
How to find out the amount of maintenance debt? How to find out from the bailiffs the debt on alimony

Almost every third claimant of alimony faced the problem of maintenance debt- Situations where the established monthly payments for a child are received either incompletely or irregularly, and in some cases - not received at all. As a result, a debt begins to accumulate for a person liable to alimony, and the child and the parent raising him are left without the required funds.

  • collection method (as a share of income or a fixed amount of money);
  • deadline for non-fulfillment of requirements;
  • the presence or absence of a place of employment for the debtor (in case of shared collection of alimony).

If maintenance debt was created unintentionally(in the absence of guilt or intent of the non-payer), the latter has the right or even to be exempted from paying it in judicial order, providing evidence of good reasons for its formation (Article 114 of the Family Code (SC) of the Russian Federation).

If there are no valid reasons for the debt, the defaulter will have to answer - it is provided in the form of a fine, restriction of certain rights of the debtor, and in case of malicious evasion, it may end in corrective or compulsory labor, as well as administrative and even criminal arrest.

Collection of alimony arrears

Non-compliance by the alimony-obliged party with the prescriptions executive document (court order, writ of execution or a notarial maintenance agreement) can lead to debts on maintenance payments, regardless of the method of collection of payments:

  • on a voluntary basis (upon the conclusion of a notarial maintenance agreement between the parents);
  • forcibly (by means of the claimant's appeal to the court).

It is authorized to exercise the right of the recipient of alimony to pay them and to influence the debtor in order to eliminate the debt Office of the Federal Service bailiffs (UFSSP) of the Russian Federation represented by bailiffs of the alimony group. They have a wide range of legal methods of influencing debtors in order to implement enforcement documents for the recovery of alimony funds on the basis of the RF IC and Federal Law No. 229-FZ of 02.10.2007 " ».

The independent “struggle” of the recoverer with the non-payer will not be effective, therefore, in the case of a voluntary appointment of alimony through a notary agreement and non-fulfillment of its conditions, it is necessary to present this document to the territorial department of the UFSSP at the location of the debtor and initiate enforcement proceedings. This can be done without going to court, since the alimony agreement has legal force writ of execution(Clause 2, Article 100 of the RF IC).

Alimony debt begins to form primary if, after familiarization with the document on the initiation of enforcement proceedings, the debtor did not fulfill the requirement for payment during the day. If payments have already been received earlier, but later monthly payments were missed - the alimony payment is considered overdue at the end of each month.

The procedure for collecting alimony debt

If the required alimony payments are not received by the recipient, or are received in an incomplete established amount, it is necessary:

  1. In case of repeated skipping of payments (from two or more) or crediting a smaller amount established funds try to contact the payer (if communication with him is permissible) and find out the cause of the debt, or clarify this information at the place of employment of the debtor in accounting enterprises (to exclude a change of job or dismissal from it).
  2. On the reception day visit the territorial department of the UFSSP at the place of initiation of enforcement proceedings with a passport (to identify the identity of the recoverer), where to report on the presence of alimony debt and taking measures to influence the debtor.

As a rule, if a writ of execution was sent by a bailiff to the place of employment of the alimony-obliged person and the payment was calculated by deduction from wages, execution ends official according to the rule n. 8 Article. 47 of Federal Law No. 229-FZ " About enforcement proceedings».

However, in the event of a problem of non-receipt of payments to the recoverer, based on his statement about this violation enforcement proceedings must be resumed bailiff and measures to recover alimony and debt on them taken again.

What measures can bailiffs apply to the debtor

After informing the bailiff about the occurrence of alimony debt, executive is obliged to take all necessary effective measures provided for by law for the implementation of the executive document for the recovery of alimony and the fight against debt:

  • summoning the debtor to an appointment to give explanations on the formation of debt;
  • declaring the defaulter and his property on the executive wanted list if it is impossible to establish his whereabouts and fail to contact the bailiff (Article 65 of the Federal Law No. 229);
  • restriction of the use of a special right (i.e. "blocking" of a driver's license) on the basis of Art. 67.1 Federal Law No. 229;
  • imposing a ban on leaving the Russian Federation (Article 67 of the Federal Law No. 229);
  • seizure of property and Money debtor (Article 80 of the Federal Law No. 229).

