
How the card is inserted. Which side to insert the map in the ATM Sberbank? The right side of input

In the store and how to correctly insert the card into an ATM, then this article is for you. Remembering outlined here simple rulesYou will no longer be nervous because of the plastic bank card.

To pay a bank card in the store, restaurant, beauty salon, at the station, in general, any outlet, you need it to be equipped with a payment terminal (POS terminal).

If a trade and service organization accepts bank cards to pay, it notifies stickers with the logos of payment systems: Visa, MasterCard, Union Pay, World, etc. On the doors of the institution and on the checkout. If you have not seen stickers, then find out the staff, whether they will pay for bank cards.

POS terminal (English Point of Sale - a point of sale) is an electronic device that allows you to pay for a purchase from a bank payment card. Equipment for cashless payments is different depending on the model, morally outdated terminals are able to serve only maps with a magnetic strip. Modern POS terminals can serve cards with a magnetic stripe, cards with chip (smart card) and contactless cards.

There are two methods of payment of a bank card: the transfer of her to the cashier, where he himself carries out the payment procedure and independent payment when the card is not transmitted to the hands, and payment terminal Available for customer.

Map with magnetic stripe

Maps with a magnetic stripe gradually begin to disappear from russian marketThis is associated with their low security. Information on the magnetic strip is easy to copy and fake, fraudsters actively use it, besides, cards with a magnetic ribbon are faster.

To pay a card with a magnetic stripe you need:

  1. Tell the cashier that you will pay the card.
  2. Transfer the cashier to the map to make the payment operation. Ideally, the client does not produce his card from the hands, and he spends it through the reader (reader).
  3. So, if the terminal addressed to the buyer and is available, spend once payment card from top to bottom through the magnetic tape of the terminal. In this case, the magnetic strip should be at the bottom of the card and facing the terminal. All the information is on the magnetic strip and it is necessary to provide it to the POS-terminal magnetic card reader.
  4. In some terminals, the magnetic card reader is not vertical, and horizontal, in such cases the card must be carried out from left to right to the magnetic strip down.
  5. It will be necessary to put a signature on the check, which will print the POS terminal. She must coincide with your signature on the map. Before signing, check the check amount.

In some terminals, you can sign a special handle on the screen, and not on the check. It is more convenient and cashier and buyer.

The main security rule with payment cards: If you pass the card to pay the cashier, the whole procedure should be held on your eyes.

The situation is not allowed when the trading worker takes the map and deletes with it (for example, in a restaurant or cafe). While you do not see it, it can, for example, save your personal data indicated on the map and use them to pay online purchases or resort to other types of fraud.

Map with chip

In Russia, as well as around the world, cards with chip gradually displacing magnetic cards, Sberbank stopped producing cards with a magnetic strip from July 1, 2013, all its cards are now available with the chip.

It should be noted that in its pure form, it is difficult to find a chip card, they are all manufactured with a magnetic strip. This is due to the fact that far from all trading and service enterprises there are terminals serving chip cards. For the convenience of customers, in case of impossibility of reading information from the chip, you can use a magnetic strip.

If your payment bank card has a chip, that is, the built-in chip, then you need to insert the card until it stops the terminal chip-reader, enter the PIN and wait until the operation is made, and then pull the card from the terminal.

If the PIN code is entered three times incorrectly, the card will be automatically blocked. You do not need to put your signature on the check, the introduced PIN code is an electronic signature.

Contactless map

Technology of contactless payments at the international payment system Visa is called PayWave, MasterCard - PayPass. In the people, all contactless cards began to call PayPass (Pei Pass).

Payment by phone

Most comfortable and fast cashless payment - this is . Pay the phone easily and simply - do not wear payment cards with you. This feature is available to holders of certain phone models with apple applications Pay, Android Pay. or samsung pay.

For those who have a smartphone with Android, check the possibility of contactless payment using the Android Pay application.

For owners of Samsung phones, check whether you can pay using Samsung Pay

Pay with Android Pay or Apple Pay. You can only in retail outlets that support contactless payment. Where there are radio wave icons. SAMSUNG PAY payment is possible wherever there are POS terminals. This is due to the fact that Samsung uses not only contactless technology NFC, but also magnetic data transmission MST.

