
Hospital sheet 1C 8.2. Filling the document "Hospital sheet"

Temporary disability allowance can be paid both at the expense of the employer and at the expense of the FSS of the Russian Federation. The amount of the calculated benefit depends on the experience of the employee, its size wages, Dates of the beginning of the hospital. In addition, you should not forget about the increase in the minimum wage from July 1. In the article, 1C experts lead examples of calculating temporary disability benefits and their reflection in the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8" of the Edition 3 for the most common cases in practice.

Hospital sheet is an important document. He confirms the legality of the absence of an employee at work and serves as a basis for calculating and paying a benefit.

In addition to earnings in the two previous years, the experience and date of the beginning of the disease affect the calculation of the benefit.

Cheat Sheet on the article by the editorial office of Buk.1ce for those who have no time

1. The hospital list confirms the legality of the absence of an employee at work and serves as a basis for calculating and paying a benefit.

2. For the calculation of the manual, the experience, the date of the beginning of the disease and the size of earnings in two previous years are influenced.

3. The employee who faded can receive a manual if it gets sick for 30 calendar days from the date of dismissal.

4. Costs on sick leave (with the exception of the first three days in the event of a disease or employee injury) are reimbursed at the expense of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

Calculation of benefits ...

... depending on the insurance experience

In accordance with Federal law Of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and due to motherhood" (hereinafter - Law No. 255-ФЗ) In most cases, the amount of disability benefits depends on the experience:

  • from 8 years and more - the allowance of 100% of average earnings is paid;
  • from 5 to 8 years old - 80% of average earnings;
  • up to 5 years - 60% of average earnings.

The percentage of average earnings for calculating the benefit is taken into account in the following situations

  • own disease (except for occupational disease); injury (except for injury associated with an accident in production); quarantine; prosthetics for medical testimony; Foundation in sanatorium-resort institutions immediately after the hospital (Part 1 of Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ);
  • care for a sick child outpatient and in the hospital (pp 1, 2 hours 3, Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ);
  • care for an adult member of the ambulatory family (part 4 of Article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ).

In some cases, a benefit of 100% of average earnings is paid regardless of the experience. It:

  • maternity benefits (Art. 11 of Law No. 255-FZ);
  • occupational Illness or an accident at work (Art. 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ).

If an employee who has dismissed from the organization, for 30 calendar days from the date of dismissal, has occurred his own disease or occurred, then on the basis of part 2 of Article 7 of Law No. 125-FZ, the allowance in the amount of 60% of the average earnings is paid regardless of the experience.

Counting and confirmation rules To determine the size of manuals for temporary disability, for pregnancy and childbirth, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated February 6, 2007 No. 91 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of September 11, 2009 No. 740N) (hereinafter referred to as Rules).

Paragraph 21 of the Rules states that the calculation of periods of work (service, activities) is made in a calendar procedure at the calculation of full months (30 days) and full year (12 months). At the same time, every 30 days of these periods are translated into full months, and every 12 months of these periods are translated in full years. This does not mean that it is necessary to translate the entire period on the days, and then divided by 30 and to 12. It is necessary to allocate full calendar periods: years, months, and remnants to translate into months at the rate of 30 days a month.

Example 1. Calculation of the experience for the period

Calculate the experience for the period 14.09.2015-16.03.2016.

No. p / p Month Days in the month
1 September 2015. 17
2 October 2015. 31
3 November 2015. 30
4 December 2015. 31
5 January 2016. 31
6 February 2016. 29
7 March 2016. 16

If just the number of days for the entire period 185 is divided by 30, then it turns out the experience of 6 months and 5 days.

But according to the rules, you must first consider full calendar periods: 5 full months - from October 2015 to February 2016. Next, 17 days of September 2015 are summed up with 16 days of March 2016. According to the rules of 33 days account for 1 month (30 days) and 3 days. Thus, the overall experience is 6 months and 3 days. This is how the experience of the experience in the program occurs.

Sometimes in documents confirming the experience, accurate dates are not specified. Paragraph 27 of the Rules establishes that if only years are indicated without the designation of accurate dates, it is accepted for the date on July 1 of the corresponding year, and if the number of the month is not specified, then this is the number of the relevant month. This means that these dates must be specified in the program. In the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8" experience is indicated in the card Employee link Labor activity .

