
Rent cash dollars at the bank's office. How to put dollars on the Sberbank card. Cash issuance points

28.07.15 238 259 0

Five ways to stock currency for cocktails and shopping

Previously, when Russians went abroad, they had a simple choice: to buy a currency in a bank or in the exchanger.

The cards were then not used, the ATMs were in the wonder. Now you can go to another country at all without cash. This is good, and bad.

Maxim Mattethenko

buyer with experience

On the one hand, you can not think about currency and just pay the card everywhere. On the other hand, there is a risk to get into the exchange rate of the bank. You will also regret that I did not buy a currency in my homeland.

In this article, we compare five ways to exchange and see, for what situations they are suitable, which one is easier and where the course is better.

Remove currency in an ATM

Most likely, the money you will spend abroad are lying on your ruble map. To exchange them on the currency, the rubles must first be removed. But you can cut the path and remove the ATM did not rubles, but immediately dollars or euros.

The exchange rate on an operation in an ATM may differ from the course in departments.

For example, you shoot a thousand dollars at Unicredit ATM. Course sale of the dollar on card operations - 66.87 p. A thousand dollars will cost you in 66 r. If you changed cash rubles in the bank branch, the course would be more on 5 kopecks, and total amount - More than 50 rubles.

Removing currency in an ATM, you save 50 rubles, which is slightly compared to the amount of the transaction.

Buy 1000 $

Not all ATMs provide currency. Look at the website of the bank to clarify where this operation is available. Another difficulty: the amount of removal is limited to which bills are in an ATM.

If there are only 100 euros bills, you will not be able to remove minor money to buy water or bus ticket after the flight. It will not be possible to change the exact amount, for example, exactly 20,000 rubles or everything on the map.

If you are satisfied with the course and not frighten the amount limitations, then it is convenient to remove the currency in the ATM, because it is not necessary to spend time and nerves on a hike with a large sum in the exchanger or bank.

Remove the currency at ATM so as not to spend time on the search for an exchanger or bank.

Change money in the bank

The main advantage of this method is that the courses in banks are easy to compare. There are sites that collect data on the cost of the currency in different banks - For example, "banks-ru" or "comparable-ru." They can be seen where buying is more profitable today.

As a rule, the best courses in small and not very famous banks. For example, at the time of writing this article, the cheapest dollars selling Zuber Bank (57.30 p). For comparison, from banks included in the top 50, the most profitable course was at Rosselkhozbank (57.40 p for 1 dollar).

The difference in courses between banks is usually no more than 1-2 rubles. For example, Sberbank sells dollars to 59.25. This is 1.85 r more expensive than in Rosselkhozbank. But from Sberbank in Moscow about 800 branches and one of them, most likely, are near your home, and Rosselhoz - 19.

Multiply the difference in the amount you want to buy, and decide whether the benefit of the time is worth a trip to the bank. If the amount is small, then, most likely, it is not worth it: buying 300 dollars, you save only 550 rubles.

Buy dollar in the bank branch

CourseDifference1000 $ Overpayment
Rosselkhozbank57.40 R.- 57 400 R.-
Rosbank58.00 R.0.60 R.58 000 R.600 R.
"UniCredit"58.60 R.1.20 R.58 600 R.1200 R.
Raiffeisen58.90 R.1.50 R.58 900 R.1500 R.
Sberbank59.25 R.1.85 R.59 250 R.1850 R.
Promsvyazbank59.55 R.2.15 R.59 550 R.2150 R.
"Svyaznoy Bank"62,10 R.4.70 R.62 100 R.4700 R.

Change money in the bank is safe, but not always fast. In the bank you need to get there, there is a queue. And even if you are already at the window, success is not guaranteed: Suddenly there is no necessary amount in the department or ended in a trifle - you will have to come true or to exchange only part, or go to another place. It happens often, especially in small banks with a favorable course.

The exchange in the bank is good because you can choose the best - at least among banks - the course. If the difference for you justifies the trip to one or two places, then this method suits you.

Change money in the bank - a compromise option. You will find a profitable course, but lose time on a hike to the bank.

Go to the exchanger

The course in exchanger, as a rule, is relatively different from the banking: the difference reaches 1 ruble. For example, at the time of writing this article, the cheapest dollar, which I found in the nearest exchanges, cost 57.39 p.

The course in the exchanger has pitfalls. Often, the sign is written on the sign, which only works when exchanging amounts from 10,000 euros or dollars. If you go inside and read the papers that hang on the glass, you can see completely different numbers there.

Hike to the exchanger remains the most risky way to buy currency. This does not mean that you are sure to be deceived, but it is necessary to be attentive: check that you have taken all bills from the tray, recalculate money and make sure that you are the euro, and not something similar about color.

The exchanger will suit those who want to change with the greatest advantage. But the best course will have to search, because no one leads the comparison of the conditions in exchanger and have to choose from those who fell to the eyes.

