
Increase in pensions on April 1 of the year. From the first of April, a number of innovations begin to operate in Russia. Payments for persons who have received harm to life

For vehicle owners, throughout the territory Russian Federation There are currently two types of insurance:

  1. compulsory motor third party liability insurance, abbreviated OSAGO;
  2. voluntary insurance - CASCO.

Last year, some changes were made to the law "On OSAGO". These changes have fundamentally changed the entire insurance system according to OSAGO. However, they did not immediately take effect, this began to happen in stages. So, as of April 1, 2015, legal force given the following steps:

  • August 2, 2014;
  • September 1, 2014;
  • October 1, 2014;
  • April 1, 2015

Another stage is expected this year, which will give legal effect to the changes of July 1, 2015.

Let's take a closer look at what changes to the law "ON OSAGO" have entered and will enter into legal force from January 1 to July 1, 2015 inclusive.

At the end of last year, the main amendment to the above law was adopted, which has already been endowed with legal force since April 1, 2015. This change concerns an increase in the amount of compensation for compensation for harm caused to health as a result of an accident. This amount was to reach the figure of 500 thousand rubles. However, on March 20 this year, disturbing rumors began to circulate that from April 12, the basic OSAGO tariff would increase by at least 40 percent.

But, let's look at the changes of the current year in order:

1. Starting from 01/01/2015, the conclusion of an OSAGO agreement is possible only after the information in the OSAGO AIS;

2. From April 1, 2015, if as a result of a road traffic accident the victim was harmed to health, the following amounts of payments are established:

  • The beneficiary, who, according to civil law, is entitled to compensation for harm, in the event of the death of the breadwinner (injured as a result of an accident), receives a payment in the amount of 475,000 rubles;
  • A person who has incurred expenses related to the burial of a deceased as a result of an accident receives no more than 25,000 rubles;
  • Compensation payments, which are specifically related to compensation for harm to the life and health of each of the victims as a result of the accident, will not exceed 500 thousand rubles.

3. Now the amount of insurance payments, in case of harm to the health of the victim, will be calculated according to special tables, which indicate different kinds herbs and a fixed rate of payments on them. It is no longer necessary to wait for the final recovery, to collect receipts for treatment, it is enough to present a certificate that indicates the damage received as a result of an accident. If there are several such damages, then the payments will be summed up.

4. From April 1, in addition to compensation for damage caused to the vehicle, OSAGO also pays compensation to its owner for the loss of presentation. And this is logical, because the vehicle after the accident on the market costs an order of magnitude cheaper.

5. The area of ​​responsibility for damages has also been expanded. For example, a "bus" is transporting glassware and gets into an accident, as a result of which a trading tent was damaged. In this case, the damage is compensated not only to the owner of the vehicle, but also for the damaged goods, as well as to the owner of the tent.

6. From April 12, 2015, as mentioned above, it is planned to increase the cost of the OSAGO policy. Presumably it will increase by 40-60 percent. There will also be changes in territorial coefficients and an increase in base tariffs.

And finally, we note that starting from July 1 of this year, the contract compulsory insurance motor civil liability, can be drawn up not only on paper, but also in the form of an electronic document, taking into account the features that are regulated federal law"About OSAGO".

In accordance with the Federal legislation, the amounts of the monthly cash payment (UDV) and a set of social services (NSU) to citizens belonging to the so-called "federal beneficiaries" are subject to indexation once a year from April 1 of the current year, based on the forecast inflation rate established by the Federal Law for the corresponding financial year.

Thus, in 2015, the forecast level of inflation was set, not exceeding 5.5 percent. In this connection, from April 1, 2015, the size of the CST and the cost of the VAT will be increased by 5.5%.

