
Insurance agreement Hi neighbor. Hi, neighbor! VTB insurance. Acquisition of the Polish "Hi, Neighbor!"

Polis "Hi, neighbor!" will help the owner of the property when emergency situations. The insurance program includes many risks of the property sphere. To acquire insurance, you need to contact the Bank's Office, pay and immediately get the product.

Residential property is often damaged to the owner. Polis "Hi, neighbor!" promises money compensation With the most common risks. It is doubly pleasant that you can buy an insurance product, both yourself and a friend or a relative as a gift.

After buying, within one month, the service is worth activating. Polis "Hi, neighbor!" Located in the box, and there is an information brochure there. Also, an employee reports the acquirer of the activation code.

Insurance casesincluded in the "hello, neighbor!" VTB, are most popular.

The subject of insurance is:

  • Compensation of harm in the case of flooding of neighbors;
  • Repair of property and furniture;
  • Appliances;
  • Parts of the interior;
  • Items from textiles, personal belongings.

It is worth noting that there are exceptions. If the client was flooded with neighbors on top, and its protection is not yet activated, this case does not recognize insurance.

It is impossible to insure the house. Insurance is provided for either an apartment or a room.

Insurance compensation Approaches the following cases:

Report a problem should be immediately. To do this, the client needs to contact the company's employee and follow the instructions received. The phone number is indicated in the insurance contract, as well as on the product box.

Tariffs for services

If a person decided to insure the property according to the program "Hi, neighbor!", It is worth choosing from the following types of policy:

  • Standard (Economy). It has a minimal price, and when an insurance event occurs, the user receives payment for the restoration of communications and the repair. In the same size, the repair is paid household appliances and replacement of furniture;
  • Comfort (classic look). This type of policy is reimbursed from the first only the sum of the insurance coverage. Also, the program includes the risk of flooding an apartment.
  • Premium (maximum protection). This is the most expensive program defining a high level of protection. Insurance compensation is a large amount, and in the absence of a residential area, the Bank pays the accommodation of the owner of the policy of the hotel.

Cost of the Polis

Set the value of the property is adequate. It is from this that the price of the policy depends.

The more the company is ready to pay for the insured event, the higher the cost of the program. Before buying a product, it is not necessary to assess the property. There are no additional costs.

CostsAnaval amount (payment with damage to property) Maximum amount of payment (civil liability) 549 rubles.100 000 RUB.50 000 RUB.799 RUB.150 000 RUB.70 000 RUB.1 599 RUB.300 000 RUB.200 000 rub.2 999 rubles.500 000 rub.250 000 rub 4 999 rub.750 000 rub.350 000 rub.

Where insurance is happening

You can make insurance in almost any place.

  • It is most convenient to do this in the insurance company. Employees own product information, they are ready to advise the client and give exhaustive answers to all questions.
  • It is convenient to make a purchase in communication salons. In addition to some kind of business (payment of the phone), you can buy insurance.
  • In the banks of the VTB Group, employees are also informed and dealt with insurance issues. Can help with design.
  • Electronics stores offer an insurance product in addition to the loan decorated into their product.
  • Even in the posts of mail, there is a policy "Hi, neighbor!".

Purchase Polis remotely

It is convenient to acquire a product in the office and enjoy the consultation of the employee. Due to lack of time, not all buyers can come to the point of sale. For this, a wonderful feature is created: design online. You need to start a purchase on the official VTB website. The insurance company opens the page with tabs, easy to use.

The process looks clear like this:

"Property" → "Apartment insurance" → "Data of housing" (apartment area, its exact address).

Amount insurance Polisa. The program calculates automatically.

The client remains to decide on the period of insurance. The data entered by the buyer is entered into a policy. Next, payment is made by the card. And the client becomes the owner of the "Hi, Neighbor!".

Documents for registration

For the execution of the policy it will take a basic package of documents: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a certificate of registration of ownership.

