.

On the other hand, the proximity to the Moscow Ring Road allows you to use several large shopping centers - in this part of the city there are small wholesale grocery stores, supermarkets, and a construction market.

Infrastructure - 7 out of 10 points

The developer plans to create a full-fledged infrastructure on the territory of the residential complex, and this is correct, since using social facilities the nearby new buildings are not very convenient. True, the construction of most objects will not be carried out immediately, the first newcomers will either have to go to neighboring settlements, or do not rush to move.


The picturesque forest located between the Kaluzhskoe highway and the sales office certainly pleases. True, the forest is small and, apparently, it will soon become even smaller - when you visit the office, you can see bulldozers working on the edge of the forest - there was a feeling that the passage to the construction site was expanding due to green spaces.

In 3 km, separated by the village of Nikolo-Khovanskoye, is the largest Moscow cemetery - Khovanskoye. It is unlikely that it will disturb the residents of the complex, in contrast to the neighborhood with the Vnukovo airport. It is 19 km to go to the airport, but the planes fly quite low above the houses, which, from habit, is somewhat unnerving. The reclaimed Salaryevsky landfill is also located 3 km from the houses under construction; it is separated from the new building not only by the village, but also by the vast territory of the cemetery.


The project has a number of advantages: spacious apartments with well-thought-out layouts, high ceilings and large windows are sold at a relatively low price. The terms of purchase seemed attractive to me, I liked the opportunity to purchase an apartment with decoration, and the design projects seemed interesting.

Disadvantages: it is still difficult to get to the new building, and the construction of new metro stations has not yet improved the situation. Horseless buyers will have a particularly hard time, and now car owners cannot quickly get to Moscow and back. Foggy prospects regarding schools and polyclinics also do not add optimism. According to the sum of the factors, RC "Spanish Quarters" receive "8" points.

Valentina Sha

Publication date 04 May 2016

When you think of Spain, you immediately imagine a glass of sangria in your hand, fresh jamon on a snow-white plate and a huge portion of paella. Around, tanned, muscular Spaniards dance to the songs of Enrique Iglesias, and you sit on the veranda and breathe in the smell of the sea. It is interesting when the company “A101” says that in New Moscow they built a quarter just like in Barcelona, ​​do they mean the same as we do?

I already came to "Spanish Quarters" in December 2016, then even the first buildings were still under construction, so we could only roughly estimate the site, location, facades and area of ​​apartments. There was no interior decoration, no courtyards, so there was a minimum of productive evaluation.

But now, 1.5 years later, we waited for the completion of the buildings and even another six months, until the first residents settle down, and came to check whether the developer had fulfilled everything according to his expectations.

About the Complex

The complex is being built in the south of Moscow in the Sosenskoye area. In total, by 2020, it is planned to build 40 buildings from 6 to 15 floors, the owners of apartments in the first stage have already received the keys at the end of 2017, the second stage is being prepared for commissioning, and the third stage will be commissioned at the end of 2018-early 2019. You can get confused with the number of houses here, because sometimes the word “house” in the sales office is used to refer to a group of buildings that form a closed quarter, but in fact are separate buildings. In the first stage, 7 buildings and apartments in them are almost all sold out, in the second stage - 9 buildings, in the third stage - 11 buildings.

When we came for the first time, on the general plan the buildings were only on one side of Nikolo-Khovanskaya street. This time I had a chance to get acquainted with the continuation of the project and the buildings that were located on the other side of the road.

Each quarter has a closed courtyard, fenced off, but at the same time most of the territory is freely accessible, and the pedestrian boulevard, which runs through the whole complex in the center, is the main pride of the developer; it has a walking area for all guests of the residential complex with benches, lawns, bike paths have already been laid through the territory of the residential complex.

These quarters were called Spanish for a reason. The Atlantika company, which developed the architecture of the project, is from this sultry country, and within the framework of this residential complex, the designers tried to convey the spirit of Barcelona - natural colors, different number of storeys of buildings, private courtyards. On the last shoot, I said that it looks more like building houses in the village of Nikolo-Khovanskoye than Barcelona. This time, little has changed - this is a mile complex in the Moscow Ring Road, but not as far away as Barcelona.