For example, the size of the EDV for some categories will be:

Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War - 4481.47 rubles (an increase of 233.63 rubles);

Participants of the Great Patriotic War - 3361.09 rubles (an increase of 175.22 rubles);

For former minor prisoners - 3361.09 rubles (increase by 175.22 rubles);

Disabled people of the 1st disability group - 3137.60 rubles. (increase by 163.57 rubles);

Disabled persons of the 2nd disability group - 2240.74 rubles. (increase by 116.82 rubles);

Disabled people of the 3rd disability group - 1793.74 rubles. (increase by 93.51 rubles);

Disabled children - 2240.74 rubles. (increase by 116.82 rubles);

Disabled people due to the Chernobyl disaster - 2240.74 rubles. (increase by 116.82 rubles);

Liquidators 1986-1987 consequences of the Chernobyl disaster - 2240.74 rubles. (increase by 116.82 rubles);

Liquidators 1988-1990 consequences of the Chernobyl disaster - 1793.74 rubles. (increase by 93.51 rubles);

Veterans of military operations - 2465.67 rubles. (an increase of 128.54 rubles).

The amounts of the CU are given taking into account the cost of the GST, which from April 1, 2015 will amount to 930.12 rubles, including:

RUB 716.40 - to pay for the provision of services in the form of provision of medicines;

RUB 110.83 - to pay for services in the form of a voucher for sanatorium treatment;

RUB 102.89 - to pay for the provision of services in the form of travel on a suburban railway transport, as well as on long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back.

Citizens who this year have preferred to use social services in kind will receive UDV minus the cost of the size of social services (services), - explain in the PFR Department for the Smolensk region.

In addition, from April, the amount of the monthly cash payment to the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, family members of the deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full cavaliers of the Order of Glory and Heroes of Socialist Labor, full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory.

Lida Vlasova

Who is a federal beneficiary?

1. War invalids:

Participants of the Great Patriotic War who became disabled;

Military personnel and employees of internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system who became disabled due to wounds, contusions or injuries received in the line of duty

Former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos, recognized as disabled.

2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War and former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos equated to them

3. Combat veterans

4. Servicemen who passed military service during the Great Patriotic War

5. Citizens awarded the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad"

6. Citizens who worked during the Great Patriotic War

7. Family members of the dead (deceased) war invalids, participants of the Great Patriotic War and combat veterans

8. Disabled:

Disabled people with III group of disability

Disabled people with II group of disability

Disabled people with I disability group

9. Disabled children

10. Citizens affected by radiation man-made disasters

11. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have been awarded the titles of Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Russian Federation or who are full holders of the Order of Glory.

12. Family members (widow (widower), parents, children under the age of 18, children over 18 who became disabled before they reached the age of 18, and children under the age of 23 studying in educational institutions full-time education) Heroes or full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

13. Citizens of the Russian Federation awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (Heroes of Socialist Labor) or awarded the Order of Labor Glory of three degrees (full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory).

14. Citizens awarded with the sign "Honorary Donor of Russia" (USSR)

* * *

We also remind you that from April 1, 2015 social pensions in Russia will be indexed by 10.3%. The average social pension will increase by 777 rubles. and will amount to 8311 rubles.

Who will receive the allowance?

In connection with the indexation of social pensions, payments to the following categories of pensioners will be increased:

  • military personnel who served in the military by conscription and subsequently received a disability (and members of their families);
  • participants of the Second World War and residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • citizens affected by radiation or man-made disasters and members of their families;
  • citizens from among the employees of the flight test staff. In addition, cosmonauts' seniority pensions will be increased.

Thus, the average disability pension for conscripted servicemen will increase by 1,095 rubles. and will amount to 11726 rubles.

The average size of the survivor's pension for the families of conscripted servicemen will increase by 924 rubles. and will amount to 9893 rubles.

The average state pension pension provision citizens from among the disabled due to military trauma and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions will increase by 1248 rubles. and 1193 rubles. respectively.

Disabled citizens are entitled to receive a social pension (Article 11 of the Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ):

  • disabled people of groups I, II and III, including disabled since childhood, disabled children (a social disability pension is established);
  • children under the age of 18, as well as older than this age, who are full-time students in the main educational programs in educational organizations, until they complete such training, but not longer than until they reach the age of 23, who have lost one (both) parents, and children of a deceased single mother (a social pension is established in case of loss of a breadwinner);
  • citizens from among the indigenous peoples of the North who have reached the age of 55 and 50 years (men and women, respectively), permanently residing in the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North on the day of the assignment of a pension (a social old-age pension is established);
  • citizens of the Russian Federation, and Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and who have reached the age of 65 and 60 (men and women, respectively) (a social old-age pension is established).