Insurance experience to calculate hospital It consists of periods during which a person was insured in case of temporary disability, and from non-insurance periods.

The insurance periods include periods of work of the insured person under the employment contract, the state civil or municipal service and periods of other activities during which a citizen was subject to mandatory social Insurance In case of temporary disability and due to motherhood (part 1, Article 16 of Law No. 255-FZ).

Non-Persian periods are periods of military service, as well as the other service provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1993 No. 4468-I "On the pension provision of persons held military service, service in the internal affairs bodies, public fire service, organs to control the turnover of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, and their families, "which the employee passed from 01/01/2007.

Recall that the allocation of non-breaking periods is associated with differences in the order of financing the payment of benefits for temporary disability. The presence of incredigible periods may affect the percentage of average earnings to calculate the benefit.

For example, without non-missile periods, the experience is 7 years. The manual shall be calculated at the rate of 80% of the average earnings. But if you add 2 more non-break years, then, when calculating the benefits, 100% of the average earnings are taken into account.

In general, the costs of sick leave (with the exception of the first three days in the event of a disease or an employee injury) are reimbursed at the expense of the FSS of the Russian Federation. The difference in the amount of benefits that arose in connection with non-insurance periods is additionally funded at the expense of federal budget (due to intergovernmental transfers from the federal budget provided to the specified goals of the FSS Budget of the Russian Federation).

When filling out data about the experience in the program and in the form of disability, you need to consider the following. The "Insurance experience" field of disability (section "Filled by the employer") is a complete experience, which is taken into account when calculating hospital sheets. This field matches the field of the experience experience to pay for hospital sheets, taking into account the incombustric periods. In the field "Including non-breakdown periods" a sheet of disability, only the experience of non-breakdown periods should be distinguished.

At the same time, in the field of insurance experience to pay for hospital sheets in the program, you need to specify experience without non-missile periods.

Example 2. Filling data on the experience on the sick leaf form and in the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8"

Experience to pay for hospital sheets, taking into account the incombustric periods ("Insurance experience" - in a sheet of disability) 01/01/2006 - 05/31/2016 is 10 years 5 months. At the same time, the employee was in service from 01.01.2006 until December 31, 2014. The non-trap period begins on 01/01/2007 and lasts on December 31, 2014, i.e. is 8 years.

On the letterhead in the field "Fitting experience" indicates 10 years 5 months and a non-trap period is allocated, including 8 years (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 fragment of blank disability

In the program in the employee's card in the field of experience to pay for hospital sheets, taking into account the incredigible periods, 10 years 5 months is indicated, and in the field of insurance experience to pay for hospital sheets, you need to specify the experience without non-breaking periods, i.e. 2 years and 5 months (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Information about the experiences

There is no difference for the employee whether there are insantry periods in its experience, but it is important for FSS.

Example 3. Calculation of disability benefits in the presence of non-missions

Disability allowance provided from 01.06.2016 to 06/18/2016. An employee has experience to pay for hospital sheets, taking into account the incombustric periods of 10 years 5 months, including the non-trap period of 8 years

When filling out the patient's document on the Payment tab, you should set the flag to apply benefits and select payments due to a test in the insurance experience of non-breaking periods. In the field, the percentage of payment automatically set 100%, because the overall experience more than 8 years old. But in the field, the percentage of payment without benefits is 60%, because without benefits, the experience is only 2 years and 5 months, which is less than 5 years. Difference between common Trade And experience without benefits is paid from the federal budget minus the first three days paid by the employer.

On the tab, accrued (Fig. 3) Hospital accrual is calculated and common amount 13 767.15 rubles, including at the expense of the federal budget - 5,506.80 rubles.

In the 4-FSS report, expenses at the expense of the federal budget are allocated automatically.

Fig. 3. Accruals on the hospital leaf, taking into account the incombustric periods

... depending on the start date of the disease

Throughout 2016, the maximum middle day earnings For all cases, in addition to maternity leave and childbirth is 1 772.6 rubles. When calculating the average daily earnings in 2016, it is necessary to take into account the entire earnings for 2014, from which they were listed insurance contributionsbut not more than 624,000 rubles, and all the earnings for 2015, from which insurance premiums were listed, but not more than 670,000 rubles. The average daily earnings is obtained by dividing the amount of these limited earnings for 2 years by 730. In some cases, the amount of benefits affects the minimum wage, and it has changed during 2016.

