
Recognized face exercises from wrinkles. Best gymnastics from wrinkles on face and neck

Each woman wishes to extend the time of his youth. To hide age, many do not regret money on expensive creams and subcutaneous injections. For significant changes, turn to plastic surgery. All these methods require significant financial expensesAnd with a poor-quality product or non-professional work, doctors may turn into poor effects to the skin. But there is absolutely free, but no less effective, the method of extension of youth is the most effective gymnastics for face. It does not have side effects, which allows us to apply it to everyone.

Indications and contraindications

With age, the first signs of aging are emerging: shallow wrinkles, manifestation of nasolabial folds, reducing the tone of the skin, chief searches. They arise as a result of the fact that muscle mass begins to weaken and lose elasticity. Regular training will help look at 10 years younger for free and without harm to health, tighten your cheeks and skin on the neck, make a clear outline and smooth wrinkles.

After 7 days of regular classes, a positive result becomes a noticeable unarmed look. The skin acquires a healthy color, smoothed and becomes elastic.

The procedure is contraindicated in hypertension, facial nerve diseases, after Botox injections or plastic surgery over the past 2 years.

With incorrect actions, you can not achieve the desired results and stretch the skin. Therefore, you need to adhere to certain rules that will help avoid errors and make the effect of lifting maximum:

  • Before classes, it is necessary to remove decorative cosmetics, wash and wash your hands.
  • For good blood circulation, you need to keep smooth posture.
  • During the procedure, only those muscles on which the impact occurs, while others keep in a relaxed state.
  • At the first time, the technique is carried out in front of the mirror to control the correctness of the impact.
  • The number of repeated actions and their complexity increases gradually.
  • At the end of the exercises, the exposure area is rinsed with cool water, and the nutrient cream is applied.
  • Classes should be held regularly every other day for 10-15 minutes.

Exercises at home

Facial training for skin suspenders are available for self-execution. The main thing, during the classes to adhere to the correct position of the fingers and perform actions accurately under the leadership. Gymnastics for facial rejuvenation and other zones are designed for all facial muscles:

  • To strengthen lip muscles. Maximize the lips that are folded in the form of a ring and open the mouth. Actions are performed slowly and only with 2 repetitions on the first day. Every day the procedure increases by 1 time.
  • Against wrinkles around the eyes. Close your eyes and rotate them 10 times in a circle in different sides. Without lifting the eyelids, the joy and sadness of 5-7 repetition are depicted in lips.
  • For picking chin. Put the lower lip to the teeth and gradually pull it into her mouth, sticking out the chin forward. At the same time, the jaw will move in the left and right side. Perform 5 times, every day increasing the number of repetitions.
  • For smoothing wrinkles on the forehead. Fully close your foreheads and press them. Close your eyes and rotate them 5 times in a circle.
  • For contour. Inflate the cheeks for 5 seconds, and then slowly launching air. Exercise repeat from 10 times.
  • For the rejuvenation of the face and neck. Throw back your head back, relax the neck muscles and open your mouth wide. Then slowly cover the jaw with the help of the chin until the lower lip will cover the upper one. Repeat from 5 times.

Yoga for the rejuvenation of the face and neck

There is a technique in which classical gymnastics for rejuvenation of the face and elements of traditional yoga are combined. The well-known founders are the analysis of Hiegen and Marie Verona Nadye. They experienced and described in detail the whole method of skin suspenders in their books, which made them famous. Such recommendations can be focused on the exercise of yoga at home. Difference from ordinary gymnastics is a mental concentration and emotional calm while performing all actions.

The procedure begins with the neck and lower jaw, then the zone is moving up and ends on the head. The second part of the methodology is focused on the development and relaxation of the muscles of the whole body. The final part of yoga is meditation.

Among the main yoga classes are the most popular are the following:

  • Yoga for the cheeks is to squeeze the lips and teeth in the exhalation and their relaxation on the breath.
  • Aerial kiss - pull the lips ahead.
  • False wink - tension of the cheeks, as if for winking, only with an open eye.

To enhance the rejuvenating effect, you can use the auxiliary means and techniques. Dry skin is larger than the occurrence of small wrinkles, it is subject to subtlety and sensitivity, therefore it may be damaged with intensive effects. Special creams and oils will be moisturized. The clamping muscle does not respond to the impact, does not receive nutrients and gradually atrophy. Intense zones must necessarily relax with massage. To popular methods that provide intensive blood flow include eg, qigong,

Many women crossed a 25-year-old frontier face with the advent of the first facial wrinkles on the face. Prevent the deepening of the already existing and the emergence of new folds will help special gymnastics for face from wrinkles. Unfortunately, for too deep wrinkles, which are a consequence of irreversible age-related changes, it is useless. Therefore, it is very important to start classes immediately after the detection of small defects.

