
Sberbank of Russia. Sberbank Online: entrance to your personal account Sberbank Savings Bank

The history of Sberbank of Russia begins with the personal decree of Emperor Nicholas I of 1841 on the establishment of savings banks, the first of which opened in St. Petersburg in 1842. A century and a half later, in 1987, on the basis of state labor savings banks, specialized bank labor savings and lending to the population - Sberbank of the USSR, which also worked with legal entities. The structure of the Savings Bank of the USSR included 15 republican banks, including the Russian Republican Bank.

In July 1990, by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Russian Republican Bank of the Sberbank of the USSR was declared the property of the RSFSR. In December 1990, it was transformed into a joint stock commercial Bank which was legally established on general meeting shareholders on March 22, 1991. In the same 1991, Sberbank became the property of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and was registered as a joint-stock commercial Savings Bank. Russian Federation.

In 1998, Sberbank managed to default on GKO-OFZs, largely due to the support of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the increase in commissions for settlement service. At that time, the share of government debt in the bank's assets was 52%, and loan portfolio accounted for only 21% of net assets.

In September 2012, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation sold a 7.6% stake in Sberbank to private investors for RUB 159 billion, or nearly $5 billion. Ordinary and preference shares bank has been listed on Russian stock exchanges since 1996, American depositary receipts(ADR) - on the London stock exchange, the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the OTC market in the USA.

In 2012, Sberbank closed a deal to merge with investment company Troika Dialog (transformed into the corporate investment structure Sberbank CIB, and Troika Dialog retail bank was sold to a group of private investors in autumn 2013).

Also in 2012, a deal was closed for the purchase by Sberbank from the French group BNP Paribas of a majority stake in its subsidiary Russian retail bank (now the joint venture operates as Cetelem Bank, Sberbank's share of 79.2% has not changed since May 30, 2018).

In 2013, the official launch of the Sberbank brand in Europe took place. The deal to purchase DenizBank was completed in September 2012 and was the largest acquisition in the bank's more than 170-year history. However, in May 2018, Sberbank entered into a binding agreement to sell the business in Turkey. In July 2019, the deal to sell DenizBank was closed.

Sberbank accounts for about 41% of all loans individuals, as well as more than a third of private deposits and loans legal entities in Russia. Back in 2012, Sberbank overtook the former leader in the segment credit cards- Russian Standard Bank". The share of Sberbank's mortgage portfolio in the structure of such a portfolio as a whole banking system is about 57%.

Sberbank ranks 32nd in the world in The Banker's annual ranking of 1,000 Largest Banks in the World 2019.

As of August 1, 2019, the volume of net assets credit institution amounted to 28.83 trillion rubles, the volume own funds- 4.30 trillion rubles. According to the results of the first half of 2019, the bank shows a profit of 519.67 billion rubles.

Branch network:
head office (Moscow);
2 representative offices (Beijing, China; Frankfurt am Main, Germany);
89 branches (88 in Russia, 1 in New Delhi, India);
13,220 additional offices;
578 operating offices;
285 mobile points of cash transactions;
90 operating cash desks outside the checkout.

The geography of Sberbank Group covers 21 countries, including the Russian Federation. In addition to the CIS countries, Sberbank is represented in Central and Eastern Europe (Sberbank Europe AG, formerly Volksbank International), the UK and the USA, Cyprus and a number of other countries (corporate investment business of the Sberbank CIB Group).

Bank of Russia (CBR) – 50.0% + 1 share;
shares in public circulation - 50.0% - 1 share.

A share of 45.04% (shares in public circulation) belongs to non-resident legal entities. The total number of bank owners exceeds 253 thousand shareholders.

Supervisory Board: Sergey Ignatiev (Chairman), Gennady Melikyan, German Gref, Sergey Shvetsov, Nadezhda Ivanova, Bella Zlatkis, Olga Skorobogatova, Maxim Oreshkin, Valery Goreglyad, Nikolai Kudryavtsev, Leonid Boguslavsky, Alexander Kuleshov, Esko Aho, Nadia Wells.

Governing body: German Gref (Chairman, President), Alexander Vedyakhin, Lev Khasis, Oleg Ganeev, Bella Zlatkis, Svetlana Kirsanova, Stanislav Kuznetsov, Alexander Morozov, Anatoly Popov.

It has a rich history and an impeccable reputation. This is a serious, stable bank, trusted by millions. Sberbank of Russia is always nearby!

For a long history of development, the bank has managed to maintain the main qualities and today is a clear indicator of professionalism. It's modern financial enterprise which follows the best traditions. That is why more and more Russians prefer it.

Sberbank of Russia today

Sberbank of Russia takes an active part in all aspects of the life of the population. It is familiar to both young people and older people. The once famous savings banks and passbooks are still associated with stability and reliability. The current generation is well versed in existing proposals for financial market countries and choose for themselves best options.

The question of investing money worries many. It is important to properly manage your funds and choose a reliable partner. Sberbank of Russia maintains its stability under any circumstances. Thanks to flexible programs and loyal conditions, it has gained popularity among the population. Savings Bank of the Russian Federation has throughout the country. You can find contact details of the main branch and representative offices in the regions, as well as details and directions on our website.

PJSC Sberbank of Russia

For the convenience and comfort of customers, our website was created as information resource. With its help, you can quickly navigate through the many services provided by Sberbank of Russia. Here you will find practical advice, advice, get the right links, information about branches, their location, contact details. On our site you can get acquainted with the services provided, here are collected all the current offers and client programs.



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