
The first paper money appeared in the ninth century in China. History of money. Money: the history of the emergence

Paper money is the most important discovery of humanity. This discovery, we certainly obliged to the Chinese. As you know, the Chinese have created paper, and later a typography. Mode of production paper money Connected both of these discoveries.


The first paper money appeared in China back in the 800s of our era. Metal coins were very hard to carry on long distances, so the government was thinking about creating paper money. It began to pay merchants not with coins, but special certificates that easily exchanged for "solid" money. These certificates depicted people, trees, officials put their signatures and prints. Paper money, most likely, travelers who returned from China were brought to the West. In Russia, they appeared in 1769.


Paper money is very convenient in circulation. Compared to coins, they are easier to store them, and they are convenient when calculating. The issue of this money is engaged in the state. Paper money is protected by special signs, such as watermarks, various colorhouses, etc. This is done to protect government money. Fake such money is very difficult.

Paper money performs two functions: means of handling and means of payment. They cannot be exchanged for gold, so do not go out of circulation. Sometimes, the state, experiencing a flaw money, Laugs more and more paper money. But it can be dangerous if you do not take into account the commodity in the country. As a result, paper money is "stuck" in circulation, and their impairment occurs. Let's give clear reasons for such an impairment: the state has released an excess amount of paper money; Incorrect export and import ratio.

So, the essence of paper money is that they are issued by the state, do not exchange on gold, and are endowed with a certain course.

The very first paper money in the world began to produce the Chinese. It happened at the beginning of the ninth century of our era. Ancient paper made of paper were large rectangular sheets with sizes of about twenty-thirty centimeters.

Paper Money Creating Backgrounds

China's emperors tried to replace money made from metals to more comfortable and affordable. The first attempts are attributed to the first century to our era. Then the parchment was used as the material. There was a whole series reasons that led to the introduction Similar innovation:

  1. Copper. In China, the dennaunks were made predominantly from copper, which was one of the most popular metals of that time period. Therefore, the substitution of the material allowed the use of valuable metal for other needs.
  2. "Heavyness" of calculations. The middle wallet for the merchants began his weight from three kilograms. And major transactions could be accompanied by a whole sum of payment.
  3. Development of paper industry. Paper is strong enough, cheap and lightweight. As led to a complete replacement of parchment and parchment money.
  4. State's income. The cost of banknotes was guaranteed by the imperial power. But for this, when exchanging officials charged the legislative interest.

Distribution history

The first paper banknotes of China were released solely on large sums from 1000 conventional units. Therefore, they used mainly merchants. But approximately in the Thirteenth century, the bills available for the general population were introduced.

Then this innovation was appreciated by the Mongols. For a quick rapid period, they switched to the use of paper certificates and brought them to conquered territories. But there money from paper quickly depreciated and did not cease to be in demand.

Japan Introduced on my paper currency already in the fourteenth century, too, in the form of bills for large sums. But already to the seventeenth century was held monetary reformleading to widespread paper for making money.

In Europe The advantages of bills were appreciated, but due to the undeveloped paper industry, the selected animal skin was used as the main material. And only at the end of the sixteenth century in the besieged city, Leiden (the territory of modern Netherlands) first used the paper. The reason was the absence of metal and skin due to the duration of the siege.

The first official money was released from paper in Stockholm already in 1660. The developer was the banker Johann Palmbs. And a year later, the British banks began to issue banknotes.

When they started typing money in Russia

In Russia, the use of printed bills began in 1769, in Catherine II. It was at her order to the main banks of Moscow and St. Petersburg sent metal rubles for half a million.

And on the same amounts released paper bills of various nominal. In this way, the money was provided with depreciation and inflation.

Already by the mid-nineteenth century, Russia completely moved to paper money. For comparison: in Europe, this happened only by the end of the nineteenth century, and in the USA - in the thirties of the last century.

Do you know when books appeared and what did they look like?

Everyone modern manI read at least several historical books and seeing movies, knows that only a thousand years ago, all the calculations were carried out exclusively with the help of coins - gold, silver, copper, bronze and others. Today, in circulation, you can see only analogs made from cheap metals. Mostly people use paper money. What is the history of the occurrence of paper money and the main stages of their formation? You will learn about it from the article.

Where they first appeared

If you simply consider the exchange tool made of paper, the story will lead us to ancient China. Yes, it is here that the story of the emergence of paper money in the world originates. At least just because in China, official version, Paper was made. This was written back in the thirteenth century Marco Polo, and according to the evidence of Chinese historians, such a system existed in the tenth century to our era.