Requirements and difficulties in concluding the contract

Only an adult citizen of the Russian Federation can arrange insurance. If the owner of the housing is a minor child, the service issues his legal representative.

The policy return is not subject to, because after buying the funds are not returned, but credit contract Unable to terminate.

Extension of the insurance program is not provided. You must purchase another policy.

Activation of the Polis

The policy begins only after passing the activation process. This option is available on the company's official website.

  • Polis number. It is indicated on the policy, there is also a contract.
  • Activation code. Was sent to the phone number when buying.
  • Buyer data. Entered in accordance with the passport.
  • Property address. The exact address of the location is required.
  • Insurance period. Installed by the client.
  • Contacts for communication. It is better to specify several phone numbers.
  • E-mail.

At the specified email address from the insurer, an informational letter comes, which contains a copy of the policy (Print) and the link to the personal page (for registration).

Insurance begins to act a month after activation. This condition is introduced to avoid cases of fraud. Protection period - one year.

Reviews about insurance "Hi, neighbor!"

80% of insurance product reviews are positive. Users believe that it is easy to arrange a policy easier and long. This saves time. It also noted that during the damage received, compensation often covers the entire amount of damage caused. Positive statistics stimulates users after the expiration of insurance again acquire the product.


Worry for her property, owners buy the policy "Hi, neighbor!". The presence of the Polis guarantees the calm of the owner. Insurance company VTB will always help in the event of problem situations.

If you need protection against accidental troubles, the most optimal choice is the "Hi, neighbor!" VTB Insurance. This product offers the insurance of the most common risks, and its cost is relatively inexpensive. The main advantage of the policy is not needed a lot of time on the design, it is enough just to come and acquire as a product in the store.

Product Features from VTB Insurance

Insurance program "Hello, Neighbor!", Which implements "VTB Insurance" is positioned as a convenient and rapid solution if insurance is needed from basic risks. To buy this policy, property is not made, and no documents are required from the buyer. Maximum - may ask a passport to make sure the acquisition of the Polis is a citizen of Russia.

Insurance can be issued on yourself or give it to someone. The main thing is to activate the "Hi, Neighbor!" VTB insurance on the company's official website and specify the information of the beneficiary.

When buying a policy, the client will receive a contract, special code and a brochure, which explains the features of insurance "Hi, Neighbor!" VTB, including described how to get paid and in what cases.

This policy is convenient because the client does not need to choose insurance risks, overpay for unnecessary options, delved into complex legal formulations. The product already involves a basic set of options that make most customers of the bank.

In the video, the circumstances in detail are explained in which property insurance can be useful and even necessary

Risks of damage to housing - apartments or houses

According to the rules "Hi, neighbor!" VTB Insurance Possible Insurance Protection of the following objects:

  • interior finish at home;
  • infrastructure elements;
  • appliances;
  • textile products, furniture and any movable property;
  • civil liability (for example, if the Polis owner accidentally flooded the lower tenants and now must pay for their repair).

As can be seen, the risks are quite real and fairly common. In the policy, you can insure a room or apartment, a private house or a cottage can not. Most often uses the "Hi, Neighbor!" VTB 24 for insurance apartments. Protection is initiated upon the occurrence of the following events:

  • fire, explosion, including gas;
  • flooding or other effects of fluid;
  • natural disaster or technogenic catastrophe;
  • robbery, theft, deliberate arson and other illegal actions on the part of third parties;
  • falling objects and other impacts.

The cost of the policy "Hi, neighbor!"

The client himself can choose what the cost of the "Hi, Neighbor!" VTB insurance. The choice is offered three options that include the same risks, but differing in the insurance amount (it is precisely those tools that the owner of the policy will receive when the event provided for by the contract).

Thus, the higher the initial cost of the policy, the greater the insurance premium will be. Since the property under the VTB 24 program "Hi, neighbor!" It is not necessary to evaluate, the client does not carry additional costs. If he has a lot of expensive property, it is better to buy inglorious insurance. Otherwise, the insurance payment will not cover potential spending.