Contrary to the problem of the fact that to extend the youth of the person is possible by minimizing the facial expressions, special gymnastics for face against wrinkles helps to get rid of age-related grooves. Its effectiveness is due to the principle of muscle fibers - the more active to load them, the more flexible, elastic and elastic they become. Of course, any actions are necessary with the mind, then the result will be optimal.

With regular execution of exercises for face from wrinkles, changes will be noticeable after the first month. The skin will become more fresh, luminous from the inside, deep folds will be smoothed, and the small disappear completely.

In addition, the gymnastics perfectly tones and charges a good mood, which is also important for awareness of himself beautiful and young.

Charging rules

The gymnastics for the face from wrinkles at home will be effective only when complying with some rules. You can achieve results when performing exercises daily, better twice a day. One session should last at least 10 and no more than 20 minutes, the time for it must be selected at its discretion. But the most favorable time is considered to be evening, immediately before the departure to sleep, when the body is in a relaxed state, and the skin is not loaded with decorative cosmetics.

At first, charging for the face from wrinkles is performed before the mirror so that the process is under control. In the future, when the face muscles will remember the sequence of movements, from binding to the mirror you can refuse.

Preparation for the procedure

The preparatory stage includes the following recommendations:

  1. Exercises for the face from wrinkles cannot be carried out without prior purification of the skin of the face and neck from dirt and cosmetics.
  2. Before you start charging the muscles you need to warm up. To do this, after applying a moisturizing cream, the skin of the face and neck is slightly massaged with fingers tapping movements.
  3. Long hair is better to assemble in the tail or remove the bandage so that they do not interfere with the face while performing exercises.
  4. Before starting the exercise for the muscles of the face against wrinkles, you need to relax, do not think about problems, not frowning. You can include your favorite music and do everything possible to configure a positive way. But if the mood cannot be lifted, and unpleasant thoughts climb, it is better to transfer the gymnastics to another time.

Set of exercises from wrinkles on the forehead

Before starting gymnastics, we make a small workout of the face and neck. Touch with light movements throughout the surface of the skin, after which we massive the scalp, accelerating blood circulation.

  1. Exercise is performed in 10 approaches. Source position (IP) - fingers of both hands on the forehead over eyebrows. Easily pressing, lower the skin down, to the eyes. At the same time, with effort, raise your eyebrows, straining muscles. Fix the position of the face for five seconds, relax.
  2. Now raise the skin up, to the hair, and the eyebrows are lowered down. Do not forget to strain the muscles of the face and neck. We delay for five seconds, let go.
  3. We put your fingers on the top of the forehead at the border of hair growth. With the effort we press your fingers, closed eyes lower down (my head does not move). In this position, we perform gymnastics, making rotational movements with your eyes 10 times in each direction.

Exercises from wrinkles between eyebrows

The area between the eyebrows often suffers from the habit of frowning or squinting. This leads to the appearance of ugly transverse folds that give the face of sullen, concerned about the problems.

  1. Mid fingers of both hands are at the starting point of eyebrows, index - strictly over them. We strain the muscles, frowning. At the same time, you hold the skin from the formation of strong folds. I fix the position, we consider to five and let go.
  2. Phalanges of index fingers under high raised eyebrows. We close your eyes and compress the eyelid movements for 5-10 times. This gymnastics helps to remove the sickness of the skin in the face of the face under the eyebrows.

Set of exercises from wrinkles around the eyes

Gymnastics from wrinkles under the eyes and area around the eyes, it is necessary to carry out extreme caution. The more tenderly and thinner the epidermis, the greater the risk of damage from too intense movements.

Complex from "goose paws"

  1. Pads of index fingers on the outer corners of the eye, medium - on the inner. Widely swallow eyes, high raising eyebrows muscles.
  2. Relaxing the muscles of the face and make movement through the eye towards up - down, to the right - left, diagonally. We try not to involve the muscles of the forehead.
  3. According to the principle of the previous exercise, we make movement through our eyes, drawing the conditional eight in one and the other way.

Gymnastics for training century

  1. Pads of index fingers on the outer corners of the eye, medium - on the inner. We look up, high raising eyebrows and straining the lower eyelid.
  2. Eyes closed. We begin to discoverly open up the eyelids. The face in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows and forehead does not move. Only muscles of the eyelids participate in the gymnastics.

Training from wrinkles on cheeks and cheeks

The cheeks are obviously in the risk zone of premature manifestation of wrinkles, since their muscles are in a relaxed state due to the characteristics of the structure of the face. For skin tones and giving flexibility with muscle fibers, simple exercises must be performed.

To restore contour cheek

Open your mouth. Tighten your lips inside with the tension of muscles and ocular skin. Ideally, the mouth should take the form of oval. We put the index fingers on the face under the eyes. Smile, trying to push the fingers with the mimic muscles. Fix five seconds. Relax.

For elasticity cheek

  1. Maximize cheeks. Press on them with palms, having resistance to the muscles of the face in the cheeks area. We delay the position for five seconds.
  2. To prevent sorceration of the skin, the following exercise helps. With effort inflation cheeks. We start moving the air on the mouth, straining the muscles of the face.