In case of continued accumulation of debt despite the use of the above measures, from 10/25/2017 bailiffs are authorized to independently carry out detention and bringing of the debtor to the department to draw up an administrative protocol and attracting a person to administrative responsibility(Clause 1, Article 5.35.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) in the form:

  • compulsory work up to 150 hours;
  • administrative arrest from 10 to 15 days.

How to find out the amount of child support owed?

The amount of maintenance debt is a rather important value, which is important and necessary to know for all parties to enforcement proceedings:

Moreover, the defaulter needs to know about the amount of the debt in order to avoid unpleasant "surprises", for example, such as a ban on flying on vacation or on a business trip to another country, withdrawal of funds from the debtor's accounts, incl. credit or socially significant, etc.

You can find out about maintenance debt in the following ways:

When searching online, the UFSSP website provides the necessary range of information about the initiated alimony proceedings:

The debtor can also pay the existing debt online directly on the UFSSP website by linking bank card or through other proposed online payment systems. After payment or partial payment of the debt, information about its amount changes on the UFSSP website within three days.

In addition to the official website of the UFSSP, users of the popular social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte can download the application "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings", as well as information on the amount of debt can be obtained by registering and following the instructions on the State Services portal.

Calculation of debt on alimony payments

The calculation of the maintenance debt is the duty of the bailiff. You can also calculate the debt yourself, but the main thing here is not to make a mistake, since a lot depends on the amount of debt and it is important to do it right. Moreover, when applying to the court with any question regarding maintenance debt, the judge will still require an official document from the bailiff - debt settlement order.

Alimony debt is formed by the defaulter, depending on the period of non-payment and the method of collecting alimony:

    • if the debtor is employed, depending on the established share of the salary (for example, with a salary of 22,000 rubles, when alimony is collected in 1/4 share, the monthly debt will accumulate in the amount of 5,500 rubles);
    • upon dismissal from the workplace, the debt will also be calculated in shares, only based on the size of the average salary in the Russian Federation (clause 4 of article 113 of the RF IC) - for example, with an average salary in the Russian Federation of 36,000 rubles. debt in respect of 1 child will be accumulated at the rate of: 36,000 / 4 = 9,000 rubles / month.
  1. When collecting alimony in hard cash the monthly debt will be calculated in multiples of this amount - for example, if set in a fixed amount of 4,000 rubles. alimony is not received by the recipient for three months, the debt can be calculated as follows: 4000 x 3 \u003d 12,000 rubles.

In the case when alimony is appointed by a voluntary agreement, the debt will also be calculated in accordance with the collection conditions established in it (only the recipient needs to take into account the frequency of collection - after all, in a notary agreement it may not be monthly, but, for example, quarterly).

The most reliable calculation of the maintenance debt is made by the bailiff (he even has a special computer program for this).

Alimony debts arise if the specified amount is not transferred on time. Or when less money is transferred than was originally indicated. But the problem is easy to solve.

About the main reasons

Debt is formed for several reasons:

  1. Disrespectful.
  2. Respectful.

The measures of influence depend on which of the groups is the reason for each particular payer. AT judicial practice most often faced with the following reasons:

  • Refusal to pay, or unknown location. Therefore, it is impossible to send notifications with amounts to his address.
  • The reason for the errors was the accounting department in the organization where the payer works.
  • Circumstances have arisen that cannot be changed.
  • Intentional evasion of obligations.

About the statute of limitations

In alimony cases, the court sets a time limit limitation period individually, for each specific case. For example, it is allowed to recover non-payment at any time if it arose through the fault of the payer himself. Even when the period of alimony obligations was suspended. For example, when the child has reached the age of majority.

About modern methods of calculation

When calculating debts, they usually rely on articles 102 in the law on enforcement proceedings, as well as on article 113 in the Family Code. They say that the alimony payment can be calculated in several ways.

  • Based on the income received by the debtor.
  • Depending on the average salary established for the entire territory of the state.
  • According to the living wage, at the state or regional level.

If the court or agreements indicate a firm sum of money, the last method is used. AT this case income does not matter, only the cost of living is taken as the basis. It is set by the Government on a quarterly basis. A multiple of this indicator is assigned the amount of monthly alimony payments. Everything depends on the specific situation.

The second method is for those who do not have information about salary transfers for recent times. Or for situations where the salary is transferred unofficially. Or if the debtor individual entrepreneur, which refuses to provide primary documentation.

