
Device for masonry brick with your own hands. Devices for masonry brick - working tools. Main fixtures for brickwork

This is a simple device for brickwork - "Bricky" in 2011 received remuneration of Oscar de L'INVENION as the best construction invention.
Of course, for large volumes, the tool is not suitable, but for clean, slow and neat work and for a novice bricklayer - a good thing. I think that for most participants of our channel will not be a lot of work to make this tool with your own hands.

Conductor for perfectly smooth brickwork

In connection with the development of industry and production of various building materials, in lately Brick prefer so-called panels or other, more easy or cheap material. It is impossible to say that other materials are not able to bypass the brick according to the properties. Probably, everything is moving towards it. But appearance A brick or "stone" structure is always valued for dignity. Especially if the hand of the present Mason Masters is visible.

Don't do it

But as any other type of construction work, the construction of the brick wall is taken to engage in the builders without experience, which is called "for themselves." Indeed, if you do everything carefully, then the difference (with small errors) between your masonry and masonry mason will be particularly visible except in speed. However, it will constantly move towards rapprochement with the standard.

How to pull the shoelace, knead the solution or how much fittings needed - to know is not a problem. But how much how much you need to throw a solution under the brick so that you do not have to add, raking or knock in the image, deforming the previous work, the question is more serious. Of course, with experience it will happen on the machine, but how to be a newcomer? There are two outputs: learn how to study everything or use an amazingly working device created just to solve this problem.

Conductor or template for distribution cement mortar It is performed from a solid variety of plastics. It represents a rectangular frame with stipulated cutouts and protrusions. In the process of work, it should be installed on the laid row of bricks, threw a solution into the recess and, closely leaning the trowel to the rapid part of the conductor, consider it excess.

As a result, it turns out an intergric layer of the same thickness over all lengths. It is enough just to put a brick on it and pushing slightly. A similar device, only smaller size, is also provided for applying a cement solution to the end of the brick. The use of such a template allows the exterior edge of the seam to position at the same distance from the outside of the wall, which looks very beautiful.

The price of such pleasure is on average 1500 rubles. Plus-minus half a thousand, depending on the company, quality and completeness of the set

How to make a smooth brickwork with beautiful intergricultural seams?

Construction for today, perhaps the most popular type of workshop. Having mastered the construction specialty, you will never be left without work. And if you become a master of your business, then from expensive "fat" customers you will not have a pen.

Look carefully. So-called migrant workers, and in fact, the former residents of the Soviet Union, all work around the builders.

Do you think they earn little? If we think their earnings are not too big, then they themselves, on the contrary, consider their own monetary remuneration worthy. And this is all because in their homeland, the amount of money they earn here is considered a whole state.

However, construction specialties are different. The most affordable, respectively, are the most highly paid.

The specialty Mason is one of the most difficult. Just take and start putting brickwork will not work anyone. To do this, it is necessary to learn how to theoretically, and to receive practical experience in the real masters of your business, working on them on pickup and gradually performing, first simple operations, passing step by step towards more complex.

Only when you go through everything - from a simple to complex, you will trust the brickwork. Brickwork multi-storey house This is the top of the skill of any mason.

Smooth intergricultural seams, perhaps the most difficult element brick masonry. Always wondered how they do? How mastera-bricklayers are managed, apply a solution with a smooth layer and then put a brick on it on one line?

At my site built a brick garage. Brickwork performed independently. Did it for the first time. It took a hundred sweat, while at least somehow, I adapt to putting a less smooth wall. About the intergrpic seams on the walls of his garage, it is better not to say anything at all, as you understand, everything went crookedly))

But you can not lose heart

Recently, on the Internet found a special device for masonry. With it, it is possible, even the most inexperienced newcomer, make even intergricultural seams, both horizontal and vertical.

Such a miracle is for sale to the device at the entire well-known overseas online store Amazon. There it is called Bricky - Wall Building Tool.

Costs 39.99 euros.To be honest, the price is clearly overestimated!