Complex of exercises from wrinkles around the mouth

The folds around the lips are capable of pointing to the true age of a woman, preventing to extend the youth visually. So that nasolabial wrinkles could not spoil the mood with their appearance, they need to be eliminated as early as possible.

Gymnastics for smoothing nasolabial wrinkles

  1. The tips of the index fingers put on the nasolabial folds. Making an effort, davir on the skin. At this time, tightly stretch closer lips, having resisted fingers. Perform five times.
  2. Without changing the initial position, we make 10 deep breaths with the nose and mouth exhale.
  3. In the same initial pose with sharp movements, we open the mouth of the letter "O", straining muscles. Fix five seconds by 10 repetitions.
  4. In conclusion, the gymnastics from wrinkles relax the muscles, stroking the face with the tips of the fingers along massage lines.

Gymnastics for tone of the bottom of the face

  1. We fold the lips with a tube. We start circular movements with lips five times in one direction and the other. Relax.
  2. The initial position does not change. To do the exercise, strongly stretch the lips from the angle in an angle five times in each direction.
  3. Slightly open the mouth. Highly pull the lips inside, while the index finger holds the skin of the chin on the spot. Begins slowly, with effort to open and close the mouth.
  4. With effort, throw off your head. With the force of the reaches the bottom lip towards the top. Relax, dropping head down, on the chest. We repeat 10 times.
  5. Do not rush to move the lower jaw from the side to the side of 10 times, fixing the position for five seconds. Also slowly, widely reveal the mouth, fixing the position.

Exercise from wrinkles on chin

They are formed as a result of constant tension of muscles. To relax them, it is necessary to carry out a massage for the problem area, special attention By paying lips.

To strengthen muscle fibers, the chin helps the following exercise. We open the mouth, forming lips the letter "O". Slowly pull the lips inside, by the end, the lips as stronger as possible. We put an index finger on the chin and begin to gradually open and close your mouth. At the same time, the muscles overcome the resistance of the holding of their finger.

Gymnastics from wrinkles on the neck

Untrumping folds are easily adjusted using a set of exercises for the neck from wrinkles:

  1. Sit on the chair, the head is located straight, the chin is parallel to the floor. Turn your head into one and the other side, then up and down. Moves make smoothly, without sharp jerks.
  2. We til down your head to one shoulder, trying to touch it ear, fix for a few seconds. We repeat the exercise to the other side.
  3. Turn the head in one direction and stretch the chin with the power, fixing the positions for a few seconds. We repeat the exercise to the other side.
  4. We open the mouth and, straining the muscles of the neck, protrude the chin in one direction. After the relaxation period, we repeat the same in the other way.
  5. Throw the head back, we throw the lower lip on the top. Then slowly, without jerks, we lower the head at the starting position and below so that the chin is touched before the chest.
  6. We move to the floor, tightening your knees to the stomach. Lower your shoulders and pull the neck. I lower your head forward and after a few seconds of fixation we take back to the stop.

After performing exercises for the muscles of the face against wrinkles, you need to remember that it is impossible to give a greater load on the muscles of the face and neck at once. If charging for the face of wrinkles is done for the first time, several days can be performed only by 10 goals of each exercise. And only after this period in gymnastics added additional repetitions.

Their appearance is not always due to unscrupulous implementation, often certain defects are too sustainable for the procedures. In this case, it is recommended to devote the problem area most attention, not forgetting about gym for other parts of the face.

As concomitant procedures, it will not be superfluous to increase the efficiency of gymnastics to apply moisturizing masks. To increase the tone and elasticity of the muscles and the skin of the face, it is necessary to drink up to two liters of water daily, and from the diet to eliminate the calorie, fatty and smoother food.

In compliance with the main recommendations, the exercise against wrinkles on the face helps to restore the elasticity and elasticity of the skin, refresh the complexion and give it lost contours. Bags under the eyes and other signs of swelling dissolve as a result of accelerating blood circulation and improving local metabolism. Several unnecessary years, which manifested themselves with unwanted wrinkles will leave, leaving shining instead appearance and youth.

Do you make gymnastics for face from wrinkles?

In the fight for the preservation of youth, women use many means. All sorts of creams and masks, salon procedures, the cost of which is quite high and so on. But there is another effective means to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and combat them, which will require only the presence of free time and completely financial investments. And this is charging for the face from wrinkles, which can be easily done at home. Regularly performing non-good manipulations, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin.

Thanks to regular workouts, it is possible to return the skin tone and slow down the aging processes. Please note that classes will give the result if you begin to manifest the shallow wrinkles. But in the presence of deep and numerous wrinkles, charging for the face from the sagging will also help, but partially.

