
Effective gymnastics for face of wrinkles. Facial gymnastics from wrinkles - video gymnastics

The attractiveness of each of us largely depends on the state of the skin. In order for the face for a long time, it remains tightened and young, one should perform certain exercises that support muscle tone. Today there are a number of wellness techniques, thanks to which you can noticeably improve the condition of the skin, keeping youth. Deculs quite a bit of time, you can achieve more sophisticated bends: touched by cheekbones, elastic and absence of deep wrinkles.

Charging for a person should be carried out regularly and systematically.

Exercises are best done in the morning, daily, at least ten weeks. In the execution process, you should concentrate on the work of the muscles. Charging for the face from wrinkles should be carried out in a ventilated room. During the exercises, the muscles begin to work actively, highlighting lymph and sweat. Therefore, before proceeding with classes, it is necessary to clean the neck, hands and face. So that the regeneration process passed the most efficiently, after training, the skin also needs to clean well, removing all slags.

Charging for a face. Tighted cheeks

Exercises recommends to perform ten times in the morning and evening. So, pull the lips into the tube. Do not hurry, rotate or first one, and after the other way. Next exercise. Type a rather large amount of air in your mouth. Move it from one cheek to another. After that, open the most widely mouth, lowering the jaw.

At the same time you need to strongly strain the muscles of the face.

The chin

Usually, starting from thirty years, the lower contour of the face begins to blame. At the same time, the skin can become more draining. Charging for capable of solving this problem. In order to strengthen the chin line, actively pull it forward. At the same time, the bottom lip is maximized to the teeth and cover the top. The jaw is gently moved to the right, then to the left. Repeat five times. Then the bottom lip pull up and down. Perform several approaches every twenty seconds. It is very important to ensure that the upper lip remains in a fixed state. Next exercise. Head drop back. Comfortably jaws. Strain the chin muscles. Without changing the position, put forward and back. Repeat ten times.


Put the index fingers horizontally over the eyebrows, pressing them to the skin. This exercise should be performed in a rather fast pace. Lower and raise your eyebrows fifteen times. After that, relax the forehead for a few seconds. Repeat ten times. At your view level, select anywhere on the wall. Carefully look at her, letting the face will be considered correctly if you feel like whiskey strains.

Repeat ten times.


Over time, the muscular tone begins to decline. Because of this century, they become flabby and disgasic. Charging for the face will help strengthen the muscles, pull the skin and make a look more expressive. Close your eyes. Lock the head smoothly. Start rotate the eyeballs clockwise and against it. Repeat ten times. Put finger pads over eyebrows. Click on the skin. Long raise your eyebrows. We grab the most much as possible. Keeping this position, count to five. Then open your eyes and relax. Five seconds later, repeat (you need to do ten times). Next exercise. Wide smile. Close your eyes. Do not change Try to lower the corners of the lips. Return to the starting position. There should be a kind of alternation of a smile and a sad mask. Exercise Perform seven times. Close your eyes. Unnamed fingers put on the eyelids. Slightly push. Overcoming the resistance of the fingers, try to open your eyes. Perform 10 times.


Age, stress, sun, nicotine has a detrimental effect on our body. Over time, the thickness of the lips begins to noticeably decrease, and in the corners there are barely noticeable folds. Charging for the face from wrinkles will help smooth the skin and return the previous forms. So, the index fingers press to the corners of the mouth.

Communicate tight lips. Slowly counting to thirty, move the corners down and up. Relax. Next exercise. Squeeze your mouth. In addition to thirty seconds, tapping in the middle of the lips. Do not relax. All the same finger slightly move them down, and then up. Performance time - thirty seconds.

Rejuvenating program

Today, the ladies are greatly popular with Facelifting facial charging. The methodology is based on a tonic and wellness effect absolutely to all zones of neck and face. Exercises help improve blood microcirculation, eliminate swelling and strengthen the muscles of the face. As a result, the skin becomes healthy and elastic. Charging for the person on this system involves the physiological restoration of the muscular frame, the correction of the oval. The effectiveness of this program depends on the systematic (at least five times a week) and the correctness of the exercise. It is very important to correctly perform exercises. Otherwise, the opposite result is possible.


