
That includes a modern renovation of apartments. What is Eurorepair? What is renovation of an apartment

As you know, there are three main types of repairs: cosmetic, major and renovation. The concept of " renovation of the apartment entered our lives relatively recently. It is hard to imagine that not so long ago, in Soviet times”, any repair included almost the same standard set repair work:

  • Ceiling decoration suggested lime whitewashing.
  • Plain paper wallpapers were glued to the walls. Their choice in stores was small and often apartments in standard typical houses looked like twins.
  • The floor was covered with ordinary linoleum. At best, they laid the parquet, if the finances at that moment did not sing romances.
  • Wooden windows were periodically painted and insulated for the winter.
  • Water and sewer pipes, as well as cast-iron radiators installed for space heating, were painted.

With the beginning of the 90s, times have changed and stores can now offer a huge selection of high quality building and finishing materials. Construction technologies have also changed. How the apartment will look after the repair now depends only on imagination and financial opportunities her owner.

It is worth saying that now, with the use of modern building materials and technologies, not only, but also can be done qualitatively and uniquely. Why, then, did another type of apartment renovation appear - European-quality renovation, and how does it differ, for example, from a major overhaul of premises?

What is renovation of turnkey apartments.

Renovation is a somewhat arbitrary concept. Not everyone will be able to give an exact answer to the question: what is European-quality apartment renovation? We can say that this is an elite turnkey apartment renovation, which includes a whole range of repairs using the most advanced technologies, modern high-quality building materials and high-quality finishing works. All are respected international standards with the direct participation of an interior designer.

And although all these features are inherent in overhaul, but the concept of "European-style apartment renovation" is something more, it is a unique style and a special approach to the implementation of repair work. Below are listed a few main features by which you can determine the euro repair.

If cosmetic and overhaul many people try to do it on their own in order to do it inexpensively, then do-it-yourself European-quality repairs are categorically not recommended and you need to entrust it to professionals from construction organizations. Otherwise, the cost of renovation will only increase.

Signs and main stages of modern renovation of apartments.

Apartment interior design project.

Unlike a major renovation, euro repairs are never complete without the participation of an interior designer who accompanies all stages of the repair from making a sketch to selecting and arranging furniture.

Based on the design project, a complete plan for repair, plumbing and electrical work is drawn up; all necessary construction, finishing and facing materials are selected; the final cost of renovation of the apartment is calculated.

Redevelopment of the apartment during renovation.

The main goal of any repair is to create comfort and coziness in the house, that is, a space convenient for people to live. If the existing layout of the premises interferes with the fulfillment of these goals, then the apartment is redevelopment.

Redevelopment during renovation of an apartment may include:

  • demolition of walls and installation of additional partitions, doorways and windows
  • changing the shape or combining several rooms into one,
  • multi-level ceilings and floors, the manufacture of doorways and arches of complex shape, a complete reconstruction of the bathroom, etc.

Such work requires complex calculations, high professionalism and coordination with the appropriate control authorities. For ill-conceived redevelopment and demolition of load-bearing walls can cost the owner of the apartment very dearly.

Complete replacement of utilities.

Old water and sewer pipes are replaced with more practical plastic ones. Heavy cast-iron heating radiators are being replaced with lighter and more modern ones. If necessary, the pipes are hidden in the walls.

A complete replacement of the old electrical wiring with a new one, which is completely hidden in the walls, floors and ceilings, is being carried out.

Replacement of interior doors and windows.

Old wooden windows are replaced with metal-plastic or wooden windows with double-glazed windows, made using modern technologies.

Alignment of walls, ceilings and floors.

Renovation is, first of all, the highest quality of work, which means perfectly flat surfaces and corners of walls, floors and ceilings. The alignment of walls and ceilings is mainly done with drywall and improved plaster. Floor leveling is most often done using a cement screed, performed using various technologies and other methods.

Other stages of renovation of premises.

The rest of the work during the renovation is not very different from the high-quality overhaul or redecoration of apartments. Of course, the most modern finishing and facing materials are used.

Used in painting work different kinds decorative plasters. Tiling work may include the creation of mosaics and other complex types of laying.

When repairing the floor, it is possible to lay cork, artistic parquet or floor coverings from an array of floorboards.

Renovation of the bathroom and toilet provides for the use of new modern plumbing and heating appliances (electric water heaters, shower, hygienic shower, hot tub, bidet, etc.).

Unlike cosmetic repairs, European-quality repairs in an apartment are not done often. Euro repair of a new building does not make sense, since new house can still give a draft, as a result of which expensive repairs will have to be redone.

The use of the most advanced technologies in the performance of renovation of premises involves the use of specific high-tech equipment. Such repairs cannot be carried out on their own or by inexperienced builders, but require the involvement of qualified specialists.

High-quality building materials used in repairs, in principle, cannot be cheap. Therefore, one must be prepared for the fact that the prices for renovation of apartments will be significantly higher than for others.