Optimal age to start exercises is considered 27-29 years. In this case, you can prevent the appearance of the first mimic wrinkles, make the skin more elastic and elastic, give oval face clarity and look younger. Exercises for suspenders may not be removed deep wrinkles, but help prevent new ones.

If the first wrinkles have not started to appear on the face, you can also engage in gymnastics for the face. In this case, it will be aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles, improve the skin tone and the work of the facial muscles.

The main condition for the effectiveness of exercises is regularity. Charging should be done daily, ideally twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Facelifting should be the same mandatory procedurelike cleaning of teeth or combing hair.

Benefit Charging for a person manifests itself in the following:

  • strengthening muscles due to ensuring their movement;
  • improving blood circulation and power of the dermis;
  • preservation of skin elasticity;
  • smoothing small wrinkles;
  • reducing bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • extension of skin youth.

Charging for the face rejuvenates twenty years - is it really possible? Of course, it is hardly possible to cope with explicit signs of aging only thanks to the exercises, but in combination with the use of good cosmetics and a healthy lifestyle they will really help get explicit results. The main thing - regularity.

First, it will be enough to do the exercises for the face five times. Gradually increase the number of approaches to 10. It is better that the charging for the muscles of the face from wrinkles was performed before the mirror - so you can see that you are doing everything right. Also remember that before the start of classes you need to clean the skin and soften it with cream.

Wrichin charging: Complex of effective exercises

The first thing to do is workout. It is performed as follows:

  • Hand pads quickly and easily praise throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe face.
  • Gently massage the face and scalp to improve blood circulation.
  • A couple of times breathe deeply and exhale.

Exercises from wrinkles on the forehead

  • Attach thumbs to temples. Put the rest of your fingers on the skin on the forehead a little above the eyebrows, slightly dropping it. Start your fingertips, start doing the exercise: trying to overcome the pressure of the fingers, sharply throw your eyebrows up and in such a position for five seconds. Then lower your eyebrows and repeat the same manipulations. Try to do the exercise ten times.
  • Now the same exercise is done on the contrary: push the hands to the back of the forehead and pull the skin up, the eyebrows are pulled down. Save this position for five seconds, then repeat the exercise.
  • Raise your eyebrows as high as much as possible. Widely open your eyes. Close for five seconds, then close your eyes and relax the muscles. The number of repetitions - 10, at the same time, try to gradually speed up the pace.
  • Attach your palm forehead, hurt them to the skin. Closing the eyes, rotate the eyeballs without moving your head. You need to perform ten laps clockwise and as much against.
  • Do not remove the palms from the forehead, move the skin to the sides and up and down. After do some circular massage movements.

Exercises from wrinkles between eyebrows

Charging for the face, video with which will help you understand how to do it correctly. The eyebrows muscles should be tense, but the skin should not be frowning.

Press the zone by index fingers to the area where the eyebrows begins. Then try to bring eyebrows to the bridge, as if you are frowning, and your fingers should resist this through pressure. Thus, you need to put pressure on your fingers, try to bring eyebrows, delay this position for five seconds, and relax muscles. Repeat ten times.

Exercises for smoothing "goose paws", eyelid suspenders and swelling under the eyes.

  • Position the pads with your finger under the eyebrows, push them a bit and raise your eyebrows. Look through the eyes upwards as much as possible. Consider up to five, then open your eyes and loosen the muscle tension. The same repeat the same time.
  • Press the fingers on the bones in the end of the lower eyelids. Skin pull down down, look up. In this position, try to close your eyes, trying not to reduce the pressure of the fingers.
  • Again, press the tip of the finger with the zone of the outer corner of the eye. After a little, delay the skin to the sides. Communicate eyelids, turn your eyes ten times in both sides, so that the head remains fixed.

Exercises for pulling cheeks

  • Type your mouth as much as possible, swollen your cheeks, squeeze their palms with five, while trying to resist pressure with cheeks. Relax and repeat the exercise. Total to do ten times.
  • Repeat in the mouth of the air and rotate it in a circle ten times in both sides.

Exercises for smoothing nasolabial wrinkles

  • Wide opening lips, pull them forward, trying to portray the sound about five seconds. Do it slowly, feeling your muscles strain. Repeat ten times.
  • Fold the lips with a tube, try to pull them forward, considering up to five. Relax and repeat the exercise. Total execute it ten times.
  • Squeeze your lips as tight as possible, without squeezing the teeth. Strain the corner of the mouth and draw them to the teeth. Secure this position, and take ten times and lower the corner of the mouth.
  • Pull the lips with a tube, breathe deeply into the nose and exhale the mouth without changing the position of the lips. Repeat these manipulations ten times.

Exercises for picking chin

  • The bottom lip is easy to press her lips, pull it into your mouth and put a few forward chin. After slowly move the jaw, Ten times left and ten times right. Do it as far as possible, while lingering in both positions.
  • Maximum wide and slowly open the mouth, take up to five, then close the mouth. Make exercise ten times.
  • Tighter your head back, then try to cover the bottom of the top. Relax and lower your head down.
  • Open your mouth, check the head back and tent times try to close your jaws.

