
The debt on short-term credits and loans was repaid. Loan agreement accounting. Issue and sale of bonds

In practice, it is short-term loans and borrowings that are most common. Organizations take them from credit institutions for temporary needs, return them within a year. This money is used, as a rule, to purchase material values, goods, upon the sale of which the invested money will quickly return as part of the proceeds from the sale, in connection with which it will be possible to pay off the debt to the bank. Credit money can be received both in rubles and in foreign currency... In the latter case, to reflect them on the accounting account, it is necessary to convert the currency into rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect on the date of receipt of the money - the currency is credited to the foreign currency account. Account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" - passive, is intended for the accounting of the company's liability. Read what is a passive account and what are its features here.

The operation of accounting (discount) of bills of exchange and other debt obligations is closed on the basis of a notice credit institution on payment by reflecting the amount of the bill on the debit of account 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings" and the credit of the corresponding accounts receivable. When returned by the organization - the holder of the bill Money received from a credit institution as a result of accounting (discount) of bills of exchange or other debt obligations due to failure to fulfill fixed time The drawer or other payer under the promissory note of his obligations to pay shall make an entry on the debit of account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings” in correspondence with the accounts for accounting for monetary funds.

Short-term and long-term loans - accounting in the accounting department

registration and generalization of information in monetary terms about property, obligations ... www.bibliotekar.ru / kodex-10 / 1.htm ACCOUNTING. Assessment of property and liabilities is carried out ... Assessment of property and liabilities is carried out by the organization for their reflection in accounting and financial statements in monetary terms.
… Www.bibliotekar.ru / kodex-10 / 11.htm Accounting for transactions with bills of exchange. Calculation of discount interest ...

Account 67 in accounting: calculations for long-term loans and borrowings

All loans are issued by banks only for specific purposes on terms of repayment for a certain period, there are banking and commercial. Bank loan- This is a cash loan that is provided by a credit institution for the production needs of the organization, it can be long-term or short-term.

A short-term loan is a loan for a period not exceeding one year; it is the main source of additional funds for an organization for temporary needs. Borrowed short-term money is used to temporarily replenish fixed and circulating assets, for inventory, for overhaul working and fixed assets, as well as for other needs.
For accounting purposes short-term loans in the accounting department there is designated 66 accounting account "Settlements on short-term credits and loans". Score 66 is passive.

Accounting for a long-term loan from a bank OOO Vesna received a 3-year loan from OAO Osen bank in the amount of RUB 2,500,000. Principal debt and interest are calculated monthly in equal installments at a rate of 13.5% per annum.

Issuance of a bond with a value higher than par. Let's say that an organization has placed a bond in the secondary market at a value of 16,000 rubles, with a par value of 10,000 rubles. with a maturity of 24 months.

What is reflected on account 67 in accounting

Attention Postings on account 67:

  • D50 (51.52.55) K67 - received a long-term cash loan (to the settlement, foreign currency, special accounts).
  • Д91 / 2 К67 - accrued interest to be paid in accordance with the loan agreement.
  • D67 K50 (51, 52, 55) - a long-term bank loan has been repaid.
  • Д67 К91 / 1 - a positive exchange rate difference on interest in foreign currency was accrued.
  • Д91 / 2 К67 - a negative exchange rate difference on interest in foreign currency was accrued.

The last two postings are for long-term loans in foreign currency. It is worth noting here that the organization has the right to take into account long-term loans on account 67 until it is fully repaid.

In addition, the organization can also transfer a loan from the category of long-term to short-term at the moment when there is no more than one year left until its maturity.

66 and 67 accounting accounts

Fundraising on a long-term basis is carried out mainly for investment, modernization, construction or acquisition of fixed assets. The amounts, interest and penalties on them are reflected on account 67, the rules for maintaining which were discussed in detail in the article. 66 and 67 accounting accounts If the bill is payable in another bank, then in addition to the interest for accounting, an additional transfer fee is charged, the amount of which is set according to ... www.bibliotekar.ru / bank-6 / 18.htm ACCOUNTING.

Postings to account 66 - settlements for short-term loans and borrowings

Operations on a commodity loan are reflected in a separate subaccount to account 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”. Separately, on account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings", agricultural organizations take into account operations on loans, the payment of interest on which is subsidized from the budget.

