
Using a safety deposit box in real estate transactions. How is the sale of an apartment through a safe deposit box carried out: drawing up a lease agreement for a safe deposit box from a Sberbank. What are the risks of the buyer and the seller, where to get each of the documents

The settlement of the seller with the buyer is one of the main links in real estate transactions in the secondary market. The main method used for settlements is renting safe boxes (individual bank safes). It is considered the most reliable, which is why it is used in most transactions in the metropolitan area.

This article is a reference material, all information in it is presented for informational purposes only and is for informational purposes only.

As explained Pavel Lepish, general director of the company "Domus Finance", this method of calculation became especially relevant after changing the procedure and terms state registration... If once upon a time, at the dawn of the real estate market, this process took several hours, now, due to additional checks, the contract, as a rule, can be registered for up to two weeks. And while this legal action lasts, the safe deposit box keeps intact the amount that the buyer paid for his apartment.


According to the experts interviewed "", safe deposit boxes are used in most transactions in the secondary housing market. Svetlana Birina, Head of the City Real Estate Department, NDV-Real Estate, and Inna Ignatkina, director of the department of the company "MITS-Real Estate" in Presnya, believe that in the capital region, bank cells appear in about 90% of transactions. Oleg Samoilov, CEO of RELIGHT-Nedvizhimost, coordinator of the Interregional Partnership of Realtors, says that in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the use of safe deposit boxes for settlements on transactions carried out in the secondary housing market is widespread and is used in almost 100% of cases ... “But if we consider other regions of Russia,” the expert notes, “it must be admitted that in the overwhelming majority of transactions money is transferred from buyer to seller in the most“ clumsy ”and therefore the most risky way - in the form of a bundle of cash.” Therefore, residents of the regions who carry out transactions in the real estate market use the service provided by banks less often.

Banks also believe that participants in real estate transactions are among the most active tenants of safe deposit boxes. According to Anton Pavlova, Head of Retail Segment Department, Absolut Bank, up to 70% of all transactions with cells are carried out by buyers and sellers of apartments. Raiffeisenbank named the figure - up to 40%, provided that taking into account both types of transactions that the bank conducts: third-party transactions (without credit funds bank) and with a bank mortgage. If we take into account only third-party transactions carried out between clients of realtors, then the share is lower - 15-20%, depending on the region.

How many participants, so many cells

To rent a cell, you must conclude safe deposit box lease ... It can be two-way: between the bank and the party to the transaction - the buyer or the seller (in most cases, the buyer acts as the tenant, since it is he who puts the money in the safe deposit box), says Irina Shugurova, Deputy Managing Director for Legal Affairs, MIEL-Network of Real Estate Offices, and tripartite - between the bank on the one hand and the buyer and seller on the other hand, in this case, two tenants participate in the agreement. The parties can also draw up an additional agreement, where they stipulate special requirements, for example, the seller's obligation to leave the apartment.

More often than not, transactions are in the nature of "alternatives", so several apartments are involved. Accordingly, the number of bank cells used for settlements on alternative deal may be significant. “In my practice,” says Oleg Samoilov (RELIGHT-Nedvizhimost), “the largest number of cells used for settlements within a single transaction was 22”. The expert noted that within the framework of large multi-tier transactions, the ability to correctly draw up a bookmarking scheme, determining, agreeing and interconnecting all the terms and conditions of access for all participants in the transaction, is one of the measures of professional real estate competence. And not all realtors are really capable of solving such problems without mistakes.

Who has the key?

Irina Shugurova (MIEL-network of real estate offices) said that the mechanism for laying money is as follows: on the day of the transaction (signing of the purchase and sale agreement), the seller and the buyer have access to the cell: the buyer puts money in the cell in the presence of the seller (before with a bookmark, the seller has the right to use the bank's services for checking and recounting banknotes). One key off safety deposit box is transferred to the buyer, and the second key remains in the bank.