From 01/01/2016 Mrots is equal to 6,204 rubles per month (Article 1 of the Federal Law of 14.12.2015 No. 376-FZ), and from July 01, 2016 by the Federal Law of 02.06.2016 No. 164-FZ established in the amount of 7,500 rubles per month . It is not important to take into account the change of minimum

from 01.07.2016, if an employee ...

... Middle earnings for the previous two years below the minimum

If a middle earnings Employee, calculated for 2014 and 2015 (per full calendar month) below minimum size wages, then the manual is calculated based on the minimum wage. If the date of the beginning of the disease falls for the period from 01/01/2016 to 06/30/2016, then the minimum average daily earnings calculated from the minimum wage is 203 rubles. 97 kopecks. (6 204 rub. X 24) / 730 \u003d 203,97 rub.). For diseases that have come starting from 01.07.2016, the minimum average daily earnings are equal to 246 rubles. 58 kopecks. (7 500 rub. X 24) / 730 \u003d 246.58 rub.).

Example 4. Calculation of manot benefits due to small earnings

Please note that in this case the date of the beginning of disability is important. The disease occurred in July, so the minimum wage was used 7 500 rubles. If the date of the beginning of the disease was until July 01, 2016, and the disease continued in July, then the minimum wage would be used 6 204 rubles.

... experience less than six months

If the employee's experience is less than six months, then allowance for disability and pregnancy and childbirth cannot exceed the minimum wage for each calendar month.

Example 5. Restriction of the benefit of the magnitude of the magnitude due to the small experience

Employee D.V. Borov began to work on 04/01/2016 on a full working day at the enterprise in the area without a district coefficient (RK). A certificate of earnings from the previous employer in 2015 confirms the amount of 500,000 rubles.

Hospital sheet is provided for 2 days: 06/30/2016-01.07.2017.

On the day of the beginning of the disease, experience less than half a year and the amount of benefits is limited not limit value bases for accrual insurance premiums, and maximum size Day benefits calculated from the minimum wage.

The actual average daily earnings amounted to: 500,000 rubles. / 730 \u003d 684,93 rub. Experience less than five years, so the average daily earnings are limited to 60% and is equal to 684.93 rubles. x 60% \u003d 410,96 rub. But since the experience is less than six months, it is limited to the maximum daytime size in June: 6 204 rubles. / 30 \u003d 206.80 rubles, and in July 7 500 rubles. / 31 \u003d 241.94 rubles.

Thus, for 2 days, the allowance is charged 206.80 rubles. + 241.94 rub. \u003d 448.74 rub. (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Accruals on a hospital sheet of a minimum wage

note, maternity benefits are accrued in advance and if the employee went to maternity leave until July 1 and before the new minimum wage was approved. Moreover, if the vacation continues after July 1, the amount of the benefit must be counted, taking into account the new minimum wage and pay the difference.

The need for recalculation occurs if pregnancy benefits are limited to the maximum size of the daily benefit similarly to example 5 due to the fact that the experience of an employee was less than half a year. To perform recalculation in the program, you need to open the created and previously paid document Sick leave. By button Fix Create a new document. In it on the bookmark Recalculation of the past period previously accrued amounts are reversed, and on the bookmark Accrued (detailed) New accruals are displayed. As a result, the new document shows the difference in this case - the amount for surcharge.

... Violation of the regime

If an employee violated the regime prescribed doctor without good reason, or if disability occurred due to alcohol or drug intoxication, then the calculation is made similarly to the second case.

This case differs from the previous one to the fact that, when the mode is violated, the manual is calculated from the date of the marked violation, and before general rules Taking into account the actual average earnings.

Hello, dear blog readers. This material has to be prepared with a small temperature and an unpleasant coughing, so we will talk today about reflection temporary disability benefits In the program 1C salary and personnel management. There is a specialized document for this purpose -. By the way, a recently a separate document for calculating the hospital appeared in the configuration of 1C enterprise accounting. You can read about it in the article how to charge the hospital in 1C accounting company 3.0.