A properly designed design project and the use of reliable services will help to avoid unnecessary expenses. In this case, by ordering a complex turnkey apartment renovation, you can count on significant discounts when buying building materials and performing repairs.

Turning to trusted professionals guarantees high quality and exact deadlines for the completion of work, and you can safely call it a European-style repair.

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Few people can say what a renovation is. This word has become so popular that it is not always interpreted accurately. The article will help answer this question, as well as tell you about all the intricacies of a real renovation.

The word "European-style renovation" is fixed in the vocabulary of people. Nobody knows the true meaning of this word. Any decent repair is called European-quality repair. If you ask the population about this, you can hear several versions of what a European-style renovation is. Some will tell you that this is when a designer is invited to discuss repairs, others when expensive and imported materials are used to decorate an apartment.

So what is renovation really?

It differs from high-quality repair in that at the beginning of work they invite a specialist, that is, an interior designer, and with his help they discuss future renovation. The work of a designer is not only in proposals for the interior, he also offers materials, furniture, appliances, water supply, ventilation, in general, all the nuances that may follow after he offers you this or that idea. The designer is not only the person who will offer you what paint to paint the wall. He will also advise what material this paint should be from, what company, for which room you choose it and how long you are going to use it.

All the subtleties of design must be taken into account. The success of your repair depends on this. Another responsibility of the interior designer is the zoning of the room. He must think over all the details of the room, choose its design for the functions that the room performs, and also take into account all your wishes and amendments in this matter. He matches the colors of the interior with the material, selects the furniture in the room, the appliances so that it functions correctly, the lighting of the room. The distribution of rooms must match. For example, the kitchen should be equipped with running water, there should be appliances for cooking, etc. The living room should have an area for receiving guests and relaxing.

If the architecture of the room does not fit the organization of functional areas, then you can resort to redevelopment. Renovation also includes redevelopment. If you cooperate with competent specialists, permission to redevelop the premises, that is Required documents, they get their own. The documents must match the calculations that were made during the redevelopment of the premises. Such documents are very important. They must contain permits from the fire department, the sanitary service, and a permit from the home's architects to make sure that the redevelopment does not serve to destroy the building or other unpleasant situations.

Brigades that are engaged in renovation, usually perform a number of additional works. Such as, for example, garbage collection, independent purchase of materials, the use of modern and improved tools. It is also possible that furniture and appliances will be purchased according to your design and interior. If the team is engaged exclusively in repairs, the designer must offer a number of shops and factories where you can purchase the necessary furniture and appliances.

If you have done all these actions to repair an apartment from A to Z, only then can it be called a real renovation.

This word entered our lives about ten years ago, and so firmly that they began to call any more or less European-quality repair. Previously, he whitewashed the ceiling, pasted wallpaper, and that's all the innovations. And now it is difficult to find two similar apartments after renovation. Therefore, perhaps, the representations about renovation very different, for example, you can hear such: “this is when a designer is invited”, or “when there are no colored wallpapers or carpets on the walls”, “when only imported materials are used”. And what does it actually represent? renovation?

From the usual, the most high-class repair, distinguishes participation from the very beginning professional interior designer. It starts with a design project, which includes more than just a sketch. This includes the selection of materials, furniture, electrical circuits, water supply, ventilation, air conditioning, and much more. The customer gets the opportunity from the very beginning to see how his apartment will look like. And, accordingly, make your comments at this stage, and not during renovation which will cost him much more. It is the designer who forms the future appearance of the room, decides on the color and lighting solution, selects the necessary combination of colors and objects, correctly arranging them. The designer has such an important task as organizing living space, in other words, zoning the premises: organizing recreation areas, receiving guests, cooking, etc. The organization of functional zones may not coincide with the initial architectural solution apartments, and then resort to remodeling.

Don't expect to get renovation, inviting a brigade of covens. They will probably be able to “seem to be renovated”, but only experienced craftsmen specializing in a certain type of work can carry out high-quality and high-quality work. And the point here is not only the diligence and skill of the workers. Modern high-precision professional equipment is very expensive, construction firms go to considerable expense, acquiring it, training staff. Only the use of such a tool guarantees in the end perfectly even floors, walls and ceilings, well-installed, windows and that will last you a long and reliable time.

Renovation, in fact, provides for the professional implementation of a design project. We said above that the task of the designer is to shape the future appearance of the room. But his cooperation does not end there. Usually, during the entire time of repair, he advises the personal superintendent assigned to the object. The foreman takes care of contacts with the Housing Office, negotiations with neighbors, ensures the agreed deadlines for work, controls the delivery process and the quality of materials.

Here we come to the materials. It is difficult for an ignorant person to understand their diversity and abundance of assortment. As a rule, the better the materials, the more expensive they are. But an experienced designer is good because he knows the secrets of the interchangeability of materials, knows how to achieve the maximum design effect at the lowest cost. Knowledge of the features of each material is another sign of the high qualification of craftsmen who are responsible for its safety. During renovation you are consulted on materials by a designer and foreman, and professional suppliers quickly and uninterruptedly provide the object with everything necessary. Such a partnership provides your housing with not only high aesthetic, but also operational properties.

