
How to choose the right canned fish. Canned fish: what are the benefits

Fish, as a food product, has a high nutritional value, and therefore occupies an important place in the human diet. Against the general background of the entire fishing industry, ocean fish stand out favorably, all the useful properties of which cannot be enumerated. A prominent representative especially valuable species fish is saury.

Description of appearance

Saira is an oceanic schooling fish that lives in the upper water column, which determines its high importance in the fishery. The body of the saury is elongated, 25 to 40 cm long, gradually thinning towards the tail. The scales covering the body are small, silvery-gray on the sides and dark blue-green on the back. Average weight - 180 g.

Did you know? The scientific name of saury is "Cololabis", translated from Greek means "short lips", which does not fully reflect its large mouth disproportionate to the body.

The head is long, in proportion to the body, with a noticeably protruding lower jaw. The relationship with the family of mackerels has determined the presence of longitudinal caudal fins in the fish - dorsal and anal. In this case, the dorsal fin is slightly shifted to the caudal and is supplemented by five or six small fins. The caudal fin has a pronounced deep notch. The appearance of the Pacific and Atlantic saury is somewhat different and consists in the degree of displacement of the lower jaw - in the Atlantic saury, in comparison with the Pacific saury, the lower jaw is more pronounced.

Composition and nutritional value

The high value of saury is explained by its rich chemical composition and low calorie content, which makes it an irreplaceable source of nutrients, especially when dieting.

Nutritional value of 100 g of product:

  • high-grade easily digestible - 19.5 g;
  • saturated and unsaturated fats - 14.1 g;
  • simple and complex - none.
The calorie content of 100 g of the product is 204.9 kcal.

Important! In comparison with freshwater fish species, saury exceeds the indicators in terms of the content of nutrients.

The chemical composition is presented:
  • vitamins: (retinol), group, (calciferol), (tocopherol), (nicotinic acid);
  • microelements: (Fe), (Ni), (F), (Cr), (Mo);
  • macronutrients: (Ca), (Mg), (Na), (K), (Ph), (S), (Cl).
Eating saury, the body replenishes the main part of the daily supply of vitamins and minerals, and the nutritional value guarantees a high supply of energy for an active day.

Beneficial features

Saira, like any other representative of the aquatic world, is certainly useful product, main feature which is explained by the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and. The body does not produce these fats on its own, so fish is an excellent source of replenishment of these substances. The beneficial properties of saury, due to the high content of substances in the chemical composition, consist in a wide range of actions on all body systems:

  • unsaturated fats, lowering the level of "bad" cholesterol, cleanse blood vessels, thereby improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Possessing antioxidant properties, they prevent early aging and the development of cancer;

Did you know? The intake of unsaturated fats Omega-3 and Omega-6 in the body increases the level of the body's own "element of youth" - the antioxidant coenzyme Q10, which increases life expectancy.

  • vitamins, stimulating the hematopoietic system, improve blood quality, regulate metabolism, strengthen bone tissue, increase skin elasticity and ensure good hair condition;
  • the mineral composition prevents the development of anemia, strengthens the immune system and has a general anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, the high content of the amino acid taurine provides a protective effect on liver cells, promotes the production of bile and, accordingly, the production of insulin, which is especially valuable for people with diabetes.

Canned fish: what are the benefits

Fish is a versatile product in the kitchen. It can be boiled, stewed, fried, smoked, dried, and also used not only as a main dish, but also as a filling in snacks or baked goods. Canned saury is a safe bet. No one can argue about the benefits of fresh fish, but what benefit can there be from canned fish? Everyone knows that prolonged heat treatment "kills" all the nutrients in the product, but this property does not apply to canned fish.

Did you know? Mineral elements extracted from fish scales are used in the manufacture of lipsticks.

Of course, heat treatment reduces the concentration of vitamins and minerals in the fish, but in the final residue they are in maximum amounts. When preserved, all vitamins and macronutrients are preserved, and antioxidants reach their maximum when heated and prolonged heat treatment. Therefore, saury, not only natural, but also canned, is of great benefit to the body. Another important advantage of canned fish is the fact that after prolonged heat treatment, all pathogenic microflora and dangerous microorganisms are destroyed during conservation.
And this, first of all, concerns such an infectious disease as botulism. Toxins produced by bacteria pose a deadly threat to human health, but die at high temperatures. It is also worth mentioning that canned fish, carrying a high nutritional value, is a self-sufficient product, ready to eat without any additional processing.