Preparatory. Includes self-making neck and face. This contributes to the warming up of all necessary to us, muscles. The next stage is the main one. It consists of a complex of exercises: power loads on the muscles of the face and massage.

The third, final stage, is to relax, rest.

Types of exercise

Depending on certain problems, charging the facelifting can be aimed at eliminating bags and swelling, visual eye increase, lip contour correction, muscle tone increase, energy, prevention of wrinkles, visual narrowing of the nose.


Many women note that Facelifting helped achieve noticeable results in two weeks. This charge for the face of wrinkles is already able to return a clear oval in a month, and the skin is elasticity and tone. In this case, as a rule, swelling edema and bags. These exercises enhance the effect of cosmetics and tone the skin. It should be noted that by performance this program equal to cosmetology surgery. Unlike her, charging for the face is safer.

Charging for face - This is an excellent remedy for wrinkles, promoting natural face lifting at home. The regular execution of a complex of special exercises for face muscles helps to form a beautiful oval of faces, since the chin becomes more accurate, cheekbones - more outlined and very slightly smooth cheeks significantly improve appearance.

But charging not only helps strengthen the muscular face skeleton and restore the tone. Mimic movements with additional stimulation with finger pads improve blood circulation and metabolism in subcutaneous layers of fabric, thanks to which the complexion is improving, the skin becomes more elastic and elastic, the bags under the eyes are reduced.

Home charging for the face muscles may well replace facelifting in a cosmetology clinic, and your appearance will become elegant, sophisticated and expressive for a long period of time (and without serious financial costs).

Material navigation:

♦ Why is a special exercise complex contribute to rejuvenation and improved appearance?

The fact is that in everyday life We use far from all the facial and cervical muscles (or very slightly) and with age they begin to atrophy, the tone is weakening. As a result, mimic wrinkles begin to manifest themselves early (in some women after 30 years) on the skin of the face, the twists of the cheek becomes more noticeable, the second chin begins to appear.

The sooner you begin to charge for different muscle groups of the face and strengthen the frame when the first signs of aging appears, the easier it will be to keep clear features of the face and look younger than their years. At a young age, it is enough to perform the basic complex of Facebilding exercises (7-9 exercises), and in adultery (40-45 years) - the main (14-23 exercises).

♦ Charging for the face and massage at home

If you alternate the exercise to strengthen the muscular face frame with a lymphatic drainage massage, then the lifting effect can be achieved much faster. Massage movements stimulate the outflow of the accumulated intercellular fluid and the swelling of the face disappear, gradually decrease bags under the eyes. Combining home gymnastics for the face and massage, we provide a powerful rejuvenating effect on the skin - mimic wrinkles smoothed, stroen sagging cheeks, decreases the second chin.

To achieve the maximum lifting effect, change the course of exercise, add new, combine different massage techniques. For example:

After 30 years several times a week to performbasic exercise complex (7-8 exercises) for the suspended facial oval. Additionally make honey massage with finger pads , alternating (every other day) with more intensemassage movements with tablespoons . And by the 35 years, you can expand the list of exercises performed to strengthen the face muscles (for example, to do Carol Majio technique).

After 40-45 years
Make gymnastics for the face at home daily for 14 days (then a week break). As part of the course massage the face massage lines once every other day, having studied the technique of video lessons. IN next course
Turn on the massage with vacuum jars to enhance the lymphatic effect effect .

After 50 years
make more facebilding exercises by paying for a facial charging for 30 minutes a day. If you have a very wide face, then
turn on in a complex 5-6 exercises for weight loss . One course - 14 days, within which it is usefuldo Japanese massage in Zogan technique (Asahi) , and after the break between the courses change asahson the spot massage Shiatsu . In Japanese technology, it is important to accurately perform every massage movement with your hands. Therefore, it is very desirable to sign up for several procedures to a professional before practical application Asahi and Shiatsu at home.