Enjoy the shopping!
Nina Polonskaya

To make a variety of money transactions on the card in a variety of outlets, special devices are installed offices. Some citizens still do not know how to correctly insert the card into the ATM Sberbank. The single order of the correct input of the plastic is regulated, so that the device does not "fire" a credit card.

ATMs of Sberbank occupy a leading position in terms of distribution. Devices are present in each settlementMaximum covering the entire audience of Russia.

To correctly enter the card into an ATM, you need to be guided by the following items:

  • check the card adoption slot - it should be empty;
  • the device screen must be enabled and asked to insert plastic;
  • shove off banking Product In the slot face, so that the chip is from above, closer to the input hole;
  • enter an individual IDU code to control the credit card.

With proper application, the device himself pushes the card inside. Product refund will be performed only upon completion of the required operation. It is impossible to force the plastic forcibly, otherwise the product may be damaged.

The right side of input

Even knowing how to use an ATM, many citizens often insert the map not to that side. Radiated glance on plastic is enough to understand where the front side. The reverse part includes a black magnetic strip, which, when administered, should remain down to the right.

Determining which side to insert the card, first of all, you should navigate the metal chip. It is located on the front side of the credit card. When Introduction, the line with the chip should be closer to the place of reception of the card. The product number at the same time is left of the metal part. Each card has an inscription of the payment system: the world, Visa, MasterCard. Their image with proper application is closer to the holder.

Main steps for operations through an ATM

A complete list of steps when working with the device has the following form:

  • on the screen of the device must be gligrated.card;
  • enter plastic with the right side, the chip is upstairs, and it must first disappear if the device takes it;
  • insert the product is recommended smoothly, without sharp movements and pressure;
  • with the right to enter the device on the screen, please enter the PIN code;
  • at the end of the operation, the slot gives the card and begins to "squeeze", pick up money or a check can be taken after the card will be extracted.

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Alexander Ivanovich

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Similar steps when working with an ATM must be produced by inserting a map interminal . The main difference of it from the ATM is the lack of a cash issuance function, only acceptance.

When making a card, if you shove the product not to that side, the device will return it back. If, with the correct input, the ATM does not accept the card automatically, then the action is better not to produce forcibly - it can be faulty. When plastic is inserted, but the cash issuance operation is not available, it is required to contact the 24-hour customer support department for the "hot" line.

A limited amount of time is assigned to each step. To pick up the cash, the forty five seconds are given. With the introduction of personal data it is recommended to trace the lack of foreign surveillance. You can not communicate information about the details of the map to third parties,set plastic on the keyboard, shining its data.

Currently, ATMs and terminals with a contactless system are becoming increasingly popular. To work with similar devices, enter plastic is not necessary. If the client is the owner of the card with the iconWi-Fi, then he is enoughapply The product is to a special square with a similar image of the network, located on the side of the keyboard.

When an ATM did not give a map

There are several reasons for swallowing an ATM card:

  • three times incorrectly introduced a PIN code;
  • the product is overdocked either damaged;
  • the device installed by the device is exhausted;
  • blocked an account to which a credit card is tied;
  • disrupted the procedure for using the device;
  • technical failures of the ATM.

If the problem has arisen, the following actions must be performed:

  • wait fifteen - twenty minutes, justice the operation of the device with the next user;
  • fix the place, the time of what happened;
  • call the "hot" line of Sberbank.

Opinion expert

  • press on the ATM keyboard the abolition sign;
  • fix the time of the event;
  • to dial the telephone telephone, report a problem, clarify the refund timing;
  • immediately block the product;
  • recommended for the safety net to make a photo card in advance.


The rule of use by an ATM includes first of all the correct input of plastic. The correctness of the action marks the requirements of the password. Enter products are recommended smoothly, without amplification. If the products are inserted incorrectly, the terminal will return it back.

People who have never enjoyed a banking machine and do not know how to properly insert a card into an ATM, first need to carefully examine their plastic and a device for working with it. In the ATM of Sberbank (as well as other banks), in addition to connectors for issuing checks and cash, there is a card reader - a device for receiving cards. The slot is indicated by a special arrow or image, so it is easy to notice.

  • check that there are no other cards in the opening;
  • pay attention to the screen: If there is a message with a proposal to insert the map, then the device is ready for operation;
  • insert bank plastic into a special slot: Easily push the card and the device will take it myself.