The same procedure applies when the alimony payment is established as a share of earnings. The calculations are made in the same way as with the first method. The basis becomes average earnings established in the state for a given period. Separately determine the share that should be directed to the maintenance of the child.

Finally, the third method is used in the presence of official income. But with missing payments lately. The reason for the delay is irrelevant.

In normal situations, the calculation of debts by bailiffs takes place quarterly. This happens when indicators on the average salary, the cost of living change. But it happens that the government makes decisions with a delay. Because of this, the schedule for recalculating debts is also shifted. The payer himself can also draw up a statement asking him to calculate his debts.

What should the recipient do?

Not much action is needed to resolve the issue.

  1. First you need to contact the bailiff who is responsible for this particular case. He can forbid a person with debts to travel abroad. Or to seize the property, to oblige to pay the entire debt.
  2. If the previous solution did not help, we turn to the contractor to calculate the amount of the debt.

Databases with alimony debtors

The database of debtors is maintained by FSSP service. Access to this database can be obtained by any citizen of Russia.

This database records all the information that bailiffs collect in practice. This is a particularly useful opportunity for parents who do not live with their child. Thanks to such bases, it becomes easier to avoid unpleasant consequences.

By last name, using the Internet

To do this, you need to use a special state Bank, where they write about everything related to enforcement proceedings in the country. This includes information not only about individuals, but also about legal entities. A kind of note about those who evade their legal duties.

At full repayment debt record is either deleted or amended accordingly. Anything that does not correspond to reality will never get into this database. It contains a brief description of the enforcement proceedings in connection with which certain obligations arose.

  1. The name of the department and the name of the bailiff in this case are indicated.
  2. Write about the amount of debt.
  3. There is a brief description of the subject of the debt.
  4. It does not do without the details of the court order itself.
  5. Indicate the number with the date of the criminal case, its initiation.

Access to the Bank itself can be obtained in two ways. Or by going to the portal of the Unified State Services. Or on the official website, which belongs to the Federal Bailiff Service.

How to search for debt on the FSSP website?

Fssprus.com - this is the address at which the official portal of the bailiff service is located. You don't even need to register there to find the information you need. Just click on the button "Learn about debts".

Only in the search form you need to score a little personal information including:

  1. Date of birth.
  2. Middle name with first and last name.
  3. The designation of the region in whose territory they are engaged in enforcement proceedings.

Middle name and date of birth are not required parameters. But their indication will facilitate the search, which is conducted in the Database. After clicking on the "Search" button, the user will see the results for their queries.

One of the fields is always devoted to the amount of current debt. Sometimes payment is possible directly on the page of the Data Bank.

Unified portal of public services. Correct Application

To do this, go to the site gosuslugi.ru. You must register on the portal, otherwise you will not receive the required information. This procedure takes only a few minutes, it is elementary. It is enough to enter the surname with the name and address Email. You can also leave a number. mobile phone but this is optional. After registration, we immediately get into your personal account.

After that, we need a link with the name "Authorities". Special attention to the Federal Bailiff Service. The site will display a list of all services that portal visitors can expect to receive. Among them is checking debts. The mechanism is basically the same as on the FSSP website itself.

Social networks with applications online

Even VKontakte and Odnoklassniki allow you to find out about the amount of debt. In both social networks, you need to download a special application for this. They have a subscription to regular updates, in which the user is informed about the payment.

What can be learned through such applications?

  1. Changes in current debt with full or partial repayment of debts.
  2. That another debt has been accrued.

Non-payment. How are they responsible for it?

There are two types of responsibility for those who ignore their obligations.

  • Civil law character. Assumes the accrual of fines for each day of delay. Penalty can be up to 0.5 percent of the total amount.
  • Criminal. In this case, several measures are applied to the non-payer at once:
  • Performing correctional labor for one year or more.
  • Mandatory work for 180 hours or more.
  • Arrest up to three months.

are likely to encounter criminal liability. There are only a few signs of "malice": hiding real income; no payments for more than 4 months; search due to evasion of maintenance obligations.

Malicious evasion from fulfilling obligations can be a reason for deprivation of parental rights.

An illness or a difficult financial situation, on the contrary, can become mitigating obligations for someone. Allowing you to write off at least part of the debt.

