
Google withdraws money from a bank card. How to report an unauthorized charge. Ways to solve the problem

The Android operating system allows users to subscribe to various applications and services through Google Play. If you subscribe to an app through the Play Store, Google will automatically use your saved payment method each time you use the service until you cancel your subscription. You can cancel your subscription either through the Google Play app or through the official Google Play website. Please note: uninstalling (deleting) the application does not cancel your subscription, even if you no longer use the service, a fee will be charged.

Every day, some (and a considerable) part of Android device users suddenly realize that money is flowing out of their accounts too quickly mobile phone, With bank card, QIWI wallet or from another place where they are seemingly securely stored. After viewing the printout, it becomes clear: money is withdrawn as payment for subscriptions purchased on Google Play Store or issued together with applications. The person played, listened or used it in some other way - and forgot. But Google remembers and does not forget to charge a fee not even for use, but for the opportunity to use a service, service, application. But why pay if all this is no longer relevant? You need to get rid of unnecessary expenses, and do it in in this case It's not difficult at all.

How to cancel your Google Play subscription on an Android device?

To cancel your subscription on your Android device, first open the Google Play Store app. Click the menu button in the top left corner of the Google Play app, then select Subscriptions in the sidebar to view the ones you have.

You'll see the number of subscriptions you've agreed to pay for through Google Play, as well as the price for each subscription. Once you have given your consent to pay the invoice, the subscription fee will be charged automatically, without notification or consent to the user. To cancel your subscription, click "Cancel" button next to it.

Click "Cancel Subscription" to confirm your cancellation. You should receive a message that you can continue to use the subscription features until a certain date - until the date for which you paid for the use. Once the paid time ends, the subscription will be disabled and you will no longer be charged for it.

How do I cancel my subscription online?

If you don't have an Android device handy, you can use your home computer to cancel your subscription online. This action must be completed on the Google Play website. To cancel your subscription, go to the Google Play website and click on the "My Subscriptions" box on the left side of the page. This section lists all active subscriptions you have on Google Play.

To cancel your subscription, click the "Cancel" link next to it.

You need to click "Cancel Subscription" to confirm that you really want to cancel your subscription. As in the previous case, you can continue to use the subscription until the paid time expires.

If you don't see your subscription either in Google Play or in your account after logging in from an Internet-connected PC, make sure you're signed in to the same Google account with which you first signed up for the app. Subscriptions shown on Google Play are linked to yours account Google. Don't forget about this when you decide to get rid of unnecessary spending on them.

One of the safest and convenient ways payments, cash withdrawals and transfers personal funds, is payment card Sberbank. However, you should never forget that risks may arise. The point is that quite often there are cases when bank account bank customers are being stolen Money. Hence the question “Why do they withdraw money from a Sberbank card?” It caused a storm of emotions among many clients not only of Sberbank, but also among clients of other banks. Therefore, it was necessary to take certain measures, which will be discussed below.

It is surprising that for some time Russia was at the top of the ranking of states in which the level of fraud with bank cards has increased. Russia reached the top of the ranking in 2013, and this was the reason for the adoption of a number of bills that regulate banking sector. Despite the fact that back in 2011 a law was passed that concerns payment system, it came into force 2 years later. It talks about how citizens can act if money disappears from their bank cards. This problem has become a real reason to think about the safety of Sberbank clients. Therefore, the issue had to be examined in detail and resolved in the near future.

Have you noticed that fraudsters have withdrawn money from your Sberbank card, what should you do in this case? Let's look at this issue further.

Not long ago Sberbank introduced new service for its clients, which is called “Mobile Bank”. Most often, clients activate this service themselves at the time the card is issued. We can say about this service that it is a convenient tool that allows you to work with a bank card through mobile communications. Activating this service is very simple. The client only needs to register his contact number in the registry, after that notifications will begin to arrive in the form of SMS, which will indicate all the transactions that you have ever made, and SMS with confirmation codes and the like will also be sent here.

But, despite the benefits it brings mobile bank ing, it is possible that using this service money could be withdrawn from the card by someone else, that is, by fraudsters. This raises the question of how scammers can even withdraw money from someone else’s card. It is very difficult to answer this question unambiguously, since this process is not easy, and withdrawal of money can occur for any of the reasons that will be described below.