However, this money had the same meaning as shells in South American Indians, sands and sables from the peoples of Northern Siberia, pebbles with through holes from Maori. That is, they were valued simply because they were relatively rare and represented a certain value in themselves.

Therefore, to modern payment system These paper money is very far away. So, if you are interested in the history of the emergence of modern bills, you will have to be transferred to Europe of the fifteenth century.

What has become a prototype of modern banknotes

It was not easy to live travelers and merchants in the Middle Ages. Coming out for the walls of the city, where he followed the guard, they themselves were responsible for the safety of their property, health and life. It was very difficult to cope with this - the robbers were actively industrially on neutral lands uncontrolled by any free city or feudal. Therefore, to kill could well be for a couple of good boots, a handful of copper coins or a few loaves of bread - then many people lived quite hard.

Especially serious was the successful merchants. For example, if you needed to get from the warm and cozy Italy to the unfriendly, blown by all winds of Scandinavia, had to go through dozens of kingdoms, often in constant struggle with each other. But it was necessary to carry sufficient money with him to acquire some kind of demanded goods that could be sold with good profit.

The main means for large transactions were coins - silver and gold. And for a large purchase, I had to carry a very weighty bag of gold with you. If he used silver coins, the wallet was even more fun. Hide him so as not to find robbers who met the merchant in the Dark Forest is simply impossible. Consequently, it was necessary to hire security. A group of experienced fighters would take considerable money to accompany the wealthy merchant with his wealth after half of Europe. Yes, and their reliability could not always be reed.

Then the usurists came up with a new enrichment scheme. The Italian merchant passed a certain amount in his hometown and received an appropriate receipt from them. With her, he could go to any point in Europe, where familiar or relatives of Roshovshchikov were located. By providing a receipt there, he received the amount due to him, and could safely engage in trade affairs. Yes, for such a service had to pay the relevant commission. But this was compensated by the security and the ability to abandon the Great Security Council.

The convenience of paper bills

Soon, such a scheme began to get more and more widespread, as there had a large number of advantages.

For example, a receipt received from a respected, serious specialist allowed to abandon the inspections of precious coins on fake, weight and simply the content of noble metal.

The compactness has already been mentioned above: the receipt for ten gold coins and ten thousand had the same size and weight, which allowed the merchants to travel to the snow.

Plus, there was safety - by ordinary coins anyone could take advantage of the departure - only a certain person. Therefore, it was often stealless, because the usurists who treated with their reputation would not make the receipt for a thousand gold coins brought by a famous robber.

From now on, it is the history of the occurrence of money from paper - from such receipts.

Paper - no more merchants

Soon simple people Also assessed the advantages of paper payments, first of all, thanks to the advantages listed above.

But they also liked that when moving from one city to another, it was easy to exchange receipt for real money. Change the same golden English coins on their analogue in France, not to mention Italy or Russia, it was relatively problematic.

But truly widespread banknotes have gained at the moment when they received support from the state.

Political recognition

European rulers quickly understood that it was much cheaper to make paper money than gold and silver. If only because paper has become much more affordable than precious metals. And here the story of the emergence of a new payment format received a serious impetus.

Wars and arranging lush balls, devastating the treasury, many kings were forced to produce not too high-quality coins. For example, copper coated with a thin layer of silver and gold. It didn't like this simple people - in fact, they had to buy ordinary metal at the price of precious.

But with paper bills there were no such problems. Simple peasants, workers and soldiers could not know that the banknote released by the state was not provided with gold, and with pleasure they took it, not expressing the slightest discontent.

But on it short story The occurrence of paper money does not end.

Banknotes in the Russian Empire

In our country a new payment Tool It appeared during the Board of Catherine Great. According to her decree, two banks were founded - in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The capital of each of them was 50 thousand rubles with copper - astronomical amounts at that time. The main task of banks was the introduction of paper bills into circulation - a certain golden reserve (even if they were copper) for this they had.

In subsequent years and the century, the paper ruble knew ups and falls, becoming no one with a piece of paper, then one of the most secured and stable currencies in Europe. Very heavy blow caused the first economy world War. Practically without having its own industry, the Russian empire purchased everything from machine guns to cartridges abroad. Because of this, the money was flooded from the country, and to compensate the number of rubles in just four years it was increased almost seven times. Only due to some cunning solutions managed not to enjoy currency. At that time, she depreciated four times in the country, and in the international arena - almost two.

Of course, it is impossible to tell the continuation of the history of money in Russia without mentioning a civil war and revolution. During these years, inflation was simply frightening: for five million rubles (or how they began to be called, lemons) a man bought only boxes of matches.