Depending on the agreement of the parties, the key handed over to the tenant may be kept by both the seller and the buyer. The "Keeper of the Key" must undertake written obligations to provide the key to the party gaining access to the cell, if all the terms of the contract and the supplementary agreement (where some special requirements were written) are met.

Oleg Samoilov (RELAYT-Nedvizhimost) adds that a number of banks have a separate service - “key storage”, which can be used to avoid “butting” like: “The key is for me! No - to me! ". If there is no such service, the expert recommended that the participants in the transaction leave the keys to the cells for storage with realtors, who are leading this transaction. "Of course, they should not leave it on parole," the expert warns, "but receiving from them in return a corresponding letter of guarantee, which will clearly indicate when what events occur and to whom the key should be handed over."

Rental rates and terms

The total value of the safe deposit box is determined based on the lease term and the size of the safe deposit box. As a rule, in a regular sale and purchase transaction, this period is a month. "At the same time, registration takes no more than two weeks, and two more remain in stock in case any corrections or errors are required in the documents submitted for registration," says Pavel Lepish (Domus Finance).

And in case of mortgage transactions for which an accelerated registration procedure is established, the lease period may be even shorter. “Well, if a complex transaction is being carried out,” says Oleg Samoilov (RELAYT-Nedvizhimost), “implying that the transfer of ownership of the participating apartments will not occur simultaneously, for example, if Moscow and regional apartments are involved in the transaction, the term lease can significantly exceed a month. "

If registration does not take place on schedule, warns Inna Ignatkina (MITs-Real Estate in Presnya), all parties to the transaction will have to meet at the bank to extend the lease and change the terms of access. According to the practice of Absolut Bank, the rental period for cells for real estate transactions is from 3 weeks to 2 months.

By tradition, the cost of renting is borne by the buyer. But if you need to rent several safes, for example, several owner-sellers want to arrange in advance the shares due to them from the sale, the buyer pays only for one of them, and the rest of the interested parties pay for their safes on their own.

The cost of renting a cell depends on the chosen bank, the size of the cell, and the term of its lease. And, according to Sergey Amendments, Director of the Legal Department of Penny Lane Realty, renting a small safe deposit box costs from 750 to 1000 rubles per month... Svetlana Birina ("NDV-Invisibility") named a higher amount of payment - 2-3 thousand rubles per month... According to Raiffeisenbank, the amount of rent for renting a cell for 1 month in Moscow from 50 rubles per day, in regions - from 16 rubles per day... However, discounts up to 20% are available for various categories of the bank's clients.

How to collect your money

After registering the contract, the seller has full rights get your money. For this, says Sergei Amendment (Penny Lane Realty), the seller must submit to the bank a list of documents, which is enshrined in the main cell lease agreement, as well as fulfill all the conditions specified in the additional agreement. The documents for access following the results of the transaction can be: the original of the real estate sale and purchase agreement, an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate, a passport with a note on the extract, or an extract from the house book on registration, - says at Raiffeisenbank. If a document is missing or its details differ from those specified in the agreement (for example, an error in the last name), access will be denied. And if a bank employee has doubts, he contacts the other party by phone for clarification.

If the transaction is alternative, then, according to Oleg Samoilov ("RELIGHT-Real Estate"), the list of documents to be presented by the seller at least includes copies of contracts for "alternative" objects and / or the corresponding extracts from the USRR.

After checking all the documents, the bank employee takes the seller to the depository, where he will take the money for the sold real estate. This procedure takes place in the absence of the buyer.

Irina Shugurova (MIEL-Network of Real Estate Offices) believes that if all the conditions set out in the contract are met, problems related to seizure Money does not arise from a safe deposit box.

If the deal falls apart

But if, for some reason and circumstances, the transaction did not take place, then the buyer can take his money. As Oleg Samoilov (RELAYT-Nedvizhimost) explained, the corresponding provision is fixed in the agreement: the buyer has the right to take his money back after a certain period in which the seller had the right to open a safe deposit box.