Important! When buying canned fish, you should pay attention to the presence of the "C20" marking on the tin can - this is an indicator that the product is of poor quality.

Contraindications and harm

The expression of Hippocrates "Everything is good that is in moderation" is also true in relation to the use of canned fish. In moderate quantities, such a product does not pose a threat to human health, but it is still worth exercising caution. Like any other product of production, violations in compliance with technology are harmful to the human body. This can also include the manufacturer's dishonesty in relation to the timing of production and the suitability of the product.

Also, there are always risks that the raw material (raw fish) was improperly stored, poorly cleaned and processed for production, which significantly affects not only the quality of the product, but also the consequences after its use. Often, depending on the manufacturer, low quality vegetable oil is used for the production of saury in oil, which can affect the functioning of an important human organ - the liver.
Canned fish contain a large amount of salt, so they can be harmful in case of malfunctions:

  • cardiovascular system, especially with arterial hypertension (the so-called "high blood pressure");
  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

Important! The amount of salt in canned fish is 10 times higher than in fresh fish, which is 1.5 times higher than the daily requirement of the body.

Therefore, people with diagnosed diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract are recommended to eat canned fish in small portions in exceptional cases and only after consulting their doctor. A direct contraindication to the use of saury is individual intolerance to the product.

How to choose a good fish

When choosing canned fish, including saury, you must be guided by the basic selection rules:

  • a label with a readable composition must be carefully pasted, where in the first place the type of raw material (fish or fish waste) from which the product is made is indicated;
  • the tin can must be free of flaws and damage with an easily visible, squeezed out in the "inside-out" direction or laser-marked with the production date (in the format dd / mm / yy) and the product range code (for saury, the following are used: 177 - "smoked in oil" , 186 - "blanched in oil", 308 - "natural", 931 - "natural with added oil");

Important! Be sure to have a marked or embossed letter P on the lid, which is sure sign the fact that a natural fish product was used as raw material.

  • when opening the can before use, attention should be paid to the color (the meat should be light, without dark spots) and the smell of canned food. At the slightest suspicion of a poor-quality product, canned fish should not be consumed.

It is hardly possible to buy fresh saury in our country, but when buying fresh-frozen saury, it is important to pay attention to the following properties:
  • there should not be a lot of ice (glaze);
  • visible natural, without yellowness, the color of the carcass;
  • smooth, not wrinkled carcass;
  • the presence of factory markings on the packaging.
Compliance with these conditions when buying will help protect yourself from poisoning and intestinal disorders.

Storage rules

The shelf life of hermetically sealed canned fish is no more than 2 years from the date of production. Store preferably in the refrigerator, observing the temperature regime indicated on the label. If a can of canned fish is opened, then such a product can be stored only in the refrigerator, but no more than 24 hours.

When opening canned fish, it is recommended to remove it into glass dishes, thus preventing chemical oxidative reactions of the metal when it comes into contact with air. The shelf life of fresh fish in the freezer can be up to a year, provided that the temperature is below 0 ºС and is not subject to frequent fluctuations.

Did you know? The higher the fat content of the fish variety, the shorter the shelf life is acceptable. This is due to the fact that the contained fish oil deteriorates in the first place and subsequently gives off bitterness during cooking.

Saury- ocean fish, which is of high value in the food industry. Being a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, its moderate consumption prevents the development of many diseases. Regardless of the way saury is processed and prepared, the amount of nutrients and the benefits it brings do not diminish. Despite this characteristic, saury can be harmful to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver and kidneys. Therefore, remember that everything is good in moderation.

Factory markings - what the consumer should trust in the first place. Unlike a label, it is almost impossible to counterfeit. There are often cases when, trying to cash in on the difference in the cost of saury or salmon and, say, herring or sardinella, unscrupulous traders stick labels from noble varieties on cans with cheap fish. That is why you need to pay attention not only to the bright colors of the label, but also to the numbers and letters of the marking.