Well, in today's publication, we will analyze the peculiarities of working with the document "Accrual on a hospital sheet" In the COP configuration 2.5 and general theoretical basis calculation of payments on sick leave. In this article, I will also raise a number of topics directly related to the calculation of hospital:

  • Using the document "Nebodes in the organization" to reflect not yet confirmed by the disease,
  • Setting automatic filling experience;
  • Entering information about earnings in previous employers for the correct calculation of the average earnings (document " Certificates of other policyholders about earnings ").

To begin with, I would like to highlight highlightsthat you need to know and remember when calculating temporary disability:

  • Estimated period (the period, according to the results of which the sick leave occurs) includes two calendar yearspreceded by the calculated year (in which we consider hospital);
  • If an employee in previous two calendar years in general did not earn money or average earnings for the month turned out to be less than minimum wage, then the average earnings equal to the minimum;
  • Middle day earnings \u003d accrual amount Employee for previous two calendar years (and which are included in the base for calculating insurance premiums in the FSS) dellen on the 730;
  • The first 3 days temporary disability benefits paid at the expense of the employer, Following the funds of the Social Insurance Fund;
  • To calculate temporary disability benefits earnings are taken into account in all employerswho worked worker for two basic calendar years. To this end, an employee must provide the appropriate reference to the current employer.


  • Calendar years, according to the results of which the employee is calculated sick can be replaced. This is possible if an employee in one or two of these calendar years was on maternity leave and / or on child care leave. According to the employee, one or both years can be replaced, provided that it entail an increase in the amount of benefits;
  • The maximum magnitude of earnings, based on which the allowance is calculated, is limited, and it cannot exceed the following sums:
    • 2014 - 624,000 rubles;
    • 2013 - 568,000 rubles;
    • 2012 - 512,000 rubles;
    • 2011 - 463,000 rubles;
    • 2010 - 415,000 rubles;
    • 2009 - 415,000 rubles.

Features of calculation when employed an employee in several employers:

  • If the employee has been occupied by previous two calendar years have the same employersas at the time of calculating the hospital, then the allowance is calculated separately all the place of work. At the same time, the restriction on the amount of annual earnings is taken into account in each employer separately;
  • If the previous two years, the employee has been busy in another / other employer (s), the employee must choose, what of the current employers it will receive a manual by temporary disability, i.e. Earnings from all employers within the limits mentioned earlier;
  • If the previous two years employee worked as in the current employers and others, then the employee can select any of the above calculation schemes.

Finally the most interesting in theory is the procedure for calculating temporary disability benefits. So, look:

  1. Middle day earnings \u003d amount of earnings for 2 previous calendar years / 730
  2. Do not forget about the maximum base taken into account.
  3. Day benefit size \u003d medium day earnings * percentage (determined depending on the experience and causes of disability);
  4. Size of the manual \u003d daily benefit size * Number of days (disability period).

Features of calculating temporary disability benefits in 1C ZUP

Check-list for checking salary calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Video - Monthly independent check Accounting:

Accrual of salary in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

So, estimated document "Accrual on sick leave" It is necessary to enter after an employee will provide an incompleteness leaflet in the accounting department. If, by the time the employee is calculated, the employee is on the hospital and has not yet provided a disability sheet, then the calculating must be used by another document. "Nebodes to the Organization". Thus, when calculating the salary, days of illness will be supplanted, and the salary will calculate in proportion to spent days. In the example, we consider exactly this situation using these two documents.

Let the Sidorovo employee sick from 28 March to April 14, 2014. Approximately 8 or 9 April, the calculation begins to count the salary for March 2014.

Immediately, I note that this should be done before calculating the main part of the salary document. "Accrual of the salary of employees of the organization."

In document "Nebodes in the organization" You should choose the month of charge March 2014. In the tabular part of the document, add a line and select the Sidor's employee. As a type of nonsense, choose "The absence of an unexplained reason" Since we are officially not yet confirming the disease of the documents. Well, and point out the period from March 28 to April 14. In this case, it will be proposed to monthly split the lines in the document and it follows with this proposal to agree.

After that, we calculate the planned accrual of the document. "Payroll". Read more about calculating planned accruals in the article. The salary will be calculated in proportion to spent days, of which the days of absence were excluded. See the picture.

On April 14, the employee decides to stop root and returns to work with a disability leaflet that brings to accounting. After that, the calculator already has full law Take advantage of the document "Accrual on a hospital leaf". Access to this document can be obtained on the tab. "Calculation of salary" Desktop program (link in middle column).