And here, as Pavel Lepish (Domus Finance) explains to the portal, there are two ways. The first of them is appropriate in the event that the deal has collapsed completely and irrevocably, but the seller and the buyer have maintained normal human relations. In this case, they together need to visit the bank and draw up an agreement to terminate the previously concluded agreement governing access to the cell. Following this, the buyer will have the right to access the rented cell, from which he can withdraw his money when it is convenient for him.

The second way does not imply the need for a salesperson visit. All that the buyer needs to do within its framework is to wait for the time allotted for his access to the cell and collect the money. Inna Ignatkina (MIC-Nedvizhimost in Presnya) also confirmed that if the seller's access period expired, and he never showed up at the bank with a registered agreement, the buyer can independently, according to the terms of his access, after the expiration of the established period, seize money. “But in practice, a bank employee will definitely call and warn the other party,” the expert says.

Real estate transactions are always dealing with multimillion-dollar amounts. And on the market real estate there are many swindlers, swindlers and other "dishonest" people.

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The issue of the security of settlements cannot be treated irresponsibly - after all, it will depend on whether the transaction will be completed successfully or another victim will fall into the piggy bank of the victims of the next cheaters?

At what point does it happen

One of the main issues in real estate transactions is the time when funds are transferred from one side to the other. Money can be transferred both before registration of the transaction in Rosreestr, and after, however, there are some nuances here.

So, for the seller, the most acceptable option is when the buyer pays the sale price even before the apartment changes its owner.

In addition, the seller insures himself against the risks of being deceived. Indeed, after the change of the owner, the “reverse” procedure can be carried out only through the court - if the transaction is declared invalid.

If the buyer appears to be in good faith, the moment of transfer of funds does not play, in fact, any role. Of course, there is a possibility that after receiving the funds, the seller will refuse to proceed with the transaction. Fortunately, there are few such cases.

Thus, two small conclusions can be drawn:

  • it is desirable that the transfer of money is carried out after the signing of the DCT, but before the state registration of property rights;
  • if the buyer evades payment in every possible way before the state registration of property rights, there is a risk that this is a fraudster who is simply not going to give the money.


The rules for transferring funds for an apartment depend on the market in which a residential property is purchased, as well as on some other conditions:

  1. If the transaction takes place on the primary real estate market, then the parties are the buyer and the developer (physical and entity respectively). Usually, settlements in this case are carried out by bank transfer, however, cash can also be deposited through the developer's cash desk. The method of transferring funds is chosen by the developer, and the buyer can only in rare cases influence this.
  2. For preschool education (contracts equity participation) since 2019, the legislation provides for an alternative settlement scheme - through escrow accounts. In the presented case, the money is also transferred by cashless payments, but not directly to the developer, but to a special current account.
  3. If the transaction is carried out on a secondary, it is generally accepted to pay in cash, but this is the least secure way.

To complete a successful trade without the risk of being cheated, it is better to use secure settlement methods, for example:

  • through a safe deposit box in a bank;
  • letter of credit;
  • through a notary deposit.

How is the transfer of money when selling an apartment

Let's consider what methods exist, and which of them are the most acceptable and safe for both parties to the transaction.

Through a safe deposit box

The most popular method of transferring funds for a purchase is cash, but without directly transferring money “into the hands” of the seller, but using a special cell in the bank.

The procedure for renting and using a cell is maximally adapted for carrying out various transactions with real estate, including for multi-stage ones.

A safe deposit box is a small safe, comparable to a desk drawer, located in a special bank vault - a depository.

The credit structure provides services for renting a cell for an unlimited period. At the same time, the credit institution does not control what exactly the tenant puts in the cell.

The banking institution only provides security for the cell and control over access to it. Thus, complete confidentiality is guaranteed when transferring funds.

Tenant safe deposit box- as a rule, the buyer of real estate. He also lays the money in the amount set by the seller in the safe.

The seller can withdraw funds only if the conditions specified in add. agreement to the lease agreement for a safe deposit box. The agreement is concluded between 3 parties - the buyer, the seller and the bank.