According to clause Gosstandart of the Russian Federation for food products (GOST R 51074-97) “on the bottom or lid of non-lithographed (that is, those with a paper label, and not“ drawn ”directly on the can - Ed.) Tin and aluminum cans with canned fish and preserves mark legend in three rows in the area bounded by the first bomb ring (or stiffening ring) ”. In this case, the numbers in the first row indicate the date of manufacture of the product (day, month, year). One to three characters at the beginning of the second row (numbers or letters, except for the letter "P") is an assortment mark. It is he who is most important for us as consumers, because it means what kind of product is actually contained in the can (the list of assortment marks of the most popular canned food is presented in the table). Further in the same row is the manufacturer's number (also from one to three numbers or letters). Finally, the third row contains the shift number (one digit) and the letter "P" - the fishing industry index. Thus, the designation of natural saury (assortment mark - 308), manufactured by the manufacturer number 157 during the first shift on May 16, 2009, will look as follows:

If the enterprise has a one-shift mode of operation, then the shift number is not indicated. Symbols of symbols in this case are applied to the jar not in three, but in two rows. The first row will also contain the date, the second row will begin with the designation of the fishing industry index "P" (they are not applied on lithographed cans), and then the assortment mark and the manufacturer's number follow:

If the marking on the canned food is not "embossed", but is applied with paint (this happens, for example, with sprat), then the numbers and signs should not be erased even when exposed to moisture. On fake canned fish, the marking is embossed on the outside and the numbers are pressed in, or written in paint - try to erase it: if the numbers are erased, this is a fake.

Canned fish should be stored for no more than two years. This is established by GOST. Some manufacturers, not having time to sell their products, re-stick labels and change the shelf life up to 4-5 years. You don't need to buy a product with this expiration date. Surely you have your favorite canned fish. Remember the numbers denoting the assortment code of your favorite fish in order to avoid buying a low-quality product.

The image on the label should not be overlooked either. So, on the labels of canned food "Murmansk-style cod liver" is honestly drawn pate, while GOST and the list of ingredients indicate that there should be a natural "lumpy" liver. More about Cod Liver: These canned foods can be made from fresh or frozen liver. If the label indicates the 1st, and not the highest grade, then this is a “delicacy” made from frozen liver - that is, obviously a lower quality product.

A hermetically sealed can is a great temptation for unscrupulous manufacturers: a label of a well-known brand is often attached to a low-quality product, although this falsification has nothing to do with them. According to experts from the Agency for Federal Investigation, a third of canned fish is re-grading, and by standards, a small amount of re-grading is allowed in the contents of the jar. But manufacturers often neglect government standards. You get a jar of tuna or salmon, and there is another cheap fish. Producers hope that the average buyer does not know very well how this or that type of fish should look, and even more so in canned food.

Another of the most common falsifications is the addition of a large amount of vegetables or cereals to minced fish. Such minced meat is used for the production of fish balls, pâté, meatballs, or simply sell frozen minced fish.

In canned food from small fish (sprat, sprats), they deliberately violate the stacking order, which is clearly reflected in weight and quantity. In addition, in most cases, all fish is detailed and there are obvious production waste!

The last nuance: when choosing canned fish, shake the jar: the more liquid it contains, the less fish.

And also remember: in canned fish, the amount of salt is 10 times more than in fresh fish. And, alas, the kidneys suffer the most from this.

List of assortment marks

Name of canned food

Natural saury

Natural cod liver

Natural saury with added oil

Natural Atlantic sardine with added oil

Saury blanched in oil

Natural sardinella with added oil

Smoked saury in oil

Natural Atlantic herring

Natural pink salmon

Natural Atlantic herring with added oil

Natural pink salmon with spices

Blanched herring in oil

Natural Atlantic mackerel

Natural Atlantic horse mackerel with added oil

Natural Atlantic mackerel with added oil

Smoked horse mackerel with the addition of oil

Atlantic mackerel fried in oil

Ocean mackerel smoked in oil

Atlantic mackerel blanched in oil

Ocean horse mackerel blanched in oil

Smoked Atlantic mackerel in oil

Herring blanched in oil

Far Eastern natural mackerel with added oil

Smoked Baltic herring in oil

Far Eastern mackerel blanched in oil

Caspian sprat uncut fried in tomato sauce

Black Sea mackerel blanched in oil

Sprat pate

Material provided by the magazine "Consumer's Book".