Yes, it is it, this is a device, and no need to buy. Just see how it is done and make your own, completely free - from ordinary corners!

The principle of operation is simple

Install a device for brickwork, fill it with a solution with a solution, smash the solution on the frame, excessive clean. Remove the frame. On the smooth strip of the solution put the brick.

Similarly, act with a vertical seam.

In order for the brick wall to be smooth and high quality, the use of the right toolkit is required. The device for laying brick can be mass production or done with their own hands. Each auxiliary product performs a specific function and simplifies the work process.

For long-term operation of the instrument, it is necessary to monitor its cleanliness, correctly select the material from which it is made.

Tools that is used for high-quality masonry

Basic set

  • Capacity for the mixture. It is intended for mixing material with a volume of 40-50 liters.
  • Shovel. Need to comply with the ratios of the components of the mixture and primary mixing.
  • Bucket for 9-14 liters. Serves for carrying and lifting the solution to the upper floors.
  • Stretchs. Celma of different shapes with a wooden handle is used to apply a solution to a working surface with a uniform distribution. There is a trapezoidal K-b, drip-p and other specific forms.
  • Fishing. Used at the end stage for decorative work when processing seams. The extending consists of a handle and an oblong metal part of a narrow form.
  • Kirk hammer is used to eliminate brick defects. A light tapping allows you to put the block to the desired location, compact the masonry. It happens square and round shape.
  • Mop. A device with a steel handle to which the plate plate is attached between the flanges. Optimal dimensions - 140 × 140 × 10 mm. It is necessary for stripping and smoothing, as well as better filling of seams.

Control and measuring devices

Using the level, you can define the deflection of the design from the planned line.
  • The plumb is a synthetic inelastic guide thread, having a cargo at the end of a concess and weighing 200-400 g or 600 g, 300 cm long needed to control the vertical.
  • Building level. The design is a bulk ruler where special ampoules with liquid is embedded. Defines deviations from markup and slope of the surface. With a perfectly level line, the liquid is strictly in the center of the ampoule.
  • The rule is a plank of a tree with a cross section of 3 × 8 cm in length 150-200 cm. It can be made of duralumin less (120 cm). Need to control the evenness of facial masonry.
  • Pages. So called a tension cord. It is pulled along the brick rows, and serves to check the evenness of masonry and straightness horizontally. Cords are made with a thickness of 3 mm.
  • Order. It is a rail with a cross section of 5 × 5 cm or 7 × 5 cm long - up to 200 cm. It happens both metal and wooden, is placed by special divisions that correspond to a certain thickness of the brickwork. If there are holes in the tool every 7.7 (10) cm, the cord of the Poison is carried out in them. Used for marking a series of standard or thickened building materials, as well as fixing the marks of the Niza and the top of the openings for doors and windows, plates of overlapping, jumpers.

Mechanized devices

Using a laser roulette, measurements are obtained as accurate as possible.
  • Laser level - a modern tool for brickwork. The axle builder is chosen by ray racing range. With it, fast marking is carried out.
  • Laser roulette. The device minimizes the error in determining the volume, area and other values. Allows you to get accurate measurements of the wall, the number of necessary building materials.
  • Cuvette. Accurately measures the required volume of the mixture for each type of seam. The design consists of walls and side slats without the presence of the bottom.
  • The disposal order is a modified cuvette with marking devices. A more complex design form is equipped with a screw support for mounting to the bottom row of brick units. The multifunctional model may include elements for giving a scope of the artworks in the relief, as well as components for fixing and aligning the grid.