How to withdraw money from a bank card

Things are as follows. A person who is a client of Sberbank or anyone else can change more than one SIM card in his life. This is quite natural and there is nothing unusual about it. If the “mobile banking” service is connected to his number, but later the user does not use this SIM card, and the service is still connected, then the risk of theft of funds increases several times.

This can be explained by the fact that mobile operators resell old numbers, and repeatedly, to new customers. If the new owner of the number is respectable and law-abiding, and upon discovering the fact that a service was linked to his number, immediately contact the nearest Sberbank branch or contact representatives at hotline. However, it is possible that a fraudster will become the owner of your old number. He won't be against taking other people's money for himself.

In this case, the question arises, what to do if you notice something missing.

Ways to solve the problem

If you have discovered that money has disappeared from your bank card, then, first of all, you should remain calm. Analyze the entire situation to deal with it. First, it’s worth understanding whether the money was actually stolen. After all, sometimes notifications that money has been written off sometimes arrive late. You also need to remember whether you had debts when you paid for purchases with a bank card or withdrew funds from it.

In addition, money can be withdrawn to pay monthly utility bills or a loan. And if none of the above cases concern you, then perhaps the money really was stolen by scammers.

How to proceed?

If you notice that fraudsters have written off money from your card, you should do the following:

  1. Contact your bank representatives via the hotline.
  2. Block the card.
  3. Write a statement saying that you refuse the transaction.
  4. Return the money.

By following this algorithm, the likelihood that your money will be returned to you increases.

It is necessary to contact bank representatives via the hotline in order to block the card from which funds were illegally debited. You can block it at the nearest bank branch, but calling will be much easier and faster.

If during the investigation it becomes known that the money was in fact written off illegally, then you should write a statement indicating that you do not give your consent to the transactions performed. In addition, you will additionally need to provide evidence that the transactions were not actually carried out by the client. It wouldn’t hurt to study in detail the agreement that was concluded between you and Sberbank. It provides detailed information on how to dispute transactions and what to do roughly if you find yourself in a similar situation.

If Sberbank recognizes the clients’ demands, then all you have to do is wait until the money is returned to you. If the client receives a refusal, then he should contact the police with the same statement about the theft of money. In addition to this, you can also contact the prosecutor's office, where you can write a statement to the bank, which will indicate that it refuses to fulfill your demands within the framework of the law. However, there is no way to do this without going to court, even if the process drags on, but you will not find another way to get your money back, especially if it is a huge amount.

Types of fraud

In fact, there are quite a lot of methods of fraud today. Fraudsters show good resourcefulness, which contributes to a successful attempt to steal money from your card. There are several methods of theft that are most often used by scammers. These methods include the following:

  1. False messages about winning a prize.
  2. Messages about card blocking.
  3. Links to malicious Internet resources.

False messages about winning a prize

Let's consider each case separately. So, false messages about winning a prize pose a minimal threat, because not everyone is fooled by such messages. Sberbank clients receive messages on their mobile number saying that they are lucky enough to become the owner of some kind of super prize, such as equipment. However, to receive this prize you will need to call the number that was indicated in the SMS.

If you decide to call the number back, the attacker will try to find out the following information: your bank card number and CVC code, which is indicated on the back. If you share this information, you can forget about the refund, because you provided the information of your own free will. It is worth noting that employees of any bank should not be interested in this information; they have no right to do so, since it is confidential.

Messages about card blocking

If you receive an SMS on your phone stating that your card has been blocked, you will need to call back the number that will be indicated in this SMS. Ostensibly in order to unblock your card. The action scenario is the same as in the first case: the attacker will ask for personal data in order to take possession of the money stored on the card.

Links to malicious Internet resources

Links to external resources. They pose the greatest danger. Quite often on email address I receive messages containing links to third-party sites. By clicking on this link, you may be providing scammers with your personal information without even knowing it. Attackers can easily find out your data that you use to log into online banking. It is natural that after this you will notice that your map is empty.