♦ Important rules

❶ Before performing a set of exercises, perfect the room;

❷ Fully remove the dirt and remnants of makeup with a cotton disk, moistened with a cleansing lotion or foam;

❸ Apply nutritious cream on clean face. During charging, it is periodically useful to moisturize the skin with a decoction or aqueous infusion (a series, chamomile, yarrow, lime color);

❹ Residently arrange in front of the mirror, but do not sit on a too soft chair. Watch out for posture;

❺ It is important to most strain the muscles of the group of the group with which this moment We work and hold the voltage on average for about 10 seconds. Breathing is not required;

❻ After charging, rinse the face with cool water and apply nutritious, moisturizing cream on the skin;

❼ If you do basic complex Exercises, then charging will take about 15 minutes. The fulfillment of the full complex usually takes 30-35 minutes;

❽ From the complex to the complex, change the order of exercise, add new, change different techniques. Gradually increase the load - you should feel a slight burning in the facial muscles;

❾ In addition to massage and charging, be sure to stick to the right skin care. For processing periorbital area, use special moisturizing gels, wrinkle cream around the eyes, masks with essential and vegetable oils, rejuvenating serums in adulthood. Periodically, apply masks from natural components on the face, clean the skin from corneternly particles with coffee or oat scrubs, gommage.

Helpful advice: Before you start daily engage in gymnastics for facial muscles, take a picture of the face and take a photo from month to a month to compare to track changes.

♦ Lifting effect from charging for the face

So that the muscles of the face have always been in Tonus, you need to constantly train them, like the body when you are engaged in sports. There is a specially designed gymnastics for the face - Facebilding, a set of exercises that are eliminated from wrinkles with regular use, extend the elasticity and youth of the skin.

Athletes know how important various exercise complexes are important for each individual muscle group of the human body. If the press, the surrounding, which will be admired to be admired with elastic, beautiful, tight belly without unpleasant fats or folds. If you regularly dumbbells, it will not be ashamed to then bare my ideal, as if carved musculature from stone.

Few people know that it is also necessary to work with the muscles of the face that require a constant, regular, daily workout. Without this, all age changes are quite natural and starting after 20: "goose paws" appear in 25 years, "forehead is wrinkled, in - they drop down the corners of the lips and nasolabial folds are found. Such sad testimony of age can be avoided by delaying the occurrence of old age.

Since modern women are aimed at eternal youth and unfavorable beauty, today I received unprecedented popularity. facebilding - Specially designed gymnastics for face , a set of exercises that train the muscles of the face, making them more elastic and flexible. Each woman can easily master them at home.

Facebilding: Work on the result

There is an opinion that while maintaining the maximum motionlessness of the facial expressions, you can save the skin from the formation of wrinkles and stretching. Such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe development and work of the muscles is incorrect. Like the remaining muscles of our body, they need training: if they do not load them, they lose elasticity, flexibility and vitality, become stale and saved. If you regularly do gymnastics for the face, they are actively string to resist early aging and acquire tone and freshness. The result will be obvious. As a rule, in this case, the effect of classes will not have to wait long. Already after the month of Facebilding, you can see significant changes that have occurred with the skin and the oval of the face :

  • the skin becomes a touch of elastic, very elastic;
  • the complexion is restored: it becomes healthy and shining again, because the exercises increase lymphotok, improve blood circulation;
  • the contour of the person acquires clarity, relief, beautiful outlines;
  • Slow, but right, starts to disappear;
  • mimic shallow wrinkles smoothed out, and they are already not so visible;
  • the skin around the eyes is transformed: the bags, dark circles disappear, the wrinkle net, referred to as "goose paws";
  • competently completed exercises are removed from the eye voltage and fatigue;
  • the muscles of the lips relax, their contour also becomes clearer, disappear "sorrow wrinkles" in their corners;
  • lBA massage will get rid of facial wrinkles in this part of the face;
  • since the nasolabial muscles will be strengthened, the folds will disappear;
  • miscellaneous Bryli will also begin tightening.