Additional sets

In working with bricks, auxiliary tools for brickwork are used, namely:

  • Conductor construction - assembly device, which is exhibited for the convenience of working on a stable surface. Used to secure temporary structures, different difficulties, guide tools.
  • Steering brackets - the design of steel in the form of the letter P. are designed to attach intermediate horizontal series. The bracket is inserted into each 7 rows each other.
  • Crossings help to get the most thin seams, as well as abide by the distance between the rows for the most accurate and neat styling. More often with crosses enjoy to work with facing bricks.
  • Brick carrying device. This may be a backpack, car, pallets.
  • Set for and other types of brick blocks. This includes:
    • Frame with 2 longitudinal sides, preferably from wood or plastic. The distance from one rail to the other is the thickness of the wall. The design allows you to save the verticality of the wall without using plumbing and levels.
    • Pens for carrying. Serve to facilitate the use of the tool.
    • Studies or strip steel guides. Such a template for laying brick allows you to control the linearity.

The brickwork template is used for high-quality brickwork and reduced cement consumption and sand mix. It allows you to install separate bricks at an equal distance from each other, maintain the verticality of the brickwork, its linearity.

Brickwork on the template will allow you to build a flat and beautiful wall with minimal cement consumption.

What is this device?

The device allows some degree to replace the buildings used by the builders using a thread and a construction level.

On the object under construction, several types of templates are used:

  1. When building the main walls of the building for laying bricks, a set of fixtures with basic sizes is usually applied.
  2. During the external finishing of the facilities use a template template template template.

If building leads construction companythen usually on construction site Take a set of patterns.For masonry brick, with your own hands, the craftsmen independently make the desired patterns from plywood and wood.

The design consists of the following parts:

  1. Frame having 2 longitudinal wooden sides.
  2. Pens.
  3. Schedules that are usually made from strip steel.

The entire frame area is divided into cells with rods. The cell corresponds to the size of the brick used for the main or facing masonry.

The width of the frame between the longitudinal wooden planks corresponds to the thickness of the wall is the wall, and the protruding lower parts of the planks allow you to level the bricks when they are styling, as the previous row is captured. This makes it possible to some extent to maintain the verticality of the wall erected, and the laying linearity is provided by the framework itself, one side of which is equipped with an iron rail.

On the bottom of this metal strip laid rods from metal. They are designed for fixing and supporting bricks. To conveniently use the device, the metal rail is equipped with two handles.

With an independent manufacture of such a design, the frame, handles, planks and crossbars crafts are made of plywood sheet and wooden plates of the corresponding thickness. Such devices manufactured by an industrial method can be made of metal, plastic and wood. If there are several types of brick units during construction, various in size, then multiple templates will be required to build the building.

Basic Tools for High-quality Wall Station

In a template, the construction is unlimited. To do this, water, sand, cement will be required. With their help, a solution for masonry is the wall is made.

Naturally, you need a brick as the main element with which it is created. Together with this builders must be provided with the following tools:

  1. The template is a universal tool that allows you to fully lay bricks even not a very experienced builder. A single template or a set of several sizes can be used.
  2. Corner construction, level, measuring instruments, helping to maintain verticality and laying linearity.
  3. Building bucket serves to supply a mixture of cement, sand, water to the working area.
  4. Molotok-Kirk is used to align or separate individual stone blocks.
  5. Kelma is used to distribute the solution along the surface of the layer.

The use of all of the above tools together with the template will allow not even very experienced builders to build a structure from bricks quite qualitatively subject to all construction standards and rules.

This device is applied as follows.

It takes several builders to use it.


First of all, the device put on the ground. Then in its cells formed by metal stripes, bricks are laid. With the help of a winch or any other lifting device, the completed design is raised to the desired height. After that, it is installed so that the protruding parts of the slats captured the lower row of masonry. Then the solution is applied and the lower brick from the template is placed on it. The device moves to the length of the brick unit (approximately) per hand, and then the entire procedure is repeated until bricks are running in the template. After that, the whole process is repeated.

The use of templates allows you to slightly speed up the pace of construction work. With independent manufacture of a similar device, it can usually be placed 5-6 bricks. This is done with such a calculation so that no more than 2 people can be used for applying the device.

The template refers to devices facilitating the construction process. Therefore, its use is recommended both beginner builders and qualified masters.


It is easy to learn how to manage this adaptation. This will require 2-3 hours. It is only necessary to take into account safety techniques for construction work and perform all the positions of SNiP.

