
How to calculate corporate income tax. Income tax - calculations and examples

Income tax is a direct tax, that is, its value directly depends on the profit received. In order to calculate the amount of income tax payable, it is necessary to multiply the size of the tax base by the accepted tax rate.

Tax calculation formula:

To calculate the tax, first of all, you need the size of the taxable base (NB). There are general rules for calculating it:

  • Calculated total amount income (from sales and non-sales);
  • The total amount of expenses is calculated that reduce income;
  • This also includes the carried forward loss of previous periods.

The income included in the NB includes the proceeds from the sale of:

  • Own goods and services;
  • Purchased goods (services);
  • Fixed assets;
  • Property rights, etc.

We can say that accounting income includes the result of any activity, except for obtaining loans or borrowings.

The list of expenses that can reduce income in tax accounting requires much more attention from the accountant. This list includes:

  • Production and distribution costs;
  • Expenses for the sale of purchased goods, fixed assets, property rights;
  • In addition to the costs of the main production - costs of service industries
  • Implementation costs valuable papers, etc.

In addition to operating expenses, there are expenses not related to implementation, for example, interest on debt obligations, costs judicial proceedings, fines, bonuses and discounts for buyers, etc.

The procedure for calculating the tax base

The tax base is calculated as the difference between the values ​​of all income and expenses for the period. Income is the total profit of the organization in kind or in cash. Income received in kind from operating activities is accounted for at the transaction price. If in the specified period expenses exceeded income, then the tax base is recognized as zero.

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Tax calculation example

Consider the operations carried out in the first quarter. Business operations LLC "Enigma" for the period:

  1. The organization received a loan from the bank in the amount of 2,000,000 rubles;
  2. The proceeds from the sale of own products amounted to 2,478,000 rubles, including VAT of 378,000 rubles;
  3. Production costs (raw materials and supplies) are reflected in the amount of 720,000 rubles;
  4. Reflected costs for wages- 390,000 rubles;
  5. Accrual of insurance premiums for salaries - 62,000 rubles;
  6. Depreciation of equipment and fixed assets - 84,000 rubles;
  7. Interest received on a loan issued to another company - 29,000 rubles;
  8. Reflected expenses for payment of vouchers to employees - 74,000 rubles;
  9. Tax loss for past period amounted to 165,000 rubles.
  • Accounting expenses will be: 720,000 + 390,000 + 62,000 + 74,000 + 84,000 = 1,330,000 rubles;
  • At the same time, expenses in tax accounting will be less by 84,000 rubles, since the costs of paying for vouchers to employees are not included in expenses for OU. That is, expenses in OU will amount to 1,246,000 rubles;
  • We calculate taxable profit: ((2,478,000 - 378,000) + 29,000) - 1,246,000 - 165,000 = 718,000 rubles;
  • The accounting profit will be ((2,478,000 - 378,000) + 29,000) - 1,246,000 - 165,000 = 634,000 rubles;
  • The tax rate is 20%. Income tax amount: 718,000 * 20% = 143,600 rubles;
  • The amount of the tax rate to be transferred to federal budget from 01.01.2017 increased to 3 percent: 718,000 * 3% = 21,540 rubles;
  • Accordingly, the rate of transfers to the regional budget is 17 percent: 718,000 * 17% = 122,060 rubles.

Tax assets and liabilities

In the absence of differences with tax accounting, the calculation of income tax looks quite simple.

But in most cases, there are many nuances that need to be taken into account - otherwise, you can easily violate the law. This will lead to claims tax authorities, additional tax assessment, and possibly fines.

The concepts of tax assets and liabilities came to BU from IFRS, although the methodology for calculating them in RAS and IFRS is slightly different. Permanent and temporary differences serve as the basis for calculating the values ​​of assets and liabilities.

Subtracted BP form a deferred tax asset: BBR * 20% = SHE. Wiring:

Permanent tax liability- this, in essence, is the excess of the tax in OU over the tax calculated in the BU. Its value means an increase in tax payments in the current period.