How to purchase Polis

VTB 24, Post Bank and Partners

Acquisition of the product "Hi, neighbor!" VTB Insurance is possible immediately in several outlets and banking institutions:

  • in the office of the insurance company;
  • in all banks of the VTB network: VTB 24, the Bank of Moscow, Mail Bank;
  • in partner banks: Raiffeisenbank and Sovcombank;
  • in the communication salons "Euroset", "MTS", "Beeline", Rostelecom;
  • in household appliances and electronics stores "know-how!", Eldorado (when buying any product, managers, as a rule, are proposed to additionally purchase polis - this can be useful, especially if the technique is purchased on credit).

It is also possible to purchase the "Hi, Neighbor!" VTB Insurance in Russian Post and some other partners of the company. The only thing that cannot be done is to buy a policy online. It is necessary to get a special code in places of sale and activate "Hi, neighbor!" VTB Insurance by official Bank Companies.

Requirements, rules and reviews

As noted, there is no special requirements for the buyer. However, there are restrictions on the personality of the insured person and on property. So, the user must be an adult citizen of Russia, and the insured property is approached by value restrictions.

Judging by the reviews about VTB insurance "Hi, neighbor!" Special difficulties with the execution of the policy does not arise, as with the receipt of insurance payments.

However, the owners of the insurance product sometimes there are a question of how to return the policy "Hi, Neighbor!" VTB insurance. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this, since the policy is a finished product of one-time use. After activating the code, the agreement between the client and the insurance company enters into force, and terminate the contract, receiving a previously paid award, it is impossible.

Subsequently, if the insurance must be extended, you need to buy a new policy.

Activation of insurance

But it is not enough to buy a policy, you need to "run" it. Do not everyone know how to activate "Hi, neighbor!" VTB insurance. This is done on the official website of the insurer, namely on this page: https://www.vtbins.ru/individual/property/privet/activatePrivet/

The owner of the policy must be specified:

  • polis number;
  • activation code;
  • the term of the policy (all of these data can be found in the contract);
  • information about yourself;
  • email address and phone;
  • the address of the apartment or room that will be insured.

You need to specify a real e-mail, as it will come to it:

  • link to activate a personal account;
  • the policy itself, which can be printed or saved in in electronic format.

A month after activation, the policy will become valid. Insurance protection is valid for 1 year.

After the activation of VTB insurance "Hi, neighbor!", The month of "expectations" comes, during which the policy will not act. This is done specifically to eliminate insurance abuse.


Thus, the policy "Hi, neighbor!" VTB Insurance is a very convenient tool for those who need an affordable and simple protection of property and their own liability. Insurance payments on the policy are fixed, but their size is enough for the needs of the average client. You can choose a suitable product price. However, the acquisition in itself does not give any protection, since the policy must be activated on the official website of the insurance company. A month later, the contract will enter into full force.

How often leaving the apartment or leaving vacation home For several months, did you think about the preservation of our own property, what can suffer from unforeseen incidents? Did you think about how long the losses cost, and what will the price be the restoration?

It is in these cases that the insurance policy "Hi, Neighbor!" from VTB. The company is long on the market and managed to establish itself as a reliable insurer, which is the leading dozen insurers of Russia. The company proposes to insure an apartment, house, cottage, as well as furniture and equipment in them.

A unique offer from VTB Insurance - the policy "Hi, Neighbor!". The uniqueness is that it can be bought in the finished form, almost without documents and inspections. The seller can ask only a passport, although it will be needed at registration.

This insurance package can be supplemented or used independently, and all the necessary options are already inscribed in the contract and do not specify or add.

Property Insurance Rules "VTB Insurance"

The insured amount is divided into two parts, one of which protects the property and personal property, namely:

  • Cosmetic repair, electric wiring, water supply and domestic equipment;
  • All the equipment, including video and audio, household;
  • Furniture, jewelry, valuable property and clothing.

Second part protects civil responsibility The insured in front of neighbors, guests and other third parties who could suffer as a result of emergency situations.