GOST 7452-2014



Technical conditions

Canned fish natural. Specifications

ISS 67.120.30

Introduction date 2015-07-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established in GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption , updates and cancellations "

Information about the standard

1 DESIGNED Open joint stock company"Research and Design Institute for the Development and Operation of the Fleet" (OJSC "Giprorybflot") and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Pacific Research Fisheries Center" (FGUP "TINRO-Center")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes dated May 30, 2014 N 67-P)

Voted for adoption:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body

Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus





4 By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated July 3, 2014 N 688-st, the interstate standard GOST 7452-2014 was put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation since July 1, 2015

5 REPLACE GOST 7452-97, except for the assortment of canned food from Far Eastern (Pacific) salmon fish (including canned char and kundzha).

Information on changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notice and texts are also posted in information system general use - on the official website Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to natural canned fish (hereinafter - canned food).

This standard does not apply to natural canned salmon fish such as Pacific salmon, char and kunja.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following interstate standards:

GOST 166-89 (ISO 3599-76) Calipers. Technical conditions

GOST 427-75 Measuring metal rulers. Technical conditions

GOST 814-96 Chilled fish. Technical conditions

GOST 1368-2003 Fish. Length and weight

GOST 1721-85 Fresh table carrots, harvested and supplied. Technical conditions

GOST 1723-86 Fresh onions, harvested and supplied. Technical conditions

GOST 2874-82 Drinking water. Hygiene requirements and quality control

GOST 5717.1-2003 Glass jars for canned food. General specifications

GOST 5717.2-2003 Glass jars for canned food. Basic parameters and dimensions

GOST 5981-2011 Metal cans and lids for canned food. Technical conditions

GOST ISO 7218-2011 Microbiology of food and animal feed. General requirements and recommendations for microbiological research

GOST 8456.0-70 * Canned food products. Taking samples and preparing them for testing

* Probably a mistake in the original. Should read: GOST 8756.0-70. - Note from the manufacturer of the database.

GOST 8756.18-70 Canned food products. Methods for determining the appearance, tightness of containers and the state of the inner surface of metal containers

GOST 10444.1-84 Canned food. Preparation of solutions of reagents, paints, indicators, culture media used in microbiological analysis

GOST 10444.7-86 Food products. Methods for detecting botulinum toxins and Clostridium botulinum

GOST 10444.8-2013 Microbiology of food and animal feed. Horizontal method for enumerating presumptive Bacillus cereus. Colony counting method at 30 ° C

GOST 10444.11-2013 Microbiology of food and animal feed. Horizontal method for the determination of mesophilic lactic acid bacteria. Colony counting method at 30 ° C

GOST 10444.12-2013 Food products. Method for the determination of yeast and mold. Microbiology of food and animal feed. Method for detecting and quantifying yeasts and molds

GOST 10444.15-94 Food products. Methods for determining the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms

GOST 11771-93 Canned food and preserves from fish and seafood. Packaging and labeling

GOST 13830-97 Food table salt. General specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of goods

GOST 15846-2002 Products shipped to the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas. Packaging, labeling, transportation, storage

GOST 17594-81 Dry bay leaf. Technical conditions

GOST 17660-97 Frozen fish of special cutting. Technical conditions

GOST 17661-72 Frozen tuna, sailfish, mackerel, marlin and swordfish. Technical conditions

GOST 20057-96 Frozen Oceanic Fish. Technical conditions

GOST 23285-78 Transport packages for food products and glass containers. Technical conditions

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged goods. Basic parameters and dimensions

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using batching tools. General technical requirements

GOST 26664-85 Canned food and preserves from fish and seafood. Methods for determining organoleptic characteristics, net weight and mass fraction component parts

GOST 26668-85 Food and flavoring products. Sampling methods for microbiological analyzes

GOST 26669-85 Food and flavoring products. Sample preparation for microbiological analyzes

GOST 26670-91 Food products. Microorganism cultivation methods

GOST 26927-86 Raw materials and food products. Method for the determination of mercury

GOST 26929-94 Raw materials and food products. Sample preparation. Mineralization to determine the content of toxic elements

GOST 26930-86 Raw materials and food products. Arsenic determination method

GOST 26932-86 Raw materials and food products. Lead determination method

GOST 26933-86 Raw materials and food products. Method for determination of cadmium