PNO is reflected by postings:

A permanent tax asset, on the other hand, means a decrease in current tax transfers. Wiring:

Postings for the reflection of income tax in accounting

Let's reflect in the transactions the data of our example:

Therefore, notional income (expense) transactions allow you to clear tax differences between the BU and OU.

By general rule organizations applying general regime taxation, according to the results of the reporting periods, as well as the results of the year, must calculate the profit tax (clause 2 of article 286 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Corporate Income Tax 2019: How to Calculate

The formula for calculating income tax in 2019 is the same as in previous years:

How to calculate income tax: determine the tax base

Interim tax base for income tax

This indicator is calculated using the following formula:

When calculating the interim base for income tax, the following should be considered:

  • the tax base must be reduced by income that is included in the amount of non-operating income, but is accounted for in a special order. Such income includes, in particular, dividends received from foreign organizations(Clause 5.3 of the Procedure approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated 19.10.2016 No. ММВ-7-3 / [email protected]). They are subject to income tax at a different rate;
  • in the event of a loss from operations, financial results which are taken into account taking into account the provisions of Art. 268, 275.1,,, 323 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (for example, the organization received a loss from the sale of fixed assets), the tax base needs to be adjusted. For example, upon receipt of a loss from the sale of a fixed asset, all proceeds from the sale of fixed assets will be recorded in income, residual value- in expenses. And you need to adjust the tax base for the amount of the loss that is not taken into account in the reporting period.

Total income tax base

The base for calculating income tax (total tax base) is determined as follows:

If the interim tax base or the resulting tax base is negative, then it is not necessary to calculate the income tax. After all, the organization based on the results of the reporting / tax period received a loss from which tax is not calculated.

How to calculate income tax: an example

Suppose that the organization at the end of the first quarter of the months of 2019 has the following indicators:

  • income from sales - 1,500,000 rubles;
  • expenses that reduce income from sales - 950,000 rubles;
  • non-operating income - 15,000 rubles;
  • non-operating expenses- 35,000 rubles;

Using the above formulas, we calculate the amount of income tax:

The interim tax base will amount to 530,000 rubles. (1,500,000 rubles + 15,000 rubles - 950,000 rubles - 35,000 rubles).

The total tax base will be 530,000 rubles. (530,000 rubles - 0 rubles).

The amount of income tax is RUB 106,000. (530,000 rubles x 20%).

How to calculate profit before tax

The formula for calculating profit (loss) before tax according to data accounting you will find in.

A novice accountant often needs step-by-step and understandable instructions for the correct calculation of taxes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All basic terms, concepts, rules are regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. One of the most difficult to calculate is income tax. It requires a serious and attentive approach, careful study. Most large organizations in our country pay it.

Determination of the tax, how much is it taxed?

The term "profit" is net income commercial structure, received both in the main area of ​​activity and in additional sources. That is, it is believed that profit is net difference between revenue and expenditure in the activities of the enterprise. Income tax is the so-called direct tax, which is calculated on the basis of the resulting result of commercial activities.

Profit is calculated as the difference between the income received and the expenses committed.

Example... The company's revenue from the shipment of goods in the 4th quarter amounted to 8,500,000 rubles. The accounted expenses for the same period are 6,200,000 rubles. The received profit is equal to 8,500,000 - 6,200,000 = 2,300,000 rubles. This amount will be subject to income tax at a rate of 20%. It is necessary to transfer 2,300,000 rubles to the budget * 20% = 460,000 rubles.

Most enterprises use the accrual method to generate income and expenses. That is, the event is considered executed when the operation is performed, and not upon receipt or write-off. Money(cash method). The last method of calculation is not entitled to use legal entities, whose average revenue for the 1st quarter exceeds 1,000,000 rubles (excluding VAT), as well as banks, MFOs and other organizations in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation.

From the above, it becomes clear that the calculation basis for determining the tax is the difference between the amounts of income and expense. Income is the received revenue of the enterprise from all activities. They must be confirmed by properly executed primary documentation.

What is meant by an enterprise's income and expenses?

All expenses must also be legal, primary documents required. Upon request tax service they are often required to be submitted for review. Incorrectly executed documentation on the expenses of the enterprise will lead to the fact that the expenditure side will be overstated, and, therefore, the income tax is incorrectly calculated. In this case, when checking higher authorities the legal entity will be issued a fine, and a penalty will be charged.