The best course can be found in exchange pointsBut this is the most risky way.

Shoot from the card abroad

Carry to accumulate on the map is not such a bad idea. On the one hand, when you make money in an ATM abroad, it is difficult to find out the course by which the bank will write money. It can be as worse than which it was possible to buy a currency in Russia and better. Also with you can take a commission for removing the ATM in someone else.

On the other hand, the course may be worse, but still will not be robbed. When removing cash in an ATM abroad, the same conversion rules apply as when buying on a map in a foreign shop. When you pay the card, you do not think about the intricacies of the exchange. You know that the amount is spicially spiked at the rate of approximately equal to the middle for the local currency. It also works with removal in an ATM.

A problem may be the search for an ATM somewhere on the beach or in the mountains. It is better to see in advance, where in the destination, the bank branch and go there. Remember that fraudsters can put a device on an ATM, which copies the card, and steal money. It is not necessary to shoot in the street ATM in Bangkok slums.

Removing cash abroad eliminates the need to carry with them a lot of cash. This method will not save you money in exchange, but there will be no loss, especially if there is no commission for removal of your card.

Do not be afraid to remove cash from the card abroad, the course will not be robbed.

Use the currency card

Bank cards are not only in rubles, but also in currency: most often in dollars or euros. For such cards, there are fewer conversion or there are no them - if the local currency coincides with the currency of the card. This means that you will be removed exactly the amount that is written on the price tag.

For example, the Tinkoff Black map can be opened in dollars or euros. If you have a Tinkoff Bank ruble map, currency replenish instantly: through a mobile or Internet bank. The course will be better than when currency operation on the ruble map.

You can replenish the currency card in advance: select a suitable way to exchange with a better course, buy currency and put money at the expense. For example, in Moscow about a thousand points, in which you can replenish the Tinkoff Bank currency card in dollars or euros.

Some cards offer bonuses: interest on the residue and cache shop. In addition, with the Tinkoff Black currency card - just like with the ruble - you can withdraw cash in any afternoon ATM without interest.

Open the currency card to pay and remove abroad without losing money on conversion.

Before the holidays, it is not necessary to buy currency for all the money. Seasonally divided. For example, I usually carry a cash with you about a third of what I plan to spend. Most often, I take off in rubles and buy dollars or euros in the exchanger to be a trifle. This money will go on passage, souvenirs and small spending. Half the budget leave on the map to pay in stores and restaurants (where it looks safe, of course). I shift the rest to another card, this is a stock to remove the cash in place if you need.

If you have small sum And there is no need to fight for each penny, choose an option that is more convenient and safer. In the end, vacation already begins, it is worthwhile time and nerves. Have a nice rest!


  1. If 500-600 rubles for you are an insignificant loss, it doesn't matter how you will convert currency.
  2. Open the currency card to not lose on conversion.
  3. Travel with exchanger, it is not scary (see).

Owners of plastic cards of Sberbank, no matter, credit or debit, are forced to constantly replenish the score on their own, and there are many ways through an ATM, online or terminals. But for those who are going abroad or is looking for a benefit in the difference between foreign and domestic currency, it is asked if it is possible to put dollars on the Sberbank card through an ATM. And how to do it actually, will answer this question.

How to put foreign currency to account

Immediately it is worth saying, to make dollars on the Sberbank card through an ATM or other self-service devices are impossible. The reason is quite simple, these devices only work with domestic currency. The second point is that depending on the type of plastic, on some foreign currency, it is impossible to credit itself, in general, it is impossible. In Sberbank, you can check for three types of cards:

  • ruble;
  • dollar;
  • multicurrency.

If you are the owner of the ruble card, then in principle you cannot put a foreign currency to the account, but the owners of multicurrency and dollar bill are available.

So, is it possible to translate dollars on ruble map Sberbank, the answer is negative. Although if you still succeed, then there will be automatic currency conversion, that is, you have listed foreign currency, and in your account you will have rubles. But to replenish a dollar card you have only one option - contact your passport and money to the bank branch, and here you can also put rubles that will be transferred to foreign currency, exchange money is optional.

Please note that if you have plastic with a bill in dollars, you can easily replenish an account through an ATM with a cash reception function, which are converted at the rate on the day of enrollment.

Another question is whether it is possible to translate dollars to a Sberbank card online? Yes, it is quite simple to do this in the Internet banking, go to your personal account and below main page Find currency rates, then click on the currency exchange line, select the departure and receipt, and exchange money.

Please note that this transaction is possible only provided that the two of your accounts are decorated in different currency.

Cash withdrawal

Now we will analyze how to remove dollars from the Sberbank card. It's all a bit more difficult here, you need to contact directly at the bank's cash desk with documents. In ATMs, it is almost impossible to rent dollars, because it is simply not loaded there, and even at the bank's office there may not be, especially in small offices.