Obtaining a loan from a commercial bank is reflected in the usual manner on the debit of accounts for the accounting of funds and the credit of account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings". The interest due on the loans received is charged to the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses" from the credit of account 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings" (in full). After repayment of the debt on the named loans and credits, the subsidies are credited to the current account account 51 "Current account" is debited and account 86 "Target financing" is credited.

Account 66 "settlements for short-term loans and borrowings"

Account 67 of accounting is a passive account "Calculations for long-term loans and loans ”, accumulates information on the status and movement of long-term loans and borrowings received by the company for a period of more than one year. Through typical postings and practical examples, we will study the specifics of using account 67, including the reflection in the transactions of the operation to issue a bond with a value higher than par.

  • 1 Account 67 in accounting
  • 2 Typical postings on account 67
  • 3 Examples of transactions with postings on account 67
  • 3.1 Example 1. Accounting for a long-term loan from a bank
  • 3.2 Example 2.

    Above par bond issue

Account 67 in accounting This account accounting is passive and its increase is reflected in the loan, and the decrease in the debit.

Account 67 "settlements for long-term loans and borrowings"

It exists to summarize information about the movement and availability of short-term loans and credits that are received by the organization. The loan can be obtained both in domestic and foreign currency. In the latter case, the currency is converted into rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the conversion is made at the time the funds are credited to the foreign currency account. You can read the specifics of currency accounting here. Foreign exchange differences are included in operating expenses.

Interest calculated to be paid under the loan agreement is also included in operating expenses. In addition, in the process of applying for a loan, an organization may incur a number of additional costs, such as payment for consulting, legal services, examination services, communication services and others. These expenses are also recorded on account 91 "Other income and expenses".

67 accounting account

Accounting for short-term and long-term loans and borrowings (account 66 and 67)

Account 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings

The methodology for reflecting transactions on these accounts is similar, and their division is associated only with the classification of loans and borrowings, depending on the maturity date, calculated from the reporting date, as short-term (for a period not exceeding 12 months from the reporting date) or long-term (for a period exceeding 12 months from the reporting date).

The amounts of loans and borrowings received by the organization are reflected in the credit of accounts 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" and 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings" in correspondence with the debit of accounting accounts of funds received, for example, accounts 50 "Cashier", 51 "Settlement accounts ", 52" Currency accounts ", 55" Special accounts in banks ", 60" Settlements with suppliers and contractors ", etc.

Loans attracted by issuing and placing bonds are accounted for on accounts 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings" and 67 "Settlements on long-term loans and borrowings" separately. If bonds are placed at a price exceeding their par value, then accounting entries are reflected in the debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts", etc.

Account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings"

in correspondence with accounts 66 “Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings”, 67 “Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings” (at the par value of bonds) and 98 “Deferred income” (for the amount of excess of the placement price of bonds over their par value). The amount referred to account 98 "Deferred income" is written off on a straight-line basis during the circulation period of the bonds to account 91 "Other income and expenses". If the bonds are placed at a price lower than their par value, then the difference between the offering price and the par value of the bonds is additionally accrued evenly during the circulation period of the bonds from the credit of accounts 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings", 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings" in debit account 91 "Other income and expenses".

Example 13.4... On January 1, 2014, the organization issued 1,000 bonds with a par value of 1,000 rubles each. for each maturing in two years. the placement of bonds was made according to their market value- 1,024 rubles. for a bond with payment in non-cash funds.

Bond placement operations will be reflected in the accounting accounts as follows:

Debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" 1,024,000

Credit account 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings" 1,000,000

Credit account 98 "Deferred income" 24 000

2) On January 31, 2014, the share of deferred income is included in the income of the reporting period (24,000 rubles / 24 months = 1,000 rubles):

Debit of account 98 "Deferred income" 1,000

Credit account 91 "Other income and expenses",

subaccount 1 "Other income" 1,000

The interest payable on received loans and borrowings is reflected in the credit of accounts 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings", 67 "Settlements on long-term loans and borrowings" in correspondence with the debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses". Accrued interest amounts are accounted for separately.

Repayment of loans and borrowings and interest accrued on them is reflected in the accounting by the entry:

The debit of account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings",

The debit of account 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings" and

Credit account 51 "Settlement accounts",

Credit account 50 "Cashier",

Credit of account 52 "Currency account", etc.