Types of income

An important component of the profit is the income received from the results of economic activities, including:

  1. Sales revenue - revenue from the main types of work of the organization.
  2. Non-operating income that is volatile. This includes the sale of property (if this is not the main activity of the enterprise), dividends, interest received, fines, exchange rate differences, property received free of charge, overdue accounts payable and other income in accordance with Art. 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

As a rule, taxpayers have no problems with determining revenue. However, non-operating income is not always given due attention. For example, debt to counterparties with expired repayment is treated as income. Unrecorded amounts underestimate the taxable base. When checking, the supervisory authorities have the right to calculate the amount of tax.

Types of expenses

The expenses of the organization reduce the taxable base, thereby saving the company's funds on paying taxes. Costs must be economically justified and documented. Otherwise, the FTS may not accept them and recalculate the tax.

What expenses are involved in calculating income tax? The list is legally enshrined and includes:

  • material costs, including the purchase of raw materials and materials of a production nature;
  • labor costs, including other employee benefits, such as bonuses, vacation and sick leave, and others;
  • depreciation expenses of property, repair of fixed assets;
  • mastering natural resources;
  • costs for the development of natural resources, scientific research;
  • voluntary and compulsory insurance property;
  • other costs associated with production or sale and listed in Art. 264 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, organizations have the right to take into account a number of non-operating expenses, which may include the following:

  • expenses for the maintenance of leased or leased property;
  • received negative exchange rate differences;
  • services of credit institutions;
  • legal costs;
  • accrued interest payable on debt obligations;
  • issue of securities;
  • other justified expenses not directly related to the main activity.

Who is responsible for the payment?

While creating new organization founders, accountants and other responsible persons carefully choose the tax regime.

The main taxation system applied subsequently depends on the type of activity, on the volume, on the number of employees in the state, on the areas given for trade, production or storage. There are also a number of factors that play an important role in the choice of the tax regime.

Taxpayers who are obliged to calculate and pay tax in the Russian Federation include:

  • structures that are on common system taxation;
  • enterprises, including foreign subdivisions, which carry out their main work with the help of representative offices, branches located on the territory of Russia;
  • foreign enterprises for which the source of income is a Russian company;
  • foreign enterprises that are recognized as residents in Russian Federation on the basis of an international tax treaty.

A number of income and expenses are not involved in determining the taxable base when calculating income tax. If we are talking about income, then this is the value of property received in the form of a deposit, the amount of VAT, property received free of charge under certain conditions. A more detailed list of such incomes is contained in Art. 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Expenses that do not reduce the taxable base include:

  • accrued dividends after tax;
  • contribution to authorized capital;
  • approved voluntary insurance premiums;
  • property transferred to commission agents;
  • property transferred free of charge;
  • other expenses.

Tax exemption

Legal entities exempted from the obligation to pay this tax are:

Depending on the applied taxation system, profit refers to various objects of income.

Tax payment procedure

The tax is paid to the budget in the form of advance payments both quarterly and monthly. Enterprises whose income did not exceed fifteen million rubles in the four preceding quarters have the right to make advance payments for the quarter. If the profit is exceeded, the tax must be paid monthly.

If the organization pays advance payments on a quarterly basis, then the amount is calculated on an accrual basis for the required period. For example, to determine the amount of payment for the second quarter, the tax for the six months is calculated, and the amount of the payment made in the first quarter is subtracted from it.
The final calculation, as well as the submission of the declaration, is made at the end of the year.

What are the income tax rates

The basic income tax rate is 20%. At the same time, 18% is transferred to the federal budget, 2% - to the local one. For the period 2017 - 2024, the following ratio applies: 17% - to the federal, 3% - to the local.

The laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation allow a general reduction in the rate to 13.5% or to 12.5% ​​for 2017-2024. Reduced rates can be used for residents of a special economic zone and for participants in regional investment projects.