Insurance situations:

  • Prohibited by law actions, for example, theft, attempt to penetrate, hooliganism, fight and so on;
  • Flooding, regardless of the reasons;
  • Natural disasters, such as hurricane, flood;
  • The occurrence of a fire, as a result of a lightning strike, closing electrical wiring, explosion of household appliances and other things;
  • Damage to the property as a result of the impact on it is mechanically, for example, it can be damped, scratched.

The cost of the VTB policy under the program "Hi, Neighbor!"

There are six pole varieties "Hi, neighbor!":

The cost of the insurance policyThe maximum amount of payment is sent to the defense of the property (if damaged: interior decoration, movable property, home appliances)Maximum amount of payments for repayment of civil liability
549 rubles100 000 rubles50 000 rubles
799 rubles150 000 rubles70 000 rubles
1,599 rubles300 000 rubles200 000 rubles
2 999 rubles500 000 rubles250 000 rubles
5 000 rubles750 000 rubles350 000 rubles
12 000 rubles1,250,000 rubles750 000 rubles

Of these, three popular tariff are distinguished:

  • The first policy is worth 1,599 rubles and the cost of coverage of inexpensive property is most suitable for communal and apartments.
  • The second policy costs 5,000 rubles and is designed for apartments with renovation and country cottages, insurance amount 1 100,000 rubles, of which 750,000 are sent to protect property, and 350,000 for repayment of civil liability.
  • The third and most expensive policy costs 12,000 rubles, with increased protection of up to 2,000,000 rubles, of which 1,250,000 can be sent to compensation for the lost immovable and movable property, and 750,000 can be used to reimburse the damage to third parties. Designed for luxury residential buildings and apartments to cover all damage. Sold exclusively in WBB insurance offices.

If it turns out that the sum of any damage is more declared compensation in the contract, the insurer undertakes to pay it himself and not claim additional insurance premiums. If the amount of damage is less promised, it is compensated completely without the right to count on the remaining money.

Ivanov and Petrov bought two polishes worth 5,000 rubles ...

Ivanov and Petrov bought two polishes worth 5,000 rubles. After a certain time, they had a breakthrough of the pipes at the same time, at the time of launching the heating season. Petrov was at home and managed to eliminate an accident on time with the help of a specialist. Services. Ivanov was lingered at work and therefore he suffered not only his apartment, but also the apartment of the neighbors from below. According to the result, total amount The damage to Petrov was - 100,000 rubles, which included replacement of batteries, parquet and payment of emergency services. Ivanova, the general damage was more than 1.5 million, as it was necessary not only to change the pipes and parquet, but also to pay damage to neighbors. Turning to B. insurance companyIvanov received only the declared 100,000, and Petrov 700,000 and 400,000, the remaining money he had to pay from his pocket.

Where can I make a policy "Hi, neighbor!"?

Insurance policy "Hi, neighbor!" VTB insurance is distinguished by its availability, because it can be bought not only in the office of VTB Bank, but also in Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank, in Russian Post, in Rostelecom, in Euroset's communication salons, MegaFon, in Eldorado stores, know-how, connected and Other partners.

In order to purchase it, you do not need to provide documents on property, the conclusion of appraisers and generally show your real estate. The seller can ask a passport to confirm the purchase.

Activation of the "Hi, Neighbor!" from VTB insurance

Insurance begins to operate only after activation, and it must be carried out no later than the 30th day from the date of purchase. The time of the insurance policy is 1 year. To activate the purchased policy, you need:

1. Go to the official website of VTB in the "Private Persons" section and find "Property Insurance". There choose the service insurance policy "" ().

2. In the left menu there is the "Activate Polis" button, click on it.

3. After pressing it, the page will open in which there will be fields for making information. The policyholder independently contributes the policy number, the activation code and the validity period.

Then provide information about yourself:

  • Date of Birth;
  • Contact phone number and email.

Be sure to be reduced about the insured property:

  • Type of property (apartment or house);
  • Region, city, street and house of the insured structure.