Example 13.5... On June 11, 2014 the organization received a short-term loan in the amount of RUB 100,000. for a period of one month at 19% per annum. Interest is calculated starting from the day the loan is received and is paid simultaneously with the loan repayment. The described operations will be reflected in the accounting as follows:

Debit of account 51 "Settlement accounts" 100,000

Credit account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" 100,000

subaccount 2 "Other expenses" 989.04

Credit account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" 989.04

3) On July 12, 2014, interest was accrued for July 2014 payable at the time of loan repayment = 624.66 rubles:

Debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses",

subaccount 2 "Other expenses" 624.66

Credit account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" 624.66

4) On July 12, 2014, funds were transferred from the settlement account of the organization to repay the loan debt and interest due:

Debit of account 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings" 101 613.70

Credit account 51 "Settlement accounts" 101 613.70

In passive balance sheet discloses information on balances outstanding debt obligations taking into account the accrued unpaid interest with a subdivision into the long-term and short-term part of liabilities, and in the Profit and Loss Statement as part of other income and expenses, a separate item reflects the amount of interest accrued for the reporting period.

The second group of obligations of the organization - involved funds represented by the organization's accounts payable to legal entities and individuals, the budget, extrabudgetary funds etc., formed within the usual economic activity organizations. While accounts payable management is also a tool financial policy organization, as an accounting object, it arises due to the application of the assumption of temporary certainty of the facts of economic activity in accounting, in which business transactions are reflected at the time of their actual performance, regardless of the fact of cash flows associated with these operations.

The main types of accounts payable of the organization are:

accounts payable to suppliers and contractors for the goods supplied, services rendered, work performed (accounting is kept on account 60 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors");

∙ advances received from buyers and customers for future deliveries of products, goods, works, services (accounting is kept on account 62 "Settlements with buyers and customers");

∙ accounts payable to the budget for calculations of taxes and fees (accounting is kept on account 68 "Calculations for taxes and fees");

∙ accounts payable to state extra-budgetary funds for contributions to compulsory social insurance (accounting is kept on account 69 “Settlements for social insurance and provision ");

∙ accounts payable to accountable persons for reimbursement of expenses incurred in favor of the organization (accounting is kept on account 71 "Settlements with accountable persons";

∙ accounts payable to owners for payment of dividends (accounting is kept on account 75 “Settlements with founders”);

∙ accounts payable to other creditors (accounting is kept on accounts 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", 73 "Settlements with personnel for other operations", etc.).

All the listed settlement accounts are active-passive with an expanded balance, therefore, regardless of the nature and occurrence of the grounds for settlement relations, all accounts have the same structure.

Account 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings" is used by legal entities to display data on mutual settlements on borrowed funds received for use by the company for periods of more than 12 months

Account 67 in accounting is necessary for the generalization and subsequent analysis of information on ongoing settlements for credit agreements(loan agreements) and interest accrued on the use of borrowed money. Here you can see the data on settlements for long-term agreements of more than 12 months.

Attention! For accounting of short-term loan agreements (less than 12 months), account 66 is used.

Sc. 67 is passive. The loan displays the amount of funds received for temporary use by the enterprise in correspondence with accounts 60,50,51,52, etc. By debit - partial or full repayment loans and credits.

Attention! For related companies representing a single accounting statements based on the results of activities, settlements made for ongoing borrowings are displayed separately.

Additional borrowing can be provided by the company through the issuance and subsequent placement of bonds.

Payments for loans and borrowings (accounts 66 and 67)

These transactions are accounted for on account 67 separately. In cases where securities are placed at a value higher than their par value, the excess amount is additionally displayed on account 98. valuable papers evenly.In cases where securities are placed at a price below par, then during the period of circulation of bonds, the difference between the values ​​is additionally accrued evenly from Kt67 to Dt91.

Also, if necessary, a subaccount can be opened to account 67 for a separate display of information on the transactions of the transfer of bills by the bill holder to the bank and other liabilities of the organization with maturities over 12 months (the nominal value of the transferred bill is accounted for under Kt67). The completion of the bill of exchange accounting operation is carried out on the basis of the received bank notification (other financial institution) by displaying the amount of the bill for Dt67 in correspondence with accounts receivable. Operations for the return of funds by the company that hold the bill of exchange to the bank as a result of non-fulfillment of the terms of the agreements by the issuer are recorded under Dt67.

Consider! Receivables, which were pledged by overdue promissory notes, remains displayed on special accounts.