Perform the last exercise carefully because there is a risk of pinching the occipital muscle.

Exercises for skin suspenders on the neck

  • Tightly closer your teeth, back head back, stretch, as if you want to touch the top of the topwood. The cervical belt is tense at the same time. Repeat ten times.
  • Place your hands on the neck so that one was on the other. The neck slowly rotate to the sides, trying to resist the hands a little. In this position, make moving head up and down. Make 10 repetitions.
  • You need to lower your hands, relax your shoulders and stick your head to the chest. Head cluster to the left shoulder, throw it back. The same to do with your head pressed against the right shoulder.

Completion of training

  • Sit rotational movements head in both sides, move the neck to the sides and up and down.
  • Easy to push the skin with massage movements in the direction from the chin to the ears, from the nose to the temples, from the edges of the company to the ears, from the middle of the forehead to the hair.
  • To improve the result, apply cream with a lifting effect on the skin.

Such a charging for the face from the sagging, the video from which you will find below helps to use important groups of the face muscles and maintain skin elasticity. Perform it regularly and you will soon notice explicit changes for the better. We offer to see a few videos with facial lift exercises.

Gymnastics for face on video

Wrinkles are sharply designated folds on the skin, which are formed due to the loss of elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Allocate the following reasons for the formation of wrinkles on the face:

  1. Earlier suffered diseases of the nervous, endocrine, sexual system, as well as various disease gasts, can significantly weaken the operation of the immune system and cause a decrease in skin elasticity.

In addition, the situation is even more complicated when a person has severe chronic diseases.

  1. All sorts of hormonal disorders in the body.
  2. A long stay in the sun drags the skin and thinning its protective layer (the impact of ultraviolet rays is always negatively displayed on the skin). Because of this, the epidermis loses moisture, and becomes more prone to the appearance of folds on the skin.
  3. Smoking helps to reduce the production of elastin, which is why the skin is subjected to premature aging. Moreover, people who smoke are noticeable by a grayish hue.
  4. Long-term stay in the wind either in the smoked rooms (the so-called passive smoking is considered no less dangerous than the traditional inhalation of smoke with the usual digging of the cigarette).
  5. The appearance of wrinkles as a direct consequence of the aging of the body. From about forty years, the skin begins to rapidly lose moisture and elasticity. It is thinned, because of the people appear the first deep wrinkles.
  6. Insufficient face care and neck leads to a lack of vitamin, nutrition and respect for the epidermis. This certainly affects the general condition of the skin of the face.
  7. Excessive application of dense decorative cosmetics dries the skin, which creates all the conditions for the formation of wrinkles. The most dangerous types of cosmetics are powdered, tonal creams and various proofreaders. It is they who clog pores and contribute to the loss of moisture from the skin.
  8. Dry slimming.
  9. Compliance with too limiting the diet, because of which the body does not receive a sufficient amount of beneficial substances. This can significantly affect the skin condition.
  10. Accommodation in bad environmental conditions affects the overall state of the whole organism and skin, including.
  11. Insufficient use of fluid leads to rapid loss of moisture and skin drying.
  12. Unhealthy lifestyle and frequent drinking alcohol.
  13. Chronic overwork and lacking.
  14. Excessively active facial expressions contribute to the frequent reduction in the muscles of the face, which is why the person first appears small, and then deeper wrinkles.

Wrinkles on the face are an explicit drawback, both for men and women, so they are looking for all sorts of solutions to this problem.

A rather effective technique in this case is the special gymnastics for the face and neck from wrinkles. It has its own characteristics and types. Consider them in more detail.

Are there any contraindications to exercises

  1. With fungal or bacterial lesions of the skin of the face and neck.
  2. With low immunite.
  3. In the absence of testimony to carry out gymnastics from wrinkles (if a person is young, and he still has no wrinkles, he simply does not need special gymnastics).
  4. In the presence of open wounds on the face.
  5. In the period after the recently conducted surgical manipulations on the facelift, as well as after the laser grinding of the skin.
  6. With various dermatological skin diseases.
  7. In the presence of rashes and acne on the skin (gymnastics may contribute to the separation of even more acne acne).

In other cases, it is allowed to carry out this gymnastics for the face. It does not provide any complex manipulations, so it can be done even during pregnancy.

General rules for execution

This gymnastics from wrinkles has the following rules of execution:

  1. When performing exercises on the neck there should be no scarves or sweaters with collars.
  2. To achieve a better effect, simultaneously with the gymnastics course you need to apply moisturizing creams, masks and lotions. It is also important to enrich your diet with vitamins.
  3. It is best to carry out such an outdoor technique.
  4. To achieve the strengthening of the muscles of the face, useful to use protein products (meat, fish, beans, cottage cheese).
  5. Before starting the exercises, you need to relax the muscles of the face. It is not recommended to perform this gymnastics in a dressed condition, because sharp movements may contribute to the appearance of red spots on the gentle skin of the face.
  6. After the exercise is completed, the person must be wiped with the tincture of herbs or ice cubes. After that, it should be wiped with a soft towel and moisturized with bold cream.
  7. The key to the successful relief from the wrinkles using gymnastics is to regularly perform the exercise data. Thus, it is necessary to carry out similar rejuvenating sessions by 2-3 times a week.