The following categories of legal entities can use the 0% income tax rate:

  1. Educational and medical institutions.
  2. Residents of special economic zones, including tourist and recreational.
  3. Agricultural producers.
  4. Fisheries organizations.
  5. Organizations providing social services to citizens.
  6. Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  7. Participants of the Skolkovo project.

The reduced rate is valid for a certain period of time, approved by law in accordance with the provisions of Art. 284 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Dividends and debentures are taxed at rates of 0%, 9%, 13%, 15%, depending on the nature of the source of education.

How the current income tax is calculated - formula

There are two methods that are used to calculate:

Accrual method. Does not depend on the fact of receipt of funds, payment of the expenditure side. Income and expenses are recognized in the period in which they actually occurred;
Cash method. Income and expenses are calculated on the actual date of receipt of funds or payment of expenses.

The main formula for calculating income tax is considered to be the following wording:

Нпр = ((Др + Днр) - (Рр + Рвнр)) * Сн, where

Нпр - income tax;

Др - sales income;

DNR - non-operating income;

Рр - sales expenses;

Rvnr - non-operating expenses;

SN - income tax rate.

Example... According to the results of the 1st quarter, the enterprise's proceeds amounted to 2,985,000 rubles, expenses - 1,696,000 rubles, non-operating expenses - 156,000 rubles. There was also income from the lease of property related to non-sale, in the amount of RUB 365,000. The income tax rate is 20%. Payable per quarter - ((2,985,000 + 365,000) - (1,696,000 + 156,000)) * 20% = 299,600 rubles.

The income of the organization allows you to make quarterly tax deductions. With monthly payments, the organization would make a payment every month in the amount of 1/3 of the tax amount for the previous quarter, or 299,600/3 = 99,867 rubles. The total tax for the year is transferred taking into account the advance payments. Income tax returns are submitted by the 28th day after the reporting quarter. The deadline for filing the annual declaration is March 28 of the next year.

The amount of tax received in accordance with the rate is subject to transfer. The reporting period for the submission of documentation for the calculation of this tax is a year. However, the advance calculation and payment of the tax is made on a quarterly basis with an accrual total, that is, for the first quarter, for half a year, for nine months, for a year. The advance payment is made no later than the 28th day of the month following the reporting period. For example, before April 28, before July 28, until October 28. If this number falls on a weekend, then the payment deadlines are postponed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Income tax calculation - example

Based on the above, let's try to make the calculation using one more example. A legal entity applying the general taxation system received income for the year from its activities in the amount of 5,000,000 rubles. The expenses incurred in the indicated period amounted to 2,800,000 rubles. All expenses are confirmed by primary documentation.

We carry out the calculation of the tax transferred to the Regional budget.

NP = (5,000,000 - 2,800,000) * 18/100 = 396,000 rubles.

We carry out the calculation of the tax transferred to the Federal budget.

NP = (5,000,000 - 2,800,000) * 2/100 = 44,000 rubles.

The total amount that the organization needs to pay is 440 thousand rubles. However, when paying tax at the end of the year, it is necessary to reduce the amount obtained according to the calculations by the amount of advance payments made by the organization in the reporting period.

Having read this article, it will become much easier for accountants at the enterprise to competently perform the required calculations.

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Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Corporate income tax

Corporate income tax is paid by legal entities under the general taxation system. As a general rule, tax is charged on the difference between income and expenses. In most cases, the tax rate is 20%. This material, which is part of the "Tax Code" for Dummies "cycle, is dedicated to Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" Corporate Profit Tax ". This article is available, simple language tells about the procedure for calculating and paying income tax, tax rates, as well as the timing of reporting. Please note: The articles in this series only provide a general overview of taxes; for practical activities it is necessary to refer to the primary source - Tax Code Russian Federation

Who pays

  • All Russian legal entities (LLC, JSC, etc.).
  • Foreign legal entities that operate in Russia through permanent establishments or simply receive income from a source in the Russian Federation.

What the tax is charged on

For profit, that is, for the difference between income and expenses.

Income is the proceeds from the main activity (income from sales), as well as amounts received from other activities. For example, from renting out property, interest on bank deposits and so on (non-operating income). When taxing profits, all income is recorded excluding VAT and excise taxes.