But when the war is over, and the economy began to fix it, everything changed. The ruble immediately tied to gold. And in subsequent years, several times have replaced the money to stabilize the situation. If it is familiar to tie the ruble to the dollar, in 1924 for one unit of the US currency (far from the most reliable at that time) were given 2.2 rubles. After ten years, shortly before the Great Patriotic War, the course has decreased to 1.2 rubles.

After the war, despite the sharp strengthening of the American dollar, the ruble steadily ahead of him. In 1961, the dollar could be obtained 90 kopecks, and in 1988 - only 56 kopecks.

Such stability ruble was obliged to binding to gold. Starting from the completion of the post-war crisis and ending with the collapse of the USSR, one "wooden" cost exactly 99 grams of gold. Such a binding made it one of the most stable currencies in the world.

So, if we talk about such a topic as the history of the occurrence of paper money in Russia, these years will become a glorious page.

When the system stopped working

After the US war, all countries of Europe called on, in fact, the world managers, to unite and tie their currencies not to gold, as it was earlier, but to the dollar. It happened on the Bretton Woods Conference held in the state of New Hampshire. It seemed logical - exchange operations were simplified between states. And the US economy that strongly strengthened during the war years allowed us to provide a dollar with a huge gold reserve - for the stew, the cartridges and equipment of the USSR paid the "ally" pure precious metal.

But it continued not for long. Exchanged dollars on the gold reserve of Europe, the United States suddenly announced that all the obligations taken by them on the Bretton Wood Conference are canceled in unilaterally. Refusing to provide a dollar gold, the country continued to uncontrollably produce currency, offering loans to the whole world and bought a real treasure for anything worthless paper. Of course, the story of the emergence of money did not know such treacherous techniques.

What is the situation in the world today

Today, no currency in the world is provided with gold. Therefore, the whole story of the emergence and development of paper money is crossed.

The lack of reference to the precious metal led to the fact that the currency has such a value which other countries are ready to offer for it. For example, the United States produces a large number of dollars without having no powerful industry or rich natural resources. And Russia sells oil, gas, wood and other fossils in Europe and Asia - precisely for American dollars. This generates demand for this currency, allowing the US economy to remain afloat.


Now you know a brief history of the emergence of money and money functions in modern world. We traced the ups and downs of this system together. Well, how will it be in the future, alas, they cannot even predict even the best economic experts.

"The History of Money" The report briefly stated in this article will tell you about when the first money appeared and how they evolved.

Message "Money History"

To say exactly when money appeared difficult. After all, even the concept of money at all times was different. During the existence of primitive people, exchange was practiced. For example, those who were engaged in a pottery did the pots and jugs, blacksmiths - tips for arrows, blacksmiths and so on. Realizing that this is not very convenient, the concept of what is the value of food and things is different.

A new monetary form has become certain items, goods or animals. For example, on the island, Nauru was calculated by rats, in Ethiopia Salt Brucks, Aztec - Cocoa Beans, and American colonists - tobacco leaves and animal skins. The most common money of the ancient times were Kauri sinks: they were used in China, Africa, India and Thailand.

During this period, the requirements for money were formed:

  • They should not be cleaned when transferred and stored.
  • Money should be light and small.
  • With the smallest division, their overall value is not reduced.

History of the appearance of metal money

Approximately in the VII century BC Metal money took a solid place in economic system Most countries in the world. The first coins were issued in Lydia in 687 to our era. They were like beans and were called standards, stats. Then they began to make in Greece, in the south of Italy and Malaya Asia. Gold coins carried the greatest value, then silver and copper money went. In the IX-X century centuries, coins became coins in Kievan Rus. Scientists suggest that in ancient China they began to be minted even earlier than in Europe. With that, on coins, special holes were made in the middle for more practical transportation.

Starting from the XVII - XVIII centuries, precious metals used in coin chasing were replaced by "ordinary" - aluminum and iron. Full-scale metallic money production began in the XVIII century.

History of paper money

The first money from the paper appeared in 800 BC to our era in China. Their emergence is due to the fact that the emperor was uncomfortable to transport entire mountains of metal coins. And the Chinese came up with paper from which they began to make money.

The first mention of money from paper in Europe belongs to 1574. One Netherlands city was besieged by the Spaniards. The inhabitants did not have coins or skin and they took advantage of the paper in order to temporarily replace metal money for their repurchase.

After a few decades, such a cash equivalent appeared in Sweden. Then banknotes began to produce in England. In Norway, the first paper money appeared in 1695, in Denmark in 1713. In France, banknotes entered the turnover only in 1871.

In North America, they appeared in 1690. Finally, banknotes were legalized by the US Congress in 1775.