Classical Facial Gymnastics from Wrinkle

Traditional gymnastics from wrinkles includes such a set of exercises:

  1. Exercise for cheeks:
  • sit down exactly and take a deep breath;
  • hold breathing and move the air in the mouth from one cheek to another;
  • repeat twenty times.
  1. Exercise from wrinkles in the forehead zone:
  • press up the palms in such a way that the fingers lay on both overbring arcs;
  • start slowly lifting eyebrows, while not removing your fingers;
  • repeat exercises ten times in the morning and in the evening.
  1. Exercise from wrinkles in the eye zone:
  • view in the distance and focus on one subject;
  • close your eyes and open them quickly, while looking up;
  • several times to look around;
  • wide open eyes and raise your eyebrows, after which frowning;
  • sleep your eyes and the circular movements to the fingers to lose the skin, then apply a moisturizing cream.
  1. Exercise from folds in the lips zone:
  • squeeze your teeth and wrap the lips inside the mouth;
  • stretch the corners of the lips and delay ten seconds;
  • relax your mouth and repeat the exercise five times.

Video: Facelifting


In addition to traditional face gymnastics, these species of this method of eliminating wrinkles are distinguished:

  1. Japanese technique.
  2. Shiatsu.
  3. Mimic technique.


Japanese face gymnastics has the name of Asahi. It is based on a special technique that is aimed at restoring muscles.

This technique has one feature: it is necessary to perform it with light massage movements using special cream based on cotton. They can be replaced by ordinary face milk.

Despite its greater efficiency, the Japanese gymnastics has the following contraindications to its application:

  1. A period of sharp respiratory diseases.
  2. The presence of inflammation in the body.
  3. Menstruation period.
  4. Increased body temperature or high blood pressure.
  5. Diseases of the face.
  6. Depression.
  7. Chronic nose diseases (sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.).

All exercises need to be done in a sitting position so that the body is not intense. Alternatively should not be pressed on the skin.

The duration of such a session is usually fifteen minutes. All exercises need to be repeated five times.

The Asahi technique includes such a set of exercises:

  1. Press the fingers to the forehead and click on the skin. Then, without taking them off, spend your fingers to the zone zone.
  2. Press the paddles to the outer corners of the eyes and spend them on the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelid to the inner corner of the eye. Lounge at the end point.
  3. Press all your fingers on the chin area and slowly bring the fingers to the eye, as if stretching the skin. After stopping in the same position, pause and return to its original position.
  4. Squeeze the wings of the nose and pull them towards the temples. Repeat ten times.
  5. To squeeze the skin in the nose area, and smooth the skin towards the temples with the other hand.


The technique of Shiatsu is aimed at improving blood circulation and skin rejuvenation.

It has the following contraindications:

  • blood coagulation disorders;
  • gTS diseases;
  • impaired integrity of the skin;
  • temperature increase;
  • diseases of the skin.

The basis of this gymnastics is the point performance of the exercise with circular motions. At the same time, the power of pressure on the skin should not be too large.

Before performing such gymnastics, it is desirable to brush the skin and apply a fat cream on it.

Shiatsu provides such a set of exercises:

  1. Press the temple zone and make ten circular movements from the temples to the forehead.
  2. Press the pillows to the fingers on the inner angle of the eye and massate it. Repeat the same with the outer angle of the eye.
  3. Press the zone above the eyebrows as index and middle finger. Pull the point data.
  4. Tilt the head back and press your fingers to the corners of the lips. Pull the point data.


Mimic gymnastics for face from wrinkles is aimed at pulling the skin and eliminate its small defects.

The basis of this technique is the frequent tension of the muscles and their proper relaxation.

You need to repeat all exercises ten times.

Mimic gymnastics includes such exercises:

  1. Make a breath and squeeze your teeth. Stretch lips and after the exhalation to return them to its original position.
  2. Hold breathing and reveal the wings of the nose. After that exhale.
  3. Rhythmically raise the corners of the mouth, while also straining the muscles of the cheeks.
  4. Quickly open the eyes and it would be quick to climb. Repeat ten times.

Does the choice of exercise depends on age

When choosing exercises from wrinkles around the eyes or other parts of the face, it is very important to take into account your age. For example, people after 50 years will fit more complex exercises that are aimed at restoring the lost elasticity of the skin.

In a younger age, you can practice lightweight gymnastics for the face, which are more aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles.

As for the classical gymnastics from wrinkles, everyone can do any people with age from twenty-five years old.