Costs are reasonable and documented costs of the enterprise. They are divided into expenses related to production and sales (salaries of employees, purchase cost of raw materials and materials, depreciation of fixed assets, etc.) and non-operating expenses (negative exchange rate differences, court and arbitration fees, etc.). In addition, there is a closed list of expenses that cannot be taken into account when taxing profits. These are, in particular, accrued dividends, contributions to the authorized capital, repayment of loans, etc.

At tax audits most of the problems arise precisely because of the costs: the inspectors state that the costs are not economically justified, source documents executed incorrectly, etc., etc. Therefore, accountants, as a rule, pay increased attention to documents confirming expenses.

What is tax free

On profit from activities transferred to single tax on imputed income (UTII), as well as on the profit of enterprises that have switched to a simplified taxation system or to pay the unified agricultural tax.

When to recognize income and expenses when calculating income tax

There are two ways of recognizing income and expenses: on an accrual basis and on a cash basis.

The accrual method provides that income and expenses are generally recognized in the period when they arise, regardless of the actual receipt or payment of money. For example: the organization under the contract must pay the office rent for August no later than August 31, but the rent is paid only in October. On an accrual basis, the accountant must reflect this amount in spending in August, not October.

With the cash method, income is generally recognized when money is received in the current account or cash desk, and expenses are recognized when the organization has settled the obligation to the supplier. So, if the office rent for August was actually paid in October, then with the cash method the accountant will show the expenses in October, and not in August.

The organization has the right to choose itself which of the two methods - accrual or cash - it will use. But there is a limitation: any company can use the accrual method, and banks are prohibited from using the cash method. In addition, in order to switch to the cash method, the following condition must be met: the proceeds from sales, excluding VAT, on average for the previous four quarters, cannot exceed one million rubles for each quarter. The same limit must be maintained during the time when the company applies the cash method. In case of exceeding the maximum revenue, the organization is obliged to switch to the accrual method from the beginning of the current year. The selected method is fixed in accounting policy for the corresponding year and apply during that year.

Tax rates

The basic income tax rate is 20 percent. In the period from 2017 to 2020 inclusive, 3 percent is credited to the federal budget, and 17 percent - to the regional.

For some types of income, different values ​​have been entered. Of these types of income, in practice, the accountant most often deals with the dividends received, for which, in the general case, the rate of 13 percent applies (in full, it is credited to the federal budget). Note that prior to January 1, 2015, the dividend rate was 9 percent.

How to calculate income tax

It is necessary to determine the tax base (that is, the profit subject to taxation) and multiply it by the corresponding tax rate... For profit falling under different rates, the bases are determined separately.

The tax base is calculated on an accrual basis from the beginning of the tax period, which corresponds to one calendar year. In other words, the base is determined during the period from January 1 to December 31 of the current year, then the calculation of the tax base starts from zero.

If at the end of the year it turned out that expenses exceeded revenues, and the company incurred losses, then the tax base is considered to be zero. This means that the amount of income tax cannot be negative, the amount of tax must be either zero or positive.

The correctness of the calculation of the base must be confirmed by entries in the registers tax accounting... Each company develops these registers independently and fixes them in the accounting tax policy. In practice, tax ledgers are similar to accounting ledgers. Two types of accounting - tax and accounting - are needed to reflect the different rules for the formation of income and expenses, acting respectively in tax and accounting. In some cases, "tax" and "accounting" income may be the same.

How To Calculate Advance Income Tax Payments

During the year, the accountant must calculate advance payments for income tax. There are two ways to calculate advance payments.

The first method is set by default for all organizations and provides that the reporting periods are the first quarter, six months and nine months. Advance payments are made at the end of each reporting period. The amount paid for the first quarter is equal to the tax on profits received in the first quarter. The advance payment at the end of the half-year is equal to the tax on profit received for the half-year, minus the advance payment for the first quarter. The amount of payment for nine months is equal to the tax on profit for nine months less advance payments for the first quarter and six months.