In general, there are several ways to put dollars on the Sberbank card. You should choose the desired depending on what purpose you are haunting. For example, if you need a contribution to foreign currency, then you can immediately open it in Sberbank online without visiting the bank and replenish the score from the ruble account. And if you are going abroad, you can, in principle, do not open the card in another currency, because when making any transaction, the conversion occurs automatically.

If you are a happy contribution owner in currency ($, e) Tinkoff Bank, and you suddenly needed cash in this currency, what will you do first? Yes, and I did just that. Called to the bank. A polite girl with a sweet warning voice described in detail me that:

  1. You can transfer money to the card (which was issued for free when the deposit is opened) and then I can get my money in any ATM Bank of any Bank of Peace, and bank Tinkoff Does not take the commission for eating cash or a penny, if the sum of one-time removal of at least 100 units of currency. True, the commission can take a bank whose ATM is used, but (!) Carefully reading all the answers of the ATM in the process, you can have time to cancel the operation with an undesirable commission.
  2. You can transfer money to your account in another bank and remove everything there, for example, in the department through the cashier. This procedure is paid.
  3. W. bank Tinkoff There are no departments and their ATMs.
  4. To the question which banks can recommend to me, politely refused to answer.

The capital and the Internet remained. Google enriched me with a list of ATMs issuing currency. The closer to the center, the more.

Here are the results of communication with ATM:

  • Bank of Moscow. In Moscow, behaves as well as outside of it - no more than 100 units. When removing 100 units there is no commission.
  • UniCredit Bank.Maximal amount of extradition at once is 400th, but by 50. You can immediately repeat.
  • Alfa Bank. The amounts of issuing that highlighted on the screen were: 500, 700,1000, but did not give out anything. The call to Tinkoff found out that even the request did not come to them. Well, maybe just not lucky.
  • Raiffeisen. bank. Maximum amount of issuing 300th. And 100. issues properly.
  • Partners Raiffeisen Bank: Rosbank, Uralsib Bank, MDM Bank, Tatfondbank also give out.
  • Information from the and-neta on ATMs is better to check on the banks of banks. There are placed current lists of ATMs with a rather detailed description and indication of the work time. Third-party sources often "brew".
  • If you need to remove large amountThe event will be long. Therefore, you need to choose the time when the ATM is not too popular with the public (early in the morning, late in the evening, day off).

And one more important detail about map Tinkoff. Daily limit Cash removal by default is 3000 currency units. So, more than this amount will not work in one day. But (and no one is in a hurry to warn about it until you ask direct questions) you can independently from personal Cabinet Internet bank set another limit.

Or by calling the bank.

When cash is urgently needed foreign currency, citizens are trying to get it the most different ways: Some acquire dollars in exchange offices, others - remove from the currency deposit, others buy from individuals. Some of these ways of road, other - uncomfortable. In a difficult situation, the owners of savings in national currency are often found, which are trying to remove dollars from the ruble account. Before insist on carrying out such an operation, it is worth carefully familiarizing themselves with its features, to explore the bank's tariffs in order not to lose the conversion of a decent amount.

Conversion of funds on deposit accounts

If you have an ordinary ruble contribution, directly remove the currency from it. In fact, you will have to make 2 operations:
- removal of part of the deposit (if the conditions according to it allow it to do) or the closure of the deposit;
- Acquisition on issued money dollars at the rate of sale of the bank.

The removal of ruble cash from the contribution is free, but for the purchase of dollars will have to pay the bank to the commission, which will be equal to the difference between the official exchange rate and the bank's commercial course, which you will sell it.

If you have a multicurrency contribution, you can remove funds from it in any of the contract, currency. Even if now on the deposit, there are rubles, you can take your contribution to US dollars at any time. Moreover, funds will be held at the current official exchange rate, and the Commission does not have to pay.

Currency transactions with plastic cards

Debit cards today have many, but most of them are released in rubles. According to the existing statistics, only 1 card out of 10 is issued in foreign currency. Of course, if necessary, you can remove dollars and from the ruble card, but then you will have to pay a rather big commission. What is it going from?

First, from the difference of the official ruble rate to the US dollar. In fact, you buy a currency from the bank and pay a certain amount for this operation. Secondly, you need to know what payment system VISA base currency is a dollar, and for the MasterCard payment system - euro. So if you want to remove from the ruble map MasterCard US dollars, you will pay 2 conversion on the payment system courses: funds first will be translated from rubles to euros, and then from the euro to dollars. Thirdly, to remove the currency in an ATM. For example: the bank will definitely write off the commission for issuing cash.

Those who are still going to regularly carry out such operations, can only be advised by one thing: to avoid excess costs when conversion moneyreasonably arrange multicurrency plastic card Or open a similar deposit.

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