There may be no salon procedures and cosmetics for such a comprehensive effect on all age changes that occur with the skin of the face.

Elastic, elastic, taut skin, clearly outlined contour of the face without a hint of age-related changes and aging is a luxury that every woman is able to independently at all at any age.

On the face exercises will need only 10 minutes a day. - This is a negative fee for such chic results. No need to think that you will not succeed: Facebilding technique is quite simple.

Instructions for the execution of gymnastics

If the gymnastics for the muscles of the face is the case for you is completely new and unusual, you do not need to be afraid: you will quickly master it, because today there are a large number of educational video on this issue. Here you need to immediately make a reservation: facebilding is different . You can choose a set of exercises specifically directed against the formation of wrinkles, specially designed to get rid of the second chin, balls or nasolabial folds. Over time, you can choose any gymnastics, but still stands with a universal complex, all the exercises of which are aimed at rejuvenation and face tightening. Observing the basic rules and technique of Facebilding, you will quickly achieve results.

  1. The most important rule: you will need to do daily , not missing any day. Regularity is one of the most important conditions for the success of all exercises for the face. Only if the muscles will receive a permanent load (it is recommended to increase over time), they will be able to purchase the necessary elasticity and elasticity. If for some reason you did not find these 10 minutes in your day for Facebilding, the muscles are very quickly atrophy, dragged, lose the acquired tone.
  2. Time for conducting gymnastics for the face you choose: it can be the morning, a lunch break at work, the evening - any convenient time interval for you in your saturated day. Specialists are the most optimal option called the evening, about a couple of hours before the deposit to sleep. The skin is currently in a half-grained state, already cleaned from cosmetics. Facebilding Duration In 10 minutes you can vary yourself: it's just a recommended minimum, which can be extended at your own and up to 20 minutes if you are aimed at a faster and most resistant effect from your classes.
  3. Choose some particular set of exercises for the face, as mentioned above, to begin with better - universal. There should be 8-12 exercises in it, each of which will need to be fulfilled 6-8 times daily.
  4. Three months of intensive classes, when the results will delight you and admire others, you can evaluate weak sides Its facial muscles that are less than the workout. Some cosmetic defects can be very stable: someone can not get rid of the second chin for a long time, and someone does not leave horizontal wrinkles on the forehead. As soon as you decide on these shortcomings that do not want to leave your cute face, select Facebilding specifically for them. Three months give to master the new gymnastics, then change the exercise complex again In accordance with its needs, either return to the old one, universal. Here the main thing is a variety that does not allow the muscles to stop at what has been achieved, habitual to the same complex.
  5. After the gymnastics for the person is finished, you need wash cool water , then pamper the skin with her favorite daily cream.

If you take into account these simple nuances in your domestic sessions, Facebilding for the face will turn into a true pleasure and delight with its amazing results.

After each conscientiously completed classes, fatigue and irritation accumulated during the day will leave: only the feelings of freshness and a full rest will remain. Magic 10 minutes will give a good mood and satisfying their own life. So, Facebilding results are appreciated, the goal is. The instruction is mastered and taken into service. The last stage - pick up for your face the corresponding set of exercises.

Exercises for face and neck

Numerous exercises for face muscles gives space for choice and simultaneously confuse. Choosing one or another complex, see so that there are no more than 12 exercises and so that they develop sequentially all parts of the person: forehead, eye area, cheeks, nose, lips, chin, neck. Try to make every exercise, work out: Do you understand the technology of their execution, how difficult they are given to you, you can do it comfortable. All this is of great importance, because within three months you will live with them, and if they are unfortunately chosen, it is unlikely that it will give you a sense of satisfaction and comfort.

  • Exercise against balls

Type the full mouth of the air. Roll into the resulting air ball from one cheek to another, while try to strain the muscles of both shoes to the limit.

  • Exercise with wrinkles on the forehead

Widely open your eyes, as if you were very surprised at something very much, but at the same time try in no case wrinkle forehead. Focus on some definite, arbitrarily chosen point away, ignite with such an expression of the face and a look as directed by the distance, for 10-15 seconds.