Brick is one of the most common building materials. But the arrangement of such a masonry implies the experience and application of special tools, which guarantees a qualitative result. The devices can be homemade or you can purchase a standard option from the range of assortment.

Before starting brickwork, you must acquire all the necessary construction materials and tools.

Brick Masonry Tools

To assist the mason, a variety of devices are used that allow us to achieve the following advantages:

  • The required accuracy is ensured - the wall is flat;
  • Facilitated labor work;
  • It has a positive effect on the performance of workers.

Hand tool

What the mason will need:

  • Quelma or trowel - a small metal blade in the form of a triangle on a handle of wood / plastic, Kelma allows you to align or remove a concrete solution from the wall, losing the seams.
  • Bucket-shovel - It is activated in the preparation of a connecting solution, it also facilitates the deposition of cement to bed with large-scale work.
  • Level - Another common tool, it is measured by the pulp of the wall horizontally. Measurement occurs due to the sealed capsule with non-freezing and air bubble - the air should be exactly in the middle of the capsule, which indicates the correct geometry of the wall.
  • Hammer-Korchka. - Indispensable for the splitting of building blocks for repair work.

Bricklayer requires a whole set of devices

Popular devices:

  • Plumb - This is the most primitive measuring device to assess the flattening wall vertical and the quality of the angles - and can be controlled by a height of two to three floors.
  • Cord (Poison) - Indispensable for assessing the height of the wall, which is important at the preparatory stage, it is also possible to estimate the straightness and horizontal of the finished wall.
  • Extending - helps in the formation of seam profile decor when laying a facing material. The seam is figured, the firmware is with different dimensions and profiles.
  • Rule - It's just a smooth plank to assess the evenness of the walls.
  • Order - It is fixed to the 1st row, which allows you to predict the location of the following series of building materials in advance. It is indispensable to perform drawings, cladding, control placing places of openings, etc.

Construction tools for brickwork

Brick Masonry Devices

Having available materials, for example, polymeric materials, plastics, steel, you can create devices for smooth masonry with your own hands. The main difference from the factory-made products will be the method of fastening parts, as well as the durability of the product.

Duza do it yourself

Lay a brick with a dispenser easier

One of the most common devices - dispenser that allows you to gently apply a binder for building materials. Depending on the dimensions and weight of this material, the seam thickness, which means that the volume of the squeezed mixture varies.

The width of the strip of the solution corresponds to the geometry of the future wall and is limited to the front planks. The lower level of the stops corresponds to the thickness of the seam. An elementary device is a limiter from plywood - for its manufacture it is enough to buy a material thickness up to 25mm. We collect the case according to the indicated data, wooden bars or pieces of plywood are installed as frontal limits and stops, metal corners.

Devices for control

Putting a brick with a template easier - it allows you to dose the volume of the laid solution

The template for masonry brick is a special frame with two parallel sides, handle and steel cross. The internal width of the frame is equal to the width of the wall - it can be 1-1.5 and more bricks. At the bottom of the device on both sides there are special protrusions that align the block in the wall and at the same time capture the previous series of bricks. The material for the device serves plywood or rails from wood. For industrial production Metal or plastic can be used.

For the manufacture of such a design, the old box is most often used - fix the bars of the lower stop bars and the wooden frame, when calculating the wall thickness, we take into account the standard thickness of the seam within 10-12 mm.

Homemade Brickwork Device

Option device for masonry brick made by hand

The self-made device allows you to dose the solution and apply an ideally smooth band of the binder on the brick. The device does not constitute anything complicated - To prepare such a tool, you will need a metal sheet, the thickness of which will correspond to the required thickness of the seams. In the sheet, cut the rectangular hole, the width of which corresponds to the width of the brick. You can purchase a factory dispenser.

The algorithm for its use is as follows: setting a sheet with a hole on the laying, fill in the solution, and after it align its surface with a trowel, removing excess. As a result, the layer of a 10 mm high solution is obtained on the bed - the wall will correspond to the required dimensions specified in the drawings.