Changes have been made to Art. 7 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners".

Text from the law:

Article 7. Sum insured

The sum insured, within which the insurer, upon the occurrence of each insured event(regardless of their number during the term of the compulsory insurance contract) undertakes to compensate the victims for the harm caused, is:

a) in terms of compensation for harm caused to the life or health of each victim, 160,500 thousand rubles; ...

That is from April 1, 2015. insurance payment each victim in an accident is paid within 500 thousand rubles (previously paid within 160 thousand rubles). Note, not 500 thousand rubles, but within this amount (that is, the payment may be less, but not more).

2. The procedure for paying insurance compensation in case of harm to life or health is spelled out in detail.

Additions made to Art. 12 of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners".

After the payment itself in case of harm to health a subsequent surcharge is allowed if a greater damage to health is found.

It provides for payment not only for the damage itself, but also reasonable expenses incurred due to harm to health (for example, for medicines, prosthetics, patient care, etc.).

For the death (harm to life) of the victim, payments are provided:

  • 475 thousand rubles - relatives or persons with whom the victim was dependent
  • 25 thousand rubles - on account of reimbursement of expenses for the burial of the victim (paid to persons who have incurred such expenses).

Terms of payment of insurance indemnities for harm to life are stipulated. Within 15 calendar days, except for non-working holidays, from the date of acceptance of the first application, Insurance Company accepts applications for insurance payment from all persons who are entitled to it. After the end of this period, payment is made within 5 calendar days, except for non-working holidays.

3. Insurance payments for harm to health are calculated according to the established standards.

Now to calculate insurance compensation for OSAGO, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2012 No. 1164 is applied.

For every damage a certain percentage of the maximum amount of insurance compensation is set.

IA SakhaNews. From April 1, Russians are waiting for some pleasant changes in the social orientation, and minor troubles are not ruled out, but in a different area.

So, from April 1, 2015 pension increase awaits those who receive so-called social pensions from the state. This will affect the following categories of recipients:

Disabled citizens receiving social pensions;

Military personnel receiving a disability pension and who became disabled during the period of military service on conscription, as well as members of their families;

Participants of the Great Patriotic War;

Citizens awarded with the badge "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad";

Citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters.

The growth of social pensions for citizens of all these categories will be from April 1, 2015 10,3% . The amount of the monthly cash payment (UTC) to federal beneficiaries will increase by 5,5% , according to Dp.ru.

According to the Minister of Labor of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin, the increase will affect more than 3 million human. That is how many citizens of the Russian Federation, according to the head of the department, receive a social pension. After the increase, the average social pension will be 8 311 rubles, previously it was 7.5 thousand rubles.

In addition to increasing social pensions, from April 1, 2015, an increase in the amount of payments for veterans, disabled people, Chernobyl victims, Heroes of Socialist Labor and other beneficiaries is expected. Pensions for these categories of citizens will increase by 5,5% .

The pension for disabled children will increase by 1 069 rubles. The average social pension for disabled children will be 12 371 ruble.

The average pensions of citizens from among the disabled due to military trauma and participants in the Great Patriotic War who receive two pensions will be 29 371 ruble and 31 488 rubles, respectively.

Disability pensions for conscripted servicemen will increase by 1 095 rubles, and pensions on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner to the families of servicemen who were in military service on conscription - 924 ruble.

From April 1, 2015, the amount of payment for outstanding achievements and special services to the Russian Federation will increase by 1 482 ruble.

According to the site for the disabled "Door to the World", as a result of indexing from April 1, social pensions (depending on the disability group) will increase from 300 before 1 000 rubles. In total, from April 1, 2015 until the end of the year, the state plans to spend 28.5 billion rubles.

The PFRF noted that the next increase in pensions will affect working pensioners, who in August 2015 will undergo an unclaimed adjustment of insurance pensions.