Most of the houses are comfort class, with a ceiling height of 2.8 meters, glazed balconies and balconies, and in business class houses, the ceilings are already 3 meters, panoramic windows to the floor and French balconies (funny, a French balcony in the Spanish quarter). The height of the ceilings in the entrance lobbies is from 4.5 to 5 meters, there are places for a concierge everywhere. In the houses below there is 1 freight elevator, in those that are higher - 1 freight and 1 passenger, all of them are from OTIS. The business class house will use more expensive materials for finishing MOPs, but in general, I did not notice a significant difference - the same fenced area, the same courtyard.

The main difference between business class houses is the presence of underground parking, about 150 spaces per house with a cost of 700,000 rubles, and there will be a little more than 300 apartments, which means there will not be enough places for everyone. There is a ground parking for 1,500 spaces in the plan, but the construction time is not announced, so the most correct option is parking along the perimeter of the territory from the outer side of the buildings.

The trick of these houses is that the supports are columns, not load-bearing walls, so you can do any redevelopment and combine several apartments, while removing unnecessary walls. Exterior decoration of houses - ventilated facade, decorative plaster and facing bricks.

Who builds

The developer of the Spanish Quarters residential complex is A101 Development JSC, which is part of the SAFMAR Group, which unites oil and coal holdings, shopping centers, hotels, construction companies, logistics complexes, banks and pension funds... The site has a whole "awards" section, because there are so many of them that the badges would not fit on home page... Here are just a few of them:

  • Award in the category “Retail services. Real Estate "category" Best Customer Service "of the VII Annual Award" Consumer Rights and Quality of Service "
  • A101 DEVELOPMENT is the general partner of VTB24 Bank for residential mortgage lending.
  • A101 DEVELOPMENT is the Gold Partner of Sberbank of Russia in the field of housing loans.
  • RC "Spanish Quarters A101" - winner of the VI international prize for achievements in the market of Russian and overseas property"Records of the real estate market" in the nomination "Record of the lowest price of sq. M. meter".
  • Residential complex "Spanish Quarters A101" is recognized as an object with the best ratio "price - property class - location".

In 2015, the A101 company, along with all its land assets, was acquired by the BIN group of companies, now it is one of the largest development companies in the capital. It owns Inteko, Mospromstroy (Marriott and Holiday Inn hotels in Moscow), National Hotel, Chaika Plaza Class A offices, Petrovsky Passage, Smolensky Passage, Festival Mall, Industrial park "PNK-Chekhov".

The company "A101 Development" is implementing several projects at once in New Moscow - different in style and content, in general, they have very thoroughly taken up the development of this area, it seems to me that almost all the land in this area belongs to "A10!" In 2015, the company invested over 1.5 billion rubles in the construction of kindergartens and schools in the village of Kommunarka. Among the company's projects:LCD "Green Line" (commissioned),RC "Kvartal A101" (leased), RC "Moscow A101" (leased), RC "Spanish Quarters",RC "Vyazemskoe", RC "White nights",Quarter of townhouses "Kronburg". Rumor has it that some objects were handed over later than planned, but nevertheless, all the buildings were commissioned, people live in them and I did not notice any complaints about the quality of construction. The most striking claims to the company "A101" concern the residential complex "Moscow a101", according to the general plan of the project, a shopping complex was to appear among the residential buildings, but after the sale of all apartments, the company decided to build another residential building from scratch. On this occasion, there are many outraged reviews on the Internet. There are fears that the infrastructure of the Spanish Quarters may also change at the last moment.

How to get there

Residential complex "Spanish Quarters" is located 4.7 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluzhskoe highway.

By car: from the Kaluga highway, exit to st. Nikolo-Khovanskaya, the complex will be on the right. A couple of years ago, getting to this area was not an adventure for the faint of heart, but thanks to the appearance of several interchanges on the Kaluzhskoye highway, the situation has improved markedly, traffic jams occur mainly during rush hours. On the set of the first video, the manager assured us that the Nikolo-Khovanskaya understudy would be completed in the near future and very soon the happy residents of the first buildings would go along it. On the set of the second video, it turned out that the understudy had not yet been rolled into the asphalt. Moreover, the residents told me that the developer did not have a building permit and that everything that they managed to excavate was a squatter building. The city should take the construction under its own responsibility, but it is not clear when this will happen.