Analytical monitoring

Monitoring of information displayed on account 67 is carried out depending on the type of borrowing, by counterparties-creditors, provided funds (for example, banks, financial organizations, large suppliers). Bill settlements are analyzed for credit institutions that have accepted a bill, counterparties - bill issuers, and separately for each bill.

Regulatory regulation

Using the count. 67 to display information on mutual settlements on borrowed funds provided to companies for use under contracts for periods of more than 12 months is carried out in accordance with the current Chart of Accounts approved by order of the Ministry of Finance dated 31.10.2000 No. 94, PBU 15/2008 and other legislative acts.

Account 67 in accounting - common postings for business transactions

  1. Receiving funds under long-term loan agreements

    Дт50,51,52,55 Кт67 - received cash or wire transfer

    Dt10.41 Kt67 - posting of goods and materials, goods under a short-term loan agreement

    Dt60 Kt67 - transfer of existing debts to suppliers into a loan from them, transfer of loans and credits received as coverage of accounts payable

  2. Display of interest accrued for payment for the use of money
  3. Write-off of outstanding overdue payables
  4. Displaying the difference between the face value and the circulation price of securities, accounting for the difference between cash actually received on bills to face value.
  5. Repayment of loans and credits

    Дт67 Кт50,51,52,55 - cash withdrawal from the cash register or non-cash transfer

    Dt67 Kt62 - settlement of mutual claims

Elena Petrenko, 2017-03-20

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Related References

Account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" contains information about received and returned short-term loans and borrowings of the organization.

Often, for the smooth and efficient operation of an organization, there is a need to attract additional working capital subject to their return in the future. The law allows organizations to attract loans from both Russian and foreign individuals.

Accounting provides for the division of loans and credits depending on their maturity. If a loan is provided for more than 12 months, it is considered long-term, if less - short-term. Accounting does not justify such a division in any way. Maybe it's about duration tax period, the unit of which is the calendar year.

The loan can be provided to organizations in cash or in kind, as well as in the form of debt obligations with third parties.

Accounting for short-term loans (up to 1 year) is kept on passive account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings". Receipt of a loan is reflected in the credit of account 66 in correspondence with accounts for accounting for cash, inventories, etc. Loan repayment (repayment of debt) is accounted for in the debit of account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings".

Analytical accounting of short-term loans should provide the organization with information about the sources of the loan (lenders) and the contracts concluded.

Typical postings on the debit of account 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and credits".

Typical postings on the credit of account 66 "Settlements on short-term loans and borrowings"

Received materials purchased using interest on a short-term loan
Goods arrived at the warehouse on account of a short-term loan agreement
The amount of a short-term loan was received on the settlement account of the organization
According to the debt restructuring agreement, the debt to the supplier was transferred to a short-term loan
Interest on a short-term loan is included in other expenses of the organization

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Account 67 of accounting is a passive account "Calculations for long-term loans and borrowings", accumulates information about the status and movement of long-term loans and borrowings received by the company for a period of more than one year. With the help of typical transactions and practical examples, we will study the specifics of using account 67, including the reflection in the transactions of a bond issue transaction with a value higher than par.

This accounting account is passive and its increase is reflected in the loan, and the decrease in the debit. In other words, the receipt of long-term loans and borrowings, as well as the accrual of interest on them, is reflected in the loan, and their repayment is in debit:

For separate accounting of the loan body and accrued interest, special sub-accounts can be opened for account 67:

Long-term loans and borrowings can be reflected in the accounting of an enterprise in two ways:

  1. Fully on account 67 before maturity;
  2. Or on account 67, when there are 365 days left until maturity. Further, the loan amount is transferred to account 66 and accounted for there until the end of the repayment period.

The selected accounting procedure must be registered in accounting policies enterprises.

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Additional expenses on loans and borrowings are accounted for as other expenses by posting Дт 91.2 Кт 51, 60, 76, etc.

Analytical accounting for account 67 is carried out by types:

  • Loans and credits;
  • Credit organizations;
  • Lenders;
  • Separate loans and credits;
  • Credit institutions that have discount bills of exchange and other debt obligations, drawers, individual bills.