As for some problems, after April 1 troubles may arise for Russians who own cards of the international payment system Visa, according to Inform West. CEO association "Electronic money" Viktor Dostov warned that after April 1, the owners Visa cards may be faced with the fact that their payment may not be made, or the money from the card will be debited twice.

The reason for such inconvenience is that the international payment Visa system simply does not have time to process the entire amount of information on transactions with their clients' cards in the territory of the Russian Federation until March 31, as this is required by the new Russian legislation. Some people did not have time to prepare for innovations. Russian banks, although they assure that there will be no interruptions in communication.

However, some experts still advise Russians to prepare for temporary inconveniences and withdraw the amount of cash they need in advance.

Note that international system MasterCard has already successfully connected to the NSPK and no changes are expected in its operation.

New amendments come into effect April 1 to the OSAGO law. Now victims of road accidents will be paid up to 500 thousand rubles instead of the previous 160 thousand. And the calculation will be made according to special formulas for a particular injury and before billing for treatment. This amendment applies only to those who entered into an OSAGO agreement after April 1. However, in connection with these innovations, insurers increase the basic tariff for paying for their services by 40-60 percent. This increase will take effect April 12.

Several documents relating to land relations. For example, a new period of time has been defined during which officials will be able to take land for state and municipal needs. If earlier the owner had a year to discuss the conditions for the withdrawal of land, now there are three months left. If during this time it is not possible to bargain, the case is transferred to the court. And then the land plot can be forcibly withdrawn, at the price that he sets.

The rule of definition came into force sale prices of federal lands for citizens and companies. It will be capped at 60 percent cadastral value site. But only in case of a transaction without bidding. The document, which is published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers, directly indicates for which lands this figure will be fixed.

At the same time, the sale price of the plots provided legal entity or non-profit organization created for individual housing construction or for dacha management, and related to property common use, is determined in the amount of only 2.5 percent of the cadastral value. The only clarification - and this rule will apply when concluding a contract of sale land plot without bidding, writes

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article, we will continue to consider the changes.

Let me remind you that the OSAGO law is being changed in stages. Innovations from August 1, 2014 are described in, you can find changes from September 1, 2014, and changes from October 1, 2014.

Today is the time for changes that will take effect April 1, 2015. It will be about increase in the sum insured for OSAGO to compensate for harm to the life or health of victims. In addition, the features of receiving insurance payments by victims will be considered. Let's get started.

Increase in the sum insured for OSAGO for compensation for harm to life or health

So, the first important innovation is an increase in the insurance amount of OSAGO for compensation for harm to life or health:

Article 7. Sum insured

a) in terms of compensation for harm caused to the life or health of each victim, not more than 160 thousand rubles;

Article 7. Sum insured

The sum insured, within the limits of which the insurer, upon the occurrence of each insured event (regardless of their number during the term of the compulsory insurance contract), undertakes to compensate the injured for the harm caused, is:

a) in terms of compensation for harm caused to the life or health of each victim, 500 thousand rubles;

Starting from April 1, 2015, the maximum payment for compensation for harm to life or health of each victim in an accident will be 500 000 rubles.

note that this amount can be paid to each victim. For example, if ten passengers were harmed in an accident, the insurance company of the culprit will pay each of them up to 500 thousand.

If the driver became the culprit of several accidents during the year, then in each of them the maximum payment for victims who received harm to life or health will be 500,000 rubles.

Of course, this innovation should be taken positively, since the previously existing amount (160 thousand rubles) for treatment was far from always enough.

Determining the amount of insurance payment from April 1, 2015

From April 1, 2015, new rules for calculating the amount of OSAGO insurance payment for victims of an accident will apply.

Payments for people who have received harm to health

The insurance payment for persons who have received harm to health will be paid in installments. Initially, the insurance company must pay the amount calculated in accordance with the standards:

2. The insurance payment due to the victim for causing harm to his health as a result of a traffic accident is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law to compensate for the costs associated with restoring the health of the victim, and his lost earnings (income) in connection with the infliction of harm to health as a result of a traffic accident.

