
Erip calculation system how to use. Erip online payments: what is it. What payments are accepted

September 13, 2013 14537

On September 11, 2013 Minsk hosted the 2nd Conference on information technologies in insurance "IT_insurance`2013". Speakers at the event included Alexander Ilyin- Head of the Operations Department of the "Settlement" system of the Main Department of the ERIP of the National Bank of Belarus.

Alexander Ilyin spoke about the experience of using and further prospects for using the ERIP system.

Alexander Ilyin

“The purpose of creating our system (ERIP) was to fulfill the tasks of Presidential Directive No. 2 of December 27, 2006 “On measures to further de-bureaucratize the state apparatus.”

ERIP - the principle of one window. This is not even a system, but a space in which it is assumed that any person, approaching an information kiosk, cash register or Internet banking, using any payment acceptance channels, can pay for all their services, from utility bills to extravagant ones, buying tickets and paying insurance services," the expert noted.

Before the advent of ERIP, the system for collecting payments to the address was organized in the form of a classic triangle. The bank and the service provider entered into an agreement on accepting money and on information exchange.

The payer came to the bank, information about this was provided to the organization and it provided the service. If there is one organization and one bank, then there are no problems. But, when on the one hand a huge number of organizations, and on the other 30 banks, the processes financial flows increase by multiplication. Even if there are 30 organizations and 30 banks, then there are 900 contracts and 900 information flows.

When it appears ERIP - system of direct payments, the situation is improving. In the center is the "Settlement" system, which, on the one hand, has agreements with all banks that accept payments, and on the other, with organizations providing services. It is enough for any organization to conclude one agreement with the National Bank for receiving payments.

And from anywhere in Belarus you can pay for its services in one of 27 banks (these are all banks that are entitled to accept payments from the population). Payment can be made both through cash desks and through Internet banking, mobile banking. Payment is possible both in cash and plastic cards, electronic money.

The system was originally designed for accepting daily payments: per utilities, services of telephone operators, and today more than 6 thousand organizations all over Belarus are connected to this system. Through ERIP, you can repay loans, subscribe to the media, pay for insurance, education, healthcare, customs services, pay taxes, buy tickets.

Today, ERIP is a one-stop shop, with which even at home, sitting on the Internet, you can pay for both one-time and systematic services.

As of September 2013, about 6.5 thousand organizations are connected to ERIP. About 300-400 new organizations across the country are connected per month.

With the help of ERIP, you can pay for more than 50 thousand services and their number is constantly growing. Payment terminals- this is about 15 thousand devices: infokiosks, ATMs, bank cash desks, Internet and mobile banking, TV banking, SMS banking.
Growth rates in 2008-2010 were moderate, but starting from 2011 they went exponentially.

Today, about a million payments per month are growing. The share of payments using plastic cards and self-service devices is growing faster than the total number of payments. As soon as an organization connects to ERIP, the share of payments using infokiosks, mobile and Internet banking begins to grow.

At the end of 2012, 66% of payments were made in cash at the box office, for 8 months of 2013 cash payments fell to 62%. There is a reorientation of payers.

- Today, the payers themselves are calling us and asking us to connect any organization: a gardening community or some kind of cable channel to the system. Then we ourselves go to these organizations and offer to include them in our system,- said A. Ilyin.

If we compare payments using conventional bank payments and through the ERIP system, then at the beginning of the year their ratio was approximately 50x50. At the end of June 2013, the share of payments through ERIP increased by 10%.

In the summer, a joint commercial banks decision on the transfer of contracts from direct bank payments to contracts with ERIP. As the contract with a particular bank ends, it is not extended, and the organization is transferred to ERIP.

- A number of banks refused direct banking agreements, these are mostly small banks. In the fairly near future, there will be almost no direct banking agreements,- stressed the representative of the National Bank.

Terminals of banks accepting payments in ERIP are indicated in accordance with the data provided by the Main Directorate of ERIP of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on September 11, 2013

Today the process of interaction with the payer in ERIPE as follows:

  • a person makes a payment in ERIP;
  • in ERIP is generated unique number operations;
  • any clerk in the organization that accepted the payment is enough to identify the client by the transaction number and provide the service.

“So far, payments in foreign currency in ERIP are not possible. Not yet covered all organizations that accept payments in Belarusian rubles. The amounts of payments in foreign currency are quite small in the republic as a whole. The primary task is to close all regular payments in Belarusian rubles”- stressed A. Ilyin.

In terms of cost, paying ERIP for an organization providing any services is the same as the cost of paying for a regular contract with a bank. Connection to ERIP under an agreement with commercial banks is a weighted average between existing agreements between organizations. Conditions are not worsening either for the banking system or for service providers.