In the document you need to fill out the following fields:

  • Month of accrual - April 2014 - Martov salary is already calculated so hospitals will fall in April;
  • Employee Sidorova;
  • The cause of disability - (01, 02, 10, 11) disease or injury (except for injuries in production);
  • "The start date of disability" and "exemption from working with ... by ...";
  • Experience - from this field depends the percentage of hospital payment.

How to set up automatic filling experience

Seminar "Lifehaki 1C ZUP 3.1"
Analysis of 15 lifehams according to 1C ZUP 3.1:

Check-list for checking salary calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Video - Monthly independent accounting check:

Accrual of salary in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Earlier, I have already noted that one of the parameters that directly affects the calculation of the manual is an experience. Before calculating the hospital, it is necessary to enter information about the employee's experience. To do this, it is necessary to open in the "Employees" directory Sidorov and on the link "in more detail about physical person»Go to Piz. face. And there to open the form by clicking on the button "Labor activity". In this form, it is necessary to add a line in the tabular part of the "experience of a general nature". To do this, right-click on the area of \u200b\u200bthis tabular part and in the context menu that opens, click on Add ". Install the "view of the experience" "Insurance experience to pay for hospital sheets" And specify the date with which to count the experience (for example, the date of admission to this organization), and the number of years, months and days of the experience that the employee has at this date.

The document will be calculated on the minimum wage, since there are no information about the earnings of the employee in previous two calendar years. Calculated as follows:

2 629,44 \u003d 5 554 (Mrot) * 24 (2 years) / 730 * 18 (disability days) * 80% (percentage depending on the experience)

How to enter information about earnings from previous employers

After calculating the document a message was displayed "During these estimates, the data on income was not detected!".

This message appeared due to the fact that the employee was employed in this organization in 2014, and in 2013 and 2012 worked in another organization. In order to make information about earnings, you should use a specialized document "Help of other policyholders about earnings". Link to the document is on the tab "Calculation of salary" Desktop program in the section "See also". The document needs to specify an employee and enter the previous organization, and in tabular part of the earnings for 2012 and 2013.

It is worth noting that the employee's salary accounting was conducted in this program in this two years, then of course there is no need to enter this document. The salary will be taken into account automatically.

Do not forget to conduct a document. After that, let us return to the calculation document of the hospital. In the document, install a tick "Consider a tick of previous insurers" And once again click "Calculate".

7 574.76 \u003d 384 000 (income for 2 years) / 730 * 18 (disability days) * 0.8 (percentage depending on the experience)

Document "Accrual on a hospital sheet" It also contains another tab "Calculation of a sick leave, which contains information on the calculation of the average. In fact, with automatic calculation, there is no need to edit the data on this bookmark. But for general development, let's see what it is.

Pay attention to the red lines in this tabular part. These lines cancel information entered by the document "Nebodes in organizations."

Now let's choose the NDFL tab on which you can see the amount of calculated personal income tax.

And another tab "Calculation of Middle Earnings". On it we will see the very information about the earnings that introduced into the document. "Help of other policyholders about earnings."

Reports of the document "Accrual on the Hospital List"

The document "Accrual on the Hospital List" has a number printed Forms. You can open them by the "Print" button located in the lower right corner of the form. Most often used form "Calculation of the average earnings since 2011."

That's all today! Do not get up to new meetings on the blog pages. Soon there will be new interesting materials.

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The confirmation of the temporary disability of the employee is a sheet of temporary disability issued by the medical institution. An employee may in his choice or get a disability sheet in paper (on a blue letterhead) or to issue an electronic "sick", in this case the therapeutic institution will inform him only the number of disability leaves, according to which the employer may further obtain all the information necessary for calculating the benefit. For the possibility of making electronic hospital, the employer organization must be connected to the information interaction system with FSS. Consider how in the program to register a paper or electronic disability sheet.

Document "Hospital sheet"

The sheet of disability is recorded in the program 1C: ZUP 3 using the document Sick leave (Frames - all lack of employees):

If there are two groups of users with the program: Specialists of personnel service and accountants on salary calculation, then it is assumed that the document Sick leave Enters a user with a profile Personnel , pointing in it an employee and data from a sheet of disability, and then a user with a profile Calculator - Calculates the temporary disability allowance and approves the document. This publication discusses the work on behalf of the user with the personnel profile.