In a modern renovation very complex and diverse building technologies that came to us from the West are used. Let's take for example what is right under our feet - the floors. There is artistic, panel, piece parquet, parquet and massive boards, carpets, linoleum and rubber coatings, tiles and stone. These floor coverings have their own subspecies with their own characteristics and specifics of the flooring. The systems of "heat-insulated floors" gain the increasing popularity. Firms taking on renovation, are fluent in the technology of laying all types of flooring. But which one should be preferred? Choosing one or another, professionals take into account their heat, noise, and waterproofing properties, compliance with the type of room, surface workload, service life, and, of course, the needs and wishes of the customer.

Another innovation associated with the word “European-style renovation” is “European-style cleaning”. If earlier only the owner had a headache for the garbage left by the builders, now the company takes care of its professional cleaning and removal. This means that you get not only a renovated shining apartment, but also clean stairs and landings.

European-quality repair cost depends on the list of works and the degree of their complexity, the price of the materials used. Price for square meter a lot of work, can reach $ 200 per square meter. But there are also more gentle options. For example, you can carefully comb the Internet of building materials and order the delivery of quality materials. Shopping online is often more cost effective.

As you can see, it is not easy to give an unambiguous definition of European-quality repair. And yet it exists. European-quality repair is a professional high-quality repair using modern technologies and equipment, including a full range of works with a design project. It gives the consumer exclusive housing - beautiful, comfortable, meeting individual requirements. // vseoremonte.ru, gael.ru

"Renovation" as a concept appeared in the lives of our citizens in the dashing 90s. Most of the population had no idea what it was. The European renovation seemed like this: well, very beautiful, well, very high quality, simply chic, which means very expensive and, therefore, inaccessible to “mere mortals. In short, solid speculation and rumors. Now European-quality repair does not seem so inaccessible, but not everyone has an exact idea of ​​​​it.

Renovation in the modern sense of the word

Renovation is a repair that will be performed with high quality, using modern equipment, modern technologies and materials, professional craftsmen. Its basis is a design project that creates a comfortable, aesthetic, and, most importantly, a purely individual interior of the living room.

The design project is carried out by professional interior designers. And this is not just a picture of "how everything will be." This is an interior designed individually, drawn in detail in sketches. The designer will foresee everything - he will break the room into separate functional zones, think over lighting, furniture, color, any redevelopment.

The project must be supplemented engineering communications, air conditioning system, layouts for furniture, materials, diagrams, etc. The main goal of such a project is a close acquaintance with the future interior of the customer.

The customer can evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the project solutions at each individual stage. And, if necessary, change the selected materials and some stages of repair before the start of repair work.

  1. During a turnkey renovation, using, for example, redevelopment of the living room, they change the appearance of the entire apartment. The companies providing apartment renovation services themselves are responsible for coordinating and preparing documentation.
  2. This is very, very beneficial. We do not differ in knowledge of the laws, and unauthorized redevelopment threatens with fines. And the “journey” of an ordinary citizen through the authorities will take a lot of time. Specialists from the company will be able to obtain the necessary permission in short time saving the customer's nerves.
  3. During the renovation, modern, high-quality and expensive finishing materials are used. With a wide range of materials on the construction market, it is impossible to decide on their choice without the help of professionals.
  4. The materials must correspond to the functional load of the room, the interaction and interchangeability of materials is also important. The color of the ceiling, the pattern of the wallpaper, the shape of the furniture, the floor covering - everything should be in harmony. Only a professional designer can competently solve this problem.
  5. With a successful renovation, cooperation and well-coordinated work of the supplier, foreman and designer is necessary. The designer advises the foreman and is responsible for the implementation of the design project. The foreman negotiates with the Housing Office, neighbors and controls the supply and quality of the material. The supplier promptly delivers materials to the facility. With such an integrated approach, repairs are carried out in the shortest possible time, achieving maximum aesthetic and operational performance.
  6. Renovation brought curvilinear walls, multi-level false ceilings, columns, arches, built-in furniture niches into the interior. Important role ceiling lighting plays - beating it, they visually expand the space, divide the room into zones, highlight a decorative accent. Renovation does not allow a rigid division into functional areas: recreation, dining, work. There should be a "smooth transition", which is achieved by glass partitions in the apartment.
  7. Renovation at a professional level turnkey includes the use of the latest technologies, expensive materials and "European cleaning" services. The customer does not need to tidy up the entrance, apartment, take out construction debris. All cleaning after the repair will be done by the company itself.


To get the “correct” real renovation, you should apply the knowledge of professionals, specialized machinery and equipment.

All this is not cheap. Large companies They spend a lot of money on training their staff and acquiring equipment. Therefore, the services of such companies will be expensive, but the result is worth it. You will receive a professionally designed interior design, the surfaces will be perfectly smooth, plumbing equipment, communications, doors will be installed with high quality.

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