On our own: from the Teply Stan metro station (orange line to the south) by bus 882n to the Nikolo-Khovanskoye stop. Wait 15 minutes for the bus, go the same.

By 2019, it is planned to extend the Sokolnicheskaya line in the direction to the village of Kommunarka and the Prokshino station will appear not far from the Spanish Quarters residential complex. The LCD website says that it is only 9 minutes walk from the buildings to the station. Let's just say that from the nearest building of the second quarter it is possible directly and it will be 9 minutes. From the buildings of the 1st quarter at least 20 minutes, and from the distant buildings, everything will be 30. The plan of the road that will lead to the station has not yet been approved.

What and how you can buy

Apartments in the complex are presented from studios to four-room apartments, although now only three rubles are left from the large ones. Areas from 21 to 100 sq.m. The buildings have a different number of floors and apartments on the sites, so there are a lot of planning options.

One-room apartments from 21 to 43 sq.m. -from 2,365,200 to 4,396,350 rubles

Two-room apartments from 47 to 74 sq.m. - from 4 399 308 to 7 010 816 rubles

Three-room apartments from 70 to 104 sq.m. - from 5 773 518 to 9 825 896 rubles

For those who are impatient to move into the Spanish Quarters, there are apartments with finishing. Moreover, in the sales office there are demo samples with all types of finishes, everything can be seen live and touched. There are three finishing options:

“Barcelona” - interior with bright accents in the form of a turquoise wall and colored tiles in the bathroom. I really liked the combination of textures, especially the brick-like walls in the living room and hallway.

"Valencia" is a classic style in light colors, without much experimentation. I found it the most basic, and the bathroom is slightly similar in design to a clean, but public toilet.

Madrid - oh yes. When I entered this apartment, I believed that I was in Madrid. Dark floors and doors, bright accents, checkerboard tiles in the kitchen.

According to the residents, the finishing during acceptance is really similar to what they saw in the showroom, I did not meet any serious complaints. But those who rented an apartment in a draft version were much less fortunate. There are a lot of problems during acceptance - frozen walls, poorly sealed joints, leaks from roofs on the last floors. I had a chance to visit an apartment in which the walls of a bathroom were built from blocks completely saturated with human waste. The stench is terrible, it has not disappeared for the second month, and this despite the fact that another defect of this apartment is the absence of glass in one of the windows.

Infrastructure and improvement

As in any other complex, in “Spanish Quarters” the developer promises a lot and beautifully. On the first shoot, we were told that by the time the 2nd stage was completed, the municipal kindergarten would be ready. The garden is actually built, not yet commissioned. Another garden together with the school will be commissioned closer to 2020, the shopping center will also be completed by the end of construction. All the first floors of the houses have been given over for commercial space; there is already a bakery, Pyaterochka, a hardware store, a pizzeria and dentistry. Each courtyard has a playground for children. The courtyards are spacious, the playgrounds are functional and pretty, although instead of rubberized cover, there is now crushed stone. In general, the improvement of the territory for the comfort-class complex is very pleasant - spacious alleys, benches, lawns, bicycle paths.

About the area

Infrastructure within walking distance can be described simply - a remote village. There are no schools in Nikolo-Khovanskoye, the closest is on the other side of the Kaluzhskoye highway, one private kindergarten in the Nikolin Park residential complex, but most likely there are only places in it for residents of the complex. There are no pharmacies nearby, 4 small grocery stores across the river. Do you want to play sports? Then get ready to go to Kommunarka or Teply Stan. Gas stations "BP", "EKA" and "Lukoil" along the Kaluzhskoe highway.

From global objects - "MEGA Teply Stan" near the Moscow Ring Road and the wholesale and retail food center "Food City", but not everyone is happy with it, they say that the area will turn into one continuous bazaar, and due to the proximity of the hotel-hostel for workers " Food City ”- there will be a dysfunctional contingent.

In general, residents of “Spanish Quarters” need to hope that the necessary infrastructure in the form of grocery, kindergartens and schools will appear in the residential complex, otherwise it will look like a reservation cut off from the world from which it is impossible to reach civilization without a car.