GOST 26935-86 Canned food products. Tin determination method

GOST 27207-87 Canned food and preserves from fish and seafood. Method for determination of table salt

GOST 29045-91 Spices. Allspice. Technical conditions

GOST 29050-91 Spices. Black and white pepper. Technical conditions

GOST 29055-91 Spices. Coriander. Technical conditions

GOST 30054-2003 Canned food, fish and seafood preserves. Terms and Definitions

GOST 30178-96 Raw materials and food products. Atomic absorption method for the determination of toxic elements

GOST 30425-97 Canned food. Method for determining industrial sterility

GOST 30538-97 Food products. Method for the determination of toxic elements by the atomic emission method

GOST 31628-2012 Food products, food raw materials. Stripping voltammetric method for determining the mass concentration of arsenic

GOST 31694-2012 Food products, food raw materials. Method for determination of the residual content of antibiotics of the tetracycline group using high performance liquid chromatography with a mass spectral detector

GOST 31744-2012 (ISO 7937: 2004) Microbiology of food and animal feed. Clostridium perfringens colony counting method

GOST 31746-2012 Food products. Methods for detecting and determining the number of coagulase-positive staphylococci and Staphylococcus aureus

GOST 31789-2012 Fish, marine invertebrates and products of their processing. Quantification of biogenic amines by high performance liquid chromatography

GOST 31792-2012 Fish, marine invertebrates and products of their processing. Determination of the content of dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls by chromatography-mass spectral method

GOST 31903-2012 Food products. Rapid method for the determination of antibiotics

GOST 31904-2012 Food and flavoring products. Sampling methods for microbiological testing

GOST 31983-2012 Food products, feed, food raw materials. Methods for determining the content of polychlorinated biphenyls

GOST 32065-2013 Dried vegetables. General specifications

GOST 32161-2013 Food products. Method for determination of cesium content Cs-137

GOST 32163-2013 Food products. Method for determination of strontium content Sr-90

GOST 32164-2013 Food products. Sampling method for determination of strontium Sr-90 and cesium Cs-137

GOST 32366-2013 Frozen fish. Technical conditions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the referenced standards according to the index "National standards", compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, one should be guided by the replacing (modified) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent not affecting this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the terms in accordance with GOST 30054 are used.

4 Classification

4.1 The name and assortment marks of canned food are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Name of canned food

Assortment mark

Assorted mackerel and Atlantic horse mackerel natural

Butterfly natural

Beluga natural

Natural catfish

Natural flounder

Natural sturgeon

Far Eastern perch (rasp)

Natural halibut

Pacific saury natural

Pacific sardine (ivashi) natural

Sardinella natural

Sardinops natural

Natural sevruga

Natural Atlantic herring

Natural Pacific herring

Natural Atlantic mackerel

Kuril mackerel slices natural

Natural Kuril mackerel

Natural ocean horse mackerel

Black Sea horse mackerel natural

Natural tuna

Natural cod

Natural rainbow trout

Natural rainbow trout pieces

4.2 It is allowed to produce another assortment of canned food that meets the requirements of this standard, with an assortment mark and using the raw materials specified in the standard.

5 Technical requirements

5.1 Canned food must comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to technological instructions in compliance with the requirements, technical regulations or regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

5.2 Features

5.2.1 The fish should be cut and placed in jars with added ingredients.

5.2.2. The cans with the product should be hermetically sealed and sterilized at temperatures above 110 ° C.

5.2.3 In terms of safety indicators, canned food must comply with technical regulations or regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

5.2.4 In terms of organoleptic, physical and chemical characteristics, canned food must meet the requirements specified in Table 2.

table 2

Indicator name

Characteristics and norm

Characteristic of natural canned fish of this type of fish, without any foreign taste

Typical of this type of canned food, without foreign smell. For canned food made with herbs, vegetables and spices - with a slight aroma of herbs, vegetables and spices

Fish meat color

Characteristic of boiled meat of this type of fish. Tuna may have a small amount of dark spots and spots on the surface of fish pieces, as well as minor veins of dark meat.