If everything is done correctly, the system will ask your PIN code. Be careful when Introduction: After 3 incorrect attempts per day, the card is blocked.

Which side to insert the card into an ATM

The card has a frontal (facial) and the back side. On the frontal, the number, surname and the name of the holder, the type of PS (Visa, mastercard or the world), and also present a read chip. On the back there is a black strip.

Usually, next to the card receiver is depicted, how to properly insert a card into an ATM. If not, use the instructions:

  • bank plastic is inserted by the front side up;
  • the card number must be located at the left edge of the opening;
  • the black tape should be from the bottom to the right of the connector;
  • ps name closer to the holder;
  • the chip is directed to the card connector.

It is impossible to insert a card wrong: the device will not take it. If problems arise, try changing the location.

Before inserting a card into a Sberbank ATM, check out additional guidelines for working with the device, as well as with errors that may arise.

Additional Tips:

  • take the card immediately after the end of work;
  • when issuing cash, plastic returns first, then money is issued;
  • do not use gross physical strength: insert a card without excess pressure.

If the banking product is inserted correctly, but the ATM for any reason refuses to accept it, possibly:

  • the device is broken (usually there is a notification on this);
  • the validity of your card has ended (you can find it on the front turnover over the name of the owner);
  • plastic is damaged: there are chips or scratches on the chip or magnetic strip.

In this case, you need to use another ATM or contact Sberbank or another bank-issuer to replace the card.

IMPORTANT: When the period is ends, new map Produced for free, however, if it is damaged before the expiration of the deadline, you need to pay from 150 to 500 rubles for the reissue.

It happens that the ATM is not returned by the card to the owner. This is usually happening when:

  • the user did not take the card on time: in different ATMs, time varies from 20 to 60 seconds;
  • communication with the bank was interrupted;
  • blocked bank account;
  • tricks introduced an incorrect PIN code;
  • there was a failure in the work of the device.

If the incident occurred in Sberbank, then use the help of consultants. Provided that you used your card and you have a passport with you, you will be returned almost immediately.

When actions were made not in the bank office, you need to call support: the number is indicated on the ATM itself. Tell the Operator all the necessary information: your personal data, address and time of the incident. You will say when and where you can pick up your card, you will only need a passport.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes it is worth waiting for 10-15 minutes, it is possible that the system depended and after a while will return the bank product after some time, but you don't need to wait for the arrival of collectors - they do not have the right to return the "eaten" cards.

Today, the bank card is the most in a convenient way receipt and departure money, as well as for shopping in the store. Thus, all your savings are in one account, which is again safe.

However, when an acute necessity occurs, you can always use an ATM to make money or make a translation, but what if you have never used an ATM? Of course, continue to read this article, since today we will talk in detail about it!

Basics of using an ATM

Due to the fact that the CIS has a huge number of points for issuing and receiving funds from Sberbank, we will talk about the use of an ATM of this operator. It is important to notice that even if you have bank card from another bank (Alpha Bank, VTB 24, Rosselkhozbank, Tinkoff Bank, Home Credit and others), then you can still cash out, or list the cash to another person using the Sberbank ATM.

So, now let's go to the immediate instruction, so be careful and remember every action to prevent errors when working with an ATM.

  • Before proceeding with any operation through an ATM, consider two slots:
    • A slot for issuing funds depicts on the left side of the picture;
    • Slot for inserting a bank card, depicts on the right side of the picture.

  • After that, you can insert a bank card, pay attention to the image below, how to correctly insert the card into an ATM. Again, it is enough just to insert a map into an ATM face (full name, card number and chip up), it is impossible to put on the card or try to insert forcibly, even when the ATM does not accept the card.

  • Then on the ATM screen you will see the request for entering the PIN code. Enter PIN, and then click on the green button. "ENTER"which is located on the positive keyboard layout.

  • Important!The number of attempts to enter the PIN-code is limited to tribe attempts. When multiply input of incorrect PIN code, an ATM can simply "Eat" Your card, and then you will have to contact the Sberbank branch.
  • After entering the PIN code, you will enter the main menu where you can cash and transfer funds to another client, pay housing and utilities services, fines, Internet, mobile communications and other.