Entering data to the document "Hospital sheet"

Month and document date

In document Sick leave , the details should be correctly fill in Month and date . date - this is the date of registration of the hospital leaf in the program, and Month - a month of accrual in which the employee will be charged on the document Sick leave .

Example 1.

Example 2.


In requisite LN The number of disability is indicated.

If an employee presented a paper "sick", then the number will be located in the upper right corner of the disability sheet:

If the employee was discharged by an electronic "sick", then the number of disability leaves him will inform the medical institution. Also the number can be found in personal Cabinet The insured person or in the personal office of the employer on the FSS website. By the number of disability leaves, you can download all the data of the electronic "sick" in the 1C program automatically - it is enough to click on the button Get data from FSS .

Insurance experience employee

To calculate temporary disability benefits, you need to know the insurance experience of the employee. O. Information insurance experiencedesigned for the start date of temporary disability, it will be necessary to indicate in the paper "sick" in the section Filled by the employer .

Usually the initial insurance experience, i.e. The experience calculated as a state at the reception date is entered into the program when receiving an employee to work, and in the document Sick leave Automatically calculates insurance experience at the date of the beginning of temporary disability. In this case, no additional actions are required of the user.

If the insurance experience for an employee in the program is not introduced, then for the correct calculation of the manual it is necessary to introduce it. In this case, in the form of a document Sick leave The inscription is displayed Not filled experience, manuals can be calculated incorrectly :

You should click on this inscription and introduce insurance experience.

Is a continuation of a disability sheet

If the field is filled in a sheet of disability Continuation of disability sheet number This means that this hospital is a continuation of another.

In this case, in the document Sick leave In the program you need to check the checkbox and select a document Sick leave , the continuation of which is this document.


In this case, first a document is introduced in 1C Sick leave For the period from 16.04 to 20.04:

The second document is then entered. Sick leave in which the checkbox is installed Is a continuation of a disability sheet and indicates the link to the first Sick leave:

Cause of disability

In requisite Cause of disability The reason for disability on the base of the code filled in the respective disability sheet cells is indicated:

Deciphering codes causes disability is presented on the back of the form:


In document Sick leave Based on this, the reason for disability is indicated - (01, 02, 10, 11) Disease or injury (except in production injuries) :

If one of the following codes is specified as a cause of disability in a disability sheet. 09 , 12 , 13 , 14 or 15 then in the document Sick leave Reason is selected or .

Code 09 To choose the correct reason in the program, you need to look at a list of disability by the age of a person who carries out:

If the age does not exceed 15 years, then it is a child care, and if exceeds, then - care for the sick adult family member.

For reason (09, 12, 13, 14, 15) Care for sick child You will need to fill out additional data on the tab. Childcare :

For reason (09) Care for sick adult family member Similar tab will be called Care for relatives :

In detail how registered sick leave And the benefit is made in the case of childcare or relatives are considered to publish a hospital care - registration and calculation in 1C.

Period of disability

Dates in requisites Exemption from work with ... by ... filled on the basis of information in the table of the form of a sheet of disability. The program specifies the overall period of disability.

In document Sick leave The period of exemption from work from 10.04 to 20.04 is indicated:

Take into account earnings of previous policyholders

Flag Take into account earnings of previous policyholders Installed by default:

This means that if an employee provides or previously provided a certificate of earnings from other employers, and they were introduced into the program, then earnings from the reference will be taken into account when calculating temporary disability benefits.

If, when calculating the help benefit from other employers, it is not necessary to consider, the checkbox should be reset.

Reflection of the hospital in working hours accounting

In the operating time accounting table, a period of temporary disability is reflected by the letter code. B. :

Registration of the hospital in 1C Accounting 8.3 (edition 3.0)

2016-12-07T18: 15: 57 + 00: 00

Finally, Troika Dorosal until I boldly recommend to all accountants to do accrual for temporary disability (sick leave) not in the old manner (a separate type of accrual), but specially created for these purposes document "Hospital sheet".

This allows you to automate the calculation of the average earnings for further vacations and hospitals, as well as in some way approaching 1C: Accounting 8.3 to 1C salary and personnel. But about everything in order.

Here there are only salaries periods for past periods. Create a "Hospital sheet" document:

Attention! If you have no sick leave and vacation list in your dropping list, then you.