Typical postings for account 67

Correspondence 67 accounts and basic transactions on long-term loans and borrowings are presented in the table below:

Dt CT Description of wiring
50,51,52,55 67 Receipt of long-term loans and credits

Repayment - reverse transactions

07,10,11,41 67 Received a commodity loan with material resources of an agricultural organization
66 67 Reissuance of loans
67 51,52,55 Crediting a loan or borrowed funds to a bank account
60 67 Payment to the supplier / contractor through long-term loans or borrowings
68 67 The debt to the budget was paid at the expense of long-term loans
76 67 Paid debt to other creditors through loans or borrowings
91 67 Interest accrued on loans or credits received
91 67 The positive exchange rate difference in foreign currency has been taken into account.

Negative - reverse wiring.

Examples of transactions with postings on account 67

Example 1. Accounting for a long-term loan from a bank

OOO Vesna received a 3-year loan from OAO Osen Bank in the amount of RUB 2,500,000. Principal debt and interest are calculated monthly in equal installments at a rate of 13.5% per annum.

Posting table for account 67 - Long-term loan:

Example 2. Issuance of a bond with a value above par

Let's say the organization placed a bond on the secondary market worth 16,000 rubles, par - 10,000 rubles. with a maturity of 24 months.

Entry table - Issue of a bond with a value above par.

The organization can issue itself or receive borrowed funds... According to the terms of granting loans, short-term and long-term are distinguished. Another nuance that affects accounting is whether a loan is provided without payment for the use of funds (interest-free) or you need to pay interest (interest). In this article, we will look at examples of transactions for loans issued and received.

A legal entity, individual entrepreneur and an individual can receive a loan. In turn, the organization can issue money and property for a while for use, both to other firms and to individuals (to its employees, founders, outside citizens).

Loan transactions

The term for issuing short-term loans does not exceed 1 year. When an organization receives funds from a credit organization, founder, etc. they are counted on. The loan can be obtained in cash, by transfer to an account, in a foreign currency. Accordingly, records will be made:

  • Debit 50 (,) Credit 66- transactions for obtaining a loan.

When paying off the debt, the posting is reversed:

  • Debit 66 Credit 50 (,).

The amount of payment and its frequency is prescribed in the terms of the contract.

When the company incurs additional costs in obtaining a loan, they are accounted for in 91 accounts:

  • Debit 91.2 Credit 66.

Long-term loans are provided for a period of more than a year. ... You can take into account the loan on this account, or after the repayment period becomes less than 12 months, transfer it to account 66:

  • Debit 67 Credit 66.

Example of loan receipt transactions:

The organization received two loans: one for 6 months in the amount of 150,000 rubles, and the second for 36 months in the amount of 680,000 rubles. When applying for a long-term loan, the services of a lawyer were paid - 5,000 rubles.


Account Dt Account CT Description of wiring Transaction amount A document base
66 Received a short-term loan 150 000 Bank statement
66 50 Short-term loan repaid after 6 months 150 000 Payment order ref.
67 Long-term loan received 680 000 Bank statement
60 Paid for the services of a lawyer 5 000 Payment order ref.
91.2 67 The services of a lawyer are included in the expenses 5 000 Certificate of completion
67 Long-term loan repaid 680 000 Payment order ref.

Accounting for loans at the lender - transactions for issuing loans

If the firm issues a loan to another organization, then the entries will be as follows:

  • Debit 58 Credit (50, ...)- posting on the issued loan.

As can be seen from the posting, a loan can be provided not only in the form sum of money, but also in the form of property (materials, OS, etc.). The amount to be counted in this case- the value of goods / materials, etc.

When issuing an interest-free loan legal entity the amount is taken into account on the debit 76 of the account and the credit of the account for the issuance of funds or property (50.10, etc.).

Loans are repaid by posting:

  • Debit (50, 40 ...) Credit 58 (76).

When it comes to levying VAT on loans, there are two opposing points of view. The first is based on the fact that there is a transfer of ownership, which is the implementation (Article 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Sales are subject to VAT. The opposite point of view: when receiving and returning a loan in the form of goods, there is no object of VAT taxation.

VAT postings on loans in kind:

  • Debit 91.2 Credit 68 VAT- when issuing a loan
  • Debit 19 Credit 58 (76)- accounting for input VAT when returning a loan.

The issuance of a loan to an employee of the organization is made out by posting:

  • Debit 73 Credit 50 ().

Returns will be processed by return wiring.

The organization issued an interest-free loan to a legal entity in the amount of 320,000 rubles.