Non-payers may also be required to pay penalties for debts. Especially if there are no serious reasons for the formation of debts. But these things can take a long time. Especially if the location of the debtor is unknown. You can only appeal to the prosecutor's office with a complaint so that the case starts to move faster.

Liability for payment evasion

One of the sore topics of society is alimony. Numerous debtors hide from their legal obligations, reduce their income. The reasons are different, but children and the second parent suffer from this.

In this case, you have to look for alimony debtors, to prove that their income is more than shown.

Defaulters and their search

Obligations to pay child support arise if there is a court decision or an agreement between the parents. Parental allowance for children is assigned at the conclusion of an agreement (agreement) or acceptance judgment. The court appoints the payment of funds for the maintenance of children from the moment the claim is filed. In some cases, alimony can be assigned from an earlier time, when the plaintiff proves that attempts were made to collect the amount of the debt, but the debtor does not want to peacefully resolve this.

Child support money must be paid monthly. If the parent fails to comply with their legal obligations, then there is a delay in payments for some time and there is a debt that should be closed.

Monitoring the fulfillment of maintenance obligations Federal Service bailiffs (FSSP). However, bailiffs have a huge number of cases to collect various debts, often they cannot find defaulters. If the debtor is lost, and the bailiffs cannot find him at his place of residence or place of work, then the police are looking for the missing people.

In order to speed up the search for the debtor, and then solve the financial problem, it is better for plaintiffs to bypass the bailiffs and take this matter into their own hands.

Lists of defaulters

AT modern Russia debts to be paid are not a secret. This possibility is envisaged federal laws No. 29-FZ "On Enforcement Proceedings" and No. 118-FZ "On Bailiffs". Based on these laws, the FSSP forms, maintains, supplements the information base on physical and legal entities who are debtors.

The bailiff service saves and does not transfer to anyone the data that is entered in the search form.

There are no open lists of non-payers of alimony or other debt obligations on the Internet, since this is prohibited by the law "On Personal Data" and Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The necessary information can be found by the number of the writ of execution or the name of the person and some clarifying data.

Debts on parental alimony are entered by bailiffs into the FSSP database. After entering the necessary data in the list of debtors, information about the defaulter becomes available.

Information about the amount of debts for children can be found as follows:

  • on the website of bailiffs on the Internet;
  • in a mobile device;
  • in social networks with special applications.

On the FSSP website there is a section " Information Systems”, where you can get the necessary information on non-payers.

To find out if there are debts for certain people, it is enough to have information about the last name and first name, the subject of the Russian Federation in which the debtor lives. If the list contains several people with the same data, then you need to enter more detailed information - district, city, patronymic, date of birth.

You can find out about the maintenance debt on a mobile device that has one of the operating systems - iPhone, Android or Windows Phone by going to the FSSP application.

The necessary information on debts can also be found in social networks (“Vkontakte”, “Odnoklassniki”) that have the application “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings”.

Collection agencies compile their lists for internal use. Some companies, influencing debtors, threaten to place the lists in the public domain.

Prohibition to travel abroad

Bailiff under Art. 67 of the Federal Law "On Enforcement Proceedings" has the right to issue a decision to restrict the debtor's departure from Russia.

Once on the list of debtors, you can get not only huge financial troubles, but also the inability to travel abroad.

According to the law, you can get into such a list with a debt of up to 500 rubles. but basically it is a debt of more than 10,000 rubles.

The decision of the FSPP is sent to the debtor at the address indicated in the court decision. If the debtor for alimony, loans or payments utilities does not receive this decision, then neither the bailiffs nor the customs care. First of all, it should disturb the defaulter.

After being included in the list of restricted to travel abroad, any debtor will have to repay:

  • debt itself;
  • expenses for enforcement proceedings of bailiffs;
  • 7% - collection in favor of the state.

After everything is paid, the debtor will be excluded from the list, however, the execution of this decision by the border guards of the Russian Federation can last up to 30 days. In this regard, you should take care of yourself in advance by checking your last name in the FSSP database.

  1. In the data bank, which is posted on the website of bailiffs at http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip/
  2. Through a single portal of public services on the website http://www.gosuslugi.ru/
  3. With a smartphone;
  4. AT special application any social network.

FSSP data bank

The Federal Bailiffs Service is obliged to maintain a global network data bank on open enforcement proceedings. Everything related to the execution of punishments is reflected on the website of this service. It is quite easy to find out the debt for alimony of a certain person. If you click on the change region on the left side of the screen, you can open your territorial division of the SSP. For example, you need to find out what kind of alimony debt a relative has in the Sverdlovsk region. You must select a region and search the database for the desired region.