  • Exercise for the lips

Firmly squeeze your lips, try to smile through the power, preventing yourself, try to keep your lips with a bow all this time. Then pull them as far forward as possible, as far as it is possible, flush your cheeks inside. Fix such a position for no less than 10 seconds.

  • Exercise for nasolabial folds

Smile, slightly push the tips of the fingers on a large nasolabial fold. Take off and lift the skin slightly with your fingers, strain the muscles of the face so that your fingers felt strong resistance, but did not let go of the skin.

  • Exercise against the sorrowful corners of the lips

Pull the neck as much as possible, depict an air kiss. Strain the muscles of the face, start blowing the air through the lips. Attach the middle and index fingers to the lips, slightly push, try to do the same again.

  • Mimic wrinkle exercise

Open your mouth to the maximum width, drop the tongue, roll out your eyes, unlock for a minute in this position. Then take a deep breath through the nose, squeeze the fists, strongly strain all the muscles of the face. Exhale through your mouth, drop your tongue, bully your eyes.

  • Exercise against the Second Chin

This exercise is useful not only to fix the chin muscles and the entire lower jaw, but also for shoulders and neck. Tighten your head as early as possible, click on the tongue of the Languch language, located at the top point of the nose, and click on it. Turn the head to the maximum left, pull the neck. Do the same in the opposite direction.

  • Exercise from vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Tightly press each other three middle fingers (we work with both hands), lay them on both sides of the vertical wrinkles on the forehead. Unnamed fingers at the same time will be below, near the edge of the eyebrows. Then pull the skin with your fingers, start slowly push your hands into different sides. Do not let go of the skin for a whole minute, keep it in a stretched form all this time, try to move your eyebrows, keep them in the highest possible state.

  • Exercise from horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Put the index fingers over the eyebrows, try to repeat their curved shape with your fingers. Raise surprisingly eyebrows, while putting them with fingers resistance.

Do not be afraid to experiment and make your own set of exercises. The perfect gymnastics for the face and neck, which gives you pleasure and it turns out. If you feel that some kind of exercise does not give you, replace it with another, let it be from another complex, the main thing is that it coins the same group of facial muscles.

Competent, careful selection of the face exercise complex - a very responsible event, from which further results will depend on.

Put yourself a goal, go to her persistently, without turning out from the intended path, and then you can forget about the complexes about your age.

Face gymnastics: 10 minutes a day to extend the youth and freshness of the skin

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Wrinkles may appear at any age, so it is better to fight them at the initial stage. Mimic gymnastics - great way Make it efficiently and safely. Below are exercises for the main problem areas of the face.


1. Put the index fingers to the middle of the forehead, parallel to the eyebrows. Pull your fingers down to the eyebrows, while looking up. Next, click on the forehead, and your eyebrows push up. Make 10 repetitions and completely relax.

2. Put the entire palm on the forehead. Holding the skin, raise your eyebrows. Make a few repetitions for 10 seconds, relaxes the forehead muscles between approaches.

3. Press the palm of the skin at the hair growth line and pull it back. Make eight tension and relaxation cycles. Then, leaving the hand in the same position, close your eyes. Direct the look down and take the eye apples to the right and left. Exercise 6-7 seconds.

4. Widely open your eyes, at the same time raising eyebrows as high as possible. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times, by the end of the exercise, increasing the pace.



These exercises will not only help cope with wrinkles, but will reduce the swelling around the eyes, as well as erase sleepy views from your face.

1. Apply the cream around the eyes. Then make the pads of the fingers: move light tapping from the outer corners of the eye to the inner. After putting out the middle fingers an external corner.

2. Put the middle fingers on the inner corners of the eyes, and the index - to external. Easy pressed back, look up. Then they so much to feel so much to feel the beat of the pulse in the corners. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

3. Firmly press your fingers to the bases of cheekbones. Now he is very clogging and stay in such a state six seconds.

4. Put the index fingers on the borders of the brush and the lower eyelids. Widely open lips to make a clear long oval. After that, close your eyes and roll them up to the theme. Then open the eyes and for a minute quickly "wave" by the upper centuries. During the exercise, you must feel strong tension in the lower eyelids.