Almost wall to wall with the first phase of the "Spanish Quarters" is the residential complex "Nikolin Park", which is already inhabited, these will be your closest and practically only neighbors. Basically, there are private houses in the district, beyond the river you can see the village of townhouses "Vyazemskoye" from "A101". The photo shows the views around the complex. By the way, the contingent here is quite active, though not always positively, residents of New Moscow are considered one of the most protesters - either against the cemetery, then against the new housing estate, then against the waste processing plant.


The ecology in the area of ​​the Spanish Quarters residential complex is stable beyond the Moscow Ring Road, that is, it is very favorable for life. From nearby harmful enterprises - sewage treatment plant The sewerage and storm drain of Lotus City are 500 meters away, but they are not enough to poison the lives of the locals. The noisy and dusty Kaluzhskoe highway is 1.5 km from the houses and, apparently, this distance is also enough to maintain a good ecology. For the time being, local residents can enjoy the forests that are abundant in the area and the Khovansky pond. If Moscow builds up at such a pace as it is now, then soon the age-old oak trees will be replaced by brand new high-rise buildings.

Problems and rumors

  1. There are fears that buildings 7 and 8 will be commissioned with a serious delay, since according to the DDU, the deadline for delivery is at the end of this year, and now not everywhere there are external walls.
  2. In buildings 7 and 8, the arrangement of the windows is different. In all other buildings, there is also a block between the window frame and the ceiling, and in 7 and 8 the frame is adjacent to the ceiling ceiling. Shareholders sounded the alarm, but the developer declined to comment and did not say whether this was intended or a construction defect.
  3. The manager said that the distance from the nearest buildings to FOOD CITY is not less than 150 meters, in fact, there are 50 meters, that is, the windows of the outermost houses go straight to the truck parking.
  4. The drains, which were supposed to divert water to the pits and from there it had to be pumped out by pumps, are not coping. All yards and basements are flooded in heavy rains.
  5. Parking problem. Only a couple of buildings are inhabited, and there are not enough places.
  6. The developer does not make contact with equity holders, problems with defects during the acceptance of apartments are solved for a long time.


  • There are options for apartments with and without finishing
  • Unusual and interesting finishes
  • The area will develop
  • Nearby there is MEGA and Food City


  • No infrastructure around
  • The final construction is not coming soon
  • No feedback from the developer
  • Poor quality finish of MOS
  • Problems with acceptance
  • There is no guarantee that the master plan will not change
  • Possible increase in the area of ​​the cemetery in the neighborhood

Information about the residential complex "Spanish Quarters" is provided by the portal "Novostroev.ru"

Updated: 2019.10.

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What you need to know about the residential complex "Spanish Quarters A101"


Residential complex "Spanish Quarters" is located in the settlement of Sosenskoye Novomoskovsk AO. At the beginning, in the spring of 2015, its official website immediately stunned visitors with the bad news of an obvious anti-advertising sense - "The complex is located in the center of New Moscow." Well, of course, this is no center of New Moscow - about 70 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road to the borders of the Kaluga Region, but from construction site"Spanish Quarters" to the roundabout nothing at all - 3.5 km along the Kaluga highway. After a couple of years, this slogan disappeared from the site, and the transport situation around the Complex did not deteriorate, but, on the contrary, began to change for the better:

1.The road connection with Moscow is getting better - Kaluzhskoe highway is about to turn into an autobahn, the section from the Moscow Ring Road to the village of Sosenki was put into operation at the end of May 2017, the reconstruction of the interchange between the Moscow Ring Road and Profsoyuznaya Street was successfully completed at the end of 2017.

2. It is not possible to get to the Teply Stan metro station in less than 40 minutes by public transport:

The 200th station of the Moscow metro Salaryevo, opened in February 2016, did not become much help - all hopes were associated with the station of the Sokolnicheskaya metro line "Prokshino", the opening of which in the summer of 2019 significantly improved transport accessibility. Also, tentatively, in 2020, the station of the Kommunarskaya line "Mamyri" will be opened near the complex.


