
VTB Unified Service 24. VTB Hotline. VTB hotline menu structure

Bank VTB 24 largest bank Russia. The bank is a retail division of VTB Bank and specializes in working with individuals, as well as working with small and medium-sized businesses. The bank has a developed network of branches in Moscow and regions of Russia. The bank's former name was Vneshtorgbank - Retail Services. Traditionally, the bank is one of the strongholds of reliability and guarantors banking system Russia. Rates on deposits in VTB 24 may not be the highest, but reliability is beyond doubt.

For a long time, the bank has been actively engaged in lending to the population, issuing mortgage, car loans and consumer loans. Also common are credit VTB cards 24. Getting a loan from VTB is not easy, but the bank offers loans to responsible borrowers on very favorable terms. If your company is a client of VTB 24, you can count on privileges when issuing loans.

Multicurrency deposits VTB 24

Due to the crisis, which continues to attack today, currency fluctuations have been monitored no less closely than the weather forecast. It is possible that a large number of the world's population have money in different currencies, due to which the effects of fluctuations monetary currencies may also affect own funds ordinary people. Most people learn about currency fluctuations through the efforts of the media, which work very quickly and convey reliable information to the public. Due to significant fluctuations, people start to panic a little, and VTB 24 is now ready to provide its depositors new service- multi-currency deposit. This deposit will help to stabilize your funds in the face of such large currency fluctuations. interest rates you can find out about a multicurrency deposit by calling the VTB 24 hotline.

As you may have guessed from the name of the contribution, which speaks for itself, this is a contribution to different currencies, that is, the investor can deposit part of the funds in dollars, part in rubles and part in euros. These currencies are the most common in Russia, but there are others, more rare currencies, which can also be invested through the multicurrency deposit service. In most cases, these "exotic" currencies are of little interest to anyone. Also, VTB 24 Bank provides the ability to transfer from one currency to another. On transfers, you can earn live, in fact, as well as on the world-famous Forex. For more information about connecting to the Forex market, please call VTB 24 in your city or call the general VTB 24 hotline. simple circuit, for example, if you understand that the dollar will fall against the ruble in the near future, then you transfer your funds into rubles, and if it turns out that the dollar rises sharply again, then transfer funds back from rubles to dollars with a big profit for it yourself (depending on total amount translation). When depositing, you can determine the proportions of currencies yourself. But everyone understands that banks get a decent profit from this service, which makes you think about the conversion of funds.

Unfortunately for many depositors, there are few such banks in Russia, VTB 24 is one of them. This is due to the fact that a multi-currency deposit forces the bank to enter new deposit conditions, which adds a lot of headaches for bank managers. But banks that already provide this service are starting to compete with each other because of which they offer more profitable terms. You just need to choose a bank with the most favorable conditions for you and invest your multicurrency deposit in it.

For convenience a hotline was created for VTB 24 Bank customers , which allows you to get an operational technical support for VTB 24 bank customers. With the hot line of the bank, you can do the following:

VTB 24 customer service call center services by phone

  • get information about all bank services VTB 24 hotline;
  • apply for a personal loan by phone and via the Internet;
  • calculate the interest and payments on the loan;
  • issue a credit Classic card Gold or Platinum;
  • find out interest on multicurrency and profitable deposits and others banking products by number VTB 24;
  • get information about the balance of the debt on your bank card by calling VTB 24;
  • find out the amount of the balance on the credit card;
  • find out and adjust the loan repayment schedule;
  • learn everything about remote service in the "Telebank" system in VTB24 hotline;
  • if you need to make a transaction in the Internet banking system "Telebank"
  • get advice on design currency transactions and foreign exchange transactions, learn how and draw up a transaction passport;
  • get advice on connecting to the "Bank - client online" for legal entities, generate a password, obtain a VTB 24 certificate via the hotline.

The most popular hotlines!

mamipizza.ru - Banks. Contributions and deposits. Money transfers. Loans and taxes. money and state