5. Apply the middle and index fingers to the temples and slightly pull the skin up. Look straight. Now start lifting and relaxing upper eyelids. Watch your eyebrows do not move. Perform an exercise 30 times.

Holding the whiskey's fingers, turn the look at the knees and make another 30 repetitions. After the end of the exercise, fold the lips with a tube and pour the muscles to relax.


The exercises presented below train the region of the triangle.

1. A little round lips, as if trying to pronounce the sound "O". Hold them in this position for five seconds, after which you relax. Make 5-10 goals.

Perform a similar exercise with the sound "y" and with closer lips, as if preparing for a kiss.

2. Hurry down the lips to the teeth. Click in this posture for a few seconds and relax. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

3. Reliable with lips and lower jaw left and right 10-12 times.

5. Check your lips inside the mouth, the nostrils pull out the book. Press the index finger to the chin and push the chin up. Focus on the lips. When you feel the burning, start counting to 30, then fold the lips with a tube and jump to give the muscles to relax.

6. After that, you can perform one more exercise with curved lips. But this time with a wide open mouth. Get your eyes up to the theme. Middle finger put on the middle of the upper lip, and index and unnamed to the corners. Slightly push. Now smile at one top lip 40 times, then delay the smile, count to 20 and relax.

The first six exercises remove wrinkles around the lips and raise their corners.

7. This exercise will help smooth the wrinkles on the nose (between eyebrows). Put one finger at the base of the eyebrows, the second is slightly higher. Start wrinkling and relaxing your eyebrows. Perform eight repetitions.

8. This exercise will help to narrow and shorten the tip of the nose. Lift the nose tip at the index finger. Take the top lip down so that the nose falls, then return the lip into the usual position. Make 35 repetitions.


The following two exercises train the muscles of the jaws and remove the skiing of the skin, deforming the sowing faces.

Initial position: The mouth is open, the lips are wrapped inward, the corners of the mouth are stretched to indigenous teeth and also cooked inside.

1. Press the top lip to the teeth, and the index finger is to the chin so that it gives lips a little resistance. Open and close your mouth with a slow dropping movement, as if trying to capture. When you make a similar movement, the chin is put forward for a centimeter forward. Perform an exercise slowly, trying to maximize the corner of the mouth.

2. Raw eyes up to the pattern. Smile widely so that the corners of the mouth stretch to the tops of the ears. Now put the index fingers to the corners of the lips and imagine that the smile is stretched to the upper tips of the ears. Draw in such a state, while simultaneously pulling the shoulders and putting forward a face forward.

Finish both exercises 30 seconds after you feel burning.

Recent exercises strengthen the neck and help get rid of the double chin.

3. Source position - lying. Clamp palms front part. Lift your head on a centimeter from the floor, straining the buttocks. Hold for a few seconds, go down. Make 30 repetitions.

After that, put your hands along the body and raise your head and shoulders on a centimeter. Make 20 turns of the head in one direction, and then - to another, then drop it on the floor and relax.

4. Sit straight, strain the chin and firmly squeeze my teeth. After that, clap your hand at the bottom of the chin and throw the head back for a few seconds. Lower it back and relax.

5. Put the bottom lip on the top, and lean your head back. Tenge in this position, relax after six seconds. Repeat the exercise by turning the head first to the left, and then right.

Perform these exercises every day and after a few weeks you can notice the effect. Good luck!

Hello, dear readers. Today the topic of discussion will be gymnastics for face from wrinkles at home after 40. From the material of the article you will learn:

  • Why the skin on the face begins to grow old.
  • What helps to slow down aging?
  • How in 50 look at 35?
  • What is Japanese gymnastics for face from wrinkles, readings and contraindications for its execution.

Every woman wants to look young at old age. Some to achieve the result use professional medical cosmetics, others adhere to antique rejuvenating recipes.

And someone thinks over the causes of skin aging. And however, why in 90% of cases the first wrinkles on the face appear when a woman step over the turn of 35 - 40 years?