Now the policy is officially activated and comes into force in a month (waiting period, 1 month insurance will be frozen), it is done specifically to prevent abuse. Be sure to keep checks about the purchase, they will be needed upon the occurrence of an insured event.

I decided to write how to competently handle the insurance company.

By phone. Tablets and technique. PTP +.

Let's finish you pay 5000 rubles to get 50 thousand. Who will calmly give up this money? No one. Very often I hear from people - "Money took and AU." You're right.

How to act when you have an insured event. No matter what you are insured, first get your policy (insurance contract) and read it. Believe some 15 minutes, save your time in the future and your nerves. It is impossible to figure out, call hot line Companies, better from another phone, not from which you will call, ask questions to a specialist, specify the list of documents as the policy acts. Even if you are harmful, evil and psychuthet - the operator until the last end will explain to you, clarify and try to explain to you.

You do not need to tell the truth or invent supervisor. This will affect the future. After the consultation, think about how and what to say. Very often meeting parents who hang blades on their children. Phone Child dropped, a child in school pushed, the child ate soup and shed at him.

Believe these details to anyone are not interesting, and they can then play not in your favor.

There is a risk of external mechanical impact - there will be enough phrase dropped the phone and crashed. - Believe it will be a payment, and not the proceedings who and where whom it pushed and why you did not turn to the police, because a third party was involved.

"External mechanical impact"- In this company, its own rules, which means that the defect prevents the operation of the device. If it is scratching, chip or broken the back panel of the phone - then you pass by. The crack must touch both the screen and the edge of the screen. If the device fell and crashed a model that is inside the device, and the device itself is not damaged, alas is not an insured case.

Liquid hit. - Specify the water from a specialist should fill your device from the neighbors or you yourself can drop it into the water. Of course, a specialist will tell the risk of being submitted. And you do not invent then from the neighbors. Water fell - all. Dropped into the water, shed water. As the briefness of the sister of talent says.

Theft. The most difficult thing. Since it is more common here, they pulled out from the pocket - what is equal, the phrase you lost the phone. This is not an insured event. Due to the fact that it is not provable. And if you figure out the brains, you will understand that then any fool used this trick and received money. How to act in this case? Only through the court, it's a mutually, long, but sometimes insurance companies believe the losing and pay. And what is very often.

Do not invent the rain, thunderstorms, cars. These are unnecessary documents. Not one service center will not establish that you smashed your iPhone with a hammer, and the conversations of the insurance company writes.

I do not understand what is written in my policy. - Call hotline, consult until you understand what and how it works. And better from the store, when you get insurance. Sellers can pour into their ears, anything ... to sell.

Features of policies. Frequent errors.

The policy can start not from the day of purchase, look it written on the contract itself with what number it comes into force. If you appeal before the action of the policy, it is clear that it has not yet entered into force and you cannot contact it. No one will look for you, and will not tell you, think you want to get money. And free cheese is only in the teams.

And on the notes to those who shout deception. Insurance This web, everyone is discarded that someone would get money. Believe me, many have received payment.

Remember, you live in Russia, where the paper hierarchy reigns. Do not be afraid when you voiced the pile of paper, no less you will gather in court when you have a refusal, because you did not think, but demanded free money.

Something get to other products. The policy is not bad for whom someone children and phones are often falling and broken. He is bad from theft, like others from other companies.

The main document is requested: the act of the service center is licensed - no in your city, do not despair. In any company accept applications in free form, do not be lazy to find the nearest 200 km, write a statement to your company, competently that you cannot provide not at will, but because very far. Or the act of dear, and the phone is worth a penny. Ask the company to help in your difficult work, as you do not know how to act. Ask for facilities to make a decision without this document or allow you to contact another service that is not licensed, but makes it cheaper and in your city.

Maybe someone my feedback will help get money. And please remember, no one will not give up money immediately. From this and the terms and questions and extra documents. Good luck to you. And do not break your phones and do not shed soups on them

Termination of any contract.