In an additional agreement, the parties can prescribe specific conditions for access to the cell for each person.

For example, the seller must be given specific terms and documents that must be presented to the bank to withdraw money from the safe. If in deadlines the apartment will not change its owner, the buyer will be able to take his money.

As a rule, the seller's passport and the sale and purchase agreement with the Rosreestr mark that the transaction has passed state registration serves as confirmation for the bank about the transfer of ownership.

The parties can determine and additional conditions for the seller's access to the cell. For example, indicate an extract from the house book, which is obligatory for provision, confirming the absence of registered persons c.

Through a notary

The law, in particular, Art. 327 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the possibility of debtors on monetary obligation deposit funds to the notary's deposit.

Based on part 1.1. of the specified article, the agreement between the creditor and the debtor may provide for the condition that the debtor (who is also the buyer of the apartment) is obliged to fulfill the obligation to pay the sale price only by depositing funds on a notarial deposit.

Thus, in order to apply this method of settlement, the parties to the transaction need to indicate in the monetary policy that settlements will be made by means of a notary deposit.

How are payments made through a notary? The buyer of the apartment simply visits the notary at the place of the transaction and gives the money either to cash, or through bank transfer.

The notary accepts the money and keeps it until the creditor (seller of the apartment) fulfills the conditions for state registration of the transaction.

A notary does not keep money in his office. Regardless of the way they were transferred by the buyer, they are in the notary's bank account.

Please note that the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows the buyer to withdraw funds from the notary deposit at any time.

Thus, the parties to the contract in mandatory you need to specify a condition in the agreement on specific cases when the buyer can withdraw money from the notary deposit in order to avoid misunderstandings.

On the day of the deal

Usually settlement on the day of the transaction is a cash settlement method. However, it is recommended to use this “old-fashioned” method only in extreme cases and with 100% confidence in the integrity of the counterparty.

Cash payments are quite common if the transaction is carried out, for example, between close relatives or friends.

Cash risks:

  • the need to transport a large amount of money from place to place;
  • deception and fraud in the counting of banknotes;
  • transfer of counterfeit banknotes.

From account to account

The parties to the process can use another, but less popular method (compared to a safe deposit box) - a letter of credit.

A letter of credit means a service provided credit institution, on the transfer of funds from the account of the buyer of the apartment to the account of the seller upon presentation by the seller of documents certifying the transaction.

A safe deposit box and a letter of credit are almost identical methods of transferring money, with one exception. A letter of credit is a non-cash payment, and a safe deposit box is cash.


In cases where a potential buyer takes out a mortgage to purchase living quarters, the correctness and legality of settlements is controlled by the creditor bank, because it is a priori interested in the safety of borrowed funds.

Depending on the specific bank, settlements can be carried out either through a safe deposit box or through a letter of credit.

If settlements are made through a safe deposit box, the creditor bank may request additional package documentation that provides the seller with access to the safe.

Such documents can be:

  • an extract from the USRR, confirming the transfer of ownership;
  • receipt of money;
  • certificate from the Regpalata on the acceptance of a package of documents for state registration, etc.

Major mistakes

The main mistakes that the parties make when carrying out transactions with the transfer of funds when buying and selling real estate:

  1. Choosing the wrong way to transfer money.

Mortgage lending is one of the most popular services in many banks.

Many of them have even created entire lending centers, each of which is equipped with a separate safe deposit box.

Therefore, when applying for a mortgage loan, you can use this function, which is actually very beneficial.

You can save not only money, but also documents, which are usually of great value, and their loss threatens with serious trouble. Therefore, conducting a mortgage transaction through a safe deposit box is much safer than without using it.

Why use a safe deposit box?

A safe deposit box can be used to store the borrower's money or other things that are valuable to him.

Moreover, when concluding a transaction, the client is not even obliged to inform the bank what exactly will be stored in your safe deposit box.

In such conditions, you will only get a benefit from using a safe: increased security and safety of property in exchange for a small fee for using this option.