And is it possible to get rid of them with the help of special gymnastics?

Why the leather on the face begins to grow old

Scientists noted that by 28 years old, the human body becomes completely self-sufficient.

At about the same time, he begins to grow old, and with him and skin on the face. However, the first wrinkles may appear both in 18 and in 45. It affects it 5 factors:

  • heredity;
  • stress;
  • dehydration;
  • toxins;
  • the sun.

How to brake aging

To delay the appearance of wrinkles on the face, you need to follow 7 non-hard rules:

  1. Move the dimension lifestyle and get enough sleep.
  2. Eat right. Exclude fatty dishes from diet, reduce the amount of meat, add fruit, vegetables, berries, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.
  3. Sunbathing until 11:45 and after 16 hours using creams with a high UV filter.
  4. Use preventive and therapeutic professional or home cosmetics to maintain the desired level of moisture in the skin.
  5. Avoid stressful situations. If you have to be nervous regularly, to bring the state to normal, use vegetable soothing agents, as well as relaxation.
  6. Do not smoke and not drink alcohol. It is noted that smoking women leather the face already by 30 years will slightly decay and covered with wrinkles.
  7. Regularly make gymnastics for facial muscles.

Pay attention to the last item. The gymnastics for the face from wrinkles allows 50 to look at 35, but only under one condition, if it is part of a complex of measures to preserve youth and will be carried out from 18 years. With it, it is impossible to get rid of deep wrinkles and brake aging.

Types of gymnastics for the face or as 50 years look at 35

There are many exercise complexes. All of them are aimed at strengthening the facial muscles that support the skin and do not give her prematurely blame, gather in the folds, form senile "balls".

A Japanese gymnastics for face from wrinkles is a mansion. These are not special exercises, but a massage that contributes to the improvement of lymphotok, an increase in blood circulation, as well as removal of spasm from the facial muscles.

I advise you to use the course from Margarita Levchenko " Rejuvenation in 15 minutes a day" Get 3 free lessons.

Classical gymnastics

The following set of exercises is aimed at the phased elaboration of all zones of the face:

  • nanes;
  • areas around the eyes, as well as the zones of "goose paws";
  • cheek and nasolabial folds;
  • leather around lips;
  • chin and lower jaw.


Charging for the face from wrinkles always begins with cleansing (scrub, gel for washing, then tonic), tones - professional daily cream or vitamin E in oil, and "warm-up" are applied to the skin.

Preparatory actions before gymnastics:

  1. Run hair. Pour your fingers on the hands like a ridge and make an active massage of the scalp. This will improve the blood circulation and the overall condition of the body.
  2. Massive the skin of the face. Place on the cheeks of the hand, as if you are going to perform something on the piano and start, first easy, then more actively "play". Go to the forehead, then on the cheekbones and chin, after the lower jaw.
  3. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale.

Now you can proceed to gymnastics. All exercises are performed 10 times.

Gymnastics from wrinkles on the forehead

No. 1. Put your palms over the eyebrows, press them tightly to the skin. Now with a light effort to lower it down. At the same time, start lifting your eyebrows. During the exercise, the voltage of the abnormal muscles should be felt. Hold in this state of seconds 5, then loosen the pressure and lower your eyebrows.

No. 2. Put the palms on the forehead, press them tightly to the skin. With a lightweight effort, pull it up, and your eyebrows at the same time lower down. How to feel the muscle tension, delay and count to 5, then relax.

# 3. Place your palms near the hair growth line and press them to the skin. With a lightweight effort to pull it to the top, at this moment, look down, as if under yourself, and close your eyes. Start by them actively rotate, without raising the eyelids - 10 times in one direction, 10 to another. Then open your eyes and relax.

Gymnastics for smoking wrinkles on the nose

Here is just one exercise. Attach the second fingers to the upper line of eyebrows. Start pulling them in different directions while actively shifting your eyebrows.

The skin on the nose should not be very wrinkled. The duration of one stretching is not more than 5 seconds.