Everyone knows what came out new law And the insurance company must terminate your contract and return the money to you. But not everyone knows how this law is valid.

You have 5 working days from the date of conclusion of the contract (credit, box, etc.)

Conclusion of a contract - you come, buy something, you are issued a contract. Everything from this day is reported 5 working days, for these 5 business days you must submit documents for termination. (Fill out the application, attach an agreement, check payment and your details). If you have a branch in your city (clarify the operator) eat directly to the branch. If there is no branch, do not send by e-mail, send by registered mail with the notice by Russian Post, in order to have a document on sending your documents to your hands.

Box termination!

Hi Dear friends again! This time I decided to tell how to terminate the insurance contract, how to return my money.

Without activation

Now very often VTB24 sellers are sold with a loan, a couple of boxes. That are voluntary insuranceUnlike loan insurance, you are not obliged to buy them and on credit they do not affect. Data boxes: I can do everything, I can all +, live, do not rush! Fizkult, hello, hello, neighbor!

Let's start with the fact that you still have sold the product, but you want to return the money.

Do not activate the product. Or ask the seller if it insists on the activation of the product, say that you activate it at home. On the same day, either up to 30 days calendar, call the SC and ask to terminate the insurance contract, since you did not activate it. Then the procedure will take less time and the money is listed to the account.

You need from you:

Box with product

Receipt. (If there is no check, access to the point of sale. You take a duplicate, slick, the document on which will be written "product, its cost, purchase date."

Bank details, to list your money.

Passive activation - entering for 31 days from the date of purchase (not all products)

Now consider another option. Your policy has activated yourself.

There are two outcome options for events, or policy acts on your property that is owned or on your children, or on you.

If the property is, children too, and you yourself too. Policy is practically unrealistic. Even the court will bend its line that the conditions are spelled out on the product. Here is one option, write a claim in the insurance company, but not with the request of termination of the contract, and with a request to answer for what conditions the termination of this contract is impossible, with a request to clarify the contract item where the return is refused money When terminating the contract and contact the court. Let you have on your hands the documents confirming the refusal of the SC return the money.

If there is no property, children.

To court. Also appeal in the form of a claim in the SC, as mentioned above.

Collect boxes, checks, passport, answers from SC. In court, you can refer to the item "Other Circumstances". This means that you have no property, and since there is no property or children, then this product is not valid. The court you will win 100%, earlier the IC returned the money, but then I changed my mind and began to send people to the court, because so fewer people will be engaged in fiber.

Judicial costs then pay the SC, that is, you need time. Of course, all this is terribly angry, it is nervous. Take your patience my friends, you want to return your blood. I will say that the court will take from the strength of 2-3 days, collecting documents and is less.

The claim is considered 15-30 business days. If you violate the timeline, again a claim. Write, the call in court will not play a big role, and your written appeals will play on hand.

Of course, some will say that I should still do this from for 3000 thousand?

Alas, the scandal in this case does not return money, there are only these options.

How to write a claim!?

Application for A4 sheet, in the Name of VTB Insurance. Specify your Full name. Address, contact details. Your complaints, claims, questions. Complete live signature and your last name and number. Take pictures or scan, send to the address that the operator will tell you. Question to the operator: What is the address, I can send a written claim. How can I clarify the state of my claim?

That's all! Later, I will add other products)

I hope could help you.

In order to feel protected in various force majeure situations, the "Hi, Neighbor!" Created. VTB Insurance offers this program from the most sought-after risks, which has a fairly affordable price. To purchase it, you will not need to spend time on paperwork, but just enough to visit the department and after payment immediately pick up your purchase.

Features of the Polis "Hi, Neighbor!" from VTB insurance

The relevant program provides for the coating in the case of standard risks. You can use insurance yourself or arrange it to another person in the form of a gift. One of the main conditions is to activate the policy on the organization's website and enter the beneficiary data.