After reading this instruction, you will know exactly how to properly insert the card into the Sberbank ATM, make the transfer and removal of funds or pay for various services. This is especially important to know when you are a permanent user of an ATM, for example, remove a monthly salary through an ATM, and not to delay the turn, you just need to remember this instruction.

If you do not want to be in an awkward situation when using ATMs, then learn a couple of tips described below.

  • When working with an ATM, there are situations that the bank card is simply not inserted into the map receptionist. In this case, you need to wait a while, and then try again to insert the map in the map receptionist.
  • After you put an amount on the output, be sure to take the card, and then take cash and count the entire amount in front of the camera so that in the event of a shortage to contact the Bank's Office.
  • In a situation where you set the amount of the conclusion, the ATM committed an operation, but at the same time the cash did not come from the slot, call the bank's separation immediately, wait for the employee's arrival. At the same time, in no case, do not move away from the ATM, since the ATM can still issue a cash and bank card than the thief can take advantage.

Video: How to insert a map into an ATM

In the 21st century, it is difficult to submit your life without a bank card, this comfortable tool Storage and disposal of its cash. All accumulations I. wage Stored in one place, which is very convenient, as well as using a bank card, you can make purchases on the Internet, which brings us to a new central age. The stored money can be easily removed in any ATM, in just a couple of minutes. This article will tell which side to insert the map into the ATM Sberbank.

Main rules

As B. Russian Federation Most of all the dates of issuing funds from Sberbank are most common, they are located almost in all stores. Therefore, we will consider the rules on these ATMs. Although the rules are common and quietly suitable for ATMs of other organizations.

Consider the structure of the bank card:

  • In the upper left corner is the name of the bank, in our case "Sberbank".
  • On the front side there is a map number, usually a set of numbers that passes through the entire front part.
  • Below are the dates, they show the period for which a bank card is issued.
  • Under it name the name of the card holder.

But the main part that is needed to understand the same way to insert the card into an ATM to be above the map number. If you look at your plastic card, you can see the chip. This microchip is located from the left edge of the bank card.

So, a plastic card of Sberbank must be inserted so that this microchip is on the opposite side of you and watched up. In other words, the face of the card must turn up, and the first thing will go to the hole of the card actor, it will be the chip. It turns out that the inscription Sberbank will be on the right side.

Problems that may arise

It happens that, when trying to use an ATM, there are difficulties or unforeseen circumstances, it is worth considering them.

  1. It is worth ensuring that the slot where the map is inserted, free. There are no foreign objects or forgotten by some plastic cards. It is also necessary to pay attention to where exactly you are going to insert the card. Some people are confused by a map receiver and a hole for issuing money.
  2. On the screen should be please insert a map. If there is any menu or incomprehensible inscriptions, it is better to use another apparatus.
  3. You need to insert the card only face. What does the facial side look like, we have already considered. But there are cases when people still confuse parties.

Let's consider the circulation side of the card:

  • The name of the bank to which the map refers is repeated below.
  • Next is the paper strip. It is designed to protect the card holder from theft. It contains a sample of the owner's signature. It is also filled with information code, check authentication.
  • Card authentication code, usually consists of three digits, and be near the sample signature. It is used to protect accounts, with online purchases.
  • Magnetic strip, key location where all information about the owner, account numbers and other data required bank. It is painted black and is located at the top of the back side.
    Therefore, you should not confuse the parties and worry that you do not correctly insert a bank card into an ATM. The device is programmed so that it will not accept the card if it is not inserted correctly and be sure to return it back, asking to insert again.

If an ATM, for any reason, does not want to automatically accept your card, you should not shove it by force, it is better to use the other apparatus.

Before receiving money, be sure to take the map. ATM will ask you about this appropriate inscription on the screen.

If you enter the PIN code is not correct more than three times in a row, then your card will be blocked. But you should not panic, the first blocking lasts 24 hours and automatically removed after the expiration of this time. If you urgently need to use the card, then call those. Sberbank support.

Now you know which side to insert the map into the ATM Sberbank. And without much difficulty, you can use the services provided by the Bank. Rent cash, pay bills, transfer money to relatives or friends. What significantly saves your time, as well as eliminates long queues in the Sberbank branch of people who stand behind you. Imaging your knowledge of using plastic cardYou no longer wake a person, because of which a huge queue is going, because he is badly understood throughout this system. Now you all know and can avoid unpleasant situations.

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