A solution for connecting blocks is a sufficiently aggressive medium, so it is necessary to protect the devices used. If they are made of plastic or wood, then all internal surfaces in templates are required to handle wear-resistant ship or parquet varnish. It is better to protect in several layers - it will increase the service life of the created dispenser.

After the end of the working day, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the tool from the residues of the binder mixture - this reduces the wear of the materials and allows you to maintain the inner surfaces in working condition. Otherwise, the tool fails.

The cost of factory products

If we are talking about large volumes of work, it is better to buy fixtures made at the factory. Most often, they are implemented complete, for example, a set of "brick" or "bricklayer" includes the following elements:

  • Templates for laying a mixture to bed;
  • Trowel;
  • Wall shape in a half brick - 88 mm;
  • Wall shape in one brick - 65 mm;
  • Corner - allows you to check the angular parameters of the wall, the mooring is attached to it;
  • Instructions for use, most often in the video version.

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In order to improve the quality of masonry and reduce the consumption of materials, use a brickwork template. It can be made with his own hands or purchase a ready-made set. Benefit is that it helps to arrange blocks at an equal distance and provides even verticality of the styling of the brick. make it possible to speed up the process and improve the result of working with brick.

What is a template?

This is an auxiliary device that allows you to do without special equipment or the technology "thread and level" for the construction of the wall. Design scheme is as follows:

  • frame with two longitudinal sides (from wood);
  • handles;
  • steel crossbars.

The template for laying bricks with a rod is divided into cells that correspond to the parameters of the selected brick or are used to build a wall in 2 blocks. In this adaptation, the frame width should be equal to the thickness of the future wall. From the bottom tool has a protruding part necessary to correctly align the block when laying, capturing the previous row.

On the metal bar there are rods that fix the block. It provides the linearity of the masonry and makes it possible to smooth the layers. The device is equipped with two handles for more convenient use. Details of templates are made of wooden rivers and plywood equal thickness. Industrial models are metal, plastic or wooden.

How to make a template yourself?

First of all, the size of the future seam is calculated on the width and height of the brickwork. Dimensions are calculated indicatively on the stone used. Materials necessary for manufacture:

During the work, you need a drill.
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver and screwdriver;
  • several screws and nuts;
  • corners (preferably metallic);
  • drill;
  • pencil, meter and level;
  • a hammer;
  • box required size or plywood chipboard;
  • rake to suitable thickness.

When different types of brick block are used, you must get a template for each.

If there is no box of the desired size, it is possible to make a suitable design from plywood (in size it should be a little wider than the alleged masonry). And the most simple way of manufacture: collect a wooden frame using for the bottom stop of the bars, and connect the frame from the bottom. Set the seam thickness with homemade manufacturer is desirable about 10-12 mm, since these are the most sought-after size in construction.

How to work with a template for brickwork?

The tool is installed on the ground. Inside the cells (equipped with metal rods) put brick blocks. A convenient lifting tool (eg winch) The filled pattern is raised to the required height and set so that the protruding bottom of the design captured the previous row of bricks.

In the design itself, the solution is mounted, and then the brick.

The next step is placed with a solution and sit on top of it the lower brick from the template. Then the device is moved to one block with the handles. This process is repeated in a circle until the brick will end in the template. There are several tips on the use of this design:

  • The surface of the template product, which is quickly wearing, can be strengthened with parquet varnish in several layers. This will significantly increase the resource of plastic and wooden devices.
  • At the end of working with a tool, it is better to immediately clean from building mixtures and solutions.
  • Often used vertical dispensers. Products are suitable for applying vertical seams. It also simplifies and speeds up the masonry process.

Templates can be made single and several bricks. However, the most convenient capacity is 5-6 bricks, which makes it possible when used to masonry facing bricks to use no more than 2 people. At the same time, the linearity and thickness of the stacked brick is observed, therefore, the quality of the wall, the time and construction material is saved.

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