The insurance payment for causing harm to health in terms of reimbursement of the necessary expenses for restoring the health of the victim is carried out by the insurer on the basis of documents issued by authorized police officers and confirming the fact of a traffic accident, and medical documents submitted medical organizations who provided the victim medical care in connection with the insured event, indicating the nature and degree of damage to the health of the victim. The amount of insurance payment in terms of reimbursement of the necessary expenses for restoring the health of the victim is determined in accordance with regulations and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, depending on the nature and degree of damage to the health of the victim within the limits of the insurance amount established by subparagraph "a" of Article 7 of this Federal Law.

Room information insurance policy and the name of the insurer who insured civil liability owner vehicle guilty of a traffic accident, is reported to the pedestrian injured in such a traffic accident, or his representative on the day of contacting the police department, whose employees drew up documents about such a traffic accident.

Payout rules depend on the nature and degree of damage to the health of the victim. The document containing the regulations must be adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation before April 1, 2015.

In practice, the situation is not ruled out that payments according to the standards will not be enough to treat the victim. In this case, you can receive additional insurance payment:

3. After making, in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, an insurance payment to the victim for causing harm to his health, the insurer shall additionally make an insurance payment in the following case:

a) if, based on the results of a medical examination or research conducted, among other things, by institutions of forensic medical examination in the course of proceedings on a case of administrative offense, criminal proceedings, as well as at the request of the victim, it was found that the nature and degree of damage to the health of the victim correspond to a larger amount of insurance payment than was originally determined on the basis of the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The amount of the additional insurance payment made is determined by the insurer as the difference between the amount payable corresponding to the established nature of damage to the health of the victim according to the expert opinion submitted by him, and the insurance payment previously made in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article for causing harm to the health of the victim;

b) if, as a result of harm caused to the health of the victim as a result of a traffic accident, according to the results of a medical and social examination, the victim a disability group or category "disabled child" has been established. The amount of the additional insurance payment made is determined by the insurer as the difference between the amount payable corresponding to the disability group indicated in the conclusion of the medical and social examination or the category "disabled child" according to the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and previously made in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article of the insurance payment for harm to the health of the victim.

For getting additional insurance payment the victim must undergo a medical examination or study that can determine that an increase in insurance payment is necessary.

Also, an additional insurance payment can be received if, according to the results of a medical and social examination, the victim received a disability group or the category "disabled child".

If the payments listed above do not cover the costs of treatment and lost earnings, the victim may receive third payment according to OSAGO:

4. In the event that the additional expenses incurred by the victim for the treatment and restoration of the victim’s health damaged as a result of a road traffic accident (expenses for medical rehabilitation, purchase of medicines, prosthetics, orthotics, outside care, sanatorium treatment and other expenses) and lost to the victims in connection with the infliction of harm to his health as a result of a road traffic accident, the earnings (income) exceeded the amount of the insurance payment made to the victim in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, the insurer indemnifies said expenses and lost earnings (income) upon confirmation that the victim needed these types of assistance, as well as documentary evidence of the amount of lost earnings (income), which the victim had or could definitely have at the time of the insured event. The amount of the insurance payment made in accordance with this paragraph is determined by the insurer as the difference between the lost earnings (income) of the injured, as well as additional expenses, confirmed by documents that are provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance, and the total amount insurance payment made in accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article for causing harm to the health of the victim.

To do this, it is necessary to document the fact that the victim needed the appropriate types of assistance. It is also necessary to provide insurance and documentary evidence of lost earnings.

5. Insurance payment in terms of compensation for the lost earnings (income) of the victim is carried out at a time or in another manner, established by the rules compulsory insurance.

The total amount of insurance payment for causing harm to the health of the victim, made in accordance with paragraphs 2-4 of this article, may not exceed sum insured established by subparagraph "a" of Article 7 of this Federal Law.

Insurance payment for causing harm to the health of the victim is carried out to the victim or persons who are representatives of the victim and whose authority to receive insurance payment is duly certified.

Above we talked about the fact that you can get several payments from the insurance. However, the total amount of these payments cannot exceed 500,000 rubles. If the treatment of the victim required large sum, you can recover it directly from the culprit of the accident.