Before applying for a mortgage, you will be given a key in your hands, the second set is at the bank employee.

If you plan to allow any of your relatives or friends to entrust the use of a safe deposit box, you will have to issue a power of attorney for this person. But when using this method of storing money, there are some disadvantages:

  1. The cell lease agreement does not indicate the exact amount of money when executing a real estate purchase and sale transaction. Therefore, if a dispute arises, it will be impossible to prove anything in court;
  2. If the sale and purchase of real estate is made with the seller, usually the bank does not check his documents. The lack of responsibility for the accuracy of the documents submitted to receive the amount is spelled out directly in the safe lease agreement. Therefore, this moment must be treated with full responsibility.

The contract must indicate the day of the deposit of valuables or money in the safe. On this day, the seller of real estate and a representative of the bank are present with you when you put money in the safe and check its performance.

The second date will be the approximate period when the seller will be able to withdraw money from the depository. Additionally, a list of documents is stipulated on the basis of which the seller can do this.

In any case, the bank's client has the right to refuse to use the cell when taking a mortgage and offer to use more convenient methods of transferring money.

The cost of the service and its advantages

A bank safe when taking a mortgage must be paid in accordance with the tariffs of a particular bank.

The amount will depend, among other things, on the rental period of the safe, and you will also need to pay a deposit, which the bank will use as compensation if you lose the key.

You can pay for services in cash or using wire transfer... Also, many banks, when using a cell at the time of buying an apartment on a mortgage, offer to recalculate the rental price if the contract was terminated before the end of its term.

Thus, you will have to pay only for the actual period of use of the cell for its intended purpose.

Benefits of using a safe:

  • The amount of money in the cell will in any case remain safe, even if the bank's license is taken away or it goes bankrupt;
  • Money is put into a cell under the supervision of video cameras, if there is a guard, so the whole process is completely safe;
  • The buyer has no reason to worry about his safety when he has a large amount of money in his hands. The same applies to the seller, who can immediately transfer the amount from the cell to his account.

More about the map

  • Up to 5 years;
  • Loan up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.99%.
Credit from Tinkoff Bank Apply for a loan

More about the map

  • According to the passport, without certificates;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 9.99%.
Credit from East Bank Apply for a loan

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  • Up to 20 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 12%.
Loan from Raiffeisenbank Apply for a loan

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  • Up to 10 years;
  • Loan up to 15,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 13%.
Loan from UBRD Bank Apply for a loan

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  • The decision is instant;
  • Credit up to 200,000 rubles only with a passport;
  • Interest rate from 11%.
Loan from Home Credit Bank. Apply for a loan

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  • Up to 4 years;
  • Loan up to 850,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.9%.
Credit from Sovcombank. Apply for a loan

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  • Up to 10 years;
  • Loan up to 30,000,000 rubles;
  • Interest rate from 11.9%.
Credit from Renaissance Bank.

For storing expensive items and valuable papers, as well as for the safe purchase and sale of real estate, you can use the bank's vault. The price of renting a safe deposit box at Sberbank depends on several conditions. In the article, you will learn: how to find a branch with depository bank safes, rates for the cost of rent in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the size of an individual safe deposit box and all the necessary additional information.

Safe deposit box in Sberbank: what you need to know

Bank cells are an ordinary metal safe located in the vault of Sberbank. Often this is a basement, access to unauthorized people is prohibited - you need to go through several security systems: armored doors, alarm systems, document control.

It can be used for both long-term storage and short-term storage - when making an exchange of money or documents, in real estate transactions (buying a house, selling an apartment, etc.).


The bank complies with the confidentiality conditions, therefore, it will not be possible for third parties to obtain information on the holder of the safe deposit box. "Unauthorized admission is strictly prohibited" - in every sense.

From the side of the bank's security service, strict requirements are imposed on those people who claim to get into the storage room. This applies to both landlords and employees. financial institution... Employees must have a permit of the appropriate form, it is issued to a limited number of persons.