Separate word zone around the eyes

Due to the fact that the skin in the area around the eye is very thin and sensitive, the exercises in this area are needed as carefully and gently.

Moreover, when performing the above techniques in the eye zone, you should always use fatty creams or essential oils (it is best to use peach or almond oil).

Prevention of adoptive of unwanted folds

In the prevention of wrinkles on the face you need to perform such exercises:

  1. Lips clearly disappear vowel sounds, while cycling facials.
  2. Close your eyes and detain the eyelids with your fingers. View around closed eyes.
  3. Pull the lips and open your mouth so that the muscles of the mouth stretch. After that, to hold out so ten seconds and relax lips.
  4. Attach your fingers to the corners of the lips and open a little mouth. Stretch lips.
  5. Press the chin forward and turn the head from the side to the side.
  6. Put your fingers on the whiskey and often raise your eyebrows.
  1. Refuse the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking.
  2. Carefully monitor your nutrition. The diet should be rich in fruit, vegetables and protein food. It is also very useful to use food vegetable oils. They will enrich the skin with vitamins.
  3. On the day you need to drink at least two liters of pure water without gas to maintain a normal water balance in the body.
  4. Avoid excessive overwork and stress (follow your psycho-emotional state).
  5. Have a full sleep and rest.
  6. It is important to use only high-quality decorative cosmetics and completely wash it off before bedtime.
  7. After applying cosmetics, the face needs to be well moisturized.
  8. Carefully monitor the hygiene. This means that since a twenty-year-old age, you need to start applying moisturizing masks for the prevention of wrinkles and use special creams. Also, the skin should be cleaned properly, toned and enriched with vitamin serums.
  9. Wrap the skin from the effects of direct sunlight and ultraviolet light. It is useful to use special protective creams for this.
  10. In the cold season, it is necessary to apply protective cream from the effects of frost and wind on the skin.
  11. It is timely to treat various diseases that can negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  12. Cosmetologists are not recommended daily to apply decorative cosmetics on the face. Adhering to this Council, you can significantly extend the youth of your skin.

The gymnastics for the face from wrinkles is a simple and efficient preventive agent and a real effective way to smooth out already existing wrinkles on the face and on the neck. Exercises are simple, understandable. Any woman if desired can perform them.

The regular execution of facial gymnastics leads to smoothing of small wrinkles, a suspender of the face and slowing the process of aging of the skin.

The most noteworthy result can be obtained with newly emerging mimic wrinkles, but even with serious age-related changes, the gymnastics increases the skin tone, making it more elastic and elastic.

Gymnastics of a face like a means of fighting wrinkles

Why do you need to train face and neck

The main causes of the appearance of wrinkles on the face is the natural aging and activity of the mimic muscles. As a result of frequently repeated facial expressions, some muscles are involved more than others, respectively, some are constantly in good shape, while others start to sign over time.

Exercises are able to normalize the vital activity of the face muscles and lead them into the tone.

According to cosmetologists, regular classes on facial gymnastics should be started no later than in 27-29 years.

This is the perfect age that allows you to prevent age-related changes in skin.

The first results are usually noticeable after three weeks of daily practices.

In this case, exercise efficiency depends on:

  • age women;
  • skin type;
  • the correctness and regularity of exercise.

Basic principles and mechanisms of action of gymnastics for the face

The basic principle of all modern exercises for the face and neck consists of three basic reflexes:

  • deep muscular relaxation;
  • subsequent muscle contraction;
  • deep and proper breathing, which "launches" rejuvenating processes.

As a result, the blood enriched and filled with oxygen is evenly "spread" throughout the body and restores skin and muscle elasticity.

What is important to know before performing gymnastics?

Watch with the procedure in case you have rashes, irritation on the face, or you overtake the ENT disease.

The exercise itself does not require special tools, a fairly proper mood, a relaxed home furnishings and pure skin and hands.

Nuances of the procedure

To achieve the maximum lifting effect, the gymnastics is recommended to be combined with a face massage, applying highly active, nutrient creams and special sera.

What to pay attention to during the procedure

  • When performing exercises, it is important to adhere to strict sequence: first for the eyes, then for the neck and chin.
  • Keep track of the right body position (sitting, smooth back), relax, concentrate on the exercise.
  • Proper breathing - no less important factorIn addition to enrich blood oxygen. Inhale must be combined with muscle relaxation, exhale - with tension.

Gradually complicate the exercises, and not be lazy to fulfill the entire complex completely.

The gymnastics ends with a moisturizing cream with light movements along massage lines.

Options for performing gymnastics

Mimic gymnastics

to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes

Place your fingertips on the skin near the corners of the eyes. Broken eyes and perform circular movements with eyeballs clockwise, and then counterclockwise, ten times in each side.