Loan transactions:

Accounting for interest on loans

Expenses for the payment of interest on loans are recorded as other expenses on account 91. In tax accounting, they are written off every month, regardless of their payment according to the terms of the agreement.

Wiring Debit 66 (67) Credit interest on loans is paid, and by recording Debit 91.2 Credit 66 (67) they are included in expenses.

For organizations that provide loans, interest is taken into account in other income: Debit 76 Credit (50)... Receiving: Debit 50 () Credit 76.

The organization received a loan in the amount of 120,000 rubles, which is taxed at a rate of 10% per annum. For the first month of using (17 days) borrowed funds, the amount of interest was 567 rubles, for the second month 1000 rubles, for the third (12 days) 400 rubles, after which the loan was repaid.


Account Dt Account CT Description of wiring Transaction amount A document base

Borrowed (attracted) sources- funds provided to the organization for temporary use for a certain period, after which they are returned to the owners.

Accounting for loans and borrowings

To account for short-term bank loans in Russian and foreign currencies, account 66 "Settlements for short-term loans and borrowings" is used, for accounting for long-term loans - account 67 "Settlements for long-term loans and borrowings". The accounts are passive, therefore, the loan reflects the receipt of loans and the amount of interest accrued to be paid, the debit of the account reflects the repayment of the loan and interest on it. In this case, the following accounting entries are made in the accounting:

  • debit of accounts 51, 52,
    credit of accounts 66, 67 - for obtaining credit funds;
  • debit of accounts 66, 67,
    credit of accounts 51, 52 - for loan repayment.

For loans and credits received, the debt is shown taking into account the interest payable at the end of the reporting period.

Depending on the purposes for which it was received according to [, the interest payable has its own characteristics when reflected in accounting.

If the purpose of attracting credit funds is to purchase inventory for the implementation of statutory activities, then according to PBU 10/99 "Organization expenses", interest is included in the cost of products (works, services). For tax purposes, the interest paid is taken at the cost of production within the discount rate Of the Central Bank Russia, increased by three points (for loans received in rubles), or the LIBOR rate, increased by three points (for loans received in foreign currency). The newly established rate on loans from the Central Bank of Russia commercial banks applies to newly concluded and renewed contracts, as well as to previously concluded contracts, which provide for a change interest rate... When calculating interest in accounting, an entry is made: debit of account 91 "Other income and expenses", credit of account 66.

If credit funds attracted for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible and non-current assets, interest on them is included in their purchase price until commissioning, while an entry is made in accounting for the accrual of interest: account 08 debit, account 66, 67 credit. After the objects are put into operation, interest on loans is reimbursed at own funds enterprises, compiled accounting entry: debit of account 84, credit of accounts 66, 67. At their own expense, interest on overdue loans is also reimbursed.

Example. The company was granted a loan for the purchase of inventory items 15.09. in the amount of 50,000 rubles. at 80% per annum, while the rate of the Central Bank of Russia in this period was approved at 60%. It is necessary to accrue interest on the loan from 15.09 to 30.09 (15 days). The calculation will be as follows:

  • 50,000 * 80: 100: 360 * 15 = 1667 rubles.

For tax purposes, the amount of interest calculated at the rate of 60% + 3 points should be taken:

  • 50,000 * 63: 100: 360 * 15 = 1,312.5 rubles.

The accrual of interest in accounting for the use of bank loans should be carried out separately, for which it is necessary to open subaccounts to the bank loan accounts "Interest payable".

Accounting for loans and targeted financing

Targeted funding and receipts are a source of additional funds received from sectoral and intersectoral special purpose funds, from other organizations, individuals for the implementation of targeted activities, for example, to expand its activities, to finance research and development, if there are not enough internal resources. These funds, unlike loans and borrowings, are non-refundable. A prerequisite the recognition of the funds received as targeted financing is the spending of funds for their intended purpose.

To account for funds targeted funding account 86 "Target financing" is intended, which is maintained in the context of sub-accounts, depending on the type of target receipts. The account is passive, the receipt of targeted financing is reflected in the credit of the account, the use of funds for the intended purpose is reflected in the debit of the account. At the same time, records are made in accounting:

debit all property accounts, and cash accounts, as well as the debit of account 76 "Settlements with different debtors and creditors", credit of account 86 - upon receipt of funds;

debit of account 86, credit of accounts 20, 26 - when spending funds.

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