Fill the document in accordance with the figure below:

We filled out a month (the hospital charge is made in January), chose an employee, indicated the reason for disability (illness), indicated the period of the disease and the percentage of payment, based on the experience of the employee's work.

The program quite correctly calculated us the average earnings and the amount of the hospital, and also divided this amount due to the employer and at the expense of the FSS. Excellent!

Let's go into the average earnings ("Change" button next to the calculated average earnings). The data entry window will open to calculate the average earnings:

It presents the income of the employees for the previous 2 years and the calculated average earnings.

Press the question of the question next to the amount of the average earnings to see the calculation itself in more detail. As you can see, the program even makes a comparison of the average earnings from the minimum wage:

Close the data entry window to calculate the average earnings on the "OK" button and return to open document "Sick leave". We will find and click the "Calculation of Middle Earn" button:

We will have a certificate for the calculation of the average earnings of the employee:

Finally, I will conduct a document "Hospital sheet" on the "Conduct and Close" button and see that he accrued sick leave, but did not accruem NDFL.

That's right. NDFL will be charged with a final document Accrual of the salary, which we will do the last and in which we will receive and accrued our sick.

Create a document salary accrual for January and click the "Fill" button:

We see that the period of the hospital is taken into account when calculating the worked days and hours. The sum of the hospital fell into charge of this month. This amount (as well as the total salary) accrued personal income tax. Wonderful!

The estimated sheet will be like this.

Candle, spend and pay sick leave. And also consider the procedure for adjusting incorrectly accrued amounts.

To reflect the fact of disability in the program, a "Hospital sheet" document is provided. In the nearest, it is planned to introduce electronic sick leaves in 1C.

To find it, you need to go to the "Salary" menu, then click on the link "Hospital sheets".

A window will open with a list of documents. In this window, click the "Create" button. A new document window opens. We start filling it. Required fields for filling are underlined by a red dotted line. First of all, fill the "organization" and choose the "employee".

After selecting an employee, the system checks the filling experience. In my case, it turned out just so that the employee turned out to be unfilled. The program brought me a warning and offered a link to correct the situation.

We establish the experience and continue to fill in the document. We have left two unfilled mandatory fields: "Cause of disability" and "exemption from work". The reason is chosen from the list, for example, "a disease or injury", and ask the period when the employee was released from work.

Immediately after filling in the absence period there will be a calculation of the document. By default, the program 1C salary and personnel management is configured in such a way that the calculation occurs automatically when filling or changing the fields of fields. Sometimes it is not very convenient (there may be significant "peculiarcy") on weak computers). Therefore, this feature can be disabled.

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You can do this in the program settings. We go to the "Settings" menu, click on the "Calculation of Salary" link and remove the checkbox "Perform automatic recalculation of documents when editing them":

Now when editing any data affecting the calculation, the button "Recalculate" (right) will be painted with yellow, and to calculate (recalcify), you need to press it:

In document 1C ZUP by default it is believed that the payment of hospitals will be made with a salary, but another can be indicated: with an advance or in an interdestructible period.

If provided, the program provides an opportunity to free the bid for the absence of an employee. This is possible if a regular schedule is conducted in the system.

So, the document is designed. The green marker "Change / See Data" next to some fields allows you to see what the amount is in this field, or even change it.

Let us turn to the "Payment" tab.

Here you can ask additional conditionswhich will affect the payment of the hospital leaf.

For example, change the assignment interval of the benefit payment (say, part of the hospital fell on vacation), limit or remove the restriction on the manual, change the percentage of payment (initially these indicators are set when filling out the "cause of disability" field), etc.

The "Accrued" tab reflects the final result of the calculation of the document (the accrual amount).

Adjustment of the hospital last period in 1C ZUP

The situation is not excluded when the document in 1C ZUP 8.3 was introduced intimately or erroneously. There is a need for adjustment.

If the error was found in the period when the month is not yet closed, you can simply add the necessary changes to it, recalculate and tweet.

If the month in which the document creates is already closed, it is simply so the document cannot be adjusted, as this will lead to a discrepancy between the amounts of accrual and payments. In this case, the bottom of the document provides for the link "Fix". Clicking on this link leads to the creation of a new document that fixes the corrections of the current (unclosed period), and the source document is reversed.

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