Gymnastics from wrinkles in the area around the eyes

# 1. Put 2 and 3 fingers of the hands on the outer corners of the eyes. Press them to the skin and pull it gently in different directions. Close up and, without opening a century, screw apples - clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times.

# 2. Put 5, 4 and 3 fingers to the area of \u200b\u200b"goose paws". Pull the skin down slightly and in different directions. Raise the eyeballs up and climb the eyelids. Stay in this position 5 seconds and relax.

Gymnastics from wrinkles on cheeks

No. 1. Type air in your mouth. Splinked the cheeks, and now actively click on their palms. Hold the resistance of the seconds five, then the air is noisily and relax.

# 2. Inflate cheeks. Now start to roll the air bubble to the right left and back - 10 times in one direction, as much to another.

# 3. Make lips with a tube and pull forward as possible. How to feel the voltage, delay in this position for 5 seconds, then relax.

№ 4. Widely discover the mouth, and now round it, as if loudly squeeze the letter "O". Each position is fixed for 5 seconds.

Exercises No. 3 and 4 are designed to reduce nasolabial folds.

Gymnastics from wrinkles in the chin area

# 1. Relax, slightly open the mouth. Start moving the lower jaw to the left-right - 10 times in each direction.

No. 2. Open the mouth half. Now with the effort, pull the corners on yourself and down, passing through the extreme bottom point, pull your lips forward to the tube. Make such circular movements of the lower jaw in the horizontal plane 10 times.

№ 3. Smoothly remove the head back and try to touch with a backbone between the blades. Now pull the bottom of the lip and cover it the upper, hold for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position.

Charging for the face from wrinkles ends with light strokes in massage lines. After that, it is necessary to remove the surplus oil / cream and wash the cool water.

Also remove wrinkles from the face you will help this video from Alexey Mamatov.

Gymnastics from wrinkles in Japanese

Women of the rising country in the rising young people retain the young people. This is due to a special gymnastics, which is rather reminiscent of a specific one, not similar, massage.

For the first time, the methodology was presented to the whole world in 2007. The gymnastics of Asahi is called, which means "Massage of the Morning Sun".


Despite the seeming harmlessness, the massage Asahi has a clear range of prohibitions. It is impossible to make such gymnastics to the following categories of people:

  • with diseases of the ENT organs in the aggravation stage;
  • with inflammatory diseases of unexplained etiology with a resistant increase in body temperature;
  • with the problems of the lymphatic system;
  • with dermatological diseases;
  • with open wounds (cuts, scratches);
  • with acne, cooperosis (vascular "asterisks" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jacket).

It is undesirable to make Japanese gymnastics to women with thin face. If I really want, it is necessary to work out only the upper part (zone of the forehead and cheekbones). Such a massage contributes to active weight loss.


Gymnastics are shown for:

  • prevention of wrinkles or for their significant reduction;
  • raising the leather turgore;
  • removal of wretchedness;
  • improving skin color;
  • significant reduction or complete cleaner of the second chin.

Technique for holding

It is believed that the Japanese gym for the skin of the face from wrinkles can independently make any woman.

However, this is not quite true. Learn will have long and stubbornly. In addition, making a massage is not entirely comfortable, especially without having any skills. However, if you carefully examine the video, you can learn to make gymnastics in just a week.


  1. Purification of the face.
  2. Application of oil (WIT. E in oil).
  3. Holding a massage (watch video attentively in the article).
  4. Removing oil residues with a napkin.

Engineering depends on the variety of Asahi massage. Those who do not have 40 yet, it is recommended to gently affect the problem areas.

The one who has crossed this line works more actively with a person. Women after 50 are recommended to affect the skin intensively, but not overdo it.

For the gymnastics technique overlapping the 60-year frontier, the gymnastics technique will be completely different.

Describe the Japanese massage Asahi is difficult. It is best to watch the video and accurate all movements exactly.

Remember, the skin on the face is gentle, and with the appearance of wrinkles it becomes thinner, so any, even the most active impact on it, should be carefully dosed.

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