I bring again payments, which the victim, who has received harm to health, can receive from the OSAGO insurance company:

  1. Standard payment.
  2. Payment after passing a medical examination.
  3. Payment based on the results of actually incurred expenses and lost earnings.

The amount of all these payments cannot exceed 500 thousand rubles.

Payments for persons who have received harm to life

Consider the features of the payment under OSAGO for victims who have received harm to life (who died in an accident).

6. In the event of the death of the victim, the right to compensation for harm shall be enjoyed by persons who have the right, in accordance with civil law, to compensation for harm in the event of the death of the breadwinner, in the absence of such persons - the spouse, parents, children of the victim, citizens with whom the victim was dependent, if he had no independent income (beneficiaries).

When causing harm to life, the payment is made to persons entitled to compensation for harm in the case of the breadwinner. If they are not available, then the spouse, parents, children of the victim, persons with whom the victim was dependent can receive the payment.

7. The amount of insurance payment for causing harm to the life of the victim is:

  • 475 thousand rubles - to the beneficiaries specified in clause 6 of this article;
  • no more than 25,000 rubles in compensation for burial expenses - to persons who have incurred such expenses.

note that maximum size insurance payment (500 thousand rubles) is divided into 2 parts.

  • 475,000 rubles can be received by the persons listed earlier (having the right to compensation for damages in the event of the death of the breadwinner, or close relatives).
  • 25,000 rubles are paid to persons who have incurred the costs of burying the victim. It should be noted here that the amount is not fixed and the cost of burial must be documented.

8. The insurer, within 15 calendar days, except for non-working holidays, from the date of acceptance of the first application for insurance payment in terms of compensation for harm caused to the life of the victim as a result of an insured event, accepts applications for insurance payment and documents provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance from other beneficiaries . Within five calendar days, except for non-working holidays, after the expiration of the specified period for accepting applications from persons entitled to compensation for harm in the event of the death of the victim, the insurer shall pay the insurance payment.

The insurance payment, the amount of which is established by the second paragraph of paragraph 7 of this article, distributed equally among persons entitled to compensation for harm in the event of the death of the victim. Insurance payment in terms of compensation for harm caused to the life of the victim is carried out at a time.

A person who has the right to compensation for damage in the event of the death of the victim as a result of an insured event and who has submitted a claim to the insurer for an insurance payment after the insurance payment for this insured event has been distributed among the persons entitled to compensation for damage in the event of the death of the victim, has the right to demand from these persons to return the part of the insurance payment due in accordance with this Federal Law or to demand payment of compensation for harm from the person who caused harm to the life of the victim as a result of this insured event, in accordance with civil law.

Above was a list of persons entitled to receive an insurance payment in case of harm to life. 475 thousand are distributed equally among these persons. However, in order to receive a payment, you must apply to the insurance company.

Applications are accepted within 15 days from the date of the first application. For example, if the victim had three adult children, a wife, father and mother, then the payment should be divided into 6 parts. However, if, for example, only the wife submits the application, then the payment will be fully issued to her.

Of course, the law provides that other beneficiaries may demand the return of part of the insurance premium. In practice, if the money has already been spent, it will not be possible to return it quickly.

In connection with this law on OSAGO, 15 days are provided during which beneficiaries can submit applications to the insurance. Within 5 calendar days (excluding non-working and holidays) after that, the insurer makes a payment.

9. The victim or the beneficiary is obliged to provide the insurer with all documents and evidence, as well as provide all information known to him, confirming the amount and nature of the harm caused to the life or health of the victim.

When causing harm to life or health, the beneficiary or the victim must provide the insurer with evidence confirming the amount and nature of the harm. This is necessary for the correct calculation of the amount of insurance payment.

This concludes the consideration of amendments to the law on OSAGO dated April 1, 2015. The increase in the insurance payment for compensation for harm to the life or health of the victim to 500,000 rubles is, of course, good news. However, this will rather entail an increase in the cost of OSAGO policies, which will cause dissatisfaction among careful drivers, who, although they do not allow accidents, are forced to pay for insurance policies year after year.

Good luck on the roads!

A series of articles "Changes to the law on OSAGO in 2014"

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