To work on the concept of the Complex, its Developer, known before the rebranding as A101 DEVELOPMENT JSC, attracted a team of Spanish architects, who proposed their vision of "living in a European style". The Punchinelle's secret is revealed simply - in the coveted (here and there and by some) Europe, it is customary not only to greet neighbors, but also to spend time with them. Hence the appearance in the "Spanish Quarters" of separate courtyards for private gatherings, along with the central dominant of the Complex, a wide pedestrian boulevard with cafes and restaurants. The courtyards did not come out of thin air - each quarter is a group of houses mostly in the form of a square, in turn consisting of several buildings.

Naturally, there is no talk about any quarters in the project declarations of the Complex, there they are simply called apartment buildings, each of which has two or three cases. The developer is in the habit of regularly updating the documentation and, fortunately for the buyers, these updates are least of all concerned with changing any dates. We are monitoring the development of the situation, and not only by highlighting the progress of the construction of the Complex in our photo gallery - below you can familiarize yourself with the actual dates of completion of construction and installation works.

First of all. A101 prefers to call its large-scale projects not complexes, but Residential areas- "Spanish Quarters" went the same way. The first residential cluster, in which apartments were sold out a year before the completion of construction, became known as the first district:

House number 1(497 apartments) consists of a 14-15-storey 4-section building 1.1 (Cervantes street, building 1, building 3), 7-8-storey one-section building 1.2 (Cervantes street, building 1, building 4), 7-8 -storey 4-section building 1.3 (Cervantes street, building 1, building 1) and 12-storey two-section building 1.4 (Cervantes street, building 1, building 2). RVE received on November 28, 2017.

House number 2(373 apartments) consists of a 14-15-storey 4-section building 2.1 (Cervantes street, building 3, building 2), a 12-storey one-section building 2.2 (Cervantes street, building 3, building 3) and a 6-storey one-section building. . 2.3 (Cervantes str., Building 3, building 1). RVE received on November 28, 2017.

Second stage. These houses are listed above - there are underground parking lots under each mini-block, with a capacity of approximately 150 cars each.

House number 12(321 apartments) consists of a 9-storey 4-section building 12.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 2, building 1), a 13-storey one-section building 12.2 (Velasquez boulevard, building 2, building 2) and a 6-storey one-section building 12.3 (boulevard Velazquez house 2, building 3). RVE received on 13.06.2018.

House number 13(339 apartments) consists of a 9-storey 4-section building 13.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 4, building 2), a 14-storey one-section building 13.2 (Velasquez boulevard, building 4, building 1) and a 7-storey one-section building 13.3 (boulevard Velazquez house 4, building 3). RVE received on July 16, 2018.

House number 14(347 apartments) consists of a 9-storey 4-section building 14.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 8, building 1), a 14-storey one-section building 14.2 (Velasquez boulevard, building 8, building 2) and a 7-story one-section building 14.3 ( Velazquez Boulevard, 8 building 2), RVE received on 03.06.2019.

Starting from the third stage of construction, the term "start-up complex" appears in the project declarations of the residential complex.

Third stage. 1st launch complex.

House number 3(497 apartments) consists of a 12-15-storey 3-section building 3.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 1, building 3), a 12-storey two-section building 3.2 (Velasquez boulevard, building 1, building 2 and a 12-15-storey 4-section room 3.3 (Cervantes street, building 1, building 1). RVE received on 26.03.2018.

Third stage. 2nd launch complex.

House number 4(480 apartments) consists of a 15-storey 4-section building 4.1 (Velazquez Blvd., building 3, building 3), a 12-storey one-section building 4.2 (Velazquez boulevard, building 3, building 1) and a 12-storey 4-section building. 4.3 (boulevard Velazquez, building 3, building 2). RWE received on September 27, 2018.

Third stage. 3rd launch complex.

House number 5(539 apartments) consists of a 15-storey 4-section building 5.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 5, building 5), a 12-storey one-section building 5.2 (Velazquez boulevard, building 5, building 3) and an 11-storey one-section building 5.3 (boulevard Velazquez, building 5, building 4), RVE received on 07.12.2018.

House number 6(326 apartments) consists of a 9-12-storey four-section building 6.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 5, building 2) and a 9-storey 3-section building 6.2 (Velazquez boulevard, building 5, building 1), RVE received on 07.12.2018 ...

Fourth stage. 1st launch complex.