Fish meat

Dense or soft, juicy. Possibly dryish

Bones, fins

Soft, bones and fins are easy to chew or crush


Whole pieces, carcasses, fillets or fillet pieces of fish do not break when laid out from the jar. The cross section of fish pieces is even, straight.

Can be:

Breaking of individual pieces, carcasses, fillets, fillet pieces of fish when laying out from a jar;

A slight protrusion of the vertebral bone above the meat level;

Partial baking of skin and meat to the inner surface of the jar;

The presence of detached small pieces of skin or crumbs of meat at the bottom and lid of the can;

Flakes of coagulated protein on the surface of the fish;

Oblique cuts in individual pieces of fish;


Light, transparent.

There may be clouding from suspended protein and skin particles

Cutting characteristics: carcasses, pieces, fillets, fillet pieces

The fish's head, entrails, fins, "bugs" (bone formation), cartilage in sturgeons, skin and dark meat in large tuna, black film, vertebral bone in fillets and fillet pieces were removed, blood clots were cleaned. Large specimens of fish are cut into a back and cheek, separating the abdominal part of the fish with a cut from the head to the anal fin.

Can be:

Remains of entrails, including caviar or milk in individual pieces of saury, herring, sardinops, sardinella, mackerel, Pacific sardine (Iwasi), Atlantic sardine and carcasses of small fish;

Remains of black film on flounder, herring, cod;

Fins (except for the tail) in small fish with a carcass length of no more than 14 cm, in saury, sardine, sardinops, sardinella, herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, Pacific sardine (ivasi);

Transverse incision of the abdomen near the anus when cutting fish without cutting the abdomen;

Cut abdomen in pieces and carcasses of fish

The presence of scales

May be left:

Scales of flounder, Far Eastern perch (greenling),

Halibut, saury, herring, mackerel, horse mackerel, cod;

Separate scales in sardinops, sardinella

Laying procedure

Pieces and fillet pieces of fish are tightly packed in cross-section to the bottom and lid of the jar.

The height of the fish pieces and fillets should be equal to the inside of the jar.

Carcasses and fillets of small fish are laid in parallel rows, belly up, flat, ring-shaped or vertically: the first row - backs down, subsequent backs up, head to tail

The presence of impurities

Not allowed

Mass fraction of sodium chloride,%

Struvite crystal length, mm, no more

5.3 Requirements for raw materials

5.3.1 The raw materials used for the manufacture of canned food must not be lower than the first grade (if varieties are available) and must comply with:

- raw fish (fresh) - regulatory documents acting on the territory of the state that adopted the standard;

- chilled fish - GOST 814;

- frozen fish - GOST 17660, GOST 17661, GOST 20057, GOST 32366;

- drinking water - GOST 2874;

- common table salt - GOST 13830;

- fresh onions - GOST 1723;

- dried onions - GOST 32065;

- fresh carrots - GOST 1721;

- Dried table carrots - GOST 32065;

- dried white roots of parsley, celery and dill - GOST 32065;

- dried parsley, celery and dill greens - GOST 32065;

- dry bay leaf - GOST 17594;

- allspice - GOST 29045;

- black pepper - GOST 29050;

- coriander - GOST 29055;

- carrots, quick-frozen dill and parsley, fresh dill and parsley, essential spice oils, a solution of essential dill oil in ethyl alcohol.

The mass fraction of fat in the meat of Pacific herring and sardine (Iwashi), Kuril mackerel used for the manufacture of canned food must be at least 12%.

Length of fish used for making canned food, cm, not less:

- 17 - Pacific sardines (ivasi);

- 25 - Pacific saury.

The length of other fish species is according to GOST 1368.

The shelf life of frozen Pacific saury at a temperature not exceeding minus 25 ° C should be no more than 5 months.

Shelf life of frozen fish at a temperature not higher than minus 18 ° С, no more, months:

- 1 - Pacific sardine (Iwashi);

- 3 - other fish.

5.3.2 Raw materials, including those purchased by import, used for the manufacture of canned food, in terms of safety indicators, must comply with the requirements, technical regulations or regulatory legal acts in force in the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

5.4 Marking

5.4.1 Canned food is labeled in accordance with GOST 11771 with an indication of the expiration date.

Additionally, information on the label or lithograph is indicated:

- on the presence of components obtained with the use of GMOs in excess of the norm established by regulatory legal acts in force on the territory of the state that adopted the standard.