There are organizations that provide services for connecting to the ERIP network. Some legal entities IT infrastructure may be missing.

Touching upon the problem of insufficient computerization of individual organizations, the representative of the National Bank noted:

“In order to connect the same gardening associations that don’t even have a computer, there are aggregators. A tripartite agreement is concluded, according to which aggregators provide outsourcing functions for IT interaction with ERIP.

The gardening and dacha partnership, having concluded an agreement with the aggregator, sends him by mail a demand for payment for services, handwritten on a piece of paper in a box. The aggregator converts it into an electronic format and uploads it to the system.

Feedback on how payments were made in ERIP is sent to the aggregator. It prints out information about payments. And sends it back to the partnership by regular mail.

It takes only a few days to connect an organization, but, as A. Ilyin noted, if the entire infrastructure of the applicant is ready for connection, then the system starts working on the day the application is received.

Thus, ERIP is developing by leaps and bounds. The convenience of this system was fully appreciated by banks, organizations, and ordinary people.

ERIP (Single Settlement Information Space)automated system, which allows you to instantly pay for goods and services via the Internet. Another name is the "Calculation" system.

Brief history of ERIP

The system has been operating since 2008. Initiated her appearance.

The software development was carried out by the specialists of SOFTCLUB LLC. Tests and develops ERIP, connects new services of OJSC "Center banking technologies» (this company has been creating software for banking systems and ensure their safety).

In 2014, a unified settlement mechanism for payments in the ERIP was introduced, which everyone began to use. Information has appeared that the Central Banks of the post-Soviet states want to create analogues of the ERIP.

At the end of 2015, ERIP became available in the Yandex.Checkout service. Belarusians got the opportunity to connect online to pay for goods purchased in Russian online stores (for example, through). Experts "" suggested that the number of buyers from Belarus will increase by 2-3 times.

On January 26, 2016, ERIP was registered as OJSC Nebankovskaya financial institution“Single Settlement and Information Space”.

Supposed. that the Calculation system will become the basis for the Belarusian interbank system identification. It will allow customers, after passing personal identification, to be served through remote (digital) channels at any bank in the country at any time. First of all, this will significantly expand the opportunities for citizens living in remote small villages where there are no bank branches. The innovation should appear in the republic on October 1, 2016.

What is ERIP in Belarus

In our country, the system includes over 54,000 services (including utilities, goods from online stores, movie tickets, lottery tickets and much more).

Over 11,000 companies public institutions and businesses, private firms, individual entrepreneurs offer customers to pay for services through ERIP.

Cash and 24 banks are accepted for payment (they accept payments through Internet banking, mobile banking, SMS banking).

You can pay for the purchase using bank cards international systems VISA (all types), MasterCard (including Maestro) issued by any bank in the world, as well as by cards of the system BELCART and American Express. We recommend that you contact your bank in advance to make sure that your card can be used for online payments. About the payment procedure with BELKART cards.

To make a purchase using a card, you do not need to register in the Assist system. Additional commission from the buyer is not charged.
When choosing to pay for the order using a bank card, payment processing (including entering a bank card number) is made LLC "Company of electronic payments "ASSIST" using software and hardware complex electronic payment systems ASSIST which has passed the international certification.

In a system that ensures the security of payments, secure TLS protocol is used to transfer confidential information from the client to the server and further processing in the processing center. This means that the payer's confidential data (card details, registration data, etc.) are not sent to the online store, their processing is completely protected, and no one can get the client's personal and banking data. In addition, when processing bank card payments, secure technology is used. 3D Secure, which in without fail requires an international payment VISA system and MasterCard.

The payment procedure is as follows:

  1. The buyer selects goods in the online store, forming an individual order-basket
  2. When placing an order, the Buyer chooses the payment method with a plastic card
  3. After clicking on the "Order Confirmation" button, the system will direct you to the site of the provider of electronic payments Assist, which ensures the security of payments. The authorization server establishes a connection with the Buyer via a secure TLS protocol (as evidenced by the green lock on the left, next to the server address in the address entry line in the browser), and receives from the Buyer the parameters of his bank card (card number, expiration date of the card, name of the holder card in the transcription as it is indicated on the bank card, as well as the CVC2 * or CVV2 * number indicated on the back of the card).

    * The CVV2/CVC2 code is a three-digit control number printed on the back of a bank card. This number is usually printed in the upper right corner of the special signature strip. Entering the number is required to ensure that the card is being used by the real owner.

  4. After successfully entering the card details and payment, the client returns to the page of our online store. We are starting to complete the order.

Bank card data entry page, on the ASSIST server.