House number 7(510 apartments) consists of a 15-storey 4-section building 7.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 7, building 5), a 15-storey one-section building 7.2 (Velazquez boulevard, building 7, building 6), an 11-storey one-section building 7.3 (boulevard Velazquez, house 7, building 4), RVE received on August 26, 2019.

House number 8(391 apartments) consists of a 9-12-storey 4-section building 8.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 7, building 3), a 15-storey one-section building 8.2 (Velazquez boulevard, building 7, building 2), and an 11-storey one-section building. 8.3 (Velazquez Boulevard, Building 7, Bldg. 1), RVE received on August 26, 2019.

Fourth stage. 2nd launch complex

House number 10(347 apartments) consists of a 9-storey 4-section building 10.1 (Velasquez boulevard, building 8, building 1), a 14-storey one-section building 10.2 (Velasquez boulevard, building 8, building 2), and a 7-storey one-section building 10.3 ( Velazquez Boulevard, 8 building 3), RVE received on 09.01.2019.

House number 11(166 apartments) consists of a 7-storey two-section building 11.1 (Velasquez Boulevard, 10) and a 9-storey 3-section building 11.2 (Velasquez Boulevard, 10), the completion of construction is scheduled for the IV quarter of 2019.

Fourth stage. 3rd launch complex

House number 9(326 apartments) consists of an 11-storey two-section building 9.1 (Boulevard Velasquez, 9k1), a 9-storey three-section building 9.2 (Boulevard Velasquez, 9k2), and a 7-storey two-section building 9.3 (Boulevard Velasquez, 9k3) , the completion of construction is scheduled for the III quarter of 2019.

Monolithic construction technology is the same for all LCD buildings, but the outer walls here will be different both inside (load-bearing and non-load-bearing, reinforced concrete or made of cellular concrete blocks) and outside (fiber cement slabs, clinker tiles, porcelain stoneware slabs, ventilated and non-ventilated facades) - the whole range of the listed materials is used in each building of the Complex.

Since the first floors of houses here are completely given over to the placement of commercial objects, there should not be a shortage of all kinds of shops. Social obligations of the A 101 Group of Companies in the first district are implemented in accordance with the following schedule:

Multi-level parking for 1000 cars on the street. Sevantens building 6, building 1 was put into operation on 18.10.2017.
A school for 1000 children in the village of Voskresenskoe house 36A was opened on 01.09.2017.

The second kindergarten for 350 children is due to be completed in mid-2020. The 1,300-student school is due to open in September of that year.


Despite the fact that it is being built almost across the road, a new name has already appeared on Yandex maps - the Spanish Quarters-2 residential complex. Let's see if it will take root.

House number 1(652 apartments) consists of a 9-16-storey 8-section building 1.1, a 9-storey 3-section building 1.2 and a 9-storey 4-section building 1.3, the completion of construction is scheduled for Q1 2020.

House number 2(730 apartments) consists of a 16-storey 8-section building 2.1, a 9-storey one-section building 2.2 and a 9-storey 4-section building 2.3, the completion of construction is scheduled for Q1 2020.

These buildings are planned for underground parking for 690 cars. On the first floor of bldg. 2.2 and 2.3 will accommodate a kindergarten for 100 kids.

House number 3(368 apartments) consists of a 15-storey 4-section building 3.1, a 9-storey two-section building 3.2, and a 9-storey two-section building 3.3, the completion of construction is scheduled for the II quarter of 2020.

House number 4(432 apartments) consists of a 16-storey 4-section building 4.1, a 16-storey two-section building 4.2, and a 9-storey two-section building 4.3, the completion of construction is scheduled for the II quarter of 2020.

House number 9(104 apartments) consists of a 9-storey 3-section building 9.1, a 9-storey four-section building 9.2, and a 4-storey three-section building 9.3, the completion of construction is scheduled for the III quarter of 2020.


Leaving their favorite business-economy-comfort classification at the mercy of marketers, we note that the apartment fund in this complex does not fully and completely fall under any of them. This is evidenced by the spread of footage from small to large in his apartments, which, of course, is a huge plus of the residential complex. The common expression "for every taste and wallet" here has a very definite meaning.