Dimensions and capacity

Sizes of individual bank cells and a guideline for capacity.

1 of 3

Storage features

The client can use the safe at any time when the bank is open. Each visit is accompanied by the presentation of identity documents and the keys to the rented safe. Necessarily put a mark in the log of visits.

What to store in a cell:

  • Securities, cash, currency, precious metals and stones;
  • The documents;
  • Antiques, relics, awards.

It is strictly forbidden to store:

  • Items and things that are prohibited legislative framework RF;
  • Weapons, ammunition;
  • Narcotic drugs, toxic and explosive substances.

Types of safes

There are two types of storage available in Sberbank:

  • Standard (as pictured above). Entrance to the premises according to documents. The safe is located by number and locked with a key. One copy is with the client and is required to enter the safe room, the second remains under guard at the bank.
  • Automated storage of customer values ​​(ACCC). Access to the terminal by an individual card, entering a pin code (only the client knows) to "call" his cell, which is already opened with a key. Everything is as secret and confidential as possible.

Automated bank depository - the principle of self-service operation (left). Access terminal (right).

Safe deposit box rental price

Any individual can take advantage of the lease. The main condition is the presence of a passport to conclude a contract. The goals may be different, which means that the timing should be as varied as possible.

What determines the cost:

  • from the region of Sberbank branch,
  • within one region there are several zones - center, region (it is cheaper in it),
  • on the size of the container,
  • from the term,
  • discounts for premium clients 20-30% (Premier / First service packages).
  • for real estate transactions there is a separate tariff clause.

The most common situations include short-term rental options - safekeeping for vacation periods, business trips, real estate transactions.

Monthly rates for an individual

The term is calculated in days and for a period of up to 1 month (more precisely, up to 30 calendar days), the rent is the highest.

We cannot cite all tariffs, since they are different for each region and there is a division into zones in each region.

Reference point: from 38 rubles to 166 rubles per day.

How can you find out exactly the price of renting a safe deposit box at Sberbank for your own purposes:

  • go to the official website;
  • in the upper right corner, select your region (it may be incorrectly identified by the machine);
  • Deposits - Rent of individual safes;
  • On the right you see the "Good to know" block, where the first link is the rates.
  • Look carefully at what gradation you fall into.

It may be easier to call the toll-free number 900 or ask in the chat on the bank's website.

Price in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Based on rental rates for individuals, there is no single cost per service.

The current rental price in Sberbank is indicated by the link:

How to find out all the prices on your own online, we described in the previous paragraph.

If you look at the average prices, then renting a cell in Moscow will cost a little more. WITH minimum dimensions cells the price differs more significantly 38 rubles in St. Petersburg and 75 rubles in Moscow time.

The minimum price for the entire period of use for both cities is the same: 800 rubles.

In the Leningrad region, the minimum is 600 rubles.

For long periods, the rent varies as follows:

  • in Moscow from 34 rubles to 75 rubles per day;
  • in St. Petersburg from 19 rubles to 68 rubles per day.

How to find out the address of the branch for rent

The prices for renting safe deposit boxes at Sberbank have been decided - now you need to find out which branches have depositories.

To find at what address they are located, use one of three methods:

  • Call on hotline Sberbank and ask the banking specialist this question, from him you can get all the information.
  • Contact the bank branch;
  • Use information from the official website.

Once you have found out the specific address, you will have to visit the branch.

  • The bank employee is presented with a passport.
  • Conclude a lease agreement.
  • Payment is made in cash at the cash desk or debited from the card issued by the bank, according to the calculations.

If the safe is used on the same day, during a real estate transaction (when an apartment is sold) you will be taken to the store where you will place your valuables.

Lease and storage agreement

Personal safe lease agreement between natural person and a bank, there are two types:

  • Cell rental- on the basis of an agreement, the bank does not distribute confidential information related to the client and the safe deposit box. Employees have no idea what is there, they are not responsible for the safety.
  • Responsible storage- lies in the fact that the bank is obliged to keep the contents of the safe intact. For this, at initial placement make an inventory of items and enter it into the contract.