Fingers to fold near the bones in the end of the eyelid. Slowly lift the eyes up and, without weakening with the fingers of the pressure, slowly closer eyelids for five seconds. After that, open your eyes and relax the muscles. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

for lips

Widely open the mouth, the teeth are strongly pressing to the lips and breathe through the nose.

against wrinkles on the forehead

Purpose your right hand on the nose, left is a bit higher. Put the pads on the skin and take two semicircles by changing your fingers. Draw on the forehead of the semicircles, gradually increasing their diameter.
It is necessary to continue as long as the entire forehead is covered. When the fingers reach the temples, the beams need to slightly press. This will allow the muscles of the forehead to relax.

for neck

Masseling neck need only with the tile sides of the palms. The exercise is performed from the bottom up, ends with the chin. Lightly patting the movements of the back side of the right hand massage the left side of the neck. Change your hand and worked the second side. The entire session lasts from five to ten minutes.

Massage relieves swelling, tones skin cover and removes the chin saving.

Popular techniques

In addition to individual exercises, there are ready-made efficient techniques, each of which has its own circle of admirers.

Japanese gymnastics for face (CGAN)

A distinctive feature of the Cogan consists in choosing individual massage movements based on the type of face. The procedure involves a strong, bordering the pain, the impact on certain "beauty points" and to stimulate lymphotoks.
At the same time, all structures forming oval faces, including bone tissue, are involved.

There are two types of Japanese gymnastics:

  • Lymphomassage, due to which excessive liquid and toxins are output from the tissues. The result of the procedure becomes normalization of the complexion and elimination of the swelling.
  • Deep massage affecting the deep muscles. Thanks to him, the vessels are strengthened and leather pulls up.

How to properly perform Japanese face massage Look in the video to the section.

Chinese gymnastics qigong

This improving self-massage has no contraindications and is performed within 20-30 minutes 2-3 times a week. The lifting effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure.

The peculiarity of qigong consists in the ease of movements without displacement of the skin. At the same time, each part of the face accounted for nine movements directed from top to bottom.

There are two embodiments of Chinese gymnastics:

  • contact
  • contactless (applied with inflammatory processes on the skin).

In more detail about the technique of qigong tells the video.

Galina Dubinina gymnastics

All exercises of facelifting are based on the anatomical structure of the Mimic muscles, on a deep knowledge of their functioning, that violates their activities and how to restore it.

Galina Dubinina developed exercise complexes for different areas of the face.

For more information about the technique, see the video.

Gymnastics Carol Madjio

Gymnastics is designed for 11 minutes, it can be performed at any convenient time during the day.

Gymnastics from Anastasia Burdyug

Anastasia Burdyug is the only licensed specialist who has the right to teach Carol Majio method in Russia.

Gymnastics takes 8 minutes in the morning and the same time in the evening. The effect is noticeable if the entire complex is fulfilled.

Tibetan gymnastics

It is performed immediately after waking up (until 6:00 am), lying on the back on the solid surface.

Each of the exercises takes 30 seconds, and consists of 30 identical movements.

During the first sessions, there may be painful sensations that soon disappear. Upon completion of the gymnastics, a glass of warm water is recommended to activate the lymphatic and digestive systems.

Method of Emma Handy

  • toning and strengthening muscles with special exercises;
  • return to oval of the face of the same form, and the skin - former beauty with the help of facial design.

For a complete understanding of the technique, see the detailed video course of Emma.

Respiratory gymnastics (bodyflex)

Respiratory gymnastics is aimed at deep blood saturation with oxygen, thanks to which many processes in the body are activated, including skin rejuvenation.

Gymnastics includes two components:

  • breath;
  • exercises.

About how to breathe correctly and what exercises you need to perform video.

Specificity of care and gymnastics for the face after 50 years

During the period of menopause and after its completion, in the body of a woman decreases the production of hormone estrogen, which is responsible for elasticity, skin density and cell recovery.

As a result, wrinkles on the face are gradually deepened, and the cheeks begin to give. Pigment spots and vascular grid appear.

To slow down the processes of aging to women for 50, it is necessary with special attention and regularity to carry out gymnastics and self-massage, and also do not save on cosmetics, and to purchase a high quality product corresponding to age and type:

  • creams against wrinkles with high SPF;
  • sealing serum;
  • creams for the age;
  • soft enzyme peeling;
  • street tonic, etc.

Prevention of wrinkles in the future

According to the world-famous author of the rejuvenation system "Fitness for face" Patricia Gorki, gymnastics is an excellent prevention of wrinkles, because it improves blood circulation, contributes to the activation of cellular updates and the production of collagen, removes toxins accumulated in the body.

Rejuvenating gymnastics allows women independently, without using special equipment and tools, solve problems of fading skin.

Thanks to the regular fulfillment of the facial exercise complex, you will remain young and attractive, regardless of age.

Gymnastics for face from wrinkles at home: video

Wrinkles on the face phenomenon is inevitable, so it is best to prepare for it using special exercises to help bring skin into tone. For details, see the video prepared by us.

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