Plus, monthly advance payments are made during each reporting period. At the end of the reporting period, the accountant displays advance payment based on the results of this period (we have given the calculation rules above), and then compares it with the amount of monthly payments made within this period. If the monthly payments in the amount are less than the final advance payment, the company must pay the difference. If there is an overpayment, then the accountant will take it into account in future periods.

Monthly advance payments are calculated according to the following rules. In the first quarter, that is, in January, February and March, the accountant calculates the same monthly advance payments as in October, November and December of the previous year. In the second quarter, the accountant takes tax on the profits actually made in the first quarter, and divides this figure by three. The result is the sum of the monthly advance payments for April, May, and June. In the third quarter, the accountant takes tax on the actual profit for the six months, deducts the advance payment of the first quarter, and divides the resulting figure by three. The amount of monthly advance payments for July, August and September comes out. In the fourth quarter, the accountant takes tax on profits actually received for nine months, takes away advance payments for half a year, and divides the resulting amount by three. These are the advance payments for October, November and December.

The second way is based on the actual profit. The company can take this method for itself voluntarily. To do this, you need to notify tax office no later than December 31, stating that within the next year the enterprise switches to the calculation of monthly advance payments based on the actually received profit. With this method, the reporting periods are one month, two months, three months, and so on until the end of the calendar year. The advance payment for January is equal to the tax on profits actually received in January. The advance payment for January-February is equal to the tax on profits actually received in January and February minus the advance payment for January. Advance payment for January-March is equal to the tax on profits actually received in January-March minus advance payments for January and February. And so on until December.

An organization that previously chose the second method of calculating advance payments (that is, based on actual profit) has the right to refuse it, and from the beginning of next year "return" to the first method. To do this, you need to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate no later than December 31 of the current year. In the case of a "return" to the first method, the advance payment for January-March will be equal to the difference between the advance payment based on the results of nine months and the advance payment based on the results of the six months of the previous year.

Companies whose revenue from sales excluding VAT did not exceed an average of 15 million rubles per quarter during the four previous quarters, should only accrue quarterly advance payments. This rule, regardless of the amount of revenue, also applies to budgetary, non-profit and some other organizations.

Newly created organizations charge not monthly, but quarterly advance payments until the end of a full quarter from the date of their state registration. Then the accountant must look at what the sales proceeds (excluding VAT) are equal to. If it does not exceed 5 million rubles per month or 15 million rubles per quarter, the company can continue to charge only quarterly advance payments. If the limit is exceeded, the company switches to monthly advance payments from the next month.

When to transfer money to the budget

If the reporting periods are a quarter, half a year and nine months, then advance payments for the reporting periods are made no later than April 28, July 28 and October 28, respectively. The monthly advance payment for January must be transferred no later than January 28, for February - no later than February 28, and so on through December.

If the company makes advance payments based on actual profits, then the advance payment for January is made no later than February 28, for January-February - no later than March 28, and so on, until January 28 of the following year.

Regardless of the chosen method of calculating advance payments at the end of the calendar year, the accountant displays the total amount of income tax for the past year. Then he compares it with the amount of advance payments accrued for the reporting periods. If the advance payments in the amount turned out to be less than the total amount of tax, the company pays the difference to the budget. If there is an overpayment, the accountant will take it into account in the following periods. The total amount of income tax must be paid no later than March 28 of the following year.

How to report income tax

Companies whose activities are fully transferred to one or more special tax regimes (UTII, simplified system or payment of a single agricultural tax) may not report on income tax.

All other legal entities that have made at least one transaction for the receipt or expense of cash or non-cash funds, regardless of whether they have income, must submit income tax returns to the inspectorate based on the results of reporting and tax periods.

The income tax declaration based on the results of the tax period (year) must be submitted to the inspectorate no later than March 28 of the next year. Non-profit organizations who do not have an obligation to pay tax, submit a simplified declaration. All other enterprises, regardless of their obligation to pay tax, submit full declarations at the end of the year.

Companies for which the reporting periods are a quarter, half a year and nine months, report in a simplified form no later than April 28, July 28 and October 28, respectively. Organizations for which a month, two months, and so on are taken as reporting periods, report in a simplified form no later than February 28, March 28, and so on until January 28 of the next year.

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