It often happens that attackers make copies of popular sites where millions of cardholders make purchases. Without any suspicion, the person enters the necessary data to purchase the product, but as a result, he will only receive money debited from the card. Today, scammers have made great progress in this matter and are coming up with more and more ways to steal funds. If you want to stay with money and do not want to become a victim of fraud, then you should follow measures that will save you from unpleasant surprises.

Payment for purchases via the Internet

If you quite often shop online or pay public utilities, then you should be extremely careful when you make payments. It is advisable to get a special card that you will use for online purchases and put as much money on it as you need for payment.

It is worth noting that many people use Google supercell services, and Lately Instances have become more frequent that users have started to lose funds from their cards. Google supercell withdrew money from your card unexpectedly for you? Most often this happens when a user links a card number to their account. Such cases have become more frequent, but measures are already being taken to eliminate this problem.

Paying for purchases via ATM

If you conduct card transactions through an ATM, then you should carefully examine the panel on which the code is entered. It may have a special reader installed on it, which can simply copy the PIN code of your card.

Be careful when using bank cards

How to protect your card and avoid money theft

If you do not want to become a victim of fraud, then you should familiarize yourself with all possible options protecting yourself from intruders. Practice has shown more than once that in the event of theft of funds from a card, such situations reach judicial trial. This process may take a long time and it is unknown what the result will be. Therefore, it is worth following certain recommendations to avoid such situations.

First of all, do not see dubious messages with phone numbers, do not follow dubious links and do not provide personal information with card numbers and passwords for it.

As a precaution, you can protect your card. For example, if you change your mobile number, be sure to disable all services associated with the card, including mobile banking. Also, do not store your login and password for your personal account in Internet banking. Do not call the numbers indicated in the SMS allegedly sent by Sberbank.

Immediately after you change your number, be sure to disable the mobile banking service, because your old number may be resold by mobile operators. In this case, it is unknown who the new owner of the number will be.

Never save online banking logins and passwords on your computer. in electronic format, because the Internet is dominated by a large number of virus programs that not only harm the computer, but can also read the data that you enter to log in Personal Area. If large amounts of money have been withdrawn from your card, you should contact your bank.


You noticed that money was stolen from your card, how do you get it back? If we are talking about a large amount, then you cannot do without intervention bailiffs. This procedure is difficult and takes a long time. According to the law, the bank can easily refuse to return the money, since the write-off operations were carried out correctly. It will be extremely difficult to prove that it was not you who entered the data. Therefore, if you want your money back, it is better to contact good lawyers.

A truly huge app store. Looking for one or another solution to an urgent problem, you can spend a lot of time in it. However, it happens that we may not be completely sure whether what we were looking for is a find. In this case, a mechanism is provided that allows you to “return the coin.” Actually, even two mechanisms.

UPD: On our website, which takes into account the changed conditions for refunds and additional method return request.

15 minutes

Any payment made on Google Play can be returned to your bank card within 15 minutes. Moreover, this does not pose any problem. Just go to the Play Store, select “My applications” in the menu, find the newly downloaded one among them and click the “Return payment” button.
After this, it will be deleted from your device, and the debited funds will be returned to the card in the near future.
It is also worth noting that this feature is available for each application, but only once. If you later want to buy an application again for which you have already received a refund, the function will not be available.

48 hours

If there is no “Return payment” button, then your 15 minutes have expired, which is, in fact, very likely. After all, what can 15 minutes be enough for? But this does not mean that your money is irretrievably lost.

According to clause 3.4 of the Software Distribution Agreement through Google Play, the user can receive a full refund of the cost of the application within 48 hours. However, it should be remembered that this clause does not include products that the user could familiarize themselves with before purchasing, such as ringtones or desktop wallpapers.

What is needed for this?

  • Log in to the web version of Google Play using the account from which the purchase was made (https://play.google.com/store/account)
  • Hover your cursor over the application for which you want to return the money, and click on the button in the form of three vertical dots, select “Report a problem”
  • In the window that appears, select “I would like to request a refund”, in the field indicate the reason why you are not satisfied with the application, and then click “Submit”.

Of course, Google makes a note that a return after 15 minutes is possible only if there is mitigating circumstances, so the method does not guarantee a 100% return. However, the chances of getting yours back are very high.

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