- on the use of fish raised under controlled conditions - "From fish of aquaculture".

5.4.2 Transport marking - according to, GOST 11771, GOST 14192.

5.5 Packaging

5.5.1 Canned food is packed in accordance with GOST 11771 and produced in cans:

- metal with a capacity of not more than 353 cm3

Canned food is great food, moreover, in convenient packaging that will not leak or break during transportation. Canned food can be eaten cold, reheated, or used to prepare other hot dishes and salads. If canned food is in a metal can, then you can reheat them over a fire, in the same can. Canned food is not an interchangeable product on trips to the country or on hikes. Typically, canned food is ready to eat, final product... Another huge plus of canned food is a long shelf life, which does not require harsh conditions for their preservation. There are times when the name of a canned product is worn out or the label from the can is lost. How, in this case, can you determine the suitability of a canned product or the contents of canned food without opening the can? We will talk about this below.

Types of cans

According to the marking, the cans themselves, in spite of their shape and size, are lithographed and not lithographed. In the first case, if the tin can is lithographed, then all the information that is usually contained on the label is applied to the can itself. This type of can is not labeled. In the second case, a paper or other material label is glued to the can with the name of the product, its content, energy value and shelf life, and storage conditions.

Location of convention codes on canned food

On the bottom or lid of cans in production, special signs, coding of symbols are applied in 2 or 3 rows. For example:

What do these numbers mean?

  • Full date of production, canning of the product. Day, month and year. If the value of the day or month is less than 10, then the digit starts from zero.
  • The shift number that produced this jar is usually one digit.
  • Assortment number of the preserved product, from one to three characters. For the highest grade of canned meat, add "B" to the assortment number.
  • The manufacturer's system index is usually one to two digits.
  • And another 1-2 digits, this is the number of the canned food manufacturer.
  • beef stew - 01;
  • braised pork - 03;
  • condensed milk, whole - 76;
  • soybeans with chopped beef and tomato sauce - E87;
  • "Hunter's Breakfast" - E88.
  • dairy industry - M;
  • meat industry - A;
  • food industry - KP;
  • fruit and vegetable farm - K;
  • consumer cooperation (private farms) - CA;
  • agricultural industry - MS;
  • forestry - LH;
  • fishing industry (fish industry) - R.

Assortment numbers of common canned foods:

System indices of canned food manufacturers:

According to the system index of the affiliation of the canned food manufacturer, it is possible to determine with certainty the group of canned products, but not always. Enterprises of one system can produce canned food different groups, for example, an enterprise with a KP system index can produce both canned fruits and vegetables and meat.

Features of marking canned fish

Very often the question arises of the difference between canned meat and fish. Canned fish are marked with three rows of numbers, the third row indicates the number of the shift that produced this product and the index of the bank's belonging to the fishing industry - "P". In the previous, first and second row, the standard values ​​are indicated, as in all other cases.

If the can is lithographed, that is, the label is applied directly to the can, then it is allowed not to indicate the index of belonging to the fishing industry - "P". And if the enterprise works only in one shift, then the shift number is not indicated either. In this case, the marking is applied in two rows, rather than three:

first row of markings on tin can:

  • the date of production of canned food is two digits;
  • month of production;

The second row of markings on the tin can:

  • assortment index and index (number) of the manufacturer's enterprise.

It happens that the company has purchased imported marking equipment, and accordingly marks its products according to import standards. In this case, the marking is applied in two rows.

the first row of marking on the tin can according to import standards:

  • fishing industry - "R";
  • date of production of canned food;
  • month of production;
  • Production year.

The second row of marking on the tin can according to import standards:

  • if the enterprise has more than one shift, then its number is indicated;
  • assortment index, 1-3 digits or letter, excluding "P";
  • company index - 1-2 digits.

Features of the labeling of canned dairy products

If the canned food you are holding in your hands is condensed milk, then at the bottom of the can you will see one row of signs, usually 5-8:

  • dairy industry index - M;
  • the index of the manufacturer that mothballed this product - 1-2 digits;
  • assortment index of products - 1-3 characters (letters and / or numbers);
  • the number of the shift that made the product (in the case of one-shift work, it is absent) - one digit;

From the above, it can be seen that the information applied to canned milk does not differ from the generally accepted labeling of other canned products. The only difference is the placement of indices and the date of manufacture in the rows and the division of placement on the top and bottom of the can.