👉 And now the fun part:

In Sberbank, there is no option to hand over anything for safekeeping. Only individual bank safe deposit boxes. And this is reflected in the contract, pay attention to clause 5.5 .:

Download the lease agreement for a safe deposit box Sberbank in 2018 from the link:

How to remove a cell for a real estate transaction

In Sberbank, it is possible to rent an individual cell in a bank vault for a real estate transaction. This is necessary when selling or buying an apartment.

Service cost

In this case, the procedure will be more expensive than for normal use. And this is the main source of income for a bank depository.

total cost=Rental price by term+Admission control fee to the safe of the participants in the transaction .

We have discussed the rental price for the term above in detail.

And the control fee is a separate item of tariffs, and it also differs for the regions.

  • Moscow: 2000₽
  • Moscow region: 1000 rubles or 2000 rubles
  • St. Petersburg: 1000 rubles or 2000 rubles
  • Vladimir: 1000 rubles, 1700 rubles or 2000 rubles

The cost within one region depends on the zone, most often the regional center is 2000 rubles, the region is 1000 rubles. Individual features are stated in each tariff separately.

When checking, do not forget to check that you have opened the Sberbank website for your region.

Actions when selling an apartment

Renting a cell when buying or selling an apartment is a smart option that will eliminate fraud. To open it, a bank employee must be present. In the event that you have preferred a long rental period, the rental price will be lower if you count on days. Please note that the minimum rental amount must be at least 700 rubles for the entire period.

Sberbank has safe deposit boxes of the following sizes:

  • with a width of 30-65 cm;
  • with a length of 4-60 cm.

The department will guide you - they know exactly how many packs of 100 bills are included in different containers.

Rent is paid in three ways:

  • At the bank's cash desk;
  • Translation from bank card(only Sberbank);
  • By bank transfer.

After the contract is signed, each of the parties to the transaction receives documents:

  • Agreement;
  • The act of transfer to use and inventory;
  • Key.

To remove a safe deposit box when selling an apartment, fill out the agreement:

Benefits and features

When buying an apartment or other real estate, a safe deposit box is the most reasonable option for exchanging documents and cash, it has many advantages:

  • The contents of the cell are not disclosed to third parties;
  • Access to the safe is open only to the tenant or a trusted person;
  • Security systems and video surveillance work around the clock in the storage, this is a guarantee of a high level of protection;
  • Values ​​are well protected from man-made accidents;
  • Anytime banking day access to your savings is open;
  • Sberbank has equipment to check the authenticity of money;
  • There is no need to pay a deposit;
  • There are not so many bank branches where there are safe boxes, however, in Moscow, St. Petersburg - the list has been expanded;
  • The choice of the size and duration of the lease is up to the client.
  • The cost of renting a safety deposit box for short-term transactions is justified.

As we can see, renting an individual safe deposit box provides an opportunity and a guarantee to ensure the safety of valuables and confidentiality of information. As a rule, it is rented immediately after signing. Please note in which cases an individual or legal entity is responsible to the bank (excerpt from the Sberbank Rules)


At first glance, the rental price corresponds to the goals and capabilities of the bank vault.

One thing is embarrassing - the responsibility for safety is on you, and the values ​​are not with you, but, it seems, under protection.

In fact for last years security control has improved a lot, and it's not worth worrying once again. Moreover, when performing transactions with the purchase / sale of an apartment - this mechanism is perfected, the reputation of the bank is very dear.

Although paying a slightly higher price for a safekeeping contract (this is with an inventory of the contents), perhaps many customers would be more pleased.

And yet, you may be interested in such an instrument as a letter of credit. Safety inscriptions are alarming (why is the safe box not having them?):


The cell is useful for various purposes - real estate transactions, for the safety of documents and papers. The price of renting a safe deposit box at Sberbank depends on the duration of the placement, size, region and even city. You will have to pay extra for the purchase of real estate.

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