The developer did not highlight studios v a separate category, and he has for that good reason- the footage of such apartments is within the range of 29.7-32.7 sq. m, which is a very worthy indicator. It is interesting that the layouts of some apartments contain a hint of the possibility of arranging a small loggia in them, and in other versions, a loggia, and not at all small, is already structurally provided. At the same time, the largest studios lack loggias:

One-room apartments have decent sized bathrooms and really large kitchens:

Number of items to choose from two-room apartments overwhelming at first, but sobering up comes pretty quickly - all options up to 50 sq. m are, in fact, only the so-called euro-kopeck piece with one bedroom:

Those who need two rooms isolated from the kitchen will have to choose swing apartments that differ with total area, the size of the kitchen, and the absence or presence of a loggia,

or pay attention to linear kopecks of a larger area:

However, there are plenty of "classics" here too:


Apartments in the listed buildings, with the exception of building 2.1, are handed over to buyers with finishing, which includes laminate flooring, baseboards, tiles, wall painting or wallpapering for painting, stretch ceilings, plumbing fixtures, switches and sockets. Three design options are available to the buyer, differing in color:

Sales are carried out according to a proven scheme: an agreement for participation in shared construction is concluded with the buyer on the basis of 214 Federal Law... The service for booking an apartment costs 10,000 or 20,000 rubles, depending on the time period for making the reservation (1 week or 2). If the deal is entered, this money will be counted as advance payment... Additional money will not be taken from the buyer for supporting the state registration of a preschool institution (payment of 55,000 is a thing of the past).

When buying, you can use a certificate of maternity capital, mortgage programs (there is a mortgage here, including from Sberbank)

and by installments at down payment 30% of the cost of the apartment.

  • The developer occupying the top lines in all kinds of TOPs
  • interesting author's project
  • large glazing areas and high ceilings
  • competitive apartment prices
  • the opportunity to buy an apartment with finished finishing
  • after the opening of the "nearest" metro station - nothing.

Time has shown that the Spanish Quarters RC is maintained and performed in the same style in which it was originally conceived; everything announced in it is being built, adjusted and launched on time. This means that New Moscow, in the end, will receive an excellent (from others, including) Residential Complex with its own infrastructure.

District "Spanish Quarters" - a project from "A101", a company that is a subsidiary of the large holding "Augur Estate". A new microdistrict is being built in New Moscow, 3 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluga highway.

On a plot of 34 hectares, brick-monolithic buildings and objects of trade and social infrastructure will appear. The first stage has 14 blocks. 7 more multi-section houses and 8 towers will be built in "Spanish Quarters 2". There will be schools, kindergartens, supermarkets, a restaurant with an exploited roof, a clinic and a fitness complex with a swimming pool.

Project details

As it becomes known from the name itself, the territory is divided into several quarters, which were designed by Spanish architects. Buildings are erected with a height of 4 to 15 floors. Among the options for apartments there are one-, two- and three-room apartments ranging from 30 to 120 sq. The dwelling will have wide windows 212x230 cm and high ceilings under 3 m. Interior finishing is carried out only in common areas and will be made according to the author's project in the same style as the facades.

The social infrastructure of the "Spanish Quarters" is represented by a school for 1200 students, two kindergartens for 570 children, a sports complex with a swimming pool, and a polyclinic. The first levels of the buildings are reserved for shops, cafes and other commercial establishments.

A tennis court and a volleyball court will be located on the territory. Children's playgrounds and sports zones are being set up, including about 2.5 km of jogging and bike paths. It is also planned to build a pedestrian boulevard across the entire microdistrict, imitating the famous streets of Barcelona. The courtyards are planned to be closed from cars, for parking of which there is a separate ground parking for 2500 cars.


The development of the microdistrict is carried out on an uninhabited territory with good ecology and good transport accessibility. Nearby there are woodlands and several water bodies. The Mega Teply Stan shopping and entertainment center is a 15-minute drive away. Nearby is the residential complex "Nikolin Park", the infrastructure of which is represented by a shopping and fitness center, a kindergarten. Basically, everything you need - schools, medical facilities, etc. - is located outside the Moscow Ring Road. You can get to the capital along the Kaluga highway. A 15-minute walk from the metro station "Prokshino".

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