Features of labeling canned fruits and vegetables

Canned fruits and vegetables are marked with three rows of signs. Usually this:

in the first row:

  • assortment index - three digits;
  • number of a production shift or brigade - 1-2 digits;

in the second row:

  • date of production of canned food - 2 digits, if the number is less than 10, then "0" is put in front;
  • month of production - 2 digits, if the number is less than 10, then "0" is put in front;
  • year of production - the last two digits of the year of production;

in the third row it is marked:

  • the sectoral index is the letters "K" or "CA";
  • the index of the company that produced these canned food - 1-3 digits.

If the jar of canned fruits and vegetables is lithographed, then it is marked as follows;

  • 1-2 digits - the number of the shift or brigade that made given to the bank canned food;
  • 2 digits - production date, if the number is less than 10, then "0" is put in front;
  • 2 digits - month of production, if the number is less than 10, then "0" is put in front;
  • 2 digits - the last 2 digits of the year of manufacture.

Sometimes the index of the company that produced these canned food is also added, usually 1-2 digits. All marking is allowed in 1-3 rows.

Canned content codes in cans

The content code is indicated immediately below the expiration date of the canned food. Thanks to this marking, you can find out exactly what is in these canned food without opening them:

  • 85D - natural pink salmon;
  • 203 - natural pink salmon with spices;
  • 155 - smoked herring in oil;
  • 610 - herring, blanched in oil;
  • 308 - natural saury;
  • 931 - natural saury with added oil;
  • 186 - saury blanched in oil;
  • G84 - natural Atlantic sardine with the addition of oil;
  • 987 - natural sardinella with added oil;
  • 014 - Atlantic natural herring;
  • 484 - natural Atlantic herring with added oil;
  • 579 - Atlantic mackerel, natural;
  • 222 - Atlantic smoked mackerel in oil;
  • 514 - natural Atlantic horse mackerel with added oil;
  • 76K - smoked horse mackerel with the addition of oil;
  • 100 - uncut Caspian sprat fried in tomato sauce;
  • 010 - natural cod liver;
  • 316 - sprat pate.

A few words about canned stew

Canned meat such as braised pork and beef are strictly regulated by GOST. Beef stew has GOST 5284-84. Pork stew, GOST 697-84. According to GOST, beef stew should contain in the composition of canned food: large pieces of meat (beef), bay leaves, pepper and salt. All components are listed in descending order of their number in a tin can. There can be no other ingredients in canned beef stew. But today you can find many canned products prepared not according to GOST, but according to TU, technical conditions. In this case, the manufacturer of canned food, in particular canned meat, can change the recipe at will. For example, increase or decrease the components of a recipe in accordance with GOST, or add other ingredients to a canned food recipe, including a variety of food additives.

How to store canned food

Despite the fairly loose rules for storing canned food, some conditions must be adhered to:

  • Storage temperature.
    The optimum storage temperature for canned food is from 0 C ° to 5 C °. If canned food is stored at temperatures below 0 ° C, then it may freeze. When thawed, their structure will collapse. If stored at a temperature higher than recommended, the product may begin to decompose, or, more simply, go out. Gas will begin to form and the can will swell. In addition, the tin from the surface of the can will begin to transfer into the contents of the canned food.
  • Shelf life.
    Do not use canned food if its shelf life has expired. And in case of expiring shelf life, use with caution. Make sure that the taste, color, odor, and consistency of the product have not changed. Regular term storage of canned food, depending on the type, from one to three years.

When purchasing canned food, carefully examine the jar. There should be no dents, product smudges, swelling, rust spots on it. If any of the above is available, it is better to put such a jar aside.

Bloating the can on professional language called - bombing. Bombing can be physical, microbiological, and chemical. In case of bombing, the canned food is not usable.

Also, canned food can deteriorate without visible signs, in the case of acidification or fermentation of the contents of canned food, or in the case of accumulation of salts of heavy metals in the contents.

When buying canned food or when using them, be careful. Don't ignore the shelf life, appearance banks, as well as the quality of the content. If you have any doubts about the quality of canned food, it is better not to use them.

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