Having opened the link to the database of open enforcement proceedings, you need to familiarize yourself with background information and find the "search" key. If the defaulter or debtor is an individual, then you need to search in the “search by individuals". If the number assigned to the enforcement proceedings is known, you can find out the alimony debt by this number. It is important to follow the sequence of writing numbers and letters in the number.

Portal "Public Services"

Single portal public services collected in its database a lot useful information, including the debt of non-payers of alimony. The algorithm for obtaining help is as follows:

  • If the user is not registered on the portal, go through the registration procedure;
  • If registered, then log in;
  • Follow the link http://www.gosuslugi.ru/ tab "Electronic government";
  • Select "authorities" from the menu;
  • From the drop-down list, first select the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, then - the FSSP;
  • The debt of the defaulter by last name must be sought in open enforcement proceedings;
  • Further, the user can verify that the service is free and receive other information for reference;
  • By clicking on the “get the service” button, entering the password with the login, you can proceed directly to the search;
  • The search result is the required information.

Often, a debtor is interested in a debt collector, who has only the last name and initials of the debtor. How to proceed in such a case? On the same website of the FSSP, just the last name, first name and patronymic of the defaulter, his date of birth and belonging to a certain region are entered. This data is sufficient for database searches.

You can request the amount of the debt directly from the bailiff who initiated the proceedings. Data can be obtained during a personal, telephone conversation or after a written request.

Mobile phone use

Information about the absence or presence of debts for maintenance payments can also be found on a mobile device. At the same time, any owner of a gadget with operating systems such as iPhone, Android or Windows Phone can find out the child support debt. In the application bank, just enter the search query "FSSP", in the first line of the search results you will see the application of the same name with a yellow-green coat of arms from sitessoft.

Search through social media

You can search on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. These social networks have access to the application "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings". As well as in a mobile device, in the application social network You can subscribe to updates in order to always be aware of the latest information. Thus, the user will always be aware of what is happening with the amount of debt, its status and dynamics.


All of these methods come down to one principle - the use of data posted by the penitentiary service on the network. Each user chooses the method that suits him best. It is convenient for someone to take a piece of paper and write a written request to the FSSP. Some people navigate the Internet with their eyes closed and prefer to use modern "paperless" technologies. Here, as they say, it's a matter of taste.

If you don't pay child support deadlines, the debt will be formed regardless of what documents regulate their payment. it could be:

  • writ of execution issued by a court decision on the basis of statement of claim for the recovery of alimony.

Remember, if you are the biological parent and do not support your child, the other parent can sue child support for the previous three years if he can prove that the defendant avoided supporting the child all this time. And one more important point alimony relations: a disabled parent of an adult child has the right to receive alimony for his maintenance in

Today, for most citizens, withholding alimony causes a lot of difficulties. Some try to get away from their duties, hide income, play for time. In such cases, the recovery has to be carried out through bailiffs. For more information on how and where to find out alimony arrears, read later in this article.

The reasons

Alimony arrears arise due to their non-payment or transfer of an amount in an amount less than it was established. There can be many reasons:

  • deliberate evasion of payments;
  • inability to repay the debt due to illness, unemployment or life circumstances;
  • erroneous deduction of underestimated amounts by the accounting department;
  • failure to provide information about details;
  • refusal of the recipient from transfers;
  • and many others.

Each of these cases is regulated by the Family Code of the Russian Federation.


Determination of alimony arrears is provided by the bailiff. To do this, he requests information about income for the period of debt. Based on these data, the calculation is carried out. The determination is made from the moment of collection to the repayment of the debt. If the payer did not fulfill his obligations for good reasons (illness, salary delays, lack of work, etc.), then three years are taken for accounting, otherwise - the entire period of debt.

And in the period of time in which the debtor did not work or did not submit documents confirming the amount of income, the calculation is made from the amount of average earnings. If the amount of alimony arrears is calculated incorrectly, then the bailiff's decision can be appealed in court.

The judicial act on by comes to the bailiff after the expiration of the period of appeal, and in some cases - the period of voluntary execution. Therefore, you should find out in advance what kind of alimony arrears exist, so that later you do not have to pay late fees.