Study vTB programs 24 Insurance "Hello, Neighbor!" - Conditions, reviews confirm that the launch of the policy is extremely simple.

At the time of the acquisition of insurance, an informational brochure is issued, an agreement and code for the activation of the service.
As the main advantage of this program, it is necessary to note the lack of the need for a detailed study of the contract, the choice of insurance risks and overpayment for the options that will not be needed in real life. The service provides for the presence of a standard list of options.
The video provides information in which cases of property insurance is extremely necessary:

Risks covered by insurance

Objects that are subject to insurance:
  • appliances;
  • interior decoration of the room;
  • furniture, movable property, objects from textiles;
  • parts of the infrastructure;
  • civil liability (flooding of tenants from below and the need to repair their housing).

Insurance housing protection includes civil liability to neighbors, but before the insurance situation, the policy should be in an active condition.
Risks that include this program are considered as popular as possible. You can insure an apartment or room, but not a cottage or private house. The most common option is the insurance of the apartment.
Circumstances for insurance protection:

  • flooding or other harm to property from fluid penetration;
  • fire, explosion, including gas;
  • technogenic catastrophe or natural disaster;
  • falling objects and other impacts;
  • theft, deliberate arson, robbery and other illegal actions of other persons.

The cost of the policy "Hi, neighbor!"

At the time of purchase, the choice of the price of this policy of three options is provided. All of them include a list of identical risks for which various insurance payments (Money that the owner of the policy will be provided in the situation of the insurance event). The price depends on the size of the insurance coverage, and the riskset is the same. To the goal of payments for large-scale insurance compensation, it will be necessary to pay it initially great amount. According to the program "Hi, neighbor!", Which is offered in VTB 24, it will not be necessary to evaluate property and pay additional funds. If there is expensive property, it is better to give preference to more expensive insurance.

Where you can arrange insurance

Account purchase options:
  • in the office of the Insurance Institution;
  • in the organizations of the VTB Group: Bank of Moscow, Mail Bank, VTB 24;
  • in the salons "MTS", "Euroset", "Rostelecom", Beeline;
  • in organizations that are partners of the Bank: Sovcombank, Raiffeisenbank;
  • in the centers of electronics and life. The technique of "know-how!", "Eldorado" (polis is proposed additionally in the event of the acquisition of technology on credit from the bank).

Purchase insurance "Hi, neighbor!" To protect the apartment is possible in VTB departments, and the procedure for its launch occurs on the VTB insurance site.

In addition, you can buy insurance in the Russian Post. It is impossible to purchase the policy by remote method. Requires a special code that is issued during its purchase at the points of sale.

Rules and requirements

At the time of implementation, certain restrictions are envisaged. The owner of insurance should have Russian citizenship and be adults, and property must correspond to the price of the policy. Based on customer feedback, which enjoyed "Hi, Neighbor!" Polis, if it is purchased and paid insurance coverage, there are no difficulty.

Customer reviews confirm that the policy begins to effect after the activation procedure, and the payments of the coating occur without any problems.

Some of the owners of insurance are interested, is it possible to refund the policy "Hi, neighbor!" From VTB Insurance? This is not envisaged, because As a result of activation, an agreement begins to operate, according to which it is impossible to reverse receipt of funds or termination of the contract.
In order to extend the insurance period, the purchase of a new policy will require.

All details and details on insurance "Hi, neighbor!"

All items and conditions are on.

Activation of insurance

In order for the service to start its action, it will be necessary to launch an insurance company:
Information for activation policy:
  • special code;
  • insurance Policy number;
  • personal information;
  • validity;
  • address of the insured facility (room or apartment);
  • phone number and email address.

Detailed information about «Hi, neighbor!" And its launch is available on VTB website.

Information will be sent to the designated e-mail:
  • electron policy, which can be printed if necessary;
  • link to register in a personal account.
Insurance begins to act after a month after the activation procedure (waiting period) was performed. The duration of the insurance period is 1 year. Performance this condition It is required so that customers cannot use the policy for their mercenary purposes.

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