Payment operation bank card online is completely private and secure. Your personal data and card details are entered not on the page of our website, but on the authorization page payment system, however, our site does not have access to this information. Data from you is transmitted to the ASSIST servers using the protocol secure transmission TLS data, secure Internet payment technologies Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode are also used.

  • there are not enough funds on the card to pay for the order
  • the bank that issued the Buyer's card has banned online payments
  • timed out waiting for the input of bank card data
  • the entered data was not confirmed by you on the payment page, data format error, etc.
  • contact the Bank that issued your card for clarification
  • if the problem cannot be solved by the Bank, repeat the payment attempt using a card issued by another Bank.

The Single Settlement Information Space or ERIP, as an established system, appeared in 2016 and is gradually gaining popularity among Belarusbank customers.

This technology allows you to speed up the payment process several times. And it doesn't matter whether you pay: utilities, internet, credit, telephone, etc. The whole process will take a couple of clicks.

It is assumed that in the foreseeable future ERIP will combine all interbank transactions and allow the client of one bank to calmly pay from a third-party branch financial institution or where it is most convenient for him.

What is ERIP

The principle of operation of the system is based on the collection of information about the last payments of the client for the reporting period.

For example, if you go to the Belarusbank terminal and pay utility bills through the system, then the payment details can be saved directly in the ERIP account. Then at the next payment you will not need to re-enter the account number and other information. All that remains is to select a card and indicate the payment amount.

The prospects for this method of calculation are enormous. Currently, over 50,000 services are provided on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, starting with paying for a communal apartment and ending with payments for the Internet. At the same time, a little more than 10,000 services are provided through ERIP. Therefore, there is room to grow.

ERIP payment in Belarusbank

Belarusbank does not stand still and also provides payment services using this system. You can use it both through the Internet bank, and through information kiosks and ATMs of the company. We will consider an example through a personal account.

  1. We enter the Internet banking of Belarusbank.
  2. We choose the ERIP system.
  3. If you have not saved any payments before, you need to create a new transfer template for payment. To do this, click "new payment". If the template already exists, then simply select it and pay for the service in two clicks.
  4. For a new payment, select locality. In our example, Minsk.
  5. we pass on the service we need. In the example, we considered the payment of utilities.

  6. We indicate the type of service for payment and enter the necessary data of the personal account and amount.

After depositing funds, a payment template will be saved for you, according to which you can later transfer funds to the previously specified details.

About ERIP in the video

The system called ERIP was created in Belarus by the National Bank in 2008 and is now used by all banking organizations in the country. The article describes in detail how to pay for services through ERIP, what are the nuances of such payment and what advantages this service has.

What is ERIP

ERIP, otherwise referred to as the "Settlement" system, is a system operating in Belarus one-stop service, which gives citizens the opportunity to pay for the use of about fifty thousand different services provided by many public and private companies (housing and communal services, offline and online stores, and so on).

Today, everything can be paid through ERIP - even the purchase of lottery tickets.

When a user makes a payment for something through this system for the first time, he receives a unique code number that should be remembered (or fixed somewhere).

This is necessary so that when making the next payments, the payer does not need to enter either his own name or any passport data - only the code number remains to be indicated.

All bank card payments via the Internet, cash desk or terminal are saved by the system, even if they were made from different sources.

Video instruction

Payment via ERIP: step by step instructions

How to pay for services through ERIP for the first time:

In the future, you can pay for the services rendered in any of the acceptable ways, the main thing is to always indicate the code number. After the first operation, the system will ask you to enter the addressee's personal account number for some time, but then it will be filled in by default. Thanks to this, make payments according to a single personal account makes it easier and faster.

Advantages of payments through ERIP

The main advantages of ERIP:

  • you can pay through it both in cash and by card or using a virtual account;
  • online payments from cards and other sources are very fast. No deadlines of several days are provided here;
  • ERIP does not charge payers a commission fee for the provision of services, and all tariffs are the same;
  • all operations performed are saved by the service, so in the future it fills in payment documentation by default;
  • You can deposit the required amount not only via the Internet, but also at the terminal or cash desk banking organization working with ERIP;
  • if the payer has any problems, he can call the call center for detailed advice and answers to questions;
  • authenticity payment information and timely execution of transactions are guaranteed by the state.

Important! In 2015, the Yandex.Checkout system began working with ERIP. This means that now Belarusian citizens can pay online when purchasing goods in Russian online stores.

Payments through the ERIP electronic system are carried out very quickly, and its main convenience is the ability to transfer cash not only online. Also, the payer is unlikely to have any difficulties when working with any bank in Belarus, since each of them cooperates with a single settlement and information space.

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