Release from obligations

If the repayment of the debt occurs by agreement of the parties, then it is possible to agree on the termination of payment. If alimony is paid for children, then it is possible to be released from the obligation only through the court, and then in the presence of significant circumstances that were absent at the time the decision was made to pay alimony.

Debt collection

This process occurs through the court once. In the event of a change in the family, financial or property status of the parties, a counter application is submitted to the bailiff. At the court, a similar issue will be resolved again only if, during the first consideration of the case, the defendant hid the income from which the amount of alimony arrears is calculated, or if the payer has died. In the second case, the balance of the debt will be recovered from his heirs.

Alimony debt, which can be found out using the methods described below, is calculated by bailiffs, and is most often repaid by deductions from the debtor's income. The amounts are listed by the accounting department of the enterprise. But even then, the bailiff exercises control over the execution of the decision.

Find out the amount of child support owed

This type of penalty is a debt not only to a minor child, but also to the state. Therefore, all issues related to the amount of debt, it is better to resolve immediately. Several services have been developed specifically for this purpose:

  • Mobile applications for smartphones with popular OC iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone at the request of the FSSP.
  • You can find out the debt on alimony on the website of the same organization. On the home page service, you must click on the "Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings" button. Next, enter the region of registration, personal data (full name, date of birth) and click "Start". The search takes place separately for individuals and legal entities. As a result, all enforcement proceedings opened in the selected region will appear on the page. Directly through this page of the site, you can pay off the debt by clicking on the "Pay" button.
  • On the State Services website, in the Electronic Government tab.

It is worth knowing the alimony debt in advance so that later there are no problems, for example, when traveling abroad. The following may also be interested in receiving information:

Calculation methods

1. By value in the region. The first method is used if the deductions are appointed by the court or are carried out by agreement of the parties. The amount of deductions in this case does not depend on income and is assigned a multiple of the indicator living wage. The bailiff conducts the calculation quarterly. If no payments are made, then the last value serves as the basis for calculations. If the payer fulfills his obligations, then the amount of alimony is simply indexed.


The payment is assigned in the amount of 150% of the minimum wage established from January of the current year. The calculation is carried out on September 30. According to Rosstat, the value of the minimum wage for the III quarter for the region is 6432 rubles. The calculation takes place according to the formula: (1.5 x 6432) x 9 = 86832 rubles.

2. By the level of the average salary in the state. The second method is used if the payer does not have documentary evidence of income or official salary. The same method applies if the IP debtor refuses to provide primary financial documentation. Alimony is set as a share of earnings. For the period without accruals used average salary currently. The result is multiplied by the number of months.


The level for the first quarter of 2013 is 27,339.40 rubles. The court ordered alimony in the amount of 25% of income from June 2012, but the payments were never made. The bailiff conducts the calculation in February 2013:

(27339.40 x 0.25) x 8 = 54678.80 rubles.

3. Based on the income of the payer. The third method is used if the debtor has an official source of funds, but no payments were made. In this case, the bailiff subtracts 13% of personal income tax from the data on the salary level and multiplies the amount by the number of months of delay.


Since March of the current year, the court made a decision on the payment of alimony in the amount of 1/3 of the salary level to the employee of the enterprise. According to the data, it is 35 thousand rubles. But from March to October, the accounting department did not make any deductions. Debt is calculated in the following way:

35,000 - 13% = 30,450 rubles. - salary after payment of personal income tax;

30450 \ 3 \u003d 10048.50 rubles. - the amount of alimony;

10048.50 x 7. = 70339.50 rubles. - the amount of the debt.


Since the end of 2011, alimony arrears, which can be found out in the ways described above, are collected in a fixed amount. The amount of monthly payments varies depending on the cost of living. For calculations, the increase in the minimum wage value established by the subject of the Russian Federation or the Government for a certain calendar period for the corresponding population group is used. In case of debt evasion, the Family Code provides for the liability of the defaulter. It is collected in the form of a penalty for delay and compensation for losses incurred on the debt.


For most Russians, withholding alimony causes a lot of problems. Without knowing the exact amount and not being able to contact the claimant, it is rather difficult to fulfill obligations. In order to prevent such problems, special services have been developed through which you can pay child support arrears, find out the amount of the debt, without even leaving your home. The easiest way to get such information is through the FSS website and applications of the same name.

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