There is such a chance that in a short time, paper and metal money will be ousted by digital currency, as almost all large trade operations Take place via the Internet.

We hope that the message on the "money history" helped you prepare for the lesson. And you can leave your message about money through the comment form below.

On January 9, 1769, Empress Ekaterina II issued a manifesto on the basis of two appointence banks and the issuance of assignments. From this point on, the history of paper money in Russia began. Today is the most unusual Russian cash bills.

First Russian assignment

The first paper money in the Russian Empire became bills of dignity 25, 50, 75 and 100 rubles issued in 1769. They were printed on white paper with watermarks. Then it was a peak technologies, and today coins with QR code have been released. New Russian money was called assignments and printed in two Empress Empress Catherine II banks in Moscow and in St. Petersburg. The official purpose of replacing copper money on paper is the need to reduce the cost of the issue of money, but in fact, in fact, the wise of the Empress conducted fundraising for the organization of the Russian-Turkish war.


The largest in size Russian Empire It is a bill with a dignity of 500 rubles, which has been produced from 1898 to 1912. The size of the bills is 27.5 cm by 12.6 cm. In 1910, one "Petenka" is two annual salary of the average Russian worker.


Cash bills, which in 1917 in Russia issued a temporary government, and in the period from 1917 to 1919, the State Bank of the RSFSR on the same cliché before the appearance of Soviet monk, called Kerenki, named by the last chairman of the temporary government A.F. Kerensky. As monetary signs, they appreciated very low, and the people prefer the royal money or the government's monetary signs, which at this time captured power in a particular territory. Small kerneks (20 and 40 rubles) were supplied on large undisputed sheets without perforation, and during the issuance of salaries they were simply cut off from the sheet. A sheet in 50 keriennics with a common nominal value of 1000 rubles in the people called "thing". They were printed with different colors, on the unsuitable paper, and sometimes on the back of the labels of goods and products.


Bills one billion rubles.

In the early 1920s, during hyperinflation in the Transcaucasian Soviet Socialist Republic (and this is the Azerbaijani, Armenian and Georgian SSR) released money sign Nominal 1 billion rubles (spoken - Limard, Limonard). On the front side of the bills were portrayed with nominal figures and in words and contained warning inscriptions, and on the reverse side, artists showed a woman working, coat of arms ZSFSR and plant ornaments.

Paper Chervonians

Most large purchasing power After 1917, there was a bill of 25 Soviet Chervons. It was provided 193.56 grams of pure gold. It is worth noting that at the same time the tips began to produce gold worms in the form of coins of 900 samples with the autumn of 1922 with paper worm. In size, the Soviet Chervonets fully corresponded to the pre-revolutionary in 10 rubles.

"Bread" money

In 1921, during the unrestrained hyperinflation of Soviet rubles and hunger, the Kiev Nuturbation was issued by calculating checks with advantage of 1 babes. Naturecheki was issued with a denomination of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 on the roof or pounds. It was reported that "the smallest bill of the union in the union is equal to 1 in the simtor flour, which is 1/100 Pone of rye flour, 10 naturkopeeks make up 1 Pai, and 100 naturkopoek - 1 natural ruble (powder flour)"

"Wine" money

Wine money Yakutia.

After the October Revolution, the role of money in Yakutia was performed by wine labels, which produced the future of the People's Commissariat of the Republic of Alexey Semenov. It is known about the "wine" money was due to the essay "On the unit" Maxim Gorky. He wrote: "Of all the paper money, which was started in turnover on the limitless space of the Union of Soviets, the most original money released Alexey: he took a multicolored label for bottles of wine, he wrote his hand on Mader - 1 r., At the" Kagora "- 3 r., "Portver" - 10 r., "Jerez" - 25 r., Put the printing of the drug addict, and Yakuts, tungs took this money very well as wages and as the price of products. When Soviet authority I extended these peculiar receipts, Semenov sent me samples of them. "


In the early 1990s, the country was struck by the mass deficit, and it was not enough for the purchase of goods only. The Soviet bureaucracy recalled a proven way to distribute scarce products on cards, but at the same time used the delicate word "coupons".

Checks Vneshtorgbank

In the USSR, there was a network of stores "Berezka", where the checks of the series "D" took checks. Such checks were monetary obligation Gosbank (Vneshtorgbank) of the USSR on the payment of the amount specified in the check and was intended to calculate certain categories of citizens for goods and services. All checks were printed on the goonatic.

Vertical banknote

The 2014 Olympics by the Bank of Russia issued a memorable banknote of 100 rubles. General circulation of banknotes - 20 million copies. This is the first Russian vertically-oriented banknote.

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